Warrant Book: November 1710, 21-30

Pages 511-523

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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November 1710

Nov. 21. Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the fee or salary of 20l. per an. to Thomas Brydges as Comptroller of Newcastle port. Money Book XX, p. 427.
Money warrant for 714l. to Benjamin Mathew, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Northampton, for his extraordinary charge &c. in his receipt amounting to 226,729l. 11s. 6d. from 1688 to 1704. (Money order dated Nov. 27 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated 1710–11 Jan. 25 hereon.) Ibid., p. 431. Order Book VII, p. 503. Disposition Book XXI, p. 39.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Receipt to pay to Robert Harley the salary of 1,600l. per an. as Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer (over and above his fees of 200l. per an. payable at the Receipt in respect of the said two offices and 34l. 13s. 4d. per an. out of the Great Wardrobe for his robes or vesture): to date from Aug. 10 last: as by the royal warrant of Aug. 17 last, supra, p. 417. Money Book XX, p. 431.
Money warrant for 544l. 8s. 10½d. to the executors of Algernoon, Earl of Essex, for 1709 June 24 to 1709–10 Jan. 10 (the day of his death) on his 1,000l. per an. as Constable of the Tower.
Appending: certificate of date of said Earl's death, by Peter Walter his executor. Ibid., p. 432. Disposition Book XXI, p. 12.
Same for 369l. 13s. 11½d. to Samuell Smithin, her Majesty's goldsmith, for gilt and white plate delivered into the Jewel House by him from 1709 Sept. 29 to Dec. 25.
Appending: John Charlton's certificate of the said deliveries. Money Book XX, p. 437. Order Book VII, p. 504.
Nov. 21. William Lowndes to the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of James Brydges relating to the Almanza Regiments. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 260.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir William Hodges and Leonard Henchman, merchants, for a noli prosequi to the information against the ship St. Joseph, lately arrived in the Thames with Canary wines from the Canaries and seized as imported contrary to law. Reference Book VIII, p. 430.
Treasury approval of Lionell Herne as first clerk in the Office of John Smith, one of the four Tellers of the Receipt.
Prefixing: said Smith's presentation of said Herne and extract from the Act of 8 and 9 Wm. III., c. 28, relating thereto. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 170.
Treasury commission to Thomas Jeay as a Surveyor of the Duties on Houses. (Dormant warrant dated Nov. 22 to the Receiver General of said Duties for Co. Huntingdon to pay him 30l. per an. salary.)
John Fuller: the like commission loco John Cowper. (Dormant warrant dated Nov. 22 to the Receiver General of said Duties for Co. Sussex to pay him 50l. per an. salary.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 29, 34, 61.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Receiver General of the Duties on Houses for Co. Worcester to pay 60l., 50l. per an. salary to Richard Diggs as Surveyor thereof ibid. loco Walter Wyat dismissed.
to the same for Co. Warwick to pay John Cooper 60l. per an. salary as Surveyor of same ibid. loco Thomas Jenner removed. Ibid., p. 61.
Nov. 22. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 161l. 6s. 6d. to Henry Meriton, late their Cashier, for his charges and disbursements in carrying 688,027l. 18s. 11½d. of Excise money between 1709 Dec. 19 and 1710 June 12 to the Exchequer and striking tallies there for same. Money Book XX, p. 434.
Money warrant for 20l. to Capt. James Margrath (McGrath): without account for being instrumental in seizing and securing Col. John Rice who was taken on a capias ad computandum and committed to Newgate and a prosecution now carrying on against him. Ibid., p. 434. Order Book VII, p. 502. Disposition Book XXI, p. 25.
Same for 526l. 14s. 2d. to Francis Sorrell and Robert Georges, Secretaries to the Managers of the 1710 Lottery, for incident expenses attending the execution of said Lottery. (Money order dated Nov. 27 hereon: with a later confirmation dated 1712 Sept. 20 by Treasurer Oxford thereof.) (Letter of direction dated Nov. 11 for this sum.) Money Book XX, pp. 434–5. Order Book VIII, p. 18. Disposition Book XXI, p. 8.
Treasury warrant to Spencer Compton to pay to the abovesaid Sorrell and Georges the said sum of 526l. 14s. 2d. by way of advance on credit of repayment out of the overplus moneys arising by the fund granted by the Act of 8 Anne, c. 10, continuing part of the Duties on coals &c. to raise 1,500,000l. by said Lottery, when and as soon as the moneys payable to said Sorrell out of said overplus shall arise and be paid. Money Book XX, pp. 435–6.
Nov. 22. Treasury confirmation of the warrant of 1707 June 4 for the annuity or yearly pension of 3,000l. per an. to be paid out of the Post Office revenue to James, Duke of Queensberry, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXI, p. 304. Ibid. XIX, p. 1.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1705 Oct. 24 for 300l. per an. to the executors of Dr. Titus Oates according to the grant thereof by Wm. III. 1698 July 30 to said Oates and Rebecca his wife for 99 years: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XX, p. 448. Ibid. XVIII, p. 54.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1702 Aug. 18 for the pension of 400l. per an. to William Brockett gent.: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XVII, p. 330. Ibid. XVI, p. 139.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1705 Aug. 28 for the allowance of 20s. a day to Henry Andrews for his office of Court Post: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XX, p. 402. Ibid. XVIII, p. 21.
The like of the dormant money order of 1702 Aug. 27 for the fee of 2s. a day to John Dwyre for his maintenance: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XVII, p. 341, under date 1702 Aug. 24. Order Book V. p. 394.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1709 July 19 for payment of the Earl of Mar's pensions: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 260. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 71.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1708 Dec. 24 for 210l. per an. to Edinburgh University: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXII, p. 469. Ibid. I, p. 470.
The like of the dormant warrant of 1708 Oct. 4 for 210l. per an. to Glasgow University Professors: ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXII, p. 410. Ibid., p. 436.
Money order for 210l. 6s. 6d. to Robert Harley for 51 days 1710 Aug. 10 to Sept. 29 on the 1,600l. per an. to him as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Order Book VII, p. 499. Disposition Book XXI, p. 12.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners for an account of the arrears standing out on the several Customs, Impositions and Duties that determined July 31 last and what diligence is used in recovering and bringing the same in. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 260.
Same to same to attend the Attorney and Solicitor General with the papers relating to Mr. Richardson's frauds ("the frauds committed by divers Customs House officers").
Appending: list of said papers including the narrative of John Knackston, memorial of Mr. Kent, letter from Mr. Carkesse, information of John Downes &c. Ibid., p. 261.
Nov. 22. William Lowndes to the Auditors of Imprests. When you attend my Lords on Friday they will consider the draft privy seal relating to Mr. Brydges' account [as Paymaster of the Forces Abroad]. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 261.
Same to the Attorney General to put off the trial of Geo. Rossell, druggist, till next term touching some pepper belonging to him and under seizure. Ibid., p. 262.
Same to same to report on the enclosed papers relating to the transportation of wool from Kent and Sussex.
Appending: schedule only of said papers (petition of William Tindal and clothiers of Blackwell Hall against the transportation of wool: the like of Tho. Young: affidavits of Richard Swalden, J. Tanner, Mary Bryan; ditto of Tho. Young and J. Tanner relating to the owling trade; ditto of said Young about Hopkins and Baker; Mr. Tindall's letter to Chancellor Harley; letter of Mr. Lewis to Mr. Borrett). Ibid.
Same to the Solicitor of the Customs to attend the Attorney General about the presentment concerning tallow seized by Mr. Bentley near Carlisle. Ibid.
Same to Lord Dartmouth enclosing the report [missing] from the Customs Commissioners on the several letters received from you concerning the Lisbon pacquet boats. Ibid., p. 263.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed memorials [missing] for the continuance of John Long who acts for the Comptroller and Searcher at Shoreham and Brighton and is also employed in the wool business. Ibid.
Same to same. My Lords direct you to employ Benjamin Colbart according to the warrant for making him landwaiter at Hull. The Collector at Hull is to appoint an able officer to be joined with him at the delivery of ships till he is perfectly instructed in the business of a landwaiter. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Queen's Remembrancer of the petition of Sir John Humble, bart., proposing his securities, detailed, in 5,000l. for his place as Paymaster of the Annuities on the 1710 Lottery. Reference Book VIII, p. 430.
[?] Same to Mr. Borrett of the petition of Thomas Wagstaffe for the Proclamation reward, he being the only person that apprehended George Purchace, who was concerned in the late riot at the time of Dr. Sacheverell's trial and who since has been convicted for the same. Ibid.
Nov. 22. Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Walter Harford, a surety in 500l. for John Weaver, late Collector of Portsmouth port, praying till the end of Hilary term next for raising money to discharge his bond. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the surviving Trustee for Sale of Fee Farm Rents of the Crown to convey to Thomas, Duke of Leeds, certain fee farm rents [the fee farm rent of the three Hundreds of Newport] to the value of 23l. 19s. 5d. per an., ut supra, p. 407, as in lieu of defective rents previously conveyed to him, to wit the rent of 20l. per an. out of the Soke of Somersham, Co. Huntingdon, and the rent of 3l. 6s. 8d. per an. out of the coal mines in Softley, Co. Durham.
Prefixing: constat of the premises made out by Auditor Thomas Jett. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 171.
Nov. 22. Treasury commission to John Whetham as a General Surveyor for the House Duties in North Britain to inspect and examine the assessments and certificates thereof and to certify neglects &c. therein to the Commissioners of said Duty. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, p. 62.
Nov. 23. Money warrant for 189l. 13s. 6d. to John Smith, being his salary as late Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1710 June 24 to Aug. 10 on which latter date he was succeeded by Robert Harley. Money Book XX, p. 432. Order Book VII, p. 499. Disposition Book XXI, p. 12.
Same for 285l. 2s. 6d. to Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, being for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the annuity for the support of said Order. (Money order dated Nov. 28 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 21 hereon.) Money Book XX, p. 433. Order Book VII, p. 504. Disposition Book XXI, p. 21.
Same for 20l. to Ann Crawford, widow of David Crawford (late her Majesty's Historiographer of Scotland) in full of all demands, of salary or otherwise due to her said late husband as such to the day of his death. Money Book XX, p. 433. Order Book VII, p. 503. Disposition Book XXI, p. 25.
Same for 60l. to Robert Stephens, messenger appointed to look after the printing press: 50l. thereof for one year to 1707 Xmas on his allowance or salary and 10l. for his charges and expenses in carrying on the said employment to said time. Money Book XX, p. 436. Order Book VII, p. 503.
Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General not to pay Lieut. Gen. John Webb's pension of 1,000l. per an. from 1710 Sept. 29 for and during the time he shall be continued as Governor of the Isle of Wight: he having agreed thereto by writing Sept. 13 last. Payment thereon is to be resumed on his removal from said government. Money Book XX, p. 436.
Treasury confirmation of the dormant warrant of 1709 Oct. 29 for 3,000l. per an. to the Earl of Pembroke, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 402. Ibid., p. 173.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for the renewal of a lost annuity order No. 1484 for 12l. per an. in the name of Bartholomew Burton, purchased in 1694.
The like for a lost annuity order No. 2541 for 50l. per an. in the name of Sir John Sherrard, bart., on the 3,700l. per week of the Excise.
The like for a lost annuity order No. 2121 for 60l. per an. in the name of James Hook on the 3,700l. per week of the Excise. Order Book VII, p. 500.
Nov. 23. William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to direct payment as follows of the 2,905l. remaining, ut supra, p. 510, in the hands of the executors of Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy: viz. to the Ordinary of the Navy anno 1705. "And whereas you have desired that the 3,141l. remaining in the hands of Robert Walpole Esq. for sale of old stores might be issued in further part of the 9,500l. desired by you on the head of Ordinary, the Treasury Lords being informed that the same hath been already applied and paid away command me to acquaint you that they intend speedily to give direction as well for supplying the said 3,141l. some other way as also for completing the remainder of the said 9,500l."
In the margin: The [Navy Ordinary for the] year 1705 being completed this [sum] instead thereof is placed by the Navy [Commissioners] to the [head of] Ordinary anno 1706." Disposition Book XXI, p. 14.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] entitled "Naked Truth Without Apology" and signed Legion. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 263.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from Count Gyllenborg, the Swedish Minister, as to the Swedish merchant ship Isaac detained at Standgate Creek as not having performed its quarantine. Ibid., pp. 264, 266.
Same to the Governor &c. of the Bank. My Lords have considered the paper you delivered yesterday relating to non-specie [Exchequer] Bills and what you said upon it and have reported same to the Queen "who having had the goodness to offer so great a sum of money to remedy the mischief which happens by the discount of non-specie Bills, but the Court of Directors having by their alterations expressed their unwillingness to comply with the proposal, [her Majesty regretfully thinks] it will be very preposterous to press them to do what they declare themselves unwilling to undertake." Ibid.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Martin Tucker praying an allowance for keeping the accounts and transacting bonds and duplicates concerning the wool and woollen manufactures exported out of Ireland into England for above 10 years past. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 216.
Nov. 24. Money warrant for 75l. 5s. 7½d. to Philip Ryley for three quarters to 1710 Sept. 29 on his fee and board wages as a Serjeant at Arms. Money Book XX, p. 436. Disposition Book XXI, p. 25.
Treasury confirmation of the dormant warrant of 1707 Aug. 12 for 6l. 15s. 0d. per an. for tithes and poor rate for land laid into her Majesty's gardens at Kensington, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXI, p. 407. Money Book XIX, p. 65.
Nov. 24. The like of the dormant warrant of 1706 Nov. 30 for payment of 60l. per an. for the rent of the house that Capt. Porter lives in, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXI, p. 112. Ibid. XVIII, p. 352.
William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] from Count Gallas [praying] for the remainder of the money payable to Prince Eugene for the Imperial recruits sent into Spain last summer. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 264.
Same to Mr. Granville [Secretary at War]. My Lords have received a letter from Secretary St. John dated the 23rd inst. enclosing a copy of the Convention lately signed by the Duke of Marlborough for 2,000 recruits for the Imperial Forces in her Majesty's pay in Spain; as also the alterations proposed by the Prince of Savoy and consented to by her Majesty (as the said Secretary informs my Lords) that 500 should be added to make the whole number 2,500 recruits if by the returns from Spain they shall appear to be necessary. Please prepare a royal warrant to authorise the Paymaster of the Forces Abroad to pay 20 Crowns a man for the said recruits conformable to the said Convention.
I am also to acquaint you that my Lords have set apart Friday morning in every week for the Secretary at War and the Paymasters of the Forces to attend them and to consider of any memorial which the said Paymasters or you may have to lay before them. Ibid., p. 265.
Same to Baron Scroop enclosing the Customs Commissioners' report on the petition of William Strode et al. and on the petition of John Short concerning wines by them seized in North Britain. Have you any objection to the proposed distribution of reward ? Ibid.
Nov. 25. Same to the Navy Treasurer to apply 6,000l. (part of the 11,600l. Exchequer Bills remaining in your hands, ut supra, p. 507) towards paying off turned over men of her Majesty's ship Blenheim: and to place same to the head of Wages. Disposition Book XXI, p. 13.
Letter of direction for 1,322l. 11s. 6d. to the Cofferer of the Household: out of Civil List money: and is to pay the Customs on her Majesty's wine imported in July last. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a copy [missing] of Lord Dartmouth's letter to the Treasury Lords concerning French men and other suspicious persons going beyond the sea without passes from the Principal Secretary of State. You are to give orders to the Customs Officers not to suffer any passengers to go beyond sea without such a pass. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 266.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated Sept. 8 last to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the provision of chapel necessaries (not detailed) for Ro. Lowther Esq. as Governor of Barbados: to an estimate of 133l. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 30.
Nov. 25. Treasury commission to George Mashrother as a Surveyor of the Duties on Houses loco Richard Reynolds. (Dormant warrant dated Nov. 25 to the Receiver General of said Duties for Co. Yorks to pay him 50l. per an. salary.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 29, 61.
Nov. 27. William Lowndes to Mr. How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons. The Bank of England has agreed to advance 50,000l. to you, 25,000l. on Dec. 9 next and 25,000l. on Dec. 18, to be repaid in two months with 4 per cent. interest and on security of a deposit of 55,000l. in tallies and orders on the General Mortgage anno 1710. Please make the deposit accordingly and apply said sum to services as follow: viz
£ s. d.
for account of Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
for 33 days' subsistence Sept. 22 last to Oct. 24 last for the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain and the Battalion of Guards in Holland 23,634 11 11
for four months' pay for the several Garrisons from 25 June last to Oct. 24 according to the Establishment and muster rolls 5,298 14
for three quarters to Sept. 29 last on the allowance to several disabled officers 1,128 4 0
for allowance for same time for the Secretary at War's Office and the Comptrollers' [of Army Accounts] Office 1,766 5 0
to satisfy the Queen's warrant of July 29 last to Major General Whitman 320 0 0
in part of the [deduction of] poundage and day's pay for 61 days' subsistence to Oct. 24 last for the outpensioners of the Royal Hospital of Chelsea 4,650 10 0
for half a year's pay to June 24 last for the General and Staff Officers 7,002 2 6
on account of forage for the Troops in North Britain from 25 May last 1,200 0 0
to complete the pay of the Officers "from July 14 to Dec. 22 last [? sic for next]" who are appointed to attend the Expedition 81 0 0
for such uses of the Guards and Garrisons as shall be most pressing 668 5
for account of the 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for 33 days' subsistence to Oct. 24 last for several Regiments, part of this Establishment 4,250 6 3
£50,000 0 0
Disposition Book XXI, p. 15.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Millicent for 145l. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt as Receiver General of Taxes in 1702 and 1703 [for Co. Cambridge and Ely]. Reference Book VIII, p. 430.
Nov. 28. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge as follows to the administrators of the late Prince George of Denmark. The said Prince left behind him "ourself, and the several Kings, Princes and Princesses following" viz. Anna Sophia, Electress and Duchess Dowager of Saxony, sister of our said husband; Frederick IV., now King of Denmark, and Sophia Hedwig, Hereditary Princess of Denmark, children of Christian V., late King of Denmark, who was brother of our said husband; Charles XII., now King of Sweden, and Ulrica Elionora, Princess of Sweden, children of Ulrica Elionora Sabina, late Queen of Sweden, who was sister of our said husband; Charles Frederick, Duke of Holstein, son of Hedwig Sophia, Duchess of Holstein, who was daughter of the said Ulrica Elionora Sabina; Christianus Augustus, Duke and Administrator of Holstein; Mary Elizabeth, Princess of Holstein, and Augustus, Prince of Brunswick and Luneburg, husband and executor of Sophia Amalia, hereditary Prince [of] Wolfenbuttle (which said Sophia Amalia survived our said dear husband) [the said four being] children of Frederick Amalia, late Duchess of Holstein deceased, who was a sister of our said late dear husband.
Further by sign manual we, the Queen, did appoint John Smith (then Chancellor of the Exchequer), and Sir Charles Hedges (Judge of the High Court of Admiralty), to take out administration of our said late husband's estate, and letters of administration thereof were granted 28 May 1709 by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for our use, and on 2 May 1710 they obtained a decree of the said Court to be affixed on the pillars of the Royal Exchange at a time of public concourse of merchants there to notify the several Kings, Princes and Princesses specially named therein and all others concerned to appear in the said Court 1710 June 6 to see an inventory of all the goods and chattels real and personal, rights and credits, as also an account of our said dear husband's estate exhibited on oath by the said administrators and to see portions allotted thereout according to the laws of England and [to see] them dismissed from the said administration: which notice was exhibited and returned into the said Court and the said inventory and account exhibited and sworn; by which there appeared to be a clear estate of our said husband of 37,923l. 3s. 0d. to be distributed, including 9,581l. 10s. 0d. of his jewels and 270l. 10s. 0d. of medals and coins and 299l. of arms (all which jewels, medals, coins and arms are in our custody and possession) and the lease of the house and park at Greenwich which belonged to him and valued at 2,800l.; the said items being together 12,951l. 0s. 6d.: and by royal warrant of 1710 July 10 we did declare that we had thought fit for the ease of all parties concerned to accept of the said jewels, medals, coins, arms and lease at the said valuations in part of the moiety of his personal estate which of right belongeth to us: and thereupon the said Court ordered distribution of the said estate according to the Act of Parliament for the Better Settling Intestates' Estates; that is to say to ourself the sum of 18,961l. 11s. 6d., being our said moiety (the said 12,951l. 0s. 6d. being part thereof), and the other moiety being 18,961l. 11s. 6d. to be paid by the said administrators into the Registry of the said Court to be distributed to and amongst the several Kings, Princes and Princesses in the order named above for their respective shares and portions of the said personal estate "as by the said order of distribution may more fully appear" and the said administrators have so paid the same into said Registry Aug. 19 last.
And whereas further Wm. III. 1697 Aug. 31 demised to Henry, Earl of Romney (since deceased), the palace or mansion house called Queen's House in the parish of East Greenwich and the park there called Greenwich Park for 31 years from that date at 13s. 4d. rent which term did afterwards come to George Churchill (since deceased) in trust for our said late dear husband and the executors of the said George Churchill (to wit Francis Godfrey, Awnsham Churchill and William Churchill) did by the appointment of said John Smith and Sir Charles Hedges Aug. 2 last surrender to us, the Queen, the said house and park: now therefore the Queen declares that she accepts the said surrender and the said valuations amounting to 12,951l. 0s. 6d. as in part of her said moiety and does acknowledge that the said administrators "have paid into our own hands in money the sum of 2,847l. 1s. 1½d. in further part of our share before mentioned and have also delivered to our use (according to our command) several parcels of silver plate amounting in value to 2,718l. 14s. 10½d. in further part of our said share; and have also paid upon several pensions which we were pleased to allow out of our said share several sums amounting to 444l. 15s. 0d., all which several sums completely make up the said whole sum of 18,961l. 11s. 6d. belonging to us as aforesaid," we do hereby declare that we are fully satisfied, contented and paid therewith and do fully remise, release and for ever quit claim the said administrators. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 380–87.
Nov. 28. Money order for 26l. 13s. 4d. to Charles Battley, Second Secondary in the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office, for one year to 1710 Lady day on his fee for executing all originals transmitted out of the Court of Chancery. Order Book VII, p. 502.
William Lowndes to Messrs. Hoare and Company, [exchange] remitters. The Treasury Lords desire you to give your bills to Mr. Brydges [for despatch] by this night's post for 48,862l. 1s. 3½d. whereof 15,000l. on Antwerp and the remaining 33,862l. 1s. 3½d. upon Amsterdam, on the foot [exchange rate] of your contract for those places respectively. The said sum is to complete 98,862l. 1s. 3½d. as in a memorial of Mr. Brydges of Oct. 25 last for clearing the subsistence to the English Troops and full pay to the Foreign Troops in Flanders to Nov. 23 inst. Disposition Book XXI, p. 14.
Same to the Earl of Portmore. The Queen has been acquainted that great inconveniences have happened to the service in Portugal by allowing the muster rolls [as] complete upon pretence of applying the non-effective pay to the raising recruits and other service of the war there. She directs that the Commissary of the Musters should take special care not to allow any more men upon the rolls than are really effectives except the usual number of servants to Officers. The Treasury Lords desire you on your part to use all means possible that the Queen's commands herein be duly complied with and that you direct the [Deputy] Paymaster not to issue any more money from time to time for subsistence than what shall be due according to the said musters. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 266.
Same to Mr. Chetwynd. The Treasury Lords look upon the affairs of Spain to be of the greatest consequence and they therefore desire that you will neglect nothing that you think will contribute to the speedy transporting the Troops to Catalonia and likewise that you will use your best endeavours to supply Mr. Stanhope from time to time with whatever he may want for the better carrying on the service in which he is employed. Ibid., p. 267.
Nov. 28. Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Parker shewing that he is sued by the Prize Commissioners for some hogsheads of wine out of the Europe and must send into Cornwall to get his vouchers "and that many of the people he paid moneys to are seafaring men, so that he cannot get all his receipts ready at present." Ibid.
Same to Mr. Wise to proceed in the works at Hampton Court according to your estimate as allowed by the Office of Works. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the securities, detailed, of Sir John Humble as Paymaster of the Annuities of the 1710 Lottery.
Prefixing: report by J. Morgan, Deputy Queen's Remembrancer. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 172.
William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners in Scotland, to cause their Cashier to send to the Treasury Lords, London, a weekly-certificate of his receipts, payments and remains in manner as the same are transmitted by the Excise Cashier in London.
Likewise to send not only a General Abstract (distinguished under proper heads) of the receipts, payments and remains of Excise revenue from Michaelmas 1709 to Michaelmas 1710, but also a like General Abstract of the whole from the time of the Union to 1710 Sept. 29. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 214.
The like letter to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland, for their Cashier, Mr. Graydon, to send the like weekly certificates and the like General Abstracts as above relating to the Customs revenue. Ibid.
The like letter to Mr. Douglas for the like weekly certificate of his receipts, payments and remains as Receiver of public moneys and for the like General Abstracts as above relating to the said moneys. Ibid., p. 215.
Nov. 29. Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to William Bromley, Speaker of the House of Commons: "which we are graciously pleased to allow him for and towards providing his equipage as Speaker thereof": being the like sum that hath been usually allowed. (Money warrant dated Dec. 1 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 1 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 375. Money Book XX, p. 437. Order Book VII, p. 501. Disposition Book XXI, p. 16.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 100l. per an. to Sir Clement Cotterel, Master of the Ceremonies: out of Civil List moneys: as an annuity or yearly sum in lieu and recompense of all allowances by bills or otherwise formerly payable to the Master of the Ceremonies out of the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber: to commence as from 1710 Aug. 10, the date of his patent of appointment as Master of the Ceremonies. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 375–6.
Nov. 29. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge to Sir Thomas Mansel Bart., late Comptroller of the Household, for 1,017 ounces of white plate (which at 6s. 8d. the ounce is 339l. 1s. 7d.) delivered to him by indenture 1705 June 1 out of the Jewel Office, no part whereof has been returned into the said Office. Ibid., p. 377.
Same to Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, to acknowledge satisfaction for 1,252l. 14s. 3d., being her Majesty's share of French wines seized by Henry Nash, an officer of the Customs in London port, and condemned in the Exchequer in Trinity term last. Ibid., p. 379.
Royal sign manual for 1,809l. 15s. 8d. to Henry Boyle in full of all demands for secret service as late Secretary of State ("for our secret service over and above all other sum and sums paid or payable to him for the like service"). (Money warrant dated Dec. 1 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 14 hereon.) See supra, p. 503, under date Nov. 11. Ibid., p. 379. Order Book VII, p. 510.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to refund the assessments to the Land Tax anno 1709 on the salaries of themselves, their clerks and officers in [the Navy Office of] her Majesty's Navy. Disposition Book XXI, p. 14.
Same to the Attorney General enclosing the Customs Commissioners' report on the petition of Sir William Hodges and Leonard Henchman touching the seizure of the ship St. Joseph laden with Canary wines. Please non pros this information. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 268.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Benj. Mathew shewing that he was Receiver General of Northampton till 1704, when by the failing of his correspondent in London he became much indebted to the Crown and another Receiver put in his room: therefore praying to be Receiver for said county for the year 1710. Reference Book VIII, p. 430.
Same to same of the petition of William Burslem for 1,432l. 12s. 0d. for the extraordinary charges of his receipt as Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Stafford 1703–5. Ibid., p. 431.
Same to the Warden &c. of the Mint of the petition of William Palmes desiring a licence from her Majesty for 14 years to coin copper halfpence and farthings not exceeding 700 ton in the whole; and under like covenants and conditions and in like manner as Sir Jos. Hearne and others had from Wm. and Mary for seven years, it being long since that time expired and that coin being pretty well exhausted. Ibid.
Same to George Granville, Secretary at War, of the petition of Brigadier Carpenter in behalf of his own and two other Regiments of Dragoons last ordered for North Britain, shewing that the alesellers of that country are neither able nor obliged to furnish more than a room and bed; by reason whereof the said Dragoons have usually been paid a week beforehand to subsist themselves; that for procuring money at Edinburgh they have been obliged to pay 2 per cent. besides the discount of the Exchequer Bills in London, which neither Officers nor soldiers are able to bear any longer: therefore praying consideration and that proper methods may be taken. Ibid.
Nov. 30. Royal letters patent constituting James Pendlebury to be Master Gunner of Great Britain with the wages and fee of 2s. a day as from 1710 Oct. 1: during pleasure. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, p. 373.
Letter of direction for issues as follows: out of Civil List funds:
£ s. d.
to the poor of St. Botolph's, London 7 0 0
to the French ministers in the Savoy 30 0 0
to the Divinity Lecturer at Oxford 33 6 8
to the riding forester in New Forest 9 2 6
Disposition Book XXI, p. 15.
Same for 2,000l. to William Lowndes: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 18.
William Lowndes to Mr. Howe [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of the Captains of the four Independent Companies at New York relating to their personal clearings included in the respits of the said Companies "together with the pay of the Staff Officers." How may the said clearings be satisfied ? Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 268.