House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 03 March 1576

Page 110

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Sabbati, tertio Martii, 1575

Wood, &c.

1. The Bill for the Assize of Wood, &c. in London. - The first Reading.

Hallyfax Tythes.

LL. 2. The Bill for Tythes of Hallyfax. - The second Reading.


1. The Bill touching Leather. - The first Reading.

Middlesex Nisi prius.

2. The Bill for Nisi prius, to be tried in the County of Middlesex. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Aliens Children.

The Bill touching the Children of Strangers Parents, born in this Realm. - The second Reading and committed to Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Norton, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Alford, Mr. Sampole, and Mr. Dalton.

Conference with Lords.

Mr. Solicitor and Mr. Serjeant Barham do bring Word from the Lords, that upon Monday next, at Eight of the Clock in the Morning, the Lords have appointed to have Conference with the Committees of this House, touching the Bill of Confirmation of Letters Patents; and the Bill touching the Lands of the late Rebels in the North-Parts : Whereupon it is Ordered, that the former Committee, for the said Bill of Confirmation of Letters Patents, .... added unto them, Mr. Norton, Mr. Topclyff, and Sir George Bowes.

Fines, &c. Chester.

3. The Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries, within the County Palatine of Chester. - The third Reading ; and passed.

Cloth Trade.

The Bill for the true Making of Woollen Cloths. - The third Reading; and rejected.

Post meridiem.

E. of Sussex.

LL. 3. The Bill for Assurance of certain Lands to the Earl of Sussex. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Fines, &c. in Wales.

2. The Bill for Reformation of Errors in Fines and common Recoveries, in the Shires of Wales. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Hallyfax Tythes.

LL. 3. The Bill for the Tythes of Hallyfax. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Sir J. Ryvers.

LL. 3. The Bill for Assurance of Lands to Sir John Ryvers Knight. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


2. The Bill against Engrossing of Barley to be converted into Malt. - The second Reading.


2. The Bill for Tanning and Currying of Leather. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.


The Bill for the Assize of Wood within the City of London. - The second Reading; and committed to Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Rowlande Hayward, Mr. Moore, Mr. Browne, Mr. Norton, and Mr. Snagge; to confer To-morrow, in the Afternoon, at Mr. Treasurer's Chamber, at Three of the Clock.

Leycester Hospital.

LL. 1. 2. 3. The Bill for the Hospital in the Town of Leycester, thrice read. - Jud'm.

Justices in Wales, &c.

LL. 2. The Bill for Two Justices to be had in Wales, and the County Palatine of Chester. - The second Reading.