Warrant Book: November 1710, 11-20

Pages 502-511

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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November 1710

Nov. 11. Money warrant for 500l. as equipage and 455l. as a quarter's ordinary in advance to Geo. Delavall as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal. Money Book XX, p. 423. Order Book VII, p. 496. Disposition Book XXI, p. 12.
Letter of direction for issues as follows: out of loans to be made by the payees, or by others at their nomination, on credit of moneys arising by sale of her Majesty's tin:
£ s. d.
Mr. Clarke, for a moiety of a seizure, see supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIII, p. 372, under date 1709 Sept. 27 78 6
Mr. Boyle, to clear his account of secret service as late Secretary of State [this entry is apparently incorrect and is probably replaced by the warrant, infra, p. 522, under date Nov. 29] 2,570 10 11½
Disposition Book XXI, p. 7.
Nov. 11. William Lowndes to the Directors of the Bank of England enclosing a draft tripartite indenture [missing] for taking subscriptions for 1,000,000l. for the better enabling the Bank to exchange any Exchequer Bills which any persons shall demand to be exchanged for ready money during the term as therein.
And of an indenture to be underwritten by those that shall contract to furnish money for that purpose.
Please fill up the blanks or amend said draft as you judge necessary and return to my Lords. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 254.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the petition of John Hewbanks, master of the ship George and Elizabeth from Stockholm, praying her discharge from quarantine. Ibid., p. 255.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed account [missing] kept by the Receiver General of Co. Chester of what sums each township in Northwich Hundred was charged with to the first two quarters of the Land Tax anno 1710, what each paid him on the 4th Oct. 1710 and what each is in arrear. May not the same [form of account] be made [compulsorily] general [on all the Receivers General of Taxes] throughout Great Britain ? Ibid.
Nov. 13. Money warrant for 38l. 9s. 3d. to James Jenkinson, Collector of Dartmouth; Renatus Palmer, Surveyor of Dartmouth, and Robert Wind, tidesurveyor of Plymouth, as a moiety of a seizure of money out of a Dutch dogger called the White Elephant [being coin of the realm attempted to be exported]. (Money order dated 1710–11 Jan. 19 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Jan. 25 hereon.) Money Book XX, p. 426. Order Book VIII, p. 22. Disposition Book XXI, p. 39.
Treasury allowance of John Thorowkettle's bill of 16l. 3s. 4d. for 1710 Sept. 29 quarter's attendance as Messenger [of the Chamber] attending the Treasury Lords.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay said Thorowkettle 16l. 3s. 4d. for same quarter as Messenger [of the Chamber] attending the Customs. Money Book XX, pp. 426–7.
Letter of direction for 740l. to Henry Whitebread, Receiver General for Co. Beds., ut supra, p. 387: out of loans to be made by himself in the Exchequer on credit of the sale of her Majesty's tin. Disposition Book XXI, p. 9.
Nov. 14. Money warrant for 1,219l. 3s. 6d. to William, Lord Dartmouth, for 1709 Lady day to 1710 June 13 on his 1,000l. per an. as a Commissioner for Trade; his allowances as a Principal Secretary of State commencing from 1710 June 14.
In the margin: this warrant was cancelled and superseded by that of Dec. 4, infra, p. 525. Money Book XX, p. 425.
Nov. 14. William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges. My Lords are informed that Sir Henry Furnese has from time to time delivered to you his accounts or certificates of the moneys by him remitted by way of commission for the service of the Troops in her Majesty's pay in the Low Countries during the whole time that he was concerned therein. Please send the said accounts and the relative vouchers &c. to the Auditors of Imprests in order to a state thereof for my Lords. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 256.
Same to the said Auditors of Imprests informing them of the above. I send you herewith all such certificates as said Furnese has delivered in to the Treasury from time to time concerning the same and also copies of his agreements for such remittances. Please advise with indifferent merchants as to the rates of exchange and lay a state of the whole before my Lords. Ibid.
Same to Geo. Granville, Secretary at War, enclosing a list [missing], which Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, has laid before my Lords, of the names and allowances of sundry Officers en second in Portugal lately belonging to six Portuguese Regiments of Foot now formed into Dragoons for which (as Mr. Brydges alleges) no provision has been made by Parliament. Ibid.
Same to Josia Burchett to lay before the Admiralty Lords Mr. Brydges' representation concerning a stop put to the delivery of the 20,000 moidores in gold sent home by Mr. Morrice from Lisbon in her Majesty's ship Bedford, Capt. Stepney commander, [the said stop being by said Captain] upon pretence of freight due to him for bringing home the said gold. Please obtain the Admiralty Lords' order for delivery of said gold, its stoppage being a great disservice to the public affairs and that the said Captain be censured as he deserves "otherwise my Lords will think themselves obliged to lay it before the Queen." Ibid., p. 257.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have William Asheder instructed in the business of the Customs. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Transports to lay before the Treasury Lords a state of the Transport debt as at Michaelmas last "in manner as the said debt has used to be stated by you at Michaelmas yearly and laid before the House of Commons." Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed representation [missing] by Sir Alexander Rigby, a Commissioner of Customs, Scotland. (The like letter to the Salt Commissioners.) Ibid.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Jam. Hollidge of Bristol, merchant, shewing that his correspondent in Ireland did in the beginning of the year import to him 349 quarters of malt supposing that it had come under the denomination of corn which her Majesty in Council had permitted to be imported: and he acquainted the Customs officer with the said importation, who soon after seized same and two informations are exhibited in the Exchequer against petitioner for same: therefore praying a non pros as no fraud was intended. Reference Book VIII, p. 429.
Nov. 14. Warrants by the Treasury Lords to same to observe Orders in Council of the 9th inst. to discharge the following ships from quarantine: viz.
Baltic Merchant, Samuel Coggrave master.
Love's Encrease, Jo[h]n Leaman master.
Alured, Thomas Wright master.
Prince George, Peter Carstens master.
Friendship, Geo. Hockingson master.
Elizabeth, Joachim Kruggen master.
all laden with flax, linen yarn, potash and iron from Konigsberg: all on the petition of William Garforth, merchant.
Kingston, John Watson master.
Flying Eagle, Herman Michel master.
Speedwell, Richard Ellis master.
Henrietta, Thomas Taylor master.
Grave Carl Frederick, Andreas Loffgrien master.
with iron, deal and tar from Sweden: all on the petition of John Jackson.
Crown, Robert Bayliffe master.
George, Geo. Brooks master: with flax, yarn and potash: on the petition of Thomas Couts et al.
Olive Branch, William Haycock master.
Fortune, Geo. Pearson master.
with iron, tar and deals from Stockholm: on the petition of Richard Couts.
July Flower, John Barton master: with iron and deals from Gottenburg: on the petition of Sir Ambrose Crowley.
Vine, John Welford master.
Beginning, Paul Holyday master: with lading as above: on the petition of said Crowley and Nicho. Rider.
Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 328.
Nov. 15. Letter of direction for 25,000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1710: for services as follows:
£ s. d.
in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1710.
for one month's subsistence from Aug. 23 last to Sept. 23 last for the Foot Regiments of Hotham, Windsor, Montandre and Ilay 3,512 16 0
towards completing the subsistence of the said Regiments (from the respective times of their being recruited) for their effectives as they appear on the muster rolls, to 23 June last 1,487 4 0
towards answering Mr. Chetwynd's bills of exchange from Genoa for the service of the Forces in Spain 20,000 0 0
£25,000 0 0
Disposition Book XXI, p. 9.
William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Bank of England advanced 38,000l. to you about Sept. 29 last on the security of tallies on the General Mortgage anno 1710 and by my letter of that date you were directed to apply 16,850l. 2s. 6d. thereof. The Treasury Lords now direct you to apply the remainder as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for paying Chatham and Sheerness Yards for 1709 June 24 quarter: to be placed to the head of Ordinary 17,654 0 0
for "Parliament tickets" [seamen's tickets authorised by Act of Parliament 4–5 Anne, c. 6, clauses 10 and 12: for payment] for the month of Oct. 1709: on the head of Wages 2,995 17 6
for imprest money to Thomas Hawes for answering the contingencies of the Fleet under Sir John Jennings: on the head of Wages 500 0 0
£21,149 17 6
Disposition Book XXI, p. 10.
Nov. 15. Letter of direction for 9,836l. 8s. 6¼d. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of funds as follows viz. 4,110l. 6s. 10½d. of Contributions on Annuities anno 1710; 630l. 10s. 0d. of loans on Land Tax anno 1710; 5,095l. 11s. 7¾d. of loans on Candles anno 1710. The said sum is to be issued as in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 3d. for the Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1710 and is intended for recruits and is to enable said Brydges to pay into the Exchequer to meet so much of the demands of the Receivers General of the Counties concerned for advances made by them out of the Land Taxes of 1708 and 1709 for raising recruits pursuant to the Act of 7 Anne, c. 2.
"In case the [money] order [in said Brydges' name] for Spain and Portugal be so near completed as not to bear this whole sum" please issue the remainder as in part of another order in said Brydges' name for the Troops of Augmentation anno 1710. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Postmaster General to report on the enclosed charges [missing] exhibited by Samuel Trefusis Esq. against Zachariah Rogers, agent for the Lisbon packet boats at Falmouth. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 258.
Nov. 17. Money warrant for 3,000l. to William Smith. Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, for half a year to 1709 Xmas for the wages and board wages of said Band. Money Book XX, p. 427. Order Book VII, p. 498. Disposition Book XXI, p. 13.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to distribute and apply the sum of 26,906l. 12s. 2½d. to Deficient Funds as follow, the said sum representing the income between Oct. 20 last and Nov. 17 inst. from branches of the revenue as follows viz. 587l. 5s. 1½d. from New Customs; 321l. 19s. 5d. from Additional Impositions; 184l. 6s. 4½d. from Vellum [Duties] Continued; 4,890l. 10s. 9½d. from Continued Impositions; 6,788l. 15s. 10d. from Salt; 14,133l. 14s. 8d. from Windows: the said distribution and application to be hereby as follows: viz.
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament. How they stood on the Register the 17 Nov. 1710. The distribution and application hereby ordered.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
First 3s. Aid 415099 0 0 63335 13 8948 6 11½
Paper Duties 15400 0 0 2400 0 0 331 19 7
Malt Tickets 579060 0 0 30585 0 0 12482 17 7
Third Quarterly Poll 212770 17 0 26300 0 0 4586 14
Third 3s. Aid 25823 2 9 3271 6 556 13
1248152 19 9 125892 0 1 26906 12
Money Book XX, p. 430.
Nov. 17. William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords direct you to deposit with the Bank of England a further 23,000l. of tallies and orders on the General Mortgage anno 1710 on their advancing 20,000l. to you in Exchequer Bills, to be repaid in specie within two months with 4 per cent. interest: being in further part of 100,000l. agreed to be advanced by the Bank. The said 20,000l. is to be applied to services as follows: viz.
to pay bills of exchange on the head of Ordinary 4,000
to pay off the Colchester before she sails to the Straits 4,400
to be reserved in your hands for such other uses as my Lords shall direct 11,600
Disposition Book XXI, p. 11.
Same to the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Mr. Brydges with the annexed account [missing] of the money stopped by Mr. Morrice, his [Brydges'] Deputy at Lisbon, for non-effectives between 24 Dec. 1705 and 23 Dec. 1709. "You are also directed to attend their Lordships here next Monday morning at 10 of the clock." Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 258.
Treasury commissions to the following as Surveyors of Window Duties and for viewing windows &c. in North Britain, followed in each case by warrants dormant to the Receiver General of said Duties in Scotland to pay the salaries to them respectively as follows from 1710 Sept. 29:
Alexander Seaton of Preston Pans: for East Lothian, Mears and the parts of Mid Lothian on the east side of North Esk at 20l. per an.
David Liddesdale: for Tiviotdale, Selkirk or the Forest Tweeddale, Liddesdale, Kelso and Lauder at 20l. per an.
William Craik of Duchrae: for Annandale, Askdale, Ensdale, Widdesdale, the upper part of Clisdale about Crawford and Crawford John and the east part of Galloway as far as the water Dee: at 20l. per an.
Thomas Stewart of Tintilock: for the west part of Galloway from the water of Dee and that part of the Shire of Aire called Carrick: at 20l. per an.: in the margin revoked.
John Gordon of Kirkonnell: for part of Shire of Aire being Coyl and Cunningham, Renfrew and all that part of Cliddesdale on the south side of Clyd as far as Douglas inclusive: at 20l. per an.
Robert McClellan of Bark-lay: for part of Stirlingshire, shire of Dunbarton and the part of Perthshire on the south side of the river Teeth and town of Glasgow: at 20l. per an.
William Oliphant of Linlithgow: for part of Midlothian on the west side Northesk, shire of West Lothian, part of Stirlingshire on the east side of Carrum and Bonnywaters and Cliddesdale on the north side of Clyd from the water of Calvin to the Devenshaw: at 20l. per an.
John Patterson of Craigie: for Perthshire except part of Ockell hills eastward: at 20l. per an.
Cha. Craigengelt of Gogar: for the shire of Fife, Kenross, Clackmannanshire and part of Perthshire below the Ockell Hills eastward: at 20l. per an.
Alexander Wedderburn of Dundee: for Angus and Mearns: at 20l. per an.
Robert Martin of Burntbray: for the shire of Aberdeen, Banff and all the water of Spye: at 20l. per an.
David Stewart of Inverness: for the parts from the water of Spye to the water and Lough of Ness including Murray, shire of Nairn and part of Inverness: at 20l. per an.
Murdo McKinzie of Redcastle: for part of the shire of Inverness, Ross-shire, Sutherland, Cromartie, Isles of Lewis, Skye and other isles north from it: at 20l. per an.: revoked 21 Nov. 1710.
Patrick Dunbarr of Bomeden: for Strathnaver, Caithness and Isles of Orkney: at 20l. per an: revoked 21 Nov. 1710.
William Renton of Inverary: for Argyleshire, Arran and Bute, Loughaber and all the western isles south from Skye: at 20l. per an.: revoked 21 Nov. 1710.
Henry Clerk of Edinburgh: for Edinburgh and its precincts or any other bounds in which he shall be employed by the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland: at 40l. per an.: revoked 21 Nov. 1710.
Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 36–7, 38–9.
Nov. 17. Royal warrant to the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to pay himself the usual allowances of Lord Lieutenant viz. all the said allowances as from Oct. 26 to yourself after deduction of 100l. per calendary month from Oct. 26 last to each of the late Lords Justices up to the date of your own arrival as Lord Lieutenant and from that date to pay the full allowance of Chief Governor &c. to yourself as above. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 213–14.
Nov. 18. Money warrant for 18,272l. 1s. 8d. to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of the Malt Lottery Tickets, for the 120th payment of principal and interest on said tickets which is the next payment in course.
Appending: certificate of the principal, interest and benefits due on said payment:
£ s. d.
principal 10,000 0 0
[sic for 16,000]
interest to 17 Nov. inst., being 3,889 days [from 1710 Sept. 22 at a halfpenny a day each ticket] 2,102 1 8
benefits 170 0 0
£18,272 1 8
Money Book XX, p. 428. Order Book VII, p. 497.
Nov. 18. William Lowndes to Mr. Granville [Secretary at War] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] in behalf of Sir Robert Rich's and Major General Elliott's Regiments touching the loss which they have lately sustained by having their subsistence money taken by the enemy on board her Majesty's ship Hunter in her voyage from Lisbon to Gibraltar. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 268.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Cawthorp shewing that his father was Receiver General of Taxes for part of Lincolnshire and died indebted 5,008l. 17s. 8½d. to the Crown: and on an extent all the effects of petitioner's mother to the value of 700l. were seized and at the same time petitioner delivered to the Agents for Taxes several notes, bills and papers to upwards of 4,000l. due from his [said father's] securities Garland and Giliat: that these latter have absconded and William Burnit, another security, died insolvent: therefore prays leave to lay his case before the House of Commons, and stay of process in the meantime. Reference Book VIII, p. 429.
Nov. 20. Treasury warrant dormant to the Postmasters General to pay to Maynard, Duke of Schonberg and Leinster, the pension of 4,000l. per an. granted by Wm. III. and the further pension of 1,000l. per an. granted by Q. Anne, 1703 May 6, both out of the Post Office. Money Book XX, p. 429.
Treasury warrant [to the Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Essex] to pay 36l. 17s. 0d. to Francis Stern for his expenses &c. in receiving the supers depending on the collectors of House Duties resting on the foot of the account of Dame Mary Everard, relict of Sir Hugh Everard, late Receiver General for Co. Essex. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Auditors of Imprests to report on the three accounts which have been laid before my Lords by Sir Henry Furnese viz.:
(1) a state of his remittances for the Forces in the Low Countries 25 May 1705 to 24 Dec. 1709.
(2) a same of same for same 24 Dec. 1709 to 11 Aug. 1710.
(3) a general view of the whole accounts of his remittances for Holland and Flanders, see supra, p. 504.
Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 259.
Nov. 20. William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from Mr. Bernier and Company concerning the money due to them on bills drawn on you. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 259.
Same to Auditor Maynwaring to prepare Mr. Borrett's account from 15 Oct. 1709 to 15 Oct. 1710 as Solicitor for the Affairs of the Treasury. Ibid.
Same to Lady Littleton. I have read to my Lords yours of the 11th inst. They have considered the charges you must be at in preparing your accounts as executrix to Sir Thomas Littleton, late Treasurer of the Navy. But in regard the 2,905l. of Navy money in your hands is much wanted at this time for the pressing services thereof, my Lords have ordered it to be assigned away for the Ordinary of the Navy. But I am to assure you that as money shall be wanted from time to time to satisfy the fees and charges of passing your accounts my Lords will take care to order what shall be necessary for that purpose. Ibid., p. 260.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated 1709–10 March 17 [to the Master of the Jewel House] for 30 ounces of gilt plate to the Earl of Dorset as a gift at the christening of his child: to an estimate of 65l. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 31.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report his opinion on the following reports and recommendations transmitted to the Treasury from the late Chief Governor or Lords Justices respectively of Ireland.
Appending: list only of said reports and recommendations: viz. the chaplain and clerk of Dublin Castle.
Geo. Walter Story, Dean of Limerick.
John Phillips, gent.
Richard Carthy.
Thomas Dawson, Esq.
Dr. Phillip Koyd.
Lieut. Col. Newcomen.
Lewes Payzant.
Sidney Cawlfeild.
Capt. Henry Sankey.
Lieut. Nicho. Cassell.
Thomasine Langston.
Lieut. William Browne.
Ann Vignole and Theodore Le Lantail [Lautail].
Earl of Kildare.
John Wogan.
Capt. William Hamilton, Lieut. William Gunter and Ensign John Peckham.
Magdalen Pepin Ricard.
Eliz. Hobson.
the three Pursuivants at Arms.
Capt. Richard Wolseley.
Capt. Robt. Maghlin.
William Hawkins.
Lieut. Col. Cyprus Bragard and seven other French Officers.
Representation about the desperate debts of the revenue.
Majors of the Regiments of Foot.
Lieut. Francis Sartre.
William Burgh, Esq.
Capt. Hugh Owen.
Commissioners for settling the Palatines.
Capt. Robt. Phillips.
Katherine Codroyats Jephson.
Thomas Bell.
Officers of the Ordnance.
Col. William Coward.
Capt. John Gerbert.
Lewis Armand.
John Baker.
Trinity College.
Mary D'Arzilliers.
Lieut. Col. Dalbenas.
Concordatums and Military Contingencies.
Demand and charges for the last Session of Parliament.
Representation about the Arsenal.
Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 215.