Entry Book: July 1685, 1-10

Pages 241-261

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 8, 1685-1689. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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July 1685, 1-10

July 1. Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] to pay the 113l. 15s. 0d. estimate for transporting 350 soldiers of the Scotch Regiment from Yarmouth to the Thames: same is to be paid "out of the 9,964l. 17s. 2d. remaining the 30th of last month to balance your account of cash." Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to Thomas Agar, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South to fell 20 loads of timber in New Forest and 60l. worth of offal for the repair of all the hunting bridges in said forest and for the erection of eight new bridges as advised by John Cary, Ranger and Riding Forester of said forest. The timber is not to be Navy timber. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 101–2.
Report by same to the King on the petition of Sir Joseph Tredenham ut supra, p. 226. I am certified by Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, that the facts are as stated. The allowance of 3s. a day has been unpaid from 1679–80, Jan. 16, to 1684–5, Jan. 16, which comes to 274l. 1s. 0d. Ibid, p. 102.
Reference by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniel Pryor for a tidewaiter's place, being destitute of employment by reason of the decay of trading. Reference Book III, p 123.
July 1. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. In drawing the Customs Commission you are to leave out the duties on brandies, home made spirits and strong waters which are to be managed by the Excise Commissioners. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 90.
Same to Mr. Bulstrode to have patience with Sir Edward Wood and not put him out of his lodgings in Whitehall which he rents of you, as the King owes him a considerable sum for his services in Sweden, which the Lord Treasurer intends to pay him as soon as he can. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Darcy et al. to provide the following for Treasurer Rochester, lately elected a Knight of the Garter. Ibid.
Appending: royal warrant, dated July 1, to the Lord Treasurer countersigned by Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, Chancellor of the Garter, for the provision of a large mantle of blue velvet, containing 18 yards, 10 yards of white taffaty to line same, an escutcheon of St. George's Cross embroidered and encompassed with a Garter placed on the left shoulder with large string buttons and tassels of silk and gold, a surcoat of crimson velvet, a hood of the same lined with white taffaty.
Money warrant for 6,500l. to Robert Werden in full of 20,000l. for the Queen as by the privy seal of Mar. 31 last. (Money order dated June [sic for July] 2 for 11,000l. hereon, being the present 6,500l. and the 4,500l. ut supra, p. 238.) Money Book VI, p. 87. Order Book I, p. 32.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Receipt for tallies on the Receiver of First Fruits for 500l. to Aubery, Earl of Oxford, for 1685, June 24 quarter, on his pension. Money Book VI, p. 87.
Money warrant for 126,500l. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the Forces for half a year to Jan. 1 next. (Money order dated June [sic for July] 6 hereon.) Ibid, p. 87. Order Book I, p. 32.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Clarke as a noontender, London port loco Thomas Lampkin, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) X, p. 35.
July 2. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Mr. Unitt for the Countess of Burlington a case shipped at Leghorn June 30 last in the Friendship, John Coming master, directed to George Torriano. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 94.
Same to the Attorney General. Advise Treasurer Rochester whether the King can by law, upon examination of the Accounts of the Commissioners for Disbanding the Army, discharge those Commissioners during the sitting of the Parliament. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Mr. Gervas Scroope is an officer of the Customs and likewise now a commission officer in the Army. Can he in consequence properly perform his duty in the Custom House? Ibid.
July 2. Henry Guy to the Master of the Jewel House. Sir Thomas Vyner certifies the Lord Treasurer this day that most of his Majesty's plate, particularly the Earl of Middleton's parcels, are marked with the letter J, the letter C being taken out. Give the Lord Treasurer a particular account of the parcels that are so altered. Also deliver to said Earl of Middleton his said plate. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 94.
Same to Sir Edward Wood enclosing Mr. Bulstrode's letter [missing] relating to the said Wood's lodgings. Send Treasurer Rochester your answer thereto. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to Thomas Agar, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South, to sell to the King's best advantage divers quantities of timber trees and underwood which have been lately and since 1684, June 24, unlawfully cut in Braywood in Windsor Forest as appears by the evidence of Robert Mew, carpenter, et al.: and also to demand the moneys due for any such timber. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 102–3.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for an account what moneys are paid into the Exchequer by way of loan upon the credit given by the late Act of Parliament. Disposition Book IV, p. 44.
Same to William Hewer to pay 5l. to Job Atkins, late Master Gunner at Tangier, for last June 24 quarter on his pension of 20l. per an. Ibid, p. 45.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Cashier to pay Mr. Hewer 285l. for three-quarters to June 24 last on the 380l. per an. salary of John Erlisman, Consul at Algier: and dormant clause for quarterly payments on said salary in future. Money Book VI, p. 87.
Money warrant for 9,087l. 5s. 10d. to Sir Robert Vyner for divers jewels and large quantities of gold and silver works and other things delivered by him into the Jewel House as follows, viz.. 1,439l. 16s. 5d. for making two Imperial Crowns for the Queen, the one for the Coronation and the other for her Crown of State; two sceptres and a coronet with the jeweller's work of Crown gold; repairing and new making divers parts of the King's Crown of State, his Coronation Crown, his two sceptres, Globe, Eagle, St. Edward's Staff and the royal spurs, all of gold; 362l. 15s. 0d. for 79 ounces 4 dwt. 9 grains of Crown gold in the Regalia and other curious works for his Majesty's store, for gold and workmanship; 1,348l. 11s. 0d. for 2,924 oz. 1 dwt. 12 gr. of gold and white plate curiously wrought for his Majesty's stores; 566l. 16s. 5d. for 101 oz. 1 dwt. of Crown gold given to divers noble persons and others as fees at the Coronation for gold and workmanship; 1,007l. 12s. 1d. for 1921 oz. 1 dwt. of gold and white plate, most of it curiously wrought and enchased also given to some as fees at the Coronation and in other ways; 2,710l. for 44 diamonds added to the King's Crown of State, one large pendant pearl lost from the King's Coronation Crown, adorning and furnishing the said Coronation Crown, the Queen's Coronation Crown, her Crown of State, her sceptre and her coronet with 2,026 diamonds, many very large, 36 rubies, 31 sapphires, 22 emeralds, 697 pearls, divers of them very large, all of great value; 1,465l. 9s. 11d. for new making, gilding, repairing, boiling, garnishing and engraving divers great quantities of his Majesty's store plate and others and for loans of divers great quantities of gilt and white plate used at the Coronation feast; 146l. 5s. 0d. for money disbursed by Vyner to the coffer maker, case maker, purser, sword cutler, knife cutler, mercer and other artificers; 40l. for disbursements to Walter Brydall, John Gilbert, Philip Brydall and Thomas Vyner, officers in the said Jewel House for paper, vellum, coals and other necessaries from 1683, April 11, to 1685, April 12: all the said particulars being certified June 20 last by Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master of the King's Jewels and Plate, to have been delivered into the Jewel House etc. (Money order dated July 4 hereon.) Ibid, p. 88. Order Book I, p. 33.
July 2. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Claver shewing that in order to qualify for his office of a landwaiter in Weymouth port he was obliged by Treasurer Rochester to quit his office of town clerk in said port and was dismissed from his said Customs place on Sir Richard Temple's report without a hearing: prays to be restored. Reference Book III, p. 122.
Same by same to same of the petition of Nathaniel Tyderleigh to be put into the place of Mr. Tye, Surveyor of Lyme Regis port, until said Tye return thither being taken prisoner by the rebels. Ibid, p. 124.
Same by same to same of the petition of Joseph Ash for restoration to the place of weighing porter from which he was some time since dismissed. Ibid.
Same by same to Major Legg of the petition of the gardeners etc. in St. James's Park who made the gravel walks, praying payment of 70l. or 80l. [they] being a considerable sum behind. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of the watchmen, London port, shewing that they were established at 25l. per an. which being changed to 6l. 15s. 0d. per an. and 2s. a day when employed they are thereby reduced to poverty for want of constant watches every other night: therefore praying to be again established at their former allowance. Ibid.
Same by same to same of the petition of James Lyell for a place as [a Customs] comptroller [of the duties] in the new imposition; having previously had a reference for a surveyor's place. Ibid.
Same by same to same of the petition of William Geddes, master of the ship Alexander which was seized as unfree in 1683; petitioner praying a grant of the King's share of said seizure, Penn the Quaker having promised his share, whereby petitioner may have his said ship restored, which is all his livelihood. Ibid, p. 125.
Same by same to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, of the petition of Sir Thomas Daniell shewing that he had a patent to be Captain of Arcliffe Fort in Dover with four gunners and two soldiers, the Captain at 16d. a day. the soldiers at 8d. a day each; that there are six other gunners paid on the [Army] establishment paid by the Paymaster of the Forces; prays to be put on the [said] establishment with his said [four] gunners and [two] soldiers and that they be paid equal with the rest of the gunners Ibid.
July 2. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Hurt shewing that he has been collector at Exeter 5½ years to June 24 last at 140l. per an. which is 20l. less than Mr. Walker, his predecessor had; that notwithstanding all his care in returning [to London by exchanges] the money of his collection he has lost 350l. and that it cost him 50l. to remove from Dartmouth to Exeter: prays allowance of these items. Reference Book III, p. 125.
Same by same to same of the petition of Alexander Davis for a noontender's place, London, having served the late King as Captain of a Company of Trained Bands at Harwich and Leigh during the Dutch war and being now aged and fallen to decay. Ibid, p. 126.
Same by same to the Warden and Commissioners of the Mint of the petition of Richard Knight, one of the Yeomen of the Guard, praying for an allowance for the loss of his horses and other charges to the amount of 70l. to be paid out of the 100l. of clipped money which Capt. Perry has returned to the Warden of the Mint, raised upon the clippings of Eleanor Berrisford and Richard Cabourn, who owed petitioner for some money for hire of horses. Ibid.
Same by same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Eliz. Washington for a reversionary lease of some marsh and waste lands in cos. Notts and Derby granted 1673, May 24, to petitioner and her three sisters Penelope, Katherine and Mary, daughters to Col. Washington; petitioner being lately married to Stephen Gellot and the said sisters having (by agreement and in order to petitioner's better advancement in the world) released to her their pretence of tenant right to the said patent in reversion. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir Tho. Wolstenholme, bart., shewing that by the great sufferings of his family for their loyalty and the non-payment of several great sums due to him from the Crown he is uncapable of providing for his children, therefore prays for his son Henry to be one of the new officers which will be required by the new imposition upon tobacco and sugars, his said son having been found fit upon a previous reference. Ibid, p. 127.
Same by same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of Tho. Hooke for a place in the Excise and Hearth Money Office, he having been a clerk in the Navy and discontinued on the surrender of Mr. Seymour. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Henry Gosnold for one of the two noontenders' places void by the death of Hamlett and Lamkin; petitioner being certified by the gentry of Suffolk. Ibid, p. 128.
July 2. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Eliz. Yates, wife of Thomas Dyson, for a noontender's place for her said husband "in consideration of her father's services and sufferings by the late usurper for guiding his late Majesty from Worcester Battle to White Ladies." Reference Book III, p. 128.
Same by same to the Attorney General of the petition of John Rix, infant son of John Rix, lately executed for murthering his wife, for a grant of his said father's forfeited estate, being 131l. 5s. 0d. in goods and 5l. 10s. 0d. in freehold and copyhold lands. Ibid, p. 130.
Same by same to the Master etc. of the Jewel House of the petition of Serjt. Middleton concerning the want of his mace and the imputation that he had embezzled or lost it; finds that some time after it had been missing he found it had been lent out to other serjeants and particularly to Serjt. Thorne, whose mace the officers of the Jewel House would have it to be, but petitioner knew it to be his mace and told them the weight of it and on being knocked off the staff and tried it exactly answered the said weight, but he told them nevertheless they shall let Mr. Thorne have it to use and therefore hopes it may be laid at Thorne's door and not at petitioner's; that he is reduced to utmost extremity by the Lord Treasurer's suspension of him for want of his mace and being much impoverished by other great losses has almost crazed his understanding. Ibid, pp. 133–4.
Same by same to Thomas Hall of the petition of Elias Alleyn for a renewal of the Commission of enquiry after some lands which he has discovered, some thereof belonging to the late monastery of Bermondsey and other part lying in several counties. Ibid, p. 134.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Markham for a tidesman's place in ordinary, London port, he having served at sea in the late Dutch wars and afterwards in the West Indies and since then as a tidesman extraordinary. Ibid, p. 138.
Same by same to same of the petition of the salt traders in the counties of Durham and Northumberland shewing that in 13 and 14 Car. I. the parliament, considering the great discouragements petitioners have always met with in point of trade, more especially the importation of Scotch salt, well knowing that both coals and workmen are to be had at much cheaper rates there than here, did (to encourage the native, ancient and useful manufacture of salt) lay ½d. per gallon upon all Scotch salt imported to England, designing thereby to balance the trades of both nations. But so it is that the said duty for the abovesaid reasons, does not balance the said trade; and further, being let to farm to Sir Thomas Strickland and by him to sub-farmers who are traders in salt in London they do import vast quantities of Scotch salt to the ruin of petitioners. Therefore pray that said Farmers and sub-farmers should be called upon to show why said duty should not be duly collected according to the true intent of said Act of Parliament. Ibid, pp. 138–9.
Same by same to William Blathwayte of the petition of Thomas Holford, Portcullis Pursuivant, shewing that by command of the late King he was to provide colours for two Regiments of Foot Guards with the usual badges but Charles II dying soon after, King James ordered the badges to be omitted and his own royal cypher [to be substituted] instead thereof by which alteration petitioner has been at much loss: therefore prays an allowance of 40s. for every Colour which will amount to 72l. Ibid, p. 144.
July 2. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to Rich Graham, Philip Burton and William Shaw of the petition of John Savile shewing that he paid Mr. Jackson and Mr. Butler 4,000l. on a mortgage of part of Lord Grey's estate to them formerly assured for the like sum, not in the least expecting a seizure of the said estate: prays to be continued in possession of the 600l. per an. part of the premises which he entered upon. Reference Book III, p. 152.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Bassindine for a tidewaiter's place [London port] he having served the late King both by sea and land. Ibid.
July 3. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall and out of the money of the Letter Office, viz. Disposition Book IV, p. 44.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 212 8 0
to Eliz. widow of Thomas Loupe 40 0 0
to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for the French ministers at the Savoy 60 0 0
to the University of Oxford for Dr. Hall, the Divinity Lecturer there 40 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 160 0 0
£512 8 0
Same to Mr. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay the abovesaid [212l. 8s. 0d. and 160l. making together] 372l. 8s. 0d. as follows: Ibid.
l. s. d.
to John Chase, for embalming the body of the late King 212 8 0
to St. John Taylor, a messenger [of the Chamber] 40 0 0
to William Richardson, a same 40 0 0
to George Collins, a same 40 0 0
to Isaac Cotton, a same 40 0 0
Privy seal to the Lord Treasurer and the Exchequer to take in loans, not exceeding 400,000l. on the credit of the Act of Parliament newly passed for a duty on French linen etc., silks etc.: and to pay 7 per cent. interest thereon: the said Act having given the King credit for any sums to be lent thereon not exceeding 400,000l. to be repaid with 8 per cent. interest in manner prescribed therein. (Royal warrant dated June 30 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book X, pp. 152–3.
July 4. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to renew the Commission of the Excise and Hearthmoney: the Commissioners to be Sir Denny Ashburnham, bart., Francis Parry, Dr. Charles Davenant, John Freind, Felix Calverd, Nathaniel Hornby and Richard Graham: viz., for the Excise as granted by the Acts of 12 Car. II. c. 24 (confirmed by 13 Car. II. c. 7), 12 Car. II. c. 23 (which duties are all continued to the present King by an Act lately passed) and also the duties on brandy and strong waters as in the Act of 1 James II. c. 5. lately passed: and likewise to be Commissioners for the revenue arising by Firehearths and Stoves: with the salary of 1,000l. per an. each as from June 24 last. Ibid, pp. 155–6.
July 4. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal to discharge the baronetey fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir John Sudbury of Eldon, co. Durham. (Warrant by Treasurer Rochester dated July 9 to the Receipt accordingly for said discharge.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 156. Money Book VI, p. 97.
Royal sign manual for 790l. 19s. 8d. to Philip Ricaut, late Consul at Algiers, 615l. 3s. 0d. thereof to be paid out of money collected for the redemption of English captives and to be for so much paid by him to the Dey of Algier for ransom of eight English slaves by direction of Charles II: and the remainder out of the Exchequer being 30l. paid to the Dey of Algiers for a negro that died at Tangier, 62l. 10s. 0d. for the value of 250 dollars which he paid in advance for a year's rent of the house he lived in there some short time before his letters of recall arrived there and 83l. 8s. 6d. for his ordinary as Consul to Mar. 25 last, the day on which he returned into the royal presence. To be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of June 30 last. (Money warrant dated July 6 hereon. Money order dated July 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 157. Money Book VI, p. 93. Order Book I, p. 34.
Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay 100l. to Sir Nicholas Butler. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 95.
Same to Sir Edwd. Wood to let Mr. Bulstrode have a sight of your lodgings which you have promised to let him have possession of when you are in a condition to remove. Ibid.
Same to Edwd. Barrell. The Attorney General certifies that the Prior [of Ely] had right to the goods of felos-de-se within the liberty of St. Etheldred and what right the Prior had was granted by Hy. VIII to the Dean and Chapter of Ely and the said right was granted in a charter of James I to said Dean and Chapter as parcel of the liberty and same has since been leased by them to Thomas Glenham. The Lord Treasurer is thereupon moved to write to the sheriff of Suffolk to deliver to said Glenham the goods of John Ryvanes within said liberty at the time of his becoming felo-de-se. (The like letter severally to the Earl of Castlehaven and Sir Charles Gawdy.) Ibid, p. 96.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 4,000l. to Thomas Neale, Charles Duncombe and James Hoare, Commissioners for executing the office of Master and Worker of the Mint; upon account for the service of the Mint: to be issued out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer. (Money warrant dated July 16 hereon. Money order dated July 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 158. Money Book VI, p. 101. Order Book I, p. 39.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Receipt to take in loans from any persons up to 400,000l. on credit of the Act of Parliament granting a duty on linens, brandy etc. and to pay 7 per cent. per an. interest quarterly thereon as by the privy seal of July 3 inst. supra, p. 247. In all matters touching said loans and interest and the tallies, orders and registers for same you are to strictly observe the rules of the Act of Parliament. Money Book VI, p. 88.
July 4. Money warrant for 20l. to Lodowick Bray for half a year to June 24 last on his annuity or pension. Money Book VI, p. 89.
Same for 60l. to Robert Bertie for 1½ years to Lady day last on the same of 40l. per an. payable to him during the life of Mris. Mary Cock. Ibid.
Same for 40l. to the executors of Thomas Loupe, 5l. thereof to complete 1668, Lady day quarter and 35l. thereof in part of 1668, Sept. 29 half year, on his fee or salary of 100l. per an. as late one of his Majesty's Engineers. Ibid.
Same for 450l. to Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, for 1½ years to June 24 last on the annuity or pension of 300l. granted to him as Thomas Howard, esq. In the margin: cancelled 1685–6, Jan. 4. Ibid, p. 90.
Same for 50l. to John Rogers and Ann his wife for half a year to June 24 last on their same: to be satisfied out of the Tenths of the dioceses of York, Exeter, Lincoln, Winchester and Sarum. Ibid.
Same for 200l. to Thomas Whitegrave for one year to 1683, June 24, on his same. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Receipt for tallies on the dioceses of Oxford etc. for 106l. 5s. 0d. to Eliz. Hamilton for last June 24 quarter on the unassigned moiety of 850l. per an. for her children; and for 125l. for same quarter on the 500l. per an. for herself. Ibid, p. 91.
Same by same to same for like tallies for 106l. 5s. 0d. to James Hamilton for same quarter on his assigned moiety of the abovesaid 850l. per an. Ibid, p. 92.
July 5. Henry Guy to Alderman Duncombe to advance 500l. to Mr. Shales, Commissary General, "which should be allowed on Mr. Foxe's privy seal." Disposition Book IV, p. 45.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners to deliver to Commissary Shales 200 bags of biscuit. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 95.
July 6. Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue 10,500l. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces; 9,600l. thereout of the loans on the credit of the late Act for a duty on French linens, and 900l. out of the sum of 4,974l. 6s. 4½d. of Excise money [in the Exchequer]. Disposition Book IV, p. 45.
Same to Alderman Duncombe [Cashier of Excise] to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 729l. 2s. 3d. of Excise money. Put this item into your next [weekly Excise] certificate. (Same dated same to the Auditor of the Receipt to get the Teller concerned, to advance said sum to me [Guy] for secret service. The warrants for the regular issue thereof shall be sent with all speed.) Ibid.
July 6. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, 2,588l. 8s. 11d. out of the loans on the French linen duty Act: the said money being intended for the masters of ships that brought the Scotch soldiers from Holland. Disposition Book IV, p. 46.
Same [to same] to issue, out of Excise money, 10,600l. to abovesaid Charles Fox "which hath been paid to Bevill Skelton for the English and Scotch soldiers sent from Holland hither" and 1,000l. more which has been paid to John Shales, Commissary General to the Army. Ibid.
Same to same. The Lord Treasurer directed 900l. of Excise to be this day issued to the abovesaid Fox "500l. whereof was taken out of the like sum intended for the said Mr. Shales." Therefore Mr. Duncombe has a direction to pay in another 500l. of Excise money to supply that item. You are to issue this accordingly. Ibid.
Money warrant for 500l. to John, Earl of Bath, for 1679, Sept. 29 quarter, on his annuity or pension as Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Money Book VI, p. 92.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for sums not exceeding [in the whole] 16,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox, kt., for secret service, without account. King's Warrant Book X, p. 158.
Royal sign manual for 729l. 2s. 3d. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of June 30 last. (Money warrant dated July 7 hereon. Money order dated July 7 hereon.) Ibid, p. 158. Money Book VI, p. 93. Order Book I, p. 33.
Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy et al. to provide liveries etc. as follows: Out Letters (General) IX, p. 95.
Appending: letter dated July 1 from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain, [to Treasurer Rochester]. It is the King's pleasure that liveries be provided for 48 watermen and the Master of the Barges with such other particulars as heretofore allowed, viz. to the Master six yards of bastard scarlet at 26s. the yard and six yards of bayes to line same at 2s. 8d. the yard; four gross of points at 4s. the dozen, 14 ells of holland at 7s. the ell, and a velvet cap; and for each of the 48 watermen 1¾ yards of bastard scarlet at 15s. the yard and three yards of bayes to line same, seven ells of Holland and a velvet cap.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer will not be at leisure to speak with you this afternoon. He will appoint some other day. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Gray to forthwith pay into the Exchequer all moneys you have received from the steward and tenants of Gosfeild. Ibid, p. 96.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Bring the Lord Treasurer an account next Monday what new officers will be necessary for the management of the additional Customs lately granted to the King. Ibid.
July 6. Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy et al. to provide as follows forthwith. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 97.
Appending: Letter dated June 26 last from Seth, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, to the Lord Treasurer requesting the provision of robes ut supra, pp. 205–6, for Henry, Earl of Peterborough, lately elected a Companion of the Garter.
Same to the Attorney General to advise the Lord Treasurer whether the mortgages and bonds due to Ryvanes, the felo-de-se, within the liberty of St. Etheldred, belong to Mr. Glenham or not. Ibid.
Treasurer Rochester to Mr. Fanshaw [at Lisbon]. "The multiplicity of business which upon many accounts hath layn upon us all here for some time" has hindred my reply to your two letters of April 26 [last]. In the one you write for directions concerning the moneys you had or might lay out for the necessary use of the King's ships. "It is very true that the bills of exchange lately drawn have been postponed and I know very well that will spoyle the King's credit and I will therefore take speedy care they shall be payd off." The bill for 200l. for what you had furnished to Capt. Preistman is brought to me this very day and I have taken care it shall be immediately complied with. The other 500l. you have furnished him I am content, as you desire, that you disburse same out of the [Queen Dowager's Portugal dowry or] Portion money, "by reason of the present uncertainty that there hath been of payments here at London upon bills of exchange." It shall be allowed upon your account of the Portion money for this time. "But at another tyme when we shall have recovered our creditts by paying more punctually I am not of opinion it wilbe for the King's service: and therefore for the future, I meane after this 500l. is satisfied, whatever other occasions there may be for supplying the King's ships let it be done by bills of exchange and let the remainder of the Portion be sent over in any of his Majesty's frigatts according to former directions." The King was pleased to continue you in your employment in the Excise before I had received your desire to that purpose. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Duncombe [Cashier of Excise]. Mr. Skelton has drawn a bill on you for 2,600l. for clothing the Scotch Regiments that came lately from Holland. You are to accept same. The Lord Treasurer next time he sees you will tell you where [out of what fund] you shall have the money to satisfy the bill. Ibid, p. 98.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed draft warrant [missing, see p. 255] touching the sheriffs' restoring the Recusants' moneys in their hands. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the following papers, viz. (1) the case touching the London Excise Farmers: (2) a charge, proofs and narrative touching the late Farmers of Excise in London, Middlesex and Surrey; (3) a draft bill to enable the King to recover some moneys which the said late Excise Farmers defrauded the late King of. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Francis Wightwick, late Receiver General of Recusants Forfeitures in Hereford, Salop, Stafford, and Lichfield, Brecon, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Radnor, Haverford West and Carmarthen town. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 103.
against Mr. Powell as the same for cos. Derby, Nottingham, and Lincoln.
against Mr. Christian as the same for cos. Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, Durham and Newcastle and Berwick.
against Mr. Bedford as the same for cos. Beds, Bucks, Herts, Oxford, Berks.
July 6. Signature by Treasurer Rochester and by Sir John Ernle of the docquet of a demise to Francis Gwynn of divers pieces of land on the Thames at Redriff and St. Mary Magdalene ut supra, p. 204, for 31 years at several rents of, in all, 19l. 12s. 9d. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 104.
Warrant by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of a small cottage in the manor of Ryme, co. Dorset, called the Pound Barton, containing about an acre and another cottage as follows with a view to a new lease thereof to John Tooker for three lives at rents of 20d. and 12d. per an. and fine of 5l. Ibid.
Prefixing: (a) said Tooker's petition for same as formerly granted 1628, June 6, to John Warren for 99 years terminable on the lives of him, his wife Margaret and son George; and likewise another cottage formerly granted for the lives of Jone Lyde, John Williams of Yeovil, Somerset, and George Williams his son, the survivor George having surrendered to petitioner. (b) Reference dated 1683–4, Mar. 6, from the late Treasury Lords to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of said petition. (c) Report dated 1683–4, Mar. 8, by John Fisher thereon in the absence of the said Surveyor General. The premises are inconsiderable and in Sir Richard Prideaux's survey are returned as copyholds, but in the Parliamentary survey as leaseholds.
Reference by same to Richard Graham and P. Burton of the petition of Gilbert Franckland for money to help him to carry on his information before Christopher Sanderson, one of the Justices of Peace in co. Durham for several treasonable words spoken by certain persons. Reference Book III, p. 128.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Mr. Skinner, a King's waiter, London port, praying for Richard Amory to be admitted his deputy. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Stephen Godfrey, bailiff of the monastery of St. Mary, near York, for renewal of his said office, void by the late King's death. Ibid, p. 129.
Same by same to Auditor Aldworth of the account of interest due from the King to Charles Toll to July 1 inst. Ibid, pp. 131–2.
Prefixing: said account.
l. s. d.
on 94,441l. principal remaining due to him on his [last] account made up to April 1 last 1,412 14 3
on 2,795l. 18s. 10d. interest due to him on said [last] account at April 1 last 41 16 3
total principal, 97,236l. 18s. 10d. Total interest, 1,454l. 10s. 6d.
l. s. d.
Repayments of principal at the Excise Office and discount of interest thereon.
on 1,000l. paid April 1 in part of a tally of 9,000l. dated 1679, July 20 14 19 2
on 1,000l. ditto paid April 8 13 16 1
on 1,000l. paid April 15 in part of said interest item of 2,795l. 18s. 10d. 12 13 1
on 1,000l. ditto received April 30 10 3 10
on 795l. 18s. 10d. received 6 May, being balance of said interest item 7 6 4
on 1,000l. paid May 13 on abovesaid tally 8 1 7
on 1,000l. ditto paid May 27 5 15 0
on 1,000l. ditto paid June 3 4 12 0
Total principal repaid, 7,995l. 18s. 10d. Total rebate of interest, 77l. 6s. 7d., leaving still due at the foot of the present account, 89,441l. in principal and 1,377l. 3s. 11d. in interest.
July 6. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to Auditor Aldworth of the account of interest due to Joseph and Nathaniell Hornby. Reference Book III, p. 131.
Prefixing: said account.
l. s. d.
on 35,000l., viz. from 1684, Dec. 25, to 1685, June 24 1,041 7 4
Repayments of principal and discount of interest thereon.
on 1,000l. [repaid] 1684–5, Jan. 28 24 3 3
on 500l. [repaid] Feb. 28 9 15 7
on 500l. ditto, Mar. 4 9 4 1
on 500l. ditto, Mar. 11 8 12 7
on 500l. ditto, Mar. 18 8 1 1
on 500l. ditto, Mar. 26 7 7 11
on 500l. ditto, April 1 6 18 0
on 500l. ditto, April 8 6 6 6
on 500l. ditto, May 6 4 0 6
on 500l. ditto, May 13 3 9 0
on 500l. ditto, May 27 2 6 0
on 500l. ditto, June 3 1 14 6
£91 19 0
leaving a balance of 949l. 8s. 4d. interest due.
July 7. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The charge of [passing] the new Customs Commission is to be placed to the account of [Customs] incidents. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 98.
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Navy Treasurer] enclosing Capt. Phellippes's papers [missing]. Can his demand be paid in course out of the [Navy] fund of 400l. a week ? Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hall to enquire as to sufficiency of the sureties proposed by Stephen Lilly as Receiver General of the Post Office: said sureties being [himself and] Rich. Nicholson, haberdasher of London, at Brookes Wharf, near Thames street, and Rich. Swift of New Inn in St. Clements Parish: (total bond, 5,000l.). Ibid, p. 99.
July 7. Henry Guy to Sir Peter Killigrew. The time limited for declaring your account ending 1684, Sept. 29, is long since passed. You are to immediately attend the Auditor for the Duchy of Cornwall with the vouchers, tin rolls etc. necessary to perfect said account: and you are forthwith to pay in the balance thereon. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 99.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a letter [missing] sent by Mr. Thorold to Sir Cornewall Bradshaw. Ibid.
Treasurer Rochester to Mr. Skelton. You agreed with several masters of ships and shippers to transport from Rotterdam to Leith the three Scotch Regiments that were in Holland, at the rate of 3½ Rix dollars per man, half down on signing the charter party, the other half at Rotterdam on proof of the landing of the men. The King has ordered said Regiments to be brought back from Scotland to Gravesend and has allowed 7 Rix dollars for each man. This makes in all 3,390l. 16s. 10d. Hereof you have paid 802l. 7s. 11d. I have caused the remaining 2,588l. 8s. 11d. to be paid to the said masters and shippers here [in London] and have taken in the charter parties of so many of them as had them here. Those that have not them here are John Grigg, master of the Rachell of Queensferry, Thom. Bruce, master of the Turtle Dove, of Leith; James Steedman, master of the Ellen at Borrowstounness; John Middleton, master of the Hope at Fraserburgh; Henry Frezer, master of the William of Leith; John Lamont, master of the Blessing of Leven; Alexander Glasford, master of the Elizabeth of Borrowstounness: and James Law, master of the Hopeful Margaret of Leith. You are to call for their charter parties. By the account you sent me from De Knuydt of the disbursements of the money on account of the Scotch Regiments I find almost as much again said to be paid to the ships masters as the men themselves own in their paper. The excess may be the unsettled moiety as above. If this be so you will have so much more money in your hands to be accounted for. Ibid.
According to your desire I allow you to draw a bill on Alderman Duncomb for what is due on your Bedchamber pension. As to your letter by Capt. Slater you will find the bill you drew for 2,600l. upon Mr. Duncombe for clothing the Scotch Regiment is paid at sight so that I hope your credit there will be good if there should be more occasion of it for the King's service. There is very good news come this morning from the Earl of Feversham: the particulars you will have from the Earl of Middleton. I doubt not but it will prove the total rout of the rebels army.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of George Dickinson and Nicholas Booker for places in Hull port on the new duties and the coinage duty there. Reference Book III, p. 129.
Same by same to same of the petition of Monsieur Michael de Claras Vaux, tapissier, a French Protestant, of the Gobelins factory: showing that having a design to come and establish himself in England with a number of good French workmen according to the permission which the late King granted him in the presence of the Earl of Sunderland, petitioner arrived at Harwich a month since and brought several designs for his tapestry manufactures, but same have been seized by the Customs officers. Prays restoration thereof. Ibid, p. 133.
July 7. Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of June 30 last. (Money warrant dated July 8 hereon. Money order dated July 19 [sic, probably for 9] hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 157. Money Book VI, p. 95. Order Book I, p. 34.
Same for 86l. 13s. 4d. to Thomas, Lord Colepeper, in full of his order dated 1684, July 2, for 1,086l. 13s. 4d. for the expence of the Katherine sloop, the quarters of Capt. Mutlow's Company, and said Lord's expense in his late government at Virginia: on which order only 1,000l. has been paid and the balance cannot be paid as the privy seal authorising same became void by the death of Charles II. (Money warrant dated July 13 hereon. Money order dated July 26 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 159. Money Book VI, p. 98. Order Book I, p. 38.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for the payment to Andrew Lawrence, guide and surveyor of the King's ways, gates, bridges, causeways and passages, of such sums as the Lord Treasurer shall think fit towards the making, maintaining and repairing the King's said private ways etc. and locks and keys for the gates etc. and all charges incident thereto. King's Warrant Book X, pp. 159–60.
Money warrant for 79l. to Anthony Segar, 69l. thereof for disbursements for the Treasury Office for last June 24 quarter and 10l. thereof for said quarter's salary. (Money order dated July 7 hereon.) Money Book VI, p. 94. Order Book I, p. 34.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Treasurer's Remembrancer, the Clerk of the Pipe, the Comptroller of the Pipe, the sheriffs of England and Wales and Edward Ange, authorising said Ange, solicitor for the King in matters relating to Recusancy, to be receiver of all the moneys of the said revenues in the hands of sheriffs. Upon such payments to Ange and on production of said Ange's acquittances the said sheriffs are to be discharged upon their accounts by the Treasurer's Remembrancer, the Clerk of the Pipe, the Comptroller of the Pipe or other officers concerned. Upon receipt thereof said Ange is hereby to make allowance to the said sheriffs of 12d. per £ for their care and pains in levying same and also their just expenses in procuring their discharges of the sums paid back [by the said sheriffs to the persons on whom same were levied]. Ange is then to pay back the remainder of such moneys to the respective persons on whom same were levied. All by reason that in pursuance of the royal sign manual of May 11 last, Treasurer Rochester did by his warrant of June 2 last direct stay of all process against Recusants and that all moneys levied on them and not answered to the King should be restored: and it is considered that the above is the easiest and readiest way to have the said moneys restored so as not to impede the sheriffs in passing their accounts. Money Book VI, pp. 94–5.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to Henry, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Privy Seal and Treasurer and Receiver General to the Queen Dowager, for last June 24 quarter on the annuity or pension of 6,000l. to said Queen. Ibid, p. 95.
July 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay as follows the 80l. which has been directed to you at the Exchequer, viz. 40l. each to Francis Strutt and Antho. Byns, messengers [of the Chamber]. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 80l. to said Griffin out of the money of the Letter Office now in the Exchequer.) Disposition Book IV, p. 46.
Same to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing the petition of Francis Weaver, collector of Portsmouth port, praying that 156l. 14s. 8d. due to him from Henry Beverley, deceased, late anchor smith at Portsmouth, may be paid to the Receiver General of Customs for his Majesty's use. You are to take care that petitioner be satisfied said sum out of such moneys as are due [from the King] to said Beverley. Ibid, p. 47.
July 8. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such moneys of the Customs, Excise, Hearthmoney and Post Office as are directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz. Ibid, pp. 46, 47.
Out of the Customs.
to the Treasurer of the Navy (for stores) for works to be finished within one year 3,000
to ditto for sea officers and bills in course 400
to ditto for the Victuallers 1,200
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,000
On the Excise.
to Col. Werden for the Queen 2,700
to me [Guy] for secret service by way of advance 100
to [ditto] more by advance 200
to Mr. Burton 500
to Mr. Griffin 500
Out of Hearthmoney.
to Mr. Griffin 500
to me [Guy] for secret service 606
Out of Post Office money.
to the Earl of Bath 500
Out of loans on the French linen duty.
to Mr. Fox, Paymaster of the Forces 9,000
(Same dated July 9 to the Customs Cashier, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs cash for the present week, said paper including the above four Customs items [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following item payable direct out of the Customs Office on tallies] viz. 2,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in part of their debt. Total disposition of the Customer, 7,600l.) (Same dated July 9 to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney, enclosing the like paper for the Excise and Hearthmoney said paper including the above four Excise items and two Hearthmoney items [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following [payable direct out of the Excise Office on tallies] viz. 1,500l. to the Prince of Denmark; 2,000l. to Thomas Griffith in repayment of loan. Total disposition of the Excise and Hearthmoney, 8,106l.)
July 8. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 30l. to the executors of George Russell out of loans on the Hearthmoney now remaining in the Exchequer. Disposition Book IV, p. 47.
Same to same to issue 20l. to Mr. Bray out of money of the Letter Office now in the Exchequer. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Heneage Finch for last June 24 quarter on his annuity or pension as a Groom of the Bedchamber. Money Book VI, p. 96.
(The like dated July 8 for 100l. each to James Fortrey and Oliver Nicholas for same as same.)
(The like dated July 9 for 100l. to James Griffin for same as same.)
(The like dated July 13 for 100l. each to Francis Russel, Richard Leueson, David Lloyd and Henry Slingsby for same as same.)
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuell Dassell for the landwaiter's place at Lyme (the Surveyor there who had been carried away by the rebels, having returned) petitioner being the first that brought the tidings of James Scot's invasion "and the testimony he gave occasioned the bill of attainder against him." Reference Book III, p. 132.
Same by same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney of the petition of Timothy Howard for a collector's or gauger's place in the Excise, being recommended by Lady Amelty Butler: petitioner having three brothers in the Excise. Ibid, p. 135.
Same by same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Jno. Taylor and Ralph Milbourne, shewing that Charles II granted all Holy Island to Daniell Collingwood for 31 years from 1672, Lady day, since which time Collingwood is dead and the island is granted to petitioners by his administrator, George Collingwood: therefore pray an extension of term. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Joseph Drake for the collectorship of the new duties, Plymouth port. Ibid, p. 136.
Same by same to same of the petition of Ralph Hardwick, merchant, shewing that he discovered to the Lord Treasurer that great quantities of muslins and other fine calicoes (which were in truth calico lawns and ought to pay custom as such) were nevertheless entered as calicoes, to the King's prejudice to at least 10,000l. per an., and that other calicoes of new invention paid so small a duty that the importation thereof was greatly prejudicial as well to the linen as the woollen trade and therefore ought to be further taxed; "that your lordship was pleased upon these discoveries to tell your petitioner that he had done his Majesty very good service herein and should have encouragement therein and reward for such his service: that the petitioner finding that your Lordship hath proceeded accordingly to have the said goods taxed in Parliament and that the business relating to the calicoe lawns is under consideration"; therefore prays some consideration. Ibid, p. 137.
July 8. Henry Guy to Lady Williams, enclosing the report [missing] of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and of Sir Christopher Wrenn upon Mris. Ellis's petition. Send the Lord Treasurer what information you think fit thereon. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 100.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing the petition of William Cooke, gent., for a place under the new impositions on sugars and tobacco. You are to present him on the next vacancy. Ibid.
Privy seal for 20,000l. to James Grahme, Keeper of the Privy Purse: for the use and service of the Privy Purse, without account. (Royal warrant dated July 4 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated July 8 hereon. Money order dated July 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 157. Money Book VI, p. 95. Order Book I, p. 34.
July 9. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. By the Act for the new duty on French linens etc. the officers are to keep a separate account thereof and to pay the same in specie into the Exchequer weekly under penalty. It is impossible for the officers in the outports to pay in such receipts weekly into the Exchequer. Advise the Lord Treasurer whether in case they return their moneys to the Receiver General of the Customs and he pay it in weekly into the Exchequer, such payment will answer the ends of the Act. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 100.
Same to Mr. Fox [Paymaster of the Forces] to report on the petition [missing] of Sir Tho. Beckford with the account [missing] of the money due to him for clothes supplied to soldiers under the pay of Visct. Ranelagh. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Ibid, p. 101.
Appending. (a) letter from Mr. Lightfoot, a Customs officer at Rye [to the Lord Treasurer] desiring increase of salary and complaining of one Lucas, a Customs Surveyor, "one that had married his mother-in-law," for neglect of duty.
Same to Sir Robt. Howard and Mr. Harbord, enclosing the petition [missing] of Abraham Shapton. You are to deliver to him the lease about the mines royal in Great Taunton, co. Gloucester. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Graham, enclosing two petitions [missing] of Mr. Glemham and two reports [missing] of the Attorney General concerning John Rivane's estate. Some time since at the request of the Earl of Castlehaven, the Lord Treasurer signed a warrant for an inquisition. You will find this at the King's Remembrancer's Office. You are to look after Rivane's estate on the King's behalf. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Darcy et al. to forthwith furnish the Maids of Honour's chambers as requested by the Lord Chamberlain's letter enclosed [missing]. Ibid.
July 9. Henry Guy to Mr. Pepys. The Navy Commissioners inform the Lord Treasurer that they have employed four oarsmen more in the yard at Chatham. Send the Lord Treasurer your opinion on this. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 101.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Jackson, landwaiter in Great Yarmouth port, praying for the Chief Surveyor's place there. Reference Book III, p. 136.
Warrant by same to the King's Remembrancer for stay of process against John Langley, late Receiver General of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll, and last Eighteen Months' tax for co. Worcester, and of the last Eighteen Months' and Six Months' tax for co. Gloucester. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 105.
Money warrant for 500l. to Philip Burton as imprest for Crown law charges. (Money order dated July 11 hereon.) Money Book VI, p. 97. Order Book I, p. 34.
Same for 80l. to the Mayor etc. of Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness, for two years to Lady day last on their perpetuity payable out of the Customs of Exeter and Dartmouth port. Money Book VI, p. 97.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to advance to me [Guy] out of Hearthmoney loans now in the Exchequer 200l. for secret service "which requireth the same to be immediately done." The regular warrants for issue of same shall be sent with all speed. Disposition Book IV, p. 47.
Same to the Customs Cashier to return [i.e. to give a bill of exchange] to the Earl of Newburgh for 100l. at Bristol by this post. On your delivering to me his acquittance I am to repay you this sum. Ibid, pp. 47–8.
Also you are forthwith to pay into the Exchequer 300l. of Customs money for the Treasurer of the Navy to defray the carriage etc. of the Navy timber from New Forest to Portsmouth. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 300l. to the Navy Treasurer.)
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] to pay to Benjamin Price the 52l. 4s. 0d. [for a bill] drawn by Capt. George Rooke. The 300l. for the carriage of timber as above is directed to-day. Ibid, p. 48.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to settle the management of the new imposition upon sugar and tobacco in London port as follows as proposed in said Commissioners' memorial of the 8th inst. viz.: that the present computor do cast up these duties as well as the former Customs and that he be allowed an assistant at 50l. per an. salary; that Mr. Wicks, the present Receiver [of Plantation duties] do receive the money and take the bonds for this new imposition and that he be allowed an assistant at 50l. per an.: 20l. per an. each to be added to the salary of said computor and receiver for this additional service: the patent officers to maintain together a comptrol to checque the computor and keep distinct accompts of this duty: a surveyor to be appointed to examine the sufficiency of securities and to attend the waterside both inwards and outwards at 80l. per an. salary. Out Letters (Customs) X, p. 36.
July 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to get one of the Tellers to advance, out of Hearthmoney loans, 200l. to me [Guy] for secret service. Also you are to issue 10l. to Mr. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, for Mary Dowle, the herbwoman. (Same dated July 9 to said Griffin to pay said 10l. to said Dowle.) Disposition Book IV, p. 48.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a list [missing] of the people who are going to Carolina "and pretend they have been shipt a great while." Send the Lord Treasurer an account of all the said people. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 101.
Two royal sign manuals for respectively 200l. and 400l. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of June 30 last. (Two money warrants dated July 11 hereon. Two money orders dated July 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 160. Money Book, VI, p. 97. Order Book I, p. 35.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,200l. to Robert Spencer, without account: as allowance by the King's bounty for his services as one of the Managers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados for three years after the salary of 400l. per an. each (which was allowed to him and his partners after they were made accountable for said duty) was taken off. (Money warrant dated July 14 hereon. Money order dated July 15 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 160. Money Book VI, p. 99. Order Book I, p. 36.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir William Bowes, kt., of the office of Master Forester and Chief Warden of all the King's forests and chaces within the lordship of Barnard Castle, co. Durham, and the custody and office of chief keeper of the King's forests of Teesdale and the chase of Marwood alias Marwood Hagg, co. Durham, which offices are lately void by the death of Charles, late Earl of Carlisle: to hold during pleasure: Bowes to covenant to repair all the houses or lodges in and belonging to said forests and chaces at his own charge and to pay the several wages and fees amounting to 9l. 2s. 0d. per an. and all other fees and allowances to the several keepers or foresters thereof and to indemnify the King touching the same; and to replenish the said forest with a competent number of deer "for our delight when we come there" and to maintain all the lands, meadows, pastures, wood and underwood at his own cost. King's Warrant Book X, p. 161.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sam. Beake, John Vyner, Robt. Rawlinson and Peter Rowel of London, merchants, to be charged only the duty of 16d. per gallon (now imposed on single brandies below proof) on certain brandies above proof on board the Unity from Bordeaux same having left Bordeaux before petitioners could give notice of the late Act of Parliament [for the new duties thereon]. Reference Book III, p. 134.
Same by same to same of the petition of William Jones for a landwaiter's place, London port. Ibid, p. 135.
Same by same to same of the petition of Robert Jackson (clerk to Ralph Williamson, Comptroller of Newcastle port) for the place of surveyor of Stockton port void by the surrender of Mr. Hardcastle. Ibid.
July 10. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Wetwang for renewal of his patent as Trover and Peisor of Newcastle and Sunderland, determined by the late King's death. Reference Book III, p. 135.
Same by same to same of the petition of John Roope to be continued as collector of Exeter and Dartmouth: "with a good certificate of most of the west country Members." Ibid, p. 136.
Same by same to Richard Graham of the petition of Jno. Every, Receiver General of Recusants' forfeitures in Cheshire and North Wales, for allowance of his charges therein, amounting to 332l. 7s. 4d. and further shewing that several of the records relating to his account were burned in the fire in the Temple, and none of them certified into the Pipe, which has hitherto delayed his account; therefore prays stay of process in the interim. Ibid.
Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Charles Bathurst for a place in the Customs, having a certificate from the Earl of Clarendon etc. Ibid, p. 137.
Same by same to same of the petition of Thomas Tothall for some employment in the tobacco duties, he having been bred a tobacconist. Ibid, p. 143.