Volume 65: December 1-26, 1699

Pages 349-355

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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December 1–26, 1699

Dec. 1.
1. Report of Sir Chr. Wren and two others on Mr. Talman's estimate of works at Hampton Court. Dated 1 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“Order that in Mr. Talman's work the alterations be made according to the King's direction in ye margin.”
“To Mr Talman to give an accot of the work in ye King's owne apartmt wch was done last sūmer.”
The report is accompanied by the estimate of Mr. Wm. Talman, of the several works which His Majesty was pleased to direct should be done at Hampton Court, amounting to 5,514l. 3s. 1d. Dated 28 Nov. 1699.
Minuted:—“(1) To be layd before ye K. (2) To be referd to ye works to consider this estimate and make their report. (3) To Sr Chr. Wren & the rest of ye principll officers of ye works.” 10½ pages.
June 29 to
Dec. 2.
2. Several papers touching the security to be given by Mr. Mordant, on entering upon the place of Treasurer of the Ordnance. Dated between 29 June and 2 Dec. 1699.
The last relates also to the appointment of a deputy.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 223, 27 Nov. 1699, is:—
“Board of Ordnance & Collo Mordaunt. Board acquaint my Lords that Collo Mordaunt has given security for the office of Treasurer of the Ordnance, and desire the privy seal may now pass, for authorizing Mr. Bertie to pay over the remain in his hands as late trer.” 13 pages.
Dec. 3. 3. Letter signed R. Yard, to Mr. Lowndes, enclosing copy of Capt. Kidd's commission, and of the warrant to the Lord Chancellor to affix the great seal to it. Dated 3 Dec. 1699.
The commission is not now with it, nor is the warrant, but there is a copy of a grant of all ships' merchandize, &c. captured by Captain William Kidd, of the ship “Adventure,” galley, from Thomas Too, John Ireland, Thomas Wake, and William Mace or Maze, or other pirates since the 13 April 1696, made by the King to Richard Earl of Bellomont, Edmund Harrison, merchant, Samuel Newton, gentleman, William Rowley, gentleman, George Watson, gentleman, and Thomas Renolls of St. Martin's, who had been at the expense of fitting out the ship. Dated [ ] April 1697. 5 pages.
Dec. 4. 4. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting the “entertainment” allowed to them yearly, as chief governors of that kingdom, part of which had arisen from the wool licences, the fees on which the merchants had refused to pay; asking them to move the King to authorize them to receive out of his revenue the “medium” amount of fees for licences (about 4,000l. per ann.) during their government. Dated 4 Dec. 1699.
There is a minute on the dorse, to the effect that the papers should be looked out to be laid before the King.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 243, 22 Dec. 1699, is:—
“Write to the Lords Justices, that it is His Mats pleasure, that the fees for the wool lycences be taken as formerly, and if any refuse, proceed at law according to the report of Mr Attorny & Mr Sollicitor Genll.” 3 pages.
Dec. 4. 5. Letter of the officers of the Ordnance concerning allowance to be made to Mr. Bertie, their late treasurer, for continuing to carry on the business of the office. Dated 4 Dec. '99.
Also a letter of the said Mr. Bertie.
Minuted:—“To be layd before ye K. Kensington. 13th Decr '99. My Lords are to speak with Mr. Mordant about it.” 2 pages (quarto.)
Dec. 4. 6. Mr. Travers's memorial concerning finishing the enlargement of the Little Park at Windsor: about 5,000l. had been and would require to be paid, for lands purchased of divers persons and for the ferry; for the wall, cleaning the river from Longford to Hampton Court, and other services, &c.: beyond which 6,000l. or more would be required; he therefore moved their Lordships for an additional order to Mr. Roberts, for 6,731l. 4s. 8d. Dated 4 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“A warrt for this to Mr Roberts.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 105, 19 July 1700, is:—
“1,100li out of the civil list fonds to be issued to Mr Roberts on his order for purchasing lands & inclosing them for ye park at Windsor, wch 1,100li with 100l. already paid him is ye consideration money, for wch before ye paymt thereof, a good & sufficient conveyance is to be made to ye King, by him & his mortgagees of ye ferry at Datchet.” 1 page.
Dec. 5.]
7. Petition of Robert McNeall of Coleraine in Ireland, Esq., stating that in 1695, he discovered to the Comrs of Revenue for Ireland a forfeiture of 1,000l. per ann., forfeited by the rebellion in 1641; praying an allowance for his charges, according to his contract with the Comrs, and that their Lordships would name the share he was to have of the discovery, and that they would order a present trial to recover the King's possession.
“Recd 5th Dec. '99.” 1 page.
Dec. 7. 8. Copy of a decree of the Court of Exchequer, confirming the report of the Deputy Remembrancer, appointing that the Royal African Company should pay within a fortnight to His Majesty, at the receipt of the Exchequer, 1,612l. 10s. appearing due from the company, who were defendants in a suit with the Crown; viz. for the King's moiety, and the forfeitures of all ships and goods seized for trading within the limits of the company, &c. 573l. 8s. 5d., and for the King's portion of ships, goods, and other matters, taken by the company as prize, from the subjects of the French King, during the late war 1,039l. 1s. 7d. Dated 7 Dec. Mich. Term, 11 Will. III. 4 pages.
Dec. 7. 9. Copy of Order in Council referring the petition of Thomas Baker, the King's agent and consul at Algiers and Tripoli, to their consideration. Dated 7 Dec. 1699.
In the petition he prayed to be reimbursed about 6,000 dollars, which he had laid out for the redemption of captives, and that he might have some employment.
Accompanied by the copy of the petition. 3 pages.
Dec. 7. 10. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Sir Thomas Vernon, Knt., and Thomas Vernon, Esq., merchants of London; praying that certain wool from Smyrna and Cypress might come in free; viz. as to the payment of an “ad valorem” duty; giving their opinion that there was no cause why that and other wool used in the clothing manufacture should not be free. Dated 7 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Dec. '99. The duty ad valorem is appropriated and cannot be remitted.” 1 page.
Dec. 8. 11. An account of freight due for shipping employed in the transport service. Dated 8 Dec. 1699. 1 page.
Dec. 9. 12. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, in favour of the weighing porters of the port of London receiving an addition of 5l. per ann. to their salary, in consequence of the falling off of certain branches of the revenue, &c. Dated 9 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“Agreed. Wt signed.” 1 page.
Dec. 9. 13. Letter of the agents for Taxes to William Lowndes, Esq., Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring him to move their Lordships that a commission might be granted to Thomas Deane, as one of the surveyors for the duties on marriages, births, &c. and on houses, at a salary of 70l. per ann. Dated 9 Dec. 1699. 1 page.
Dec. 11. 14. Two separate opinions on the question whether the King had power to grant the inheritance of such manors and rents as he had in expectancy, viz., on the determination of several leases and on the death of the Queen Dowager.
One signed “Ed. Lutwych,” and the other “Nath. Wright.”
Both dated 11 Dec. 1699. 2 pages.
Dec. 12. 15. Letter of the Officers of the Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury, laying before them an estimate of the debt of that office, and reminding them of the debt due to the train of artillery that served for reducing Ireland; amounting to near 13,000l. Dated 12 Dec. 1699.
Accompanied by the said estimate. 2 pages.
Dec. 12. 16. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, of a proper establishment for the guard of the coast from Beaumaris to Carlisle. [The establishment is not with the presentment.] Dated 12 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“Ordered. Wt signed.” 1 page.
[? About
Dec. 13.]
17. Petition of Jeremy Boreman, merchant, to the Lords of the Treasury, to be appointed deputy searcher to Christopher Stockdale and Anthony Meeke in the port of London.
With a testimonial in his favour on the dorse.
—“Read 13 Xbr. 1699. Approved.” 1 page.
Dec. 14. 18. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Percivall, Esq., to the King, praying a grant of a reversion of certain lands, at Kildalkey and Baskinagh, forfeited by the attainder of Walter Nangle, viz., in lieu of money due to him on account of the hospitals in that kingdom. Their Lordships would see that 148l. 7s. 3d. were due, and that the lands desired by the petitioner would (on the death of the widow in possession) be worth 197l. 14s. 9d. yearly. Dated 14 Dec. 1699.
Minuted:—“To be layd before the K.”
The petition, and the reports of the Auditor-General and the Comrs for Revenue in Ireland. 8 pages and 2 halves.
Dec. 14. 19. A letter, signed by Phil. Ryley and two others, addressed to Mr. Secretary Lowndes, representing that the Exchequer could not issue process against receivers who had not passed their accounts, and others who were deficient for the land-tax, without special order from the Lords of the Treasury. Dated “Agents Office, Westmr,” 14 Dec. '99.
Minuted:—“A genll order to make out process agt recrs that have not accted or are in debt, and for recovery of supers according to the course of the Exchequer.” 1 page.
Dec. 14. 20. Copy of the report of the Council of Trade, upon consideration of divers letters received from the Earl of Bellomont, relating to the want of a good Judge and an able Attorney-General in the province of New York; expressing their opinion that unless the Earl were assisted by persons duly qualified, sent from hence, it would be impossible to perfect what he had begun in the reformation of evil practices there; they found the Chief Justice had no more than 100l., and the Attorney-General 70l. per ann., which was not sufficient, and much greater allowances were necessary; advising further that the Chief Justice might be empowered to officiate as Judge of the Admiralty, and the Attorney-General as Advocate-General in New York and the neighbouring colonies. Dated 14 Dec. 1699.
Printed in Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. IV., p. 598.
Also copy of the minute of Council approving of the representation for the sending from hence such officers, and of a proposal to allow 500l. per ann. to the Chief Justice and 200l. per ann. to the Attorney-General. 3 pages.
Dec. 16. 21. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Mason, late receiver-general for the county of Cambridge, praying a conveyance of his estate might be made, by the Crown, for the satisfaction of such people as should purchase the same, and that the value thereof might be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer, towards satisfying his debt due to the King. Sending Sir John Hawles', the Solicitor-General's, opinion thereon. Dated 16 Dec. '99.
(Two enclosures.)
Minuted:—“Read 19 Decr 1699. Desire Mr Sollr to be here on Friday morning about this, with the suretys.” 3½ pages.
Dec. 19. 22. Letter of Lord Jersey to the Lords of the Treasury. A letter having been laid before the King, from the Lords Justices of Ireland, with an account of the Comrs of the Revenue there, concerning several small quantities of woollen manufacture, seized on outward-bound vessels, which the masters allege to be chiefly for clothing of the crew. His Majesty directed the papers to be referred to their Lordships, to report thereon. Dated 19 Dec. 1699.
Accompanied by the list of ships seized on that account at Belfast, Kinsale, Youghal, and Dublin. 2½ pages.
Dec. 19. [Sic in orig.]
Leave out these
23. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, as to matters in controversy between Mr. Ballard and Mr. Colt, collector of Bristol, who was charged by Ballard, who had been his clerk, with appropriating the King's cash. They express their opinion that Mr. Colt's answer was not satisfactory. Dated 19 Dec. 1699.
(Five enclosures.)
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 240, 19 Dec. 1699, is a minute commencing:—
“Comrs of Customes. Their report of 19th instant, concerning Mr Colt is read,” &c. [Divers papers were read and witnesses examined.]
The minute ends:—
“Draw up ye state of ye whole case & lay it before ye K.”
Again at p. 280, 23 Feb. 1699–1700:—
“My Lords having (pursuant to ye King's cōmand) considered the complaints agt Mr. John Dutton Colt, collector of Bristol, are resolved that he be forthwth dismissed. And do order that a letter be now written to ye Comrs of the Customes for his dismission. And that they present another fitt person for that imploymt; & do therein consider the importance of ye trust. And that in the vacancy they take care of the receipt of ye said port, that His Maty suffer no damage.” 23 pages or parts of pages.
Dec. 20. 24. Copy of a debtor and creditor account of Captain Bradbury, in connection with his regiment, between 3 April 1697 and 10 June 1699. Dated 20 Dec. 1699. 2 pages.
Dec. 20. 25. Letter of Mr. J. Burchett to Mr. Lowndes, by command of the Lords of the Admiralty, to desire him to move their Lordships of the Treasury, that the orders they had to send to Cadiz concerning British subjects in captivity in Barbary might be sent as soon as possible, as the ship “Dunwich” was then lying at Plymouth to carry some instructions to Capt. Munden and Capt. Delavall. Dated 20 Dec. '99.
Minuted:—“Write to Mr Papillon to give my Lords a speedy answer to their letter of the 18th instant.”
Accompanied by accounts of Capt. Delavall and M. Aylmer, Esq., of moneys expended in connection with the redemption of the captives.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 239, 18 Dec. 1699, is:—
“To Mr Papillon, that there being an agreemt made by Capt. Delaval with the Emperor of Morocco or his Alcaide, for redemption of the English prisoners in Barbary, pursuant to wch a sum of money (inter al.) is to be paid to ye Moors. In case Mr Papillon will write to Sr Wm Hodges or any other correspondt of his at Cadiz, to give security to the Moors for performing the said agreemt in England, their Lops will take care that he shalbe indempnified, and that Mr Papillon shall receive satisfaction from their Lops that the security shalbe complyed with.” 8 pages.
Dec. 20. 26. An estimate of the charge of building and rigging a vessel of about 30 or 40 tons, to be employed on the King's service at Plymouth. Dated 20 Dec. 1699. 1 page.
Dec. 23. 27. The finding of a jury summoned to try a matter in dispute between Robert Rochford, Esq., the King's Attorney-General in Ireland, on behalf of the King, against Nicholas Greene, of Cork, merchant, on an information exhibited against Green for carrying away a ship called the “James” of Cork, laden with the King's provisions, to France, &c., with the signatures of the jury. Dated 23 Dec. 1699. 1 page.
Dec. 25. 28. “Produce of duties on salt in England and Wales, from ye 25 of Decembr '98 to ye 25 of December 1699.” Parts of 2 pages.
Sept. 29
to Dec. 25.
29. “An account of His Maties Customes, viz., of totals of receipts and payments.” 24 large pages.
Dec. 25. 30. “An account of moneys due to the several foreign ministers, on their ordinary entertainments, to Michaelmas 1699.”
Another account for the same, and for extraordinary expenses, from Christmas 1698 to Christmas 1699.
12 Oct. 1699. A further account of money due to several public ministers on their extraordinary disbursements, whose bills are brought into the Treasury. 3 pages.
Dec. 26. 31. Letter of James, Bishop of Lincoln, to the Lords of the Treasury, concerning the payment of the tenths in his diocese; expressing the hope that the King would have remitted his first fruits upon his petition: he had represented the smallness of the revenue of the bishopric, and his great expenses since he entered upon it; but if his petition were not granted, he must prepare to pay in reasonable time. Dated Buckden, 26 Dec. 1699. 2 pages (quarto).
Dec. 32. Abstracts of three documents addressed to Vice-Admiral Aylmer, viz.:—
(1.) A letter from Mr. Secretary Vernon as to the allowance to Mr. Richard Marshall, who was appointed to go with the squadron to bring some horses from Barbary for the King's immediate service. Dated 16 Aug. 1698.
(2.) Warrant from the Lords Justices to Admiral Aylmer, to employ some person to treat for the redemption of English captives in the dominions of the Emperor of Morocco. Dated 13 Sept. 1698.
(3.) Order of the Comrs for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, to the said Admiral, to pay 125l. to reimburse the consul at Algiers, for money paid for the ransom of certain Christian slaves, and further, to deliver up two Moors taken from the same ship. Dated 31 Oct. 1698.
Also another paper relating to the furnishing Mr. Marshall with money. The entries in this come down as late as Dec. 1699. 2½ pages.
Dec. 33. “A particular of wages and pensions due in the Treasurer of the Chamber's office, for half a year ending at Christmas 1698, and likewise what is due on warrants, and for stationary wares furnished to the Secretary's office.”
There are also payments up to Christmas 1699.
Apparently an enclosure; marked No. 2. 1 page.