Index: P

Pages 1395-1417

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 17, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Pacey (and See Pacy), Samuel, of Lowestoft, Receiver General of Land Tax, House Duties and Marriage Duties for co. Suffolk, 123, 200, 292, 383.

-, William, Receiver General of Land Tax, House Duties and Marriage Duties for co. Norfolk, 383.

Pack, Gilbert, tidesman Plymouth, 161.

-, Samuel, pension out of Secret Service money, 81.

Packer, Daniel, tidesman Bristol, 264.

Pacy (and See Pacey), Lieut. John, Half pay Ireland, 263, 312.

Pacquet service. See Post Office.

Padstow (co. Cornwall), 387–8.

Page, Gregory, owner of ship Eaton Frigate, 276; petition, 460.

-, Joseph, receiving royal bounty money for Thomas Lee, of New Windsor, 622.

Paget, Henry, brother to Lord William Paget, royal bounty to, 3, 113, 454, 466, 483.

-, Lord William de Beaudesert, Ambassador at the Ottoman Porte (1693–1702), 3, 466, 483, 676, 677.

Paggen, Peter, shipowner, 109.

Painter, James, Capt., Lieut. in Col.
-, Edward Dutton Colt's Regiment of Foot, 1132.

-, Mr., question of the Receivership of Prize Money as between him and John Brewer, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 354.

-, William, slave redeemed from Barbary, royal bounty to, 928.

Painters. See Abbot, Richard and Robert; Fletcher, Math.; Highmore, Thos.; Kneller, Sir G.; La Guerre (Leguard), Lewis; Mantegna, A.; Pinke, John; Royer, Gideon, Raphael S.; Rubens, Sir P.; Streeter, Rob; Thompson, Wm.; Verrio, A.; and see Engravers.

-, Illuminators and Heraldic painters. See Royer, G.; Fletcher, M.

-, Chief Painter, 119, 427. See Kneller, Sir G.; Chamber (Establishment).

-, Serjeant Painter. See Highmore, T.; Works (Office of).

Paintings (and See Pictures).
-, Mantegna pieces of, 59, 708.
-, pictures of Wm. and Mary, 668.
-, Queen Anne, picture of, 429.
-, Raphael's Cartoons, 637, 708.
-, Rubens' ceilings in the Banqueting House at Whitehall, 707; and see Hampton Court; Windsor (Private Oratory).

Paite, John, shoemaker to the Robes, 1045, 1046.

Palfrey, George, Lieut. in Major General Churchill's Regiment, 1145.

Pallister, Hugh, Lieutenant in Col. Thomas Saunderson's Regiment of Foot, 1123.

Palmer, Alice, receiving royal bounty money for Ellinor Willoughby, 682.

-, Ann, widow of soldier slain in Ireland, royal bounty to, 483, 606, 695, 702, 781.

-, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland. See Villiers, Barbara.

-, Bartholomew, merchant, San Sebastian wine frauds, 146, 393.

-, Benjamin, Chaplain at St. James, 1007.

-, Charles, royal bounty to, 801.

-, Henry, Solicitor to the Commissioners of Salt Duties, 39, 244, 317, 412.

-, Sir Henry, steward of Wingham manor, co. Kent, 282, 320; petition, 482, 483.

-, Lieut., slain in Ireland, 745; royal bounty to his widow. See Palmer, Ann.

-, Nathaniel, a Commissioner for Land Tax in co. Somerset, 752.

-, Nich[olas], payment to out of Secret Service, 748.

-, Tho., one of Queen Mary's pensioners, 1049.

-, William, Surveyor of Houses and Marriage Duties, co. Suffolk, 260, 293.

Palmes, Guy, a Teller of the Receipt, frauds by R. Presgrave, his clerk, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 45, 47, 127, 274, 289, 405, 740, 741, 747, 748, 754; money lent to by Mr. Medlicott, 466; royal bounty and annuity granted to, 16, 48, 50, 290; his father, 5.

Paltock, Thomas, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1047.

Pamphlets. See Books: Press.

Pankatt, Charles, Lancashire traitor (1701), 336.

-, Richard, Lancashire traitor (1701), 336.

Paper, Duty on paper, vellum and parchment to encourage bringing of plate to the Mint (by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 7 and 1 Anne, c. 7); loans on, 213. monthly receipts and distribution of for account of Deficiencies, 137, 159, 160, 179, 201, 202, 226, 258, 305, 331, 352, 367, 386, 412.

Paper, vellum and parchment stamped, Duty on. See Stamps.

Paper Office. See Whitehall.
-, Keeper of. See. Tucker, J., Raymond, T., Williamson, Sir J., Boswell, Sir W., Lake, Sir T.

Papillon, Philip, cashier to the Earl of Orford as Navy Treasurer and also Cashier of the Victualling, 16, 72, 156, 159, 304, 333, 334, 368; accounts, 61, 483; interest allowance, 14, 732; petition, 461; son of Thomas, 863–4, 911.

-, Thomas, royal bounty to, as addition to his salary as a Commissioner of the Victualling, 579, 642, 670, 673, 736, 783, 808, 842, 863–4, 911; interest paid to for money advanced, 149, 732; forwarding money by bills of exchange to Dover, 569; receiving money for relief of French Protestants, 530; father of Philip Papillon, 911.

Papin, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.

Papists, England: seizing horses of, 596, 662, 708, 1193; Act for (1690), 596.

-, Ireland. See Ireland.

Paravicin (Parravicin), Mrs., conveyance of Navy Office in Crutched Friars, 32.

-, Sir Peter, grant of the Navy Office in Crutched Friars, 196.

Pardaillon, Madlle. de, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1057.

Pardon, general, Act for (2 Wm. & Mary, Sess. 2, c. 10; 6–7 Wm. & Mary, c. 20), 766.

Parker, Sir George, sub-commissioner for Prizes at Portsmouth, 364, 379, 382; brother in law of Edward Baggot, Member of Parliament for co. Stafford, 358.

-, Henry, Serjeant of Chapel Royal, 1006; payment to for the Bishop of London, 750.

-, John, Customs surveyor of Southampton port, 316.

-, -, deputy searcher, Gravesend. 160, 442.

-, -, assignee of army debt at death of Wm. III, 1189.

-, -, Consul at Corunna or at the Groyne, 302, 706, 717, 739, 741, 742, 749, 753, 793, 796, 797.

-, Robert, Lieut. in Col. Seymour's Regiment of Foot, 1130.

-, Thomas, Lord Morley and Monteagle, royal bounty to, 521, 531, 571, 574, 604, 620, 624, 682, 703.

-, William, one of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, debt to at the death of Wm. III, 985.

Parkes (Parks), Edward, stipender in the Royal Household, debt to at the death of Wm. III, 1002.

-, Richard, Quarter Master in Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse, 1111.

Parkhurst, John, collector of arrears of Prizes, 34, 296, 461.

Parkinson, (and See Perkinson), Charles, carpenter to the Works, debt to at the death of Wm. III, 1064.

Parks. See Parkes.

Parks, royal. See Hampton Court; Hyde; New or Richmond; Windsor and see Forests.

Parle, James, Farmer of prizage wine at Exeter, advancing money to Wm. as Prince of Orange, 557.

Parliament, Acts of, fees to Attorney General's clerk on transcribing, 765–6; copies delivered to Irish Trustees, 272; dispersed by Messengers of the Chamber, 541; and see Chamber (messengers).
-, clerk of. See Brown, John; deputies to. See Walker, John; Relfe, John; payments to out of Secret Service, 555.
-, Commons, House of. See Commons.
-, copies of accounts and records made for, 871.
-, elections, Customs officers not to interfere in, 51.
-, franking letters for Members, 164.
-, House, 188, 772.
-, Lords, House of. See Lords.
-, meeting of, 357, 443.
-, the Secretary of the Treasury preparing cash position sheet, and service demands' position sheet before the meeting of, 353.
-, Sessions of, 122, 418, 609.
-, stationery supplied for, 1072.

Parminter, Cornelius, Collector of Padstow port, 388.

Parran, John, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Oxford, 292.

Parravicin. See Paravicin.

Parris, Thomas, Customs Surveyor of Poole port, 435.

Parrott, Ann, cleaning the Office for the Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, 224.

-, William, housekeeper to the Trustees for circulating Exchequer Bills, 224.

Parry, Cha[rles], claim to be Keeper and Guide of the King's Roads, 291.

-, Francis, Excise Commissioner, 227; Mr., to attend Mr. Lowndes, 14.

-, Robt., clerk going as chaplain to the Leeward Islands, 674.

-, Richard, Surveyor of House and Marriage Duties for co. Pembroke and South Wales, 110, 349, 421.

-, William, pioneer in the Train of Artillery in the reduction of Ireland, 1096.

Parsons, Anthony, Auditor of Crown Revenues and Auditor of Wales, 184, 253, 339, 365, 388, 461, 971.

-, Bartholomew, spurrier to the Stables, 1045, 1046.

-, Charles, Marshall in the Hall of the Household, 1000.

-, Edward, wages in the Household, 1007.

-, John, shipmaster, 136.

-, Sir John, a Commissioner of the Victualling, 410.

-, Mary, Wardrobe pension, 1008.

-, Robert, Captain in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1119.

-, William, a Queen's waiter, London port, 230.

Partis (Partiz), Francis, tobacco merchant Newcastle on Tyne, 292; Excise (salt) debt, 192, 196,413; petition, 457.

-, Matthew, tobacco duty debt, 158.

Parvyn, Mar., petition, 442, 455.

Pascall, John, collector of arrears of prizes, 296; petition, 461; Capt. Cross's fine, 34.

Passelaigne, David, Serjeant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.

Passy, Josiah de, arrears of army pension, 1105.

Paston, Thomas, royal bounty to out of Secret Service money, 609.

Pastre, John, Serjeant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1170.

Pastrurel [Pasturel], Lewis, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.

Pastuzel [Pasturel], Ensign in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.

Patent Rolls. See Records.

Patillo, John, Lieut. in the Marquess of Carmarthen's Regiment of Marines, 1140.

Patricks, George, Ensign in Col. Harry Mordaunt's Regiment of Foot, 1135.

Patrickson, Richard, Customs searcher, Carlisle port, 348.

Patronage, appertaining to the Treasury. See Treasury.

Patuxent District (Maryland), 281.

Paul, widow, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1058.

-, Wm., lesSee of prizage and butlerage in England, 294.

Paulett (and See Pawlet), Thomas, tidesman London port, 368.

-, William, gallery keeper at Whitehall,. See Pawlet.

Paulin, Count de, arrears of Army pension, 1109.

-, (Pauling), Robert, Accomptant and Comptroller General of Stamps, 308, 454.

Pauncefoot, Edward, Cashier and deputy to the Earl of Ranelagh as Paymaster of the Forces, presenting memorials to the Treasury for issues to the Forces, 22, 23, 26, 27, 39, 45; exchange for remittances to Holland, 306; advancing money for Gazettes for the Treasury, 744; abstracts of the Londonderry Regiments, 1082.

-, -, Yeoman of the Jewels, 1017.

-, -, a servant (purveyor) to Queen Mary, 1050.

Pavey (Pavy), James, Customs searcher, Ipswich port, 242, 277, 442.

-, -, Receiver of Crown Lands for South Wales, 319.

-, Richard, joiner to the Works, 1064.

-, Thomas, Groom of the Chandry, 993.

Pawle, Robert, boatman at the Pill (Bristol), 361.

Pawlet (and See Paulett), William, Gallery Keeper to Wm. III, 3, 113, 120, 283,427, 1021, 1024; Keeper of the Privy Lodgings at Whitehall, 1064; Keeper of the Privy Chamber, 1039; sewer of the Chamber, 1004; petition, 483.

Pawly, Eliz., petition, 464.

Paxton, John, Customs collector, Looe port, 273.

Payen, Solomon, a Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

Payne, George, royal bounty for coming express from Dublin, 563.

-, Maurice, bricklayer to the Works, 1069.

-, Thomas, Serjeant at Arms, attendance at Hampton Court, 1025.

Paynton, Shreeve, Receiver General of Crown Lands for South Wales and Monmouth, 152, 319.

Payreyra. See Pereira.

Peace, treaty of. See Rijswick.

Peacock, Charles, Customs watchman, London port, 234.

Pearce (Pearse, Pierce and see Piers), Capt. Alex., arrears of army pension, 1106.

-, Elias, shipmaster, 166.

-, John, a junior clerk in the Treasury, 554.

-, Joseph, tidesman, Bristol port, 264.

-, Rowland, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1048.

-, Thomas, robber, 294.

Pearne (Plairne), Henry, Lieut. in Col. Hy. Holt's Regiment of Marines, 1137.

Peckham, Thomas, fine for wool exporting, 405.

Peers, Ed., letter concerning Customs, 482.

Peers (House of). See Lords (House of).

Peirce. See Pearce.

Peisley, William, second Judge of Carnarvon, Anglesea, Merioneth, 259.

Pelham, Henry, Clerk of the Pells in the Receipt of the Exchequer, 193, 269, 334, 365, 1041; legal title to his office, 52.

-, -, a servant of the Household, 1007.

-, John, deputy to Henry Pelham, Clerk of the Pells, 6, 8, 857.

-, Thomas, a Treasury Lord, 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 105, 181, 470, 491, 492, 493, 494, 496, 497, 498, 500, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 932.

Pellat, Lieutenant in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1164.

Pelltiere, Thomas, cabinet maker to the Great Wardrobe, 1035.

Peltier (Petier), Adam, royal bounty to. 801.

Pemberton, Roger, steward of Courts of the Bishop of Peterborough, 496.

Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Thos. and Wm.

Pembroke County:
-, leases of lands in, 274.
-, prisoners in, 538. See Ireland (prisoners).
-, Receiver General of Taxes. See Howells, G.
-, Surveyor of House Duties. See Parry, Richard.

Pembroke (town):
-, Sick and hurt quarters bill, 67, 111, 318.

Pembrooke, John, labourer to the Works, 1064.

Pendergrass [Prendergast], John, Author of the 'Short History of the Convention,' 523; rent of the house in which he was confined, 807.

Pendennis (Cornwall), garrison, fire and candle for, 108.

Pendrell (Pendrill), Ellinor, widow of Humphrey Pendrell, royal bounty or annuity to, 483, 589, 600, 617, 638, 683.

Pengelly, Francis, Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall, 260; petition, 439.

Penman, John, carter to the Works, 1069.

Penn (Pen), James, shipmaster, 132.

-, Solomon, weekly allowance out of Secret Service money, 591, 594, 597, 603.

-, William, Proprietor of Pennsylvania, grant from James II, 189, 424.

Pennant, (forest, co. Carmarthen), 286.

Penneck (or Penneek), Charles, supervisor of tin blowing houses in Cornwall and Devon, 244, 322–3, 348.

Pennet, Abraham, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment, 1179.

Pennington, Thomas, a Queen's waiter London port, 230.

Pennsylvania (America):
-, allowance to a minister and a schoolmaster, 446.
-, counties in, 289.
-, Customs Collector, 289.
-, Deputy Governor under Wm. Penn, 424. See Hamilton, Andrew.
-, Duty of 1d. per lb. on tobacco exports, 289, 446.
-, Governor of. See Fletcher, George.
-, grant of by the Duke of York to William Penn, 189.
-, Lower Counties on the Delaware, 189, 289.
-, minister and schoolmaster in Philadelphia, annuity to out of Plantation Duty, 289.
-, Newcastle county, 289.
-, Penn's rent liability, 189.
-, Prizes Agent in. See Byerley, T.
-, Proprietor of, 424. See Penn, W.
-, ships for, 183.
-, tobacco Duty. See Pennsylvania, (Duty).

Penny, Henry, shipmaster, 126.

-, Thomas, assignment of army pension arrear, 1184.

Pennyman, Thomas, Receiver General of Stamp Duties, 72, 289, 316, 320, 326, 459.

Penryn (Cornwall), tin blowing house, 244, 323.

-, Ambassadors' widows (Marmande), 464.
-, Army, Pensions and Half pay. See Army; Ireland (Army).
-, Civil List debt to at William's death, 944, 948–983, 1058–9, 1078.
-, French or Huguenot. See France (Protestants).
-, Gentlemen Pensioners. See Gentlemen.
-, issues for to the Treasury Solicitor, 14.
-, Lottery pensions. See Lottery (Royal Oak).
-, quarterly pensioners, 459.
-, warrant dormant for, 37.
-, out of the Alienation Office, 240, 241.
-, Plymouth, Countess of.
-, St. Albans, Duke and Duchess of.
-, Army Pensions and See Army (Half Pay); Army (pensions); Army (widows); Chelsea (pensioners); Ireland (Army).
-, Baldock, Hastings.
-, Barford, John.
-, Barrow, Grace.
-, Fachin, William.
-, Farley, Richard
-, Forde, Charles.
-, Hunt, Major le.
-, Lambe, Peter.
-, Legge, William.
-, Thomas, Capt. Hy.
-, out of the Cofferer's Office
-, Godfrey, C.
-, Rochford, Earl of.
-, out of Cornwall Duchy revenues Lostwithiel, minister of.
-, out of the Chamber, payable in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber, 115, 117.
-, Bradford, John, pensionary falconer.
-, Calvert, Hercules, pensionary falconer.
-, Cook, Simon, pensionary Yeoman of the Guard.
-, Preston, John, pensionary falconer.
-, Prettyman, William, pensionary falconer.
-, Smith, James, pensionary falconer.
-, Dover, William, pensionary waterman.
-, Enfield, James, pensionary waterman.
-, Hart, True., pensionary waterman.
-, Humphries, John, pensionary waterman.
-, Lucas, James, pensionary waterman.
-, Maunder, Richard, pensionary waterman.
-, Randall, Richard, pensionary waterman.
-, Smith, Mark, pensionary waterman.
-, Smith, Thomas, pensionary Yeoman of the Guard.
-, Springall, Thomas, pensionary waterman.
-, Stedwell, John, pensionary waterman.
-, Terry, Thomas, pensionary waterman.
-, Vanbrugh, William.
-, Winterton, Jacob, pensionary waterman.
-, out of Crown Lands (apart from County charges and Rents Resolute), 242.
-, St. Albans, Duke and Duchess of.
-, out of the Excise, 179, 241, 946.
-, Anne, Princess (Queen Anne).
-, Catharina of Braganza, Queen Dowager.
-, Cleveland, Duchess of.
-, George, Prince of Denmark.
-, Grafton, Duke of.
-, Hatton, Lord.
-, Howard, Henrietta Maria.
-, Howard, Thomas.
-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-, Ranelagh, Earl of.
-, Richmond, Duchess
-, Dowager of.
-, paid out of the Exchequer (actually or nominally subject to Treasury control), 133.
-, Auverquerque, Henry de Nassau, Seigneur de.
-, Baker, Ann.
-, Bertie, Robert (for Mrs. Cocks).
-, Berwick bridge.
-, Binns, Col.
-, Binns, Anne.
-, Binns, Richard.
-, Blencowe, William.
-, Bray, Lodowick.
-, Browning, John.
-, Buccleuch, Duchess of.
-, Buckingham, Duchess of.
-, Bunce, Williamina.
-, Burton, Judith.
-, Cambridge University.
-, Catharina of Braganza, Queen Dowager.
-, Carmarthen, Marquis of.
-, Castlehaven, Earl of.
-, Christ's Hospital.
-, Cleveland, Duchess of.
-, Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness.
-, Cocks, Mrs.
-, Common Pleas, officers.
-, Cotton, Anthony.
-, Cotton, Sir Jo.
-, Culpeper, Lord.
-, Dartmouth, Earl of.
-, Dockwra, W.
-, Draghi, J. B.
-, Dubourdieu, John.
-, Dwyre, John.
-, Ellesdon, Ann.
-, Ellesdon, Anthony.
-, Ellesdon, Charles.
-, Ellesdon, Joan.
-, Ellesdon, Mary.
-, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
-, Eton College.
-, Fairborn, Lady Margery.
-, Fairfax, Lord.
-, Fairfax, Col. Charles, heirs of.
-, Falkland, Viscount.
-, Fanshaw, Lady Elizabeth.
-, Fanshaw, William.
-, Fielding, George.
-, Fisher, Jane, Lady.
-, Fitzharris, Ann.
-, FitzRoy, Charles.
-, FitzRoy, George.
-, FitzRoy, Henry.
-, FitzRoy, Isabella.
-, Frescheville, Lord and Lady.
-, Galway, Earl of.
-, Gastigny, James.
-, George, Prince of Denmark.
-, Gibbons, Dr. Nicholas.
-, Gifford, Col. Charles.
-, Goulding, Ann.
-, Grafton, Duchess of.
-, Grafton, Duke of.
-, Granville, Bernard.
-, Granville, John, Earl of Bath.
-, Hamilton, Dame Elizabeth.
-, Hampton church.
-, Hampton town churchwardens.
-, Harrell, Dr. Christian.
-, Hastings, Col.
-, Hext, Amias.
-, Hide, Elizabeth.
-, Hide, Thomas.
-, Holder, G.
-, Howard, Lady Mary.
-, Howard, Col. Philip.
-, Hyde, Elizabeth.
-, Hyde, Thomas.
-, Ironmonger, Mrs.
-, Killigrew, Sir Robert.
-, Killigrew, William.
-, Kinnoull, Earl of.
-, Lancashire (Queen's preachers).
-, Lane, Thomas.
-, Lawson, Ann.
-, Leeds, Duke of.
-, Lenthall, Dame Elizabeth.
-, Levett, William.
-, Lichfield Vicars.
-, Lichfield, Earl of.
-, Lincoln, Earl of.
-, London, St. Botolph's
-, " St. John Baptist.
-, " St. Magnus.
-, " St. Martin's in the Fields.
-, " St. Michael, Cornhill.
-, Long, Sir Robert.
-, Lunsford, Dame M.
-, Lyme Regis.
-, Man, Isle of (poor ministers).
-, Mansell, Frances.
-, Marshall, Benjamin.
-, Monmouth, Duchess of.
-, Norfolk, Duke of.
-, Oates, Dr. Titus.
-, Osborne, Viscount.
-, Oxford University.
-, Oxford, bishop of.
-, Palmes, Guy.
-, Portland, Countess of.
-, Price, Dame Dorothea (Godothea).
-, Progers, E.
-, Pulteney, Thomas.
-, Raleigh, W.
-, Rawson, Ann.
-, Reynolds, Francis
-, Richbell, Ann.
-, Rochester, Earl of.
-, Rogers, Ann.
-, Rogers, John.
-, Rotier, J.
-, Russell, Edward
-, Russell, Francis.
-, St. Albans, Duke of.
-, St. George, Lady.
-, Savoy (French ministers).
-, Schomberg, Duke of.
-, Southampton, Duke of.
-, Southwell School.
-, Stewart, Frances.
-, Strickland, Barbara, alias Lady Dalton.
-, Sturton, Judith.
-, Sussex, Earl of.
-, Tattersall, Nicholas.
-, Tonk, Ann.
-, Tower, Vicar of.
-, Vaudois ministers.
-, Walker, Hester.
-, Wallis, Dr. J.
-, Warrington, Earl of.
-, Westminster, almspeople in St. Stephens and in Lady alley.
-, Westminster (Charles I. Hospital).
-, —, St. James's.
-, —, St. Margarets.
-, —, Housekeeper.
-, Whitgrave, Thomas.
-, Whittle, John.
-, Windsor, New, poor of.
-, Wyndham, Dame Ann.
-, Wyndham, Frances.
-, —, Sir Francis.
-, —, Rachell.
-, Yates (Yeates), Frances.
-, —, Nicholas, heirs of.
-, —, Richard.
-, —, Ruth.
-, out of First Fruits and Tenths, 240, 241, 286.
-, Booth, George.
-, Clancarty, Countess.
-, Hamilton, Elizabeth.
-, —, James.
-, Henley, Anthony.
-, May, Sir Algernon.
-, Morland, Sir Samuel.
-, Oxford, Earl and Countess.
-, Petyt, William.
-, Plymouth, Countess of.
-, St. Albans, Duke and Duchess of.
-, Toll, Abraham.
-, out of the Four and a Half per cent Duty
-, Dupplin, Viscount.
-, Kinnoull, Earl of.
-, Lottery Pensions (charged on the rent of the Royal Oak Lottery, being 21 in number as on p. 422 of Vol. XVI), 44, 69, 148, 247, 259, 290, 304, 312, 480, 745.
-, Cotton, Catherine.
-, Fanshaw, William.
-, Foubert, Major Hy.
-, Gray, James.
-, Howard, Col. P.
-, Killigrew, Charlotte.
-, Killigrew, Henry.
-, Leighton, Susanna.
-, Needham, Ellinor, alias South.
-, Ogar, Col. E.
-, Vaughan, Col.
-, Watkinson, Capt.
-, Navy pensioner. See Navy (Chatham Chest).
-, Franklyn, T.
-, out of James II's Privy Purse:
-, Lunsford, Dame M.
-, Russell, Edward.
-, Russell, Francis.
-, Mary's or the Queen's list of pensions to her servants etc. (continued after her death by Wm. III and by Queen Anne, styled Mr. Nicholas's List, and paid practically out of the Privy Purse), 10, 59, 68, 78, 133–4, 406, 454, 475, 478, 481.
-, Abell, Francis.
-, Acere, Mrs.
-, Allonne, Abel Tassin d'.
-, Antwine, Alice.
-, Archer, Simon.
-, Ashton, Mary.
-, Astrey, Robert.
-, Auverquere, Mr.
-, Banister, Mrs.
-, Barker, Margaret.
-, Barnes, Bernardine.
-, Barr, Madame de la.
-, Barrow, Frances.
-, Barry, Susannah.
-, Beatrix, "old Beatrix."
-, Bee, Mr., for three ladies at Twittenham.
-, Belford, Henriette.
-, Benson, Susannah.
-, Bertie, Philip.
-, Bertheau, Monsieur.
-, Bolton, Duke of.
-, Booth, Benjamin.
-, Bophin, Lord, sons of.
-, Bourcour, Gabriel.
-, Bowes, Robert.
-, Bradley, Richard.
-, Brasseley, Monsieur, children of.
-, Brewner, Heyman.
-, Bridgman, Sarah.
-, Brockhuisen, John.
-, Brock, Rowland.
-, Browne, Sarah.
-, Bulstrode, Henry.
-, Burges, Margaret.
-, Burgh, Lady Dorothy.
-, Cason, Dorothy.
-, Casson, Anthony.
-, Catchlove, John.
-, Cawthorne, Richard.
-, Chamberlain, Tho.
-, Chardin, Sir John.
-, Clarke, Edward.
-, Clarke, Elizabeth.
-, Clarke, Mary.
-, Clarke, Matthew.
-, Clarke, Robert.
-, Clarke, Samuel.
-, Conway, John.
-, Cotton, Benjamin.
-, Cowlyn, Richard.
-, Crevemore, Jaques.
-, Crossit (Croisitt), Monsieur de la.
-, Cunningham, Magdalen, widow Cunningham.
-, Dagley, Anthony.
-, Dartiquenave, Mrs.
-, David [? Child, David].
-, David, Mr.
-, Dives, Kathrine.
-, Donovant, Ann.
-, Douglas, Simon.
-, Douglas, Lady and her daughter.
-, Doyly, alias Walter, Mary.
-, Duke, Elizabeth.
-, Dutch church in London.
-, Duncan, Mrs. Claude.
-, Duncan, Claude.
-, Elphinston, Charles.
-, Elphinstone, Lady.
-, Eyre, Charles Nicholas.
-, Fairborn, Lady Marjory.
-, Fawne, Oswald.
-, Fountain, Mr. La.
-, Frankland, William.
-, Franklyn, Ann.
-, French church in London.
-, French officers' widows.
-, French refugees.
-, French Gentlewomen at the Hague, Society of.
-, Gaffarelli, Mr.
-, Gardive, Hen.
-, Gates, Bernard.
-, Gates, Mriss. Mary.
-, Genuini, Gregory.
-, Gilbert, Mr., house rent.
-, Godeau de la Roche, Jaqueline.
-, Godfrey, Edward, for Lord Bophin's sons.
-, Goleston, Charles.
-, Grafant, Isaac.
-, Green, Thomas.
-, Greeting, Joyce.
-, Gurney (Gourney), Anne.
-, Hague, English church at.
-, Hague, Society of French Gentlewomen at.
-, Hamilton, Lady.
-, Haremmer, Sarija.
-, Harlackenden, Katherine.
-, Harman, Mr., his children.
-, Harrel, Christian.
-, Harris, David, and his child.
-, Harris, Margaret.
-, Hartman, Mr., son of.
-, Haughton, Tabitha.
-, Haughton, Mrs., son of.
-, Haywood, Mrs.
-, Herbert, Tho.
-, Heron, Edward.
-, Hilsley, Joanna.
-, Holder, George.
-, Hospitall, Monsieur and Madame de.
-, Hounslerdijke, Geertie.
-, Howard, David.
-, Howe, Robert.
-, Ireland, Dorothy.
-, Ireland, Frances.
-, James, William.
-, Jersey, Earl of.
-, Johnson, Mary.
-, Joye, Jacob.
-, Justell, Madame.
-, Keightley (Kinghtley), Katherine.
-, Kemp, Abraham.
-, Kemp, William.
-, Kensington, poor of.
-, Keydall, John.
-, Keysers, Mrs.
-, Killigrew, Henry.
-, Kirke, Hamlet.
-, Languereque, Mile. de.
-, Lany, Edward.
-, Largere, Henriette de.
-, L'Assence, Mrs.
-, Lauze, John.
-, Lee, Mary.
-, Lennep, Eliz.
-, L'Vessur.
-, Lewine, Peter Van.
-, Lewine, Thomas.
-, Lisle, Monsieur and Madame de.
-, Lister, Thomas.
-, Littlehales, Richard.
-, Lloyd, Edward.
-, Lockhart, Martha.
-, Loots, Peter.
-, Lord, Elizabeth.
-, Lovigney, Monsieur, for the French officers' widows.
-, McCracken, Elizabeth.
-, Macdonnell, Elizabeth.
-, Mackenzie, Frances.
-, Manning, Hannah.
-, Maranies, Mesdames de.
-, Marot, Daniel.
-, Marriott, Ann.
-, Marriott, Mary.
-, Marshall, Henry.
-, May, Charles.
-, Miller, Richard, for Brasseley's children.
-, Miller, Sarah.
-, Millet, Tho.
-, Montgomery, Madame de.
-, Montigny, John Remy de.
-, Mordaunt, Henry.
-, Mordington, Lady.
-, Moreau, Daniell.
-, Muce, Henriette de la.
-, Muce, Olivier de la.
-, Nanny, Mrs.
-, Neville, Mary.
-, Neville, Mr., house rent.
-, Neville, Sophia.
-, Nevilt, Monsieur.
-, New England ministers.
-, Offenbach, School of.
-, Okeover, Sarah.
-, Oldys (Olds), William.
-, Osborne, Sir John.
-, Palmer, Thomas.
-, Paltock, Thomas.
-, Pardaillon, Mademoiselle de.
-, Paul, widow.
-, Pauncefort, Edward.
-, Peirce, Rowland.
-, Periget, Elizabeth.
-, Perry, Thomas.
-, Plunkett, Frances.
-, Poulce, Daniel.
-, Prestwich, Lady.
-, Raleigh, Walter.
-, Ramsey, Benjamin.
-, Rennevelle, Madame de.
-, Richbell, Ann.
-, Riviers, Anthony.
-, Roche, Frances.
-, Roche, Jacqueline.
-, Roleston, Deborah.
-, Ronch, [? Ronchi], Christopher.
-, Ronsell, Monsieur.
-, Rooksby, Lady.
-, Ross, Eleanor.
-, Ross, Sarah.
-, Russell, Dame Frances.
-, Russell, Katherine.
-, St. Hellen, widow.
-, Sayers, George.
-, Scouten, Mary.
-, Seigler, Katherine.
-, Seigler, Ursula.
-, Sherman, Mr.
-, Smallbone, James.
-, Smith, John.
-, Smith, Thomas.
-, Snellart, Leonard.
-, Society of French Gentlewomen at the Hague.
-, Sparrow, Mr., daughter of.
-, Stanley, Dorothea.
-, Stanley, Helena.
-, Stanley, Sir John.
-, Stanley, Dr. William.
-, Stephens, Margaret.
-, Steward, Richard.
-, Stirum, Mesdames de.
-, Torway, Dorothy.
-, Touche, Peter de la.
-, Tranter, John.
-, Trumbull, Sir William.
-, Twittenham, three ladies at.
-, Turkish women, the.
-, Vandalen, Lambert.
-, Vansull, Herman.
-, Vansull, John.
-, Vassur, Monsieur de.
-, Venneville, Madame de.
-, Verboone, Mrs.
-, Verkuylen, Joost.
-, Villenave, Monsieur de.
-, Vickers, John.
-, Vinck, Jacob.
-, Vittenvalle, Mlle de.
-, Warcup, Mrs.
-, Watson, George.
-, Wheeley, widow.
-, White, Elizabeth.
-, Whitzhuysen, Matchen.
-, Wilkins, Barbara.
-, Willens, John.
-, Wolf, Lieutenant, widow of.
-, Wood, Margaret.
-, Worthington, William.
-, Worsop, Elizabeth.
-, Wostein, Jacob van.
-, Yates, Ruth.
-, Young, Anthony de.
-, out of the Mint
-, Rotiers, J.
-, out of the Plantation Duty in America (one penny per lb. on tobacco exports without shipping bond as by 25 Car. II, c. 7).
-, Philadelphia, Protestant minister in English Church.
-, Philadelphia, Schoolmaster.
-, out of the Post Office, 179, 217, 229, 240, 241, 285, 290, 303, 340, 399, 406, 946, 1060.
-, Allebone, Sir Richard.
-, Bath, Earl of.
-, Brockett, W.
-, Cleveland, Duchess of.
-, Corker, James.
-, Denmark, Princess Ann of.
-, Denmark, Prince George of.
-, Graham, Richard.
-, Manley, Isaac.
-, Johnson, S.
-, Marlborough, Duke of.
-, Morland, Sir Samuel.
-, Oates, Dr. Titus.
-, Osborne, Charles.
-, Palmes, Guy.
-, Pool, J. Vander.
-, Rochester, Earl of.
-, Rochford, Earl of.
-, Schomberg, Duke of.
-, Wright, Nathaniel.
-, out of the Prizage and Butlerage (England).
-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-, out of Secret Service (more immediately under the King's discretion and more casual, but frequently supplementing Exchequer pensions and sometimes styled Royal Bounty).
-, Andrews, Thomas.
-, Archer, Simon.
-, Arguliers, Marquis de.
-, Arnold, Elizabeth.
-, Atkinson, Elizabeth.
-, Atkinson, Mary.
-, Atwood, Mrs.
-, Austin, Mary.
-, Baggot, Alice.
-, Baker, Ann.
-, Banister, Mrs.
-, Baucombe, William.
-, Bellasis, Theodore.
-, Bernard, Elizabeth.
-, Booth, Benjamin.
-, Brincknell, Mary.
-, Browning, John.
-, Buck, Katherine.
-, Calvert, John.
-, Cary, Ann.
-, Clausen, Ellinor.
-, Coay, Katherine.
-, Crisp, Laud.
-, Dawson, Hester.
-, Devenish, Katherine.
-, Draghi, John Baptista.
-, Drewry, Richard.
-, Dwyer, John.
-, Edmonds, John.
-, Ellesdon, Ann.
-, Ellesdon, Anthony.
-, Ellesdon, Charles.
-, Ellesdon, Joan.
-, Ellesdon, Mary.
-, Edmonds, John.
-, Elliot, Alice.
-, Emerson, Joseph.
-, Estoll, Nicholas.
-, Foxen, Susanna.
-, Gerrard, John.
-, Green, Thomas.
-, Goulding, Anne
-, Gummins, Thomas.
-, Hamilton, Lady Elizabeth.
-, Harris, Elizabeth.
-, Holdesley, Katherine.
-, Howard, Lady Mary.
-, Howard, Col. Philip.
-, Irwin, William
-, Leeds, Duke of.
-, Marshall, Sarah.
-, Nead, Joan.
-, Needham, Eleanor.
-, Needham, Nicholas.
-, Newcomen, Jane.
-, Newcomen, Dame Sarah.
-, Oates, Dr. Titus.
-, Olivier, Elizabeth.
-, Ormonde, Duke of.
-, Pack, Samuel.
-, Palmes, Guy.
-, Quinn, Henry.
-, Reid, Capt. James.
-, Richards, Elizabeth.
-, Saintloe, Mary.
-, Shelley, Mary.
-, Simons, Mary.
-, Thomas, Magdalen.
-, Tottersall, Elizabeth.
-, Vignau, Bernard de.
-, Walter, Henry.
-, Wanley, Dorothy.
-, Watkins, Mary.
-, Watson, Mary.
-, Wright, Sarah.
-, Wroughton, Teresa.
-, Wyndham, Frances.
-, Wyndham, Sir Francis.
-, Wyndham, Rachel.
-, out of the Stables, 1013.
-, Ashley, Robert.
-, Atkinson, Mary.
-, Baldwin, Henry.
-, Baldwin, John.
-, Bishop, George.
-, Burden, George.
-, Cockaine, Andrew.
-, Colvert, John.
-, Corbet, Simon.
-, Courie, Jane.
-, Dixon, Robert.
-, Drapier, William.
-, Eagle, William.
-, Elkins, Edward.
-, Ewen, Robert.
-, Franklyn, Robert.
-, Haughtagan, James.
-, Hayden, William
-, Johnson, William.
-, Kidwell, Nevil.
-, Lampen, George.
-, Latton, John, junr.
-, Maddocks, William.
-, Masters, Isaac.
-, Moss, Ann.
-, Rice, John.
-, Sheppard, Stephen.
-, Simpson, Christopher.
-, Smallpeice, William.
-, Staverton, Thomas.
-, Taylor, Thomas.
-, Walthrope, James.
-, Wellback, Richard.
-, Young, Letitia.
-, out of the Wardrobe, 1008.
-, Bishop, Elizabeth.
-, Blandford, Margaret.
-, Brock, Mary.
-, Cabell, Ann.
-, Cartwright, Ann.
-, Colles, John.
-, Coote, Windebank.
-, Cordel, Ann.
-, Cordel, Elizabeth.
-, Cordel, Richard.
-, Deering, Helena.
-, Dyke, Ann.
-, Eden, Ann.
-, Foorth. Thomas.
-, Fowler, Elizabeth.
-, Fox, John.
-, Fox, Sir Stephen.
-, Fuljohn, Elizabeth.
-, Fuljohn, Mary.
-, Fuljohn, William.
-, Gretton, Grace.
-, Latton, Ann.
-, L'Orange, Pierre.
-, Marshall, Sarah.
-, Murray, Elizabeth.
-, Owen, Frances.
-, Parsons, Mary.
-, Rawkins, Mary.
-, Rogers, Elizabeth.
-, Scobell, Edward.
-, Scoffeild, Edmond.
-, Smith, Mary.
-, Stephens, John.
-, Walker, Dorothy.
-, Watson, Daniel.
-, Windebank, Coote.

Penzance (Cornwall), port and officers, 140, 264; silk frauds, 321.

Pepper imports, 140.

Percivall, George, son of Thomas, carrying Acts of Parliment to Scotland, 778.

-, John, Governor of Hospitals in Ireland, 1182.

-, Thomas, royal bounty to, 774; father of George, 778.

Pereira (Payreyra), Isaac, proposal for bread waggons for the Troops in Holland, anno 1702, 13.

-, [Jacob], contractor for bread for the Army in Ireland, 494, 509, 510, 688; Jacob, contractor in 1695 for forage in Flanders, 1152, 1153, 1157, 1159, 1160.

Perfedd, manor, co. Cardigan, 343.

Periam (Perriam), John, steward of Milverton manor, co. Somerset, 309, 339, 483.

Periget, Mrs. Elizabeth, servant and pensioner of Queen Mary, 1056.

Perkins, Charles, receiving royal bounty money for Wm. Disney, 710.

-, John, Lieut. in Col. Lloyd's Regiment of Dragoons, 1143.

-, Matthew, clerk of the Wood Yard of the Royal Household, 999.

-, William, Sergeant of the Cellar, Gentleman of the Wine Cellar in the Royal Household, 991, 1028.

Perkinson (and see Parkinson), Thomas, one of the King's Musicians, 1016.

Peronne, Capt. du, work in the Mews at Charing Cross, 1067.

Perriam. See Periam.

Perrinet, Gaspard, Marquis d' Arsellières (D'Arziliers), payment to for special services for the Forces, 1188.

Perron, James du, Sergeant of the Carriages for the royal Household, 1009.

Perrott, Elizabeth, widow, petition, 139.

-, Caleb, son of Elizabeth, 139.

Perry, John, Arras Worker to the Great Wardrobe, 1036.

-, -, Quarter Master in Col. Hy. Holt's Regiment of Marines, 1137.

-, Marvin, Chaplain to Lord Portmore's Regiment, 1148.

-, Thomas, Groom of the Privy Chamber, 1039; servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1048.

Perryman, James, shipmaster, 182.

Pershouse, Peter, Sergeant at Arms attending the House of Lords, 262, 455.

Persia, bells exported to for Armenian churches there, 219.

-, stuffs of prohibited, 1; ship going to [Prussia, sic for Persia], 167.

Peru, balsam of, 416.

Peter, Charles, Chyrurgeon to the Household, 1024, 1027.

Peterborough, bishopric, steward of Courts, sede vacante, 496.

-, Earl of. See Mordaunt, Charles.

Peterman, Roth or Rose, a Queen's waiter, London port, 230.

Peters, John, clerk in the office of one of the Tellers in the Exchequer, petition for grant of lands in consideration of losses in the Exchequer on the recoinage of money, 43, 321, 439, 446, 450, 483; royal bounty to for the use of Mrs. Knight, 727, 734, 741, 747, 749, 754, 755, 761, 765, 769, 775, 780, 786, 791, 796, 811, 817, 825, 831.

-, -, tidesman London, 333.

-, Robert, Receiver General of Land Tax, Houses and Marriage Duties for co. Herts., 199, 292, 328, 383, 394.

Petibose. See Petit Bose.

Petier (see Peltier), Adam, royal bounty to, 822.

Petit, Col., arrears of army pension, 1104.

-, John, royal bounty to, 684.

-, Lieutenant in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

-, Monsieur le, engineer in Ireland, debt to, 1186.

-, Matthew, a Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

-, William, of the Inner Temple, Keeper of the Records in the Tower, petition, 441, 442; annuity out of for First Fruits, 286, 318.

Petit Bose, Daniel du, petition, 483 (Petibose:) officer in La Melonière's Regiment, 455.

Peto, Edward, fencing Fangrove coppice etc. in Chertsey, 823.

Petry, Major John, in Col. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, 288, 1109.

Petterson, Olle, shipmaster, 212.

Petty, George, Surveyor of Petty Customs and Subsidies, London port, 243, 262.

Petty Bag, clerk of, 336.

Petty man, William, Captain in Col. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, 1109.

-, -, pensionary falconer, 1017.

Pezrotat de, Capt. in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1161.

Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), minister and schoolmaster, annuity for, 289.

Philbert. See St. Philbert.

Philipolis, Neofitos, Archbishop of, royal present to, 14, 937.

Philips, Adolphus, surety of Andrew Hamilton, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, 424.

-, George, Col., reward for bringing an address from Londonderry, 543, 563, 621; Esq., royal bounty to, 588.

-, -, Cornet in Col. Leigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1112.

-, -, petition referred to the Attorney General, 460.

-, -, commander of the merchant ship Eaton frigate, 276.

-, Henry, Lieut. in the Marquis of Carmarthen's Regiment of Marines, 1140.

-, Hugh, Lieut. in Brig. Selwyn's Regiment, 1144.

-, James, going as schoolmaster to New York, 622.

-, John, Captain in Col. Thomas Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1136.

-, -, daily waiter in the Hall of the Royal Household, 1000.

-, -, Auditor of Crown Land Revenue, 971.

-, -, mercer to the Robes, 1045.

-, Phabeon, Quarter Master in Col. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, 1110.

-, (Phelips, Phelip), Col. Robert, royal bounty to, out of Secret Service money, 526, 582, 617, 631, 642, 662, 663, 681, 689, 693, 699, 705, 709, 717 (not Captain), 729, 737.

-, Lieut. Robert, contingency expenses in Ireland, 533.

-, Thomas, Lancashire traitor (1701), 336.

Phillippe, Ensign in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.

Philipson, Francis, making up the accounts of the Post Office, 316.

Philpott, Charles, tidesman London port, 112.

-, Tobias, watchman London port, 292.

Phipps, Nicholas, Closet Keeper, Chapel Royal, 1007.

Phips, [Constantino], Counsel, 84.

Physicians, College of, account of medicines for the Forces, 297, 461; Censor of, 413.

-, to the King and Queen. See Anne; William.

Piccard, Pierre, Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

Pickays, Agmondisham, royal bounty to, 523, 545, 564, 592, 634; daughter to see Ironmonger, Katherine.

Pickering, Gilbert, Lieutenant in Col. Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1122.

-, John, surety of John Mason [Receiver General of Taxes for co. Cambridge], 6.

Pickup, Cha., petition, 483.

Pictures, King's (and see Printers), Keeper of Pictures, drawings, rarities, antiquities, Sonnius, Fred, 119, 283, 427.

-, -, repairing and mending, 623, 707. See Walton, Parry; Walton, Peter.

-, -, pictures, individual. See Paintings.

Pidgeon, Robert, receiving money for the Mayor of Chester for prisoners, 527.

Pierce. See Pearce.

Pierre, Francis la, estate bequeathed to alien enemies, 790, 794, 802.

-, Jean, Dragoon to the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Dragoons, 1179.

Piers (and see Pearce), Sir George, clerk of the Signet and Privy Seal, 1004.

-, Thomas, Lieutenant in Col. Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1121.

Piffard, Lieutenant in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Pigg, Richard, servant of the Hall in the Royal Household, 1015.

-, -, trunk maker to the Great Wardrobe, 1035.

Piggot, Samuel, Chaplain to the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1121.

-, Walter, Captain, in Col. William Northcote's Regiment of Foot, 1128.

Pike, Henry, purser of the Dover, fine for smuggling, 290; petition, 446.

-, Robert, Lieut. in Col. Farrington's Regiment of Foot, 1127.

Pilchard, Mr., Founder and Gilder to the Stables, 1070.

Pilcher, Roger (Robert), fine for transporting wool, 43, 290, 450 (Robert).

-, -, reward for apprehending Sir Robert Blair, 526.

Pile, Geo., bricklayer to the Works, 1172.

Pilsworth (Pilesworth), Edward, debt in the Excise office for Coffee Duty, 41, 265.

Pilham (co. Lincoln), 266.

Pilkington, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, royal bounty to for the poor of London, 608.

Pill, the (Bristol port), 361.

Pillerton Hersey ("Pillardington" co. Warwick), 267.

Pinchinat, John, Serjeant in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Pinfold, Sir Thomas, decd., Advocate General, 970.

Pinke, John, painter, bills for painting work; for the Works, 1066; for mourning for James II, 1070; for Lord Lovelace's Regiment, 1176.

Pinkney, Charles, Chaplain to Col. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, 1110.

-, Elizabeth, royal bounty to, 921.

Pinnock, Richard, Lieutenant in Col. Thomas Saunderson's Regiment of Foot, 1123.

Pippin, John, Ensign in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1120.

Pirates. See Barbary (redemption); East Indies; Kidd, Capt.; Maryland.

Pistill (co. Radnor), concealed estate, lease of, 333, 482.

Pistoles, 721, 770, 781, 792, 806.

Pitt., Capt. of Lord Lovelace's Regiment, 1175.

-, John, Captain of the Company of Miners, 1142.

-, Joseph, apothecary to the person to Queen Anne, 427.

Pittman, Samuel, Captain in Col. Farrington's Regiment of Foot, 1126.

Plairne, Henry, Lieut. in Col. Holt's Regiment. See Pearne.

Plantamour, Philip, remaining at Berlin as charge d'affaires, 314, 324.

Plantat, Chaplain to Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1162.

Plantations in America (Barbados, Bermudas, Caribbee, Jamaica, Leeward, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Providence, New York, Virginia), 223, 256, 280, 281.
-, accounts of revenue and Duties, 222, 280–1, 335, 435, 482; quarterly returns of, 222–3.
-, Auditor-General. See Blathwayte, W.; Deputy to. See Spofforth, S.; Instructions to, 207–8; Blathwayte's patent, 201.
-, Bibles for, 56.
-, chaplains and schoolmasters going to, 137, 446, 447, 448, 526; and see each Plantation separately.
-, Commissioners for. See Trade.
-, Duty (of a penny per lb. of tobacco shipped without bond to go to England as by 25 Car. II, c. 7), 289, 349, 446; annuity paid out. See Philadelphia (minister and schoolmaster); receipts from accounted for in Customs Cashier's account. See Customs.
-, Governors going to, question of allowance for transport to, 23, 25, 136, 187.
-, Office of Trade and Plantations. See Trade.
-, ordnance and stores for, 51, 136.
-, postal rates to, 381, 406.
-, seals for, 446.
-, sloops for, 91, 384 and see Dummer, S.
-, trade in, questions relating to, 249.

Planteau, Ensign, in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

-, Lieutenant in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.

Plate [from Barbados], 493.
-, or bullion, export of. See coin.
-, for the Jewel Office. See Jewel House.
-, for the Mint. See Mint.
-, deliveries to Ambassadors and Officials and demands for return of. See Jewel House.
-, for ambassadors' chapels. See Ambassadors (chapel).
-, gifts of. See royal (presents), Jewel (House).

Platen, Count Ernest Augustus Von, Envoy for Elector and Electress of Hanover, 429.

Plates for printing. See accounts (Army debentures); Exchequer (Bills).

Platt, John, Yeoman of the Leash, 1022, 1044.

Play, acted before the King, 867; "Both" Companies, 867.

Play House in Drury Lane, 867; King's box in, 867.

Pleas, clerk of. See Exchequer (Court).

Plemper, Simon, gunner in the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1178.

Plesy, Lewis du, Quarter Master in Col. Henry Mordaunt's Regiment of Foot, 1135.

Ploen, Duchess of, payment to, 72.

Plomber, Tho. See Plomer.

Plomer (Plomber), Thomas, fringemaker to the Wardrobe, goods for Wm. III at Windsor etc., 313, 483.

Plomley, Joseph, tidesman in Bristol port, 361.

Plott, Thomas, Deputy and Commissioner in the Alienations Office, 24, 193, 302.

-, Thos., examiner of Customs Officers Securities, 194; Plantation receipt, 194.

Plowman, Matthew, collector and Receiver of Revenues in New York, 312.

Plume, Thomas, Doctor in Divinity, vicar of East Greenwich, tithes for Greenwich Park, 532, 551, 599 (not Plumer), 642, 672, 743, 764, 785, 812, 839.

Plumeridge, Mr., brickmaker to the Works, 1069.

Plunkett, Frances, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1050.

-, James, Captain in Col. Thos. Brudenel's Regiment of Foot, 1135.

-, Plunket, alias Stawell, claim for stores delivered to the Artillery Train in Ireland (in 1690), 1192.

Plymouth, Countess of. See Fitz-Charles, Bridget.

-, Countess Dowager of. See Hickman-Windsor, Ursula.

Plymouth (Devon), Garrison of, and fire and candle for. See Army (Garrisons).
-, port and officers of, 72, 160–1, 204, 207, 211, 233, 242, 257, 264, 326, 329, 372, 441, 451, 470.
-, prizes brought in to, 334, 366; storekeeper of, 300; subcommissioners for Prizes, 47, 260, 297. See Manley, J., Mountstephen, J.
-, Sick and Hurt quarters, 67, 111, 318.
-, Town Major, 1190.

Plympton (Devon), tin blowing house, 244, 322.

Pocklington, John, Second Justice of Chester, Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, 201.

Pocock, Rich., petition for custody of an idiot, 478.

Poel (Pool and see Puel), Jacob Vander, Postmaster and Agent at the Brill in the Netherlands for the Postmaster General of England, 303, 448, 469.

Poet Laureate. See Tate, Nahum.

Poictevin, —, forfeited recognizance of, 3.

Pointelle, La, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.

Poland, ambassador from. See Ambassadors.

Poley, Edmund, Envoy Extraordinary at Turin to the Duke of Savoy, 709.

-, Robert, a Commissioner of Stamps, 238.

Polgarth (Cornwall), tin blowing house, 244, 323.

Pollexfen, John, a Commissioner of Trade, 137, 380, 400, 970.

Polstead, Ezekiel, General Surveyor of Houses and Marriages Duties, 350; surveyor of same for co. Yorks., 421.

Polton. See Poulton.

Pomar, Serjeant in Major General La Melonière's Regiment of Foot, 1163.

Pommeau, Lieutenant in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Pond keeper. See St. James's Park.

Ponder, Nathaniel, supplying stationery to the Committee for Trade and Plantations, 761.

Pontado quilt for the Removing Wardrobe, 140.

Pontefract, St. Ross Chantry (co. Yorks), 267.

Pontereau, Captain in Major General Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1167.

Pontuis, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1162.

Pool, Jacob Vander. See Poel.

Poole (Pool), Francis, falconer to the Queen, 282, 1016.

-, Humphrey, Quarter Master in Lord Windsor's Regiment of Horse, 288, 1111.

-, Nicholas, falconer to the Queen, 282, 1016.

-, William, Serjeant of the Larder in the Household, 996.

Poole port (Dorset):
-, port and officers, 132, 182, 301, 382, 386, 389, 435, 450; and see Congreve, Wm.,
-, Receiver General of Taxes for. See Dorset (Receiver General).

Pooley, John, bishop of Raphoe [1702–13], 98.

Poor Knights of Windsor. See Windsor.

Poore, Edmd., royal bounty to, 653.

Pope, Daniell, endorser of an Exchequer Bill, 185.

-, Roger, Equerry of the Stables, 1009.

Popish prisoners of war from Ireland, 527; and see Ireland (prisoners).

Popple, William, Secretary to the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 137, 190, 380, 401, 971.

Port Royal (Jamaica), 109.

Port St. Mary (Spain), prizes or goods plundered at, 93, 366, 370, 377, 394, 400, 403, 413, 415, 431 (and see Prizes).

Portall, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1163.

Porte, La, Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.

Porter, Sir Charles, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 591.

-, Ensign in Lord Lovelace's Regiment, 1175.

-, Capt. Geo., grant to for discovering assassination plot, 377, 378, 483; payment to Henry Shales for rent of the house Capt. Porter lives in, 806, 807, 813, 818, 825, 839, 851, 860, 896, 903, 908, 919, 926, 933.

-, James, fine for wool exporting, 405.

-, John, Capt. in Col. Fred Hamilton's Regiment, 248.

-, Thomas, Capt. in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1119.

Portland, Countess and Earl of. See Bentinck, Frances and William.

Portland (Dorset), royal quarries of stone, 419.

- Castle, garrison, fire and candle, 108.

Portsmouth (Hants):
-, port and officers, 63, 140, 263, 303, 329, 358, 387, 394 (warehouse).
-, garrison, fire and candle, 108. Navy ships at, 102, 433. Sick and Hurt quarters, 67, 111, 318.
-, sub-commissioners of Prizes at, (see Parker, Sir G., Goreing, Charles, Knatchbull, Ed.), 47, 260, 297, 364, 379; prizes or prize goods at, 334, 377; storekeeper, 346; warehouses, 382.

Portugal, 136, 1073.
-, ambassadors to King of. See Ambassadors.
-, ships for, 184.

Post fines answered direct to the sheriffs, 192, 262.
-, farmers of, 61, 192, 262.
-, lease of for the counties of Denbigh and Montgomery, 114.

POST OFFICE (England):
-, General Post Office (Inland and Foreign)
-, accounts, 7, 8, 125, 127, 316; incidents bills, 149, 196, 302, 430.
-, Act for (12 Car. II, c. 35), 406.
-, box for post money, 91.
-, bringing the King's letters from Hampton Court, 196. See Court Post; Jenkinson, R.
-, Cross Roads, 196; Chester to Bristol, 379, 461.
-, English port of letters, 126.
-, Enquiry as to the Office, 89–91.
-, franking regulations, 164, 482.
-, Governors of. See Postmaster General.
-, lease of house for, 459.
-, loans on and repayments of and of interest, 82, 576, 587; proposed Register for, 582; account of (from 1688), 368.
-, local or provincial postmasters, 171, 197.
-, mail or pacquet service, Dover to Harwich or England to Holland, 126, 149, 206, 294, 302, 340, 459; West Indies, 384; sloops for, 91; and see Indies (West); Dummer, E.
-, measuring postal stages, 196.
-, messengers, 90.
-, Out Office, 89.
-, payments out of, for Secret Service, 515, 529, 576, 577, 590, 601, 603, 627, 640, 653, 693, 695, 714, 754, 824.
-, payments out of to the Chamberlain of London, 695.
-, pensions charged on revenue of, 34, 37, 44, 50, 56, 124, 229, 240, 241, 271, 285, 290, 303, 330: for names of Pensioners. See Pensions (Post Office).
-, Postmaster General or Governors (see Cotton, Sir R., Frankland, Sir T.; Wildman, Major Sir John), 87, 89, 91, 114, 126–7, 171, 238, 253, 269, 299, 303, 316, 327, 379, 384, 399, 418, 442, 452, 459, 461, 469, 482, 505, 508; charged 12 per cent interest on moneys, 184.
-, receipts for Queen Anne's Civil List to be kept separate from receipts for Wm. III's Civil List, 168.
-, Receiver General (see Lilly, S.), 168, 330, 368.
-, receivers (local), 90.
-, receiving houses (local), 89, 90.
-, robberies of the mail, 171.
-, services in by Dr. W. Aglionby, 520.
-, Secretary to the Postmaster General, 269.
-, ship letters [letters brought in the foreign mail], receipts from at a penny per letter, 149, 196, 302, 430.
-, side [road] courier, 90.
-, sorters, 89, 90.
-, stages (Chester to Gloucester), 418.
-, Foreign Office or Branch of the Post Office
-, Amsterdam letters, 302.
-, Brill, Postmaster at, 303, 340. See Poel, J. Vander.
-, Coruna letters, 302.
-, Holland mail, 149. See Post Office (Mail).
-, Italian letters, 302.
-, West Indies. See Indies, West.
-, arrangements, 196.
-, mails. See Post Office (Mails).
-, port of foreign letters, 126; and see Post Office (ship letters).
-, revenue, issues out of, 246.
-, Penny Post
-, accounts, 415.
-, enquiry as to, 80, 85, 87, 89– 91, 392.
-, Comptroller. See. Castleton, Nathaniel.
-, country messengers taking up letters, 392.
-, country penny post proposal, 499.
-, Delivery place, 392.
-, Dockwra's petition concerning, 327, 499.
-, Ireland. See Ireland (Post Office).
-, Plantations, postal rates to, 406.
-, West Indies Mail. See Indies (West).
-, Scotland:
-, arrangements with Edinburgh, 126.
-, difficulty of getting Post money, account from Scotland, 127.
-, officer for Edinburgh, 126.
-, papers relating to Scotch Post Office (in 1691), 506.
-, Post renters in Scotland, 126–7.
-, twopences recoverable in England on account of Scotch Post-renters, 127.
-, Scotch mail, 149.

Potash, farm of by Mrs. Jackson (at 940l. rent). See Customs Duties (Potash). Jackson, Mrs.

Potomac District, Maryland, 281.

Pottenger. See Pottinger.

Potter, Nathaniel, Lieutenant in Col. Thomas Saunderson's Regiment of Foot, 1123.

Pottinger (Pottenger), John, Comptroller of the Pipe, 47, 261, 395, 430, 969; petition, 446.

-, Mr., custody of the Star Chamber for the use of the Trustees for Circulating of Exchequer Bills, 802.

Potts, Peter, Receivership of Taxes for Durham, Northumberland, Newcastle, Berwick (not appointed), 198.

-, Richard, shipmaster, 156.

Poulce, Daniel, Page of the Bedchamber, 1037, 1048.

Poulett. See Powlett.

Poulle, Benjamin, banquier of Amsterdam, 658.

Poulteney. See Pultney.

Poulter, Josias, Yeoman of the Ewry, 993.

Poulton (Polton), Charles, falconer to Wm. III, 1016, 1017; sen. and jun., falconers to the Queen, 282.

Poultry Counter prison. See London (streets).

Poundage deductions. See Army; Greenwich (Hospital); Navy (Poundage); Prizes (captors' share).

Povey, John, a clerk of the Privy Council, 243, 391, 776, 969; accounts of New York Revenues for the Privy Council Committee of Trade and Plantations, 130–1; receiving royal bounty money for Thomas Povey, 711.

-, Mr. Richard, Treasurer for sick and wounded seamen and prisoners of war, 3, 18, 64, 67, 99, 111, 112, 147, 173–4, 300, 318, 375, 415; petition, 482; receiving royal bounty money for Sir Edward Sherburne, 861.

-, Thomas, royal bounty to, 98, 622, 706, 711, 735; petition [for bounty], 482; fictitious loan by, 733; a Commissioner for coining tin farthings and half pence, 296; surrender of his patent, 483.

-, -, agent for prizes in New England, 345.

Povia, Madame Maria, refugee from Cadiz, 431.

Powder. See Countess of Kent's powder.

Powder (Hundred, co. Cornwall), 320.

Powell (and see Powle), Arthur, purveyor to the Household, 1010.

-, Charles, one of the King's Musicians, 1036.

-, George, payment for quarters for soldiers at Exeter at the arrival of the Prince of Orange, 626.

-, Sir John, Justice of the King's Bench, 258.

-, Roger, pioneer in the Train of Artillery in the reduction of Ireland, 1096.

-, Samuel, Sergeant at Arms to the House of Commons, disbursements for the House of Commons for messengers, doorkeepers etc., 251, 268, 276, 343, 349, 423, 970.

-, Thomas, expenditure by special command for his Majesty's service, 879.

Power, Thomas, clerk, going chaplain to Bermudas, 699.

-, Capt. Thomas, reformed officer Ireland, 151.

Powis. See Powys.

-, Marquess of. See Herbert, William.

Powle (and see Powell), Caleb, Receiver General of Land Tax, House Duties and Marriage Duties for cos. Brecon, Radnor, Anglesea, Caernarvon, Merioneth, Montgomery, 200, 201, 316, 371.

-, Henry, Right Honourable, Speaker of the House of Commons, 517, 524, 530, 533, 545, 567.

Pownall, Lieut. Col. Thomas, in Col. Harvey's Regiment of Horse, 1109.

Powney, Henry, Lieut. in Col. Leigh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1112.

Powis. See Powys.

Powlett (Poulett), Charles, Marquess of Winchester, afterwards Duke of Bolton, Regiment in the West Indies (in 1691), 500, 503; bailiff of Burley in New Forest, 57, 290; arrears of his 1,200l. per an., 1051; warrant for [a grant], 473; surety for Thomas Cobb, 418; Lord Lieutenant of co. Southants., 596.

Powys, Sir Littleton, a Baron of the Exchequer, 841.

-, (Powis) Richard, a Treasury clerk, 473, 553, 690, 703, 710, 721, 735, 744, 779, 783, 798, 813, 841, 852, 868, 873, 898, 905, 937, 989.

-, Sir Thomas, Counsel at Law, 12, 51, 52, 53.

Poxen, Thomas, clerk going as chaplain to Jamaica, 856.

Poyke, Richard [clerk of the Cheque to the Messengers of the Chamber], payments to on behalf of Henry Killigrew, 782, 783, 784, 786, 787, 789, 793, 795, 796, 801, 803, 807, 808, 812, 814, 818, 822, 824, 828, 832, 836, 840, 845, 847, 851, 858.

-, -, senr., Messenger of the Chamber, 1018.

Poynton Cow pastures alias Godsales (co. Lincoln), lease of, 345, 373.

Poyset, Captain, in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1164.

Prairie, Samuel La, Serjeant in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Pratt (Prat), Capt., Aide de camp, Irish military contingencies, 145.

-, Jane, issue to for Secret Service, 498, 624.

-, John, providing tents etc. for the Forces in Ireland, 410.

-, -, Customs searcher Berwick port, 319, 454, 482.

-, Samuel, clerk, royal bounty to, 767, 780.

Praunce, Phillip, shipmaster, 183.

Prediaux. See Prideaux.

Pre Fines, lease of in cos. Denbigh and Montgomery, 114.

Preissac, Theophile, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.

Preistman, Mr. Henry, a Lord of the Admiralty (in 1691), 503.

Premussat, Ensign in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1169.

Prendergast. See Pendergrass.

Prerogative Court. See Canterbury.

Presbyterian ministers in Ireland, Wm. Ill's grant to. See Ireland (Presbyterian).

Prescot, Lewis, receiving royal bounty money for Lady Belasyse, 626.

Presgrave, Robert, frauds by as clerk to Guy Palmes, a Teller of the Receipt, 3, 16, 289.

President, Lord President. See Privy Council.

Press (Printing press), messenger of. See Stephens, Robert,
-, unlawful, discovery of in Fetter Lane, 702, 763.

Press gang. See Navy (conduct money).

Presteigne and Presteign Land (manor, co. Radnor), 147, 238.

Presteigne (borough, co. Radnor), 238.

Preston, John, pensionary falconer to Wm. III, 115, 282, 1017.

Preston (co. Lancs.), 199.

Preston, Lord. See Graham, R.

Prestwich, Lady, servant and pensioner to Queen Mary, 1052.

Pretty, Henry, going as chaplain to Virginia, 689.

-, Thomas, Second Lieut. in the Marquess of Carmarthen's Regiment of Marines, 1141.

Prettyman, William, pensionary falconer, 115, 282.

Price, Ann, servant of the Hall in the Royal Household, 1015.

-, Dame Godothea, widow of Sir Herbert Price, annuity to, 970.

-, Sir Herbert, 970.

-, John, apothecary of London, supplying medicines for army in Ireland, 297.

-, -, wages in the Household, 1007.

-, Robert, Serjeant at Law, a Baron of the Exchequer, 260, 313.

-, Mr. [Robert], Morgan Whitley's debt, 17; surety for Mr. Colt, 22.

-, Major Thomas, Military contingencies Ireland, 144; Guard House at Ring's End, Dublin, 143; Town Major at Dublin, 220.

-, Wm., Surveyor of Houses and Marriages, North Wales, and Marriage Duties for North Wales, 349, 421.

Prices of Commodities. See Saltpetre.

- of provisions etc. in Ireland, 114; fall of rents, 70.

Prichard. See Pritchard.

Pride, Shadrack, surety for Hearthmoney debt, 418.

Prideaux (Prediaux), Hellen, widow, annuity to as royal bounty out of Secret Service money, 523, 545, 564, 573, 592, 616, 639, 683, 700, 707.

-, Walter, shipmaster, 183.

Priestman. See Preistman.

Primrose, Archibald, Cornet in Lord Jedburgh's Regiment of Dragoons, 1147.

Prince George of Denmark. See George.

Princess Anne. See Anne.

Printers to the King or Queen. See King's (printers).

Printing Press, private discovery of, in Fetter Lane. See Press.

Prior, Matthew, a Commissioner for Trade, 137, 380, 400, 970.

-, -, payment for bringing Ryswick Articles of Peace (1697), 815.

-, -, Secret Service payments to, 892–3, 895.

-, -, receiving royal bounty money for the Earl of Jersey, 893, 895.

Prisoners from Ireland. See Ireland (prisoners).

-, political, sent for trial to Manchester and Chester, 751.

- -, taken by order of the Privy Council, 778; and see Newgate; Treason; Tower.

- -, custody of by Messengers, fees for, 121.

- of war (French). See Sick; English taken by the French. See Army (prisoners).

Prisons. See Newgate; Poultry Counter; Wood Street Counter.

Pritchard, John, child of the Kitchen in the Royal Household, 995.

-, William, cooper to the Works, 1064.

Pritchett, Anthony, pioneer of the Train of Artillery in Ireland, 1096.

Private Roads, the King's, surveyor and keeper of, 291, 464. See Studholme, M.; Lawrence, A.

Privy Chamber. See Royal Household.

-, chamber at St. James's, furniture for, 203, 396; stationery for, 130. See Gauntlet, John; Keeper of. See Cocks, J., Coling, R.
-, clerks of (see Blathwayte, W., Southwell, E., Povey, J., Nicholas, Sir J.), 391, 393,405, 471, 556, 663, 1194; attending the business of the Board of Trade and Plantations, 14,147, 380, 401, 414; under clerks and inferior officers, 121, 337. See Madox, P., Bridgeman, James.
-, Committee for Irish Affairs. See Ireland (Committee).
-, Committee of for seizing Papists, 662.
-, copies of papers made for, 826.
-, letters to Lords Lieutenants and Custodes Rotulorum, 337.
-, Lord President of, 323, 501, 521. 911, 945. See Carmarthen, Marquess of; Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of.
-, Lords of, 96, 409; signing the bills of messengers of the Chamber, 120–1.
-, Lords Justices of England. See Lords.
-, matters referred to by the Treasury Lords, 31, 62, 444.
-, orders by, 56, 123, 125, 131, 135, 156, 165, 170, 178, 181, 182, 205, 210, 211, 218, 227, 230, 234, 238, 250, 270, 307, 335, 346-7, 363, 384, 416, 446, 454, 465, 468, 469, 478, 483, 499, 537, 543, 550, 551, 562, 609, 621, 623, 778.
-, Treasury Lords reporting to, 51.

Privy Garden (Whitehall), passage out of into Channell Row, 120; passage to, from Whitehall, 117.

-, -, Gate keeper of, 840, 889, 918. See Tagg, W.

-, -, Hampton Court. See Hampton Court.

Privy Lodgings, Whitehall (Wm. III), 120.

Privy Purse:
-, (James II), pension out of, 59. Keeper of. See Graham, J. issues out of, 299.
-, (Wm. III), 21; Keeper of. See May, Baptist; Henning, Casper Frederick.
-, moneys of and issues to, 38, 41, 245, 289, 299, 446, 945; arrears and debt, 21, 41, 56, 165, 449; pensions out of. See Nicholas, H.
-, (Queen Anne), issues to the Duchess of Marlborough for, 46, 48, 51, 134, 239, 253, 263, 278, 494.

Privy Seal:
-, clerk of, names of, 1004.
-, Commissioners for the custody of the Privy Seal, 41, 201, 301, 440, 449. See Southwell, Edward; Musgrave, Christopher; Vernon, James, junr.
-, fees on passing documents under the Privy Seal, 520.
-, Lord Privy Seal, 482, 784, 787. See Pembroke, Earl of; Normanby, Marquess of.

Prizage and Butlerage (England), farmers of, 294. See Waller, Sir T.; Waller, Sir W.; Paul, W.; grant out of to the Duke of Northumberland, 294.

-, -, (Ireland). See Ireland.

-, Duty on the New Subsidy, 385.

-, Wine, farm of in the city of Exeter, 557.


Prizes (prize goods and prize ships), Advocate for, 413. See Oldys, Sir W., Cooke, Sir J.

-, agent for, 345–6, 413. See Mellefont, [James]; allowances to agents, 384; agencies abroad, 466.
-, Agents (and see Prizes, subcommissioners).
-, at Bahamas, the Customs Collector.
-, at Barbados, Montserrat, St. Christopher and Antigua: Gibbes, [Robert].
-, at Belfast, Londonderry and Wexford: Green, Robert.
-, at Bermudas, Stopforth [Spofforth, S.].
-, at Carolina, the Customs Collector, 346.
-, at Dublin, King, Dr. Wm.
-, at Exeter, Gyst, Nathaniel.
-, at Faro, Holden, J.
-, at Jamaica, Winter, Arthur.
-, at Maryland, Muschamp, George.
-, at New England, Percy, Thomas.
-, at New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Byerley [Thos.]
-, at Oporto and Viana, Lee, John.
-, at Virginia, Bird, Wm.
-, at Waterford, Bickerstaff, Richard.
-, allowance of 2 per cent to Agents, 384.
-, appraisals, 96, 411, 505.
-, arrears of, Collectors for, 296. See Parkhurst, J., Pascall, J.
-, books and records of, 261.
-, business of, 32.
-, captors' shares, officers for paying, 83–4, 86, 354, 367, 397–8, 433. See Painter, Mr.
-, certificates of, 81.
-, cochineal taken as prize, 433.
-, Commissioners (Principal Commissioners) of. (Howe, E. S., Brereton, Ed., Morley, Geo., Yard, Robert, Duncombe, Anthony, from June 1702: Howe, E. S., Brereton, Ed., Morley, Geo., Yard, Rob, Duncombe, Anthony, Gostlin, Wm., Bretton, Richard, from Nov. 1702), 40, 44, 49, 55. 56, 73, 70, 81, 83, 84, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96, 250, 257, 260, 261, 263, 272, 279, 300, 330, 334, 345, 356, 365, 366, 369, 377, 382, 384, 387, 388, 394, 397, 403, 404, 409, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 418, 422, 423, 424, 431, 432, 433, 434, 452, 463, 466, 482, 507; passing commission of, 579; Commissioners' expenses, 526; Commissioner to look after prizes, Bretton, Richard, 387; commission revoked, 859.
-, Comptroller, Ryves, Thomas, 81, 96, 250, 272, 385, 468; to certify appraisals, 411.
-, cooper to the Prizes appraisals Office, 466.
-, Customs Duties on prize goods, 365, 369; account of, 434; value for, 505.
-, Declaration by the Queen of 10 Dec, 1702 for captors' shares, 89, 378.
-, embezzlement of prize goods, 34, 838 (punished by 4–5 Wm. and Mary, c. 25 clause 14). See Cross, Capt. William.
-, fish taken prize and Salt Duty on, 418, 423.
-, issues out of for Secret Service, 613.
-, money from, 49.
-, Office, charge of, 81; establishment, 55, 297; incidents bills, 49; misappropriations in, 84; salary bill, 370; scheme of, 263.
-, officers, 48, 257, 300, 407, 454; dispute as to office for paying captors' shares, 83–4, 86, 354.
-, petitions concerning, 477.
-, plundered goods from Cadiz, Vigo and Port St. Mary's, 86, 87, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 366, 370, 377, 379, 382, 384, 387, 394, 400, 403, 409, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 418, 431, 432, 510; order in Council for delivery and division of, 416–7, 422, 423, 424; landing of from the fleet, 83, 87, 92, 385; bringing to London, 329–30, 334, 356, 366.
-, poundage on sailors' and captors' shares, 84.
-, Receiver General for. See Prizes (Treasurer).
-, sailors' shares of as captors, 84.
-, Secretary to, 250, 385. See Burnaby, Anthony.
-, ships, 398, 409, 423, 433, 437, 509, 710–11; sale of, 526; ships purchased for the King's service, 721.
-, Solicitor for, 39, 260. See Burgess, Daniel; deputy to. See Wynn, J.
-, storekeeper at Portsmouth. See Batailhe, J., Vaughan, C.
-, Sub-Commissioners (and see Prizes, Agents), 47, 260, 297, 356, 364, 369, 379, 382, 413.
-, at Bristol, Annesley, A., Stanyan, Abr.
-, at Cork, Farini, T.
-, at Dover, Campion, W., Boys, J., Knatchbull, E., Chetwynd, J.
-, at Hull, 297.
-, at Plymouth, Mountstephen, W., Manley, J., Hook, H.
-, at Portsmouth, Knatchbull, E., Goring, C, Parker, Sir G.
-, at Wells, Knackston, J.
-, at Wexford, Knox, B. S.
-, Tenths of, 50, 473. See Admiralty.
-, Treasurer or Receiver General, 354. See Brewer, John, Herbert, James; issues to, 49; securities, 73; management scheme, 88; question of their paying captors' shares, 367, 378, 397–8.
-, Victualling provisions taken out of prizes for the Fleet, 398.
-, weekly accounts to the Lord Treasurer, 76, 95.

Probert, Charles, Surveyor Houses and Marriage Duties for co. Monmouth, 154.

Proby, Thomas, Master Chyrurgeon, 1097; medicines for the Forces in the West Indies, 142.

Proclamations for the King or Queen in Council, 531, 702.
-, printing of in the West (in 1688), 527.
-, for the captors' shares of prizes. See Prizes (Declaration).
-, rewards for arrests, 526; for discovery of libels, 689, 709, 763.

Procter, Samuel, petition concerning Prizes, 482.

Proger, Edward, Keeper of Middle Park at Hampton Court, 278, 343, 971; payment to, 414; petition, 464, 482; pension as a Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II, 71, 98; grant out of Irish lands, 71, 328.

Progresses, royal. See Wm. III; Anne; allowances to servants in, 122.

Prohibition Act. See Customs (Prohibition).

Pron [? Prou], Arnaud, Captain in Brigadier Belcastel's Regiment of Foot, 1165.

Prosser, Samuel, haberdasher to the Robes, 1045, 1046.

Protestant religion, pensions for rearing children in, 59; purchases see Ireland (forfeitures).

Protestants brought from Switzerland to Ireland, 716; Huguenots see France (Protestants), Ireland (Protestants).

Proudlove, John, assignment on army debt, 1189.

Provan, John, wine merchant, 335.

Provost Marshall. See Army.

Prudomine [Prudhomme], Dragoon in the Marquis de Miremont's Regiment of Foot, 1179.

Pruer, Lieutenant in Brigadier Belcasters Regiment of Foot, 1166.

Prussia, Elector of Brandenburg [Frederick III]. See Brandenburg.
-, Envoy to. See Ambassadors (Berlin).
-, Secretary from, present to, 429.
-, Troops of, bread account and winter forage. See Brandenburg.
-, Prussia [intended for Persia], 167.

Pryor. See Prior.

Puckle, James, royal bounty to, 691.

-, Nathaniel, shipmaster, 183.

Puel (and see Poel), Lewis, quarterly payments to, for furnishing foreign Gazettes for the use of the Treasury, 738, 748, 750, 754, 755, 761, 769, 770, 776, 780.

Puerton. See Burton.

Pugh, David, and Company, mercers supplying the Robes to the Stables, 1045, 1070.

-, Humphrey, tidesman Lyme Regis port, 192.

-, Thomas, Surveyor Houses and Marriage Duties in South Wales, 349, 421.

Puicheuin [Puichenin], Lieutenant in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment, 1164.

Puiet, Captain, in Count Marton's Regiment of Foot, 1168.

Puissar (Puysar), James, Marquis de, royal bounty to, 628, 632; waggon money for his Regiment, 1185.

Pulleine, Mr., letter concerning taxes on stock on land, 257.

Pulleyn, Thomas, Master of the Studs, 970, 1009.

Pulteney (Poultney), John, Clerk of the Deliveries in Office of Ordnance, 331, 969; attending Viscount Sydney as Secretary of State in the campaign in Flanders, 650.

-, Thomas, Page of Honour to Charles II, 983.

-, William, carrying message from Dublin to Flanders, 632.

Purcell, Henry, providing an organ for the Chapel Royal for the Coronation of William and Mary, 583.

-, Col. Toby, lands Ireland, 339; Governor of Duncannon Fort, 263.

Purveyors. See Royal Household.

Purvis, Archibald, Lieut. in Sir Cloudesley Shovell's Regiment of Marines, 1141.

-, John, Master Surgeon to William's Forces in the war in Ireland, 1098.

Putland, Thomas, transport of Troops to Ireland, 350.

Puy, Du, Capt. in Major General La Meloniere's Regiment of Foot, 1161.

Pyder (Hundred, co. Cornwall), 141, 320.

Pye, Richard, Riding Surveyor of the Purveyors of the Household, 1010.

Pyle, Edward, woodward New Forest, 216, 239, 337.

-, Edward, Lieutenant in the Duke of Bolton's Regiment of Foot, 1120.

-, George, bricklayer to the Works, 1069.

Pymm, Elizabeth, army pension arrears, 1103.

Pyrke, Jonathan, Surveyor Houses and Marriage Duties, co. Devon, 349, 420.

Pywell, William, Lieut. in Col. Coote's Regiment of Foot, 1116.