Volume 66: 1699 Exact dates uncertain

Pages 356-367

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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1699 Exact dates uncertain

and 1699.
1. A schedule of sums due in the Treasurer of the Chamber's office, at Christmas 1698, and to Lord Ossulston and others in 1699. 1 page.
1699. 2. The “Case of the Pewterers relating to the tin offered to the Tro in 1699.”
A printed paper thus docquetted, giving some account of the manufacture of pewter, and proposing an additional duty on tin exported. Also,
An account of the duty on tin exported, from anno 1610 to the year 1698. To which is added:—
An answer to some objections against returning and raising the exportation duty on tin. 3 pages.
1699. 3. “An abstract of the accots of the first 3s ayd granted 8 W., the first quarterly poll, granted 3o & 4 W. & M., and the last quarterly poll, granted 9o & 10 W., for the severall counties within the district of Mr. Auditor Shales.” Dated 1699. 2 large pages.
1699. 4. Bills of extraordinary disbursements by John Mason, gent., late Receiver-General of the King's taxes and assessments in the town and county of Cambridge, between 1691 and 1699. 13 pages and 10 halves.
1699. 5. The gross and net produce of the several branches of the Excise, in the year ending Midsummer 1699. Continued to 29 Sept. 2½ pages.
[1699.] 6. Petition of Peter Beaubuisson, master of the King's setting dogs, to the Lords of the Treasury, representing that Sir Stephen Fox had settled his account for keeping the dogs, servants, and horses for ten years, and the 500l. had been ordered “for all his pretentions as to that particular,” and not for the arrears due to him as keeper of the private armory, as Mr. Taylor conceived; the said sum was due to him for attending the King every year into Holland, as would appear by the papers annexed: praying that Mr. Taylor's mistake might be amended.
Accompanied by (1.) a letter signed [Sidney] to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that the petitioner was admitted to the said office at Lady-day 1689, and further, that the King had directed him to transmit the enclosed papers; (2.) a duplicate of the same; (3.) a petition from him presented nine years after his appointment; (4.) copy of a certificate of his admission to the office; (5.) a schedule of his allowances in that office. Without date, but ten years later than 1689.
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 38, 2 May 1700, is:—“Mr Beaubisson is to be p[ai]d 253. 1. 3. to Midsomer 1699.” 6 pages.
1699. 7. A paper drawn out apparently to show who were indebted to the Ordnance Office, as was contained in two accounts of the Hon. Chas. Bertie, Esq., treasurer and muster master, the last ending ult. Junii 1699. 22 pages.
[1699.] 8. Petition of Elizabeth Willoughby, relict of Colonel Francis Willoughby, to be placed on the widows' list, or that the 6,000l. acknowledged by the King to be due should be paid; her small allowance was 10 months in arrear, and her creditors very fierce. Without date, but written three years after the following letter, dated 23 April 1696, which accompanies it, viz., a copy of a letter of Lord Shrewsbury, stating that the late Queen allowed her 50l. a quarter, &c. 2 pages.
1699. 9. Debtor and creditor account of fees received by Mr. Lowndes, and other Treasury officers, made out monthly from January to December 1699.
Also other subordinate papers. 71 pages.
10. The answer of Sir Robert Dashwood and others, trustees for the younger children of George Dashwood, Esq., deceased, to the memorial of Her Grace the Duchess of Cleveland, respecting a balance of 4,500l. or thereabouts, due on a mortgage of the pension of the said Duchess. Without date, but 16 years' interest is charged from the year 1683. 1 page.
[? 1699.] 11. Charge of management and other deductions to be made from the gross produce of the Excise on beer, ale, and other liquors, for the year ending at Midsummer 1699.
With an estimate of the charge for the present year taken from the accounts current. 4 pages.
[? 1699 or
12. Petition of Thomas Keightley to the King. He lately obtained a grant from the King of some forfeited lands in Ireland to the value of 674l. 11s. 6d. per ann. for several considerations mentioned: prays that his pension of 400l. per ann. might be placed on the establishment of Ireland as formerly, to commence from 2 Nov. 1699, at which time his grant had been made void. His daughter, Catherine Keightley, was allowed 200l. per ann. as maid of honour to the late Queen, who promised some provision for her marriage settlement. The pension was then considerably in arrear, and he prayed that it might be placed upon the establishment of Ireland, and the 400l. arrear might be paid out of the Treasury there. 1 page.
[? 1699.] 13. An estimate of the interest accruing upon the bills authorized to be issued at the Exchequer, with the respective premiums due for circulating the bills, pursuant to the respective Acts of Parliament directing the same, between 26 April 1697, which was the first day any of those bills were issued, and 28 April 1699, when the present contract for advancing money for circulating the bills would determine. 2½ pages.
14. A proposal for satisfying such of the deficient funds as are already determined by issuing out Exchequer bills for the same.
The first entry states that the deficiences amounted on 4 March 1698–9 to 2,759,854l. 12s.d. 2 pages.
15. A draft of a report of Mr Tilson [one of the clerks of the Treasury], in answer to an order to lay a state of the proceedings before their Lordships which had been made on the Privy Seal, passed in Feb. 1698–9, for recovering the arrears of the land revenue due at Michaelmas 1698, of which he was named receiver.
Amongst other matters, he states that having discoursed Mr. Tailer, the deputy-auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, concerning the methods and practices of messengers, employed to collect the arrears, he found they made it their business to vex the subject, not so much for His Majesty's money, as for their own fees; which if they obtained, they were very easy as to the King's debt, and glad to let the collecting it alone. Signed.
Another copy.
Undated, but see Vol. LXIV., No. 35, 9 Nov. 1699. 4 pages and 2 halves.
16. Letter of the Lords of the Treasury to the Earl of Ranelagh. They had lately ordered 1,429l. 11s. 10d. to his Lordship's hands, that he might satisfy the half pay, due to the reformed officers of the two marine regiments, lately commanded by the Marquis of Carmarthen and Sir Cloudesley Shovell, from 19 Aug. 1698 to 25 May following; but they desired him to pay the same over to the Treasurer of the Navy, as their Lordships understood the said half pay was to be paid by him.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 176, 19 Sept. 1699, is:—
“To the Earle of Ranelagh, to pay out of ye 1,429. 11. 10. lately issued to him, for half pay to ye marine officers, so much as ought to be paid to the leivts & other officers, excluding the field officers & captains, & Leivt Golding, whose half pay is stopt, pursuant to ye desires of ye Rt Honble the Lords Com[missioner]s of ye Admlty.” 1page.
17. Representation of the Comrs for managing the duties upon stamped vellum, &c., concerning the present practices of the controller, which were contrary to the meaning of an order of their Lordships, who had ordered an addition of 100l. a year to his salary, and 10l. a year to his three clerks: representing further that three clerks were sufficient to do all the business in the controller's office, though he were absent. Without date, but probably 1699. The order above alluded to was made 29 Sept 1698. See Minute Book, Vol. VIII., p. 251. 1 page.
18. Some memoranda showing the total charge of transports, &c. Docquetted:—“Transports to '99.” 1 small page.
19. An account rendered by John Parkhurst and John Paschal [Comrs for Prizes], of what sums of money were expected from them, amounting to 6,950l. 2s. 10¼d.; seeking for power to draw warrants for that sum upon “James Herbert, Esq., the late Receiver-General for Process.” 6 pages.
20. The Attorney and Solicitor Generals' opinion, as to whether or not merchant strangers should pay 12d. in the pound in addition to petty customs of 3d. in the pound.
Docquetted:—“Case upon a question whether the petty customs are due or not. The Att. & Soli. Genls opinion, 1699.” 1 page.
[? About
21. Memorial by Henry Ballowe and John Smith, Deputy-Chamberlains, for joining tallies, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury; praying an allowance for their services. Without date; but Tho. Neale, Esq. mentioned as late master of the mint, which he ceased to be in 1699. ½ page.
22. Draft of report (unsigned) of the [Lords of the Treasury], to the King, respecting the 12d. per month stopped out of the sea pay for the chief minister and surgeon, and the defalcations for slopsellers, pursuant to the 12th article of instructions to the Treasurer of the Navy. Without date, but it was after the Earl of Orford's treasurership, who resigned in May 1699, and when a fresh treasurer had been appointed. 2¼ pages.
23. Letter signed H. D. Colt, addressed to William Lowndes, Esq., secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, entreating him to prepare the letter or order which the Lords of the Treasury were to sign, on behalf of the Lord Fairfax and the writer; respecting the preparation of a commission to enquire of concealed lands, given to superstitious uses, in the county of Kent.
Without date, but compare Letter Book, Vol. X., p. 159. 1 page.
24. Petition of William Robinson, Esq., to the Lords Justices of Ireland, for the allowance of the payment of 6,590l. made to the Marquis of Winchester and Mr. Hoar, of Cork: together with interest. The said payment having been made for sea provisions for the navy.
No date, but mention of interest for 15 months after 1697. 1 page.
25. A few items connected with [Navy estimates], showing how 15,000l. were distributed, or were to be distributed, the last 1,000l. was to satisfy debts due before 1 June 1699. ¼ page.
[? Perhaps
about 1699.]
26. Petition of Percival Brunskell, gent., and Timothy Motteaux, merchant, to the King. The King suffers much loss, in the customs of foreign ships; and the masters of the same are abused, for want of interpreters and inspectors of foreign bills of lading, cockets, charter-parties, and other writings, as appear by the reasons annexed; praying to be allowed to have a place near the Custom-house in London and at every port, to examine the writings, and that others may be prohibited from doing the like, without the licence of the petitioners.
United are the “Reasons” referred to.
Without date, but on 7 Mar. 1698, Percival Brunskill obtained 20l. out of secret service money, and on 13 April 1700 the Lords of the Treasury offered him 50l. not to trouble the office any more, and to go to New York. See Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 23. 3 pages.
about 1699
or 1700.
27. “Memoriall of Blake Gilbert and others [poor inhabitants of the Isle of Wight], touching wool exported from the Isle of Wight.”
Also a duplicate of the same. 2 pages.
[? End of
1699 or
28. “An account of the charges & damages accrewing to Captain Michael Lang, by reason of his attendance to give evidence against the pretended Sweedish fleet; and during his solicitation for a recompence for that service” [amounting to more than 5,000l.] He was put to the said charges between May 1697 and Nov. 1699. 1 page.
1699–1700. 29. Abstracts of the gross produce of the King's revenue in Ireland, viz.—
For one quarter ending at Michaelmas 1699,
For one quarter ending at Christmas 1699,
For one year ending at Christmas 1699,
and a view of the gross produce of His Majesty's revenue in Ireland, in the two quarters ended at Lady-day 1699 and 1700. 4 pages.
[? Before
30. Petition of Edward, Earl of Jersey, to the Lords of the Treasury. He had lately purchased from Sir John Crisp the manor of Squirries and other premises in Kent; prays that a grant might be made by the King of the manor, &c., free from any debts contracted by John Crisp and Thomas Crisp, Esqrs., by reason of their having been receivers of the Customs of tonnage and poundage, in the port of London, in connection with Sir Nicholas Crisp, Baronet, the father of the vendor.
Undated; Edward, Earl of Jersey, was created 1697, and it is certainly in the reign of Will. III., and after the death of Sir Nich. Crisp, who died in 1698.
Minuted thus:—“Prepare a warrt, send for the lease & release.” 1 page.
[? Before
31. A paper docquetted:—“Relating to the revenue of Ireland.” It was drawn up by some one engaged in trade, in and out of that kingdom, for near 30 years, who gives an account of the revenue, from 1662 to 1684, and says that it seemed unaccountable that in 20 years there should be no improvement in the Customs, when the Inland Excise and the hearth money had increased so considerably, and the foreign trade of the kingdom had so much improved; but the reason was, the Customs required skill, and, he adds, “how gentlemen never in trade, perhaps scarce in business, could pretend to this skill, seemed strange;” offering to lay a plan of the revenue and its management in Ireland before their Lordships.
Minuted in Lowndes' hand:—“Write to the Comrs to know how farr ye due course of the Excheqr is observed; what cheques or comptrolls are kept, and what directions are proper.” Undated, 2 pages.
[? Before
32. Petition of Charles White to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that Mr. Stapleton had four daughters, one of whom the petitioner had married; two others had become nuns, the father having obtained an assignment of the said nun's fortunes, to near 4,000l., for popish uses; that the assigning of properties or estates in any manner for popish uses and persuading the subjects of this kingdom to turn nuns is a violation of the laws of England; proposing to discover the matter, in consideration of being defended from all expense and for a portion of what should be recovered. Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
33. Docquet:—“Mem. of the Comrs of Prizes, that the Navy Board may adjust the accounts of the prize ships taken into the King's service.”
The papers show (1.) what prizes were taken “during the late war with France,” what they were appraised at, &c.; and (2.) the debt due to the Lords of the Admiralty, for tenths of prizes taken by privateers, and what was due to the Treasurer of the Navy, for the 4/10ths of the prizes taken for the chest at Chatham.
Undated, but after 1697, and probably 1699. Compare the minute on 24 May 1699, in Vol. IX. of the Minute Books, p. 126; the commission for prizes was then to be revoked. 1½ pages.
[? Before
34. “A list of pensioners, &c.” showing also for what they received their pensions, and the amount.
Undated, but one of the pensioners is mentioned as dead in this list, and her name is left out of the civil list from 25 Dec. 1699 to 25 Dec. 1700, though the others are continued. 2½ pages.
[? Before
35. Memoranda of the expenses of Sir Jacob Ackworth, travelling into Germany, and other expenses connected therewith, amounting to 883l. 10s.
Also the charge of the Public Ministers in the reign of King James II., and the present charge. 1 page and 3 lines.
[? 1699.] 36. Petition of the Earls of Peterborough and of Ranelagh, to His Majesty, for a grant of the trees, which are to be cut down in Windsor parks, of which they have the command.
Minuted:—“Not granted.”
Undated, but compare Vol. LXV., No. 6, alterations then going on there. 8 lines.
[? Before
37. Petition of William Hall, youngest son of Thomas Hall, deceased, “late one of your Honors old servant & agent,” addressed to the Lords of the Treasury; praying to be employed as comptroller of Milford, upon the surrender of the same by his kinsman, Mr. Powell.
Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
38. Petition of Mordecai Abbott to the King. He had been in the Pay office in Ireland, and then Deputy Paymaster-General of the Forces for reduction of Ireland, and, lastly, was then Deputy Paymaster-General of the Earl of Ranelagh. On the King's advance to Dublin, after the defeat of his enemies at the Boyne, several of the petitioner's houses in the suburbs were employed by the officers of the train of artillery for stores, and almost ruined, for which he received no compensation. Prays for the reversion of the appointment of Commissary-General of the Musters in Ireland, and Clerk of the Cheque for his own and his son's lives, which appointment was then held by Denny Muschamp, Esq.; but no reversion had then been granted.
Accompanied by a list of the patentees of the office which he sought, from the reign of James I.
Undated; but he appears to have exercised his office under Lord Ranelagh, late in 1699. See Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 196. He had, however, been appointed Cashier of Customs, on 21 April of that year. See Royal Warrant Book, Vol. XIII., p. 101. 1 page.
[? Between
1694 and
39. Petition of Capt. Henry Courtney to the Lords of “His Majties” Treasury, showing that he served in the army for more than 20 years, and was last of all captain of a company in the late Lieut.-General Kirk's regiment, during the war of Ireland, and when the regiment went for Flanders, he was left behind sick of an ague, with which he was afflicted for 20 months, and thereby lost his station; that he petitioned for his arrears of pay, &c. amounting to 300l.; and His Majesty referred his petition to their Lordships, but no relief had been given; the petitioner also detected abuses put on the Government by those who, pretending themselves to have been officers, had obtained pensions, &c.; that he had made himself enemies therey, who threatened to murder him, &c. Praying for the payment of the said 300l., for protection to his person, and reward for his services. Undated; but quere between 1694 and 1700. 1 page.
[? Before
40. Letter of Richard Fluelling, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, informing them of a wrong done to His Majesty King William by one Mr. Sharp, who, under pretence of a patent, granting to him one acre of ground in East Smithfield, had taken to himself two acres on Little Tower Hill, being His Majesty's ground; hoping their Lordships would give order for the survey of the said ground.
Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
41. Petition of John Harrison, late a riding officer in Romney Marsh, for restoration to his place; he having been dismissed for making an affidavit in an affair of one Russell.
Accompanied by another paper, containing a narration of some of the services he had rendered; such as the capture of owlers (one of whom had “transported a gentleman to France, who by his habit should be some military officer”); the forwarding expresses to Sir William Trumbull; (fn. 1) the seizure of wool, &c.
Undated; but subsequent to 1695. There was a John Harrison, searcher at Gravesend in 1699. See Money Book, Vol. XIV., p. 381. 2½ pages.
[? Before
42. Petition (signed) of William Earl of Derby, to the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, showing that he and his ancestors had always enjoyed an immunity from all Custom duty, for such goods and household provisions as had been exported from the Isle of Man, for themselves and families, by order from the Treasury Chamber of 1672. Praying that the privilege might be continued, he having imported a certain quantity of wines.
Minuted:—“R. to C. Customs.”
[This does not appear to be referred to in the Minute Books or Letter Books. It is a similar document to one in Vol. XV., No. 13, but is not an enclosure to that report; it is probably between 1694 and 1700. William Earl of Derby died, 1702.] 1 page.
[? Before
43. A paper, which has been an enclosure (numbered 3) to some report on the Irish revenues. It is entitled, “The Comptrolls or Checques upon the most considerable branches of the Revenue of Ireland;” detailing the official proceedings in keeping the accounts.
Undated, but quere before 1700. 1 page.
[? Before
44. Petition of William Phelpes to the Lords of the Treasury, praying that there might be a reference sent from their Honours to the Comrs of Customs that they might be certified of the truth of his said petition, in which he stated he was instructed in the duties of landwaiters, &c., and sought to be appointed.
Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
45. Petition of Thomas Liveings, gent., to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that he delivered up his house for the convenience of the officers of the German Calvinist Church in the Savoy, on the promise that he should have the next that fell vacant; praying for the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Greenwood, widow, deceased.
Undated, but her late Majesty during her regency mentioned. 1 page.
[? Before
46. Petition of Windebank Coote, widow, to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that her husband Lambert Coote was a favourite servant of King Charles II., and left her with a great charge of children, and that she enjoyed a pension of 50l. per ann. till his death, and that a considerable sum was due to her for her husband's service; praying for the royal bounty or other relief.
Undated. 1 page (quarto).
[? Before
47. Petition of Geo. Morley to the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, showing that he was by misrepresentation displaced from his office of Master in Chancery in the Alienation Office, and succeeded by Mr. Dawson, who was then in Ireland; Mr. Redman, his deputy, was dead, and all the King's business at a stand: praying to be appointed till Mr. Dawson's return.
Undated. In 1694 Mr. Thomas Dawson was executing the office. See Chamberlayne's Present State of England, 1694, Part II., p. 291. Morley was reinstated before 1702, see ib. 1702, Part III., p. 540. 1 page.
[1699.] 48. “Province of the
Massachusets Bay
in New England. Account of gold and silver, &c., late brought into this province by Capt. John Quelch & Company, who have been convicted of piracy and felony, so far as hath come to the hands of the Commissrs appointed by his Excellency the Govr and Council to receive the same, with the names of the several persons of whom it was had.”
[These were some of the pirates Kidd was commissioned to seize, and the goods are probably some of those referred to in the Letter Book, Vol. X., p. 150, 7 Sept. 1699. The Comrs who were intrusted with the business were Isaac Addington, Paul Dudley, and James Taylor, treasurer. “Addington” occurs in a paper of 1 June 1700. 3 pages.
[? Before
49. “The Crown Revenues at several periods.” A paper in Mr. Lowndes' handwriting, so entitled, most likely drawn out in the reign of William III.; this portion of it is confined to revenues in 1662. 1 page.
[? Before
50. A proposition signed “Tho. White,” for raising the sum of 112,500 pounds per ann. by a duty to be laid on hats. [The population of England and Wales is estimated at upwards of seven millions.]
Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
51. Letter of Sir Roger (fn. 2) Mostyn to William Lowndes, Esq., sending (as he desired) the names of the persons fined at the Assizes, “by mistake of the officer or worse”; that something might be done in it.
Minuted:—“To be pd out of sec[ret] service mo. to such as Sr Rogr Mostyn will appoint.”
There is nothing in the Minute Books, Letter Books, or Reference Book, as to this.
Accompanied by a list of eight persons fined [at the Assizes in Wales]. 2 pages (quarto).
[ Before
52. Memorial of Mr. Colston, unaddressed, stating that he had some years before founded an hospital in Bristol for the maintenance of 12 men and 12 women who had been of trades, and fallen into decay, and lately another hospital or charity school in Bristol for 100 poor boys; praying for a clause in the Act for the land tax of 4s. per pound to exempt the revenues from that tax.
Undated. 1 page.
[? Before
53. Letter signed W. Chaloner, addressed to the Rt. Hon. Charles Montague, Esq., offering to coin money after such a method as that it should not be counterfeited. He further offered to give an account of some great abuses in the coining, if he might be heard.
Undated. It was after Montague was made a Privy Councillor (10 May 1694), and before he was made Lord Halifax, viz., Dec. 1700; most likely whilst he was Chancellor of the Exchequer, viz., between Nov. 1695 and June 1699, possibly about the time of the recoining the money in 1696. Challoner is not referred to in the Minute, Letter, or Reference Books in connection with these affairs. 1 page.
[? Between
1695 and
54. Petition of John Hervey, Esq., on behalf of Carr Hervey, Esq., his son, grandson and heir of Sir Robert Carr, Bart., deceased; and also of the said Carr Hervey, addressed to the King, praying “a grant of some part of an old debt, due from Prettyman when Remembrancer of the First Fruits (long since dead insolvent), which can never produce one penny to ye Crown, but will free ye petitioners from an injust vexatious suite, threatened by an indigent fellow, lately become administrator to Prettyman, in hopes of getting something from ye petitioners.”
An epitome of the petition (apparently) in Mr. Lowndes' hand, and an “abstract of Mr. Harvey's case,” from which the above is copied.
Without date, but the late King James II. mentioned, and it is addressed to the King.
Nothing apparently in the Minute, Letter, or Reference Books as to this. 3 pages.
[? Before
55. “The case of the Register's Office for registring of all pawn and sale goods to broakers.” It sets out that the brokers could not be suppressed without prejudice to the nation, for there must be buying and selling, and the poor could not afford to buy any but second-hand goods; under the name of pawn and retail brokers there were many receivers of stolen goods, who were privy to robberies, and the receiver makes the stealer; the number of brokers of late years had increased in the city and suburbs, and there never were more felonies and robberies, and it had always been observed that as the brokers multiplied the thieves increased; besides their extortion, many times they kept no register, so that the goods could not be redeemed. In 37 Eliz. the Lord Mayor, &c., of London for discovery of robberies, &c., authorized an office for registering pawns, &c., every broker to enter into a bond of 100l. before he dealt in that trade, that he should buy no goods or take to pawn any but what he should enter in a public register in an office appointed in the said act of Common Council, that they should weekly bring to the register a just schedule or duplicate of every day's bargain or pawn, with the names of the sellers or pawners, their occupation and abode, and the quality and marks of the goods sold or pawned, and for what pawned; the goods to be kept certain days before they might dispose of them, that if stolen the owners might search the register; as this only applied to the city and liberties, the brokers withdrew to the suburbs and exercised their crafts, so that complaint was made to King James I., who in the sixth year of his reign confirmed the act of Common Council, and enacted the like office of Registrar in Westminster and liberties, and within two miles of London.
In the 20th of the reign, the act of Common Council, on account of ambiguity, was repealed, and a new act made more plain, which was confirmed by letters patent; this was confirmed in 5 Charles I. In 13 Charles II. the office was confirmed for the cities of London and Westminster and places adjacent, and the reversion granted to Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Joseph Wagstaffe, and Bernard Greenvile, Esq., who afterwards bought out the former patentees at a cost of 2,000l. In the 14th year, the Mayor, &c. ordered that the registrars should proceed to exercise their office, and above 500 brokers gave bond, &c., but those who dealt in stolen goods, &c., refused to give bond and to register, “disputing the King's prerogative as being no law to sue them by.” A Bill was thereupon presented to Parliament and passed, for the more effectual settlement of the office; the King, however, refused his assent thereto, having a design to erect a “General Lumbard” for lending upon pawns “by an Act of Parliament, which he designed for the Duke of Monmouth, under the title of Mount Pieties, he found this registrar's office would be a detriment to it, and therefore would not pass it, but Parliament was dissolved before the Act for the “Mount Pieties could pass.” 2 pages (brief size).
[? Before
56. Memorial of the Clerks of the Council, to the Lords of the Treasury, representing that there was nearly three-quarters of a year's salary due to them, for their service at the Council and Committee of Plantations, amounting at the previous Lady-day to 1,080l. 8s. 10d.; praying for payment; proposing if it could not be spared out of the Exchequer, to procure a loan of it for the King, as was done at Michaelmas last.
There is a postscript added, that they had obtained a loan of 2,000l. for His Majesty's service. Without date, and there appears to be nothing about it in the Minute, Letter, Money, Order, Reference, or King's Warrant Books.
—“Agreed to.” 1 page.
1698 or
57. Petition of John Fuller, distiller, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying that a warrant for a nolle prosequi might be granted if he paid the mitigated penalty recommended by the Comrs of Excise, as the Act on which the information was founded was not printed until three days after the discovery of his “two private backs.”
With a recommendation by the Comrs of Excise that the offer should be accepted.
Undated, but the names of the Comrs are the same as those referred to in the Signet Office docquets, in Aug. 1698, and are not the same as those in June 1700.
Minuted:—“A warrt.” 1 page.


  • 1. Ceased to be secretary, 5 Dec. 1697.
  • 2. Quere the grandson of Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart., created 1660. See Courthope's extinct Baronetage, p. 142. Lowndes was appointed Secretary to the Treasury, 1695.