Warrant Book: April 1710, 11-20

Pages 238-248

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 24, 1710. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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April 1710

April 11. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Swete to pay immediately 4,500l. to Visct. Townsend, her Majesty's Plenipotentiary at the Hague, to be applied according to her Majesty's pleasure signified to his Excellency in that behalf; to be paid him in current money of Holland at the present rate of exchange, clear of all charges. In repayment you are to take his Excellency's bills at sight on Christopher Tilson, who will be enabled [put in funds] to comply therewith. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 175.
April 14. Money warrant for 22,165l. 7s. 0½d. to the Bank of England for three months to March 25 last on the allowance of 3 per cent. per an. for circulating the sum of 2,975,450l. issued in Exchequer Bills to March 25 last: and is to be satisfied out of the like Exchequer Bills to be made forth by the Auditor of the Receipt as provided by the Acts of Parliament for said Bills.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the Bills so issued:
£ s. d.
for circulation of 2,940,500l. issued before 1709 Dec. 25 22,053 15 0
on 3,000l. issued 1709–10 Jan. 10, being for interest: and is for 74 days 18 4 11
on 3,000l. more issued Feb. 8 for interest: and is for 45 days 11 1 11
on 20,950l. issued Feb. 10 for circulation: and is for 43 days 74 0 10
on 3,000l. issued Feb. 23, for interest: and is for 30 days 7 7 11¼
on 5,000l. issued March 23, for interest: and is for two days 0 16
£22,165 7
Money Book XX, p. 256. Order Book VII, pp. 407, 412.
April 15. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer for stay of process against George Dixon Esq. and his son as his surety as late Receiver General of Taxes for Somersetshire, there being divers prosecutions relating to him and his debt to the Queen now depending in the Exchequer whereby it is impossible to draw up a true state of his affairs pending determination thereof.
Prefixing: report by the Agents for Taxes on the case. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 84–5.
April 17. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer has received advice that the Duke of Marlborough has sent home in the Peregrine yacht, Capt. Saunderson Commander, a few pictures and some other things of small value. Please have them opened at the Duke's lodgings at St. James's. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 176.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for Alienations of the petition of Bernard Halfpenny for leave to surrender his place of Clerk of the Compositions for Alienations to his cousin Theophilus Newcomen of Lincolns Inn, who is fitly qualified for same. Reference Book VIII, p. 400.
April 18. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney General for a privy seal to discharge the Baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Robert De Neufville. (Treasurer Godolphin's warrant dated May 6 to the Exchequer for said discharge accordingly.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 236. Money Book XX, p. 275.
Same to same for a like discharge for Sir Robert Browne's baronetcy fee. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 236.
Same to Alexander Spotswood, Lieutenant and Governor General of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, recommending to him and to the Assembly there the granting such further sum as will be sufficient to finish and make habitable the house intended for the Governor in accordance with the royal sign manual of 1705 July 14 (towards which the then Assembly granted a sum but soon after Col. Nott the Governor died and no other Governor being sent thither the house was not finished): and further empowering the said Lieutenant Governor to take to himself out of the Queen's revenue of 2s. per hogshead the sum of 150l. a year for two years from the time of his arrival in that Colony and no longer, to be for rent of a house and to cease before the said two years if the house be finished before that time: the like allowance having been granted to Col. Nott by the abovesaid sign manual of 1705 July 14 [see supra, pp. 207–8, under date 1709–10, March 16]. Ibid., p. 237. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) III, pp. 29–30.
Same to John Smith Esq. and Sir Charles Hedges Kt. to pay (out of the personal estate of the late Consort of the Queen) to Charles Boit, enameller, the further sum of 500l.; the Queen's late dearly beloved Consort having made an agreement with the said Boit to make a large picture in enamel 22 inches by 18 inches with the effigies of ourself, our said late Royal Consort, and our Court, for which he was to receive 2,000l., whereof 500l. has been already paid to him. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 239.
April 18. Royal sign manual for 4,727l. 10s. 0d. to Charles, Visct. Townsend, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Hague; to be by him paid over as follows viz. 4,000l. to his Excellency Andrew Artemonowitz de Matucof [Count Matveev Andrej Artamonovic], late Ambassador from the Czar of Muscovy, whereof 1,000l. is to be esteemed as the usual present made by her Majesty to Ambassadors on their leaving our Court and the remaining 3,000l. as a reparation to the said late Ambassador for the affront he received from some of our subjects and in satisfaction of all charges, damages and other pretensions on that account; 1,500l. more thereof as a particular mark of our favour and bounty to the lady of the said Ambassador and the remaining 227l. 10s. 0d. to defray the fees and charges attending the receipt of the said total sums. (Money warrant dated April 19 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 239. Money Book XX, p. 260. Order Book VII, pp. 406–7. Disposition Book XX, p. 146.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to Alexander Spotswood, Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, to order the Receiver General of her Majesty's Quit Rents in said Colony to pay 500l. to the Governors or Visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia as the Queen's further royal bounty to enable them to proceed in the rebuilding of the said College, which with all its books and furniture was by an accidental fire in 1705 unhappily reduced to ashes, towards the rebuilding whereof the Queen granted 500l. by her warrant of 1708–9 March 21, since which date workmen have been employed to clear the foundation and prepare lime and timber and it is represented that more will be laid out than the Governors have at present in cash and that they depend very much upon the Queen's further supply, see supra, p. 192. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV. p. 240. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) III, pp. 30–1.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for perfecting a contract with the executors of the late Lord Dover for the purchase of a fee farm rent of 80l. per an. payable out of several pieces of land in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields under a grant dated 1665 April 1 to Baptist May and Abraham Cowley in trust for Henry Earl of St. Albans; the purchase of which fee farm was ordered by Charles II. to be contracted for by said Earl with the Trustees for Sale of Fee Farm Rents of the Crown 1675 Oct. 22 at 16 years' purchase; and Treasurer Danby by his warrant dated 1675 Nov. 30 ordered the said contract to be made with said Earl and the said Earl made said contract 1676 June 17, and on the 9 Aug. 1676 he paid into the Exchequer 727l. in part of the total purchase money of 1,200l., the remaining 553l. and 40l. being paid by him not into the Exchequer but by Charles II's special directions to some servants of the late Queen Mother who had solicited his Majesty's bounty; but the same being done by verbal order of Charles II. it could not regularly be allowed to said Earl as towards said purchase money and accordingly the said fee farm rent was not conveyed to said Earl but same was kept in charge before the Auditor: and by his will of 1681 Dec. 6 said Earl devised to his nephew Thomas Jermyn of Rushbrooke in Co. Suffolk, afterwards Lord Jermyn, and his nephew Henry Jermyn of Cheaveley, afterwards Lord Dover, and to Martin Folkes of Grays Inn all his lands &c., and the said Lord Dover, as survivor, and devised 1707–8 Jan. 14 to Edmund Poley of Badley, Co. Suffolk, and Thomas Folkes of Bury, and the said devisees have prayed that said contract may be made good: and on reference hereof the Attorney General does not find that the Act for preserving the Land Revenues of the Crown will obstruct the perfecting of said contract. It is therefore hereby to be perfected and made good and the said 40l., being half a year's rent of the said fee farm for the half year ended 1676 Lady day, is hereby to be allowed to the said devisees: and all arrears of the said fee farm from 1675 Michaelmas are hereby to be discharged.Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 241–5.
April 18. Same to Sir Thomas Franckland and John Evelyn, Postmasters General, to enter into articles of agreement with William Warren, mariner, for setting up four pacquet boats of 70 or 80 tons each to be employed at his own expense in carrying letters and despatches between this kingdom and New York on the Continent of America: he to have the benefit of the freight of passengers and such rates for the port of letters and such other privileges and advantages as follows: to endure for nine years but to be revocable by the Crown on three years' notice, or by six months' notice on Warren's side: at the end of the first three years he to submit an account of all disbursements and profits "to the end it may come under your consideration what he in reason should allow to the revenue of the Post Office out of his profits for that time and that then a yearly allowance should be settled for the remaining term of his contract; provided the sum to be paid to the Post Office do not exceed 500l. a year."
Appending: report by said Postmasters General on said Warren's proposal as by the order of reference of Dec. 28 last. The petitioner offers to make the experiment at his own cost to build and maintain the boats and to run all risk both from sea and enemy without any charge to the Queen. We think the proposal will be of great encouragement to trade and commerce of her Majesty's kingdoms here and on the said Continent. He demands the freight of passengers and the privilege of carrying five tons of goods out and ten tons home with bullion and to be allowed 9d. for each single letter and proportionably for double, treble and packets. These rates seem reasonable. We therefore desire authority to settle the rates of postage of letters and packets by said packet boats between this kingdom and New York (or such port in her Majesty's dominions on the Continent of America where the mails shall be put on board or landed) of 1s. for every single letter, 2s. for letters not exceeding two sheets and proportionably for every packet of letters; and for the port of every other packet of any kind of greater bulk 4s. for every ounce weight. By this the Queen will receive 3d. profit of each single letter and proportionably for the rest. This we hope will produce a considerable yearly income "besides the inland postage which will be received for the conveyance of the said letters to and from New York and the several provinces where post stages are settled or may hereafter be settled on the Continent [of America], which when packets shall be established may in all probability increase. The reason of our proposing a lesser rate for the port of letters to be conveyed to and from this Office and the said Continent than is settled to and from the Plantation Islands by Mr. Dummer's boats is on the account that the packet boats employed between this kingdom and the said islands are a great charge [to the Post Office] whereas the correspondence as proposed to be carried on by the petitioner is without any expense and may prove a benefit to this [Post Office] branch of the revenue." Mr. Warren proposes Bristol and New York as the nearest ports. We have no objection subject to change if found more expeditious. As to the term of the contract and accounting and notice &c. we advise as above which is in the main in accordance with Warren's own proposals. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, pp. 245–7.
April 18. Royal warrant to Treasurer Godolphin to pay William Clayton 20,000l. out of Contributions to the Lottery anno 1710: to be as imprest and upon account to pay to the contributors thereof 8 per cent. discount or allowance for prompt payment of their contributions before 1710 Sept. 29 and to be reckoned from the day of such advance to the said 29th Sept. (Money warrant dated April 22 hereon.) (Money order dated May 12 hereon.) Ibid., pp. 254–5. Money Book XX, p. 277. Order Book VII, p. 412.
Letter of direction for 36,000l. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1710: and is to be applied as follows: viz.
for wages to seamen, whereof 6,000l. is for pay of the Jersey 26,000
for Wear and Tear, and is to pay bills of exchange 10,000
Disposition Book XX, p. 146.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland enclosing a presentment [missing] from the Customs Commissioners [England] of March 23 last concerning the unwarrantable importation of wines into North Britain and the low appraisement of them when seized; "as also relating to the ignorance of many of your officers in the performance of their duty." The Lord Treasurer directs you to take all possible care to prevent the mischiefs complained of in the said presentment. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 176.
Same to the Lord Chief Baron in Scotland, to the like effect as above. The Lord Treasurer desires you will use your endeavours that such wines when seized may be appraized at the full value. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners [of England] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Gordon and Thomas Couts on behalf of the ships Alexander, Elizabeth and St. James lately arrived at Scotland from the Baltic, praying that the said ships as well as others coming from thence to Scotland may be permitted to unlade upon performing their quarantine. Ibid.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir Andrew King and the rest of the owners of the ship Adventure loaded at Konigsberg in December and January last, praying liberty to unlade, she having performed her quarantine. Ibid., p. 177.
Treasury reference to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of George Lawson shewing that in 1699 he became partner with John Wilkinson of Newcastle, merchant, in the exportation of codfish, and the said Wilkinson with one Chambers have committed frauds in relation to drawbacks and having drawn petitioner in to swear to the truth of an entry he was prosecuted and fined 2,100l. and afterwards 100 marks and has lain three years in prison: being very infirm his friends have proposed to pay the 100 marks to her Majesty for his discharge. Reference Book VIII, p. 400.
April 18. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the securities of Leonard Child and John Nuthall as Receivers of the arrears of the first three quarters of Land Tax anno 1710 for Co. Surrey. (Commission by same of same date to same to so receive same.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, p. 208.
Royal warrant dated St. James's [to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to put on the Establishment of half pay of Ireland the allowance of half pay of a Captain of Foot for Capt. William Rowan as from Xmas last: he having been very serviceable to Wm. and Mary at several times, having raised a Company of Foot in the North of Ireland by virtue of a commission from the Prince of Orange and armed and subsisted them at his own charge and maintained a pass near Londonderry against the enemy and lost his Lieutenant and several of his men and with the remainder served in Scotland where he recruited and subsisted them at his own charge and served as a Captain until commanded back into Ireland by the late Duke of Schomberg, where he continued and did very good service with his Company until the reduction of that kingdom; and afterwards commanded a Company in the Militia and at his own expense armed and clothed them and was (with the said Company) ordered from the North of Ireland to Phillipstown and there did very great service, bringing thrice from the enemy several cart loads of arms and ammunition to our stores at Athlone and has since been active and serviceable in several other instances; and was plundered by the Irish Army to the value of 400l. and lost to the like value in houses and goods in the seige of Londonderry: for all which services and losses he never received any pay or recompense, having maintained a Company of Foot for several years at his own expense without any consideration. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, pp. 157–8.
Same to same to pay to the Agent of the Company of Battle Axe Guards in Ireland 740l. for the clothing of the said Company, Col. Wentworth Harman, Captain of the said Company, having in a memorial proposed an addition of pay to each man of said Company for providing a new clothing every 3½ years and the Lord Lieutenant having in his letter of Dec. 19 last proposed [as in lieu thereof] that 740l. be paid for the clothing of said Company. Ibid., p. 159.
April 19. Same dated St. James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal containing her Majesty's declaration concerning the 150,000l. lent on April—by James Craggs Esq. on credit of the General Mortgage as by the Act [8 Anne, c. 14] of last Session for Continuing several Impositions, Additional Impositions, and Duties anno 1710. The Queen hereby acknowledges and declares that the said 150,000l. was and is the proper money of the Sovereign Lords of the Laudable Canton of Bern and that the name of James Craggs in making the said loan and in the tallies and orders registered thereon and the interest thereon was and is only in trust to and for the use and benefit of the said Sovereign Lords and no assignment, transference or alienation thereof is to be entered in the Exchequer save by direction and appointment of the said Sovereign Lords. Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 238.
April 19. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to take in loans up to 12,335l. 14s. 5d. on the Subsidy Act anno 1707, 6 Anne, c. 27, being the sum due for interest at 6 per cent. for three months from Jan. 8 last to April 8 inst. on the sum of 822,381l. 15s. 0d. lent on credit of said Act: and is to be registered as provided by said Act.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the interest so due:
£ s. d.
on 816,685l. lent 8 April 1707 to wit three months' interest Jan. 8 last to April 8 inst... 12,250 5 6
on 5,595l. 8s. 10½d. lent April 10 1707: to wit for three months' interest to April 10 inst 83 18 7
on 101l. 5s. 7½d. lent 12 April 1707: to wit for three months' interest to April 12 inst 1 10 4
£12,335 14 5
Money Book XX, p. 261.
Letter of direction for 2,005l. 0s. 8d. to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrison: out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1710: and is to be applied as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
in further part of 234,974l. 10s. 10½d. to defray some extraordinary services of the war.
for 182 days' pay in advance from April 1 inst. for several Officers en second lately superseded and appointed by her Majesty to serve in the Expedition under the command of Col. Francis Nicholson; to enable them to furnish themselves with provisions and necessaries for their voyage 2,005 0 8
Disposition Book XX, p. 146.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt conveying the directions as follow for the issue and application of the sum of 1,296,552l. 9s. 11¾d. which may be borrowed on the Act [8 Anne, c. 14] for Continuing certain Impositions for the service of the year 1710: to wit for the service of the Navy and other her Majesty's occasions as follows:
£ s. d.
(1) to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, such sums (out of loans to be made by himself on credit of said Act) as together with the moneys which have been or may be lent thereupon on or before the date hereof shall not exceed 100,000 0 0
(2) to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, on the orders in his name for the 40,000 men, the 10,000 men, the 3,000 Palatines, the 4,639 Saxons, Bothmar's Dragoons and the Augmentation Troops anno 1710: out of loans to be made by himself on credit of said Act. 150,000 0 0
(3) to same on his order for 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the Forces in Spain and Portugal anno 1710: out of the like loans 100,000 0 0
(4) to same on his order for 567,845l. 14s. 4d. for Subsidies to the Allies anno 1710: out of [the like] loans 100,000 0 0
(5) to same on his order for 234,974l. 10s. 10½d. for extraordinary charges of the war: out of like loans 33,527 9 4
(6) to Harry Mordaunt, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance: out of loans to be similarly made by himself 61,460 14
(7) to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans to be similarly made by himself 190,075 18
(8) to John How as above: out of further loans to be similarly made by himself 95,015 9 1
(9) to James Brydges as above for the Forces in Flanders: out of the like further loans 143,480 2
(10) to same: for the Forces in Spain and Portugal as above: out of the like further loans 75,154 10 4
(11) to same: for Subsidies to the Allies as above: out of the like 97,838 5 8
The orders for all the above loans are to be drawn without interest; the same being intended to be reserved in their hands respectively to attend the Lord Treasurer's directions for the application thereof.
(12) to said Brydges: for the Forces in Spain and Portugal as above: out of loans to be made by James Craggs Esq 100,000 0 0
(13) to same: for Subsidies to the Allies as above: out of the like loans to be made by said Craggs 50,000 0 0
for both which sums the orders of loan are to bear date from the dates of the tallies as the Act of Parliament directs.
£1,296,552 9 11¾
Ibid., pp. 147–8.
April 20. Royal warrant to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to pay as follows for extraordinary expenses on account of the late intended Expedition to the West Indies:
to Ja. Douglas to satisfy a bill drawn Nov. 28 last by Col. Vetch from New England on Treasurer Godolphin 113
to John Caswell to satisfy another bill drawn by said Vetch Nov. 29 last on Treasurer Godolphin 200
Queen's Warrant Book XXIV, p. 329.
April 20 Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Henry Ferne, Customs Cashier, to pay to Charles Godolphin 50l. per an. for additional clerks and incidents for the Register Office for North Britain, that is to say for the work of registering the trading ships of North Britain: the Queen having by a great seal of 1707 Dec. 24 (pursuant to the 5th Article of the Treaty of Union requiring all ships or vessels belonging to the subjects of Scotland at the time of the ratifying of the Treaty of Union to be entered in the General Register kept in London of all trading ships belonging to Great Britain) constituted the said Charles Godolphin to enter in the said Register kept before in his Office all such ships as should by a duplicate from the Customs officers in Edinburgh port appear as registered there as belonging to her Majesty's subjects in Scotland on the 16th Jan. 1706–7; in order to allow to all such ships or vessels (though foreign built) the privileges as of ships of the built of Great Britain: and by the said great seal the said Godolphin is authorised and required to extend the Register before kept by him of all trading ships or vessels trading inward, outward or coastways [to cover the like] in that part of Great Britain formerly called Scotland and to correspond with the chief officers of the Customs in Edinburgh port and the Collectors of the Outports, Scotland: for all which additional work he has prayed an allowance: same is hereby to commence as from 1707 Xmas and 112l. 10s. 0d. is consequently hereby to be paid him for the 2¼ years from that date to 1710 Lady day. Money Book XX, pp. 262–3.
Letter of direction for 39,171l. 18s. 9½d. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions for Annuities anno 1710: and is to be applied to the services following: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 1,126,035l. 16s. 2d. for the service of [the Forces in] Spain and Portugal anno 1710.
for one month's subsistence March 24 last to April 23 inst. to Col. Moore's Regiment of Foot 883 11 6
for satisfying several bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead, the Deputy Paymaster at Barcelona 9,984 9 3
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Lieut. Gen. Stanhope from Rotterdam the 3rd inst., new style, for money taken up by him there: payable to Mr. Ja. Sensarf and Son for the use of her Majesty's Forces in Spain, which bill fell due the 7th inst. and is to be charged to Mr. Mead's account 400 0 0
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by said Stanhope at the Hague the 15th inst., new style, for money taken up by him there for the service of her Majesty's Forces in Spain: which bill became payable to Mr. Benjamin Sweet the 13th inst., old style, and is to be charged to Mr. Mead's account 90 19 2
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Col. St. Leger de Bacalan March 13 last, new style, payable to Arthur and Crean of Madrid the 17th inst. for value taken up by him there for the subsistence of prisoners at Burgos for the month of March 720 1 1
to be paid over to the Prince of Savoy for a moiety of 20 Crowns a man for 1,700 Imperial recruits sent from Italy to Catalonia pursuant to treaty: 17,000 Crowns at 50 stivers each and 10 guilders 6 stivers to the pound sterling 4,126 4
to answer two bills of exchange drawn Feb. 26 last, new style, by Mr. Morice, the Deputy Paymaster at Lisbon, payable to Sir Henry Furnese for 75,000 milreis taken up by him there for the subsistence and other occasions of her Majesty's Forces in Portugal: at 6s. the milrei 22,500 0 0
for Sir Theodore Janssen for the value of 1,866 2/3 Crowns at 60 pence sterling per Crown advanced by him to Mr. Darziliers at Geneva 466 13 4
£39,171 18
Disposition Book XX, p. 149.
April 20 Same for 8,139l. 12s. 10d. to Robert Walpole, Treasurer of the Navy, out of funds as follows: viz. 5,379l. 16s. 6d. of loans on Land Tax anno 1710; 1,850l. of loans on Malt anno 1710 and the remaining 909l. 16s. 4d. out of Contributions on Annuities anno 1710 as the same are or shall be paid into the Exchequer. The said total is to be placed to the head of Wages and to be paid over to Thomas Savery, Treasurer for Sick and Wounded, for purposes as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
to answer foreign bills of exchange drawn for the service of the Sick and Wounded 2,758 0 10
to reimburse Mr. Thomas Corbett the sum by him expended in the Straits by order of Sir George Byng on the head of Sick and Wounded 1,381 12 0
for account of subsisting prisoners at war 2,000 0 0
for account of salaries to officers and carrying on the current service of the office for Sick and Wounded 2,000 0 0
£8,139 12 10
Ibid., p. 150.
April 20 William Lowndes to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. In order to supply the pressing services of your Office as in your letter of the 17th inst. the Lord Treasurer agrees to your disposing of 50,000l. of tallies and orders on Land Tax anno 1710 which were put into the hands of the Treasurer of the Ordnance Dec. 10 last and to your allowing 6 per cent. interest thereon from the days of raising the money: half thereof is to be for sea service of the Ordnance and half for land services of same. On your sending the orders to the Treasury with your assignments [endorsed] thereon the Lord Treasurer will give warrants to the Exchequer for payment of the interest accordingly. Disposition Book XX, p. 150.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir William Robinson of the manor of Walton Leigh, Co. Surrey, [anciently] parcel of the possessions of Giles Leigh Esq. and annexed to the Honor of Hampton Court, and of certain lands and tenements in Walton, Co. Surrey, part of the demesne lands of said manor and forming part of the late Queen Catherine's jointure.
Prefixing. particulars made out by Auditor Thomas Jett of both sets of premises; and memorandum and ratal thereof by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Followed by: undated entry of the Treasury signature of the docquet of this demise.
In the margin: note of a later Treasury confirmation dated 1710 Sept. 11 hereof. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 72–4, 163.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Excise Commissioners in Scotland. It has been represented to the Queen that the charges of the Lords Justiciary in Scotland in the next Circuit, together with the salaries and allowances of the officers and others who are to attend therein, will probably amount to 1,750l. You are to pay same to Archibald Douglas of Cavers Esq. (out of such part of your revenue as is applicable to the [Scotch] Civil Government) to be by him applied according to order from the Lord Justice General. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 163.