House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 15 March 1581

Page 134

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 15o Martii, 1580

Mariners, &c.

LL. 2. The Bill for Maintenance of Mariners, and of the Navigation. - The second Reading. Two Provisoes to the same Bill, twice read; and committed unto Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. Aldersea, Mr. Gryce, Mr. Lewknor, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Norton, Mr. Grymston, Mr. Scott, Mr. Onley, Mr. Calthropp, Mr. Shurley, Mr. Edward Bacon, Mr. Newdigate, and Mr. Estowrte: To meet at the Temple-hall, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon.

St. Leger's Restitution.

Q. LL. 3. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of John and Dudley St. Leger. - The third Reading; and passed, upon the Question.


LL. 2. The Bill for Declaration of the Statute against Bankrupts. - The second Reading.

Trial by Juries.

3. The Bill for the more indifferent Trial by Juries. - The third Reading; and dashed, upon the Question.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Five Bills last passed, together with the Bill for the Hospital of Ledburie, are sent up to the Lords by Sir Henry Ratclyff, Sir Thomas Cecyll, Sir Edward Horsey, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Thomas Sampole, and others.

Rumours against the Queen.

Mr. Treasurer reporteth, that, according to the Order and Commission of this House Yesterday, to him and others, he and others of the Committees have met together, and drawn a new Bill: And so delivered the Bill in to the House to be read.

1. 2. The Bill against seditious Words and Rumours uttered against the Queen's most excellent Majesty, twice read ; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Fortifying the Borders.

Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Dr. Gibbon do bring from the Lords, the Bill for the Fortifying of the Borders against Scotland, with some Amendments; which Bill passed this House before, and was sent to their Lordships from this House.