Warrant Book: July 1710, 1-10

Pages 346-361

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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July 1710

July 1. Money warrant for 20l. to Jacob Henderson, clerk, as royal bounty to defray the charges of his passage to Virginia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XX, p. 307. Order Book VII, p. 431. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
Money order for 400l. to John Smith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for 1710 June 24 quarter on his allowance in lieu of perquisites and profits. Order Book VII, p. 429. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
Same for 12l. 10s. Thomas Fox for same quarter for keeping the Registers of all the public loans in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt. Order Book VII, p. 439.
Same for 10l. to Peter Le Neve, Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer Court; for same quarter on his allowance for locking up her Majesty's treasure. In the margin: a later Treasury confirmation dated 1710 Aug. 15 hereof. Ibid., p. 441.
July 1. Same for 20l. each to said Le Neve and Sir Simeon Stuart bart., Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer, for Easter and Trinity terms 1710 on their allowance for extraordinary pains in sorting and ordering records [in the Receipt]. In the margin: a later Treasury confirmation dated Aug. 16 hereof. Ibid.
Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the salary bill (not detailed) of the Customs, Scotland (Edinburgh and Leith and the outports) for 1710 June 24 quarter: total 2,660l. 15s. 11d. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 187.
July 3. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Postmaster General to suffer all letters and packets whatsoever for the Duke of Queensbury as Third Secretary of State [and for any Third Secretary of State] for the time being to be delivered free of charge in like manner as the letters and packets for any other our Secretaries of State are. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 298.
Money warrant for 22,424l. 15s. 4d. to the Bank of England for their 3 per cent. allowance for circulating the sum of 3,012,612l. 10s. 0d. issued in Exchequer Bills to the 24th June 1710, to wit between the 25th March 1710 and the said 24th June: to be satisfied out of the like Exchequer Bills which are to be made forth by the Auditor of the Receipt as by the Acts relating to the issuing of said Bills.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the interest so due to the Bank:
£ s. d.
3 April 1710 issued for discharge of interest, 5,000l.: 82 days' interest for circulation of ditto 33 13 11½
9 May issued more for interest, 5,000l; 46 days' like interest 18 18
25 May issued for circulation, 22,162l. 10s. 0d.:
30 days' interest thereon 54 12 11¼
20 June issued for interest, 5,000l.: four days' like interest thereon 1 12 10½
issued before 25 March last, 2,975,450l.; a quarter's like interest thereon £22,315 17 6
£22,424 15 4
Money Book XX, p. 308. Order Book VII, p. 434.
Same for 440l. to the Clerks of the House of Commons as follows: viz.
Culverwell Needler, Clerk Assistant attending said House, for extraordinary pains and service during the last Session of Parliament 100
John Hooks, George Coles, James Couthorpe and Hicks Burrough, four Under Clerks attending said House, for services in writing, copying and engrossing several bills &c. during said Session 200
Thomas Smith, Housekeeper of said House, for looking to and cleaning said House during said Session 30
Thomas Wibergh, Serjeant at Arms attending said House, to be distributed among the messengers and their assistants, the doorkeepers and the persons who deliver out the votes: for constant attendance during said Session 110
Money Book XX, p. 309. Order Book VII, p. 439. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
July 3. Money warrant for 50l. to David Davis to be distributed among the eight doorkeepers of the House of Peers (himself being one) for their attendance during abovesaid Session from 1709 Nov. 13 to 1710 April 5. Money Book XX, p. 309. Order Book VII, p. 438. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
Same for 30l. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for half a year to June 24 last on the annuity for the French ministers in the Savoy. Money Book XX, p. 309. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to apply the sum of 8,990l. 17s. 4½d. (being the overplus at June 24 last of the 99 years' ninepenny Excise [as by 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3]) for and towards making good such quarterly payments on the annuities thereon (purchased in pursuance of the Act 5 Anne [6 Anne, c. 2], for sale of Annuities for the Service of the year 1707) as shall incur or grow due at or before Michaelmas 1710.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt that said sum remains in the Exchequer on said date as the surplus of said Excise. Money Book XX, p. 310.
Money warrant for 20,000l. to Samuell Herne and Samuel Edwards, Paymasters for the purposes herein, as imprest towards paying or reimbursing to the Tellers of the Exchequer so much as they have or shall from time to time allow for interest at the rate of twopence per 100l. per day to the payers or lenders of the Exchequer Bills issued by virtue of the Act of 7 Anne, c. 30, for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of England. This warrant is to be satisfied out of Exchequer Bills in such proportion at a time as the Auditor of the Receipt shall think fit to issue the same. Ibid., p. 310. Order Book VII, p. 436.
Money order for 5l. to the executors of John Broadhurst, late porter attending at the Exchequer Gate, for 1710 June 24 quarter on his allowance for his service. Order Book VII, p. 431. Disposition Book XX, p. 195.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin for the execution of a warrant of the Lord Chamberlain dated 23 May 1710 to the Board of Works for the making a kitchen at Kensington for the Vice Chamberlain of the Household and a dining room for the Yeomen of the Guard: to an estimate of 119l. 6s. 5d. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 19.
July 4. Money order for 250l. to John Scrope, a Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland, for 1710 June 24 quarter on his additional allowance for leaving his practice in England [in order to the performance of his duty as a Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland]. Order Book VII, p. 433.
Letter of direction for the following issues out of Civil List moneys: viz.
the Lord Treasurer [for a quarter] on his allowance 2000
Mr. Weket and Mr. Farra 80
Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Baker and Mr. Goslen to pay (out of moneys of prizes in your hands) the salaries due at Xmas 1708 to the late Commissioners for Prizes and their officers. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Attorney and Solicitor General to speak with the Lord Treasurer to-morrow about the enclosed list [missing] of names of Commissioners for fixing the purchase price of lands for the better fortifying Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 200.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to have William Burt instructed in the business of the Customs in any of the ports of Dorsetshire. Ibid.
Treasurer Godolphin to Mr. Stanyan, her Majesty's Envoy at Berne. I received your letter from Berne of the 12th of last month and am glad you have so well gotten over the difficulties you met with in relation to the loan. The Queen's ratification desired by the Lords of the Laudable Canton will be transmitted to you by Secretary Boyle either this or the next post. I have signed a warrant for paying you a year's extraordinaries and directed [payment of] your 750l. for commission and hope you have used as much care and dexterity to turn the money lent to her Majesty's best advantage as you did to get the loan; I mean, as well with respect to the due and prompt payment of the bills drawn on you for it as to the species [in which payment shall be made] which I shall reckon as a great addition to the good service of obtaining the loan. And I cannot but take this occasion to let you know that I am informed there is a good deal of money in that Canton which may be further lent by them and I should be glad you would use your endeavours to borrow more of them for the public service upon the same fond as before; for though the tallies are struck and in the [Army] Paymaster's hands [yet] they may be assigned to whom they [the Canton] shall appoint for what sum they please (upon the same terms the former money is) which will be payable next before [sic ? for after] those tallies they have already. These services besides the little advantage of commission will make me justly distinguish you by forward payments of your allowances and always value them where it may be of any use to you. Ibid., p. 201.
July 4. Treasurer Godolphin to the Earl of Galway. I have had frequent applications from Sir Henry Furnese relating to a sum of 24,140 milreis 709 reis which his correspondents [in Barcelona] furnished to the General and Commissary of the Portugal Forces in Catalonia in 1708 for subsisting those Troops, for [repayment of] which they took bills on the Treasury of Portugal which were duly accepted but are not yet satisfied though he [Furnese] has often as he tells me desired his correspondents there [in Portugal] to press for [payment of] the same. He has now drawn a bill payable to Mr. Morris by Messrs. John and Thomas Batt for that value in the abovesaid bills of 24,140 milreis 709 reis "formerly remitted to them by the said Sir Henry." I do at his request send you a copy of this said bill and do desire that in regard this money was furnished by his correspondents long before those Troops were taken into the Queen's pay and for that the subsidy to the King of Portugal has been hitherto very punctually paid by her Majesty you will be pleased to acquaint Mr. Morrice that he is to accept the said bill as so much remitted for the King of Portugal's subsidy and to take care that it be deducted out of the next money that shall be payable by him [Morris] for the same [Portugal King's subsidy] and that he pay Sir Henry Furnese's correspondents the value thereof or give his bill for it on Mr. Brydges "that he [Furnese] may be enabled to carry on the several services in which he is engaged."
Appending: copy of Furnese's said bill drawn on John and Thomas Batt for 24,140 mil. 709 reis to the order of Thomas Morrice "to be paid him in bills I remitted you drawn in [your behalf as from] Barcelona on the Treasurer of the Tres Estados [of Portugal] for that sum and which you'l receive the value of from said Mr. Morrice in money or [in the form of] his bill on the Honble. James Brydges pursuant to the Lord Treasurer's directions." Out Letters (General) XIX, pp. 202–3.
William Lowndes to Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] to procure a royal warrant for payment of 750l. to Richard Powys for the use of Abraham Stanyan, Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons, for commission at ½ per cent. on the 150,000l. loan by the Canton of Berne to her Majesty for the service of the war, which loan was negotiated by said Stanyan. Ibid., p. 203.
Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the 1710 June 24 quarter's salary bill [not detailed] of the Customs for London port: total 7,287l. 16s. 6d.
The like for the outports [salary bill, not detailed] for said quarter: total 9,704l. 13s. 9d.
The like for the Customs officers [salary bill, not detailed] in the Plantations: total 1,735l. for half a year to 1710 June 24. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 304.
Same by same of the Civil List quarterly bill (not detailed) for Scotland for the 1710 June 24 quarter: total 5,933l. 9s. 1¾d. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 187.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Earl of Lauderdale. In yours of the 17th ult. you desire directions as to the transporting the Pix [from Edinburgh to London] and what officers will be necessary to attend the trial thereof. In reply I enclose you a copy of the Order in Council of May 14 last appointing the Trial of the Pix at the house inhabited by the Usher within the Receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster on Monday Aug. 21 next, and likewise a copy of a report by the Principal Officers of the Mint, London, dated June 29 last. The person entrusted with the key usually kept by the Treasury is the most proper person to bring it hither. If he cannot attend please appoint some other officer to bring it.
Appending: (1) said Order in Council of May 14 together with (2) a warrant dated July 4 inst. requiring the General Master and warden of the Mint at Edinburgh and the rest of the officers concerned, to observe same. (3) Said report dated Mint Office June 29 and signed C. Peyton, [Sir] Is. Newton and John Ellis. The Order in Council for the Trial of the Pix is sufficient warrant for transporting it to London. No particular order was given to the officers of the late five Country Mints about the manner of conveying their pixes to the place of trial. The charges thereof are placed to the account of the Master and Worker as being to be borne by her Majesty. The persons that are entrusted with the keeping of the keys of the Pix should bring them up themselves and be present at the opening of it. As one of them has usually been kept by the Treasury or Treasurer the same may be brought up in such manner as your Lordship may direct. The Master and Worker who is to appear in behalf of the late Master should also attend at the trial. The coming of the Counterwarden may be left to the discretion of the officers of that [Edinburgh] Mint. Ibid., p. 188.
July 4. Warrant by same to the officers of the Tower Mint to attend at the Trial of the Pix in accordance with the above Order in Council. Ibid., p. 189. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 130.
July 5. Money warrant for 449l. to Abraham Stanyan, Envoy Extraordinary to the Swiss Cantons: for two bills of extraordinaries in his said service between 25 March 1709 and 25 March 1710.
Appending: said bills both dated from Berne 26 March 1710.
(1) from 1709 March 25 to Sept. 29. £
for stationery ware 20
for postage of letters from Great Britain 36
for ditto from all other parts 44
paid to Mr. Clignet of Leyden for the postage of pacquets to and from Great Britain 50
extraordinary travelling charges from London to Berne, exclusive of diet and lodging for myself and servants 109
Followed by: Secretary Boyle's allowance dated Whitehall 5 July 1710 of the first four items only "pursuant to the Regulation of Ambassadorial extraordinaries": the last item being referred to the Lord Treasurer.
(2) from 1709 Sept. 29 to 1710 March 25.
being 150l. for the first four items as above and 40l. for the extraordinary charges of two journeys, one to Genoa and the other to Vevay, by her Majesty's special command £190
Followed by: the like allowance by Secretary Boyle of same date. "As to the last article I find Mr. Stanyan had her Majesty's directions to undertake the journeys therein mentioned." Money Book XX, pp. 311, 316. Order Book VII, p. 441. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
July 5. Money warrant for 500l. to John Chetwynd: see supra, p. 317, under date 1710 June 3. Money Book XX, p. 311.
Same for 410l. 10s. 11½d. to Charles, Earl of Sunderland, on his salary as Secretary of State viz. from March 25 last (the time to which he was last paid) to June 14 following, the day he delivered up the seals of that office. Money Book XX, p. 311. Order Book VII, p. 437. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the salary bill and incidents bill, both detailed, of the Hackney Coaches Office for 1710 June 24 quarter: totals respectively 200l. 10s. 0d. and 64l. 2s. 0d. Money Book XX, p. 312.
Money warrant for 80l. to John Tucker for half a year to 1710 June 24 on his salary as Keeper of her Majesty's Paper Office. Money Book XX, p. 317. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Excise Commissioners to pay 307l. 17s. 2d. to Henry Meriton, late Cashier of Excise, in full of his charges and disbursements in carrying 1,349,724l. 15s. 4½d. of Excise money to the Exchequer for the year ended 19 Dec. 1709 and striking tallies for same.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on said Meriton's memorial for same. Money Book XX, p. 343.
Money order for 20l. to Roger Millart, Clerk to the Agents for Taxes, for 1710 June 24 quarter; 15l. thereof for himself and 5l. for a messenger attending the said Agents. Order Book VII, p. 431.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer has received the enclosed letter [missing] from Secretary Boyle concerning several suspected persons who design to come over with the Rotterdam convoy. You are to instruct your officers at any ports where the said convoy or ships under them will touch that they do not admit any passengers to land or come on shore till they have fully examined them and shall have taken an account of their names, age, last place of residence and such other circumstances as you shall think proper for describing of them and that they send up the said accounts to you to be immediately transmitted from time to time to the said Secretary of State. Send my Lord Treasurer a draft of the instructions you intend to issue in accordance herewith. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 200.
William Lowndes to Mr. Brydges and Mr. Walpole to report on the petition of Robert Powell, clothier, shewing that he furnished clothing and accoutrements to the Regiment of Brigadier Bretton and had an assignment for 3,929l. 10s. 2d. chargeable on the offreckonings of said Regiment from 24 May 1707 "which were duly paid to him to 24 April 1708: and praying my Lord's direction for payment of the said offreckonings to the 24 April 1709 (to which time other clothiers are paid) and to continue payment of the said assignment." I am to inform you that a stop was put to the payment of the offreckonings of this and three other Regiments which were taken [prisoner] at the battle of Almanza because they were supposed to have no clothing from that time. Please ascertain what assignments were made to those four Regiments before the said battle and what since and whether any clothes were actually provided for them and sent to Spain since the said battle. Ibid., p. 202.
July 5. Same to the Customs Commissioners to hasten their report on Sir Henry Furnese's petition concerning the ingots of gold, ut supra, p. 328. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to same to permit the French prize ship Lesedor to proceed to Portugal or other foreign market with her entire cargo of fish without unlading: on security not to re-land any in Great Britain.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the petition of Benjamin Dinham, merchant of Plymouth, proprietor thereof. Said ship was captured by her Majesty's ship August, commanded by Lord Duffus. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 307.
July 5, 6,
13, 21,
Same by same to same to appoint Thomas Martin as waiter, searcher and riding officer at Bourne and Pevensey loco John Underwood superannuated.
Hugh Jones as a watchman, London port, loco Edward Taylor deceased.
Edward Hoult as a waterman ibid. loco John Collins removed.
Jonathan Deeplake as a boatman at Sunderland loco John Unthand who has relinquished same.
Joseph Wilson as a tidesman at Hull loco Samuell Winter deceased.
William Little as a same ibid. loco Edward Otby deceased
Robert Preston as a boatman at Southampton loco Ralph Luke deceased.
John Daukes junr. as a watchman, London port, loco his father John Daukes rendered incapable by lameness.
Job Gould as mate to Edward Wilkinson, waterman, loco Joseph Long.
Benjamin Hancock to be put on the Establishment as boatman at Beachly at 25l. per an. and Edward Stoakes as boatman at Gadcombe at 20l. per an.: in accordance with the report of June 15 last from the Customs Commissioners; the said Stoakes who stands on the Establishment as boatman at Gadcomb in Bristol port having been moved thither from Beachley some years since, where he had been formerly appointed to act: and the said Hancock, who also stands on the Establishment as boatman at Gadcombe, having been ordered to Beachley in the stead of said Stoakes. The Establishment is to be altered accordingly.
John Gould as a riding officer at Deal loco Thomas Lee super-annuated.
John Fyles as a riding officer at New Romney loco Richard King removed to be supervisor of the Western Division of Kent.
Edward Milward as riding officer for the wool business at Rottingdean loco John Clark dismissed.
John Farra junr. as tidesman at Shields in Newcastle port loco William Richardson deceased.
Philip Levermore as a riding officer at Dover loco John Power rendered incapable for duty by gout.
William Hughson as riding officer at East Guildford in Rye port loco Joseph Montgomery who is uncapable of duty.
Richard King as supervisor of the Western Division of Kent loco John Ellesdon dismissed.
Oliver Evans as a riding officer for the wool business at Werden Point in Chichester port loco John Greenfield dismissed.
_ Caldicut as supervisor of the Eastern Division in Kent loco Jeffry Haford deceased.
Tryamore Sparke as a riding officer and waiter and searcher at Eastbourne in Rye port loco Lewis Gillart superannuated.
John Keene as collector of Wells port loco Alexander Middleton with 10l. per an. additional salary and said Middleton to be landwaiter at Lynn Regis loco said Keene: the said Middleton being not sufficiently qualified for the post of collector of Wells, which is become a place of much business and increasing in trade.
Thomas Baker as waiter and searcher at Southwold loco John Wichall dismissed for neglect of duty.
Edward Walton as an established watchman in London port loco Roger Malthus who has relinquished same.
Thomas Bryce as riding surveyor in Beaumaris port loco Joseph Taylor deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 305, 306, 308, 309.
July 5. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Lingen, Gent., of her Majesty's Pantry, of the manor and chapter of Beverley (the manor commonly called the Chapter of Beverley).
Prefixing: particular and memorandum of the premises made out by Auditor Thomas Jett and Surveyor General's ratal thereof. The premises were demised to Hanna Dodgein, widow of Capt. Hugh Dodgein, 1678 July 16. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 130–3.
Same by same to the Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Devon to pay 50l. per an. salary to John Scrivener as Surveyor of the Duties on Houses [for said county]: loco John Cooper: as from 21 June 1710. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, p. 209.
Same by same to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the security of George Baugh of Birlingham, Co. Worcester, loco Bernard Gilpin, as a surety of William Claridge, Receiver General for Land Tax anno 1710 for Co. Warwick.
Prefixing: said Agent's report on the sufficiency of said security. Ibid. II, p. 24.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Katherine Harris praying payment of 92l. due to her for provisions furnished to the Army in Ireland which was deducted from their pay. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 198.
July 5. Same to same. By Order in Council of March 30 last the Queen directed 12,500 small arms (being half the quantity proposed for the new Arsenal which is to be built near Dublin) and 2,000 barrels of powder and shot proportionable and petty emptions for the small arms and artillery, to be provided within the space of one year and to be paid out of the revenue of Ireland. The Principal Officers of the Ordnance have contracted for same and part thereof are already provided and the whole will be performed within 12 months of the said Order in Council. Their estimate for same amounts to 33,585l. 18s. 6d. and they desire payment of 2,798l. 16s. 8½d. now and the like sum monthly till the whole be paid. Please report to me on said estimate and said proposed method of payment. Ibid.
July 6. Money warrant for 20,000l. to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's Pensions and Bounties: as imprest for payment of such Establishments [thereof] as are signed by her Majesty: and is to complete the privy seal of Feb. 28 last, supra, p. 183. Money Book XX, p. 313. Order Book VII, p. 432.
Same for 20,000l. to John, Visct. Fitz Hardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: as imprest for the service of his Office and in part of the privy seal of 1708 Nov. 13 [supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXII, p. 341, and Vol. XXIII, p. 200. The phrase "as in part" is incorrect. The privy seal was for 50,000l. and, of that total, 30,000l. was ordered on the 3rd June 1709 so that the present 20,000l. exhausted or was "in full of" the privy seal]. Money Book XX, p. 313. Order Book VII, p. 440.
Same for 955l. to John Molesworth, 500l. thereof as equipage and 455l. for three months' advance (to wit from 4 June inst., being the day of his departure out of the presence, to Sept. 3 next) on his ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Great Duke of Tuscany and to the Republic of Genoa. Money Book XX, p. 313. Order Book VII, p. 442. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the salary bill, not detailed, and of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Stamp Office for 1710 June 24 quarter: totals respectively 1,330l. and 1,137l. 9s. 5¾d. Money Book XX, p. 314.
Money warrant for 42l. to the Provost and Fellows of Eton College for one year to 1709 Xmas on their perpetuity. Ibid., p. 315. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
William Lowndes to Auditor Harley to state the account of the Commissioners for Licensing Hawkers and Pedlars from 23 June 1707 to 23 June 1708 as by the enclosed book [thereof, missing] which has been exhibited to the Lord Treasurer by said Commissioners. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 208.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] enclosing the memorial of James Brydges relating to the demands made by the Officers of Lord Mountjoy's Regiment for a greater allowance for levy money than is authorised by Act of Parliament and [by] her Majesty's Proclamation in that behalf, which greater allowance "they pretend to by the warrant signed by her Majesty" as enclosed [missing]. Please consider this warrant and so explain it or procure a new one, if necessary, as may enable Mr. Brydges to give them such answer as will remove any expectation of greater allowances for levy money. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 203.
July 6. Treasury reference to Mr. Brydges and Mr. Walpole of the petition of Lieut. Col. Campbell of the Marquis De Montandre's Regiment shewing that after the battle of Almanza the Earl of Galway appointed him to command in Xativa which place he defended above six weeks, but for want of provisions was forced to surrender upon honourable terms, "but contrary to articles were made prisoners and sent to Saquinsa where he was obliged to subsist the prisoners to prevent their entertaining with the enemy, [the said subsistence] amounting to about 1,800l.: that since his arrival he has fairly accounted with the Paymaster General by proper vouchers and received what he has expended": therefore prays some consideration for his trouble and extraordinary charges and trouble. Reference Book VIII, p. 410.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Geo. and Joseph Newell, goldsmiths, praying that the bail offered for their enlargement may be accepted in regard of their miserable circumstances, they having had nothing to rely upon during their confinement than the charity of their friends. Ibid.
Approval by Treasurer Godolphin of Francis Philipson to act as deputy [in Scotland] to George Tilson appointed as Auditor of Excise in Scotland by commission dated 1710 June 1.
Appending: said Tilson's deputation to said Philipson. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 189–90.
July 7. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to present Benjamin Fisher (who has served as landwaiter at Sandwich for above 20 years) for the place of collector there loco Jeffrey Haford deceased. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 204.
July 8. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to appoint Thomas Sydney to be Comptroller of Excise and New Impost loco Scroop, Visct. Howe, whose patent thereof is hereby revoked. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 299.
Royal sign manual for annual bounties as follows to be paid by Spencer Compton: as from 1710 Lady day during pleasure: viz.
Per an.
to Angelique Legoux 20
to Marie de Blagny 10
to Jean Mouchard 12
And further the said Compton is hereby to pay 71l. 14s. 6d. to Agneta Cooper as royal bounty to discharge several debts of her late sister Dorothy who was laundress to our late Royal husband Prince George. Ibid., p. 300.
July 8. Royal warrant to the Lord Treasurer to pay 3,000l. to Elizabeth, Countess of Dorset (formerly Elizabeth Collier, a Maid of Honour), "as our free gift and royal bounty to her for her marriage portion." (Money order dated July 20 hereon.) Ibid., p. 300. Order Book VII, p. 444. Disposition Book XX, p. 195.
Same to same for 519l. 1s. 6d. to Robert Jackson, our Resident at the Court of the King of Sweden: without account: 500l. thereof "to be employed according to our directions for our particular service" and the remaining 19l. 1s. 6d. for Exchequer fees on receiving same. (Money warrant dated Aug. 5 hereon.) (Money order dated Aug. 12 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated July 15 hereon: replaced by another letter dated Aug. 18.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 301. Order Book VII, p. 458. Disposition Book XX, pp. 195, 208.
Same to same for 15,000l. to Spencer Compton as the Queen's free gift and royal bounty for the relief and support of the French Protestants, 3,000l. thereof for poor distressed ministers and 12,000l. for the others: to be distributed by directions of the Archbishop of Canterbury et al. (Money order dated July 21 hereon. In the margin: "The whole of this order was satisfied the 7th Jan. 1713–4.") Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 301–2. Order Book VII, pp. 443–4.
Money warrant for 200l. to Charles Harrison, Solicitor for hes Majesty's Affairs in the Court of Exchequer, as imprest for the charger of law suits relating to her Majesty's service. Money Book XX, p. 315. Order Book VII, p. 434. Disposition Book XX, p. 193.
William Lowndes to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad. On May 18 last the Bank of England advanced 60,000l. to you on a deposit of 70,000l. tallies (part of 175,154l. 10s. 4d.) on the Continued Impositions issued to you April 19 last, supra, p. 245. By my letter of May 20 last you were directed to apply 52,823l. 17s. 11d. out of said 60,000l.; so that there remains in your hands 7,176l. 2s. 1d. as balance thereof. Further on the 17th June last two sums of 6,222l. 11s. 7¾d. and 3,777l. 8s. 4¼d., making together 10,000l., were directed to you, ut supra, p. 338. Further the Bank of England on June 13 last came to a resolution to advance to you a further sum of 120,000l. in Exchequer Bills upon a deposit of 130,000l. in tallies on the Continued Impositions to be repaid in three months with 4 per cent. per an. interest "which being agreed to the said advance money was received by you accordingly." These three sums make a total of 137,176l. 2s. 1d. and the Lord Treasurer agrees to your applying same to the services following as proposed in your memorial of this day: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1710.
to complete the subsistence of Sir Charles Hot ham's Regiment to 23 April 1710 459 15 10
for subsistence to the said Regiment from April 23 upon account 1,000 0 0
for same for Col. Windsor's Regiment from April 23 upon account 1,000 0 0
the like for the Marquis de Montandre's Regiment 1,000 0 0
for subsistence upon account to Brigadier Withers' Regiment raising for Portugal 500 0 0
for two months' subsistence of Col. Moore's Regiment to 23 June 1710 1,849 3 0
the like for the Regiments of Ilay and Breton 3,698 14 8
for subsistence upon account to June 23 to the Regiments in Portugal and Gibraltar [to wit so much as is] payable here to Officers and recruits 3,000 0 0
for account of clearings, being to pay Exchequer fees 2,976 0 9
for Sir Henry Furnese to answer William Chetwynd's bill of exchange dated May 12 last for the service of the Forces in Catalonia 30,375 0 0
for ditto to answer Mr. Morrice's bill of exchange dated May 5 last 6,000 0 0
for Sir Theo. Janssen to answer bills of exchange drawn by William Chetwynd, her Majesty's Resident at Genoa, for the use of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia and payable to him 20,167 0 0
for the pay of Lord Shannon as Lieut.-Gen. of the Forces in Portugal and two aides de camp from Jan. 1 last to April 30 last at 5l. day 600 0 0
to answer other bills of exchange drawn by said Chetwynd for corn sent to Barcelona and consigned to her Majesty's Commissary General for the use of the Forces there, her Majesty being to be reimbursed the charge thereof by placing same to the account of the several Regiments to which the corn shall be distributed: to wit 10,080l. 18s. 6d. on bills dated April 15 last and 5,979l. 7s. 8d. on bills dated March 20 last 16,060 6 2
to answer other bills of exchange of the said Chetwynd drawn April 15 last for moneys taken up at Genoa on a contract in that behalf 4,333 0 0
to answer several other bills of exchange drawn by said Chetwynd as follows viz. April 21 last for 1,583l. 6s. 8d.; March 11 last for 561l. and March 22 last for 1,393l. 16s. 6d. 3,537 3 2
to answer several bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead, Deputy Paymaster of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia 14,110 16 0
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Monsieur La Bastie dated 3 March last 650 0 0
in part of 919,092l. 3s. 6d. for the 40,000 men anno 1710.
for Sir Henry Furnese for the value of his bills of exchange drawn upon Amsterdam for the use of the Forces 20,000 0 0
for account of clearings; being to pay Exchequer fees 2,866 2 1
in part of 234,974l. 10s. 10½d. for extraordinary charges of the war.
for one month's half pay from Feb. 23 last to March 23 last to Officers en second 549 7 2
upon account [for same] from March 24 last 300 5 10¼
for fees paid at the Exchequer on moneys received there "in part of this order" 274 11
£137,176 2 1
Disposition Book XX, pp. 210–12.
July 8. Letter of direction for 1,500l. to Henry Boyle, a Principal Secretary of State: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 192.
Same for 11,425l. 9s. 2d. to Spencer Compton: out of loans in the Exchequer on her Majesty's tin: 6,811l. 17s. 3½d. thereof for 1710 June 24 quarter for her Majesty's annual bounties and charities; and 4,256l. 2s. 1½d. for same quarter on the Establishment of salaries and pensions payable to the servants of the late Prince of Denmark; and 357l. 9s. 9d. to answer a bill of exchange drawn from Holland for the use of the Palatines lately sent thither from England. Ibid.
Same for 6,000l. to John, Visct. Fitz-Hardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: out of loans in the Exchequer on credit of tin: and is in part of half a year to 1709 Sept. 29 for wages and other allowances payable to her Majesty's servants in his Office: out of which sum the following particulars are to be forthwith satisfied: viz.
£ s. d.
for half a year's wages to 1709 Sept. 29 to the servants that are to attend her Majesty to Windsor this summer 3,670 0 0
for their [the said servants'] last year's travelling charges 1,420 2 3
to the Lord Almoner for a quarter's allowance for the Daily Alms and the poor at the Gate to 1710 June 24 179 15 0
Same for 803l. 3s. 7¾d. to the Paymaster of the Works to be paid over to Henry Wise for 1710 June 24 quarter on his contract for keeping the Royal Gardens (700l.) and on the allowance for himself and for the underkeepers, fish, fowl &c. of St. James's Park. (William Lowndes to said Paymaster to pay same accordingly.) Ibid, p. 193.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners. By letter of the 6th inst. Mr. Burchet, Secretary of the Admiralty, has informed my Lord Treasurer that the Admiralty have ordered the Captains of her Majesty's ships to make reprisals on the French fishing boats for injuries they have done to ours, and that several of the enemy's boats had been brought in thereupon, but the Customs officers (according to Capt. Cornwall's letter from the Downs) have received no order to take same into their possession. You are to give order to your officers to receive all such French vessels as shall be brought to them and to take particular care that nothing belonging to them be embezzled. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 204.
July 8. William Lowndes to the Attorney General. The Surveyor General of Works has reported to my Lord Treasurer that the water which was in Charles I.'s time derived from Longford and Stanwell to Hampton Court is in the dryest time of the year taken off so as the river at some times is wholly dry, the tenants through whose ground it passes presuming to cut the banks of the river to water their said grounds. You are to cause Mr. Borret, the Solicitor, to enquire into this matter in order to your directions to him in case a prosecution be necessary. Ibid.
Fiat by Treasurer Godolphin for royal letters patent to appoint Nicolas Man gent. as a Queen's waiter, London port, loco John Feild lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 308.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of the Receipt of the petition of Robert Snell, executor to Sir Jeremiah Snow deceased, shewing that Snow was a banker and having a great sum of money due to him from Charles II. had letters patent for 6 per cent. for same out of the Hereditary Excise with power to assign, which by Act of Parliament is now reduced to 3 per cent,: that the said Snell, being utterly a stranger to the course of the Exchequer, took out three several orders in his name in the common form and not as the representatives of other bankers have done so that he cannot make assignments to the creditors of said Snow as they require him to do: the said orders being No. 388 for 125l. per an.; No. 424 for 300l. per an. and No. 426 for 200l. per an.: therefore praying for fresh orders with power to assign. Reference Book VIII, p. 411.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare for declaration the account of the Commissioners of the Glass Wares Duty from the times they [the said Duties] were respectively granted to the times they were discontinued by Act of Parliament.
Prefixing: brief state of said account: total charge 85,603l. 12s. 0d.; total discharge 84,353l. 11s. 11d. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 161.
Entry of the signing and countersigning of a royal warrant for a signature of grant and confirmation to James, Earl of Seafield, of the lands called the Land Barony and Thanedom of Boynd with the advowson of Banff and Inverboyndie, all lying within the sheriffdom of Banff, all which pertained heretably to Sir Patrick Ogilvie of Boynd and his eldest son James and were adjudged from them by their creditors and the several adjudications disponed by them to the said Earl.
Prefixing: (1) report by the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, on the draft of said signature. (2) Docquet of said signature. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 191–2.
July 10. Royal letters patent under the great seal appointing Sir William Oldes to be Gentleman Usher Black Rod loco Sir David Mitchell deceased. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 310.
July 10
[? June 10].
William Lowndes to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to apply as follows 31,783l. 2s. 7d. out of the 32,000l. advanced to you by the Bank of England pursuant to the Lord Treasurer's agreement with them the 8th inst. upon a deposit of 35,000l. of tallies and orders on the Land Tax 1710 to secure the repayment of said 32,000l. within four months and at 4 per cent. per an. interest: viz.
£ s. d.
for account of Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
to complete 33 days' subsistence to the 24th inst. [sic for June 24] for the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain 932 8 10
for 28 days' subsistence from June 25 to July 22 "next" for the said Troops and Regiments 17,217 2 8
for two months' subsistence in advance from June 25 to Aug. 24 next to enable them to provide themselves with all necessaries for their voyage pursuant to her Majesty's directions signified by Mr. Walpole [as Secretary at War] 3,638 13 0
for 60 days' pay for the several Garrisons from 24 Feb. last to 24 April last according to the Establishment and muster rolls, "they receiving no subsistence" 2,625 15 9
on account of the clearings of the Forces, in part of the [deductions of] Poundage and Day's Pay [and is] for 61 days' subsistence to the 24th inst. for the outpensioners of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea 4,272 12 0
on account of the 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for 28 days' subsistence from June 25 to July 22 "next" for the several Regiments of that Establishment 1,670 4 0
for subsistence for the same time to the Officers of Major Gen. Handasyde's Regiment in England 226 6 4
on account of Invalids anno 1710.
for pay of the 12 Companies of Invalids from 1710 June 24 1,200 0 0
£31,783 2 7
Disposition Book XX, p. 203.