Index: O

Pages 611-612

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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Oakeley, Jeremiah, Deputy Auditor of Imprests; ccliv. 34.

-, -, report of; ccli. 42.

Oaths of allegiance and supremacy; ccxlviii. 58.

-, of abjuration, the; cclii. 11.

-, by Custom House officers; cclx. 17.

Oatmeal and cattle, importation of, in Scotland forbidden by law; ccxxix. 24; ccxxxiii. 40.

Oblivion, the Act of; ccxxxv. 30.

O'Brien, Catherine, petition of; cclxv. 26.

Oby, co. Norfolk; cclxvi. 16.

Offices. See Cofferer, Green Cloth, Hawkers, Jewel, Mint, Ordnance, Paper, Pay, Pipe, Prize, Sick, Stamp, Treasury, Victualling, Wardrobe, Works, &c.

Ogellby, Mr., controller of Customs at Aberdeen, frauds by; ccxl. 20.

Ogilvie, Sir Alexander, of Forglan, Bart., Lord Delegate of Scotland, memorial of; ccxxxiii. 16.

Oglethorp, Richard, late Deputy Provost Marshal, &c. of Antigua, petition of; ccxxxix. 68.

O'Hara, Col. James; ccxxvii. 14.

-, John, town mayor of Galway, petition of; ccxxxv. 6.

Oka-Moore, ironworks at; cclxvi. 18.

Old Bailey, the; ccxxxiv. 25.

Oldman's Coffee House, near Charing Cross; ccxlvii. 19.

Old Palace Yard, Westminster; ccxliii. 27; cclix. 28.

-, Spring Garden, encroachments on H.M.'s ground in; ccxlviii. 32.

-, Waterhouse, a building adjoining Somerset House called the; ccxlvii. 48.

O'Libbie, Lord; cclv. 22.

Oliver's Mount; ccxliii. 58.

“Oliver Girton's” farm, co. Kent; cclii. 51.

O'Neals, Mr.; cclxv. 52.

Oneilcorss, N.B., lands of; cclv. 51.

Onslow, Mr., formerly outranger of Windsor Forest; ccxxxix. 71.

-, Mr. Arthur; cclii. 35.

Opera House, the, in the Haymarket; cxxxix. 21.

Orange, the Prince of; ccxxxv. 42; ccxl. 14

-, Princess of; cclx. 34.

Ordnance, Board or Commissioners of; ccxxxiv. 38; ccxxxix. 20, 49; ccxl. 72; ccxliv. 35; cclii. 54; cclxii. 2.

-, -, reports, letters, &c. of; ccxxxii. 9; ccxxxvii. 2; ccxxxviii. 19, 22; ccxxxix. 8, 26; ccliv. 17; cclviii. 14.

-, charge of the, estimates of; ccxli. 8; ccxliii. 2; ccxlix. 7; cclvii. 1; cclxvii. 5.

-, -, for 1720; ccxxxii. 1.

-, Master-General of; cclxvii. 7.

-, Office of; ccxxxii. 24; ccxxxviii. 91; cclii. 2; cclxi. 6; cclxix. 27, 44.

-, officers of; cclxiv. 55; cclxix. 29.

-, -, memorials of; cclii. 54; cclxix. 9, 42.

-, treasurer of; ccxxxix. 26; cclxvi. 20.

Organ given by the King to the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields; ccxlviii. 48.

Orkney, Isles of; cclii. 32; ccliii. 51; ccliv. 5; cclx. 45.

-, Bishop of; cclxv. 9.

-, Bishopric of, ruinous condition of; ccxxxv. 12.

-, Countess of; ccxxxviii. 70.

-, Dutch ship wrecked at; ccxxxii. 4.

-, and Zetland (Shetland), Admiralty of; cclx. 46.

-, -, Crown and bishop's revenues in; ccxlviii. 1.

-, -, rents of; ccxlviii. 1.

Ormistoun, Adam Cockburn, of, Lord Justice Clerk; ccxxxiii. 16.

Ormond, James, late Duke of; ccxxxiii. 6, 15; ccxliv. 53; cclii. 53; cclxix. 54.

-, -, -, creditors of, petition of; ccxxix. 21.

-, -, -, forfeited estates of; ccxxxix. 79; ccxl. 15.

-, -, -, pension granted to; ccxlviii. 60.

Orrery, Charles, Earl of; cclii. 12.

Osboldstone, or Osbolston, Robert, Esq.; ccxxvii. 32; cclxvi. 33.

Osborne, F., letters of; ccxxxii. 26; ccxxxviii. 104; ccxlvi. 15, 84; ccli. 28.

Osgood, Richard, statuary to the Lords of the Treasury, petition of; ccxxxix. 36.

Ostend; ccxlvi. 3; cclx. 49.

-, ship from E. Indies; ccxxxv. 33.

-, seizure of goods from; ccxli. 6.

Outten Gallows, N.B., the lands of; ccxlvii. 16.

Owen, Colonel, apprehended as a rebel; ccxxviii. 26.

-, Daniel, petition of; ccxxxviii. 78.

-, Mr., steward of the Court at Windsor; cclxv. 40.

-, Sarah, widow of Captain Michael Owen; ccliii. 60.

“Owlers” and smugglers; ccxlix. 5.

Oxenden, Sir George, letter of; ccxlvi. 107.

Oxenford, Mr. John, recommended as first clerk in the office of Inspector-General of Imports and Exports; ccxl. 26.

Oxford; cclxv. 19.

-, arms designed for the Pretender discovered at; ccxxviii. 26.

-, Bishop of; cclxvi. 24.

-, Earl of; ccxxviii. 18; ccxl. 27; ccxlviii. 3; ccliii. 75.

-, -, a trustee of the government of Pennsylvania for William Penn; ccxxxiv. 8.

-, intended insurrection at; ccxlviii. 40.

-, museum at; cclxv. 19.

-, University; ccli. 31.

-, co. of; ccxl. 89.