House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 21 June 1604

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 21o Junii, 1604

Obedience of the Subjects.

L. 2. B. To retain the King's Majesty's Subjects in their due Obedience : - Secondly read, and committed to the great Committee for Matters of Religion.


L. 1. B. For the better Relief of Preachers and Ministers within Cities and Towns corporate.

Cloth Trade.

L. 1. B. Touching Wools, and Trade of Cloth.


L. 1. B. Concerning the Lengths of Woollen Cloths and Kerseys, and Forfeitures due for the same.

Deer, &c.

B. Against unlawful Hunting of Deer and Conies, reported by Sir John Boys, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill thirdly read, and argued, pro et contra, by Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Noy, Sir Herbert Crofts: And being put to Question; the House, upon Question, divided :

The Number with the Yea, going forth, finding themselves too weak, returned, and yielded, before Account, the Bill lost And so the Bill dashed.

King's Household.

B. For the Assignment of certain Sums of Money for the King's Houshold, &c. reported by Mr. Fuller, from the Committee, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


L. 3. An Act to take away the Benefit of Clergy for some Kind of Manslaughter.

Ecclesiastical Affairs.

A Question moved, touching the Instrument of Inhibition from the Convocation-house, read at the last Conference for Matters of Religion; as also touching the Submission and Book of the Bishop of Bristowe, &c. and, upon several Questions, Resolved,

1. To pray Conference touching the Instrument read by the Bishops at the late Conference, taxing the Intermeddling of this House in Matters of Religion.

2. To desire the Submission of the Bishop in Writing, to be delivered unto them publickly in the House, before the Lords; and that the Books might be prohibited and suppressed.

Sir Fr. Hastings immediately sent with these Messages; and delivered unto him in Writing.

Mr. Speaker.

Agreed for a Rule, That when Mr. Speaker desires to speak, he ought to be heard without Interruption, if the House be silent, and not in Dispute.


L. 3. An Act touching the Making of Mildernix, and Poll-davyes : - Thirdly read, and, upon Question, passed.

Littleton's Restitution.

L. .3. The Proviso (formerly assented, upon Mr. Speaker's Motion) to Mr. Littleton's Bill, thirdly read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be affiled.

Popish Books.

B. Touching the Printing, &c. of popish Books, reported from the Committee, with some Dislike; but left to the Consideration of the House.

Married Men in Colleges.

An Act against the Resiance of Masters and Provosts, in Colleges with their Wives and Children, thirdly read; and disputed by Mr. Lewknor, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Sir Henry Beamount, Mr. Hackwill, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Martin.

Moved, That the Colleges of Eaton and Winchester may be added in the Bill.

The Bill, upon Question, passed, without further Addition or Amendment: - A new Bill for Eaton and Winchester.