Warrant Book: June 1710, 21-30

Pages 341-346

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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June 1710

June 21. Royal warrant dated Kensington to the Treasury Lords to pay 150l. to Micaja Perry, of London merchant (as the nominee of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts): without account save such as he is to render to the said Society: all by reason that the Indian Sachems or Chiefs who were lately in this kingdom in behalf of themselves and the Six Nations of Indians near New York and Albany "have applied to us that ministers might be sent by us to instruct them and their people in the true Christian Protestant faith as it is professed in the Church of England and we did direct the said Society to lay before us their opinion in that matter, who by their report thereon have represented that they have undertaken at their own charge to provide and send into those countries two missionaries with competent salaries but that the said missionaries will want an interpreter, a house to live in and a chapel for the service of God which should be built within an Indian fort for their security and defence": therefore the Queen on considering a report from William Blathwayte concerning the charge of building the said house, fort and chapel is pleased to allow 150l. as royal bounty towards the same. The same is hereby to be issued out of Civil List funds. (Letter of direction dated 30 Nov. 1710 hereon.) (This warrant was repeated on the 21 Sept., infra, p. 456. The necessary money warrant and order and letter of direction were taken on this later royal warrant.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 346. Disposition Book XXI, p. 15.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Spencer Compton to pay to Francis Sorrell and Robert George, the Secretaries attending the Managers and Directors of the present [1710] Lottery, 300l. by way of advance and upon credit of being repaid the same out of the overplus moneys that shall or may arise by the fund granted by Parliament by the Act [9 Anne, c. 6] for Continuing part of the Duty on Coals &c., anno 1710: taking from them such assignments or receipts as may entitle you to be reimbursed the same at the Exchequer when the moneys payable to said Sorrell and George shall arise out of said overplus "by virtue of orders signed by me [Godolphin] in that behalf for defraying incident expenses in the execution of the said Act." Money Book XX, p. 304.
Money warrant for 300l. to said Sorrell and George for incidents as above. Ibid., pp. 304–5. Order Book VII, p. 428.
Letter of direction for 2,500l. to William Lowndes: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XX, p. 187.
Same for 750l. to the Earl of Sunderland: out of Civil List moneys: "for money expended for her Majesty's secret service whilst he was Principal Secretary of State." Ibid., p. 189.
William Lowndes to the Clerk of the Pipe. I have read to the Lord Treasurer your report of Sept. 26 last on the memorial of the Duke of Leeds praying that the fee farm rents of 23l. 17s. 2d. issuing out of the three Hundreds of Bucks may be conveyed to him in lieu of defective [fee farm] rents [purchased by him]. By a second memorial the said Duke has prayed for the like value in fee farm rents issuing out of the three Hundreds of Newport in said county. Please report hereon. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 206.
June 21. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Sir Richard Allen bart., one of the securities of Samuel Pacy, late Receiver General for Co. Suffolk, shewing that he is unable as yet to pay the moneys at the times appointed by the Lord Treasurer by reason he is only tenant for life and therefore can raise no money upon his estate: therefore praying stay of process till Xmas term next. Reference Book VIII, p. 410.
Commission by Treasurer Godolphin to John Scrivener to be Surveyor General of the Duties on Houses [for Co. Devon] loco John Cooper whose commission is hereby superseded. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, p. 152.
June 22. Royal warrant dated St. James's to Treasurer Godolphin to give warrant to Edward Wilcox, Surveyor of Woods Trent South, to fell a further 300 loads of timber in Whittlewood Forest for the [Duke of Marlborough's] building at Woodstock over and above the quantity directed to be felled by the royal warrant of July 11 last. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 293–4.
Royal sign manual for 500l. to Col. Thomas Panton as a present from the Queen for his pains and expenses in bringing an express from the Duke of Marlborough of the surrender of [the town of] Douay and Fort Escarpe [de Scarpe 27 June 1710]: and for a further 32l. for [Exchequer] fees thereon. (Money order dated July 12 hereon.) Ibid., p. 294. Order Book VII, p. 437. Disposition Book XX, p. 195.
Same for 300l. to Anne Foyles as royal bounty for and towards the support and support and maintenance of Edward, late Lord Griffin, during his imprisonment: to be paid out of the moneys in the Exchequer arisen or to arise from the forfeited estate of the said Griffin. (Money order dated Aug. 2 hereon: with a later Treasury order of confirmation dated 1710 Aug. 29.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 295. Order Book VII, p. 448.
Letter of direction for 4,000l. to Robert Walpole Esq., Treasurer of the Navy: out of arrears of funds as follows viz. 3l. 15s. 0d. of funds of the year 1703, being money arising from the Subsidies [probably means the Act 2/3 Anne, c. 18, for an Additional Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage and Duty on French wines: which Act authorised 300,000l. loans thereon] remaining after satisfying all loans and interest thereon; 3,783l. 7s. 6 ½d. of funds of the year 1708, being Malt Duty money remaining after satisfying all loans and interest thereon; 70l. out of funds of the year 1710, being loans on Malt; 142l. 17s. 5 ½d. of unappropriated revenues in aid of the funds for the year 1702, to wit 1l. 2s. 0 ½d. of the 25 per cent. on French goods, 106l. 11s. 10d. of Plantation Duties, 6l. 4s. 3 ½d. of the Second 2s. Aid; 28l. 19s. 3 ½d. of the First 4s. Aid.
The said total of 4,000l. is to be taken as part of the quota for wages [of seamen] and is to be paid over by Walpole to Walter Whitfeild, Paymaster of Marines, as imprest and upon account for Lieut. Gen. Seymour's Regiment in part of arrears on the Marine Establishment, to be applied to the clearing of the seven Companies ordered on the Expedition under the Lord Shannon "but because the quota to the head of Wages in the year 1708 is already completed, the sum now to be issued out of the funds of that year and out of the revenues in Aid are to be esteemed as so much paid to aid the deficiency of the quota for wages in former years, to wit in the year 1702; and is to be placed to account accordingly. Disposition Book XX, p. 188.
June 22. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a pension of 3s. a day to Charlot, widow of Capt. Augustus Delaspois, a Capt. in Mountjoye's Regiment in Portugal, where in 1703 he fell ill of a distemper in his eyes and had leave to come to England for recovery of his sight and for five years past lived in Ireland and died in Oct. last leaving said Charlot with three small children in a very destitute condition; her said husband having the universal character of a very good and deserving person. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 226–7.
Same dated Kensington for letters patent to pass the Great Seal appointed for Scotland by the Treaty of Union, to constitute John Montgomerie of Giffen Esq. to be Master and Worker of the Mint at Edinburgh loco George Allards deceased. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 186.
June 24. Royal sign manual for 455l. to Sir Richard Onslow bart. for 91 days March 24 last to June 23 inst. on the usual allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated July 1 hereon.) (Money order dated July 3 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 297. Order Book VII, p. 430. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for Managing the newly erected Public Lottery, of the petition of Samuell Edwin praying that he may furnish the necessaries for making the pay tickets of the said Lottery. Reference Book VIII, p. 410.
June 26. Royal sign manual for 20,000l. to William Lowndes for secret service: without account: out of Civil List moneys. (Money warrant dated June 27 hereon.) (Money order dated June 27 hereon, with a subsequent Treasury order of confirmation dated 1710 Sept. 8 hereof.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 295. Order Book VII, p. 427.
Same for 904l. to Sir Charles Cotterell. Master of the Ceremonies, 500l. thereof as a present from her Majesty to the widow of Baron Schultz, late Envoy from Hanover [Ludwig Justus Sinold Freiherr von Schütz, Envoy Extraordinary from Jan. 1693 to his death in Feb. 1710]; and 350l. as a same to the widow of Baron Lyoncron [Christopher Leijoncrona, died 8 April 1710], late Envoy from Sweden; and the remaining 54l. for [Exchequer] fees on the receipt of the money. (Money order dated June 30 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 296. Order Book VII, p. 430. Disposition Book XX, p. 191.
June 27. Money warrant for 75l. to William Wekett for 1710 June 24 quarter for attendance and disbursements for the Treasury Office; and 5l. to John Farra for same quarter for carrying letters. Money Book XX, p. 305. Order Book VII, p. 258.
June 27. Money warrant for 2,000l. to Treasurer Godolphin for 1710 June 24 quarter's salary. Money Book XX, p. 306. Order Book VII, p. 429.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Cashier to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to Christopher Tilson for same quarter for making a particular account of the Customs &c. Money Book XX, p. 306.
Allowance by same of the Excise Office salary bill for same quarter: total 6,309l. 1s. 3d.
the Malt Office salary bill for same quarter: total 361l. 3s. 0 ¾d.
the Candle [Office] salary bill for same quarter: total 521l. 7s. 1 ¼d.
the Salt Office salary bill for same quarter: total 1,142l. 9s. 0d. Ibid.
Warrant by same to the surviving Trustee for Sale of Fee Farm Rents of the Crown to convey to the executors of the late Lord Dover a fee farm rent of 80l. per an. issuing out of divers pieces of ground in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields and parcel of the bailwick and manor of St. James: ut supra, pp. 240–1, 311.
Prefixing: auditor Jett's particular of the premises and entry of the sale contract with said executors. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 126–7.
[?] Entry of the Treasury signature of the docquet of a reversionary lease to Matthew [Johnson] of the scite of the manor of Hallowford, alias Halford, Co. Middlesex, parcel of the jointure of the late Queen Dowager Catherine: ut supra, p. 221. Ibid., p. 127.
June 28. Letter of direction for 500l. to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: out of Civil List moneys: to be paid over to Michael Studholme by way of advance to enable him to proceed in the making the new road through the Great Avenue in the Great Park at Windsor and in the repairing the road lately made round the House Park at Windsor. (William Lowndes dated July 11 to said Dartiquenave to so pay same to Studholme.) Disposition Book XX, p. 189.
June 30. Money warrant for 36,251l. 15s. 7 ½d. to Nehemiah Arnold, Paymaster of Malt Lottery Tickets, for the principal and interest and benefits payable on the 114th and 115th payments (respectively due this day) which are the next payments due on the said tickets.
Appending: certificate by said Arnold and by J. Duncombe, Comptroller of the said Tickets, of the money so due:
£ s. d.
the principal money due on the 114th payment after abating 20l. for two benefits each 9,980 0 0
interest of 998 tickets from Lady day 1700 to the 30th June 1710, being 3,749 days at a halfpenny a day each [ticket] 7,794 15 11
[? sic for 7,974l. 15s. 11d.]
benefits 20 0 0
£17,974 15 11
the principal money due on the 115th payment after abating 30l. for three benefits above 20l. each 9,970 0 0
interest of 997 tickets from Lady day 1700 to the 30th June 1710, being 3,749 days at a halfpenny a day each 7,786 19
benefits 520 0 0
£18,276 19
Money Book XX, p. 307. Order Book VII, p. 429.
June 30. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to distribute and apply the sum of 92,999l. 18s. 7 ½d. to Deficient Funds as follows: the said sum representing the income between June 2 and June 30 inst. from branches of the revenue as follows: viz. 3l. 12s. 2d. from whale fins; 23,407l. 19s. 1 ½d. from New Customs; 1,217l. 7s. 6 ½d. from Additional Impositions; 3,748l. 3s. 4 ½d. from Duties on Vellum Continued; 37,230l. 8s. 2 ½d. from Continued Impositions; 3,200l. 8s. 10d. from Salt; 24,153l. 12s. 10 ½d. from Windows; 38l. 6s. 6d. from Marriages (being a surplusage from the first General Mortgage [or Deficiencies Sinking Fund] scheme): the said distribution and application to be hereby as follows: viz.
Deficiencies as computed by Act of Parliament. How they stood on the Register the 30th June 1710. The distribution and application hereby ordered.
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Exchequer Bills 515165 4 133935 13 11000 0 0
First 3s. Aid 415099 0 0 5200 0 0 19421 11
Paper for Plate 15400 0 0 93150 0 0 720 10 8
Malt Tickets 579060 0 0 66000 0 0 27092 19
Leather 504438 0 0 8271 6 9955 1 9
Third Quarterly Poll 212770 17 0 63525 11 1208 4 2
Third 3s. Aid 25823 2 9 11000 0 0 23601 11
2267756 4 381082 11 92999 18
"The proportion for Exchequer Bills out of this month's Divident amounts to 21,126l. 15s. 1 ½d., but it being computed that 11,000l. will be sufficient to discharge all the said Bills, and the interest thereupon, let the entire sum of 11,000l. be deducted from [sic for for] that service and the residue then to be apportioned amongst the remaining funds will be 81,999l. 18s. 7 ½d." Money Book XX, pp. 335–6.
William Lowndes to Mr. Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty, to move the Admiralty Lords to appoint a convoy to attend the vessels which will carry the Queen's tin from Falmouth and Fowey to London about the middle of July next. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 199.
Same to Mr. How as Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Charles Crosley, surgeon, for an allowance for his medicines and attendance on 19 recruits wounded on board the Bonaventure in fight with two French ships as they were going to Jamaica. Will there be any remains of deductions or other money belonging to the Regiment at Jamaica out of which such allowance may be satisfied ? Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 199.
June 30. William Lowndes to the Auditors of Imprests to draft a privy seal for passing James Bridges' account for the service of the war in Holland between 24 Dec. 1706 and 23 Dec. 1707. Ibid.
Same to same to draft a warrant for allowing to said Bridges what he has paid for the Almanza prisoners. Ibid., p. 200.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Benjamin Durham of Plymouth, merchant, shewing that he bought from the Agent for Captures [Prizes] a French prize called the Leredor now lying in the said port and laden with Bank fish: therefore praying leave to proceed to Portugal without unlading and without paying Duty, on giving security not to re-land any part in Great Britain. Reference Book VIII, p. 410.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, of the petition of James Anderson shewing that before the Union he was employed by her Majesty's Commissioner and Parliament of Scotland to publish &c. the seals &c. of Scotland: that since the Union they prayed her Majesty to order him 1,040l. to enable him to perform the same and also prayed her Majesty to repair the loss of his employment and they likewise ordered him to proceed on the said work, which he accordingly has done and made a considerable advance therein since the Union and has expended therein more than the 1,040l. and that of said 1,040l. he has only received 300l: "that his Lordship [Godolphin] declared he deserved encouragement and that if he could propose any way how that expense might be borne upon the revenue of Scotland he would assist him therein": therefore praying consideration and for a pension somewhat suitable to the loss of his employment since the Union until he be otherwise provided for. Out. Letters (North Britain) II, p. 187.