Warrant Books: September 1708, 1-5

Pages 382-384

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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September 1708, 1–5

Sept. 1. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, to assign to Sir Henry Furnese 13102l. 13. 2 remaining undisposed in your hands of the tallies & orders on the Land Tax anno 1708 (which were issued for Mr. Medina but not accepted by him), the said Sir Henry having agreed to take the same towards answering the value of his bills for the pay & subsistence of the Forces in Flanders for the month to end at Oct 23 next. Disposition Book XIX, p. 203.
Treasury reference to the Salt Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Sliford for an allowance of Duty on several parcels of waste salt. (In the margin: cancelled by the reference of Nov 24 infra, pp. 416–7.) Reference Book VIII, p. 327.
Sept. 2. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a letter [missing] from the Portugal Envoy relating to a bed & some other things which he is sending to Lisbon for the service of the King of Portugal. You are to give him such ease & accomodation therein as you properly can. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 459.
Sept. 3. Money order for 50l. to Antho Hodges, Lieut. Governor of Montserrat, for one quarter due July 10 last on his allowance for his support & in lieu of all presents from the Assemblies. Order Book VII, p. 189.
Same for 50l. to Walter Hamilton, Lieut. Governor of St. Christopher, for a quarter due Aug 9 last on his like allowance. Ibid., p. 190.
Same for 500l. to Mitford Crowe, Capt. General & Governor in Chief of Barbados, for one quarter due Aug 9 last on his like allowance. Ibid.
Same for 300l. to Daniell Parke, Capt. General & Governor in Chief of the Leeward Caribbee Islands, for one quarter due July 13 last on his like allowance. Ibid.
Sept. 3. Same for 50l. to John Yeomans, Lieut. Governor of Antigua, for one quarter due July 10 last on his like allowance. Ibid.
Sept. 4. Money warrant for 270l. 13. 5 to the executors of Col. John Farmer which together with 317l. 15. 10 ordered to them 28 July 1705 (sic for April 28 1705, supra, Treasury Calendar, Vol. XX, pp. 225–6) is to complete 588l. 9. 3 certified by William Blathwaite, Auditor of the Plantations, as a sufficient allowance or compensation for executing the office of President of the Council of Barbados in the absence of the Governor thereof, to wit from the time Lord Grey left the island to the day Sir Bevill Granville arrived there, being one third of the Governor's salary: to be paid out of the Four & a Half per cent Duty. (Money order dated Sept 11 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 347. Order Book VII, p. 184. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) II, p. 399.
Same for 75l. to Elizabeth Hales for last June 24 quarter on her annuity as a Maid of Honour: out of which she is to pay her predecessor Christiana Temple (now wife of Thomas Littleton) what is due to her thereout up to the day of her marriage “to the end her Majesty may be secured from all pretences concerning the same.” Money Book XIX, p. 348. Order Book VII, p. 187. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to Spencer Compton to pay as follows as royal bounty pursuant to her Majesty's pleasure:
£ s. d.
to Ann Pugh, widow of Capt. Richard Pugh 30
to Nehemiah Arnold for the use of the 2 sons of Robert Driver deceased, to wit 100l. to Lewis the eldest son & 50l. to Anto. the younger son; as a reward for their father's services in discovering several parcels of timber trees and many thousand young trees in the Forest of Rockingham that belong to the Crown 150
Money Book XIX, p. 348.
Money warrant for 90l. 4. 2 to the Agents for Taxes for the incidents, detailed, of their Office for the half year ended June 24 last (including law fees in the cause of Sir John Elwell et al & for prosecutions in the Exchequer against several Receivers [General of Taxes] &c). Ibid., pp. 349–50. Order Book VII, p. 187. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for paying Jacob Cross gent 337l. 10. 3 “without any deduction whatsoever, [being] for so much disbursed by him pursuant to her Majesty's directions and for particular services relating to the war in Italy.” Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 461.
Sept. 4, 13, 29, 30. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Moor as collector at Yarmouth loco Thomas Clarke deceased.
Pusey Brook as surveyor ibid loco said Moor.
John Writtle as riding officer at Hythe in Dover port loco said Pusey Brook preferred as above.
James Talbott as waiter & searcher at Milton in Feversham port loco Francis Rumney deceased.
John Close as an inferior tidesman, London port loco Thomas Wood deceased.
Hazard Withers as waiter & searcher at Keyhaven in Southampton port loco Peter Birkett deceased.
David Morris as collector at Plymouth loco — Peirson deceased.
Joseph Sewell as collector at Milford loco said David Morris. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 133, 135.
Sept. 4. Entry of Treasurer Godolphin's signature of the docquet of the privy seal dated Aug 1708 granting a salary of 100l. per an to William Allanson for life as Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer Court in Scotland ut supra, p. 382. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 427.
The like of a same for 100l. each per an salary to William Stewart & John Tarver as Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer Court Scotland. Ibid., p. 428.
The like of a same for 100l. per an each salary to Colin Mackenzie & John Tyas as Clerk of the Pipe in the Exchequer Court in Scotland. Ibid.