House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 07 March 1576

Pages 111-112

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Mercurii, septimo Martii, 1575

Chichester Paving.

3. The Bill for Paving of the City of Chichester. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

White's Heir.

1. The Bill for the Heir of Sir Thoms. White Knight, deceased. - The first Reading.


1. 2. The Bill for Maintenance of the Colleges in the Universities, and of Eton and Wynchester, twice read; and ordered to be ingrossed.


1. nova. The Bill for Butlerage and Prizage of Wines. - The first Reading.


1. 2. nova. The Bill for collateral Warranties, twice read ; committed unto the Master of the Wardrobe, Sir Henry Knyvett, Mr. Serjeant Jeffereies, Mr. Colby, Mr. Frenche, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Lewknour, Mr. Serjeant Lovelace, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Newdigate, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Shirley, Mr. Popham, Mr. Gent, and Mr. Sampole; to confer this Afternoon.

Lady Weyneman.

Peremptory Day is given for the Counsel of the Lady Weyneman, and her adverse Party, to be here at this House To-morrow next, at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon.

All the Privy Council being of this House, Mr. Captain of the Guard, the Master of Requests, Sir Nichas. Arnolde, Mr. Sampole, and Mr. Crumwell; to meet this Afternoon at One of the Clock, in the Chequer-chamber.

Fines, &c.

All the Privy Council, Mr. Captain of the Guard, Mr. Serjeant Lovelace, and Mr. Serjeant Geoffreyes, are added to the former Committees for Fines and Recoveries.

Fines in Chester, &c.

Mr. Purcell, Mr. Glaseover, Mr. Hanmer, Mr. Townesend, Mr. Davies, Mr. Brostock, Mr. Pryce, Mr. Aylmer, and Mr. Broughton, are appointed to have Conference with the Lords this Afternoon, touching the Bills for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries, in the County Palatine of Chester, and in Wales; and also touching some general Bill for that Purpose to be devised.


Mr. Treasurer, Sir Nichas. Arnolde, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Sands, and Mr. Sampole; to confer presently with the Lords, touching the Bill of Rogues.

Justices in Wales.

LL. 3. The Bill for the Having of Two Justices in the Shires of Wales. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Lord Sturton.

Mr. Doctor Yale, and Mr. Doctor Barcley do bring from the Lords a Bill for Restitution in Blood of the Heirs of the Lord Sturton.

Letters Patents.

The Bill for Confirmation of Letters Patents. - The third Reading; with some Addition of Amendments.

Rapes, &c.

LL. 1. 2. 3. The Bill for to take away the Benefit of Clergy from such as commit Rapes and Burglaries, and touching the Purgation of Clerks Convicts, thrice read; and committed unto Sir Henry Knyvett, Mr. Serjeant Lovelace, Mr. Serjeant Geffereies, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Wyndham, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Dannett, Mr. Digges, Mr. Gent, Mr. Beale, Mr. Baber, Mr. Alford, Mr. Paycock, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Ratclyff, Mr. Crumwell, and Mr. Skynner.

Forests, &c.

Mr. Doctor Yale and Mr. Powle do bring from the Lords a Bill touching certain Authority given to the Justices of the Queen's Majesty's Forests, Chases, and Parks; with Commendation for Expedition.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill against the Abuse of Goldsmiths; the Bill for Confirmation of Letters Patents; the Bill touching fraudulent Conveyances by the late Rebels in the North ; the Bill for paving the City of Chichester; and the Bill for Two Justices to be had in Wales; sent up to the Lords by Mr. Comptroller and others.

Post meridiem.


An Abstract of a Device for setting the Poor on Work, by the Sowing and Using of Rape-seeds, Hemp-seeds, and Flax-seeds, read to this House.

Oxeford Roads.

3. The Bill for Repairing of Highways and Bridges near Oxeford. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Middlesex Sessions.

3. The Bill for Adjournment of the Sessions of the Peace in the County of Middlesex. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


Upon the Question, it is Ordered, That Mr. Hall be sequestered the House, while the Matter touching the

supposed Contempt done to this House is argued and debated.

Edward Smalley, upon the Question, is adjudged guilty of Contempt and Abusing of this House, by fraudulent Practice of procuring himself to be arrested upon the

Execution, by his own Assent and Intention, to be discharged, as well of his Imprisonment, as of the said Execution.

Matthew Kyrtelton, Schoolmaster to Mr. Hall, is likewise, upon another Question, adjudged guilty by this House, of like Contempt and Abusing of this House, in Confederacy and Practice with the said Smalley, in the Intentions aforesaid.

Upon another Question, it is adjudged by the House, that the said Smalley be, for his said Misdemeanour and Contempt, committed to the Prison of the Tower.

Upon the like Question, it is also adjudged by this House, that the said Kirtleton, Schoolmaster, be also, for his said lewd Demeanour, and Contempt, in Abusing of this House, be likewise committed to the Prison of the Tower.

Upon another Question, also, it is Resolved, That the Serjeant of this House be commanded to bring the said Edward Smalley, and the said Matthew Kyrtleton, Schoolmaster to Mr. Hall, into this House, To-morrow next in the Forenoon, to hear and receive their said Judgments accordingly.

And further, that the Matter wherein the said Arthure Hall Esquire is supposed to be touched, either in the Privity of the said Matter of Arrest, or in the Abusing of the Committees of this House, shall be deferred to be further dealt in till To-morrow.