Index: Q, R

Pages 1417-1435

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Quary, Col. Robert, royal bounty to, 78, 347.

Quash, Joseph, postmaster of Exeter, 196.

-, Simon, Sarjeant in Col. Hamill's Regiment, royal bounty to, 558.

Queen Anne. See Anne.

Queen Dowager. See Catherine.

Queen Mary. See Mary.

Queen's, for all Judicial, Court or Household offices or titles See King's and Royal.

Queensberry, Duke of. See Douglas, James.

Question, John, royal bounty to for coming from Chard in Somerset, 776.

Quick, Andrew, Customs collector Padstow, Customs surveyor Bideford and Barnstaple, 387–8.

Quinn, Henry, pension out of Secret Service money, 81.

Quyrinson, Lady, petition for royal bounty, 15.

-, Sir William, 15.


Rabiniere, Thomas, Lieut.-Colonel in Col. Edward Dutton Colt's Regiment of Foot, 1131.

Rabritty, Denis, bridgeman belonging to the tin boats in the reduction of Ireland, 1093.

Raby, Lord, and Raby's Dragoons. See Wentworth, Thomas.

Radcliffe, John, Confessor, Chapel Royal, 1006.

Radford, Rawleigh, tidesurveyor, London port, 351.

Rada, Marquis de, clothing for Regiment under (the 6th Foot), 1188.

Radnor (County), 303.
-, Chamberlain of, 286. See Carbery, Earl of.
-, lordships, manors, etc., 147, 238.
-, Receiver General of Taxes, 200–1, 371. See Powle, C.
-, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties, 420–1. See Richard, David.

Ragland, Charles, Lord. See Somerset, Charles.

Railton, Mr. (see Rainton, George), royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 725.

Raines, Sir Richard, Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 407.

Rainsford, Elizabeth, royal bounty money paid to for Susanna Foxton, 772, 775, 782, 786, 792, 796, 805, 811, 817.

-, Henry, Yeoman Porter at the Gate, in the royal Household, 1000; Harry, porter at the Gate at St. James's, 1000.

-, Mr., Receiver General of the Perquisites of Admiralty, 326.

-, (Raynsford), Mr., chaplain going to the Plantations, 251, 446.

Rainton (see Railton), George, royal bounty to, 701.

-, (Raynton), Nicholas, a Queen's waiter, London port, 230.

Raleigh (Ralegh, Rawleigh, Rawligh), Carew Brook, a Page of Honour, 3, 148; royal bounty to, 688.

-, Capt. George, army pension arrears, 1105.

-, Walter, Page of Honour to Queen Mary, 3, 78; in the Guards, 78: pension on Queen Mary's List, 78, 1057.

Ralph, William, wherryman belonging to the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1094.

Rampley, John, Excise Collector, losses by bills of exchange, 163.

Ramsey, Benjamin, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1049.

-, Cuthbert, tidesman Newcastle, 279.

-, Elizabeth, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 849, 867, 878, 896, 910, 926.

-, Col. (Major General) George, his aide de camp as Major General, 1150; waggon money for a 1st and a 2nd Battalion of Scots Guards, 1184, 1185.

-, John, Ensign in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1120.

Ramsgate (Kent), 4.

Randall, Richard, pensionary waterman, 119.

Randolph, Herbert, Judge Official and Commissary of the Court of Admiralty of the Cinque Ports, 323, 355; petition concerning prizes, 477.

Randue, Theodore, Housekeeper and Wardrobe-keeper at Windsor Castle, 261, 378, 455, 918, 1069.

Ranken, James, money out of Secret Service for his Majesty's special service, 774.

Raphael Sanzio di Urbino, cartoons at Hampton Court, 637, 708.

Rapho, bishop of (see Huntington, Robert and Pooley, John), 72.

-, bishopric, mesne profits, 72, 98.

-, -, value of, 72.

-, -, Mansion house, 72.

Rapin, Solomon, Captain in Col. Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1121.

-, Major, in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Rapin La Fare. See Fare.

Rason, Richard, searcher Fowey port, 264.

Ratisbon (Germany), English Envoy employed at. See Whitworth, Charles, 315.

Raunds (co. Northants), 267.

Ravell, Richard, Messenger of the Chamber, 1018.

Ravellin, John, wherryman belonging to the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1094.

Raven, Capt. Roger, army pension arrears, 1102.

Rawkins, John, money paid to for Monsieur Schuylenburg, 665; royal bounty to, 689.

-, -, reward for recovering clothes stolen from the King, 701.

-, Mary, Wardrobe pension, 1008.

Rawleigh (Rawligh). See Raleigh.

Rawlings, Capt., house in Holborn Row in Lincolns Inn Fields, 243.

Rawlins, John, Squire and Groom Sadler to the Stables, 966, 1010, 1070, 1071, 1072.

-, Robert, Groom of the Stables, 1012.

Rawlinson, Charles, notorious highway robber, 656; killing Samuel Boyce, 655.

Rawson, Ann, executrix of Francis Mansell, 972.

Raymond, Thomas, keeper of the State Paper Office, 293.

-, -, petition, 460.

Raynsford. See Rainsford.

Raynton. See Rainton.

Read (Reade, Reed, Reede), Edward, a Queen's waiter, London port, 230.

-, James, Capt., pension or royal bounty to out of Secret Service, 524, 546, 589, 594, 617, 637, 687.

-, John, Customs waiter, Sunderland port, 192.

-, -, shipmaster, 184.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 184.

-, Thomas, reward for bringing letters from the British ambassador in Turkey, 865.

-, William, shipmaster, 182.

Reading, Deb., carter to the Works, 1172.

-, Francis, carter to the Works, 1064, 1172.

Reah (Reagh), Mary MacCarty, royal bounty out of Secret Service money, to carry her to Ireland, 885.

Receivers General of Crown Lands. See Crown Lands and each County separately.

-, of Taxes (Land Tax, House Duties and Marriage Duties). See Taxes, and each County separately.

-, of public moneys charged with 12 per cent. interest on moneys held back, 22.

Reclus, James, soldier in Count Marton's Regiment, 1170.

Recoinage. See Mint.

Records: in the Exchequer. See Exchequer (Receipt, Records).
-, in the Rolls Chapel, 847.
-, in the State Paper Office, Whitehall. See Paper Office.
-, in the Tower. Keeper of. See May, Sir Algernon; Petyt, William.
-, in the Treasury. See Treasury Books.
-, abstracts of papers for Parliament, 871.
-, abstracts from Patent Rolls of the time of Elizabeth, 847, 862, 874, 890, 904, 931.
-, copies out of the Archives at Westminster, 716.

Recusants and Recusancy fines and convictions. See Exchequer Court (Pipe Roll); Dissenters; Roman Catholics.

Red deer for the King's Park from the Duchess of Norfolk, 857.

Redbourne (co. Lincoln), 266.

Redemption of English slaves from Barbary pirates, etc., 284, 677, 821, 888, 895, 923, 928; individual cases and names of persons redeemed, 284, 928; goods traded in exchange for, 409: Capt. S. Delaval's voyage to Morocco for, 58, 301.

Reddish, Edward, Groom of the Ewery in the royal Household, 993.

-, -, Post Office inquiry, 90.

Redfearn, William, petition, 439; Irish army, 455.

-, Sir William, petition, 444.

Redhead, Anthony, Deputy Master of the Mint at Norwich, 279, 464.

Redhouse [Battersea]. See London (Streets).

Redman, John, grocer to the Works, 1069.

Redondella (near Vigo, Spain), 416.

Redruth (Cornwall), tin blowing house, 244, 323.

Reed, Reede. See Read.

Reeve, John, paying capitation Tax on Christ's Hospital allowance, 850.

Reeves, Philip, Lieut. in Sir Cloudesley Shovell's Regiment of Marines, 1141.

-, Mr., merchant of Rotterdam, lending money to the Marquess of Carmarthen, 922.

Regalia. See Coronation.

Register of papers read at the Treasury Board, 436.

Registry of shipping. See Customs (Registry.)

- of ships entering London port. See London.

Regnaud, Peter, Lieut. in Col. Edward Dutton Colt's Regiment of Foot, 1132.

Reilhan, Anthony, tailor to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.

Relfe, John, deputy to John Brown, Clerk of Parliaments, 555.

Remfrey, Hy., Steward of Courts, co. Cornwall, 141.

Remsford, James, Ensign in Col. Edward Dutton Colt's Regiment of Foot, 1133.

Removes. See Progresses.

Removing Wardrobe. See Whitehall.

Renart, James Peter, Corporal in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Renaudot, Benjamin, Sergeant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.

Renew, Hilary, loans on East India goods, 613.

Ronnevelle, Madame de, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1057.

Requests, Court of, at Westminster, 201; furniture for, for the Coronation, 186.

Rersby, Mr., Excise officer, 168.

Resego (Treverbyn Courtney, co. Cornwall), 169.

Restormel (co. Cornwall), 163.

Revels, Comptroller of. See L'Estrange, S.; Yeoman of, 283.

Revenue, public, 871, 945; accounts of. See Accounts (Commissioners) Treasury (revenue).

Reversionary annuities. See Annuities.

Revy, Thomas, payment for bringing in Tories, 221.

Rewards. See Proclamations.

Rey, Jacob, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

Reynolds, Alexander, Page of the Presence, 1004, 1040.

-, Christopher, robber, 294.

-, Elizabeth, royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 624, 680, 683.

-, Francis, pension to out of the Exchequer, death of, 973.

-, George, servant of the Hall in the Royal Household, 1015.

-, John, Customs tidesman, London port, 191.

-, Mary, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 624, 680, 683.

Rhenish wines. See Wines.

Rhine, upper (Germany), war in, 34; payment to Prince Lewis of Baden for carrying on allied service in, 229.

Rhodes, James, Customs collector Shoreham port, 8, 129.

-, Samuel, petition, 447.

Ricaly, Serjeant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.

Ricaut. See Rycaut.

Rice, John, stable pension, 1013.

-, Col. John, Regiment of Horse disbanded in Ireland in 1691: claim for, 1192–3.

Rich, Christopher, payment to out of Secret Service money for plays performed before the King and Queen and the Czar of Muscovy at Drury Lane, 867.

-, Edward, Earl of Warwick, Lord Great Chamberlain's claims at his trial in Westminster Hall for murder of Rich. Coote, 265.

-, Jonathan, shipwright, 396; Irish transport debt debentures, 326; petition for same, 482.

-, Dame Mary, widow of Sir Robert, royal bounty to, 113; and see Riche.

-, —, petition, 463.

-, Nathaniel, of Woodham Walter, Receiver General for Land Tax, House and Marriage Duties for co. Essex, 201, 292, 382.

-, Robert, Page of Honour, 1009.

-, Sir Robert, 113.

Richard, Jean, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment in Ireland, 1179.

Richards, David, Surveyor Houses and Marriage Duties for co. Radnor, 349, 420, 421.

-, Eliza[beth], annuity out of Secret Service, 525, 544, 582, 589, 595, 618, 633, 687.

-, Capt. Godfrey, Irish army claim, 1192.

-, Henry, receiving annuity money for Mary Richards, 582, 589, 618, 633, 687.

-, John, letter concerning Excise matter, (Excise), 477.

-, -, Receiver of Recusancy fines, 690.

-, Joseph, one of the four messengers of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 286, 1040.

-, Nicho., petition, 477.

-, Thomas, Receiver of Land Tax, House Duties and Marriage Duties for co. Herts, 243, 496; absconding, 141; acting as clerk to the Assessment Commissioners for co. Herts., 496; surveyor of House Duties, 273.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 126.

-, William, Lieut. in Sir Cloudesley Shovell's Regiment of Marines, 1141.

Richardson, John, Chapel Keeper, Chapel Royal, 1007.

- [? John], advancing 20l. to a chaplain going to New York, 147.

-, John, petition, 478.

-, Robert, Quarter Master in the Royal Dragoons, 1143.

-, Lieut. Tho., army pension arrears, 1107.

Richausee, Peter Voyce, Equerry to the Stables, 1009.

Richbell, Ann, pension in Nicholas's list of Queen Mary's pensions, 69, 1056; petition, 478; her husband's losses by the farm of Irish revenues see Richbell, Edward.

-, Edward, farmer of the revenue of Ireland, husband of Ann Richbell, his losses by the farm, 69.

-, Elliot, surveyor of Houses and Marriages in co. Norfolk, 260, 262.

-, Mr., to attend the Treasury, 506.

Riche, Lady, petition concerning an extent, 2; and see Rich.

Richier, Isaac, Lieut. Gov. and Commander in Chief, Bermuda Islands. 544.

Richmond, Dowager Duchess. See Stuart, Frances Teresa.

Richmond (co. Surrey), 435; Red Lion Inn at, 317; lease of the Fryers, 307; gamekeeper of, 1078.
-, Lodge, provisions for Removing Wardrobe at, 178.
-, alias Sheene Manor, or Lordship of, 205, 237; Court and Court dinner, 317, 401; steward of, 401. See Latton, J., Capel, Henry Lord; receiver of rents of, 140.
-, Palace, Court Yard, 202.
-, clocks, 162.
-, Housekeeper, 118, 283. See White, R.
-, messengers, journey allowance, 121.
-, tenement leases, 127, 174, 202, 205, 309.
-, Trumpeting House, 202.
-, verge of, 205.
-, Park or New Park near Richmond repairs, 230; underkeepers, 331, 337, 391, 393, 394 see Westwood, Theophilus and Aldrich, Edward; bailiff see Satchfeild, T.; moletaker see Bridger, Hy,; keeper of see Rochester, earl of Old Park, works in, 282, 435.

Richmond (co. Yorks.), Archdeaconry of Richmondshire, Receiver of Crown Lands, 250, 327. See Hart, R.
-, steward of the Liberty, bailiff of the Franchise and Keeper of the Forest, 287, 440, 463. See Holderness, Earl of.

Ricotier, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.

Riddle, Mark (lands co. Yorks), 171.

-, Robert, army pension arrears, 1101.

Rider (Ryder), William, Lieutenant of Whittlewood Forest, 71; delivering fleet hounds by the King's order, 530; petition, 464.

Ridgley, John, one of the King's Musicians, 1016, 1037.

Riding charges. See Chamber (Messengers), Royal (Household).

Rieutort, Captain in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.

Rigby, Edward, Captain in Col. John Gibson's Regiment of Foot, 1124.

-, Roger, Customs tidesman, London port, 368.

Rigdon, Robert, of London merchant, Customs bonds, 178; San Sebastian wine frauds, 146.

Rijswick, Treaty of, 60, 471, 472, 481, 815, 1157.

Riley. See Ryley.

Ring's End. See Dublin and Ireland.

Ringwood, Henry, Keeper of the Records, Ireland, 220, 221.

Rion, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment, 1162.

Riots, 92, 759, 768.

Ripley (co. Derby), 170, 185.

Rippingall, Henry, payments for impresting marines in Norfolk, 272, 460.

Risby. See Beesby.

Rise, La, Captain in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment, 1164.

Rit, Elias de, Yeoman Taylor to the Great Wardrobe, 1035.

Rivall, Lewis, Lieut. in Col. Harry Mordaunt's Regiment of Foot, 1134.

-, Peter, Chaplain in Col. Harry Mordaunt's Regiment of Foot, 1135.

Rivers, Earl of. See Savage, Richard.

Rives [John], one of the King's Falconers, 282.

Riviers, Anthony, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1057.

Rix Dollars. See Coins.

Roach. See Roche.

Robbins (and see Robins), Lancelot, army pension arrears, 1106.

Roberts (Robartes), David, shipmaster, 167.

-, Edward, royal bounty for wounds in the skirmish at Gravesend, husband of Katherine Roberts, 556, 665.

-, Francis, a Commissioner of Revenues and Excise, Ireland, 221, 384.

-, Giles, Groom of the King's Stables, 1012.

-, John, Groom of the King's Stables, 1012.

-, -, pioneer belonging to the Train of Artillery in the reduction of Ireland, 1096.

-, -, carpenter to the Works, 1066.

-, -, royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 644, 645, 667.

- Katherine, widow of Edwd. Roberts, royal bounty to, 556, 570, 593, 617, 636, 665, 686.

-, Matthew, plumber to the Works at Windsor Castle and Hampton Court, 132, 216, 390, 973, 1064, 1069, 1172.

-, Owen, steward and keeper of the Courts of Menay, 225, 437.

-, Richard, Collector of Hearthmoney in co. Devon, 617.

-, -, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 622, 641.

-, -, carpenter to the Works, 1067, 1068.

- Thomas, joiner to the Great Wardrobe, 1035.

-, William, Receiver and bailiff of the rents and revenues of the Honor and Castle of Windsor, 24, 102, 157, 193, 259, 267, 287, 296, 303, 327, 447; Receiver of Crown Lands for cos. Oxford and Berks, 259, 296, 447; Paymaster of Windsor Castle Works, 10, 102, 129, 179, 264, 424, 425, 1069.

-, -, steward and Keeper of Courts of Menay in Anglesea, son of Owen Roberts, 225, 437.

Robertson, John, Customs officer Southampton port, 160.

-, John, coastwaiter, London, 191.

Robes, accounts or state of the Office of, 508.
-, arrears due to tradesmen etc. in, at the death of Wm. III, 1045–6.
-, brusher to, 1005.
-, clerk of Robes and Wardrobes, 119.
-, debt in Office of, 165, 212, 465, 944, 946, 1005, 1045–6, 1078.
-, Grooms of, 1005.
-, issues for, 133.
-, Master of, 165, 212, 372, 373, 508. See Auverquere, Cornelius; Rochester, Earl of; Romney, Earl of; Albemarle, Earl of; Torrington, Earl of; Rochford, Earl of; Nassau de Zulesteyn, Henry.
-, Surveyor of the dresser, 1005.
-, waiter in the Robes, 117, 427.
-, Yeomen of, 1005.

Robins, Mr. (and see Robbins), Customs tidesman, Sunderland port, 368.

-, Richard, receiving the rent of Bagshot for the Countess of Newburgh, 567, 586, 591, 615.

Robinson, Arthur, acting for Lieut. Gen. Kirke's executrix, 1193.

-, Charles, Surveyor at the Custom House, 335.

-, Christopher, Lieut. in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1120.

-, David, Park Keeper at Audley End, buying hay for the King's deer there, 748, 753, 1020.

-, Francis, assignment on Sir Robert Killigrew's pension, 963.

-, -, Provost Marshal in Ireland, 1195, 1196.

-, George, going as chaplain to Virginia, 681, 688.

-, Dr. John, agent at Stockholm, 712, 715, 785, 868; Resident at Court of Sweden, bills from Stockholm and issues to, for his ordinaries and extraordinaries, 8, 18, 108, 314, 399, 849, 938; Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden, 425, 426, 986.

-, Leonard and Sir Leonard, Chamberlain of the City of London, 608, 662, 668, 675, 701, 705, 708, 710, 712, 714.

-, Michael, Captain in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1119.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 125.

-, Sir Robert, Governor of Bermudas, 1093; petition, 477.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 135.

-, -, page of the Scullery in the royal Household, 998.

-, William and Sir William, ViceTreasurer and Deputy Receiver General and Deputy Paymaster of Ireland, 47, 63, 143, 145, 350, 504, 909, 1181, 1183, 1186, 1187, 1192, 1193, 1196, 1202.

Robotham, Henry, Customs tidesman, Yarmouth port, 316.

Robson, John, Mews Keeper to the Royal Stables, 1010.

-, Thos., loans on the Additional 12d. Aid (1689/90), 561; royal bounty to, 570.

Roche (Roch, Roach), Barbara, widow, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 559, 583, 607, 686, 739, 742, 773.

-, Charles, royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 598, 614, 619, 655, 678, 682, 697, 707, 721, 727, 735, 742, 748, 751, 760, 767, 772, 774, 780, 786, 792, 807, 818, 825, 833, 920.

-, Lord [David 11th Visct.], Irish pension, 75, 344.

-, Mrs. Frances, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1055.

-, Helen, sister to David, 11th Viscount Roche, Irish pension, 75, 344.

-, James, annual allowance out of Secret Service money for swimming the river to Londonderry, 538, 554, 562, 571, 599, 638, 671, 678, 681, 687; royal bounty to, 846, 873.

-, Jaquelin Godeau de la, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1054.

-, John, receiving royal bounty money for his brother Charles Roche, 920.

-, Richard, mariner, witness against Matthew Crane, 573.

-, Thomas, Customs watchman, London port, 181.

-, Ulick, brother to David, 11th Viscount Roche, Irish pension, 75, 344.

Roche. See La Roche.

Rocheblanc, Anthoine, Ensign in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165; and see Derocheblanc.

Rocher, James, Corporal in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.

Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde, Lawrence.

Rochester (Kent), 4; crown lease of cottages, 279.

Rochester Diocese, Tenths of, annuity out of, 241; collector, 324; issues out of, 324; tallies on, 279.

Rochford, Earl of. See Nassau de Zulestein.

Rock, Peter, shipmaster, 212.

Rockaw, Capt., serving as Major of Brigade, 175.

Rockett, Hugh, shipmaster, 166, 170.

Rodd, James, child of the Scullery in the royal Household, 998.

Rodieu, Peter, Arras Worker to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.

Rodney, Anthony, Lieut. Col. in Col. Leigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1112.

-, Henry, Cornet in Col. Leigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1112.

Roetiers (Rotiers), John, graver of the Mint, Mint pension, 273, 972; Mint salary, 312; petition, 460, 477.

Roger, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment, 1162.

-, John, shipmaster, 182.

Rogers, Ann, wife of John, annuity payable in the Exchequer, 972.

-, Elizabeth, pension payable in the Wardrobe, 1008.

-, John, receiving Secret Service money for John Germaine, as repayment of loan money, 559, 562.

-, -, husband of Ann, annuity payable on the Exchequer, 972.

-, -, petition for the custody of an idiot, 478.

-, Wood, shipmaster, 182.

Rokeby, Mr. Justice [Sir Thomas, Justice of the King's Bench], 841.

Roleston, Mrs. Deborah, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1056.

Rolls Chapel, Chancery Lane, Records in. See Records.

Roman Catholics. See Papists, Recusants.

Romans, King of. See Joseph: a present of horses to, sent from Wm. III, 332, 449, 463.

Romer, Col. William, engineer in the Train in Ireland and in the Descent Train, 1191, 1192.

Romney, Earl of. See Sydney, Henry.

Ronchi (Rouchi), Christopher, coachman to Queen Mary, 1049.

Ronjat (Ronja, Ronjott). See Roujat.

Ronquillo, Don Pedro, Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Spain, 530.

Ronsele (Rounsell), Baron de Courtny (Corthny), royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 732, 735, 745, 763, 1055.

-, Dame Mary Courthny, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 694, 698.

Rooke, Sir George, Admiral and fleet under him, 20, 30, 32, 83, 208, 214, 370, 377, 379, 382; drawing bills on the Victualling Commissioners, 45; plunder taken at Vigo and Port St. Mary, 366, 385, 387, 394.

-, John, lease, Bradninch, Exeter, 504, 505.

Rooksby, Lady, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1055.

Roope (Roop), Nicholas, a Commissioner for Transports, hire of transports, issues for transports, transporting horses etc., 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 48, 49, 62, 87, 147. 149, 160, 168, 177, 186–7, 191, 196, 202, 208, 215, 224, 261, 269, 303, 306, 376, 465.

Root (Roote), Frederick, Yeoman Rider to the Stables, 1010, 1068.

-, Obadiah, lease of mines, co. Derby, 270.

Roscoe, Peter, Surgeon's mate in the Hospitals in the Irish Expedition, 1098.

Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon, Robert.

Rose, Archibald, Presbyterian minister in North Ireland, grant to by Wm. III, 429.

-, Giles, royal bounty to, 748, 752.

-, Jacques, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

-, Thomas, Chaplain to the Earl of Denbigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1115.

-, Wm. de la, petition, 455.

Rose Kymershouse in Mawgan, near Helston (co. Cornwall), tin blowing house, 205, 244, 323.

Rosendale, Monsieur, keeping Irish prisoners at Arnheim, 897.

Rosoy, Louis de, French pensioner Ireland, arrears due to, 1105.

Ross (Rosse), Charles, Colonel of the Fifth Royal Irish Dragoons Regiment, 12, 22, 39, 167, 177, 206, 224, 242, 351; royal bounty to in Ireland, 220.

-, Eleanor, widow, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 524, 546, 565, 574, 592, 616, 634, 683, 1050.

-, John, Ensign, reformed officer Ireland, 151.

-, [Mary]. See Mitchell, Mary.

-, Sarah, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1056.

Ross, Warner, shipmaster, 212.

Rossieres, Captain in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.

Rossington, Jo., Carver [of meats] in the Royal Household, 614, 1003.

-, Mr. [John], payment to out of Secret Service money for the rent of Cleveland House, hired for the Dutch Ambassadors, 530, 614.

Rotherham, Tho., clerk of the Works at the Tower of London, 1064.

Rotherham [co. Yorks], tax frauds at, 154.

Rotiers. See Roetiers.

Rotselaer (camp in Flanders), 292.

Rotterdam (Holland), 196, 335, 922, 1179–80.

Rottermondt, Abraham, apothecary to Wm. III, apothecary to the person, apothecary to the Household, 119, 171, 283, 427, 1006, 1021, 1025, 1027, 1030.

Rouch, Christopher. See Ronchi.

Roujat (Roujeat, Ronjott, Ronja), Stephen, surgeon to Wm. III; Household surgeon to the person, petition, 13, 283, 1005, 1022, 1024, 1030, 1182.

Round, Mr., carpenter to the Works at Windsor, 1069.

Rounsele, Lady. See Ronsele.

Roup, Nicholas. See Roope.

Roupell, Conrade, Groom of the Ewry, in the royal Household, 993.

Rouse (Rous), Benjamin, ship's commander, 126.

-, Edmund, Lieut. Col., in the Guards, pay as Governor of Upnor Castle, 60, 309; petition, 477.

Roussillon, Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.

Row (Rowe, Wroe), Anthony, and partners, Farmers of Hearthmoney, dispute with Lady Wood concerning the custody of debentures, 11, 13, 142, 218, 225, 254, 497; petition concerning the lawsuit, 455.

-, Anthony, receiving or raising money for Prince of Orange in the West, 526, 557.

-, Anthony, second Clerk Comptroller of the accompting office of the Greencloth, 990; payment to for a plate to be run for at Newmarket, 840, 867; payments for the Mews at Charing Cross, 1067; payments by for seizing Papists' horses, 596.

-, -, Pond Keeper and Fowl Keeper in St. James's Park, 1020, 1042, 1076; Keeper of Hyde Park, 340, 387, 393.

-, Col. Archibald, 478; Regiment of Foot (21st Foot, Royal Scots Fusiliers), 18, 39, 74, 162, 242, 332, 1184; brought from Scotland to England en route for Holland, 167, 278.

-, George, clerk of the Victualling, 156.

-, John, Queen's waiter at Bristol, 49, 279.

-, Mr., payment to for engines for pressing hay for the expedition to Ireland, 500, 558.

-, Nicholas, outlaw, custodiam lease of his lands in Devon, 161.

-, Robert, seizing seditious libels, 681, 689.

-, Thomas, royal bounty to, 889.

-, -, Gentleman Harbinger, 999.

-, -, petition for Customs place, 147.

-, William, Customs Surveyor, Shields port, 160.

Rowden, Sir Arthur, royal bounty to by order of the Committee for Ireland, 522.

Rowill (Rowell), Ann, wife of John, 931.

-, John, royal bounty to, 721, 727, 734, 742 (wrongly Rowitt), 746, 754, 755, 759, 760, 765, 769, 775, 780, 785, 790, 795, 804, 810, 817, 824, 831, 838, 843, 851, 859, 862, 870, 877, 883, 891, 901, 907, 917, 924.

Rowland, Francis, carpenter to the Works at Windsor, 1069, 1172.

Rowley, Wm., of Newcastle, co. Staffs., surety of T. Spendelow, Receiver General for co. Stafford, 4, 123.

-, -, Groom Porter to the Household, 165, 1006, 1018, 1024.

-, -, Yeoman of the Guard, 984.

-, Africa Company:
-, fine on, payable to the King, 885.
-, forts etc., 132.
-, imports, 112, 114.
-, Wt. 20280
-, ships of, 112, 114, 126, 132, 181.
-, Almoner. See St. David's, bishop of.
-, Bed Chamber:
-, Groom of the Stole to Wm. III, 46, 158, 254, 369, 411. See Romney, Earl of; Portland, Earl of.
-, Gentlemen or Lords of, to Wm. III, 147, 158, 566, 597. See
-, Albemarle, Earl of. Arran, Earl of.
-, Burlington, Earl of.
-, Carlisle, Earl of.
-, Essex, Earl of.
-, Lexinton, Lord.
-, Oxford, Earl of.
-, Queensberry, Duke of.
-, Scarborough, Earl of.
-, Selkirk, Earl of.
-, servant to, 296.
-, See Nichols, Mr.
-, Grooms of to Wm. III, 147, 158, 566. See
-, Borcelan, A. van.
-, Cholmondeley, George.
-, Compton, Hatton.
-, How, Emmanuel Scroop.
-, Jennings, Robert.
-, Raby, Thomas, Lord.
-, Sayers, J.
-, Stanley, James.
-, Windsor, Thomas, Lord.
-, Grooms in close waiting at Hampton Court, 140.
-, Groom of the Stole to Queen Anne see Marlborough, Duchess of.
-, Ladies of to Queen Anne, 46, 88, 254, 271, 285, 369, 381, 400. See
-, Abingdon, Countess of.
-, Beverwert, Lady.
-, Burlington, Countess of.
-, Frecheville, Lady.
-, Godolphin, Lady.
-, Hartington, Marchioness of.
-, Hyde, Lady.
-, Ormonde, Duchess of.
-, Scarborough, Countess of.
-, Spencer, Lady.
-, Somerset, Duchess of.
-, women of, 46, 88, 254, 271, 369.
-, Cooper, Agnata.
-, Danvers, Beata.
-, Feilding, Margaret.
-, Hill, Abigail.
-, Maids of Honour to Queen Anne, 46, 254, 271, 369; marriages and marriage portions, 701, 715.
-, Frowde, Letitia.
-, Kingdon, Jane.
-, South, Anne.
-, Stanhope, Mary.
-, Wentworth, Isabel.
-, Yarborough, Rosamunde.
-, Pages of, 14, 147, 566, 1075; payments to for washing sheets for the Gentlemen and Grooms of the Bedchamber, 566, 619; liveries for, 148; riding charges, 1075–6; Page at Hampton Court see Hampton Court; Page of Honour see Rawleigh, C. B.; Page of the Bedchamber at Kensington, 388. See
-, Harris, David.
-, Watson, Wm.
-, Keen, R.
-, Sewell, J.
-, Van Namen, M.
-, Smith, J.

Royal Bounty, 10, 945.
-, Aickin, Joseph.
-, Albany, Dutch minister.
-, Aldham, Ann.
-, Aldham, William.
-, Allen, Susan.
-, Allingham, William.
-, Aplin, Richard.
-, Army (Officers' widows).
-, Arnold, Elioabeth.
-, Arnold, John.
-, Ashbury, widow Anne.
-, Atkinson, Sir Robert.
-, Attey, Robert.
-, Avery, Sarah.
-, Baggott, Alice.
-, Balfour, Charles.
-, Balliol, Martha.
-, Barcroft, widow.
-, Barrett, Nic.
-, Bastin, Martha.
-, Baston, Thomas.
-, Bawkham, William.
-, Bedford, Mary.
-, Bellew, Dame Mary.
-, Berkeley, Jeane.
-, Billop, Capt. Christopher.
-, Black, Margaret.
-, Blackmore, Margaret.
-, Blaire, Col. Tho.
-, Bococke, Mary.
-, Bourk, Elizabeth.
-, Bowen, Capt. Griffith.
-, Bowen, William.
-, Braguier, John.
-, Brereton, Uriah.
-, Brian, Howell.
-, Buckingham, Duchess of.
-, Buss, William.
-, Butler, Walter.
-, Butterfeild, Margaret.
-, Buxton, John.
-, Cadet, James.
-, Caldwell, Eliz.
-, Campbell, Lieut. Col. Wm.
-, Canaries, Dr. James.
-, Carbonell, Martin.
-, Carmarthen, Marquis of.
-, Cary, Ann.
-, Cary, Eliz.
-, Cary, Robert (Lord Hunsdon).
-, Carlisle, Ellen.
-, Carney, John.
-, Chaplains to the Plantations.
-, Cheeke, Letitia.
-, Chetwynd, Ann.
-, Clark, Ursula.
-, Clement, John.
-, Clench, Brune.
-, Clench, Katherine.
-, College, Edith.
-, Cooper, Arnold.
-, Coote, Sir Philips.
-, Copley, Col. Lionel.
-, Crispe, Mr.
-, Crofts, Capt. James.
-, Crofts, Capt. Hy.
-, Crowne, John.
-, Crowther, Thos.
-, Culpeper, Lord J.
-, Davies, Mrs. Jane.
-, Davies, Susan.
-, Dennis, Mrs. Anne.
-, Dymock, Mary.
-, Dicke, Archibald.
-, Disney, Anne.
-, Disney, Wm.
-, Disney, Eliz.
-, Dodesworth, Robert.
-, Dodge, Thomas.
-, Draghi, J. B.
-, Durfey, Thomas.
-, Duveile, Lewis.
-, Eaton, John.
-, Edwards, Gilbert.
-, Elder, Thos.
-, Emmett, Richard.
-, Eton College.
-, Eure, Lord.
-, Falkland, Lord.
-, Fanshaw, Wm.
-, Farish, Robert.
-, Falkner, Mary.
-, Fane, Sir H.
-, Fisher, Richard.
-, Frampton, T.
-, Francis, Martha.
-, Freeman, Eliz.
-, French Protestants.
-, Gage, John.
-, Gant, John.
-, Gauder, Peter.
-, Gaultier, Sieur.
-, Goobett, Hannah.
-, Gorman, Francis.
-, Gostling, John.
-, Gourden, James.
-, Gourden, William.
-, Granville, Ann.
-, Granville, Bernard.
-, Granville, Sir Bevil.
-, Green, Robert.
-, Greenham, Capt. James.
-, Grove (Groves), Eliz.
-, Guise, Sir John.
-, Guthry, Ann.
-, Gwillims, Isabel
-, Gwillims, Lewis Maria.
-, Hadley, George.
-, Hall, Henry.
-, Halles, Parbeck.
-, Hamilton, Barbara.
-, Hamilton, Dame Elizabeth.
-, Hamilton, James.
-, Hamilton, Lady Katherine.
-, Hamilton, Dame Rebecca.
-, Hamilton, William.
-, Hampton parish poor.
-, Hanbury, John.
-, Harris, Edward.
-, Harris, Katherine.
-, Harris, Robert.
-, Harrison, Thomas.
-, Hedge, Eliz.
-, Helman, Thomas.
-, Hely, Mr.
-, Herbert, Lady Katherine.
-, Heydigger, James.
-, Heyford, Elizabeth.
-, Hickman, John.
-, Holloway, Fra.
-, Holman, Wm.
-, Holme, Jane.
-, Hookes, John.
-, Howard, Joan.
-, Howard, Lucy.
-, Howard, Philip.
-, Humphreys, Ann.
-, Hunt, Arabella.
-, Innes, James.
-, Ironmonger, Katherine.
-, Ironmonger, Mrs. Uriah.
-, Jackson, Jane.
-, James, William.
-, Jefferys, Sir James.
-, Jenison, Robert.
-, Jennings, Edward.
-, Jennings, Richard.
-, Jephson, W.
-, Johnson, John.
-, Johnson, revd. Mr. [Samuel].
-, Johnson, Wm.
-, Jones, Austin.
-, Judge, William.
-, Justell, Hy.
-, Keats, Hy.
-, Kein, Rudolph.
-, Killigrew, Charles.
-, Killigrew, Henry.
-, Killigrew, Sir Peter.
-, Killigrew, Sir Robert.
-, Killigrew, William.
-, Kinaston, Capt. C.
-, King, Alice.
-, King, John.
-, Kirke, Margaret [? Mary].
-, Kirke, Mary.
-, Knight, Mrs.
-, Lake, Wm.
-, Lamartinerie, Alexandre.
-, Lamb, Ann.
-, Lame, Sarah.
-, Lance, Joan.
-, Lance, Katherine.
-, Land, Sarah.
-, Lanesborough, Viscount.
-, Langford, Francis.
-, Lawrence, Andrew.
-, Lawrence, Mary.
-, Laycock, Mary.
-, Lechmere, Thos.
-, Lee, John.
-, Lee, Thomas.
-, Leech, Mary.
-, Lesly, Katherine.
-, Levett, Kate.
-, Lewis, Eliz.
-, Ley, Margaret, Countess of Marlborough.
-, Lezan, Monsieur.
-, Liechti, J. G.
-, Lindore, Dame Eliz.
-, Lloyd, Eliz.
-, Loches, David.
-, London poor.
-, Lords, four poor.
-, Lover, Wm.
-, Lowther, Sir John.
-, Lowther, Thomas.
-, Lundy, Martha.
-, Lundy, Robert.
-, Lyde, Robert.
-, Lyme Regis.
-, McBridge, John.
-, Maccarty, Lady Arabella.
-, Maccarty, Major Derby.
-, Maccarty, Donogh, Earl of Clancarty.
-, Maccarty, Eliz., Countess of Clancarty.
-, Maccarty, Lady Margaret.
-, Madge, Eliz.
-, Malows, Benj.
-, Manley, Isaac.
-, Manley, Maria.
-, Mansell, Ann.
-, Mansell, Frances.
-, Mansell, Mary.
-, Mansell, William.
-, Marlborough, Countess.
-, Marshall, Margaret.
-, Matthews, Edward.
-, Matthews, Elizabeth.
-, Maugridge, John.
-, Meautys, Col. John.
-, Melonière, La.
-, Meyer, Rudolph.
-, Middleton, William.
-, Mitchell, John.
-, Mitchell, Mary.
-, Monfort, Elinor.
-, Montagu, Earl of.
-, Moody, Ann.
-, Moreau, David.
-, Morland, Sir S.
-, Morrison, Robert.
-, Morse, John.
-, Mortimer, Margaret.
-, Mynhennick, Anne.
-, Nailor, Sir Thomas.
-, Neville, Charles.
-, Newcomen, Jane.
-, Newcomen, Sarah.
-, O'Brien, Kenady.
-, O'Brien, Lord William.
-, O'Donnell, Balderick.
-, O'Hara, Catherine.
-, O'Haugherne, Simon.
-, Ormesby, Elizabeth.
-, Oxford, Earl of.
-, Paget, Hy.
-, Painter, Wm.
-, Palmer, Charles.
-, Palmer, Ann.
-, Palmes, Guy.
-, Parker, T., Lord Morley and Mounteagle.
-, Paston, Thos.
-, Payne, George.
-, Peltier, Adam.
-, Pendrell, Elinor.
-, Penn, Solomon.
-, Percivall, Thos.
-, Peters, John.
-, Pelet, John.
-, Philips, George.
-, Philips, Col. Robert.
-, Pickays, Agmondesham.
-, Pinkney, Eliz.
-, Poore, Edmund.
-, Povey, Thomas.
-, Pratt, Jane.
-, Pratt, Rev. Samuel.
-, Prideaux, Helen.
-, Puckle, James.
-, Puissar, Marquis de.
-, Quary, Col. Robert.
-, Quash, Simon.
-, Question, John.
-, Railton, Mr.
-, Rainton, George.
-, Raleigh, Carew Brooke.
-, Ramsey, Eliz.
-, Rawkins, John.
-, Read, Capt. James.
-, Reah, Mary MacCarty.
-, Reynolds, Eliz.
-, Reynolds, Mary.
-, Rich, Dame Mary.
-, Roach, Barbara.
-, Roach, Charles.
-, Roberts, John.
-, Roberts, Edward.
-, Roberts, Katherine.
-, Roberts, Richard.
-, Robson, Thos.
-, Ronsele, Baron.
-, Ronsele, Dame Mary.
-, Rose, Giles.
-, Ross, Col. Charles.
-, Rowe, Thos.
-, Rowden, Sir Arthur.
-, Rowell, John.
-, Rue, Francis de la.
-, Sailly, Charles de.
-, Saint Leger, John.
-, Saint Loe, George.
-, Savage, Philip.
-, Schomberg, F. A. de.
-, Scudmore, Magdalen.
-, Shayle, Joseph.
-, Shearer, Humphrey.
-, Sheere, Lieut. H.
-, Sheldon, Ann.
-, Shelmerdine, Robert.
-, Sherburne, Sir Edw.
-, Sherrard, Daniel.
-, Shipton, Alice.
-, Shorter, John.
-, Silver, Ann.
-, Simons, Mary.
-, Simpson, Eliz.
-, Skipworth, Cordelia.
-, Sluce, James.
-, Smith, Edmund.
-, Smith, Eliz.
-, Souligneé, François de.
-, Southwell, Sir Robert.
-, Southwell, Sir Thos.
-, Speke, Hugh.
-, Sproston, Eliz.
-, Stedman, Mary.
-, Stephen, Francis.
-, Stephen, John.
-, Stepney, Lady, her children.
-, Steward, Jane.
-, Stewart, David.
-, Stewart, Anne.
-, Stocke, Abraham.
-, Stotherd, Philip.
-, Strode, Major Joseph.
-, Sturler, Vincentius.
-, Sturton, Judith.
-, Sutton, Mary.
-, Switzerland, Officers.
-, Tagg, Mary.
-, Tagg, Stephen.
-, Taylor, Wm.
-, Taylor, Edward.
-, Tennant, Anne.
-, Tennant, James.
-, Tessen, Katherine.
-, Thompson, Dorothy.
-, Tillier, Francis.
-, Tollmash, Col. Thos.
-, Torway, Dorothy.
-, Traherne, Anne.
-, Truman, Dorothy.
-, Trussel, Col. E.
-, Tuthill, George.
-, Twitty, Charles.
-, Umfrey, Ann.
-, Vauhaughwith, H. F.
-, Vaughan, Helen.
-, Vavasour, Tho.
-, Villiers, Mary (Countess of Inchiquin).
-, Wallis, John.
-, Wallop, Richard.
-, Walpole, Horatio.
-, Watson, George.
-, Weager, Mary.
-, Webster, Mary.
-, Westminster poor.
-, Wetwang, Isabell.
-, Whitehead, John.
-, Whittle, John.
-, Whittle, Margaret.
-, Williams, John.
-, Willoughby, Ellinor.
-, Willoughby, Lord Hugh of Parham.
-, Wilmer, Daniel.
-, Wilson, Capt. Alexander.
-, Wilson, Col. Edward.
-, Wilson, Elizabeth.
-, Wilson, John.
-, Windsor, Mary.
-, Wittinton, Roger.
-, Wood, Alexander.
-, Woodward, Susanna.
-, Woosencroft, Susanna.
-, Wright, Mary.
-, Wyndham, Lady Eliz.
-, Yates, Richard.

Royal Chapel. See Chapel.

Royal Fishery of England, salt frauds, 218.

Royal Forests, Chief Justice in Eyre, North Trent, 277, 402, 857. See Wharton, Lord T., Devonshire, Duke of; and see Woods; Parks.

Royal Gardens:
-, at Hampton Court, 64, 138, 315.
-, at Kensington, 64, 138, 315.
-, at Newmarket, 64, 315.
-, at Windsor, 64, 88, 315.
-, contract with F. C. Henning for upkeep of, 74, 133.
-, contract with Earl of Portland for upkeep of, 133, 138, 342.
-, contract with Hy. Wise for upkeep of, 64–66, 74, 315, 369.
-, creditors, 467.
-, debt on, 212, 944.
-, expenses of, 57, 295, 474.
-, issues for, 91, 133, 454.
-, Superintendent. See Portland, Earl of.
-, at St. James's. See St. James's.

ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, Acatery, names of servants of and debts owing to, 997.
-, Accompting House or Office [the Accountancy Department of the Board of Greencloth, composed of the Lord Steward, Treasurer or Cofferer of the Household, Comptroller, Master of the Household and clerks etc. of the Greencloth], names of officers and debts to at the death of Wm. III, 990.
-, accounts, 203.
-, Almoner. See Almoner.
-, Almnery or Almonry, names of servants of and debts owing to, 999.
-, assessments on the servants of the Household for Land Tax, 32; account of, 225, 326; duplicates of, 225, 326; Commissioners, 326; receipts from, 211, 282; arrears to be received by the Earl of Bradford as Cofferer, 37, 50.
-, Apothecaries to, 15, 119, 171, 427.
-, to the person, Chase, James, Rottermondt, Abraham.
-, to the Household, 119. See Jones, Wm.
-, Avener. See Stables.
-, Bake House, names of servants of and debts owing to, 991.
-, barbers, 15; barbers in ordinary, 427.
-, Bedgoers, 117, 283.
-, Bell ringers, names of and debts owing to, 1001.
-, Body Laundress. See Lowman, Mary.
-, bread bearers, names of and debts owing to, 1001.
-, brewer of. See England, John, 1007.
-, Cabinet maker. See Jenssen, D.
-, cart-takers and tail cart-takers, names and debts owing to, 1000, 1001.
-, Carvers, names of and debts owing to, 1003.
-, Cellar, names of servants of and debts owing to, 991–2.
-, Chairmen. See Royal (Stables).
-, chandery or chandlery, names of servants of and debts owing to, 993.
-, Chapel Royal. See Chapel.
-, Chief Butler, 192.
-, Chirurgeon, 15, 119. See Roujeat, S.; in ordinary to the King, 122; serjeant surgeon, 119; Surgeon to the Household. See Gardiner, Thomas.
-, Clerk of the Avery. See Royal (Stables).
-, clerk of the Stables. See Royal (Stables).
-, clerk of the Wardrobe and Robes, 119.
-, clockmaker, 116, 230, 282. See Herbert, T.
-, Closet Keeper. See Kien, R.
-, Coachmen. See Royal (Stables).
-, Cofferkeepers, 116.
-, Cofferer (see Bradford, Earl of for Wm. III, Bathurst, Sir B. for Queen Anne), issues to for the Household emptions and wages, 3, 11, 20, 27, 46, 73, 76, 88, 96, 133, 169, 238, 248, 276, 325, 336, 408; office of, 115; accounts of, 34; fees paid by, 520; annuities payable out of his Office, 527. See Pensions; debt in his Office, 945, 990, 1015.
-, Confectionery, names of servants of and debts owing to, 993.
-, Coroner, name of and debt owing to, 1001.
-, Court Drums, 426, 441, 461, 1191. See Maugridge, R., Skyrme, J., Clothier, J., Gardner, W.
-, Court Fife, 441, 461, 1182.
-, Cupbearers, 282; names of and debts owing to, 1003.
-, debt in, 165, 212: debt at William's death, in the four divisions of the Household (Cofferer, Chamber, Robes, Wardrobe), 944, 946, 990– 1046; debts to servants, 33, 50, 228, 230, 232, 261, 276, 282–3, 289, 341, 441.
-, Emptions, debts on, 1014–5.
-, Equerries. See Royal (Stables).
-, Esquires of the Body, names of and debts owing to, 1003.
-, Establishment, 15, 88, 92, 115– 122, 170, 282–3, 426–8.
-, Ewry, names of servants of and debts owing to, 993.
-, falconers. See Royal (Hunt).
-, Footman. See Royal (Stables).
-, furniture in the royal houses, account of, 178.
-, Gallery Keeper, 427. See Paulet, W.
-, Gentleman of the Horse. See Royal (Stables).
-, Gentlemen Armourers, names of and debts owing to, 1013.
-, Gentlemen Ushers, Daily Waiters, 117; names of and debts owing to, 1003.
-, Gentlemen Ushers, Quarter Waiters, 156; names and debts owing to, 1003.
-, Greencloth, board of. See Royal (Household Accompting House).
-, Grooms of the Great Chamber, 283.
-, Grooms of the Stables. See Royal (Stables).
-, Groom of the Stole (Romney, Earl of, Derby, Countess of), debt owing to, 1004, 1005.
-, Groom Porter, 116, 165, 283, 1006. See Neale, T.; Rowley, W.; Amen, Maxmilian van; Clark, Wm.
-, Hall, officers of the, and debts owing to, 1000.
-, Hangers, 283: yeomen hangers, 117.
-, Harbingers, names of servants of and debts owing to, 999.
-, imprests for, 238. See Royal (Household, Cofferer).
-, Jewel House. See Jewel.
-, Keeper of the Privy Armoury, 69–70. See Beaubuisson, P.
-, Keeper of Running Horses. See Royal Stables.
-, Kitchen (King's Privy Kitchen and Side or Household Kitchen) (cooks, children of the Kitchen, scourers, turnbroaches), names of officers and debts owing to, 994–5, 995–6.
-, Knight Marshal, and Knight Marshal's men, names of and debts owing to, 1001.
-, Larder, servants of and debts owing to, 996.
-, Laundress of the Table, name of and debt owing to, 994.
-, Library Keeper. See Bentley, R.
-, Locksmith, 283. See Harris, P.
-, Lodgings at Court for physicians etc., 78.
-, Lord Chamberlain. See Jersey, Earl of, warrants by and certificates from, 17, 92, 97, 120–1, 133, 140, 150, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 161, 170, 174, 178, 185, 186, 197, 202, 205, 213, 215, 217, 219, 222, 234, 248, 250, 252, 254, 264, 270, 300, 328, 338, 346, 369, 376, 383, 388, 389, 392, 396, 399, 403, 405, 419, 428, 429, 432, 458, 1075; Office of, 1075; matters referred to, 9, 79; wages and board wages, 1003; Secretary to, 120.
-, Lord Steward. See Devonshire, Duke of, Coronation robes, 197.
-, Marshal Farrier. See Royal (Stables).
-, Master of the Horse. See Royal (Stables).
-, Master of the Studs. See Royal (Stables).
-, messengers. See Chamber (messengers).
-, Mews and Mewskeepers. See Royal Stables.
-, mole taker, 116, 282.
-, music. See Music.
-, necessary women, names of and debts owing to, 1006.
-, Pages of the Backstairs. See Harris, D.
-, Pages of the Bedchamber, names of and debts owing to, 1004; and see Royal (Bedchamber).
-, Pages of Honour. See Royal (Stables).
-, Pages of Honour to Queen Mary. See Raleigh, Lord.
-, Pages of the Presence, names of and debts owing to, 1004.
-, Painter, chief painter, 427. See Kneller, Godfrey.
-, Pantry, names of servants of and debts owing to, 991.
-, Pastry, names of servants of and debts owing to, 997.
-, Physician, Hutton, Dr. J., 1005. See Anne; William.
-, Pictures, keeper and repairer. See Pictures.
-, plate for, 264.
-, Porters at the Gate, names of and debts owing to, 1000.
-, Porter at St. James's. See Rainsford, Henry.
-, Porter of the Mews. See Royal (Stables).
-, Poultry, names of servants of and debts owing to, 997.
-, Privy Chamber, Gentlemen of and Grooms of, names of and debts owing to, 198, 1005.
-, -, -, Joiner of. See Norris, H., Norris, J.
-, Purveyors, names of and debts owing to, 1007.
-, to Wm. III. before the Household Establishment was settled, 568.
-, -, to the Stables. See Royal (Stables).
-, ratkiller, 116, 122, 282.
-, Revels. See Revels.
-, riding charges, lodging allowances, travelling charges of servants and members of, 78, 1075–6; regulation for, 17, 121–2.
-, Riding Surveyors. See Royal (Stables).
-, Robegoers, 283.
-, Robes (Yeomen, Grooms, brusher, surveyor of the Dresser). See Robes.
-, Sadlers (Squire and Groom Sadler, Yeoman Sadler). See Royal (Stables).
-, Scalding House, names of servants of and debts owing to, 998.
-, Scullery, names and officers of and debts owing to, 998.
-, Secretariate. See Secretaries of State, debts owing to in the Household, 1003. See Signet.
-, Sempstress. See College, Edith.
-, Serjeant at arms, swearing into Office, 215, 231.
-, Serjeant of the Carriages. See Royal (Stables).
-, Serjeant Farrier. See Royal (Stables).
-, Serjeant Painter. See Works.
-, Serjeant Surgeon, 119.
-, Serjeant Trumpeter. 115, 282.
-, servants of, payable in the Exchequer, 81.
-, debts owing to see Royal (Household debt); servants accompanying the King in Holland, 73, 78, 449; accompanying the King in Ireland, 1075.
-, Sewers, names of and debts owing to, 1003.
-, Sewers of the [Great] Chamber, names of and debts owing to, 1004.
-, Signet and Privy Seal, clerk of, names of and debts owing to, 1004.
-, Spicery, names of servants of and debts owing to, 992.
-, starcher. See Ireland, Jane.
-, stipenders, names of and debts owing to, 1001–2.
-, strewer of herbs, 197.
-, Surveyor of the Highways. See Royal (Stables).
-, Surveyor of the Stables. See Royal (Stables).
-, Tax receipts. See Royal (Household assessments).
-, Theatre Keeper, 283.
-, Ushers, 283; Yeoman Ushers, 117.
-, Verge, clerk of, name of and debt owing to, 1001.
-, Vice Chamberlain, 44, 245, 347, 443, 610. See Lowther, Sir J., Bertie, P.
-, debt owing to in the Household, 1003.
-, Wardrobekeeper at Hampton Court. See Wardrobe.
-, Wines for and Wine purveyor, 73, 325, 1007. See Thompson, Stephen.
-, Wood Yard, names of servants of and debts owing to, 999.
-, Yeomen of the Carriages. See Royal (Stables).
-, Yeomen Riders. See Royal (Stables).
-, Yeoman Farrier. See Royal (Stables).
-, Yeoman of the Stirrup. See Royal (Stables).

Royal Hunt:
-, Beagles. See Royal (Hunt, harriers).
-, Buckhounds, establishment, 115; hounds (one hundred in number), 115; huntsmen, 427; Master of, 115, 426; Serjeant of, 115, 427.
-, Falconers (eleven in number), pensionary falconers (five in number) establishment, 115, 426; names of, 282.
-, Master of the Hawks, 300, 393. See Felton, T., Chiffinch, W.
-, Serjeant of the Hawks, 115.
-, Fleet hounds, master of. See Tancred, Christopher.
-, Foot Huntsman, establishment, 115, 116.
-, Harriers or Beagles, 98; master of. See Latton, J., Tancred, Christopher, 98, 283, 426, 427; Establishment, 116.
-, Hawks, Serjeant of. See Royal (Hunt falconers).
-, Horse Huntsmen, Establishment, 115, 116.
-, Keeper of the Setting dogs. See Beaubuisson, P.; Royal (Hunt, Master).
-, Master of the Hawks. See Royal (Hunt, falconers).
-, Master of the Setting Dogs. See Beaubuisson, P.

Royal Mews. See Royal Stables.

Royal Music. See Music.

Royal Oak Lottery. See Lottery.

Royal presents, of jewels to ambassadors etc., 50, 154, 328, 428, 429. of horses to the Roman Emperor, 449.
-, to the Archbishop of Phillipoli. See Phillipolis.

Royal Stables and Mews, Avener, 1009.
-, See Latton, John.
-, chairmen, names of and debt to, 1013.
-, clerk of the Avery, 1009. See Manley, R.
-, clerk of the Stables, 1010. See Jollivet, E.
-, Coach maker, 1010. See Auberry, S.
-, Coachmen, names of and debt to, 1011–12.
-, Commissioners for the Stables (Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse), 237, 272, 460. See Fox, Sir S., Bathurst, Sir B., Chudleigh, H.).
-, debt in, account of, 165, 212, 791, 806, 817; debt to Hackney Coachmen for extraordinaries in at the death of William III, 944, 946, 1008– 1013, 1070–1, 1078.
-, Equerries, 1009. See Lloyd, W., Pope, R., Dormer, C, Feilding, G., Richausee, P. V., Foubert, H.
-, Establishment, 59, 476.
-, Footmen, 117; names and debts to, 1011; Pensionary Footmen, 283.
-, Gentleman of the Horse, lreton, Henry, 1008.
-, Gentlemen Armourers, names of and debts to, 1013.
-, Grooms of, names of and debts to, 1012.
-, Groom Farriers, 1010. See Newbery, J., Watts, J.
-, horses for, 152; for the King of the Romans, 332, 449, 463.
-, issues for, 61, 133, 152, 237, 289, 295, 319, 332, 426, 449, 463, 844.
-, Master of the Horse, Nassau, Henry de, seigneur d' Auverquerque; Somerset, Duke of, 449, 1008.
-, Master of the Studs, 1009. See Pulleyn, T.
-, Mews at Charing Cross, works and repairs, 59, 134, 152, 1066–8.
-, Mews Keepers, names of and debts to, 1010.
-, Pages of Honour, 1009. See Wentworth A., Rich, R., Harrison, T., Colt, W., Brockhuisen, J.
-, pensions in, 1013. See Pensions.
-, Porter of the Mews, 1013. See Hacksteen, 1.
-, Purveyors to, names of and debts to, 1010; tradesmen to see Neville, Charles.
-, Riding Surveyor, 1009, 1010. See Hayes, R.
-, Serjeant of the Carriages, 1009. See Du Perron, James.
-, Serjeant and Marshal Farrier, 1010. See Snape, A.
-, Squire and Groom Sadler, 1010. See Rawlins, J.
-, Stables at Kensington, repairs, 453.
-, Stud at Hampton Court, 72, 272.
-, Surveyors of the Highways, 1009.
-, Studholm, M., Negus, F.
-, Surveyor of the Mews. See Norton, Lieut. Col.; Negus, Mr.
-, Surveyor of the Stables, 1009. See Shute, S., Brienne, S. de.
-, Yeoman of the Carriages, 1011. See Lampen, G.
-, Yeoman Farriers, 1010. See Willes, J., Marshall, J.
-, Yeomen Riders, 1010. See Root, F., Woolfraed, J.
-, Yeoman Sadler, 1010. See Shaft, L.
-, Yeoman of the Stirrup, 1009. See Gendrault, P. P.

Royal Watermen:
-, badges for, 392.
-, barge house in Kennington, 274.
-, lease of, 320.
-, Establishment, 116, 122, 283.
-, liveries for, 419.
-, Master of the Barges, 116, 419, 427. See Warner, J.
-, pensionary watermen, names of, 119, 283.

Royal Yacht:
-, Fubbs, furniture for, 140.
-, Queenborough, furniture for, 270.

Royall, Royalls. See Ryall, Ryalls.

Royce, John, Major and Captain in Col. Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1121.

Roye de la Rochefoucauld, Frederick William, styled Count Marton, Earl of Lifford, Regiment of, 1168, 1170, 1177, 1184, 1187.

Royer, Gideon, official illuminator or embellisher of arms and diplomatic documents, 670, 676.

Rubens, Peter Paul, ceilings in the Banqueting House, Whitehall, painted by, 707.

Rudge, John, receiving money for Nicholas Herne, Consul of Alicante, 709.

-, Thomas, Receiver of Crown Lands for Southampton, Wilts, Gloucester, Somerset, and Dorset, 447, 461.

Rue, Francis de la, royal bounty to out of Secret Service, 801.

- Peter de la, Quarter Master in the Earl of Denbigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1114.

Rufane, Francis, Captain in Col. Harry Mordaunt's Regiment of Foot, 1133.

Rugeley, Elizabeth, milliner to the Robes, 1045, 1046.

Rumsey, John, Chamber Keeper to the Pages of the Bedchamber, 1025; petition 478.

Russell (Russel), Edward, Earl of Orford, Admiral, 742; Treasurer of the Navy, state of his accounts, 50, 61, 68, 72, 85, 86, 295, 368; annuity granted to by James II, 973; Rt. Hon. Edward, loan on the Poll, 672; loan on the Excise, 492.

-, Lord Edward (third son of the first Duke of Bedford), Treasurer of the Chamber to Wm. III, 54, 113, 138, 165, 169, 228, 261, 278, 282, 325, 433, 435, 1022, 1032.

-, Dame Frances, pension to from Queen Mary, 1056.

-, Francis [brother of Edward, Earl of Orford], annuity granted to by James II, 973.

-, Cornet George, army pension arrears, 1103.

-, John, fine for illicit wool export, 243, 282; petition, 439.

-, -, of Bristol merchant, tobacco rebate, 352.

-, -, Arras Worker to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.

-, -, army pension arrears, 1108.

-, Katherine, pensioner and servant to Queen Mary, 1055.

-, Michael, Lancashire traitor (1701), 336.

-, Lord Robert, [fourth son of the Duke of Bedford], Clerk of the Pipe in the Exchequer, 57, 106, 310, 430, 455, 973; patent of office, 477.

-, Robert, Ingrosser of the Rolls, vesture in the Great Wardrobe, 1043.

-, Robert, Esq., Cup bearer in the Household, arrears in the Cofferer's Office, 1003.

-, Roman, receiving money for the Earl of Mulgrave, 578.

-, Col. Theodore, Regiment of Horse raised 1688 (disbanded 1690–1 March), 1181.

-, [William], Serjeant Falconer to Wm. III, 282; Serjeant of the Hawks to Wm. III, 282, 1016.

-, Sir William, a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber carrying the canopy at funeral of Wm. III, 198.

-, Wriothesley, fifth Duke of Bedford, Knight of the Garter, 176.

Russia, Czar of Muscovy in England, at Drury Lane (in Feb. 1697–8), 867.
-, ships to, released from embargo. See East Country.

Rutherford, Capt. Andrew, Irish soldier, prisoner in Newgate, sustenance of, paid out of Secret Service money, 580, 586, 589, 594, 597, 606, 620, 630, 638, 643.

Rutland County:
-, auditor of Crown Revenues, 216. See Shales, Hy.
-, Reeceiver General of Crown Lands, 250, 327. See Hart, R.
-, Receiver General of Taxes. See Matthews, Benj.
-, Sheriff of, 302, 414, 430.

Rutter, Thomas, tallow chandler, purveyor to the Royal Household, 1007.

-, William, Captain in Col. Coote's Regiment of Foot, 1115.

Ruvigny, Earl of Galway and Madame Ruvigny. See Massue de Ruvigny.

-, Henry, payment to out of Secret Service money for the education of the children of Monsieur de Brasselay, 566, 587, 599, 608, 623, 633.

Ruyter (Ruyler), John de, gunner in the Dutch Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1178.

Ryall (Lyall), Ann, housekeeper to the House of Commons, 251, 268.

-, (Royalls), John, mason, London, 147.

-, (Royall), Nicholas, delivering Parliament men's letters, 430.

Ryan, Daniel, pioneer in the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1096.

Rycaut, Sir Paul, Resident with the Hanse Towns, Resident in Hamburg, 314, 521, 987.

-, (Ricaut), Col., Philip, diet and lodging as a prisoner in the Tower, 605; Mr., arrest of, 778.

Ryder. See Rider.

Ryley, Philip, Surveyor General of Woods and Forests, Trent South, 42, 77, 92, 94, 134, 149, 169, 193, 230, 247, 278, 282, 311, 346, 386, 390, 393, 413, 432, 435, 439, 443, 445, 446, 449, 450, 459, 462, 464, 477, 544; paying money from wood sales to Secret Service account, 671, 694, 698; repairs in Windsor Forest, 42; repairs at Hampton Court Middle Park, 272, 326, 460, 525, 532, 544, 573, 580; repairs in St. James's Park, 313; reference concerning the King's Spaniels, 269; Serjeant at Arms attending the Lord Treasurer, 215, 393, 423, 553, 972; receiving royal bounty money for Elizabeth Ramsay, 849, 867, 878, 896; a Commissioner of Excise, 227, 406; father of Reginald Ryley, 215.

-, Reginald, Serjeant at arms to attend the Lord Treasurer, 215, 391.

Ryme, manor (co. Dorset), 339.

Rymer, Thomas, patent as Historiographer Royal, 56–7; issues to for various volumes of his Foedera, 57, 72, 110, 426, 427, 478, 973; petition, 455.

Ryswick. See Rijswick.

Ryves, John, one of the King's falconers, executors of, 1016.

-, -, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties co. Southants, 318, 349, 421.

-, [Thomas, Comptroller General of Prizes], 250, 272, 385, 411; assistance to the Prizes Commissioners, 49; petition, 468.