House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 June 1604

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 4o Junii, 1604


L. 2. B. FOR the Providing of a learned and godly Ministry : - Committed to a former Committee, named upon a Motion made by Sir Edw. Mountague, 23o Martii, 1603 [e], with some added ; viz. the Burgesses of the Towns and Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Sir Henry Nevill.


L. 2. Two several Bills against Pluralities of Benefices, secondly read, and committed to Sir Geo. Carewe, Vice-chamberlain to the Queen, Sir Tho. Beamount, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir John Thynne, Sir John Mallorie, Sir Edw. Radcliffe, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, Sir John Peyton, Sir Henry Constable, Sir Edwyn Sandys, the Lord Clynton, Sir Vincent Skynner, Sir Rich. Molineux, Sir John Hungerford, Mr. Hext, Sir Henry Bromley, Sir Robert Knollys, Sir Tho. Lake, Sir Tho. Walsingham, Sir Tho. Smyth, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Sir John Morrice, Sir John

Bennett, Sir Rich. Houghton, Sir Geo. Fleetwood, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Maurice Berkely, Sir Nicholas Saunders, Sir Tho. Briggs, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Sir Roland Litton, Mr. John Bowyer, Sir Robert Needham, Sir Roger Aston, Sir Tho. Edmonds, Sir Tho. Challoner, Sir Francis Popham, Sir Geo. Villyers, Sir Daniel Dun, the Burgesses of the Two Universities, Sir Henry Nevill: - To meet, together with the other Committee for a learned Ministry, this Afternoon in the Exchequer Chamber.

Bill to be read.

B. Of Continuance, ordered to be read Tomorrow Morning, before Eight a Clock.

Infants Marriages.

L. 1. B. To make void the Marriage or Contracts of Infants : - Committed to Sir Jerome Horsey, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir John Bennett, Sir Tho. Freak, Sir Francis Hastings, Sir Edw. Montague, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Wm. Cornwallys, Sir John Thynne, Sir Wm. Burlacye, Sir Dan. Dun, Mr. D. Styward, Mr. D. Jeames, Sir Geo. Fleetwood, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Mr. Winch, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Mr. Alford, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Tho. Hobby : - To meet on Wednesday, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Letters Patents.

L. 2. B. For Confirmation of Letters Patents : - Committed to Sir Henry Beamount, Sir Oliver St. John, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Geo. Fleetwood, all the Serjeants at Law, Mr. Francis Moore, Sir John Heigham, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Smyth, of Exceter, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Johnson, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Serjeant Shirley, Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Hackwill, Mr. Brook, Mr. Hyde, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. Dannett, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir John Thynne, Mr. Henry Shelley, Mr. Bacchouse: - To meet on Wednesday in the Exchequer Chamber.

Howme's Letters Patents.

B. For Confirmation of the Letters Patents made to Sir Geo. Howme, &c. reported from the Committee by Sir Francis Bacon, with Amendments; which were twice read, and affiled.

L. 3. The Bill, with the Amendments, thirdly read ; much disputed, and, upon the Question, passed [a].

Rowse's Estate.

L. 3. B. For the Sale of certain Lands of Sir Thomas Rowse Knight, for Payment of his Debts : - Upon the Question, passed.

Privilege - Objectionable Publication.

The Conference touching the Bishop's Book, reported by Sir Henry Hobart.

The Complaint of the House first opened. - The Lords made answer, that they came to it upon the sudden, and could not take Knowledge, nor advise upon such Objections, as should be made against it; and therefore desired, they might proceed with that Gravity, which was fit; and that they might propound the Objections to the House.

Free Trade.

The Dispute, touching the Bill of free Trade, entered into by Sir Edwyn Sandys; and Sir Henry Montague's Speech the last answered by him Point by Point.

Continued by Mr. Martin, Sir Chro. Perkins, Mr. Hitcham, the Queen's Attorney.

A Monopoly defined, a private or disordered Engrossing, for the Enhancing of Prices, to a public Prejudice.

Two rising to speak.

Agreed for Rule, if Two stand up to speak to a Bill, he against the Bill (being known by Demand, or otherwise) to be the first heard.

The Dispute stayed, and deferred.