The Chronicle of the Grey Friars: Henry VIII

Pages 29-53

Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London Camden Society Old Series: Volume 53. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1852.

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Henricus Octavus Rex.

And the mydsomer day followynge was his sonne crownyd Henry the viijth at Westmyster, and hys qwene Kateryne that was hys brothers wyffe prince Artore. Thys yere was Emsone and Dodle be-heddyd at Towre hyll. And four persons sett on the pyllory for falls qwestmongeres.

iiij°. A °. Thys yere the kynge went in to France, and the carreke and the Regent byrnte. And this yere was the Scottych felde, and the kynge tane and slayne, and browte to Shene.

vj°. A°. Thys yere was a gret deth at the Menerys, that there dyde xxvij°. of the nonnes.

viij°. A°. Thys yere was yell May day, that yong men and prentes of London rose in the nyght, and wolde have had James Mottas ane owte-landych mane and wolde have slayne hym, but he hyde hym in hys gotters in hys howse; and from thense they wente un to sent Martyns, and there spoyled the shomakers shoppes of shone; and thane rose the mayer and shreffes and wolde have cessyd them, but they cowde not. And then rose the erle of Surre, and he wolde have spoyled them. And iiij. or v. dayes after the corte kepte the citte in harnes with divers lordes, and at the last there ware dyvers of them hongyd within the citte on gallos, as at sent Martyns gatte at Ludgate, at Algate, Bysshoppes gate, Doggate, sent Manguns, Ledynhall, in the Powltre, and at the stondert in Cheppe; and there was hongyd and qwarterd one Lyncon; and another gallows at Newgate. And within shorte space the kynge satte in Westmyster halle, and there was commandyd the citte to come in their clothynge, and the rest of them that was pardent to come with halters abowte their neckes and to aske pardone, and soo a generall pardone was gevyne unto theme alle that came that tyme.

xij°. A°. Thys yere was the duke of Buckynghame be-heddyd at the towre hylle, and burryd at the Austynfreeres. And the owyns (fn. 1) made at the bryge howse.

xiij°. A°. Thys yere the emperor Charles came in to Ynglond and soo to London, and there was honorabullie resevyd with many pagenttes, as on the brygge, in Graschestret, Ledynhalle, the condet in Cornell, at Stockes, at the gret condet in Chepe, at the standerd, the crosse new gylte, at the lyttell condet, and Powlles church dore; and soe to Bryddewell, wych was new made and gylte agenst hys comynge.

And this yere was a man soddyne in a cautherne (fn. 2) in Smythfelde, and lett up and downe dyvers tymes tyll he was dede, for because he wold a poyssynd dyvers persons.

xiiij°. A°. Thys yere the kynge of Denmarke and hys qwene was drevyn oute of their londe for cruelnes that he dyd unto hys perys and hys pepull in hys realme, and harde masse in Powlles church (fn. 3) with hys qwene. And from thens went unto Westmyster.

And this yere thys mayer (fn. 4) beganne the furst fest that the mayer shuld dyne on sent Frances day in the Grayfreeres.

And this yere in feverelle the xxti. day was the lady Alys Hungrford was lede from the tower un to Holborne and there put into a carte at the church-yard with one of her servanttes, and so caryed unto Tyborne, and there both hongyd, (fn. 5) and she burryd at the Greyfreeres in the nether end of the myddes of the church on the north syde.

And the parlament beganne at the Black freeres, where every man was sworn what he was worth and to paye to the kynge.

xv°. A°. Thys yere was moch adoo for the mayer, for master Gorge Monop was chosyne, but he wolde not take it aponne hym. And then on Simone and Judes evyne master Baldere toke it on hym.

And this yere was drawne and hongyd and quarterd at Tyborne for tresone Frances, Antony, and Pekerynge, for thei intendyd to a made an insurrexsion with in the londe at Coventre.

And here the erle of Angwych (fn. 6) came in to Ynglond.

xvj°. A°. Thys yere the kyng and the cardnall Wolsey the ixth. day of Marche intendyd to a come and to see the Grayfreeres but the ware lett tyll. . . (fn. 7) And the xvj. day of January, before the byshoppe of sent Asse doctor Standych and doctor Ally and other offeceres belongynge unto the sayd legate dyd begynne their visitacion at the Observanttes at Grenwych, and then was departyd many of them unto other placys; but agayne that day that the byshoppe of sent Asse with his compeny shulde come agayne, many of them were come home agayne, or elles they had bene put owte at that tyme; and one of that owse John Forrest was comandyd to preche at Powlles crosse the sonday after, and there pronuncid them all acurst that wente owte of the place; and thene some of theme came home, and ware put in the porteres warde in the cardnalles place. And amonge all was one lay brother William Renscrofte was send un to the Gray freeres in London to prisone and was there longe, and at the last submyttyd hymselfe and was asoyled of the sayd byshoppe by the auctoryte of the cardnall, and soe delyverd home agayne.

Also that day that the kynge came owte of hys chamber to come to the Gray freeres tydynges was browte hym that the Frenche kynge was tane by the duke of Burgone. Also there was gevyne commandement unto the mayer that that nyght that there shulde be a gret bonfyer at Powlles churche dore, and there to be sett a hoggys hed of rede and another of claret for the pepulle to drynke that wolde for the good tydynges. And the second day after was satterday at nyght was a grete wache thorrow all the citte as it is wonte to be at mydsomer, and in every stret a bone fyer. And the sonday after, wyche was the second of lent, the kynge, qwene, and princes, (fn. 8) with all other stattes both spirituall and temporall, came to Powlles, and there was songe Te Deum. And after masse the legate gave hys benediccion to all that was in the churche, clene lyffe clene remission.

Also the thursday at nyght, after that Bowe bell was ronge, a pele was comandyd to be ronge in every parish church in London for sewer worde and tydynges that Richard de la Pole was slayne, (fn. 9) and many of the nobyll stattes of France there to the number of xxx Ml.

And this same yere was dyvers of the Austyne freeres put in the tower of London for a freer that dyde in prisone amonge them.

And on sent Mathie daye after was a grete generall procescion with every places of relegione in their best coppis, clarkes and prestes, and so went from Pawlles uppe to Ledyne hall, and downe Grascherch and to sent Mangylles, and all Temstrete; and uppe at Doggate, and uppe Watlyngstrete, and soo to Pawlles west dore, there the cardnalle with dyvers byshoppes and abbottes in their mytteres; and soo came in to Pawlles to the hye autter, and there sange Te Deum for the sewer tydynges that was come of this beforesayd.

And a bushylle of baye salte solde for iiij s. viij d.

xvij°. A°. Thys yere beganne the cardnalle Wolsey to enter hys visitacione amonge the iiij. cl . . . and on Alsolne day doctor Allyn beganne in the Gray freeres at afternone.

And in thys yere begane the golde to ryse, as the angell nobyll at vij s. and in November after it was made vij s. vj d.; and here begane a derth of corne.

xviij°. A°. Thys yere was moch a doo in the yelde-halle for the mayer, for the comyns wold not have had Semer, for be cause of yell May day. (fn. 10) And also whane the shereffe shulde be chosyn for the comyns they chose (blank), but he wold not take it, and soo it stode voyed tyll it was Myhylmas daye, and then master Lambert toke it.

Also this same yere doctor Barnes (fn. 11) the Austyne freer, two Esterlynges, and two other men shulde a stonde at Powlles crosse at the sermonde with faggottes and tapers, but for because of rayne they stode on the hye scaffolde within the church, and the byshoppe of Rochester Fycher dyd preche; this was the xvj. day of February, and then Barnes was delyveryd home to prisone, but he brake aways from them and went beyend see unto Luter.

And the vj. day of October was a gret rayne all the nyght and all the daye unto vj. a cloke at nyghte, and then was gret lytnynge and thunder and haylle.

And this yere was a gret derth in London for brede, that dyvers persons both men and women ware hurte at the carttes. And moch wette and rye was provyded for in London in dyvers howses for the citte. (fn. 12)

And this yere the pope was tane prisoner by the emperor, and dyvers cardnalles, and afterward was ransomyd un to the emperor.

The xxiiij. day of October after was a gret generall procession agayne in their coppis, and at Powlles west dore mett the cardnalle with dyvers byshoppes, abbottes, and priors, in their mytters agayne.

And thys yere the cardnalle went in to France for to make a lege betwene the kynge and us; and this yere in October after the grand master of France (fn. 13) came to London.

xix°. A°. Thys yere was noo wache on Mydsomer nyght. And also this yere was gret derth for brede.

xx°. A°. This yere was a prisoner brake from the halle at Newgate whan the cecions was done, that was browte downe in a basket and brake thorow the pepull and went unto the Grayfreeres, and there was vij. dayes. And at the last the shreffes came and spoke with hym in the church, and, for because he wolde not abjure and aske a crowner, with gret violens of them and their offecers toke him owte of the churche, and soo the churche was shott in from monday unto thursday, and the servys and masse sayd and songe in the fratter; and that day the bushoppe of sent Asse (fn. 14) browte the sacrament solemply downe with procession, and soo the powre prisoner continewyd in prisone, for they sowte all the wayes that they cowde but the lawe wolde not serve them to honge hym, and at the last was delyvered and put at lyberte.

Also this same yere John Scotte, that was one of the kynges playeres, was put in Newgate for rebukynge of the shreffes, and was there a sennet, and at the last was ledde betwene two of the offecers from Newgate thorrow London and soe to Newgat agayne, and then was delyveryd home to hys howse; but he toke soch a thowte that he dyde, for he went in hys shurte.

And this yere in June two legattes satt at the Blacke freeres for the kynges marryge; and in October the cardnalle was deprived of the chanslercheppe.

xxj°. A°. Thys yere at mydsomer was a goodly wache and two goodly pagenttes in Cheppe-syde at Soper lane ende.

And this yere was the emperor crowned at Bonony.

xxij°. A°. Thys yere was moche a doo for chesynge of the shreffe; the comyns wolde have had Amadas, but he wolde not take it; and at the last on Myhylmas evyn was chosyn Richard Choppyne chandler, and there by and by toke his hothe in the yelde halle and soo went to Westmyster.

And this yere was gret wyndes and fluddes that dyde moch harme both a thys syde the see and beyende the see.

The xj. day of May the challons of Esyngspettylle (fn. 15) was put owte.

Also this yere was a coke boylyd in a cauderne in Smythfeld for he wolde a powsynd the byshoppe of Rochester Fycher with dyvers of hys servanttes, (fn. 16) and he was lockyd in a chayne and pullyd up and downe with a gybbyt at dyvers tymes tyll he was dede.

And this yere dyde the cardnalle Wolsey on sent Andrewys evyn, and byrryd at Lecetter.

xxiij°. A°. This yere was a chauntery prest of sent Andrewys at Baynyscastell the vth day of July was hongyd at Towre hylle, and drawne from Newgatt, for cleppyng of golde.

And also this yere was William Baynard a man of lawe and too mo with hym, burnyd in Smythfelde for errysee, in May.

And this yere was the challons of Crystes church put owte of there place (fn. 17) unto dyvers other places, and the place gevyn un to the lorde chauncelor Thomas Audle.

And this yere was a purser (fn. 18) at sent Martyns gate burnyd in Smyth felde for eryssye.

Also the sacrament at sent Buttelles at Aldersgate on Good fryday in the mornynge was stolen oute at the est wyndow, and iij. osttes wrappyd in a rede cloth, and a woman browte it unto the porter of the Grayfreeres, and she tane and browte unto the shreffe Richard Grasshame, and she send unto the cownter, and was there alle Ester daye tyll none, and then delyveryd. And the monday after Lowesonday the curet with all the parich and solempnite sette the osttes home with soleme procession, by the commandment of the byshoppe of London, thene beynge doctor John Stokesley.

And this yere the kynge with lady Anne Bullene went to Callys the ix. day of October, and there spake with the Frenche kynge.

xxiiij°. A°. Thys yere in Lent [1533] dyde Nicolas Pynsone [sheriff], and for hym was chosyn John Martyne bocher; and the xvj. day before Myhylmas he dyde, and for hym was chosyn John Preist grocer.

And this yere was burnyd in Smythfelde, Freth and another with hym, for gret crrysy.

And this yere was the coronacion of qwene Anne. The xxixti. day of May she was browte be watter from Grenwyche un to the tower with barges, the mayer, aldermen, and the craffttes, as the mayer dothe to Westmester whan he takys hys othe; and the satterday after, that was Wytson evyn, came from the tower thorow London; pagenttes as at Gracechurch, at Ledynehalle, the condet in Cornehylle, the gret condet in Cheppe, the standert new payntyd, and the wayttes playnge there, the crosse new burnechyd, the lyttyll condet, and at Powlles gatte, and soo to Whytt halle at Westmyster that some tyme was the byshoppe of Yorkes place, and soo agayne that tyme was new made. And a tylte to just with grete posttes and vanes of the kynges armes and hares, (fn. 19) with their conysanttes payntyd and gylte, and with stoneworke up to the raylles, the wych was wrotte (fn. 20) on Assencion day in the mornynge. And on Wytsonsonday, which was the xxxj. of May, was the coronacion in Westmyster church; and soo came crownyd from thens to Westmyster halle, and there dynyd, and at that tyme was many knyghttes made.

And this yere dyde the Frenche qwene, wyffe un to the duke of Suffoke, Mary that was dowter to Henry the vij.

xxv°. A°. Thys yere the xxiij. day of November [1533] prechyd at Powlles crosse the byshoppe of Bangure electe doctor Capun, (fn. 21) and there stode before hym on a skaffolde doctor Bockynge and another monke (fn. 22) of the same howse of Crystes church of Cantorbery, the parsone (fn. 23) of Aldermary gelde, and ij. Observanttes of Cantorbery, (fn. 24) and the holy mayde of Kent (fn. 25); and from thens they went unto the tower of London agayne, and moche pepull both at the crosse and thorrow alle the streetes of London, unto the tower. From thens they went to Cauntorbery, and there dyd pennans also.

And this yere was hongyd at the Wyllow by the Temse syde Woolfe and hys wyffe, for kyllynge of two Lumberttes (fn. 26) in a bote on the Temse.

And this yere was the byshoppe of Rome('s) powre pu[t down, and] a pes concludyd with Scotlond that lastyd but a wy[le.]

Thys yere was the mayde of Kent with the monkes, freeres, and the parsone of Aldermary, draune to Tyborne, and there hongyd and heddyd the v. day of May [1534], and the monkes burryt at the Blacke freeres, the Observanttes, with the holy mayde at the Gray freeres; and the parsone at hys church Aldermary.

xxvj°. A°. And this yere the xxti. day of November the lorde amrelle of France (fn. 27) came into Ynglond, and was reseved into London with gret solempnyte of the mayer, aldermen, and crafftes of the same, in Chepesyde.

Also the same yere the iij. day of May [1535] was Holy-rode day, and then was draune from the tower unto Tyborne the iij. priors of the Charterhowses, (fn. 28) and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd; and one of the qwarters of the prior's harmes was sett up at the gatte in to Aldersgate stret. And within short whylle after iiij. monkes moo of the sayd howse, as Exmew, Nitygate, with ij. others, (fn. 29) ware drawne from the tower to Tyborne, and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, and their qwarteres sett upp.

Also this yere the xxij. day of July was the byshoppe of Rochester John Fycher beheddyd at Towre hyll, and burryd in the churchyerd of Barkyne by the northe dore. And the xxvj. same month was beheddyd at Towre hyll sir Thomas More some tyme chaunsler of Ynglond, and then was tane up the byshoppe agayne and both of them burryd within the tower.

And that same yere beganne the new testament in Englych.

And this yere dyde the erle of Kyldare in the tower.

And this yere was grantyd unto the kynge the tenthes and furst fruttes both spirituall and temporall.

xxvij °. A°. Thys yere the furst day of Maye [1536] was tane and arestyd of tresone the qwene Anne, lorde Rochford hare brother, master Norres, master West, master Breertone, and one Markes, at Grenewyche, and browte unto the tower. And the xiij. daye after they went unto Westmyster to have their jugment, alle save only the qwene and lorde Rocheford, for they had their jugment within the tower the xv. day of May with the lordes of the realme; and the xvj. of their qwest with the lorde mayer, aldermen, and viij. of every hede craft of London. And the xvij. day of May lorde Rocheforde with alle the rest was beheddyd (fn. 30) at Towre hyll, and their heddes sett up one London brygge, and their bodys burryd within the tower. And the xix. day of the same was the qwene Anne (fn. 31) beheddyd within the tower, and there burryd.

And in September after was a rysynge in Lyngcolshere of the comons for taske and talenge of ane abbé there, by the menys of lorde Darcy, lorde Husey, sir Robert Constabull, and Roberte Aske. And the vij. day of October the duke of Norffoke and the duke of Suffoke went thether and pacified them; and then beganne Yorkechere to ryse, and they pacifyed them the xxix. day of October. And the kynges grace sent a letter to the mayer and citte of London and gave them thanckes for the paynnes and costtes of sendynge of two hundred and fyfty men the xxxj. day of October.

xxviij°. A°. Thys yere one Robert Pakengtone, mercer, was slayne with a gone the xvij. day of November in a mornyng by the gret condet in Chepe, and then was made a proclemacione by the mayer if anny man canne tell tydynges how he myght be knowyne he shuld have a gret rewarde for hys labor. (fn. 32)

Also the iijde day of February [1537] the lorde Garrad with hys five unkelles of Ireland—these ware their names, Thomas lorde Fytzgarrard, sir James Fytzgarrard, sir John Fytzgarrard, sir Richard Fytzgarrard lord of sent Ines in Ireland, (fn. 33) sir Oliver (fn. 34) Fytzgarrard, and sir Watter Fytzgarrard—ware draune from the tower un to Tyborne, and there alle hongyd and heddyd and qwarterd, save the lorde Thomas, for he was but hongyd and heddyd and hys boddy buryd at the Crost Freeres in the qwere, and the qwarteres with their heddes set up abowte the citte.

Also this yere beganne the Corte of Augementacion in Westmyster above by sent Stephens, the wych was now made for the Augmentacion corte, wher as mr. Rich (fn. 35) was made chaunceler.

Also the xix. day of Februarij was hongyd at Tyborne x. women and iij. men.

Also this yere in the begynnynge of Lent it was proclamyd and decreed (fn. 36) by the kynge and hys concell, that the pepulle shulde ette whytte mettes, and soo dyvers dyde.

Also the xiij. day of March sir Frances Bygotte (fn. 37) was browte owte of the Northe to the tower thorrow Smythfelde and in at Newgat, rydynge soo thorrow Chepe-syde and soo to the tower, and sir Raffe Elderker ledynge hym by the hond with that he was bounde with alle.

Also this yere the xxv. day of March the Lyncolnechere men that was with bishoppe Makerell was browte owte of Newgate un to the yelde-halle in roppys, and there had their jugment to be draune, hongyd, and heddyd and qwarterd, and soo was the xxix. of March after, the wych was on Maundy thursdaye, and all their qwarters with their heddes was burryd at Pardone church yerde in the frary. (fn. 38)

Also the xiiij. day of May was browte from the tower to Westmyster the lorde Darcy and lorde Hussy, and there were condemnide to deth, but they (fn. 39) ware had in to the North and there sufferd with Aske.

Also the xvj. day of the same monyth was browte from the towre un to the yelde-halle sir Roberte Constabull and lady Bowmer, but they ware carryd from the yelde-halle unto Westmyster with alle the rest, and there had their jugement. And the xxv. daye of the same monyth was draune from the tower of London un to Tyborne sir John Bowmer knyght, sir Stephen Hamertone knyght, master Nicolas Tempest sqwyere, William Thurston abbot of Fowntens and bachelar of devinite, doctor John Pekerynge prior of the Blacke freeres in Yorke, sir James Pekerelle challon (canon) and doctor of devinite. And after sir John Bowmer [and] sir Stephen Hamertone ware but hongyd and heddyd, and alle the resydew ware bothe hongyd, heddyd and qwarterd. And at that tyme was draune from the tower after, the lady Margarete Bowmer wyffe unto sir John Bowmer, and he made hare hys wyffe, but she was the wyffe of one Cheyny, for he solde hare un to sir Bowmer; and she was drawne whan she came to Newgate into Smythfelde, and there burnyd the same fore-none. And that same daye at Tyborne was a yonge freere of the Blacke freeres bryngynge up, and for be cause he desyryd the harte of hym that browte hym up, to have it and to burn yt, the shreffe send hym to Newgate and there was a seneyt or more.

Also the ij. daye of June was drawne from the tower of London to Tyborne sir Thomas Percy, sir Frances Byggot, George Lumley eyer to the lorde Lumley, William Woodde prior of Byrlyngtone, Adame Sedbarre abbott of Jarvys, and there ware hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, save sir Thomas Percy for he was but heddyd and was burryd at the Crose Freeres, and the qwarters of alle the resydew was burryd at the Gray Freeres in the clowster on the North syde in the pamet. (fn. 40) And the xxvi[j?] day of June was hade in to the North to be hongyd and heddyd lorde Husey, sir Robert Constabulle, and Aske, and there sufferde as they ware wordy.

Also the xx. day of June the lorde Darcy was be-heddyd at Towre-hyll, and burryd within the tower.

Also this yere the xij. day of October was borne the prince Edward at Hamton corte, the xxix. yere of kynge Henry the viij.

xxix°. A°. Thys yere the good qwene Jane dessecid the xxiij. day of October at Rechemond, and all the corte had them blacke gownes, and she was burryd at Wynsor the viij. day of November.

Also this yere the xxv. day of February [1538] was drawne from the towere to Tyborne, Henry Hartford gentleman and Thomas Hever merchand, and there hongyd and qwarterd for tresone.

Also this yere was made an acte of parliament that no lorde, knyght, sqwier, gentleman, nor yeoman servynge-man shulde dysobey ony offecer, constabull, bayle, or ony offecer within the citte of London as sargant or yeman, for to drawe any wepone to anny man, oppon payne of deth, or castynge of anny foyne.

Also this same yere the xxij. day of May was burnyd in Smythfelde freer John Forrest of Grenewyche, and a rode that came owte of Wallys callyd Delvergaddar. (fn. 41)

Also the vij. day of August was put to deth Willyam Conysby gentleman. (fn. 42)

And the ij. day of September was put to deth master Clefforde. (fn. 43)

And the furst sonday of September was hongyd at Clarkenwell at the wrestlynge place the hongman that was before, and ij. with hym, for stelynge in Bartylmew fayer.

xxx°. A°. Thys yere the xxij. day of November was one Lambert, other wysse callyd Nicolas, (fn. 44) was burnyd in Smythfelde for gret eryse.

And the xxix. of November was burnyd in Smythfelde John Mattessey a Docheman, Peter Franke and hys wyffe, for erryse.

And this yere in December was beheddyd at the Towre-hyll lorde Henry markes of Exceter, lorde Henry Montegew, (fn. 45) and sir Edward Nevelle.

Also this yere was alle the placys of relygione within the citte of London subprest in November.

Also this yere the xxiij. day of December was burnyd in Smythfelde Richard Turner wever, and Peter Florens bocher.

Also the iij. day of March [1539] was be-heddyd at Towre-hyll sir Nicolas Carrow.

And the viij. day of May was the gret muster in London, that all London musterd in harnes, morys pykes, bowses, (fn. 46) hand gons, and whytt cottes, with the mayer, shreffes, and dyvers aldermen.

Also the ix. day of July was be-heddyd at Towre-hyll master Foskew (fn. 47) and master Dyngle (fn. 48) knyghttes; and that same day was drawne to Tyborne ij. of their servanttes and ther hongyd and qwarterd for tresone.

xxxj°. A°. Thys yere the xxvij. day of December came in lady Anne of Cleffe in to Ynglond, and the third day of January came to Grenwych, un to the kynges grace, and there was marryd unto the kynges grace with grete solempnyte, with the mayer, aldermen, and xij. craffttes, every one vj., (fn. 49) and theys rode, and all the rest of the crafftes went in their barges with all their best araye as the mayer is wont to goo to Westmyster. And thene beganne alle the gentylwomen of Yngland to were Frenche whooddes with bellementtes (fn. 50) golde.

Also this same yere the xvj. day of March [1540] was one Gomer and iij. vacabundes with him draune, hongyd, and qwarterd for cleppynge of golde, at Tyborne.

Also this same yere at sent Mary spettell, the iij. dayes in Ester weke, preched the vicar of Stepney one Jerome; (fn. 51) doctor Barnes (fn. 52) the ijde daye; and the iijde Garrard (fn. 53) parsone of Honylane, and there recantyd and askyd the pepulle foryefnes for that they had preched before contrary to the lawe of God. And doctor Barnes, that was the Austyn freer, askyd there the byshoppe of Wenchester foryefnes opynly, and prayd hym yf he wolde foryeffe hym that he wolde make some tokyne and holde up hys honde.

And the x. day of June was arestyd and had unto the tower lorde Thomas Cromewell erle of Essex for grete tresone; and the xxviij. day of July was he and lorde Walter Hungerforthe be-heddyd at at towre hylle, Cromwelle for tresone and lorde Hungerforthe for bockery.

And the xxx. day of the same monyth was doctor Barnes, Jerome and Garrard draune frome the tower in to Smythfelde, and there burnyd for their heryses. And that same day also was draune from the tower with them doctor Powell with two other prestes, (fn. 54) and there was a gallowys set up at sent Bartylmewys gate, and there ware hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd that same day, and their qwarters sett abowte the cytte.

And the iiij. day of August was drawne from the tower to Tyborne, Gyllys Horne gentleman, Clement Phylpot, Edmonde Bromhame, Derby Kenhame, William Horne, Robert Byrde, Jarvys Garrow, and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, and their qwarteres with their heddes sett up abowte the citte.

xxxij°. A°. Thys yere was draune from the tower to Tyborne the xxij. day of December [Ralph] Egertone and Thomas Harman for cleppynge of golde, (fn. 55) and there hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, and their qwarteres set up.

Also the xxviij. day of June [1541] was be-heddyd at Towre hyll lorde Lenarde Graye markes, (fn. 56) and burryd within the tower.

And the xxix. of the same monyth was lorde Dakers (fn. 57) of the Sowth ledde with the shreffes of London unto Tyborne at after-none, and there hongyd for the new acte that was made, and browte home agayne in the carte unto sent Pulkeres and ther burryd.

And the xxviij. day of June was hongyd at sent Thomas Watterrynge, Mantell, Frudus and another.

Item the xxviij. day of May was the counteys of Salsbery behedyd within the tower.

xxxiij°. A°. Thys yere the x. daye of December was draune from the tower to Tyborne [Thomas] Colpeper, and there was hongyd and heddyd.

And the xiij. day of February [1542] was the qwene Kateryne and lady Rocheford be-heddyd within the tower, and there burryd.

And the xxviij. day of March there was a fraye made at the cownter in Bredstret of a sergant at harmes of the parlament howse by Robert Tomsone the yeman and Thomas Craker of the same howse for arest of Robert Taylor sergant of maysse, the wyche master shreffes ware sent for to the cowncelle, and they ware send unto the tower of London, and were there a iij. or iiij. dayes.

And the x. day of March was a mayde boyllyd in Smythfelde for poysynyng of dyvers persons.

And this yere came in the erle of Desmonde and the gret aNele, and was creatyd erle of Terone and hys sonne barone of Doncannen.

xxxiiij°. A°. Thys yere in October [1543] was a grete skermyche in the North abowte Carlelle, and many of the Scottys lordes tane and browte to London unto the tower the xxti. day, and the nexte day ware browte unto the kynge and sworne to be trewe, and soo was ransomed and send home agayne.

And this yere was a grete pestelens in London, and Myhylmas terme remevyd un to sent Albons, and it beganne not tyll sent Martyns day the xv. day of November.

Also the iijde. day of August before was proclamyd opyn warre betweene our kynge and the Frenche kynge.

And this yere was a gret derth for wode and colles.

xxxv°. A°. Thys yere the xxiij. day of December at none rysse a gret tempest of wynde and rayne, and contynewyd all the nyght tyll the nexte daye at viij. of the clocke, and in that tyme was moch harme on the see that lost manny sheppes of merchantes and grete men and women of Spanyarddes that ware goynge un to the emperor agay[nst] Chrystmas, and the[y] with all their goodes ware drownyd and lost and gast up, as dyvers persons both men and women; and that tyme came the kynge of Costelle in to Ynglond, (fn. 58) and came by watter un to the Whytt halle un to the kynge, and soo un to Rychemond, and was there tylle the furst day of Januarij[1544], and thene departyd home agayne and had grete geftes gevyne hym.

And on tewelfe day in the mornyng beganne a grette myst that a man myght not see a two yerddes before hym, and then was moche harme done in the see that dyvers sheppes ware lost and tane by Frenche men, and some in to this lond.

And at this tyme was worde browte un to the kynge that the erle of Angwyche (fn. 59) in Scotlonde, whome the kynge had kepte hym with his brother and dyvers other here in Ynglond more thane a vj. or vij. yeres, and had hym with the other lordes of Scotlonde sworne (fn. 60) and resevyd the sacrament that thei shulde be trew, and soo went home, and the erle of Angwyche was made captayne of Barwyke; and at thys tyme he stale awaye and carryd with hym the principalle of the ordenans, with plate, monny, harnes, horse, and wettelles, and went in to Scotland to a castelle of hys with the other lordes wyth hym un to the byshoppe of sent Andrewys, agayne (fn. 61) our master the kynge of Ynglond, whome had cherycyd and made moche of theme alle and gave theme many grete yeffttes, and they lyke traytors dyssevyd hym and the reme wyth their false crafftes.

Also the vij. day of Marche was draune from the tower of London un to Tyborne v. prestes and [Germaine] Gardner cecretore un to the byshoppe of Wynchester, and theis ware the prestes names (left blank); and there ware hongyd, heddyd, and qwarterd, and their qwarteres with their heddes byrryd there.

And the xix. day of March was draune from the tower unto Tyborne . . . . . Ascheby, that was some tyme a prest and forsoke it, and there was hongyd and qwarterd and there byrryd.

Also the last day of Aprille dyde the lord Thomas Audle chauncheler of Ynglond, and for hym was made lorde Thomas Wresley.

Item, the xvj. day of May was made a proclamacion in London for raysynge of golde and sylver, as the ryalle xij. shillings, and the angelle at viij. shillings, and sylver at iiij. shillings the unce; and also that alle French men shuld voyde the realme within xx. dayes or elles to be made free denycens, under payene of deth; and a new qwyne of sylver, of xijd. apece, grottes, and ijd. with hole facis. (fn. 62)

Item, the xxij. day of May was the Assencion day, and at nyght was made grete bone-fyers thorrow all London, and grete chere in every parych at every bone-fyer, and grete melody with dyvers instrewmentes; and the mayer with the shreffes rydynge thorrow every warde of London to see how it was done, for the good tydynges that came owte of Scotlond.

Item, this yere was no wache at Mydsomer be cause of the warres; but the mayer wyth the shereffes rode thorrow alle London, and every alderman in hys warde with the constabulles.

And this yere the kynges grace went un to Bollen, and layd sege there to the xix. day of July, and lay there tyll it was the xiij. day of September, and as that day it was yeldyd up un to the kynges grace, and the kynge gave them alle there lyffes and pardynd them to goo with bagge and bagges, and lent them apon a vij. score waggens or more to carré ther stoffe, and soo went awaye in to France. But the vij. day of October they came agayne unto basse Bullene and there slew all the Englyche men, women and chelderne, and sett it alle a fyer, and went their wayes agayne. And there was tane the captayne of grete Bullyne and dyvers of ours with them. (fn. 63)

xxxvj°. A°. Thys yere the ixth day of December was vij. gentylmen of Kent sett on the pyllery at the stondard in Cheppe, and stode there three owers, and there here cut by the erys, and one of eche of ther erys cut of, and burnyd in the cheke, and then tane downe and had un to pressone; and after that carryd un to Maydson, (fn. 64) and there in the markyd place set on the pyllory and the other eyrs cut of, and burnyd in the other cheke, and then had un to preson; and there remaynyd un to soch tyme as they had made bonddes un to the kynge of payment of soche mony as was taxit un to them by the kynge and hys cowncell.

And the xv. day of the same monthe at nyght was caste dyvers bokys of eryses in dyvers [parts of] London agayne the sacrament of the auter with all other sacramenttes and sacramentalles, and namynge dyvers tymes the byshoppe of Wynchester, (fn. 65) with dyvers other byshoppes and lernede men, with gret rebukes dyvers tymes in it of them.

Also this yere the xij. of Januarij beganne the gatherynge of the benyvolens at Baynysse castelle (fn. 66) for the kynges warrys.

And also before Crystmas was moche wyne tane of France with ther shyppes and layed in the church sumtyme the Gray freeres, all the church fulle in every place of it, and at the Austyn freeres and the Blacke freeres wyth herrynge and other fyche that was tane on the see goynge in to France that came from Anwarppe.

And this yere was an alderman of London made a captayne in to Scotlond, Rede a scalter. (fn. 67) And this same yere the Scottes toke a grete multitudyne of the Ynglych pepulle and slew them alle shamfully.

And thys yere stode a prest of Kente at Polles crose for cuttynge of hys fynger and made it to blede on the hoste at his masse for a fallse sacrafyce; and also another prest this yere was sett on the pyllere in Chepe for makynge of false letters in the weste contre un to a blynde woman.

And this yere was no wache at Mydsomer for be cause of the warres bothe in France and also in Scotlonde.

And this yere was the church of the Whytfreeres pullyd downe, and the stepulle of the Blacke freeres, and yt was stoppyd up [with lede agayne, and the waye (fn. 68) ] goynge un to Baynysche castell from the sayd freeres.

And this yere was the Mary Rose lost beside Porchmew, with dyvers captayns, as sir George Carrow with many dyvers other. (fn. 69)

Also the 22. day of June was a grete moster of the cytte of London, and that same day in the mornynge was dyvers howsys a fyer at Algate.

Also the xix. day of the same monythe before beganne at ix. of the cloke at nyght a gret rayene with thonder and lyghtnynge, and contenewyd un to the next day at x. of the cloke.

Item the xij. day of September at iiij. of cloke in the mornynge was sent Gylles church at Creppyll gatte burnyd, alle hole save the walles, stepull, belles and alle, and how it came God knoweth. (fn. 70)

Item thys same yere in the same monyth was the Charterhowse pulde downe, and the watter turned to dyvers places ther to gentylmens placys. (fn. 71)

Item the 23. daye of the same monyth was a gret generalle processione of alle parsons, vekeres, curattes, with alle other prestes in every church, clarkes alle in copys and a crosse of every churche, and soo went up un to Ledyne halle one the onsyde, with alle Powles in their copys and the byshoppe in his myttor, with alle the crafftes in theire best lyverys, and soo downe one the other syde, and soo to Powlles agayne. And that same day stode one on the pyllery at the stonderd in Cheppe for mysse-usyng of the kynges comyssion. And the occasion of the procession was (unfinished).

xxxvij°. A°. Thys yere the xxvj. day of Februarij was browth from the towre of London thorrow the cytte in to Smythfelde, with the shreffes and offesars, and there browth unto the stake wher as was fyer, for clyppynge of golde, and there had hare pardone, and soo was hadde unto the tower agayne thorrow sent Bartelmewys spyttylle. (fn. 72)

Item the xiij. day of June after was Wytsonsonday, and then was a generalle processione from Powlles un to sent Peters in Cornehylle with alle the chelderne of Powlles scole, and a crosse of every parishe churche, with a banner and one to ber it in a tenache, alle the clarkes, alle the presttes, with parsons and vekeres of every church in coppys, and the qwere of Powlles in the same maner, and the byshoppe bereynge the sacrament under a canapy with the mayr in a gowne of cremsone velvet, the aldermen in scarlet, with alle the crafttes in their best aparelle; and whan the mayer came betwene the crosse and the standert there was made a proclamacyon with dyvers harhoddes of armes and pursevanttes in their cote armeres, with the trompettes, and ther was proclamyd a unyversalle pes for ever betwene the emperar, the kynge of Ynglonde, the French kynge, and alle crystyne kynges for ever.

Item the xj. day of Aprille before was Passion sonday, and then preched doctor Crome (fn. 73) in hys pariche church, at the wyche sermond he preched agayne the sacrament of the auter; and that same tyme he was send for unto the corte, and there was exammynd; and the v. sarmondes at Ester spake alle agayne the sayd oppynyons, but namyd not hym. And the sonday after the Low sonday, the wyche was the ix. day of May after, he preched at Powlles crosse, and there sayd he came not thether to recante nor to denye hys worddes nor wolde not. And then he was send for that same day agayne, and was examynd agayne; and the xxvijti. day of June after, wyche was the sonday after Corpus Christi day, he was comandyd to preche at Powlles crosse agayne, and there recantyd and denyyd hys worddes, as yow shall have in hys artycles with other moo at the end of the boke. (fn. 74)

And the xvj. day of July was burnyd in Smythfelde for grett herrysy . . . . Hemmysley a prest, wyche was an Observand freere of Richemond; Anne Askew, otherwyse callyd Anne Kyme by hare husband; (fn. 75) John Lassellys, a gentylman of Furnevalles inne; and a taylor of Colchester. And Nicolas Schaxton some tyme byshopp of Salsbery was one of the same company, and was in Newgat and had juggement with them; Blacke, gentylman; and Christopher Whytt, of the inner tempull; these iij. had their pardon. And Schaxtone preched at their burnynge, and there satt on a scaffold that was made for the nonse the lorde chaunsler (fn. 76) with the dewke of Norfoke and other of the cownsell, with the lorde mayer, dyvers aldermen and shreffes, and the jugges.

Item the furst day of August after preched at Powlles cross the sayd Nicolas Schaxton, and there recantyd, and wepte sore and made grete lamentacion for hys offens, and pray[ed] the pepulle alle there to for-geve hym hys mysse insample that he had gevyn un to the pepulle.

Item the xxti. day of the same monyth after came in the lorde amrelle of France (fn. 77) un to Grenwych with xiiij. goodly gallys, and many other sheppes, and there was shotte many gonnys; and soo the nexte day came be watter un to the tower wharffe, and so came thorrow the cytte; and in Cheppe-syde betwene the crosse and sent Myhylles stode the mayer with alle the aldermen and the crafftes in their best lyverys, and the mayer gave hym a present in the name of alle the cytte; and soo came un to the byshoppes pallys of London, and lay there sonday alle day; and the monday was Bartylmewevyn, and then he was had to Hamton corte where the kynges grace lay, and there was ryally resevyd and had grete chere with many grete jeffttes; (fn. 78) and soo laye there tyll ytt was the fryday after; and then departyd, and came agayn unto London; and the monday after in the mornynge departyd, and soo went home agayne with grete joye.

Item the xxvj. day of September was burnyd at Powlles crosse a gret multytude of Ynglych bokes, as testamenttes and other bokes, the wych ware forbodyn by proclamacyon by the kynges commandment before, thorrow alle hys domynyon.

Also at thys tyme was made an acte in the cytte that ever more after that they shulde chose the mayer of the sayd cytte on Myhylmas day; and here it beganne furst; and then was made an acte that there shulde be no more mayer's fest but thoys that wolde kepe it.

xxxviij°. A°. Thys yere the xijth day of December the dewke of Norffoke and the yerle of Sorré hys sonne ware comyttyd unto the tower of London, and the dewke went be watter from the lorde chaunselers place in Holborne that was sometyme the byshoppe of Ely's, and soo downe un to the watter syde, and so be watter un to the tower; and hys sonne the yerle of Sorré went thorrow the cytte of London, makynge grete lamentacion. (fn. 79)

Item the xxti day of the same monyth was draune from Newgate un to the tower hyll for qwynynge of the kynges mony, there was hongyd and no more. (fn. 80)

Item the 13. day of Januarij was the yerle of Sorrey browte from the tower of London un to the yelde-halle of London, and there he was from ix. unto yt was v. at nyght, and there had hys juggement to be heddyd; and soo the xix. day of the some month it was done at the Towre hylle.

Item the 3°. day of Januarij was sette opyn the churche agayen that was sometyme the Grayfreeres, and masse sayd at the auteres wyth dyvers presttes, and it was namyd Crystys churche of the fundacion of kynge Henry the viijth.


  • 1. ovens.
  • 2. Boiled in a caldron.
  • 3. "Christierne king of Denmark came into Englande in June." Fabyan.
  • 4. John Munden, goldsmith.
  • 5. This lady's crime was that of having murdered her husband, as Stowe seems to have gathered from some other authority, though his passage on this subject is mainly from the present chronicle. The parties have not hitherto been identified; but see a note in the Addenda to the present volume.
  • 6. Archibald Douglas earl of Angus the husband of Margaret queen dowager of Scotland, sister to king Henry. He came into England out of France.
  • 7. The words in Italic are struck through.
  • 8. Princess (Mary).
  • 9. At the battle of Pavia.
  • 10. Thomas Semer had been sheriff when the riot occurred recorded in p. 30.
  • 11. Robert Barnes, prior of St. Augustine's at Cambridge, afterwards burnt in 1540.
  • 12. The people appear to have been injured when crowding and pressing round the carts laden with corn as they stood in the market. To prevent such accidents in future the carts were unladen and the corn deposited for sale in shops.
  • 13. The Maréchal de Montmorency. See Cavendish's Wolsey, Singer's Ed. p. 188.
  • 14. Henry Standish.
  • 15. The Augustinian canons of Elsyng spital.
  • 16. See Additional Notes.
  • 17. The priory of Christ's Church within Aldgate; see note in p. 61.
  • 18. A purse-maker.
  • 19. her's.
  • 20. wrought.
  • 21. John Salcot, alias Capon, late abbot of Hyde by Winchester.
  • 22. Edward Bocking and Richard Dering.
  • 23. Henry Gold, M.A. Rector of St. Mary Aldermary, Dec. 10, 1526, and Vicar of Hayes, Middlesex, Dec. 23, 1529.
  • 24. Hugh Rich, warden of the friars Observants, and Richard Risby.
  • 25. Elizabeth Barton.
  • 26. "Twoo marchauntes straungers." Fabyan.
  • 27. Philip de Chabot comte de Neublanche, K.G.; see Chron. of Calais, p. 45.
  • 28. London, Beauvale, and Hexham.
  • 29. Holinshed names only three, Exmew, Middlemore, and Nudigate.
  • 30. See the Chronicle of Calais, p. 46.
  • 31. Vide ibid. p. 47.
  • 32. The murderer was discovered some years after: see Stowe's Chronicle.
  • 33. In the genealogy of the FitzGeralds, in Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, by Archdall, 1779, i. 88, sir James FitzGerald of Leixlip, and sir John, are both described as knights of Rhodes, of the order of St. John of Jerusalem; but their brother Richard is not so styled.
  • 34. Holdner in MS.
  • 35. Richard Rich, afterwards lord high chancellor.
  • 36. degrees in MS.
  • 37. One of the Northern rebels; who had headed an attack upon the town of Hull.
  • 38. There was a Pardon churchyard on the north side of St. Paul's cathedral; but this was another near the Charter house, which was used for felons and suicides, and "the priory cart" used for carrying them, belonging to the hospital of St. John at Clerkenwell, which had the privilege of sanctuary, is particularly described by Stowe.
  • 39. Lord Darcy was beheaded on Tower hill, as subsequently stated; lord Hussey was executed at Lincoln; sir Robert Constable at Hull; and Robert Aske at York.
  • 40. pavement?
  • 41. The shrine of Darvel Gadarn was at Llandervel, co. Merioneth. On the destruction of the image see Wright's Letters on the Suppression of Monasteries, pp. 189, 208; Ellis's Letters, Third Series, letter 330; Ellis's Brand, vol. i. p. 202, edit. 1841.
  • 42. Stowe says, Edmond Conesby one of the grooms of the king's chamber for counter-feiting the king's seal manual.
  • 43. Edward Clifford gentleman for counterfeiting the king's privy signet.—Stowe.
  • 44. Nicholson in Stowe.
  • 45. Henry Pole viscount Montacute.
  • 46. harquebus.
  • 47. Sir Adrian Fortescue.
  • 48. Sir Thomas Dingley, knight of St. John's.
  • 49. Habiliments or "biliments," as we find them constantly written, the jewelled fronts of the ladies' head-dresses, as we see them in the portraits of queen Anne Boleyne, &c. These two lines are added in a contemporary hand.
  • 50. Six of each of the twelve principal city companies.
  • 51. William Hierome, or Jerome, instituted to the vicarage of Stepney in 1537.
  • 52. Robert Barnes, before mentioned in p. 33.
  • 53. Thomas Garrard, instituted to the rectory of Allhallows, Honey-lane, in 1537.
  • 54. Abell, Powell, and Featherstone. Their religious tenets were directly opposed to those of the victims of the preceding day; but they were equally offensive to king Henry in denying his supremacy.
  • 55. Their crime was counterfeiting the king's seal in lead: see Stowe.
  • 56. i.e. son of the marquess of Dorset. He suffered, says Fabyan, "for divers treasons done in Ireland while he was the king's deputy there."
  • 57. Lord Dacre was hung for a murder committed in Sussex, as were his three companions named in the next paragraph.
  • 58. See a note on this event in the Chronicle of Calais, p. 5.
  • 59. Archibald Douglas, the husband of the dowager Queen Margaret.
  • 60. shorne in MS.
  • 61. i. e. against.
  • 62. i. e. with front faces, as distinguished from "half-faces," in which the king's head was figured in profile.
  • 63. These four last lines are erased in the MS.
  • 64. Maidstone.
  • 65. Stephen Gardiner.
  • 66. Baynard's Castle, in the city of London.
  • 67. Holinshed relates of the battle at Pannyer haugh in March 1544–5, that among other prisoners taken by the Scotishmen "Richard Read an alderman of London was one, who, for that he refused to pay such a sum of money as the commissioners for the benevolence demanded of him, was commanded forthwith to serve the king in his wars against the Scots, and so was taken now at this overthrow." This unfortunate alderman seems never to have arrived at the dignity of lord mayor, or even sheriff.
  • 68. A second hand has inserted these words.
  • 69. Of this accident the fullest account is that in the memoirs of sir Peter Carew in the Archæologia, vol. xxviii. p. 111. Several guns were recovered from the wreck so recently as the year 1839, (vide ibid. p. 386,) and are now preserved at Woolwich.
  • 70. This church escaped the great fire of 1666, and now containts many interesting memorials of the previous century.
  • 71. This refers to the conduit at the Charter-house, the water of which was derived from the White Conduit fields. A very curious ancient plan of the pipes is still preserved at the Charter-house, a fac-simile of which by Vertue is in the portfolio of the Society of Antiquaries, and a reduced engraving has been published in The Carthusian, 1839, p. 498.
  • 72. The chronicler does not give the woman's name.
  • 73. Edward Crome, S.T.P. rector of Saint Mary Aldermary.
  • 74. These articles are not contained in the MS. from which we are now printing. Dr. Crome survived this persecution, and died in 1562, still holding his rectory. Newcourt.
  • 75. Anne Askew, or Ascough, was the daughter of Sir William Ascough, of Kelsey in Lincolnshire, and had been married to Mr. Kyme of the same county, but had ceased to live with him; whence the ambiguity of the designation.
  • 76. Sir Thomas Wriothesley.
  • 77. Claude de Honnebald: compare with an account of this embassy in Holinshed.
  • 78. gifts.
  • 79. This probably means that the sight of the earl in disgrace caused great commiseration and lamentation.
  • 80. Again, the person or persons are not described by the chronicler.