Index: P

Pages 612-618

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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Packer, Stephen, petition of; ccxliv. 4.

Packett, Robert, affidavit of; cclii. 52.

Paddington, parish of; ccxxxiv. 57.

Padstowe, co. Cornwall; cclii. 60.

Page, Richard, Esq., petitions of; ccxlviii. 10; ccxlix. 5.

Pagett, Lord; ccxxviii. 15.

Painted Chamber, the; ccxli. 12.

Paisley, N.B.; ccliv. 5.

Pakenham, Captain; ccxl. 105.

Palace Yard (Old), Westminster. See Old Palace Yard.

Palaces, Royal. See Hampton Court, Kensington, St. James's, Whitehall.

Palatine troops in British pay; ccxxxiii. 50.

Palatines in Ireland, establishment of the; ccxlviii. 50.

Palin, Matthew, gent., petition of; cclxvi. 17.

Pall Mall; ccliii. 14.

-, Field, alias St. James's Field; ccliii. 31.

Palmer, W., usher of the Council Chamber, letter of; ccxl. 21.

Palmes, Guy, Esq., petition of; ccliv. 12.

Pamphlets. See Books.

Panmure, N.B.; cclviii. 24; cclix. 7.

-, -, estate of; ccxliv. 61.

-, James, late Earl of; cclii. 52.

-, -, -, memorial of Margaret, widow of; ccxliii. 60.

Paper Office, H.M.; cclxv. 19.

Papists, the; ccxliii. 3; cclii. 35.

-, in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; ccxlvii. 29.

-, in Ireland; cclx. 49.

-, estates of, abstract concerning; cclii. 31.

-, -, accounts of; ccxxvii. 6; ccliii. 17.

-, names and estates of, Act for registration of; ccxl. 36.

-, penal statutes against; ccxliv. 62.

-, tax upon; cclii. 14, 31; ccliv. 38; cclv. 8, 9; cclxiii. 2.

Paploe, Rev. Mr., rector of Preston; ccxxxv. 18.

Paris; ccxxxiii. 29; ccxxxviii. 86; ccxxxix. 13; ccxl. 68; ccxliii. 56; ccxlvii. 47.

-, Convention made at; ccxxxii. 11.

-, H.M. ambassador at; ccxlviii. 29.

-, -, resident at; ccxlviii. 29.

-, document dated from; ccxlvii. 15.

-, the “Touch” of; p. 346.

Parke, Col., Governor of the Leeward Carribbee islands, murder of; ccxxxix. 68.

Parker, Hon. Col. Jervais, Quartermaster-General of H.M. Forces; cclxiv. 8.

-, Geo. Lord, one of the four tellers of the Exchequer, memorial of; ccxlvi. 90.

Parkes, —, late Governor of St. Christopher's; ccxxxix. 37.

Parkey (alias Plas Dio), co. Denbigh, estate called; cclviii. 6.

Parliament; ccxxxiii. 18, 19; ccxxxv. 17; ccxlvii. 54.

-, Acts of; ccxxxiv. 2, 4, 31, 34, 45, 49; ccxxxv. 2, 5, 21, 28, 30, 44, 47, 48, 55, 67, 68, 75, 77; ccxxxvi. 4; ccxxxviii. 113; ccxxxix. 7, 22, 23, 44, 47, 73, 79; ccxl. 40, 47, 59, 65, 78, 95, 105; ccxlii. 74; ccxliii. 6, 14, 32; ccxliv. 50, 56, 64; ccxlv. 11; ccxlvii. 10, 11, 18; ccxlviii. 41, 58, 62; cclii. 3, 7, 8, 11, 23, 31, 41, 59; ccliii. 10, 17, 21, 31, 40, 50; cclv. 6, 17, 22, 23, 55, 68; cclvi. 10; cclviii. 7, 25; cclix. 13; cclx. 18; cclxi. 5; cclxiv. 79; cclxv. 11, 54; cclxii. 2, 11, 15, 22, 33, cclxix. 50.

-, -, for building churches, &c.; ccxxxiii. 45.

-, clerk of the; ccxli. 12.

-, Houses of; cclii. 56.

-, office, the; ccliii. 8.

-, printing Acts of, sums due for; ccxlii. 37.

-, reforms to be undertaken by; ccxlviii. 65.

-, Speaker of either House of; cclii. 56.

-, (in Ireland). See Ireland.

-, (in Scotland). See Scotland.

Parma, the Duke of; ccxxxii. 54; ccxliii. 55.

“Parochine” of Glenluce, the; ccxxxiii. 28.

Parr, the, within the port of Foy, Cornwall; ccxxviii. 38.

Parry, Mr.; cclxvi. 21.

-, Benjamin, Esq., memorial of; cclxvii. 7.

-, Captain Simon; ccxxxvi. 3.

Parsons, Edward, Esq., secretary to the Postmaster-General; ccxxxv. 17.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxlvi. 59.

Passage, the town of (Ireland); ccxliii. 6.

Patent Roll, the; ccxl. 30.

Patents. See Letters Patent.

Paterson, Hugh, late of Bannockburn, sale of forfeited estate of; ccxxix. 2.

-, Mr. John; ccxliii. 18.

-, Mr., land surveyor; ccxl. 45; ccxliii. 13.

Pattrige; ccliv. 39.

Paul, Robert, report of; ccl. 9.

Paulett's garden, in the parish of St. James's, Westminster; ccliii. 12.

Paunceforth, Edward, Esq.; ccxxxix. 72.

-, -, -, letter of; ccxxix. 14.

Paxton, Nicholas; ccxliv. 46; ccliv. 55; cclxvi. 34.

-, -, letter to; cclxvi. 18.

-, -, memorial of; ccliii. 55.

-, -, petition of; cclii. 21.

-, -, report of; cclxvi. 16.

Pay office, the; cclx. 38.

Paymaster or Paymaster-General of the forces; ccxli. 11; cclvii. 6; cclx. 5, 13; cclxiii. 8.

-, memorials of; cclxviii. 5.

-, -, report, &c. of; ccxxxii. 12.

-, -, department of, memorials of; ccl. 5.

-, -, Office of; ccxlvi. 73; cclvii. 60.

Paymaster of prisoners in British pay taken in Spain; ccxxxiii. 11,

Payn, Richd., of Wallingford, Berks, gentleman, petition of; ccxxxviii. 99.

Payne, Col. Abraham; ccclxviii. 6.

-, Robert; ccxxxviii. 99; ccxlv. 6.

Payzant, James; ccxxxix. 59.

Peace. See Justices.

Peachy, James, Esq.; cclv. 6.

Pearce, Major-Genl. Edwd., his regiment of dragoons; ccxxxvi. 3.

-, -, Thomas; ccli. 81.

-, Rev. Dr., Vicar of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields; ccxlviii. 48.

Pearse, Captain; ccxxxii. 8.

Pearson, Thomas; ccxliv. 30.

Peck, James; ccxlvi. 18.

Pedlars. See Hawkers.

Peele, Mr.; cclv. 88.

Peele-town, Isle of Man; ccliii. 73.

Peers, House of. See Lords.

Peet, Edwd., petitions of; ccxlii. 44, 48.

Pegipscot, Brunswick, in New England, so called by the Indians; ccxliii. 71.

Peirson, Eleazer and Samuel; cclxv. 7.

-, -, petition of; cclxvii. 7.

Pelham, the Hon. H., H.M.'s Secretary at War; ccxxxii. 13; ccxxxviii. 11; ccxliv. 60; ccxlvi. 41; ccxlix. 8; ccliii. 53; cclv. 34; cclvi. 9.

-, -, letters of; cclxiii. 8; cclxiv. 14; cclxix. 10.

-, -, letter to; ccxlvii. 23.

-, reports of; ccxxxii. 32; ccliii. 8, 60; cclvii. 38, 54.

Pell Office, the; cclxv. 19.

Pemberton, John, petition of; cclxvi. 14.

Penal laws, the; cclvii. 28.

-, licences to compound upon; ccxxxiv. 1; ccliv. 10, 11; and see Papists.

Pendennis Fort, co. Cornwall; cclx. 5.

Pendlebury, Col.; ccxlvii. 6.

-, James, office of Keeper of Goose Green Lodge in the Forest of Alice Holt, granted to; ccxxxix. 18.

Pengelly, Mr. Serjeant; ccxxxix. 2; cclv. 6.

-, -, opinions of; ccxl. 105; cclii. 7.

Penn, Hannah, widow of William Penn, Governor of Pennsylvania; ccxxviii. 18.

-, -, petitions, &c. of; ccxxxiv. 8, 9; cclv. 10.

-, John, Thomas, Margaret, and Richard, children of William Penn, of Pennsylvania; cclv. 10.

-, William, Esq., late Proprietor and Governor of Pennsylvania; ccxxviii. 18.

-, -, his sale of Pennsylvania to the Crown; ccxxviii. 18; cclv. 10.

-, -, terms of the will of; ccxxxiv. 8.

-, William, Esq., heir-at-law to William Penn, Governor of Pennsylvania; ccxxviii. 18; ccxxxiv. 8.

Pennyfather, or Pennefather, Mathew, Comptroller and Accountant-General (Ireland); ccxlvi. 111; cclii. 4.

Penrice, Sir Henry, LL.D., Lieut. Commissary in the Admiralty, Court, &c., certificate of; ccxxxiii. 23.

Penryn, borough of; ccxxviii. 38.

Pension Office, the; ccxlviii. 16.

Pensions and annuities; ccxxxiii. 10; ccxxxv. 28; ccxxxviii. 38, 49; ccxlii. 9; ccxliii. 14, 29; ccxlviii. 28, 63; ccxlix. 5; ccli. 20, 31, 48; ccliv. 16. 24; cclxvii. 6.

-, claim of Mrs. Margaret Swintoun; ccxlvii. 33.

-, deductions on; ccxxxvi. 6.

-, granted to:—

Barry, Henry, Esq.; cclvi. 6.

Blayney, Lord; ccxxviii. 8; ccli. 79.

Bludworth, Thomas; cclv. 32.

Boyn, Viscount; ccxlii. 35.

Buckingham, the Duke of; ccxlvii. 3.

Burges, Elizeus, late resident in the Republic of Venice; ccxlii. 45.

Cavan, Richard, Earl of; cclvi. 6.

Courteille, Abraham, de la; cclv. 71.

Davenant, Henry, Esq., late envoy, &c. to Tuscany; ccxliii. 55.

De la Courteille. See Courteille.

Dorchester, Katherine, Countess of (by James II.); ccxliii. 14.

Drummond, Lawrence; ccliv. 58.

Fox, John; ccli. 49.

French Protestants, the; ccxlviii. 63.

Goodwin, John; cclx. 37.

Gostwycke, Sir William, arrears of; ccxlii. 33.

Hampden, John; cclv. 32.

Heun, the Count de; ccxlvii. 15.

Hyde, Thomas and Elizabeth; cclx. 34.

Jollyvet, Evert; cclvii. 61.

Keightley, Lady Frances; cclxv; 26.

King, Thomas, Esq. (by Charles II.); ccxliii. 44.

Ladies of forfeiting persons; ccxxix. 2.

Longford, Viscount; cclvii. 31; cclix. 19.

Manning, Francis; ccxlii. 77.

Mason, E.; ccxlvi. 52.

Maynard, Francis, of co. Kerry, Esq.; cclii. 13.

Mordington, Lady (by Queen Anne); ccxxxv. 9.

Nettervill, Luke, Esq.; cclx. 27; cclxvii. 7.

Ormond, James, Duke of; ccxlviii. 60.

Owen, Sarah, widow of Captain Michael Owen; ccliii. 60.

Palmes, Mr. Guy; ccliv. 12.

Porter, John, Esq., alderman of Dublin; cclvi. 6.

Priestman, Henry, Esq.; ccliv. 21.

Robethon, Mons. de, the widow of; ccxliii. 70.

Roscommon, the Earl of; cclvi. 6.

St. Albans, the Duke of; cclv. 87.

-, -, and Duchess of; ccxlvi. 87.

Schulenbourg, Nymphe Ehrengard de; ccliv. 41.

Speke, Mary (by Queen Anne); ccxlii. 49.

Stanhope, the Countess Dowager; ccxl. 64.

Stanley, Sir John; ccli. 43.

Strangford, Lord; cclii. 45.

Superannuated officers; ccxlix. 5.

Vaudois, the ministers of the; cclx. 11.

Waller, James; cclv. 78.

Wyndham, Sir Francis, Bart. (by Charles II.); ccxxxix. 37; ccxlvi. 26.

-, payable in the office of Walter Chetwynd, Esq.; ccxxviii. 41; ccxxxv. 20; ccxxxix. 63; ccxl. 48; ccxlii. 32; ccxliii. 34; ccxliv. 6, 28; ccxlvi. 89; ccxlvii. 15; ccli. 43.

-, redemption of, payment of money for the; ccxliii. 45.

Pennyslvania; ccxxviii. 18; ccxxxiv. 8; cclv. 10.

Penzance; ccxxxix. 61.

-, Customs at; ccxxxv. 24; ccxxxix. 61.

Peploe, Mr. Samuel; ccxxxix. 84.

Pepper (and tea), duty on, produce of; ccxxxvi. 4.

-, Gilbert, Esq., late undertaker for sick and wounded seamen and prisoners for Ireland, memorial of; ccxliii. 41.

-, Major-General John, commander of a regiment of dragoons; ccxli. 1.

Percivall, S., letter of; ccxxxviii. 49.

Percy, Lord; cclxv. 19.

Perez, Haj Abdeleader, ambassador from the Emperor of Morocco; ccxlix. 3.

Periwigs, proposed duty on; ccliii. 65.

Perrin, Thomas, merchant; ccxlviii. 10.

Perry, Mr.; cclviii. 28.

Perth, N.B.; ccxl. 34; ccxliii. 18; ccliv. 5.

-, troops quartered at; ccxliii. 47.

-, co.; ccxxvii. 12; ccxliii. 18.

-, sheriffdom of; cclii. 19.

Perveth, co. Cardigan, King's manor of; ccxxxiv. 20.

Pesters, Mons. Ernest; ccli. 9.

Pest-house ground, the, in the parish of St. James', Westminster; ccliii. 12.

Peter, or Peters, Robert, formerly Receiver-General of the taxes for co. Herts; ccxxviii. 36; ccxxix. 6, 9; ccxxxiv. 21; ccxl. 28; cclvii. 21; cclxviii. 3.

-, -, -, debts, &c. of; ccxl. 51.

-, -, -, petitions of; ccxlvii. 28; ccli. 45.

Peterborough, the Earl of; ccxli. 1.

Petersham, co. Surrey; cclxix. 34.

Petit, Brigadier, accounts of; ccxliii. 57.

Pettibour, the Marquis. See Dupetitbois.

Pewsey; ccxliv. 4.

Pfeffer, Mr. Andrew, of the city of Coire in the Grisons, printer; ccxliii. 35.

Phantillunds, lands and barony of, granted to John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich; ccxxviii. 27.

Phœnix Park, Dublin; cclxvii. 7.

Pheney, Captain, Governor of the Bahama islands; cclv. 63.

Philip V., late King of Spain; cclxv. 16.

Philips, or Phillips, Colonel, Governor of Nova Scotia; ccxliv. 16; ccxlviii. 49; ccliv. 32; cclxv. 44.

Phillips, Captain; ccxxxv. 51.

-, Clifford William, petition of; ccxxxii. 23.

Philosopher's stone, the; ccxl. 38.

Philp, John, memorial of; cclxvi. 40.

Piazza, Covent Garden, the Great; ccliii. 46.

Piccadilly road; ccliii. 11.

Pickayes, Agmondesham, the elder, of London, goldsmith to James I. and Charles I.; ccxl. 100.

-, -, the younger, goldsmith to Charles II.; ccxl. 100.

Pickering House, a tenement in the parish of St. Martin's - in - the - Fields called; ccxxxiv. 18.

Pickhill, co. Denbigh; cclviii. 6.

Pictures, duties upon; ccxl. 5.

Piedmont, evangelical churches of; cclx. 11.

-, the war in; ccxl. 33.

Pilchard Fishery, supposed fraud in relation to salt for the; ccxxviii. 38.

Pilkington, prosecution against; ccxliii. 3.

Pillory, the; ccxxxix. 16; ccxl. 73.

Pipe, the; ccxxxviii. 83.

-, office, the; ccxxxix. 39; ccxl. 57.

-, clerk of the; cclv. 65.

-, -, “insupers” of the; ccxxxii. 10.

-, -, (deputy); cclvii. 41.

-, -, in the Court of Exchequer, Scotland; cclxv. 54.

Piracy, convictions for; cclviii. 19.

-, in Virginia; ccxxxiii. 22.

Pirate ship, petition for reward for apprehending, &c. the commander of; ccxxxiii. 8.

-, sloop, “Ranger”; ccxlvii. 9.

Pirates; ccxxvii. 25.

-, about South Carolina; ccxxxiii. 18.

-, Royal Commission for trying; ccxxxiii. 18.

-, encounters with; cclii. 30, 32.

-, executed in South Carolina; ccxliv. 19.

-, goods of; cclx. 32.

-, list of names of; ccxxxix. 54.

-, rewards payable for capture of; cclii. 42; ccliii. 57.

Piscataqua, in New England; cclxvi. 28.

Pitcairn, N.B., the forfeited estate of; ccxliv. 61.

-, sale of; ccxxix. 2.

-, Mr., late under distributor of stamps for Edinburgh and Leith; ccxliv. 62.

Pitcarn, Alexander, clerk, &c. to the Lords Delegates of Scotland; ccxxxiii. 16.

Pitcarne, N.B.; cclviii. 24.

Pitcon, near Irvine, N.B.; ccliii. 19.

Pitt, John, Governor of Bermuda; cclxv. 1.

-, William, keeper of Newgate; ccxxvii. 8.

Pix, the, in the Tower of London; ccliii. 47.

Pixes, trials of the; ccxlii. 68; ccxlvii. 39; cclxv. 10.

Placentia, in Newfoundland; ccxl. 74; ccxlii. 2; ccxlviii. 49; ccliii. 2; cclviii. 14.

-, Colonel John Moody, late Lieut.-Governor of; ccxxvii. 33.

-, garrison of; ccxl. 67, 69, 70; ccxli. 4; ccxlv. 1; ccxlvii. 43; cclii. 69; ccliv. 45; cclxiv. 50.

-, -, payment for victualling; ccxxix. 15.

-, new fortifications at; cclv. 66.

-, plan of the settlement of; ccliii. 2.

Plaisted, Thomas, of London, merchant, petition of; cclvii. 26.

Plantation establishment, the; ccxlix. 5.

-, office, the; ccxlviii. 6.

Plantations, the. See also American Plantations, Trade and Plantations.

-, auditor of; cclxiii. 2.

-, tar made in; ccxxxv. 80.

-, prisoners transported from Newgate to; ccxxxiv. 11; cclx. 9.

-, governors of; cclx. 32.

-, -, list of; cclxv. 1.

-, H.M.'s forces in, charge of; ccxli. 9; cclxvii. 5.

-, laws of; ccxxxix. 53.

-, supply of clergy in; cclviii. 2.

-, of kirks in Scotland, Commissioners for; cclxv. 9.

Plas Dio (alias Parkey), co. Denbigh; cclviii. 6.

Plate Act, the; ccxxxiv. 49.

-, consigned to the ambassador at Madrid; ccxlii. 16.

-, delivery of; cclvii. 5.

-, delivered out to the ambassador to France; ccxlii. 4.

-, duty paid on; ccxl. 5; cclxvii. 3.

-, -, (Scotland); ccli. 17.

-, duties on wrought; ccxlii. 82.

-, Fund, the; ccxxxix. 48.

-, hall marking, regulations as to; ccliii. 10.

-, H.M.'s, in any of his palaces, account of; ccxxxv. 25.

-, supplied to ambassadors, &c. from the Jewel Office, regulations as to; cclx. 22.

-, tallies; ccxxviii. 43; ccxxxix. 48.

-, warrant for delivery of; cclxiv. 48.

Plaxton, George, treasurer of Barbadoes; cclix. 18.

-, Mr., deputy solicitor to the Treasury; ccxxxv. 18.

Playhouse Passage, Drury Lane, riot in; ccxxix. 28.

Pless, Mons.; ccxxviii. 15.

Plukenet Brook, Deputy Muster Master General, report of; ccxlii. 26.

Plumptre, John (Board of Ordnance); ccxxxix. 20; cclxix. 9.

-, -, letter of; cclxix. 29.

-, T., letter of; cclxiv. 5.

Plunkett, John, a prisoner in the Tower; ccli. 30.

-, -, petition of; cclx. 2.

-, -, trial of; ccxlvi. 50.

Plymouth; ccxxxiii. 18; ccxlvii. 43.

-, Dockyard; ccliii. 41.

Pocomock, in Maryland; ccxlix. 5.

Poland; ccxxxv. 45.

Police, the Lords Commissioners of; cclx. 44.

Pollock, Sir Robert, Governor of Fort William, N.B.; ccxxxv. 79; ccxliv. 39.

Poltoun, N.B.; ccxlviii. 62.

-, -, lands of; cclv. 39.

Polwarth, Charles, Lord, H.M.'s ambassador at Cambray; ccxlviii. 29.

Poole, co. Dorset; ccxlix. 8; cclx. 34.

-, -, mayor, merchants, &c. of, memorial of; cclv. 54.

-, Josiah, merchant, &c. of the Isle of Man, memorial of; ccliii. 73.

Pope, the; ccliii. 39.

Popery in Ireland, declaration to prevent the further growth of; cclii. 11.

-, in the Scottish Highlands; ccxxxiv. 39; cclii. 47.

-, opposition to; ccxliii. 72.

Popish priests in the Highlands of Scotland; ccxlviii. 33.

-, recusants, names of; ccxxvii. 6.

-, seminary, a; ccxlvii. 11.

-, and superstitious uses, estates given to; ccxl. 25.

Popping, Christopher, petition of; ccliii. 77.

Popple, Alured, letters of; cclii. 44; cclix. 32; cclx. 18; cclxv. 44.

-, William; ccxxxiv. 32.

-,, letters of; ccxxxiii. 47; ccxxxix. 10.

Port books of the Exchequer, the; ccxlviii. 26.

Porter, John, Esq., Alderman of Dublin; cclvi. 6.

-, -, -, petition of; cclxvii. 7.

Port Glasgow. See Glasgow.

Portland, island of, stone raised in; ccxlii. 84.

-, Lights; cclxvi. 33.

-, Countess of; ccxl. 10.

-, Henry, Duke of, Governor of Jamaica; ccxlviii. 4.

-, -, certificate of; ccliii. 54.

-, -, memorial of; ccxxxix. 47.

Port Mahon, in the island of Minorca; ccxxvii. 14; ccxli. 11; ccxlv. 9; ccliii. 39; cclvi. 3; and see Minorca.

Portman, Henry, letter of; ccxliii. 58.

Portmill, Hitchin; ccxxvii. 30.

Portmore, the Earl of; cclx. 6.

-, -, letter of; ccliii. 35.

Port Patrick, N.B.; ccxlvii. 16; cclv. 72.

-, Royal, South Carolina, plan of; ccxlviii. 59.

Ports in Scotland. See Scotland.

Portsmouth; ccxlii. 57; ccxliv. 14; ccxlvii. 7.

-, Dockyard; ccliii. 41.

-, intended progress of the King to; ccxli. 2.

-, smuggling by dealers at; ccxli. 7.

-, in New Hampshire; ccxxxv. 48; ccxl. 16.

-, George; ccxlvi. 103.

Portugal; ccxxxii. 51; ccxxxiv. 4; ccxxxviii. 98; cclix. 5, 19; cclx. 24; cclxv. 27.

-, claims on, &c.; ccxxxv. 58.

-, gold coins of, Mint report on; ccliii. 48.

-, gold coinage in; ccliii. 44.

-, King of; ccxxxii. 44.

-, supplied with rice from Carolina; ccxxxv. 21.

-, timber exported from New Hampshire to; ccxl. 16.

Portuguese troops in British pay; ccxxxiii. 41.

Post fines, the; ccxxxviii. 83.

Postmaster General, the; cclx. 25; cclxv. 42; cclxvi. 35.

Postmasters General, the (Carteret and Walpole); ccxlvi. 85.

-, memorial of; cclxv. 27.

-, reports of; ccxlii. 7; ccxliv. 4, 23; cclix. 5; cclx. 24; cclxiv. 21.

-, representation of, as to revenue from Ireland; ccxxxv 17.

Post Office, the General, London; ccxliv. 4; ccliv. 43; cclv. 88; cclxv. 42.

-, “governors of the;” cclx. 25.

-, Receiver-General of the; ccxxxix. 6.

-, revenue of; ccxxxii. 55.

-, -, net receipt of; cclxix. 36.

-, (Ireland), revenue of, lost by abuses in franking of letters; ccxxxv. 17.

Potter, John; ccxxxii. 38.

Poulet, Earl, a trustee of the Government of Pennsylvania for William Penn; ccxxxiv. 8; ccxxxviii. 18.

Poulteney, John, Esq., Surveyor-General of H.M.'s lands; ccxlvii. 35.

Poultry Compter Prison, the; cclxvi. 18.

Powell, Ann, widow of William Powell, huntsman to King William's staghounds, petition of; ccxxxviii. 76.

-, Caleb, tanner at Leominster, prosecution of; ccxxxv. 5.

-, John, of South Myms, Middlesex, farrier, petition of; cclviii. 21.

Power, Samuel; cclv. 75.

Powlet, Earl. See Poulet.

-, Lord Harry, Colonel of the Battle Axe Guards; ccxlvii. 25.

Powlett, the Right Hon. Lord William, one of the four tellers in the receipt of the Exchequer; cclxv. 11.

-, -, letter of; ccli. 54.

Poworth, Mr., chapel warden of the Savoy; cclx. 3.

Powys, Mr.; ccxxxv. 7; ccxlii. 69, 71.

-, -, Richard; ccxlvi. 110.

-, -, letter of; cxxxviii. 33.

-, -, reports of; ccxxxiii. 27; ccxxxv. 51; ccxxxviii. 4; ccxxxix. 53; ccxl. 27.

-, -, (the late); ccxlviii. 3.

Poyntz, Mr., Receiver-General of Excise; ccliv. 4.

-, Stephen, letter of; ccxlvi. 80.

Prat, Captain; cclxv. 34.

Pratchet, John, petition of; cclvii. 32.

Pratt, Dr.; ccxl. 40.

-, Mr., Deputy Vice-Treasurer; cclvi. 6.

-, John, Deputy Receiver-General for Ireland; ccxlviii. 22; ccliii. 49; cclv. 77.

-, -, estate of; cclxii. 2.

Pre and post fines, farmers of the; ccxxviii. 14.

-, in Cheshire, Chester, and Flint; ccxlvii. 52.

-, in South Wales; cclviii. 8.

Prerogative and Faculties in Ireland, Court of; cclviii. 22, 25; and see Faculties.

“Prerogative process,” the; cclxv. 30.

Presence and Council Chambers, grotesque paintings on the ceilings of; ccxlix. 3.

Preston, co. Lancaster; ccxxxv. 18; ccxlvii. 44; cclv. 31.

-, claims made by the sufferers at; ccxxxix. 55.

-, the rebellion at; ccxl. 49.

-, Brigadier, Commissioner-in-Chief at Edinburgh; ccxxix. 4; ccxliii. 17, 47.

-, George, surgeon, memorials of; ccxl. 84; ccxlviii. 35.

-, John, Esq., Remembrancer of the City of London, memorial of; ccxlvii. 59.

-, Lord; ccxliii. 14.

-, Mr.; ccliii. 75.

-, Pans, N.B.; ccxlvi. 109; ccliv. 5.

-, -, the port of; ccxlvi. 57.

Pretender, the; ccxxxiv. 26; ccxxxv. 18; ccxl. 49; ccxliii. 3; ccxlvi. 92, 94; ccxlvii. 23, 44; ccxlviii. 40; cclx. 4, 49.

-, -, arms for the use of, discovered at Oxford; ccxxviii. 26.

-, -, declaration of, brought over from France by Edward Bealing; ccxxviii. 38.

-, -, intended invasion in favour of; ccxxvii. 4.

Preverean, Daniel, First Clerk in the Treasury Office; ccxlvi. 39.

Priestman, Henry, Esq.; ccliv. 21, 22.

Prime Serjeant, the; cclviii. 11.

Prince of Wales, the; cclxiv. 78, 80.

Princesses, the; ccxliii. 52; cclx. 10.

-, -, expenses of; cclxiv. 54.

Pringle, Sir Walter, of Newhall, Knt., Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.

Printer, the King's. See Baskett, John.

Prisons; ccxxviii. 21. See also Fleet, Marshalsea, Newgate, Poultry Compter, King's Bench, Tower.

-, (Scotland), Keepers of the; ccxxxiii. 39.

Prisoners, in Scotland, maintenance of, memorial as to; ccxxxiii. 39.

-, taken in Spain; ccxxxiii. 11; and see Brihuega.

Prissick, George, gentleman; cclv. 24.

Private roads, H.M.'s; ccxlvi. 25.

Privy Council. See Council.

-, Committee of the. See Council, Committee of.

-, Clerk of the (Ireland), allowances to; ccxxvii. 37; and see Ireland.

Privy Garden, at Whitehall, the; ccxl. 77; ccxlii. 17; ccxlvi. 75; cclxviii. 10.

-, house of Lord Loudoun in; cclii. 47.

Privy Purse, the; ccxxxix. 41.

Privy Seal, the; ccxlii. 18; cclviii. 20; cclx. 7, 41.

-, -, Lord. See Kingston, Duke of.

Prizage Duty, the; ccxliii. 46.

Prize Office, the; cclix. 31.

Proclamation, a Royal; ccxxviii. 21.

Propagation of the Gospel Society. See Society.

Prosecutions in Scotland, charges of, memorial as to; ccxxxiii. 39.

Prosser, R., letter of; ccxlii. 66.

Protestant Churches, the; cclx. 11.

-, congregation (Lutheran), in the Savoy, petition of; ccxxxv. 13.

-, discoverers in Ireland; cclii. 11.

-, interest, the; ccxliii. 72.

-, -, (Ireland) ccxxxiii. 15; ccxlviii. 50; cclii. 33.

-, religion, the; cclii. 6, 45.

-, -, in the Highlands of Scotland, the promotion of; ccxlvii. 29.

Protestants, the French; ccxlviii. 63.

-, the High German; ccxl. 40.

Providence, Island of; ccxxxv. 49.

-, -, invasion of, by the Spaniards; ccxxviii. 24.

-, -, account of; ccxlvi. 108.

“Province bills of credit”; ccxxxiv. 4.

Provost-Marshal, the; ccxliv. 26.

Prussia, the King of; ccxxxviii. 28; ccxi. 40; cclxvi. 23.

-, H.M. Envoys Extraordinary to; ccxlviii. 29.

Prussian Church, consistory of the; ccxl. 40.

Prust, Mary, wife of William Prust, memorial of; ccxlviii. 42.

-, William, petition of; ccxlvi. 94.

Pugh, —, recommended for a hackney coach licence; ccxxxviii. 109.

-, Ann, petition of; cclxiv. 70.

-, Capt. Richard, commander of H.M.S. “Norwich”; cclxiv. 70.

-, John; cclvii. 57.

Pulley, John, petition of; cclix. 11.

Pullowe Close, in Fleet Marston, Bucks; ccxxxix. 58.

Pulteney, Daniel, Esq., commissary at the Court of France; ccxxxiii. 27.

-, John, Esq., H.M.'s Surveyor-General of lands, &c.; ccxxxv. 11, 74; ccxliv. 27; cclv. 19.

-, -, -, extracts from letters of; ccxxxii. 18.

-, -, -, memorials of; ccxliii. 19; ccxlvii. 51; ccxlviii. 20.

-, -, -, reports of; ccxxxiv. 18; ccxxxv. 13; ccxl. 25, 40, 65, 77; ccxliii. 11, 52, 66; ccxliv. 27; ccxlvii. 48; ccxlviii. 15, 32, 36, 41, 47; cclii. 12, 71; ccliii. 11, 31, 36, 37, 43; cclv. 21, 28, 47; cclviii. 4.

Purchase, —; ccxlvi. 104.

-, murder of; ccxlix. 8.

Pursuivants. See Heralds.

Pyke, Thomas, executed for high treason; ccxlviii. 66.