The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Edward VI

Pages 53-78

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.

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Edwardus Sextus Rex.

Item the 31. day of the same monyth was proclamyd kynge Edward the Sixth, and came the same day unto the tower of London. And kynge Henry the eighth dyde at the manor of Whytte halle at Westmyster. And the xiiij. day of February was browte from thens on to Syone and there laye alle nyght, and the nexte day browth un to Wynsore and there byrryd by qwene Jane.

Item the xx. day of the same monyth the sayd kynge Edwarde the sixth came from the tower of London thorrow London, and in dyvers places pagenttes, and alle the strettes hangyd reghely, (fn. 1) wyth alle the crafftes stondynge in Chepe, presentynge them as lovynge subjecttes unto their kynge, and soo to Powlles; and at the west ende of Powlles stepull was tayed a cabelle roppe, and the other ende besyde the denes place at an hanker of a sheppe, (fn. 2) and a man ronnynge downe on the sayd roppe as swefte as an arrow owte of a bowe downe wyth hys honddes and fette abrode not tochynge the roppe; and whane the kynge had sene the sayd thynge went forth un to the pallys of Westmyster; and the nexte day came from thens unto Westmyster churche, and there was crownyd, and kepte hys fest in Westmyster halle. God of hys mercy sende hym good locke and longe lyffe, with prosperite! And this was done in the ix. yere of hys age and byrth. And at that ryallty was made sir Edward Semer that was yerle of Harforth duke of Somerset, and protector and defender of the realme; and sir Thomas Semer hys brother lorde governer un to the kyng; (fn. 3) and sir Thomas Worthesle that was at that tyme lorde chaunseler of Ynglond was made yerle of Sowthhamtone; and sir John Dudley that was amrelle of the see was made yerle of Warwyk. (fn. 4) And iiij. or v. dayes after was gret justes at Westmyster.

Item the xix. day of June after was a sollome dyrege at Powles for the French kynge, (fn. 5) with a goodly herse in the qwere, and the lorde of Arnedel principalle morner, with dyvers byshoppes, the mayer of London with the aldermen, and alle the hed crafftes of London, and alle the qweer, with the boddy of the church hangyd with blacke clothe and hys armys, and ij C. powre men in blacke gownes holdynge staffe torches; and the nexte day the sayd obbyt kepte in every paryche churche in London wyth the belles ryngyng.

Item the v. day after in September beganne the kynges vysytacion at Powlles, and alle imagys pullyd downe; and the ix. day of the same monyth the sayd visytacion was at sent Bryddes, and after that in dyvers other paryche churches; and so alle imagys pullyd downe thorrow alle Ynglonde att that tyme, and alle churches new whytte-lymed, with the commandmenttes wryttyne on the walles. And at that tyme was the byshoppe of London (fn. 6) put into the Flette, and was there more than viij. dayes; and after hym was the byshoppe of Wenchester (fn. 7) put there also.

Item at this same tyme was pullyd up alle the tomes, grett stones, alle the auteres, with the stalles and walles of the qweer and auteres in the church that was some tyme the Gray freeres, and solde, and the qweer made smaller. (fn. 8)

Thys yere the iiijth day of November bagan the parlement at Westmyster, and before this parlament the lord Richard Ryche was made chaunseler of Ynglond, and the lord Sent Jone that was lorde grandmaster gave it up.

Item the xvij. day of the same monythe at nyghte was pullyd downe the Rode in Powlles with Mary and John, with all the images in the churche, and too of the men that labord at yt was slayne and dyvers other sore hurtte. Item also at that same time was pullyd downe throrrow alle the kynges domynyon in every churche alle Roddes with alle images, and every precher preched in their sermons agayne alle images. Also the newyeresday after preched doctor (fn. 9) Latemer that some tyme was byshop of Wysseter preched at Powlles crosse, and too sondayes followyn, &c. Also this same tyme was moche spekyng agayne the sacrament of the auter, that some callyd it Jacke of the boxe, with divers other shamfulle names; and then was made a proclamacyon agayne shoche sayers, and it (sc. yet) bothe the prechers and other spake agayne it, and so contynewyd; and at Ester followyng there began the commonion, and confession but of thoys that wolde, as the boke dothe specifythe. And at this tyme was moche prechyng agayne the masse. And the sacrament of the auter pullyd downe in dyvers placys thorrow the realme. Item after Ester beganne the servis in Ynglyche [at Powles at the commandment of the dene at the tyme, William May, (fn. 10) ] and also in dyvers other pariche churches. Item also at Wytsontyde beganne the sermons at sent Mary spyttylle. Item also this yere was Barkyng chappylle at the Towre hylle pullyd downe, and sent Martyns at the chambulles end, sent Nicolas in the chambulles, and sent Ewyns, and within the gatte of Newgate thoys (fn. 11) were put un to the churche that some tyme was the Gray Freres; and also Strand churche (fn. 12) also pullyd downe to make the protector duke of Somerset's place larger.

Item this yere was alle the chaunterys put downe.

Item also the wacche at mydsomer was begonne agayne, that was left from M. Dodmer (fn. 13) un to this tyme.

Item also the byshoppe of Wenchester at that tyme Stephyn Gardner preched before the kyng at sent James in the felde on sent Petter's day at afternone the wyche was then fryday, and on the morrow after was commytted unto the tower of London to warde.

Item the vij. day of July after there was a prest that came owte of Cornewalle drawne from the towre of London unto Smythefelde, and there was honged and heddyd and qwarterd for sleying of one Boddy (fn. 14) that was the kynges commyssyoner in that contry for chauntries.

Item, alle thoys prechers that prehyd at Powlles crosse at that tyme spake moche agayne the bysshoppe of Wynchester; and also Cardmaker, (fn. 15) that rede in Powlles iij. tymes a weke, had more or lesse of hyme.

Item this same yere was put downe alle goyng abrode of processyons, and the sensyng at Powlles at Wytsontyde, and the Skynners' processyon on Corpus Christi day, with alle others, and had none other but the Yngleche procession in their churches.

Item at this tyme was moche prechyng thorro alle Ynglonde agayne the sacrament of the auter, save only M. Laygton, and he preched in every place that he prechyd agayne them alle; and so was moche contraversy and moche besynes in Powlles every sonday, and syttyng in the churche, and of none that were honest persons, but boyes and persons of lyttylle reputacyon; and wolde have made m[oche] mor yf there had not a way a bene tane. And at the last the xxviij. [day] of December (fn. 16) followyng there was a proclamacyon that none of bothe partyes shulde preche un to soche tyme as the counselle has determyned soche thynges as they were in hond with alle: for as that tyme dyvers of the bysshoppes sat at Cherse abbe for dyvers matters of the kynge and the counselle.

Item the iijde. [day of] the same monyth was browte from Hygate unto London unto the laumpe in Ne[wgate] market a monstre, a calfe wyth ij. heddes, iiij. eres, iiij. eyne, viij. f[eete] and ij. taylles; that there the mayer wyth dyvers aldermen came thether and saue it, and command[ed] yt to be browte into the stret and there he saue it, and there command[ed] it to be catted into the feldes strayt wayes and to be cutte in peces, and put into the grownde, and soo it was.

Also at that tyme was many ballyttes made of dyvers partys agayne the blyssyd sacrament, one agayne another, and the too pers[ons] that redde in Powlles, as Cardmaker and one that rede tewsday and thursday in Latten, spake agayne the sacrament, and sayd it was but brede and wynne.

Item this yere before Alhallontyd was sett up the howse for the markyt folke in Newgate market for to waye melle in.

Item also this yere was put downe the chappell with the charnell howse in Powlles church yerde, with the too tomes one the north syde, and a iiij. or v. C. lode of bones carred in to the feldes and burryd there.

ij°. A°. Thys yere on sent Martyns day begane the sarmond at the crosse agayne, and there was the byshoppe of sent Davys one Farrar, (fn. 17) but he dyd not preche in hys abbet of a byshoppe, but lyke a prest, and he spake agayne all maner of thynges of the churche and the sacrament of the auter, and vestmenttes, coppes, alterres, with alle other thynges, &c.

Item the xxij. day of November was in the nyghte a grete fyer in the tower of London, and a gret pesse burnyd, by the menes of a Frencheman that sette a barrelle of gonnepoder a fyere, and soo was burnyd hymselfe, and no more persons, but moch hurte besyde; and the xxiiijti. day of the same monyth was sent Annes church at Aldersgate burnyd.

Item at Newyeeres tyde after was put downe the qwyne of the testornes.

Item the x. day of December was drawne from Newgate unto Towre hylle (blank) and there ware hongyd for qwyneynge of testornes.

Item the xvij. day of January was commytted un to the tower lorde Thomas Semer that was lorde amrelle, with dyvers other, for hye tresone, as yt shalbe declaryd afterwarde.

Item the viij. day of March a bucher of sent Nicolas shambulles was put on the pyllery in Cheppesyde for kepynge of another buchers wyffe in the same strette, and there stode iij. oweres and more.

Item the xx. day of Marche was sir Thomas [Seym]er that was lorde amrelle was be-hedyd at the Towre hylle for hye [treason].

The ijde sonday of Lent preched Coverdalle, and whan hye masse was done the dene of Powlles that was that tyme William May commandyd the sacrament at the hye autre to be pullyd downe.

Item the vj. day of Aprille was a proclamacion for the masse, [and for] ettynge of fleshe agayne May day, but for the fleshe was nothynge kepte.

Item the vij. day after was a grete and marvelus wynde both in the nyght and also in [the] day.

Item the x. day of Aprill was pullyd downe the clowster in Powlles that was callyd the Pardon churcheyerd wyth the chappelle that stode in the myddes, to bylde the protectores place with alle.

Item the xxij. of Aprille was the monday in Ester weke, and that nyght was burnyd fyve howsys at Brokenwharfe.

Item the xxvij. day of Aprill, the whych was the satorday in Ester weke, the ante-baptystes ware in our Lady chappelle in Powlles before the byshoppe of Caunterbory with other comyssioners, (fn. 18) and there one recantyd; and the nexte sonday, the wych was Lowe sonday, stode at the crosse and bare a faggott. Item the nexte sattorday after the byshoppe wyth the resydew of the commyssyoners satt agayne. And there was one Jone of Kente other wyse Jone Bucher condemnyd; and a tanner of Colchester recantyd, and nexte day bare a faggotte at the crosse, and the nexte sonday at Colchester. And that day stode at the crosse a boccher of Mary Maudlyne parich in Fychstret, (fn. 19) and the nexte sonday agayne for be cause he made a mocke at the furst tyme.

Item the iij. day of June, the wyche was the monday after the Assencion day, alle the gray ammesse (fn. 20) with the calober in Powlles ware put downe.

Item the xxti day of June, the wyche was Corpus Christi day, and as that day in dyvers places in London was kepte holy day, and manny kepte none, but dyd worke opynly, and in some churches servys and some none, soche was the devysyon.

Item in this yere moche pepulle of the comyns dyd ryse in dyvers places in the realme, and pullyd downe parkes and growndes that was inclosyd of dyvers lordes and gentylmen within the realme from the powre men.

Item the xxvij. day of June there was sent a commandement from the councelle unto Powlles that they shulde have no more the Apostylles masse in the mornynge, nor our Lady masse, nor no communyone at no aultelle in the church but at the hye awlter.

Item the xviij. day of July, where as there was a boke made and send up to the commyns of Cornwalle and Devynshere with alle other parttes of all the realme for be cause of their rysynge and pullynge downe of incloseres, the wyche was some tyme comyns un to the powre men, and grette men toke theme in and inclosyd it to them and made parkes in dyvers places, and as thys tyme the commyns for the most parte within the realme ryssyd and pullyd up heggys and plays and sett yt opyn a gayne; and then the boke was sent unto them that they shuld be content gentylly, and within shortte space it shulde be mendyd, and so to submytte them selfes and to aske mercy and pardone; and this day abovesayd it was proclamyd thorrow alle London both with harhalde and trompeters, and so was sent unto alle the partys of the realme wher as they dyde ryse, and in-mediatly after the sayd proclamacion if they dyd submytte them selfes and aske mercy and pardon they shuld have it, and if not they shulde be tane as traytores and to be subdewyd with the [sword]. And as that same tyme all the gattes of the citte of London was layed with grett gonnes with-in the citte warte, (fn. 21) and within the sayed gattes both above and beneth in dyvers parttes, with dyvers artyllery ryght good, and their percullys new made at dyvers gattes, and both (fn. 22) at Newgate n[ew] made strongly. And every daye from the xx. day of July satte at every gatte viij. of the comyneres and ij. gonners every day from vj. in the mornynge unto it was . . . . . atte nyght unto the x. day of September.

Item the xxj. day of the same monyth, the wyche was sonday, the byshoppe of Cauntorbery (fn. 23) came sodenly to Powlles, and there shoyd and made a narracyon of thoys that dyd rysse in dyvers places within the realme, and what rebellyous they were, and wolde take aponne them to reforme thynges before the lawe, and to take the kynges powre in honde. And soo was there at procession, and dyd the offes hym selfe in a cope and no vestment, nor mytter, nor crosse, but a crose staffe; and soo dyd alle the offes, and hys sattene cappe on hys hede alle the tyme of the offes; and soo gave the communione hym selfe unot viij. persons of the sayd church.

Also the xxij. day of the same monyth, the wyche was Mary Maudlyne day, there was hongyd one that came from Romford, on a gybbytt at the welle within Algate; and another that came owte of Kent at the brygge fotte in to Sothwarke on another gybbytte, that ware of the same persons and company.

Item the xxiij. day of the same monyth the kynges grace came from the dewke of Soffokes place in Sothwarke thorrow London, and soo to Whytte hall goodly, with a goodly company.

Item the xxviij. day and the xxix. day was dyvers persons conventyd before the counselle because of hereynge of masse at Crycherch (fn. 24) wheras the French imbassetors laye, that they shuld come no more there, and was gretly rebukyd.

Item the iiij. day of August, the wyche was sonday, was men sett a worke from Newgate alle alonge by the citte walles to pulle downe the gardyns that was made a longe by the walles of the citte with howses, and soo alle alonge unto (blank.).

Item the furst day of August was a gret battelle at Norwych betwene the lorde markes of Northamtone and the comyns that dyd aryse there, and manny was slayene of both partys, and the lorde markes put an to flyette, and the lorde Cheffelde (fn. 25) slayne, with many dyvers knyttes and many other good men. And many of the sayed comyns slayne and tane prisoneres.

Item the (blank) day of the same monyth was a battell be syde Exceter be-twene the lorde Rosselle that was then lorde privisele, lorde Graye, and the comyns of that cuntre; and many slayne and tane prisoners of both partyes.

Item the ix. day of the same monyth was proclamyd in the curte by ane imbassitor of France wyth a harhalde and trompetter opyn warre, and that same nyght was tane alle Frenche men that ware noe free denysens, and an inventory of alle their goodes, and put in prison thorrow alle the realme at that tyme.

Item the x. day of the same monyth the byshoppe of Cauntorbery came and preched at Powlles, the wych was sattorday, in the qwere in the byshoppes stalle that he was wonte to be stallyd in, for them that [rose] in the West contre of the comyns of Devynchere and Cornewalle, there he shoyd that the occasyone cam of poppych prestes was the most parte of alle hys sermond.

Item the xv. day of the same monyth, the Assumcyon of our Lady, and that day was hongyd too persons, one withowte Algate and the other at Totnam hylle; and as that day some kepte holydaye and some none, as sent Stevyns in Walbroke and Colcherch, soch was the devysion that day, as it was on Corpus Christi day.

Item the xviij. day of the same monyth the bysshoppe of London (fn. 26) dyd the offes at Powlles both as the processyon and the comunione dyscretly and sadly.

Item on Bartylmew evyne was shott dyvers goonnes at the gattes in London.

Item this yere was no cheesys in Bartylmew fayer but soch as came owte of dyvers mens howsys within London that was not good, and the cause was for them that rose in Essex as that tyme.

Item the xxvij. day of the same monyth was iij. persons drawyn, hongyd, and qwarterd at Tyborne, that came owte of the West contre.

Item the xxviij. day of the same monythe was a woman delyveryd of ij. chelderne at Bodyly a smyth at the Longlane ende in Smythfelde, and whan the woman was delyveryd she desyred to se hare chelderne, and the wyffe of the howse sayd they ware saffe inowgh, and she toke one of them and brake the necke of yt, and caused the mayd of the howse to take the other and to cast it over the walle, and so dystroyd them bothe; and then was the woman that had the chelderne, and the wyffe of the howse and the mayde, ware had to the cownter in Bredstrete, and there the woman was delyveryd of another chylde that same nyghte.

Item the last day of the same monyth the byshoppe of Cauntorbery (fn. 27) shulde a come agayne to Powlles, and a preched agayne, but he send Josephe (fn. 28) hys chaplyne, and he preched in the qwere of the subdewynge of them that dyd rysse in alle iij. places, and how mysery they ware browte unto, and there he rehersyd as hys master dyd before that the occasyone came by popysse presttes.

Item the furst day of September the byshoppe of London then Edmund Boner preched at Powlles crosse, and after was acuysyd un to the cownsell by too persons, as William Latymer (fn. 29) parsone of sent Lawrens Powntney and John Hopper (fn. 30) that some tyme was a whyth monnke, and soo was conventyd before the byshope of Cauntorbery wyth other comyssoneres the xiij. day of the same monyth, and the xvj. day and the xviij.; and the xxti day of the same moneth at nyght he was send unto Marchese, (fn. 31) and he went the same day unto Lambythe in hys scarlet habbet and hys rochett aponne it.

Item this same day Cardmaker sayd opynly in hys lector in Powlles that if God ware a man he was a vj. or vij. foote of lengthe, with the bredth, and if it be soo how canne it be that he shuld be in a pesse of brede in a rownde cake on the awter: what an ironyos oppynyone is this unto the leye pepulle!

At this tyme doctor Smyth (fn. 32) rebukyd the byshehoppe gretly, and the byshoppe dyd nothynge gretly forbore hym, and gave hym many chockynge worddes opynly. (fn. 33)

Item the xxij. of the same monyth the byshoppe of Cauntorbery causyd Hopper to preche at Powlles crosse, and there he spake moch agayne the byshope of London. And the xxiij. And the xxiij. day was there (fn. 34) before the sayd commysyoners agayne.

And the xxv. day Cardmaker rede in Powlles, and sayd in hys lector that he cowde not rede there the xxvij. day for because he must neddes be at the sessyons as that day at Lambythe for the byshoppe of London; but it was not soo, for the byshoppe came not there. Item the xxix. of the same monyth preched in the shrowddes, for because of rayne, one Golde, and he spake moche agaynst the sayd byshoppe of London, and there stode be-fore hym one that dwellyd in Charterus lane wyth a screpture on hys brest for coungerynge.

Item the furst day of October the byshoppe of London was send for at after-none unto Lambythe, and ther the byshoppe of Cauntorbery dyschargyd (fn. 35) the sayd byshopp of London as moche as laye in hys powre; but marke what followeth.

Item the vij. day of October was proclaymyd the protector a traytor, with all hys helperes, and that day begane agayne the watch (fn. 36) at every gatt in London of the comeneres in harnes with weppyns.

Item the viij. day it was proclamyd opynly with the kynges shreffe and two harraldes and two pursevanttes and a trumpet, with the compyne sargant of the citte of London, thorrow alle London, and as fast as it myght be thorrow alle Ynglond.

Item the nexte day Cardmaker sayd in hys lector, thow he (fn. 37) had a falle he was not undone, and that men shuld not have ther purpos; and also he sayd that men wolde have up agayne ther popych masse; wher for, good masteres, stycke unto yt hade (fn. 38) he sayd.

Item the xiij. day of the same monyth was no sermond at the crosse.

Item the xiij. day at after-none was browth the traytor (fn. 39) from Wyndsor with a gret company of lorddes and gentylmen, and many horsys, with their men with weppyns, and came in at sent Gylles in the felde at hys desyre, for be cause he wolde not come by the place that he had begonne and pullyd downe dyvers churches and the clowster in Powlles to bylde yt with all, [and soo unto the tower of London with dyvers other prisoners, (fn. 40) ] but almyghty God wolde not suffer yt for hys gret myscheffe as it shalle evydently follow by hys actes. And whane he came in Chepesyde he sayd opynly, that manny pepull harde hym, that he was as trewe a man to the kynge as anny there, evye prowdly.

Item the xvij. day the kynges grace came from the place in Sothewarke thorrow London, and soo to Whytt halle; and that nyght was the comyneres of London was dyscharged of ther waching at alle the gattes of London in harnes, and to wache no more but the comyne wache as a nyttes in every warde as it hath bene acostomyd before.

iij.°. A°. This yere the vj. day of December was Bodylys wyffe the smythes w[ife at Long lane] ende in Smythfelde hongyd at Tyborne for the dystrowynge of [her chil] derne at Bartylmewtyde as it shoyth before.

Item the vij. [day of Ja]nuary [1550] was vj. men dystroyd at the makynge of the welle wythin the howse that was some tyme the Peter college (fn. 41) nexte the denes place in Powlles churche yarde.

Item of the great gentylnes that was shoyd unto the byshope of London Edmund Boner beynge prisoner in the Marchelse the viij. day of January of the knyght marchalle takynge away hys bedde, and soo that he had no more to lye in but straw and a coverlet for the space of viij. days, for because he wolde not geve the knyght marchall x li. or a gowne of that price.

Item the xix. day of the same monythe at ix. a clocke at nyght was kyllyd captyne Gambolde a valyant man a Spanyerd and another with hym, and dyvers of their servanttes hurte, of another captyne (fn. 42) of hys owne contry-men; and was tane the nexte day three more wyth hyme, and the xxij. day of the same monyth raynyd atte the yelde halle, and the xxiij. day they ware condemnyd, and the xxiiij. day they ware hongyd in the myddes of Smythfelde; and he that kyllyd captayne Gambolde, ther as the dede was done or even he went in-to Smythfelde, ther hys hond was smyttyne of, and after was hongyd wyth the resydew in Swythefelde.

Item the xxvij. day of the same monyth was draune from the tower of London un-to Tyborne iiij. person, and there hongyd and quarterd, and their quarteres sette abowte London on every gatte; these was of them that dyd ryse in the West cuntre.

Item the vj. day of Februarij came the duke of Somerset owte of the towere, and lay at the Savoye.

Item the xxxti day of March was Palme sonday, and on the evyne was proclamyd a generalle pes betwene the kynge of Ynglond and the Frenche kynge, and the qwene of Scottes and the realme of the same also, with their subjecttes; and grett bonfyeres with grett chere at every cunstabulles dore in every parich thorrowe alle London; and soo after thorrow alle Ynglonde.

Item the xijth day of Aprill, he that was byshoppe of Rochester, Nicolas Rydley, was stallyd [bishop of London] by one of the byshoppe of Ely('s) chaplynes. And the xix. daye of the same monyth he came in to the qwere at the comunyon tyme, and at that tyme he and the dene recevyd and master Barne, and the too toke the host of the prest in their too hondes. And that same tyme the byshoppe commandyd the lytt of the aulter to be put owte or he came in to the qwere.

Item the ijde day of May was Jone Bucher otherwyse called Jone of Kentte burnyd in Smythfelde for grett herysses, as yt hath bene longe knowyne, and was condemnyd nye a hole yere, as it shewyth before; and there preched before hare or she dyede Scory, (fn. 43) and she sayd to hym that he lyed lyke a knave, &c.

Item that Bullyne was gevyn up to the Frenchmen the ij. day of Maij.

Item Nicolas Rydley that was byshoppe of Rochester was made byshoppe of London, and beganne his visitacione in Powlles the v. day of May.

Item that three came a sheppe of egges and shurttes and smockes owte of France to Byllynges gatte.

Item the terme rejurnyd from the Assencion unto Myhylmas.

Item the proclamacion the xxiij. day of May, the wych was the fryday before Whytsonday, was for the pes betwene France and us.

Item on Whytsone sonday preched the byshoppe of London Nicolas Rydley at Powlles crosse.

Item the nyght before came in the Frenche lordes with their tresor &c.

Item on Trenyte sonday preched doctor Kyrkame, (fn. 44) and sayd that in the sacrament w[as no] substance but brede and wynne.

Item on sente Barnabes day was kepte [no holi]day (through) alle Londone at the commandment of the mayer, and at nyght was the aulter in Powlles pullyd downe, and as that day the vayelle was hongyd [up] benethe the steppes and the tabulle sett up there; and a sennet after there the comunion was mynysterd.

Item the xiiij. day of June was sattorday, and before evy[ning] was a mane slayne in Powlles church, and ij. frayes with-in the church that [same] tyme afterward.

Item also this yere Corpus Christi was not kepte holy day.

And the Assumpcion of our Lady was soche devision thorrow alle London that some kept holy day and some none. Almyghty God helpe it whan hys wylle ys! for this was the second yere, and also the same devision was at the fest of the Nativite of our Lady.

Item the last day of August preched at the crosse Stephin Caston, (fn. 45) and there spake agayne the lady Mary asmoch as he myghte, but he namyd not hare, but sayd there was a gret woman with-in the realme that was a gret supporter and mayntayner of popery and superstycione, and prayed that she myght forsake hare oppynyons, and to follow the kynges prosedynges, as he sayed. And also he sayed that kynge Henry the viijth was a papyst, with many obprobryus wordes of hym as yt was harde.

Item this yere was proclamyd that the French crownys shuld goo for vijs.

iiij°. A°. Thys yere the xiiij. daye of November was proclamyd thorrow all London that ne wyttelleres nor tabernes shulde kepe no resorte of pepulle in their howses for vyttelles on the sondayes nore holy dayes tyll alle serves ware done, and that shulde be at a xj. the cloke; and also at after-none tylle evynge-songe ware done, in payne of gret prisonment at the kynges commandment.

Item this yere was many frayes in Powlles church, and nothynge sayd on-to them; and one man felle doune in Powlles church and brake hys necke for kecheynge of pegyns in the nyght the iiij. day of December.

Item the v. day of December was proclamyd that the French crownes shuld goo but for vjs. iiijd.

Item at Crystmas was put downe in Powlles the Rectores chori, wyth all their coppys at processione, and no more to be usyd.

Item the day of was the byshoppe of Wyssytor (fn. 46) comyttyd to the Flett, and the xj. day of December was comyttyd to the Flett the byshoppe of Chechester. (fn. 47)

Item the xv. day of December was browte from the tower of London un-to Lambeth the byshoppe of Wynchester thene beynge doctor Stephen Gardner, before the byshoppe of Cauntorbery then beynge Thomas Cranmer, wyth dyvers other comysioneres, and exammynd and comyttyd un-to the tower agayne. And the xviij. day followyng ther agayne; and that same day was too tydes at London brygge within the space of v. howeres, and grett sprynges that dyd moch harme by the watter syde and on the watter. And the sayed byshoppe of Wynchester at Lambyth the viij. day of January [1551], and the xij. day, and so to the towere agayne. The xxvj. day there agayne, and that day browth from the tower unto Lambyth [by the] garde and the offesers of the tower wyth weppens, and soo home agayne; and on the xiij. day of February and xiiij. day also, and that day he was dyschargyd [from] ys byschopryge and alle hys londes, and comyttyd unto the tower agayne.

Item the xxij. day of Marche was Pame sonday, and as that daye [were] put into the Fleete dyvers gentylmen, as sir Antoni Browne, M. (blank) sargant of the lawe, wyth dyvers other, for herynge of masse in my lady Mary's curte at sent Jones (fn. 48) and was there.

Item the xxiiij. day of the same monyth after was the grattes besyde the hye alter in Powlles closyd up, that the pepulle shulde not loke in at the tyme of the comunyone tyme, and the vayle hongyd up. And the xxviij. day after as Ester evyne, and then was the tabulle remevyd, and sette benethe at the vayele northe and sowthe; and on Ester day the dene, then beynge Wyllyam Maye, dyd mynys ter hym-selfe.

Item this yere was sene in the Lent besyde Martyn abbe (fn. 49) many men in harnes syttynge in the eyere, and soo came downe agayne un-to the grownde and vadyd awaye agayne, and also in dyvers other places. And also abowte Ester was sene in Sussex three sonnes shenynge at one tyme in the eyer, that thei cowde not dysserne wych shulde be the very sonne.

Item the xxvth day of May, wych was the monday after Trenyte sonday, was gret erthqwakes (fn. 50) in dyvers places, as abowte Crowydyn and in that towne and dyvers other townes there by, as at Rygate, and many other places abowte, and also at Westmyster and dyvers other places in London, and abowte there.

Item in June after went inbassators into France the erle (fn. 51) of Northehamtone and the byshoppe of Ely (fn. 52) wyth dyvers other, and was goodly resevyd there with processione, crossys, and sensynge, with alle the holé orders of relygious persons that be there, with the universites scolles, and solome masse songe before them or they came unto the kynges presens, and had there grett. chere. And after that came into Ynglonde dyvers lorddes of France with a cardnalle, and came to Rye the iiij. day of July, and soo unto London, and was not resevyd. And before their comynge into London was dyvers lordes and gret men of the ines, (fn. 53) and laye at the kynges place in Sothewarke.

Item the ix. day of the same monyth beganne the gret sykenes callyd the swetth, (fn. 54) that there dyde a grett multitude of pepull sodenly thorrow alle London and thorrow the most parte of alle Ynglonde. And that same day was the proclamacion for testornes at ixd. And the vitelles as dere after as it was before and worser, that the pepull cryde owte of it in every place thorrow alle the realme.

And the xxvij. day of the same monyth the byshoppe of Wynchester that was than (John Ponet (fn. 55) ) was devorsyd from hys wyffe in Powlles, the whyche was a bucheres wyff of Nottynggam, and gave hare husbande a sartyne mony a yere dureynge hys lyffe as it was jugydde by the lawe.

Item the last day of July (and) the furst of August rydde in a cartte a tayler of Fletstret and hys syster rydde in a carte abowte London, and bothe ther heddes shavynne, for avouttre, that he had ij. childerne by harre, and the iijde day was bannyshyd the citte bothe; but he wolde have gevyne moch to a be scowsyd, (fn. 56) but it wold not be tane.

Item the xvij. day of August was a proclamacion at vj. a cloke in the mornynge for the qwyne of testornes of ixd. unto vjd., and grottes unto ijd., and ijd. unto jd., and jd. unto a ob., and ob. unto q.; and it the vitolles [were dearer] than the ware before. (fn. 57)

Item xxiij. day of Auguste the pariche of Seynt [Faith ente]rd furst into Jesus chappelle as their parich church and had servys there. (fn. 58)

Item the xxvj. of September was the stondynge at the tabulle in Powlles was removyd into the sowth . . . .

Item the viij. day of October was the byshoppe of Chechester (fn. 59) and the byshoppe of Worseter (fn. 60) conventyd in the byshoppe of London's pallys before the comyssyoners; and the ix. day there . . . and dyschargyd. Theys ware the commyshoners,—the lorde cheffe barne, (fn. 61) doctor Olyver, d[octor] Rede, Lyell, Gosnalle, and (blank).

Item un Myhylmas day the kynges grace went in hys robe that was sent hym from the Frenche kynge of the order of sent My[hyl] at Hamtone cortte wyth gret ryalty there at that tyme (fn. 62).

Item the xj. day of October was made, at Hamtone cortte, John Dudley erle of Warwyke duke of Northum[berland, the] markes Dorsett duke of Suffolke, the lord trezerer markes of Wynchester, William Harbart markes of Pemborke.

Item the xvj. day of October was the duke of Somerset, lorde Gray, sir Raffe Vane, wyth many moo (committed to the Tower), as it shall apere after.

Item, the xxj. day of the same monyth beganne the craftes of London to wacche at the gattes of London at vj. in the mornynge unto vj. at nyghte, and continewyd tylle the xxiij. day of November.

vj°. A°. Thys yere at afternone on Alhallone day, whan the mayer came to Powlles, there was dyvers person of the duke of Northhumberlondes servanttes wolde have tane the chayne from the kynges shreffes necke in Powlles goynge after the mayer, and wolde have made a fraye within Powlles church, but whan they came with-owte the church at the north dore there thei made a fray and fowte and ware departyd, and went in to the pettycannons and fowte there, that whan the mayer came forthe of Powlles church he was fayen to fett them forth and had them to the counter.

Item on the morrow after the qwene of Scottes (fn. 63) came in to London by watter, and soo unto the byshopp of London's palles, and lay there; and the morrow after she went unto the corte un-to the kynges grace, and had there gret chere. And the fryday after shee went hare wayes. And dyvers lordes and ladys browte hare on hare way, and whan she came with-owte Byshoppes gatte the fayryst lady that she hade wyth hare of hare cuntre was stolne away from hare, (fn. 64) and soo went forth in hare jorné.

Item the viij. day after, the wyche was the tewsday, there was a tayler that dwelte in Aldersgatstret was sett on the pyllery at afternone, and the cause was that whan the mayer went to Westmyster he callyd them alle cokeoldes; and stode there tylle it was iij. a cloke at after-none.

Item at thys tyme was dyvers proclamacions and pricys made for vyttelles, but it servyt not; and the xxviij. of November was made a cobtrary proclamacyon and sette alle at lyberty agayne, and every viteler to selle as they wolde and had done before.

Item the furst day of day of December was browte the deuke of Somersett owte of the towre by watter at v. a clocke in the mornynge, and j. or ij. drownyd by the waye in the Tems betweene the tower and Westmester; and there he (was) araynyd before the cowncell, and so pletyd for hym selfe that he was qwytt for the treson, and comytted unto the tower of London agayne.

Item the nexte day was the lorde Gray with dyvers other that ware in the tower was browte un-to Westmester un-to the starre chamber, and sent home agayne.

Item the viij. day of that monyth was a gret muster at Totehylle (fn. 65) of men of armes before the kynge, of dyvers lordes.

Item the xvj. day was a proclamacion for the new qwyne (fn. 66) that no man [should speak ill o]f it, for because that the pepulle sayd dyvers that ther was the ragyd staffe (fn. 67) . . . . . . . . it.

Item the xxti day of December was sorne (fn. 68) the byshoppe of Ely (fn. 69) lorde [chancellor of Engla]nd.

Item that same day was the muster of the dewke of Somersettes servanttes before [the king at] Totylle also.

Item the same day was comytted unto the tower the byshopp [of Dur]hame Cudberte Tunstalle. (fn. 70)

Item the xxij. day of the same monyth was be[heddyd] at the Towre hyll before viij. a clocke Edwarde deuke of Somersett [earl of Hert] forde and unkyll unto the kynges grace. And also there was a commandment thorrow London that alle howsolders with their servantes shulde kepe their howses unto it was . . . . .

Item on Crystmas evyn was made a proclamacion that no man shulde make qwoyne, nore send beyond see, in payne of dethe.

Item the iiijth day of January [1551–2] the lorde of Crystmas (fn. 71) of the kynges howse came thorrow London and thorrow Scheppesyde, and soo to the lorde mayer's to denner, and dyvers of hys corte was devydyd, some to the sherffes and to dyvers alderman; and agayne after none was made a scaffolde at the crosse in Schepesyde, and thether he came and made hys proclamacion.

Item the xiij, day of January was whyppyd vij. women at the carttes arse, iiij. at one and iij. at another, for vacobondes that wold not labor, but play the unthryftes.

Item the xix. day of Februarij was a man slayne within Powlles churcheyerde.

Item the xxvj. day of the same monyth, the wyche was fryday, was hongyd at Towre hylle sir Myllys Partryge knyght, the wych played wyth kynge Henry the viiite at dysse for the grett belfery that stode in Powlles church-yerde; (fn. 72) and sir Raffe Vane, theys too ware hongyd. Also sir Myhyll Stonnappe and sir Thomas Arndelle, theys too ware beheddyd at that same tyme. And theis iiij. knyghttes confessyd that they ware bever gylté for soche thynges as was layd unto their charge, and dyde in that same oppinion.

The daye before endyd the parlament.

Item the xvj. day of Aprill was Easter evyn, and that day rydde a woman in a carte abowte London that dwelte in Aldersgate strete that made aqwavyte, (fn. 73) for cardynge of hare mayde wyth a payer of carddes soche as doth carde wolle with-alle (fn. 74) and was sende unto warde agayne.

Item wher as it hath of an olde costome that there shulde be three sermons in Ester weke, this yere was a commandment that there shulde be but ij. and that the wedynsday shuld not be kepte holy day.

Item also wher as it hathe bene of ane olde costome that sent Gorge shoulde be kepte holy day thorrow alle Englond, the byshoppe of London commandyd that it shulde not be kepte, and no more it was not.

Item lyke-wyse at Wytsontyde was but ij. sermons; they ware lyke-wyse at the crosse, and he that prechyd the sonday prechyd the ij. other, and but ij. dayes kepte holy days.

Item on Wytsone evyne it raynyd in dyvers places in London that it was sene lyynge in dyvers places on the erbbes (fn. 75) as redde as wyne.

Item the iij. day of August betwenne x. and xj. at nyght was a woman in Oxfordshere at a place callyd Midylton-stoné at the syne of the Eggylle viij. myle from Oxforde, and the good man's name was John Kenner, and she was delyveryd of a chyld with too heddes, (fn. 76) iiij. hanndes, iiij. fette, and but one body, and the mydwyffe kersende (fn. 77) them at home and was alowyd by the churche; and (they) lyffyd xv. days; and ett, and [one slept] wylle the other dyd wake, and lokyd with a mery chere whan anny persons lo[ked at] them. Item also in that same cuntry was a henne hacchyd of a chekyn that had ij. heddes and iiij. fette.

Item in the same monythe was tane at Bl[ack] wall and nere abowte London was tane dyvers dolfyns.

Item the iiij. day of September was apone a sonday, and then the qweer of Powlles had a commandment from the dene Cambryge at the byshoppe of Cantoberes visitation that he shulde leve the playnge of organs at the devyne servys, and soo lefte it.

Item the iij. day of Octobere was the byshoppe of Dorram than beyng Cudbert Tunstall browte to examination at the place that some-tyme w[as] callyd the abbé of Tourehylle, the viij. and the xiij. also that daye he was deposyd of hys see, and commytted unto warde agayne.

Item also in this monthe was tane dyvers hother fyches gret in the Temse.

Item the xxv. day of October was the pluckynge downe of alle the alteres and chappelles in alle Powlles churche, with alle the toumes, at the commandment of the byshoppe then beynge Nicolas Rydley, and alle the goodly stoneworke that stode behynde the hye alter, and the place for the prest, dekyne, and subdekyne; and wolde a pullyd downe John a Gauntes tome but there was a commandment [to] the contrary from the counsell, and soo yt was made alle playne as it aperes.

Item this yere beganne the howse in London for the powre the w[hich] was some tyme the Gray freeres in Newgatte markette, &c.

Item on Alhallon day began the boke of the new series of bred and wyne in Powlles, with alle London, and the byshoppe (fn. 78) dyd the servis hym-selfe, and prechyd in the qwere at the mornynge servis, and dyd it in a rochet and nothynge elles on hym. And the dene (fn. 79) with alle the resydew of the prebentes went but in their surples and lefte of their abbet of the universtye; and the byshope prechyd at after-none at Powlles crosse, and stode there tyll it was nere honde v. a cloke, and the mayer nor aldermen came not with-in Powlles church nor the craffted as they were wonte to doo, for be-cause they were soo wary (fn. 80) of hys stondynge.

Item the day of thys same monyth (fn. 81) the chylderne was put in the howse that was some tyme the Grayfreres.

Item after Allhollanday was no more communyon in no place but on the sondayes.

Item this yere was nether sent Nicholas nor the Concepcion of our Lady kepte holyday, nor it (sc. yet) the Assumpcion of our Lady before, nor the Nativite of our Lady; but put downe,&c.

Item on Crystmas day at after-none alle the men chylderne wyth the women chylderne and alle the offesers that perteynyd unto the howse of the powre, (fn. 82) stode at the grett condett in Cheppe in a rowe whan the mayer came to Powlles at after-none, and soo home agayne, to be sene of the citte. Item the byshoppe prechyd alle the holydayes in the qwere at evenynge prayer.

Item the iiij. day of January [1553] came the lorde of mysrewle of the corte (fn. 83) thorrow London wyth the sheffes (fn. 84) lorde, and soo un-to the crosse in Cheppe, and there made a proclamacyon, and so un-to the mayer's to denner, and alle hys corte was devydyd un to dyvers aldermen; and amonge alle one parte was commttyd to master Curtes the alderman, but whan they came thether there was nothynge preparyd for them, for he whole not be at home, but he was send for, but he wolde not be fownde, whenfor v. of hys servantes ware browte, eche of them had too mene ledde them, unto the mayer's and soo alle that daye, and soo at nyght unto the corte; and the nexte day they ware sent home [Item] the mayer dyd gret correccione unto powre pepulle, as rydynge in cartes [and standy] nge on the pyllere, both men and women.

And this yere the furst day at [March was the] parlament, and kepte wythin the kynges pallys at Westmyster, Whythalle (fn. 85).

Item this yere [the town] deche from Newgate unto Aldersgat was stoppyd up with brycke, and made playne [with the er] the.

Item in the begynnyng of May was tane owte of alle the churches of London and abowte [all the] plate and qwyne (fn. 86) that was in their boxys in every church for the kynges grace; and vestmenttes and [copes], wyche drew unto a grett substans besyde the coyne, and also this yere was very fewe cherches in London that had anny procession in the Rogacion dayes in London this yere for lacke of devocion.

Item the xvij. day of May the market in Newgate market was removyd unto the new howsys and the shambylles where sent Nicolas church sometyme was, alle save only the mele-men, at the commandment of the mayer.

Item the xxv. day of May satte in Powlles the comyssioners with the lorde cheffe justes, with the lorde mayer, and soo had away alle the platte, coppys vestmenttes, wyche drewe unto a gret gooddes for the behoffe of the kynges grace.

Item the xxvj. day of May beganne the bishope of Cantorbe(ry) to sytte for the new boke that the byshope of Wenchester, Powny, made that he wolde have that alle parsons and curattes shulde sette their hondes unto it, and so every byshope in hys dyesses. And in London was dyvers that denyed many of the artycles, as doctor Weston, with dyvers other, as it shalle shoo after.

Item the furst day of June was sett up at the standerde in Cheppe a pyller (fn. 87) new made of a good lengthe from the grownde, and too yonge servanddes tayed un-to yt with a chayne that thee myght goo abowte it, and to bettyn with roddles soore on their backes for because they had too wenches in-to their maste's howse; and on the morrw after, wyche was the sonday, and then was too other in the same case bettyn at the same pyller, and so as many as plesyd the mayer after-warde, &c.

Item this yere the mayer dyd put in execucion the acte for the hyghth of pentoseese (fn. 88) thorrow all London.

Item the ijde day of July prechyd doctor Hodskyne (fn. 89) that was some tyme suffecane of London, and dyd nether pray for lady Mary's grace nor it (sc. yet) for lady Elizabeth; and the nexte sonday after prechyd the byshoppe of London, Nicolas Reddesle, and there callyd bothe the sayd ladys bastarddes, that alle the pepull was sore anoyd with hys worddes, soo uncherytabulle spokyne by hym in soo opyne ane awdiens.

Item the vj. day of July dyde kyng Edward the vj. at Grenewyche, as they say, and some say he was powsynd, as it shalle apere ar-after.


  • 1. richly.
  • 2. A ship's anchor.
  • 3. These words are erased and amrelle written in the margin.
  • 4. An early hand has altered this to made erlle of Warwyke and governor to the kyuge.
  • 5. Francis I.
  • 6. Edmund Bonner.
  • 7. Stephen Gardiner.
  • 8. See the Prefatory Note on the Grey Friars.
  • 9. This word is erased.
  • 10. These words are added in a sidenote.
  • 11. i. e. the inhabitants of St. Sepulchre's parish residing eastward of Newgate, as well as the parishioners of the two churches last named, were transferred to the new parish of Christ church.
  • 12. This was called the church of Saint Mary and the Holy Innocents. It was a parish church, and the parishioners were at first joined to those of St. Clement's Danes, and afterwards to the church of St. John the Baptist in the Savoy, until their own church was re-erected in the reign of queen Anne.
  • 13. Ralph Dodmer was sheriff in 1524, the 16th Hen. VIII.
  • 14. William Body: see Strype, Memorials, ii. 91.
  • 15. John Cardmaker, vicar of St. Bride's, afterwards burnt in 1555.
  • 16. Decmeber is erased, but the marginal correction is burnt away from the MS.
  • 17. Robert Ferrar.
  • 18. These words are erase in the MS.
  • 19. Old Fish Street.
  • 20. The canons, so called from their tippets (see the glossarial note at the close of Machyn's Diary, p. 461.) The calober was apparently another portion of their furred vestment; see the passage quoted in the same place relative to the aldermen.
  • 21. ward.
  • 22. gates?
  • 23. Thomas Cranmer.
  • 24. The house of Augustinian canons of the Holy Trinity within Aldgate was commonly called Christchurch or Creechurch, and a neighbouring church in Leadenhall Street is still named St. Katharine Creechurch. After the dissolution this house was granted in 1533 to lord chancellor Audley, and in the reign of queen Elizabeth we find it occupied by the duke of Norfolk, in Machyn's Diary, pp. 186, 294.
  • 25. Edmund first lord Sheffield.
  • 26. Edmund Bonner.
  • 27. Thomas Cranmer.
  • 28. John Joseph, S. T. P. collated to the rectory of St. Mary le Bow by archbishop Cranmer, Oct. 20, 1546.
  • 29. Afterwards dean of Peterborough.
  • 30. Afterwards bishop of Worcester and Gloucester.
  • 31. Marshalsea.
  • 32. Richard Smith, regius professor of divinity at Oxford.
  • 33. This is printed as in the MS. The writen apparently wishes to represent the great violence of doctor Smith, and the great forbearance of bishop Bonner.
  • 34. i. e. apparently the bishop.
  • 35. i. e. deposed.
  • 36. washe in MS.
  • 37. i. e. the duke of Somerset.
  • 38. So in MS.: q ? take unto it heed.
  • 39. The person so indignantly designated is the late Protector.
  • 40. These words are an insertion after the first writing.
  • 41. See the Additional Notes.
  • 42. "Degovara." (Side note.)
  • 43. John Scory, afterwards bishop of Hereford in the reign of Elizabeth.
  • 44. Thomas Kyrkham, S. T. P. Presented by the Merchant-taylors' company to the rectory of St. Martin Oteswich in London, 8 June, 1548. His successor was instituted by bishop Bonner, by lapse, in Feb. 1554—probably in consequence of Krykham having fled the country. Newcourt, Report. Lond. i. 409, 410.
  • 45. Stephen Caston, clerk, was presented by Francis Wyatt esquire to the rectory of Sutton in Essex 9 May 1556, and died in 1575. Newcourt, Repert. Lond. ii. 567
  • 46. Nicholas Heath, afterwards, archbishop of York in the reign of queen Mary.
  • 47. George Day, afterwards restored to Chichester by queen Mary.
  • 48. St. John's at Clerkenwell.
  • 49. Merton priory in Surrey is meant.
  • 50. See Machyn's Diary, p. 6.
  • 51. Road marquess.
  • 52. Thomas Goodrich.
  • 53. The inns of court. Apparently some eminent legal personages were appointed to wait on the ambassadors.
  • 54. I have collected some particulars of this epidemic in a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 319. In addition to the two examples there given of its bearing the cant name of Stopgallant, the following entry from the register of Loughborough in Leicestershire may be added: "1551, June. The swat called New acquaintance, alias Stoupe Knave and know thy Master, began on the 24th of this month."
  • 55. The name is left blank in the manuscript. This passage is remarkable as a fuller statement of the same matter of which a brief notice occurs in Machyn's Diary, p. 8, and which was only assigned by strong presumption to bishop Ponet. See the note, ibid. p. 320.
  • 56. excused.
  • 57. i. e. and yet victuals were dearer than they were before.
  • 58. Jesus chapel was in the erypt of St. Paul's cathedral church: see a note to Machyn's Diary, p. 365. The parishioners of St. Faith were placed in this church in 1551: see Stowe's Survay and Newcourt's Repertorium Londinense, vol. i. p. 349.
  • 59. George Day.
  • 60. Nicholas Heath.
  • 61. Sir Roger Cholmley.
  • 62. See Machyn's Diary, p. 9, and notes, pp. 321, 397.
  • 63. See machyn's Diary, p. 11, and note p. 322.
  • 64. Whether this fair lady's elopement is elsewhere mentioned I have not ascertained.
  • 65. In Tothill fields by Westminster.
  • 66. coin.
  • 67. One of the many intimations of the unpopularity of the duke of Northumberland, whose badge was the ragged staff.
  • 68. sworn.
  • 69. Thomas Goodrich.
  • 70. — which had long lain at his house by Colharbor in Thames street. Stowe.
  • 71. Probably George Ferrars: as in the following year.
  • 72. "Neere unto this schoole (St. Paul's) on the north side thereof, was (of old time) a great and high Clochier or Bell-house, foure-square, builded of stone, and in the same a most strong frame of timber, with foure bells, the greatest that I have heard; these were called Jesus' bells, and belonged to Jesus' Chappell, but I know not by whose gifte. The same had a great spire of timber covered with lead, with the image of Saint Paul on the top, but was pulled down by sir Miles Patridge knight, in the reigne of Henry the Eighth. The common speech was, that hee did set one hundred pounds upon a cast at dice against it, and so wonne the said clochier and bells of the king, and them causing the bells to be broken as they hung, the rest was pulled downe."—Stowe's Survay.
  • 73. aqua vitæ.
  • 74. See another account of this cruel mistress in Machyn, p. 17.
  • 75. herbs, or grass.
  • 76. Other description of this prodigy are given by Stowe, and by Machyn, p. 25; and the deaths of the double children ibid. p. 26.
  • 77. Christened.
  • 78. Nicholas Ridley.
  • 79. William May.
  • 80. weary.
  • 81. The 23d of November.
  • 82. Christ's hospital.
  • 83. George Ferrars: see the passage in Machn's Diary, p.28, and the note thereupon, p. 328.
  • 84. sheriff's.
  • 85. —" and the morrowe removed to Westminster." Machyn, p. 32.
  • 86. coin
  • 87. See constant instances of the use of this pillar in Machy's Diary; and on one occasion (p.109) it is called "the post of reformation." From the obscure orthography both of that and this chronicler it is liable sometimes to be confounded with the pillory— an instrument of punishment apparently of the same original etymology.
  • 88. Penthouses: noticed also by Machyn, p.35.
  • 89. John Hodgeskynne, suffragan bishop of Bedford: see Newcourt, Repertorium Londinense, i. 153.