House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 05 March 1576

Pages 110-111

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Lunae, quinto Martii, 1575

Chichester Paving.

1. 2. The Bill for Paving of the City of Chichester, twice read ; and ordered to be ingrossed.


Q. 2. 3, The second Bill for Denizens, twice read ; and passed.

Ly. Wyneman.

1. The Bill for the Lady Wyneman. - The first Reading.

Oxeforde Roads.

2. The Bill for amending the Highways and Bridges near Oxforde. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.


1. The Bill for Payment of Tythe of great Woods, - The first Reading.


3. The Bill for Toleration of certain Clothiers in the Counties of Wilteshire, Somerset, and Glowcester. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Myddlesex Nisi prius.

3. The Bill for Trials of Nisi prius in the County of Myddlesex. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Fines, &c. in Wales.

3. The Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries, in Wales. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill for Rochester Bridge ; and the Bill for Tryal of Nisis prius, in the County of Middlesex; the Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries, in the County Palatine of Chester; and the like Bill for Wales; the Bill for the Assurance of Lands to the Earl of Sussex ; and the like Bill for Sir John Ryvers Knight; and the Bill for Payment of Tythes in Hallefax; are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Comptroller and others.


The Bill for Jeofails, &c. - The .... Reading.

Middlesex Sessions.

2. The Bill for Adjournment of the Sessions of the Peace in the County of Middlesex. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.


1. The Bill for the Artificers, Foreign and Denizens. - The first Reading; and committed unto the Master of Requests, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, Sir Willm. Wynter, Sir Rowland Hayward, Mr. Recorder of London, and Mr. Mershe; to meet at the Yeldhall, To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Three of the Clock.

Innholders, &c.

2. The Bill touching Innholders, common Cooks, Winesellers, &c. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.


Mr. Dr. Yale and Mr. Dr. Barclay do bring from the Lords the Bill touching Presentations by Lapse, with

some Amendments; which Bill was before sent unto them from this House.


The Bill for Toleration of certain Clothiers in the Counties of Wilteshire, Somerset, and Glowcester; sent to Lords by Mr. Comptroller and others.


2. The Bill for Reformation of Disorders in common Informers. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Innholders, &c.

The Bill against the Innholders, &c. is committed unto the former Committees; and Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Edgecombe, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Alford, Mr. Soone, and Mr. St. John; to meet here this Afternoon in the Committee-chamber of this House.

Broggers, &c.

The Committees for the Bill of Broggers and Drovers, and of the Haberdashers, to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon.


1. 2. nova. The Bill touching Goldsmiths, &c. twice read; and ordered to be ingrossed.


The Bill touching Coiners and Coining. - The second Reading.

Post meridiem.

Unlawful Weapons.

1. 2. nova iterum. The Bill against the Wearing and Using of unlawful Weapons, twice read.


1. 2. nova. The new Bill of Jeofailes, &c. twice read ; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Trials by Juries.

2. The Bill for Trials by Juries. - The second Reading ; and committed unto Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Henry Knyvett, Sir George Penrudock, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Browne, Mr. Snagge, Mr. St. John, Mr. Colby, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Moore, Mr. Grymesdiche, Mr. Edgcombe, Mr. Sands, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Popham, Mr. Gent, and Mr. Hastings; To meet To-morrow at Seven of the Clock in the Morning, in the Committee-chamber of this House.


2. The Bill touching collateral Warranties. - The second Reading.

Lady Weyneman.

2. The Bill for the Lady Weyneman. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Murders, &c.

2. The Bill for Repressing of Murders and Felonies in the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Partridges, &c.

2. The Bill against Taking and Killing of Partridges and Pheasants. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.