Warrant Books: September 1708, 6-10

Pages 384-388

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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September 1708, 6–10

Sept. 6. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the patent of 1 Anne which granted an annuity or pension of 1000l. to Guy Palmes out of the Post Office revenue during pleasure, & to grant him the like pension out of same for the joint lives of the Queen & the said Palmes. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 427.
Same to Edward Harley & Arthur Maynwaring, Auditors of Imprests, to allow in the accounts of Visct FitzHardinge for the year ended 1707 Sept 29 as Treasurer of the Chamber the allowance of 50l. per an to John Holbech, a clerk in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber near 20 years past who has behaved himself with industry & fidelity: the said salary having been constantly allowed him in the accounts of John Richards deceased who executed the office of Treasurer of the Chamber & likewise in the accounts of Lord Edward Russell late Treasurer of same. Ibid., pp. 427–8.
Same to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's Pensions & Bounties, to pay 80l. per an to Elizabeth Killigrew, daughter of William Killigrew Esq lately deceased: during pleasure: as from June 24 last. Ibid., p. 428.
Same to Treasurer Godolphin to pay 100l. per an out of Civil List moneys to Geo Churchill Esq: as from 1707 June 24: for hay for the deer in the House Park at Windsor: & hereon to pay one year to June 24 last. Ibid., pp. 428–9. (Money warrant for 100l. hereon for the year ended June 24 last: together with dormant clause for said payment in future. Money Book XIX, p. 376.) (Money order dated Sept 17 for 100l. hereon. Order Book VII, p. 188.) (Letter of direction dated Oct 2 hereon. Disposition Book XIX, p. 219.)
Money warrant for 1396l. 3. 6 to the Bank of England being 1196l. 3. 6 for their expenses or charges in sending the Equivalent money to Scotland; and 100l. to Thomas Maddox their Cashier for trouble in that affair & correspondence with the Commissioners [of the Equivalent] ever since; & 100l. to John Ince, Secretary to said Bank, for pains & trouble in relation to the said service. (Money order dated Sept 9 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 347. Order Book VII, p. 189. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
Sept. 6. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Spencer Compton to pay as follows as royal bounty & in accordance with the Queen's pleasure: viz
£ s. d.
to Capt. Charles Congreve belonging to the four Companies of Foot in New York 100
to [Mr. Popple for] the 12 Lutherans lately arrived from Germany for their subsistence till their embarcation for New York: to be paid & distributed in like manner as her Majesty's bounty to the 41 Protestants from the Palatinate which are also going to New York 20
Money Book XIX, p. 349.
Dormant warrant by same to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 8l. 13. 4 to Gabriell Harris, as searcher of Gloucester port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 25l. to Thomas Hewet, Surveyor General of Woods Trent North, for half a year to March 25 last on his salary.
25l. to Edward Wilcox for same time on his salary as Surveyor General of Woods Trent South. Ibid., p. 362. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
Fiat by Treasurer Godolphin for royal letters patent to constitute Richard Molesworth as Comptroller of Newcastle port as amply as Henry Fairfax, Ralph Williamson or any other predecessor. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 135.
Sept. 7. Money warrant for 63l. 3. 4 to the officers as follows of the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office.
£ s. d.
John Taylour, First Secondary: for one year to Lady day last on his fee 5 0 0
Charles Battley, Second Secondary for same on same 4 0 0
Charles Battley for same time for transcribing originals out of Chancery into the Exchequer 26 13 4
Thomas Marriot, Clerk of the Pleas in the Exchequer Court, for same time on his fee 5 0 0
the clerks of the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office for 2 years to Easter last on the fee payable to them at every second Easter 22 10 0
£63 3 4
Money Book XIX, p. 386. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to pay Winnefred Milbourn 150l. for land whereon Clifford's Fort in Northumberland was built by Charles II in 1672, being land which belonged to her husband, Ralph Milbourn deceased & which was never paid for by the Crown. On a report from Samuel Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, the Lord Treasurer thought it fit that 150l. should be paid to her on her procuring a sufficient conveyance to the Crown. The Lord Treasurer has since received a report from Sir James Montague, Solicitor General, relating to the title. I enclose a copy thereof [missing]. You are to pay said 150l. ut supra p. 365 on the Solicitor General's certificate that the conveyance deeds are executed. (See infra p. 436 under date Nov 16.) Disposition Book XIX, p. 206.
Sept. 7. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Henry Whitbread, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co Beds, praying payment of 676l. for his extraordinary expenses in his receipt; he having passed his accounts & procured his quietus. Reference Book VIII, p. 326.
Sept. 8. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Borret enclosing the report of Sir James Montague, Solicitor General, relating to the proceedings to be had at law for the recovery of the office of Warden of the Fleet into her Majesty's hands. You are to prosecute at her Majesty's charge the discovery of the several incumbrances on the said office in the manner therein proposed.
I also enclose the petition of the Solicitor General's clerks praying payment of their bill of 19l. 4. 0 for drawing and copying Proclamations &c as hath been formerly done. You are to pay same.
Appending: said report by Sir James Montague dated Aug 2 last, made upon a letter from Secretary the Earl of Sunderland & upon an extract from Col. Leighton's petition. I find by a letter dated 1706 June 11 from Secretary Sir Charles Hedges to Sir Edward Northey, then Attorney General, that the said Northey was directed to bring an English Bill in the Exchequer against the several persons who pretend to have any interest or right in the Fleet Prison, for discovery of their respective interests, in order to reduce as low as possible the incumbrances thereon. The said proceedings in the Exchequer are stayed until the Queen's title be affirmed at Common Law and that cannot be done until the judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench can be obtained upon demurrers joined some years since to certain Pleas & Monstrance de Droit as in the inquisition which finds [found] the forfeiture of the said office. These pleas and demurrers are appointed by the Queen's Bench to be argued the beginning of next term but before those causes can be brought on, books must be made up for the 4 Judges and the Queen's Counsel, which will cost a great deal in regard the Record which is to be transcribed is very long. If her Majesty shall not think fit to order the making up the said books I am afraid Col. Leighton will not be able to undergo the expense thereof, neither can it be expected that he should be at the charge of these proceedings, for in his patent there is a clause that he shall not disturb the possession of the said office but it shall continue as at the time thereof until the incumbrances which are upon the said office be adjusted and cleared by her Majesty and then the Colonel is to give security to pay annually to the Crown a competent reasonable sum towards reimbursing the Crown the cost of clearing such incumbrances; and it is therein further declared that he shall not have any of the past profits arisen since the forfeiture and before his admission to the said office but same shall go to the Crown towards such cost. Out Letters (General) XVIII, pp. 461–3.
Sept. 8. Same to the Customs Commissioners to gratify the request of the gentlemen of the Fishery in Cornwall that a certain quantity of salt now at Penryn which they preserved from 3 prizes brought into Falmouth may be delivered to them at Penryn for the benefit of their fishery, upon payment of Duty. Ibid., p. 463.
Same to Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Andrew Boult concerning his assignments on the offreckonings for clothing the Regiments of Lord Mohun, Sir Richard Temple & Col. Stringer, which Regiments were removed to the Irish Establishment before the said assignments were satisfied; therefore praying to be allowed the difference of exchange for such part of the offreckonings as he received in Irish money.
Likewise I enclose the report [missing] made by Mr. Broderick on a petition of Major General Sankey relating to the value of clothes of men detached from him in the years 1703 & 1705. Please certify the Lord Treasurer whether there are not general rules or regulations established relating to demands of this kind. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniell Elwell landwaiter shewing that by the said Commissioners' orders he did examine the wine books and was at great charge in consulting authors, Acts of Parliament &c in order to find out the true wine gallon and was the first person that ever discovered the contents thereof; & has been at great pains in contriving fit instruments for gauging in London and the outports and all without reward: that the wine gallon being now ascertained by Act of Parliament & each gallon paying 2s. 6d. he believes it will be necessary to appoint a fit person to inspect the same on the quays: therefore prays reward. Reference Book VIII, p. 328.
Same to same of the petition of John Goddard of Hartham Co Wilts shewing that he was surety in 15000l. for John Sansom late Collector of Bristol port; & that the said Sansom embezzled the Queen's money before the date of said bond but has duly answered what he has received since: that petitioner is willing to surrender his estate but prays no process may be had until a state be made of said Collector's accounts. Ibid., p. 332.
Sept. 9. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Langton enclosing the report [missing] of the present Commissioners of Transportation on the petition of Sir James Eyton & others relating to a debt owing for transport service when you were one of the Commissioners. Please report your opinion thereon. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 464.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to make up for declaration the enclosed accounts of John Methuen deceased, late Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Portugal, as presented to the Lord Treasurer by Paul Methuen, executor to the said John Methuen his father: as follows.
Appending: a note only of the said accounts.
(1) the account adjusted between John Methuen & Mr. Morrice 27 Oct 1704 of money received from Charles Fox and disbursed for her Majesty's service.
(2) John Methuen's account of money paid by him relating to the Fleet & Gibraltar, in sending Mr. Jones to the Emperor of Morocco & to the prisoners: 1 June 1705 new style.
(3) the several accounts of money disbursed by him for her Majesty's service between 1 June 1705 new style to 13 July 1706 new style.
(4) a general account of money received by him & disbursed for her Majesty's service.
(5) the several balances of his accounts.
(6) some remarks of Mr. Paul Methuen for the better understanding of his father's public accounts. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 1.
Sept. 9. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for paying 70l. 19. 6 to the Colonels of the First & Second Regiments of Guards for the charge of repairing the Marshalsea in the Savoy to secure the recruits there. Ibid., p. 2.