House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 13 December 1606

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturni, 13o Decembris, 1606

Bathurst's Letters Patents.

L. 1a. B. FOR the Confirmation of the King's Majesty's Letters Patents made to Robert Bathurst, Esquire, of the Manor and Borough of Lachelade, in the County of Gloucester.

Bourchier's Letters Patents.

L. 1a. B. For the Confirmation of the King's Majesty's Letters Patents made to William Bourchier Esquire, of the Manor of Bardesleigh in the County of Glocester.

Chesthunt Vicarage, &c.

Sir Robert Wingfield reporteth, from the Committee, the Bill for the Assuring of the Advowson of Chesthunt to Robert Earl of Salisburie, &c. - Affirmeth, that the Bishop of London did signify his Consent to the Committees ; with Acknowlegement, that he was a Gainer, and that the See was amended by it [a] : And whereas there was an Advowson granted by the Bishop, of the said Vicarage of Chesthunt; he affirmed likewise, that the Earl of S. was well contented with it: And hereupon delivered the Bill into the House.

L. 3a. An Act for the Assuring of the Advowson of Chesthunt to Robert Earl of Salisbury, and his Heirs, and of the Advowson of the Rectory of Orsett to Richard Bishop of London, and his Successors: - Thirdly read, and, upon the Question, passed.

Soham Manor.

L. 2a. B. For the Confirmation of the King's Majesty's Letters Patents made of the Manor of Soham in the County of Cambridge, to Sir Roger Aston Knight, and John Grimsdich, Gentleman: - Secondly read, and committed to Mr. Attorney-general, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir John Heigham, Mr. Alford, Sir John Savill, Sir Walter Cope, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Mr. Hare, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Mr. Pory, Sir Robert Wingfield, Mr. D. James, Sir Geo. Selby, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Nanton, Sir John Bennett, Sir Edw. Grevill, Mr. Oxburgh, Sir Thomas Holcroft, Sir William Liggon, Sir Richard Molineux, the Burgesses of Cambridge, Sir Gamaliel Capell, Mr. Irby, Sir Warwick Heale, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Oliver Cromwell, Sir Robert Mansfield, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir John Peyton, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Mr. Martin, Mr. Francis Moore: - To meet on Monday next, at Two a Clock in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Beer, &c.

Upon the Motion of Mr. Whitson, One of the Burgesses of Bristowe, more Committees added for the Bill to restrain the Utterance of Beer and Ale to Alehouse-keepers not licensed; viz. Mr. Briers, Mr. Chock, the Burgesses of Worcester, Mr. Henry Markham, the Burgesses of Darby, Mr. John Hungerford, the Burgesses of Totnes, Sir John Parker, the Burgesses of the Universities ; - To meet on Monday next, at Two a Clock in the Afternoon, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Baro's Nat.

Sir Henry Poole maketh Report of the Bill for the Naturalizing of Peter Baro, alias Baron, Doctor in Physick, &c. and saith, that the Committees had agreed upon a Proviso to be added to the Bill, to exclude him from Place in Parliament: Which Proviso, with the Amendments of the Bill, was twice read; but, upon the Motion of Sir Roland Litton, stayed from Question, until there were some further Proceeding in the general Case of Naturalization; lest a Resolution in this Particular might do hurt.

Union with Scotland.

Mr. Lawrence Hyde maketh Report of the Proceeding of the select Committee appointed to consider of the Course to be held in Conference, &c.

Agreed, that if in any of the Laws of Hostility, there were any thing inserted not hostile, there should be special Caution and Care for that.

Constitutions of Boroughs to be left to the Magistrates of those Cities where they were made.

That the Matter of Escuage should be propounded to the Lords, at the Conference.

Choice made by the Committee, of Mr. Attorney-general, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Francis Bacon, and Sir Henry Mountague, to propound, and to maintain Argument at the Conference.

Sir Francis Bacon and Sir Henry Mountague labour to excuse themselves, but were, notwithstanding, ordered to stand; and Mr. Lawrence Hyde and Mr. Richard Martin added, and appointed by the House to join with them in the same Charge.