House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 27 March 1626

Page 842

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 27 Martii

Snell's Estate.

L. 1a. AN Act to enable Sir Charles Snell, Knight, to make a Jointure to any Wife he shall marry, and to make Sale of Lands, for Payment of his Debts, and his Sisters Portions.

Sotherne's Nat.

L. 2a. Sotherne. - Committed to Sir Tho. Middleton, Sir M. Abbott, Sir H. Poole, Sir H. Whiteheade, Sir Rich. Butler, Sir Jo. Stradling, Mr. Lowther, Sir Tho. Cheeke, Sir A. Temple, Mr. Brooke, Mr. Carvyle, Mr. Coryton: -

.. Court of Wards, Seven Clock..

Bave's Nat.

L. 2a - Bave. - Committed to the same Committee, at the same Time.


L. 2a- - Outlaws. - Committed to Sir H. Poole, Mr. Langstone, Mr. Jo. Drake, Sir Geor. More, Sir H. Lyne, Mr. Earle, Mr. Noy, Sir Edw. Peyton, Sir Francis Vincent, Sir Jo. Stradling, Mr. Bisse, Sir Jo. Hayward, Mr. Newbery, Mr. Coriton, Sir Rich. Buller, Mr. Robertes, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Nath Rich, Sir Edw. Hales, Sir H. Whyteheade, all the Lawyers of the House, Mr. Wm. Price. - Thursday, Two Clock, Court of Wards.

Punishing Sharpey.

L. 1a. An Act to punish Sir Ro. Sharpey, for reviving the Imposition upon Newcastle Coals; and to prevent the like in time to come.

Salmon, &c.

Mr. Coryton reporteth the Bill for Preservation of Salmons, &c. with Amendments; which twice read. - Recommitted; and Mr. Noy added to the Committee; and Mr. Noy [a], and Mr. Jordayne: - To-morrow, Two Clock in the Afternoon.


Mr. Saunders reporteth the Bill for the Sabaoth, recommitted. - Engrossetur.

Theaker's Estate.

Mr. Serjeant Hitcham reporteth Theaker's Bill. - That the Committees against the Bill: 13 against 4. - No Combination or Confederacy, for making the Marriage, or making Theaker drunk. - It being a positive Rule, that a Man infra quatuor maria, a Child, born by his Wife, was his; the Committee thought not fit to examine this in Parliament.

Upon a Question of ingrossing, rejected, without One Negative.

Reversing Decrees.

L. 2a. - Reversing Decrees. - Committed to Master of the Wards, Mr. Glanvyle, Sir H. Poole, Sir P. Hayman, Mr. Attorney Wards, all the Lawyers of the House, Mr.Noy, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Whistler, Sir A. Ingram:And all, that will come, to have Voice : - Thursday, Two Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.


The House turned into a Committee for the King's Supply:

Mr. Speaker took his Chair again; And Ordered, No Man shall go out from the grand Committee, without Leave first asked.

The Committee sat again.

Mr. Speaker took his Chair; and Sir D. Digges reported, from the Committee, that, which was agreed, concerning the Supply to his Majesty, and the Time.

Upon Question, Three Subsidies, and Three Fifteens, to be granted to his Majesty, during this Session of Parliament ; and the Bill to be brought in, as soon as we have presented our Grievances, and received his Answer to them : The first payable ultimo Junii next; the second ultimo Octobris next; the third, ultimo Aprilis next.