Warrant Book: April 1710, 21-30

Pages 248-266

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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April 1710

April 21. Letter of direction for 6,000l. to John Tailer, gent., for buildings at Woodstock: out of loans in the Exchequer on tin. Disposition Book XX, p. 151.
William Lowndes to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed several reports [missing] made by the Transports Commissioners on the respective petitions of Reymond De Smyth and others and of Lancelot Whitehall relating to the property of some debentures made out for the Transport service. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 177.
Treasurer Godolphin to Mr. Stanyan. I have yours of the 9th inst. from Berne and find by it that the Sovereign Lords of that Laudable Canton have agreed to lend 150,000l. to her Majesty on the General Mortgage [the 6th General Mortgage under the Act 8 Anne, c. 14, see supra, pp. 243–4]. For the more plain and easy transaction of this affair I have directed the said loan to be made for them upon that fund in the name of James Craggs and in accordance with their desire I enclose the privy seal acknowledging same, together with a declaration of trust by Craggs and a copy of one of the orders of repayment, of which there are 150 for 1,000l. each, all in the same words and dated the 19th inst., from which date 6 per cent. interest commences thereon. You are to be enabled by the said Sovereign Lords to answer the value of the said 150,000l. which is drawn on you by said Craggs for the service of the Troops in Spain and Italy as follows: viz.
205,128 1/5 Pieces of Eight payable at Genoa to John Chetwynd Esq. at 21 days' sight.
102,564 1/10 Pieces of Eight payable at Genoa to William Chetwynd at 21 days' sight.
205,128 1/5 Pieces of Eight payable at Genoa to William Chetwynd at 30 days' sight.
102,564 1/10 Pieces of Eight payable at Genoa to William Chetwynd at 40 days' sight.
615,384 3/5 Pieces of Eight.
These bills are sent you by this express by Mr. Brydges, the Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, and he has done the like by the post [for the second and third of exchange] and you see by them that we allow 58½ pence sterling for a Piece of Eight which although (as the exchange now governs) it be as much as we can get, nevertheless it is very probable when the money arising from the said loan comes to be remitted to their Sovereign Lordships the exchange will be again as favourable to their Lordships' advantage. I also enclose an instrument for the Sovereign Lords to sign and seal (or what else is usual, their forms in that respect not being understood here) to authorise Craggs to act in receiving and paying or remitting their money. Please return this to him [Craggs] when perfected.
As soon as this is over I intend to move her Majesty to allow you the commission usual amongst merchants which as they tell me is ½ per cent., making 750l., and shall not be wanting on all occasions to value your services to her Majesty. I desire you to acquaint the Sovereign Lords that the Queen is very well pleased with this mark of their entire friendship.
P.S. Before the Bill for the General Mortgage [8 Anne, c. 14] (which was depending in the House of Commons when I wrote to you last) got through the House it was found necessary to add several clauses to it which have occasioned some variation in the title of the Act from what was sent you in the draft of the privy seal, but the Duties [granted as a fond] are exactly the same. Ibid., pp. 177–9.
April 21. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of premises (the water mill called Harpole Mill in Harpole, Co. Northampton, parcel of the possessions of the late Hospital of the Savoy) in order to a lease thereof to Frances Towers, who holds same by lease from Dr. Killigrew, Master of said Hospital, and the Perpetual Canons thereof, dated 1692–3 March 20.
Prefixing: Two reports by said Surveyor General on said Towers' petition for same. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 97.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners in North Britain of the petition of Lieut. Col. John Erskine shewing that the said Commissioners demand Excise of him for the beer brewed by him in Stirling Castle of which he is Deputy Governor; but that what is there brewed is only for his own family and a few soldiers in the said Garrison and that he never sells any without the said Garrison; therefore praying that said demand be not insisted on. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 162.
April 24. Money warrant for 212l. 2s. 6d. to Francis Nicholson, Governor of Virginia, 200l. thereof to be laid out by him in providing clothes and goods as a present from the Queen to the Ambassadors from the five Indian Nations lately come from New York and the remaining 12l. 2s. 6d. for Exchequer fees on the receipt thereof. Money Book XX, p. 263. Order Book VII, p. 408. Disposition Book XX, p. 152.
Same for 100l. to Charles Harrison, Solicitor for her Majesty's Affairs in the Exchequer Court; as imprest for charges in law suits relating to her Majesty's service. Money Book XX, p. 263. Order Book VII, p. 410. Disposition Book XX, p. 158.
Same for 80l. to George Rushton and Joseph Pool, late Sheriffs for the city and county of the city of Coventry, for an overpayment in their account ended at Michaelmas 1709 arising by payments to Caterby Oadham and Thomas Hurt for convicting Joseph Tackey and Nathaniell Griffin for burglary: as certified by Samuell Wade, Clerk of the Peace for said city. Money Book XX, p. 264. Order Book VII, p. 416. Disposition Book XX, p. 162.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Postmasters General to repay Land Tax assessments anno 1709 on the salaries of their officers of not more than 60l. per an. Money Book XX, p. 271.
Money warrant for 100l. to Edward Rutter Esq., Counsel at Law, for service in recovering the debt owing upon the accounts of Michaell Wicks, late Receiver of the Plantation Duty. Ibid., p. 278.
William Lowndes to the Agents for Taxes to employ George Powry as Surveyor of the Duties on Houses in North Britain, he being recommended by the Earl of Carlisle. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 177.
Order by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's April 20 for leave to the ship Adventure to unlade her potash, hemp, flax, sturgeon and yarn, which was taken in at Pillau in the port of Konigsberg in Dec. and Jan. last, and which arrived at Newcastle Feb. 2 last, where at the Humber and in Standgate Creek she has lain under quarantine ever since, and all the crew in perfect health: all on the petition of Sir Andrew King and the rest of the owners of said ship and of William Curling, master thereof. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 273–4.
Same by same to same to observe a like Order in Council, prefixed, for leave to Henry Phill, Stephen Bullock and Thomas Couts of London, merchants, to land the feathers and bristles imported by them from the Baltic and which by Order in Council of Feb. 18 last, supra, p. 178, were ordered to be re-exported; they finding difficulty in so exporting same which have been in a lighter a considerable time and several persons having lain on the feathers without bad effect and the several vessels concerned having their crews in perfect health. The petitioners are to keep the feathers for some convenient time in a warehouse on the other side of the water. Ibid., p. 282.
April 24. Treasury reference to Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] of the petition of Major General Richard Gorge in behalf of the Captains of his Regiment shewing that they being ordered from Lancashire to Portsmouth to relieve another Regiment ordered from thence to Ostend and by the length of their march and great sickness at Portsmouth the Officers lost 122 men whose pay is respited at the rate of 8d. per man, amounting to 236l. 14s. 0d., but notwithstanding the great desertions the Captains still recruited their Companies and paying dear for such recruits they are run much in debt and unless the respits be removed their own personal pay is liable to be stopped: therefore praying such removal. Reference Book VIII, p. 402.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Navy Commissioners to pay to Lieut. Alexander Craggs and Lieut. Walter Douharty the sums due to them as Lieutenants in the Regiment of Marines lately commanded by Sir Cloudesley Shovell.
Prefixing report by said Commissioners on the petition of said Lieutenants. By Treasury order of 1706–7 Jan. 21 we were to pay divers sums to several Marine Lieutenants and by similar order of 1707 May 22 to the executors &c. of certain Marine Lieutenants. Craggs' name occurs in this second order for 137l. 13s. 4d., but no bill can be made out as by that order the money was to be paid to executors &c. (on the Agent's certificate of the death of said Officers). We cannot now pay without authority. As for Dougharty a bill passed for his pay the 22 Aug. 1709 amounting to 24l. 12s. 8d. by order of said 22 May 1707 on certificate from Thomas Reynolds Esq. that he was dead. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 75–75b.
Same by same to the Excise Commissioners to permit Nicholas Coleman, John Gaynham, George Chandler, John Lyell, James Goheir, Samuell Bernard, Capt. Alen, Richard Shepard, William Gould, Thomas Lemon, Henry Harvey, Geo. Elliotson, Thomas Price, M. Mearyweather, Thomas Sone, and Jam. Dolliffe, merchants, to reduce imported brandy to proof and to make a post entry.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' report on the said merchants' petition. Ibid., pp. 75b-76.
Same by same to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against the Earl of Ranelagh on his accounts as late Paymaster General of the Forces; the same being declared up to 1701 Dec. 31 and his final account to 1702 Dec. 3 being preparing for declaration.
Prefixing: report by James Moody and Francis Bythell, Deputy Auditors of Imprests. Ibid., p. 76.
Same by same to the Excise Commissioners to repay the 1710 Land Tax assessments on their officers of under 100l. per an. salary.
Prefixing: presentment from said Commissioners proposing such refund. Ibid., p. 78.
April 24. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against Henry Baker on his account for four years to 1707 Sept. 29 as Solicitor for the Affairs of the Treasury, the said accounts being now preparing for declaration. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 81.
Same by same to the Stamps Commissioners approving the method proposed by them for managing the tax on moneys to be paid with clerks and apprentices.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' memorial proposing said method. We have prepared instructions for the collectors in England to send up all indentures (sent to them in the country) to be stamped. These indentures are to be sent up to the Register to be stamped after entries thereof by him and then by him returned to the collectors and the collectors will be charged by such entries. We have taken care for publishing an abstract of the Act in all market towns in England. As to that part of Great Britain called Scotland, we had thoughts of employing the Excise officers in the collection of this Duty, but upon discourse with the Excise Commissioners and with several gentlemen of that country we find that the officers are very often changed whereas we think the collectors of this Tax ought to be settled in fixed habitations. We therefore propose to employ the Town Clerks of the several Royal Burghs in Scotland as collectors and officers of this revenue. We have appointed John Montagu of Lincolns Inn, gent., to be Register of Indentures and advise a salary of 150l. for himself and 50l. for a clerk. Ibid., pp. 82–3.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Cath. Codroy, widow of Capt. Noah Codroy, who was killed in the battle of Almanza, praying a pension in consideration of the mean circumstances she and her child are left in. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 160.
The like for the petition of Major Cyrus Bragard, Major D'Cresseron and other disabled Officers, praying pensions according to their respective posts in the Army. Ibid., p. 182.
The like for the petition of Francis Sartre, a French refugee, formerly a Reformed officer in the King of Prussia's Troops in Flanders, which service he quitted by reason of age and infirmities and has since been subsisted by the charity of his relations, but is now destitute of any further supply from them and near 70 years old. Ibid.
April 25. Allowance by Treasurer Godolphin of the incidents bill, not detailed, of the Post Office for 1709 Xmas quarter: total 1,083l. 9s. 8d. Money Book XX, p. 79.
[?] Treasurer Godolphin to the Excise Commissioners approving their proposal that the like proportion of charges for managing the Additional Duties of Excise be made out of [debited to] the said Duties as is practised in the other branches of the Excise revenue.
Prefixing: memorial by said Commissioners to Treasurer Godolphin dated April 5. By the Act [8 Anne, c. 12] of this present Session for Additional Duties of Excise we are to pay the receipts thereof (after charges of management) into the Exchequer. It has been the constant practice to apply part of the several Additional Duties of Excise heretofore granted towards defraying the charges of management in proportion to the amount of the same compared with the Duties then in being (though in most of the Acts for granting those Additional Duties there is not the like exception or provision made for deducting the charges of management as above). We desire direction for a like deduction and application in this case. Ibid., pp. 265–6.
April 25. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the same approving their proposed method for managing the Duties on Candles.
Prefixing: memorial from said Commissioners dated April 5 offering said method. We have informed ourselves of the number and places of residence of all the wax and tallow chandlers within the Weekly Bills of mortality and the several counties of England. As to adding this Duty to the Customs officers we easily foresaw it would not be practicable within the Bills of mortality and other cities and great towns, the number of chandlers being almost equal to all the common brewers, distillers &c. in the Bills of Mortality. We have therefore laid out London and the Bills of Mortality (wherein there are 436 wax and tallow chandlers) into eight divisions to be surveyed in a six hours' course by 48 new officers to be thereto appointed, of whom one for each division is a person bred as a chandler whom we are instructing in gauging and book-keeping according to our method, intending them for supervisors; and further two persons, bred as tallow chandlers, to be general surveyors: the total establishment amounting to 3,265l. for these officers. In the rest of England and Wales there are about 3,000 chandlers. Considering that the Duty on Candles will not commence until such time as the maltsters will in great measure have left off working, for this reason we only propose at present 40 officers for the cities and great towns viz. Bristol, Norwich, Exeter, Oxford, York, Worcester, Bury St. Edmunds, and some lesser towns but of considerable trade for candles as Kingston, Windsor, Brentford &c., and we defer nominating any more until the malting season begins again, when also we shall be better informed of the trade of the chandlers. We have informed ourselves of the numbers and residence of all persons that sell candles but do not make [candles] and of persons that make but do not sell. We have likewise caused enquiry to be made how the coal pits are supplied, so that this revenue may not suffer in that particular. Ibid., pp. 266–8.
Letter of direction for 10,000l. to John Corker: out of Civil List moneys: to be for buying tin in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, being to satisfy bills of exchange drawn by him for moneys [representing so much value in tin] taken up in the country for that service. Disposition Book XX, p. 151.
William Lowndes to the Attorney and Solicitor General. I have read to my Lord Treasurer your report on the petition of Thomas Goldney of Bristol, merchant, who was concerned in the remittance of money between Mr. Sansom, the late collector there, and Carleton Vanbrugh of London, merchant, and is now a prisoner on an extent for 9,500l. owing by him to the Crown on that account. The Barons of the Exchequer advise Goldney's release on security to surrender himself as required. Please draft a warrant for his enlargement accordingly. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 179.
April 25. William Lowndes to the owners and freighters of the ship Worcester to send to the Lord Treasurer an account of what remains due to the seamen of said ship and how much they received out of the money that has been already paid to [you] the said owners and freighters thereof. Ibid.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposals [missing] touching the quantity of salt in her Majesty's possession in North Britain. Ibid., p. 180.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing of the prize oil and the re-shipment of the prize fish brought in by the ship Pilgrim galley, Benj. Hunt commander &c. ut supra, p. 174, all on the petition of Samuell Shepheard of London, merchant.
Prefixing: said Commissioners' report dated 10 Mar. last on the case. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 274–5.
Order by same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing (a) Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's April 20 inst. for leave to the ship William and Mary, Miles Walker master, to unlade her hemp and flax brought from Pillau to Hull in January last, she having regularly performed her quarantine and her master and crew being in perfect health: all on the petition of William Fenwick et al. Ibid., p. 276.
Warrant by same to same to make out deputations to such new officers to act in such manner in the port of Newcastle as the said Customs Commissioners have proposed in their memorial.
Prefixing: said memorial. On consideration of the frauds lately committed in said port we propose to establish a fourth tidesurveyor with a good boat and four able boatmen to reside at Howden Pans, which is about six miles from the port, for the better guard thereof and the coast over against it, where they had information that great quantities of goods are run, as well as for the more immediate inspection into the behaviour of the tidesmen appointed for the guard of the ships that lie thereabouts, there being at Howden Pans three ballast quays to which most of the ships resort and there remain till they are loaden. We propose William Rowe for the said post of additional tidesurveyor, he having done good service in said port formerly; and that he be directed to roll [rotate] with the two tidesurveyors residing at Newcastle and the surveyor at Shields, whose salaries should be made all equal at 50l. per an each instead of 40l. per an. For the boatmen we present Hugh Parke, John Roberts, Thomas Bosewell and John Collins, and their salaries and that of the two mates to the boatmen at Newcastle to be fixed at 25l. each, several of the said mates having quitted their employment as not being able to subsist on the small salary of 20l. per an., which has made us apprehensive that the many frauds committed in that port arose from the meanness of the officers' salaries. Ibid., pp. 276–8.
[?] Same by same to same approving their memorial as follows for erection of a new Customs House at Bristol.
Prefixing: memorial from said Commissioners dated March 16 last. Mr. Carkese, our Secretary, has by our order lately made an inspection into the management of Bristol port and reports the present Customs House as very inconvenient, dear and badly situated, there being but one cellar to it into which the tides had flowed and done much damage; the surveyors have no office or room above or below stairs and the landwaiters had only one room three stories high [up], and the tidesurveyors only a small room up one pair of stairs very unfit for their business: and by means of a common shoar under the Customs House they had very often such naucious smells that the merchants and officers could hardly bear them. The Mayor and Aldermen have ground of their own between the Quay and a place called the Back, and have proposed to build a new Customs House 70 feet by 60 feet, with convenient offices, vaults, cellars &c. for 120l. per an, for a long lease. But Lady North (from whom the present Customs House is rented) insists that by articles made 30 years since with Mr. Osborne, then Surveyor General, and by Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1677 Aug. 17 (supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 732, where the warrant is dated 1677 Aug. 16) the Commissioners are obliged to continue the present Customs House as long as the Customs should be in commission though no lease was produced. It is the opinion of the King's Counsel that the Commissioners are not obliged by anything in the said articles or warrant. Ibid., pp. 279–80.
April 25. Same by same to same, approving their memorial as follows for instructions to the outports collectors to pay in their respective ports the charges of the outports establishments out of other branches of the [total Customs] revenue in said port as follows.
Prefixing: said memorial. The five following branches of the revenue of Customs under our management (viz. Customs, Impost on Wine and Vinegar; Impost on Tobacco; Impost on East India and other Poundage goods from 1690 Xmas; new Additional Impositions from 1 March 1692–3) have been for divers years united in one common fund of credit with certain other branches [of the revenue] in the Exchequer; to which has been since added the Duty on whale fins. [We] the Commissioners have long desired and laboured that when the receipt in any port under the [any one] head of Customs happens to fall short of answering the charge of the Establishment in such port the Collector might be permitted to borrow from money in his hands on any other of the five branches before enumerated in order to answer such charge and that he might be allowed credit for such payment on the proper branch or branches whereon the money so borrowed should arise. The practice hereof would make no difference as to public credit [to wit as if there were separate loans charged on any such branches severally and individually] in the said united fund, but would prove a great advantage and accommodation to the management of the Customs. We now also have the concurrence of the Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs for this proposal and likewise the approval of the Inspector of the Outports Collectors' Accounts. It would avoid the hazard and inconvenience of transfers of money from one port to another which makes such confusion in several Collectors' accounts, and the General Accompt [of the Customs] will be rendered less perplexed. "Nevertheless it is intended that the produces of the several branches [as above] shall continue to be kept distinct by the Collectors as formerly and that the accompt of the charge of management shall be made up [separately] for every port." Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 281–2.
April 25. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against William Draper as Treasurer and Receiver General of Greenwich Hospital, to wit on his accounts for the six years ended 1707 Dec. 31: same being now before the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 75.
Commission by same to Robert Longden gent. to be Receiver General for the county and city and county of the city of Worcester of the arrears of Land Tax anno 1709 loco Thomas Albert, whose commission is hereby superseded. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, p. 8.
Same by same to Daniell Cockerell to be Surveyor of the Duties on Houses loco Thomas Osmond, deceased. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, p. 152.
Warrant by same to the Receiver General of the Duties on Houses for Co. Bucks to pay William Osborne 50l. per an. salary as from 1708 June 24 [as Surveyor of said Duties].
The like to the same for Co. Warwick to pay 60l. per an. salary to John Eastman: from same date: [as same for said county]. Ibid., p. 209.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Magdalen Pepin Ricard, a French refugee living in Dublin, praying a pension for the support of her and her two children. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 160.
[?] The like for the petition of Capt. Hugh Owen praying a pension on the Irish Establishemnt for the support of himself and family, he being disabled by wounds received in the service. Ibid.
April 25. The like for the petition of Richard Pope for a grant of the town and lands of Clound containing 180 acres of profitable land, Plantation measure, which were assigned to his father in 1641 but by reason of his father's death, leaving petitioner a minor, no certificate was passed or patent made as directed by the Acts of Settlement and Explanation. Ibid., p. 161.
The like for the petition of William Hawkins, Ulster King at Arms, praying an enlargement of his salary. Ibid.
The like for the petition of William [Moreton], Bishop of Meath, praying a grant of the revenue of said bishopric from the death of his predecessor [Richard Tennison] to the time of his own admission. Ibid.
The like for the petition of Lieut. Col. Samuel De St. Leger de Boisrond, praying that his pension on the Irish Establishment may be made up to 300l. a year and that he may have a grant thereof for 31 years. Ibid.
April 25. The like for the petition of Col. William Coward praying that his allowance of 10s. a day on the Establishment of Ireland may be made up to 20s. a day in consideration of his long services. Ibid., p. 182.
The like for the petition of Mary Burrows, widow of Thomas Burrows, heretofore Major of the Regiment now Col. Peirce's, shewing that Wm. III. granted her a pension of 2s. 6d. a day "out of the Major's pay of that Regiment" for the support of herself and four children: which she enjoyed till her Majesty's accession: therefore praying restoration of same or a grant of some pension as is allowed to other widows. Ibid., p. 204.
Treasury reference to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, of the petition of James Smith shewing that he enjoys the office of Surveyor of the Works in North Britain by patent and has been at an extraordinary charge in assisting the chief engineer there in making plans, designs and estimates for fortifying and repairing the Castles of Edinburgh, Stirling, and Fort William, but on his application to the Board of Ordnance for satisfaction for such extraordinary service they did not offer him a fifth part of the expense he has been at and he finds himself left out of the Civil List of North Britain when he expected his salary to have been augmented: therefore praying consideration for his said extraordinary service and to be inserted in the Civil List for the future. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 163.
Same to same of the petition of Sir Robert Forbes and Mr. Graham shewing that by a patent of 1 Feb. 1705 they were appointed Judges of the High Court of Admiralty in Scotland for life, the salary and fees whereof amounted to 3–400l. per an. "which are now ceased since the late Union of the two kingdoms": that by a privy seal dated 1709 Aug. 10 they find the Earl of Wemys, Vice Admiral of Scotland, has an allowance of 1,000l. per an. payable out of the Navy Office in consideration for that office being taken away: therefore praying that the allowance to said Earl may not prevent their having such a salary allowed them as may be suitable to the character of one in so high a station, in view of their right by patent. Ibid., p. 164.
April 26. Royal letters patent appointing Edward Ashe to be Storekeeper of the Ordnance loco Robert Lowther, whose patent of 1708 Sept. 27 is hereby determined: with the fee of 3s. a day. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, pp. 347–8.
Letter of direction for 3,000l. to William Lowndes: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XX, p. 151.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded of the petition of the Company of Apothecaries of London which serves her Majesty's Hospital ships and the Hospitals at the ports with drugs, medicines and other necessaries: shewing that upwards of 7,300l. is due to them for that service besides the further sum of 280l. 6s. 0d. for drugs and medicines furnished to the Garrison of Gibraltar by order of his late Royal Highness [Prince George, as Lord High Admiral] and Admiral Rook. Therefore pray payment thereof. Reference Book VIII, p. 400.
April 26. Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of John Hopson shewing that his late father, Sir Charles Hopson, was by royal warrant appointed to look after the repairs of the Guards in and about St. James's Park and the Tilt Yard with a small salary upon the Establishment [for Guards and Garrisons] in Mr. How's Office, for that service: that having been bred up in his father's business he prays to succeed him in the said employment. Reference Book VIII, p. 401.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Auditor Edward Harley to allow, in the accounts of the Trustees for Circulating Exchequer Bills of the money by them received for the service of their office, the several sums amounting to 102l. 6s. 4d. for incidents for the year ended 1708 April 27.
Prefixing: report by Ja. Moody, Deputy Auditor, on said items. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 79.
Royal warrant dated St. James's [to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to pay to Thomas Carr, Cursitor or Clerk and Engrosser General of all Original Writs out of Chancery in Ireland (Cursitor of Exchequer Writs) 800l. as in full recompense and satisfaction of the loss he has or shall sustain in the profits of his office by the Acts of Parliament lately passed against the further growth of Popery [Irish Acts, 6 Anne, Sess. 3, c. 6] and for Recovery of Debts by Civil Bills [Irish Acts, 6 Anne, Sess. 3, c. 5] in the Country: it appearing that the yearly income of his said office (which he enjoys for life) is about 300l. and that since the passing of said Acts the same is diminished by about one fifth part: and he as a zealous officer and Protestant although a Member of Parliament of Ireland would not give any obstruction to the said Acts because they were then judged for the general good of the said kingdom of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 162, 166.
Same to same to pay 500l. per an. salary to Benjamin Parry, as salary for his office of Register of all Public Deeds, Conveyances and Wills in Ireland; for eleven years as from 1708 March 25 and until the end of the next Session of Parliament to be holden in Ireland after the determination of the said term. Ibid., p. 163.
Same to same to place Col. David Montolieu de St. Ippolite on the Establishment of half pay, Ireland, as from 1710 Lady day, he having been particularly recommended to the Queen by the Duke of Savoy "for his good services performed there." Ibid., p. 164.
Same to same to pay Francis Harrison so much as is due to him for the time he acted as Commissary General of Ireland from the death of his brother to the time that Col. Pennefather entered upon that office. Ibid., p. 165.
Same to same for a pension of 3s. 6d. a day on the Civil List of the Establishment of Ireland for Peter Des Maiseaux as from 1710 Lady day during pleasure; he having distinguished himself by the regularity of his life and morals and having applied himself these ten years past to the education of young gentlemen of quality in such manner as tended both to his own reputation and the satisfaction of them and their parents, but his constant application to his studies has so much impaired his sight and health as to render him incapable of continuing that employment, by which means he is destitute of all manner of support. Ibid., p. 167.
April 26. Same to same for the building of an arsenal near Dublin as intended by the Act of the last Session of Parliament there entitled an Act for Granting an Additional Duty on Beer &c. [Irish Act, 8 Anne, Sess. 4, c. 2]: in pursuance whereof a draft and estimate of such arsenal was laid before the Queen in Council on March 30 last as prepared by the Lord Lieutenant amounting to 31,850l. 5s. 6d., which was then approved. You are therefore to cause the said arsenal to be built according to the said plan and estimate, the money to be imprested from time to time to Alexander Denton out of the revenue in Ireland arising from the abovesaid Duties; such imprests not to exceed 15,000l. in the first year.
Appending: said estimate. Ibid., pp. 168–70.
Same to same for an allowance of 5s. a day to be placed on the Military Establishment of Ireland for Phillip Janssen de Teudbeuf for his support, he having been Agent from the time that Brigadier Belcastle's Regiment was raised until March 1699 "when it was disbanded with four other Regiments in that our kingdom of Ireland" and by reason of an arrear due to the said Regiment from 1689 to 1692 there is due to him 500l. or thereabouts on account of his said agency ("which would have been paid to him had the said Regiment been cleared") and when the said five Regiments were broke and the Officers put upon half pay the Earl of Galway appointed an Agent for all the said Officers who was to pay the said Teudbeuf 40l. a year out of the profits of his agency, which he received for some time, but the Officers decreasing daily by death or provision his allowance is almost reduced to nothing. The present allowance of 5s. is to be paid to him until the said money due to him as above for his agency be paid to him. Ibid., p. 175.
Same to same to insert on the Military Establishment of Ireland the following half pay pensions or allowances to French Officers who were employed in our service abroad and some of them broke after the battle of Almanza and disabled by wounds received there: during pleasure: to date as from 1710 Lady day (for an alteration in this date see infra, p. 293, under date 1710 May 15):
£ s. d.
Officers of Dragoons.
Cornets David Aubresby and Daniel Lagraviere, each 0 2 0
Quartermasters James Paillet, Peter Gausserau and Nicholas Richier, each 0 1 6
Officers of Foot.
Col. John Cavallier 0 8 0
Captains Francis Bonvillette and Gaspard Chatauvieux, each 0 3 0
Lieutenants John Gerbet, Francis Peyraube, James Jenton, Peter Cavallier and John Meyran, each 0 2 0
Ensigns Lewis La Grange, Scipion D'Itier and Peter Raze, each 0 1 6
Capt. James Browning 0 3 0
Major Theophil Vigneau 0 5 0
£2 5 0
Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 188.
April 27. Royal warrant dated St. James's to Visct. FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay to Grey Maynard the salary of 110l. per an. as Yeoman of the Removing Wardrobe at Whitehall over and above all other salaries and allowances payable to him as such: as from March 31 last: he being sworn and admitted into the said office on that day loco George Davenant Esq., lately deceased; and likewise into the office and place of Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe at St. James's, as the said Davenant likewise was: the Establishment of the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber having directed that "all our goods usually kept in the Wardrobes called Our Standing Wardrobe at Whitehall, at Windsor and at St. James's and for which distinct keepers then were or had been before appointed should be in the custody or charge of our Yeoman of our Removing Wardrobe," who is hereby to have the salary heretofore payable to the Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe at St. James's: all by reason that the Queen has taken into consideration the great charge and expense which attends the keeping our goods in our said Wardrobe at St. James's where our chief residence is. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 250–1.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir William Ashburnham of the office of one of the Chamberlains of the Exchequer or the Receipt thereof now void by the death of Sir Nicholas Steward: to hold during pleasure. Ibid., p. 255.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Spencer Compton to pay 500l. to Sir Alexander Cairns for providing shipping and embarking the remainder of the poor Palatines; it having been represented by Henry Bendyshe, Secretary to the Commissioners for settling the said Palatines, that they are come to a resolution to send back to Holland the said remainder in order to their return to their own country and that they have agreed with said Cairns to so provide shipping, including a week's subsistence at 2s. per head, 5s. per head to furnish them with provisions for their voyage and 5s. per head more for their freight to Holland. Money Book XX, p. 264.
Letter of direction for 26,444l. 8s. 10d. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of loans to be made by Sir Theodore Janssen on credit of the Duties on Candles anno 1710: to be as in part of 567,845l. 14s. 4d. for Subsidies to the Allies anno 1710: and is to be applied as follows: £ s. d.
to be paid to the Duke of Savoy for two months to Aug. 3 next on his Subsidy and is to answer to said Janssen the value in his bills of exchange upon Turin dated the 25th inst. for 106,666 2/3 Crowns at the rate of 59½ pence sterling to the Crown of 82 sols each, money of Piedmont 26,444 8 10
Disposition Book XX, p. 151.
April 27. William Lowndes to Mr. Travers [Surveyor General of Crown Lands] and Sir Christopher Wren [Surveyor General of Works] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Edward Pauncefort for a fresh term in a tenement and a backway leading thereto at the east end of Pall Mall Street adjoining to St. James's Garden. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 180.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Capt. Ash (Ashe) in the Marine Regiment commanded by the Marquess of Carmarthen, shewing that soon after he had clothed his Company the late King ordered it to be disbanded; and the said clothing being charged to petitioner has been stopped out of his personal pay, "and that in all subsequent clothing the whole has been charged to him though never any regular offreckonings to discharge the same, by which means he is become a great sufferer": therefore praying consideration.
In the margin: this petition was cancelled and another of the same tenour was referred to Auditor Harley 17 May 1710. Reference Book VIII, p. 401.
Same to Mr. How [Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons] and Robert Walpole [Secretary at War] of the petition of Thomas Byde Esq., Judge Advocate, shewing that upon information of several mutinies and desertions &c. committed in North Britain her Majesty was pleased to order trial, which obliged petitioner to send a deputy thither and the business requiring his [said deputy's] constant attendance, petitioner therefore prays he may have the usual allowance of Deputy Judge Advocate. Ibid.
Same to Thomas Baker and William Gosselin of the petition of Eliz. Goode, administratrix of Lawrence Towne, late of London, sworn broker, on behalf of Elizabeth and Cheptzibah Towne, orphans of the said Towne, petitioner shewing that said Towne was a lawful broker according to the late Act [8–9 Wm. III., c. 32] and by commission did buy several prize goods from the Prizes Commissioners and signed bond for the same according to custom; that he died in April 1704 in a very poor condition and since his death the Prizes Commissioners have demanded 80l. from petitioner, which she has paid and satisfied by the difference of a quantity of tobacco bought by said Towne for one William Loane, and now they have made a fresh demand on her for 300l., but she is unable to prosecute the principals for whom the goods were bought: therefore praying that the principals themselves may be charged with their several parts of the goods bought for them respectively and that petitioner "in consideration of her great poverty and the great services of her father [? the said Towne] in enhancing the value of prize goods may be discharged of the same." Ibid., p. 403.
Treasurer Godolphin to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Joseph Mitchell praying (in regard of his father Sir Michael Mitchell's services at the late happy Revolution) to have the office of Corrector of the Press in Ireland for life with a salary of 200l. per an. or that her Majesty will accept a conveyance from petitioner of a new stone house and other conveniences for a Foot barracks at Ballinglogh, Co. Roscommon, and in lieu thereof to appoint him barrack master thereof for life at the salary of 250l. per an.; to enable him to maintain his numerous family. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 164.
April 27. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for an additional allowance of 12d. a day to Capt. John Dumeny to make the pension of 3s. a day already enjoyed by his wife into 4s. a day in consideration of his services and sickness and will set him on a foot with the Captains of Dragoons on half pay: and in case he die before his wife then his said pension of 3s. a day to be continued to her. Ibid., p. 168.
Same to same to pay the charges as follows of the last Sessions of Parliament in the year 1709 in Ireland, being the demands of several officers and persons in Great Britain and Ireland for their fees, trouble and charges therein: viz.
in Ireland: £ s. d.
to the Speaker of the House of Lords for his usual allowance 500 0 0
for same to the Speaker of the House of Commons 500 0 0
to the Clerk of the Council for putting in form 21 Public Bills at the usual fee of 5l. each Bill and for extraordinary copying clerks 115 11 4
to the Clerk of the Hanaper 100 0 0
to Alexander Denton for going express with and soliciting Bills sent by two expresses 258 8 0
to Edward Young, sent express with the Bills for securing our Duties 52 5 0
to the Solicitor General for his attendance at Council on reading Public Bills 57 10 0
to the Prime Serjeant for his attendance on the same service 28 15 0
to the Second Serjeant for his attendance on the same service 28 15 0
to Thomas Paget, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, for wine &c. for the House of Lords 348 4 6
to Thomas Ellys, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, for necessaries for the House of Lords 40 0 0
to Richard Povey, Serjeant at Arms, for necessaries for the House of Commons 50 0 0
the following sums to be paid [to officers] in Great Britain:
to the Attorney General [England] 200 0 0
to the Solicitor General [England] 200 0 0
to the Clerks of the Council [England] 100 0 0
to the Clerk of the Crown [England] 100 0 0
the Secretaries' Office [England] 50 0 0
the Attorney General's Clerk [England] 20 0 0
the Solicitor General's Clerk [England] 10 15 0
the Council Office Clerks [England] 25 7 6
the Clerk of the Crown's clerks [England] 15 7 6
ditto more for their extraordinary attendance and charge in despatching the several Bills 10 15 0
the Treasury and Signet Offices [England] 10 15 0
£2,822 8 10
Ibid., pp. 172–3.
April 28. Same dated St. James's to Sir James Montague, Attorney General, to acknowledge satisfaction on record of the fine of 20l. imposed on Thomas Masse, alias Marsse, at the Old Bailey Sessions 5 Dec. 1705 for unlawfully taking away 322 pounds weight of lead from the house of one Hugh Merchant, for which fine he has been a prisoner in Newgate for four years in a starving condition and utterly unable to pay. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 252.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for passing the accounts of Sir Thomas Littleton, as late Treasurer of the Navy, the passing of which was authorised by the privy seal of 1700 May 21, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XV, pp. 334–5, which privy seal is become void by the death of Wm. II. and is therefore hereby re-enacted and to be observed in all and every the methods, rules, directions and instructions therein in relation to the said accounts. Ibid., pp. 252–4.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Postmaster General to pay John Richmond, alias Webb, Lieut. Gen. of her Majesty's Forces, the annuity of 1,000l. as from 1709 Sept. 29: as by his patent under the great seal of March 29 last.
In the margin: a later Treasury confirmation dated 1710 Sept. 13 hereof. Money Book XX, p. 265.
Letter of direction for 35,000l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of funds as follows viz. 980l. of Land Tax loans anno 1710; 12,028l. 1s. 2½d. of loans on Candles anno 1710; 1,050l. of loans on the Continued Impositions anno 1710; 20,941l. 18s. 9½d. of Contributions on Annuities anno 1710: said total to be placed to the head of Wages and applied as follows: viz.
towards paying ships at Portsmouth 30,000
towards paying tickets claimed by authority of Act of Parliament 5,000
Disposition Book XX, p. 152.
Same for 16,680l. 13s. 6¼d. to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1710: and is to be applied as follows: viz. £ s. d.
for Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
towards 18,842l. 6s. 0d. for 28 days' subsistence from April 25 inst, to May 22 next of the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain 16,524 3
in part of 234,974l. 10s. 10½d. granted by Parliament to make good some extraordinary services of the war.
to make good the money expended upon account of the intended Expedition to the West Indies 156 10 0
£16,680 13
April 28. William Lowndes to the said John How. The Lord Treasurer understands that the tallies on Land Tax anno 1710 which were put into your hands on Dec. 10 last may now be disposed of at par. He desires you to dispose of 20,000l. thereof and to apply same to services as follow, allowing 6 per cent. interest to the persons advancing thereon, for which interest the Lord Treasurer will give warrant as usual: viz.
£ s. d.
for Guards and Garrisons anno 1710.
to complete 18,842l. 6s. 0d. for 28 days' subsistence to May 22 next, ut supra, for the Troops and Regiments in Great Britain 2,318 2
for like subsistence for the Detachment of the First and Second Regiments of Foot Guards in Holland 2,137 18 0
for six months' subsistence to June 24 next for the Company at Bermudas 330 14 2
for 33 days' subsistence to same time for Lieut. Gen. Farrington's Regiment 972 13 6
for 63 days' pay Dec. 23 last to Feb. 23 last for the Garrisons [in England] 2,715 4
for pay of the quarters of Invalids outpensioners, on account for the Royal Hospital from Feb. 24 last 3,800 0 0
for the 5,000 men for sea service anno 1710.
for 28 days' subsistence from March [sic for April] 25 to May 22 next for the several Regiments part of this Establishment 3,317 15 4
for three months' subsistence from March 26 last to June 24 next for Col. Jones's Regiment 2,384 3 8
to complete the subsistence of Brigadier Handasyde's Regiment to same time 823 8 2
for the Invalids anno 1710.
on account of pay for the 12 Companies of Invalids from April 24 inst. 1,200 0 0
£20,000 0 0
Disposition Book XX, p. 153.
Letter of direction for 500l. to Spencer Compton: out of Civil List moneys: and is for her Majesty's charities and bounties; and is to satisfy a warrant for that sum for the charges of sending back to Holland the remainder of the Palatines that are here. Ibid., p. 154.
William Lowndes to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the Pewterers of London relating to her Majesty's pre-emption of tin. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 180.
Same to Mr. Walpole [as Secretary at War] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Lieut. Gen. Harvey relating to the clothing and offreckonings of the Regiment of Horse under his command. Ibid.
April 28. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against Charles Shales, goldsmith, on his father's accounts as late Commissary General of Provisions in Ireland, the same being now under determination. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 84.
Same by same to Sir J. Montagu [the Attorney General] to enter a noli prosequi to the information against goods under seizure as in the petition of Capt. Jno. Lowin, Commander of her Majesty's ship Ruby.
Prefixing: report by the Customs Commissioners on the petition [of said Lowin]. After entry of the noli prosequi the petitioner may condemn the ship and goods in the Admiralty Court and make due entry and payment of Duties for the goods, taking care to satisfy the [Customs] officer [who seized]. Ibid., pp. 88, 90.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay William Burgh, Accountant General of Ireland, 300l. for his trouble and expense in stating and balancing the public accounts of Ireland, which he performed with great exactness and diligence, and in regard that he may be further serviceable to us in the Session of Parliament now to be held in Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 171.
April 29. Money warrant for 20l. to Patrick Falconar, clerk, for the charge of his passage to Virginia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XX, p. 265. Order Book VII, p. 408. Disposition Book XX, p. 162.
Same for 20l. to Nicholl McCalman, clerk, for his same to Virginia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XX, p. 271. Order Book VII, p. 409. Disposition Book XX, p. 162.
Money order for 300l. to Daniel Parke for one quarter due April 13 on his allowance as Capt. General &c. of the Leeward Caribbee Islands.
50l. to John Yeomans for same on same to April 10 as Lieut. Governor of Antigua. Order Book VII, pp. 409, 479.
Same for 50l. to Anthony Hodges for same to April 10 inst. as Lieut. Governor of Montserrat. Ibid., pp. 445, 479.
Same for 1,549l. 15s. 5¼d. to Samuell Edwyn, Usher of the Receipt, for necessaries delivered by him to the officers of the Receipt in Michaelmas and Hilary terms 1708. Ibid., p. 453. Disposition Book XXI, p. 7.
Letter of direction for 300l. to Spencer Compton: out of Civil List moneys: on his unsatisfied order for her Majesty's service [to wit, for her charities and bounties]. Disposition Book XX, p. 154.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for further stay of process against George Dixon and his son, ut supra, p. 239. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 85.
April 30. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay and allow an additional Brigadier on the Establishment of Ireland from Jan. 1 last at the rate of 30s. a day: there being but two Brigadiers on the said Establishment and the present number of Forces there requiring the addition of another Brigadier for the better ordering and government of the same. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 173–4.
April—. Treasury reference to Mr. Walpole [Secretary at War] and the Comptrollers [of the Accounts of the Army] of the petition of the Earl of Barrymore in behalf of his Regiment; shewing that it stands charged with new arms delivered out of her Majesty's stores amounting to 589l. 17s. 11d. which was for six Companies of that Regiment [which] were cast away, to wit three in going to Lisbon and three more in going from Lisbon to Gibraltar; which charge they conceive should be borne by the Government and not by the Regiment; that the Regiment is also charged with 1,340l. 13s. 9d. for [clothing for] recruits delivered them twice in one year which is above 600l. more than the pay of their non effectives will answer; and that 3,000l. taken up for Brigadier Pearse's Regiment from this Regiment's subsistence may be charged to Pearse's Regiment and that an expedient may be found to relieve the Regiment with respect to the want of proper muster rolls [which are] wanting for one year.
In the margin: note of a fresh reference dated 1710–11 Feb. 9, no report having been made hereon before said Walpole was out of office [as Secretary at War]. Reference Book VIII, p. 383.