Warrants for Minor Appointments: 1733

Pages 516-525

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Letters Patents, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants, Treasury Warrants, Commissions and Orders relating to Appointments.
Date. Nature of Order or Entry and Substance of Appointment. Reference.
Sept. 22
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Sir Philip Medows and James Bruce, Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army, at a salary of 1,500l. per annum to themselves, and 300l. for their secretary. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 334–5.
Jan. 3
Treasury warrant. Christopher Vergo, chief boatman, Chichester, loco Joseph Chatfield, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 351.
Jan. 4 Treasury letters patent. Anthony Norman, assistant to Comptroller General of Customs and Salt Duty, Scotland, at 100l. per annum. North Britain Book X. p. 362.
Jan. 6 Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal, granting to Hugh Andrews the office of keeper of the Council Chamber. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 26–7.
Jan. 9 Treasury warrants. John Seddon, deputy to James Hustler. King's waiter, London port; Jezreel Lipper, tidesman, inferior list, loco Thos. Hughes; William Hucks, landwaiter, superior list, ibid, loco Francis Horsfield, deceased; Francis Jackson to succeed Hucks in the inferior list. Customs Book XIII. p. 357.
Same. John Dalziel, deputy collector, Kirkcudbright, loco Wm. Hunter; John Williamson, tidesman, Campbeltown, loco Colin Bethune, removed to Inverness; Robert Muschet and George Robertson, same, Glasgow port, locis Rowland Jacques, preferred, and Alexander Ramsay, dismissed; Daniel Dow, watchman of the salt duty at Borrowstounness, loco Gilbert Downie, not appeared. North Britain Book X. p. 348.
Jan. 11 Letters patent in Latin, appointing John Viscount Lymington Chief Justice in Eyre, north of the Trent. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 15–8.
Treasury warrants. Francis Hall, tidesman and boatman, Plymouth port, loco Nicholas Wrixon, junr. deceased; Thos. Jefferys, deputy searcher, Alnmouth, Berwick port, to have like allowance as the late Thos. Wake, same, ibid; Thos. Chaplin, waiter and searcher at Holy Island, Berwick port, loco John Thompson, deceased; Wm. Manning, same, ibid, loco same. Customs Book XIII. pp. 357, 360.
Jan. 18 Same. George Hutton, waiter and searcher, Briton Ferry, Swansea port, loco Humphrey Leyson, deceased. Ibid, p. 357.
Jan. 23 Treasury warrants. Joseph Lucas, tidesman, inferior list, London port, to be a weighing porter, ibid, loco Richard Kenwick, deceased; Thos. Chaplin to suceeed Lucas in the inferior list; Robert Taught, boatman, Rye, loco Thos. Boyce, superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p. 360.
Jan. 24 Same. John Jeffery, tidesman and boatman, Exeter, to be landwaiter, London port. Ibid.
Jan. 25 Same. John Sowter, waiter and searcher, Blackwall, to secure the land from Bow Creek to Blackwall, London port, loco Gideon Farman, deceased. Ibid.
Jan. 26 Same. Gilbert Wrathall, tidesman and boatman, Lynn Regis port, loco Charles Royce, deceased; Samuel Ambler, weigher at Hull, loco Jeremiah Fox, superannuated; John Cook, watchman, London port, loco Robert Bevan, deceased. Ibid.
Feb. 5 Same. James Renking, tidesman and boatman, Berwick port, loco Wm. Davison, deceased; John Davies, boatman at Mostyn and Flint, loco Jeremiah Sellers, superannuated; Jacob Nicholson, boatman, Newcastle port, loco John Hodgson, dismissed; Thos. James, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth port, loco Wm. Nance, superannuated; Thomas Whick, land carriageman, London port, loco Wm. Horsington, deceased; Richard Plint, tidesman, Truro port, loco Wm. Mason, superannuated; Henry Havelland, waiter and searcher, Studland Bay, Poole port, loco Richard Stainer, to be superannuated. Ibid, p. 375.
Feb. 6 Treasury letters patent. Wm. Luke, Francis Charleton, and Henry Lane, Commissioners for licensing Hawkers and Pedlars. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 515–6.
Feb. 10 The Commissioners for Stamps to the Treasury. Proposing Thos. Whelpdale as distributor of stamped parchment and paper in Cumberland and Westmorland, loco Richard Rowlandson, defaulter. With the Treasury approval of same. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 23.
Feb. 13 Treasury warrants. Henry Moggridge, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Isaac Sampson, deceased; Thos. Hutchins to succeed Moggridge in the inferior list; John Guthrie, same, ibid, loco Wm. Yarley, superannuated; Samuel Payne, comptroller, Nevis, loco John Dowse, deceased; John Jekyll, Customs collector, Boston, New England, loco John Jekyll, deceased; James Dunbar, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Israel Leaper, deceased; John Arnold, superior list, ibid, loco Arthur Bell, deceased; Richd. Chadderton to succeed Arnold in the inferior list. Customs Book XIII. p. 375.
Same. Samuel Fox, distributor [of stamps], county Derby, loco Henry Allestree, resigning. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 13.
Feb. 14 Same. Richd. Polwhele, distributor of stamps, Cornwall, loco — Hawkins. Ibid, XXIV. p. 519.
Feb. 19 Royal sign manual for a Privy Seal to grant the office of auditor of His Majesty's revenues in Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, and Chester, and of auditor of the accounts of money arising by writ of covenant and writs of entré in the Alienation Office to Charles Shelley, at a salary of 800l. per annum. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 36.
Feb. 22 Treasury warrants. Henry Harlow, waterman, London port, loco James Langley, superannuated; Geo. Whittingham, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, loco James Hearne, superannuated: Wm. Jackson to succeed Whittingham in the inferior list; John Paxton, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco Thomas Farrain, senr. deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 376.
Feb. 22 Treasury warrants. Arthur Graham, tidesman, Ayr, loco Andrew Robe, deceased; Wm. Murray, tidesman, Perth, loco Francis Park, deceased; James Corrie and Duncan Campbell, tidesmen at Alloa, loco Andrew Tough and Robert Aird; Francis Porter, Robert Paterson, and John Dow, tidesmen at Irvine, locis Alexander McLeod, Francis Davidson, and Patrick Abercrombie, dismissed; Wm. Herdman, landwaiter and searcher, Montrose, loco Patrick Ouchterlony, deceased; Neil Mackay, tidesman, Campbeltown, loco Archibald Campbell, resigned; Robert Ker, offiecr of the salt duty, Ayr, loco Samuel Adams, dismissed; Robert Mackurdy, boatman, Cumbraes, loco Philip Scot, deceased; James Laird, tidesman, Dundee, loco Archibald Soutar. North Britain Book X. p. 373.
Same. Edward Hutchinson, distributor of stamped parchment and paper, Cumberland and Westmorland, loco Richd. Rowlandson, to be superseded; Thos. Egerton, stamper, loco Thos. King, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 13.
Feb. 24 Same. Richard Maundy, collector of Sandwich, loco Benjamin Fisher, deceased; Harflete Spratt to succeed Maundy as supervisor, ibid. Customs Book XIII, p. 376,
Feb. 27 The Commissioners for Stamps to the Treasury. Presenting John Foulkes to be distributor of stamped parchment and paper, co. Denbigh, loco John Foulkes, his father, deceased. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 41.
Treasury warrant. John Middleton, distributor of stamps, co. Denbigh, loco John Foulkes, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 13.
Same. Wm. Carlyon, waiter and searcher, Par, Fowey port, loco Nicholas Giles, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 376.
Mar. 2 Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Sir Thomas Allin, sergeant-at-arms in ordinary to attend the Treasury. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 133–1.
Mar. 6 Treasury warrant. Thos. Littletar, tidesman, Bideford, loco Jacob Irish, deceased; John Stanley, tide surveyor, Newcastle, loco Wm. Fenwick, deceased; Thos. Olive, surveyor of Customs, Rochester port, loco Hildebrand Tanton, deceased. Customs Book XIII p. 377.
Mar. 8 Letters patent in Latin by writ of Privy Seal. Charles Shelley, Exchequer auditor for the counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, and Chester. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 265–7.
Mar. 22 Treasury warrants. Wm. Ford, boatman, Babbicombe, Dartmouth port, loco John Heath, deceased; John Rolls, tide surveyor, Lynn Regis, loco John Whipam, deceased, Charles Norton and Laurence Etough, tidesmen, Liverpool, locis Henry Rouse and Wm. Tyrer. Customs Book XIII. p. 377.
Mar. 30
Same. Thos. Rose, junr. waiter and searcher, Abbotsbury, Weymouth port, loco Joseph Hardy, deceased. Ibid, p. 378.
April 2 Same. Geo. Welland, tidesman and boatman, Dover port, loco John Bazley, resigned; Thos. Kennett, same, Rye port, loco Wm. Holston, deceased. Ibid.
April 3 Same. Robert Borthwick, boatman, Queensferry, loco Edwd. Coppinger, deceased; Robert Gordon, tidesman, Port Glasgow, loco Wm. Hamilton, deceased; Alexander Mackilichoan and John Morison, tidesmen, Stornoway, locis John Dingwall and John Campbell, deceased. North Britain Book X. p. 411.
April 6 Same. John Rule, tidesman, Leith, loco Geo. Fetherstone; John Campbell, comptroller of Customs, Montrose, loco Robert Lidderdale, deceased. Ibid, p. 428.
Treasury Commission. Wm. Hunt, surveyor of houses, Herts, loco James Draycott. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
Letters patent by the King. Theopholus Aldridge, one of the royal gamekeepers. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 64.
April 13 Treasury warrants. Pexel Dent, tidesman and boatman, Sunderland port, loco George Younger, deceased; James Ilderton, land carriageman, Newcastle port, loco Leonard Umfreville, resigned; Wm. Crop, waterman, London port, loco John Bayley, dismissed; David Phillips, tidesman, Shields, Newcastle port, loco Wm. Wheath, deceased; Wm. Saunders, sitter in the boat at Torcross, Dartmouth port, loco Richard Goodwin, deceased; Michael Boatson, waterman, London port, loco Gustavus Acton, deceased; Wm. Robinson, waiter and searcher, Alnmouth, Berwick port, loco Wm. Pattison, deceased; Nicholas Pattison, weighing porter, Newcastle port, loco John Alexander, superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p. 378.
April 15 Letters patent by the King. Thos. Reeve, sergeant-at-law, to be one of the Justices of Common Pleas. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 93.
April 17 Treasury warrant. Ralph Haswell, tidesman, Newcastle, loco Peter Fawcett, superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p. 378.
April 19 Same. Alexander Houston, tidesman, Borrowstouness, loco George Cooper, deceased. North Britain Book X. p. 428.
April 25 Treasury commission. John Smith to attend at the water side, London port, to be instructed in the business of a landwaiter. Customs Book XIII. p. 364.
April 29 Letters patent by the King. Thos. Abney, of the Inner Temple, a King's counsel learned in the law. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 304–5.
April 30 Treasury warrant. Joseph Downing, waiter and searcher, Plymouth, loco John Coates, deceased; James Kevill, tidesman and boatman at Penzance, loco Emanuel Johns, superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p.379.
May 1 Same for royal letters patent. Thos. Fane, customer inwards, Bristol port. Ibid.
May 3 Same for same. Kyffin Williams, a King's waiter, London port, loco Benjamin Scott; James Lawrence, same, loco James Hustler, deceased.
Same. Henry Facey, boatman, Bewley, Cowes port, loco Wm. Hook, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 380.
Same. John Barnet, Supervisor General of Salt Duty, at 130l. per annum, loco Sir Henry Rollo, deceased; Robert Ramsay, an Inspector General of outports, at 130l. per annum, loco John Hay, deceased; John Muir, watchman of salt duty, Alloa, at 15l. per annum, loco James Cairnes, declined; Charles Hamilton, landwaiter and searcher, Irvine, loco David Fletcher, deceased: John Robson, tidesman at Dumfries, loco Wm. Sparkes; Adam Dixon, same, ibid, loco Robert Richardson, deceased; Christopher Mountford, officer of the salt duty, loco James Sempill, deceased. North Britain Book X. p. 433
Same. John Wilde, assistant surveyor for licensing hawkers, &c. at 50l. per annum. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 31
May 8 Same. Francis Jackson, landwaiter, superior list, London port, loco George Freeman, dismissed; Robert Harrison to succeed Jackson in the inferior list; Thos. Whitehorne, landwaiter at Portsmouth, loco Ely Stanyford, deceased; John Collishaw, tidesman, inferior list, London, loco James Dagwell; John Davies, tidesman and boatman, Swansea port, loco Thos. Comber, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 382.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. Corbyn Morris to be sworn deputy to Samuel Clerke, King's waiter, London port, loco Charles Baynton, dismissed (vacated see June 19, infra). Ibid, p. 383.
Letters patent by the King. Henry Viscount Lonsdale, Keeper of the Privy Seal, loco Wm. Duke of Devonshire, with the yearly fee of 365l. and all fees, profits, &c. King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 82–3.
May 10 Royal sign manual for a grant under the Great Seal to Thos. Farrington of the office of Auditor of Royal Revenues in Wales, at a salary of 400l. per annum, loco Sidney Godolphin, lately deceased. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 80.
May 12 Treasury warrant. John Mann, deputy to Kyffin Williams, King's waiter, London port. Customs Book XIII p. 383.
May 22 Same. Gervas Cowper, waiter and searcher, Margate, Sandwich port, loco John Troward, deceased. Ibid, p. 368.
May 24 Same. John Parnell, supervisor of riding officers from East Guildford to Hastings, loco Thos. Marten, deceased; Wm. Coppard, supervisor of the riding officers from Hastings to Pevensey (warrant as a riding officer revoked), at 100l. per annum Ibid, p. 383.
May 28 Same. John Seddon, deputy to James Lawrence, King's waiter, London port; Wm. Parr, tidesman and boatman, Whitehaven, loco Joshua Sibson, dismissed; Wm. Whiteside, surveyor, waiter, and searcher, Preston, Poulton port, to be collector there, loco Samuel Leene; Thos. Fenton to succeed Whiteside; Joseph Brown, a surveyor inwards, Bristol port, to be deputed searcher there, loco Benjamin Bowles, deceased; John Bowdidg to succeed Brown; Peter Bulford, tidesman and boatman, Dartmouth port, loco Walter Buckland, deceased; Benjamin Symson, waiter and searcher at Pile of Fowdray, Lancaster port, loco Thos. Gardiner, superannuated. Ibid, p. 383–4.
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Thomas Farrington, auditor for the Exchequer Court of the accounts of customers, sheriffs, escheators, receivers, bailiffs, chief officers, collectors, farmers, &c. for the Welsh counties and Radnor. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 263–5.
Treasury warrant. Thos. Robertson, searcher and surveyor of cards and dice, loco Wm. Rippon, to be superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 38.
May 31 Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. William Rawlinson Earle, clerk of the delivery and, deliverance of all Ordnance of artillery, munitions, &c. loco Leonard Smelt, at a fee of 12d. per day. King's Warrants Book XXXI. pp. 93–5.
Same. Leonard Smelt, Clerk of the Ordnance, loco Thos. White, deceased. Ibid, p. 95.
Treasury warrants. Gaston Martineux, inspector of gaming houses and of vendors of cards and dice and of pamphlets, loco Charles Heath, to be superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 39.
Same. Edward Mann, boatman at Lynn Regis, loco Richard Raven, deceased; Andrew Bohier, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, loco John Shepheard, deceased; John Thomas to succeed Kimmarley in the inferior list; Edward Morrish, tidesman and boatman, Plymouth port, loco John Shelliber, deceased; James Swaine, boatman, Maiden port, loco George Bayley, deceased; Wm. Beavis, landwaiter, Dartmouth port, to be land surveyor there, loco Thomas D'Oyley, deceased; Daniel Shath to succeed Beavis. Customs Book XIII. p. 384.
Same. Wm. Hawys to be instructed as a landwaiter, London port. Ibid, p. 382.
June 6 Same. Henry Legh, landwaiter, Liverpool port, loco Robert Lowe. Ibid, p. 385.
June 12 Same. John Bowles to be instructed as a landwaiter, London port. Ibid, p. 382.
June 14 Same. Wm. Craich, Surveyor General of Tobacco, Dumfries port, loco Duncan Lamont. North Britain Book X. pp. 453.
June 14 Treasury warrants. John Davies, tidesman, Bideford, loco Wm. Richards, superannuated; Vesey How, riding surveyor between Poole and Southampton, loco Thos. Spong, to be superannuated; Arden Sully, waiter and searcher, Shoebury, Maldon port, loco his father Gervas Sully, resigned; Henry Holmes, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Wm. Jackson, dismissed; John Dyche, same, ibid, loco Thos. Watts, deceased; Thos. Curtis, tidesman and boatman, Bideford, loco Thos. Bowling, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 385.
Treasury Commission. Thos. Jones, surveyor of houses, Carmarthen, loco John Phillips, dismissed. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
June 19 Royal sign manual for a grant to George Proctor of the office of Steward of the Honour of Windsor. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 97.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. Thos. Eades to be sworn deputy to Samuel Clerke, King's waiter, London, loco Corbyn Morris, whose warrant is vacated. Customs Book XIII. p. 383.
Same. William Hawes, deputy to James Hervie, King's waiter, loco James Strahan, dismissed. Ibid.
Same. Walter Campbell, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs, Scotland, loco Mungo Graeme. North Britain Book X. p. 455.
June 21 Same. John Lifchild, tidesman, Truro port, loco John Andrews, resigned; Edward Chadwick, same Liverpool, loco Richard Bird, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 390.
Same. Thos. Hodgson, senr. landwaiter, superior list, loco Joseph Stent, dismissed; John Laugharne to succeed Hodgson in the inferior list. Ibid, p. 385.
June 25 Royal warrant for letters patent. Thos. Lord Lovell and Edward Carteret, the office of Postmaster General, loco Edward Carteret and Edward Harrison, at 2,000l. per annum, Harrison being lately dead. Kings Warrant Book XXXI. p. 109.
June 26 Treasury warrants. Colin Mackenzie, tide surveyor Borrowstounness, loco George Dishington, absconded; Hector Bannatine, boatman, Cumbraes, loco Archibald Murray, deceased; Michael Balfour, tidesman, Aberdeen, loco Robert Couts, dismissed; Adam Kendry and Henry Venter, same, Leith, locis Archibald Bathgate and John Scott, dismissed; John Sym, watchman of the salt duty, Kirkcaldy, loco David Jamison, dismissed. North Britain Book X. p. 462.
Same. Robert Dunbar, deputy to Sir Edward Hill, King's waiter, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 393.
Letters patent by the King. Barrington Goldsworthy to be Receiver General of the revenues arising by Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty.
Appending:—Instructions to be observed by him in executing the above office.
King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 113b–9.
June 27 Royal warrant for a grant to John Ewing of the office of chamberlain and collector of the revenues payable out of the Earl of Morton's estate in Orkney and Shetland, at 500l. per annum. North Britain Book X. p. 461.
June 29 Treasury commission. Edward Berry, surveyor of houses, Essex, loco Jonas Malden. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
Treasury warrants. John Grant, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, to be superannuated; Charles Rogers to succeed Grant; Wm. Shephard to succeed Rogers in inferior list, ibid; Mathew James, boatman, Sunderland, loco Michael Hardcastle, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 393.
July 31 Same. Robert Hall, deputy in North Carolina, loco Joseph Fox, to Horace Walpole, Auditor and Surveyor General of His Majesty's revenues in America. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 52.
July 31 Treasury warrants. Wm. Aylberton, Customs tidesman and boatman, Bristol, loco Henry Adams, deceased; James Grieve, waiter and searcher, Berwick port, loco Wm. Robinson, declined; Geo. Dent, waiter and searcher, Whitehaven, loco Benjamin Smith, deceased; Wm. Hodgson, tidesman and boatman, ibid, loco Dent; Marmaduke Atkinson, same, Hull, loco Edward Grey, deceased; Patient Pope, landwaiter, Exeter, loco John Reynolds, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 896.
Same. Francis Ross, watchman of the salt duty, Kirkcaldy, loco Alexander Campbell, dismissed; John Anderson, land carriage waiter at the gates of Edinburgh, loco Thos. Scott, dismissed; John McNeil to be restored to his office of collector of Customs, Fort William, having been removed to be a deputy king's waiter, London port. North Britain Book X. p. 465.
July 31
and later.
Treasury commissions to the various receivers general, detailed, for land tax and house duty for the various counties, &c. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 54–9.
Aug. 1 Treasury warrant. Wm. Long, deputy to Kyffin Williams, King's waiter, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 393.
Aug. 9 Royal sign manual for letters patent. Thos. de Grey, Comptroller of First Fruits and Tenths, loco John Harbord Dod, deceased, at the salary of 150l. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 134.
Aug. 14 Treasury warrant. Josiah Preston, tidesman, Liverpool, loco Wm. Rollins, deceased; John Kirkes, boatman at Helbre and Hoylake, Liverpool port, loco John Rice, superannuated; Robert Preston, boatman, ibid, to be a tidesman there, loco Richard Plumbton, dismissed; Thos. Rigby to succeed Preston at Helbre and Hoylake; John Jeffery, tidesman, Exeter, to be a landwaiter there, loco Wm. Smith, promoted to be a surveyor; James Fabyan to succeed Jeffery; Elford Sparke, surveyor, ibid, who resides at Topsham, to be removed to Exeter, loco Edmond Drake, deceased; Wm. Smith to succeed Sparke as surveyor at Exeter; Henry Tretudrw, waiter and searcher and commander of the boat at Mousehole, Penzance, loco Thos. Collings, superannuated; Lytcott Gill, riding officer at Lydd, Dover port, loco Lambert Atkins, dismissed; Henry Price and Joseph (Stephen) Wadham, established waiters and searchers, Poole, at 40l. per annum each to meet the growth of trade there as by the Customs Commissioners' memorial of 1733, August 10. Customs Book XIII. pp. 396–7.
Aug. 16 Same. Henry Petkin, Deputy Comptroller at Margate at 40l. and — deputy searcher there at 35l. for the accommodation of the traders of the Isle of Thanet and the town of Margate, now made a port. Ibid, p. 398.
Aug. 20 Same. Hugh Fraser and James Morrison, tidesmen, Dunbar, locis John Huddart and John Dewar; Wm. Gullen, boatman at Stranraer, loco John McCall, deceased. North Britain Book X. p. 476.
Royal warrant for a grant to John Mackie of the office of chamberlain and collector of the rents and duties arising to His Majesty in the shire of Galloway, at 18l. per annum. Ibid, pp. 481–2.
Treasury letters patent. Edward Foy, a king's waiter, Bristol port, loco Henry Blaake. Customs Book XIII. p. 418.
Treasury warrant. John Raesbeck, boatman, Hull port, loco James Harrison, deceased; Jacob Cheney, boatman, Ipswich loco Daniel Gibson, deceased; James Gordon, collector at Nevis, loco John Huffam, deceased. Ibid, p. 897.
Aug. 28
Sept. 20]
Same. Thos. Pasmore, a layer and taker of paper on and from the rolling press, loco Hugh Keith, to be superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 65, 73.
Aug. 31 Treasury warrants. John Butts, surveyor at Blackwall, London port, loco Wm. Downham, deceased; John Verrall, tidesman, superior list, ibid, loco Edward Hunt, deceased; Robert Carswell to succeed Verrall in the inferior list; Wm. Peach, watchman, ibid, loco John Hutchins, deceased; Thos. Walker, tidesman, ibid, superior list, loco Richard Ewer, deceased; Benjamin Lawley to succeed Walker in the inferior list; Wm. Harris, tidesman, ibid, in the inferior list, loco Richard Chadderton, dismissed; Roger Yeo, landwaiter, Exeter port, loco Wm. Smith, preferred; Wm. Charles, waterman, Erith, London port, loco Wm. Newman; Francis Ollive, riding officer, Hythe, loco Charles Fowman, dismissed; Solomon Sparkes, same, ibid, loco John Hobday, dismissed. Customs Book XIII. p. 405.
Sept. 1 Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy, to constitute Wadham Lock steward, &c. of the Court Leet, &c. of Ludgershall manor, Wilts.
Prefixing:—Inquisition, post-mortem, of the premises belonging to Thos. Albert, and petition of Swift Albert, son of Thomas.
Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 61–5.
Sept. 3 Same. Wm. Kitchingman, waiter and searcher, Whitby port, loco David Westroppe, deceased; Thos. Verrier, riding officer, Ramsgate, Sandwich port, to be tide surveyor there, loco Martin Stuteville, dismissed; Edward Elsted to succeed Verrier; Robert Couts, tidesman and boatman, Colchester port, loco Thomas Marten, superannuated; George Beard, boatman, Newhaven port, loco John Wood, junr. drowned. Customs Book XIII. pp. 405–6
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. John Viscount Lyminton, Warden of New Forest, loco Charles Duke of Bolton. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 241.
Sept. 11 Royal warrant for letters patent. Sir George Wynn, Constable of Flint Castle, with the usual fee of 10l. per annum, and keeper of the gaol there with same of 6l. 1s. 8d. per annum. Ibid, p. 158.
Sept. 13 Treasury warrants. Richard Thomas, tidesman and boatman, Starcross, Exeter port, loco Thomas Nowell; James Fabyan to succeed Richard Thomas as same, Exeter port; Richard Wilson to be reinstated surveyor of Bridlington, having been dismissed on a misinformation. Customs Book XIII. p. 406.
Sept. 23 Letters patent in Latin. Wm. Mellish, Edward Mellish, Joseph Mellish, of Blyth, Nottingham, sons of Joseph Mellish, the office of Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, with all rights, &c. as held by Richard Thompson, Luke Thompson, Leonard Thompson, Sir Peter Osborne, Sir John Osborne, Sir Peter Osborne, Clement Smith, or any other his predecessors. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 196–203.
Sept. 25 Treasury warrants. David Kemmerly, tidesman, superior list, loco Philip Williams, resigned; John Dewland to succeed Kemmerly in the inferior list; Wm. Peach, same, inferior list, ibid. loco John Bangham, dismissed; Wm. Coxall, watchman, ibid, loco Wm. Peach; Wm. Goldsmith to be reinstated riding officer at Tarring, having been dismissed on a misinformation. Customs Book XIII. p. 408.
Royal warrant for letters patent. Thos. Gordon, a Commissioner of Wine Licenses, loco Gilbert East. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 152–3
Same. Gilbert East, comptroller of wine licenses, loco Thos. Gordon, made a Commissioner of same. Ibid, p. 155–6.
Oct. 2 Treasury warrant. Bacon Morris, collector of Customs in Jamaica, loco Giles Diston, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p. 408.
Oct. 10 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence without loss of salary to Warren Lisle, Customs officer in Weymouth port. Mr. Bowdidge's leave of absence prolonged. Ibid, p. 406.
Oct. 11 Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. George Proctor, steward of the Honour and Castle of Windsor, clerk to the Constable of the said castle, and keeper of the seals of the courts of records in the same, with all fees thereto belonging. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 164–5.
Oct. 16 Treasury warrant. John Gates, riding officer, Dymchurch, Dover port, loco Francis Rogers, superannuated; John Redsole, riding officer, Folkestone, Dover port, loco Solomon Sparkes to be superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p. 414.
Oct. 17 Same. Wm. Fairfax, collector of South Potomac, Virginia, loco Henry Moryson, deceased; Benjamin Vining to succeed Fairfax as collector and surveyor at Salem and Marblehead, New England; John Newton, collector, Bridlington, West Jersey, America, loco John Rolfe, deceased; Thos. Inkson, waiter and searcher, Lynn Regis, loco James Giles, deceased. Ibid, pp. 414–5.
Oct. 19 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. For Roger Yeo to reside at Topsham, Exeter port, as a landwaiter, loco John Ferce, removed to Exeter. Letter Book XIX. p. 186.
Oct. 23 Treasury warrant. Joseph Theball, boatman, Ipswich, loco Nicholas Upson, deceased; Truth Camplin, noon tender, London port, loco John Fox, deceased. Customs Book XIII. p.419.
Oct 24 Treasury Commissions. James Ralph, junior, surveyor of houses, Cambridge, loco Richard Shuit, deceased; Thos. Read, same, Bucks, loco Henry Wright, deceased. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
Oct. 31 Royal warrant. Sir Philip Yorke, Chief Justice of the King's Bench. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 192.
Nov. 2 Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for letters patent granting to Arthur Hill and Laurence Brodrick, the office of register of the memorials of all deeds, &c. in Ireland, on a surrender of said office by Arthur Hill and Alan, Viscount Middleton. Irish Book IX. pp. 1–2.
Nov. 6 Treasury letters patent. John Turner, customer of Lynn Regis, loco Henry Hare, deceased.
Treasury warrants. James Batten, landwaiter, Lyme Regis, loco George Jackson, deceased; Wm. Watson, waiter and searcher, Sunderland, loco Cuthbert Willson, deceased; Ralph Tunstal to succeed Watson as same, Newcastle; John Hodgson, riding officer, Carlisle, loco Wrigglesworth, deceased.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 419, 420.
Nov. 7 Treasury commission. Roger Roydon, surveyor of houses, co. Chester, loco Anthony Penavayre, deceased. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
Treasury letters patent. Edward Hutchinson, receiver with John Watson of the Derwentwater estates. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 79–81.
Nov. 13 Treasury warrant. Joseph Avery, tidesman, superior list, London port, loco John Williams, deceased; Vincent Bassack to succeed Avery in the inferior list; Bland Winniff, boatman, Lynn Regis, loco Richard Raven, deceased; Edward Mann, tidesman and boatman, ibid, loco Thos. Hull, superannuated; Thos. Turner, watchman, London port, loco Richard Bradshaw, superannuated; John Aldred, tidesman, inferior list, loco John Porter, deceased; Charles Rogers, deputy to Edward Foy, a King's waiter, Bristol port. Customs Book XIII. p. 420.
Same. John Collier, Surveyor General of Riding Officers, Kent and Sussex, loco Richard Wyatt, to be superseded; John Stedder, tidesman, superior list, Bristol port, loco John Yeeles, superannuated; John Jones to succeed Stedder in the inferior list, ibid; John Finch, same, ibid, loco Francis Atkinson, superannuated. Ibid, pp. 421, 423.
Treasury letters patent. Henry Thompson, gent, steward of the manors of Castlerigg, Derwentwater, and Thornthwaite, in Cumberland; Thos. Simpson, same of Alston Moor manor and lordship, in the same county; John Aynsley, of Hexham, same of manors of Whittingstal, Newlands, Langley and Wark, in the same county. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 81–8.
Nov. 16 Treasury warrants. Wm. Maxwell, tidesman, Aberdeen, and John Clark, same, Dumfries, to exchange places; John Mitchell, surveyor, Caithness, and Charles Campbell, surveyor and landwaiter at Wigtown to do same; Duncan Finlayson, comptroller of Customs, Lewis, loco John Murray, appointed collector there, loco Patrick Johnston, deceased; John Murrey and Alexander Kinnel, tidesman, Stranraer, loco Mathew Forbes and Robert Hutton, deceased; Andrew Grey, boatman, Dundee, loco James Abercrombie, deceased; John Ewen, land carriage waiter, Glasgow, loco George Battie, deceased; Wm. Leitch, tidesman, Port Glasgow, loco Robert Muschett, not appeared; John Hamilton, officer of the salt duty, Prestonpans, loco Andrew Crichton, deceased; John Carfrea, watchman of the salt duty, Kirkcaldy, loco John Sym, declined; Thos. Craik, tidesman, Prestonpans, loco Thos. Grier, dismissed; James Hamilton, established as assistant to the respective solicitors for the revenues of Customs and Excise, Scotland, at 100l. per annum. North Britain Book XI. pp. 15–7.
Same. Samuel Wilkinson, riding officer, Shoreham port, to be superannuated. Customs Book XIII. p. 419.
Same. Henry Harnage, assistant to the surveyor of the warehouse in examining East India goods, loco John Cole, deceased; Peter Chasselup, deputy to Samual Dawson, a King's waiter, London port; Corbyn Morris, same to Wm. Jennings, one of the five under searchers, ibid; Richard Nicholls, searcher,ibid, loco Thos. Fletcher to be superseded; Jonathan Litler, tidesman, Chester port, loco John Humphreys, deceased. Ibid, p. 422.
Treasury commission. Richard Standish, surveyor of houses, Essex, loco Abraham Reeve. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10.
Nov. 17 Treasury warrant. Wm. Perrin, deputy in Jamaica, loco John Tymms, deceased, to Horatio Walpole, Auditor and Surveyor General of His Majesty's revenues in America. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 75.
Nov. 30 Letters patent by the King. John Willes, Esq. Attorney General. Dudley Ryder, Solicitor General. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 211.
Dec. 10 Same. John Verney, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Chief Justice of the Counties of Chester and Flint. Ibid, p. 212.
Same. John Verney, same of Denbigh and Montgomery - Ibid, p. 213.
Dec. 12 Treasury warrants. Jonathan Dear, landwaiter, superior list, London port, loco Thos. Hodgson, deceased; Charles Smith to succeed Dear in the inferior list. Customs Book XIII. p. 425.
Dec. 13 Same. John Brackenbury, riding officer, Chine, Cowes port, loco Thos. Wells, resigned; Wm. Milner, boatman, Studland Bay, loco Francis Andrews, dismissed; Wm. Penrose, waiter and searcher, Helston, Gweek port, loco Wm. Rowe, deceased; Moses Montel, deputy to Thos. Paget, Esq. inspector of prosecutions in the Exchequer Court with the same instructions, &c. as delivered to Henry Vanderesch, deputy to Wm. Wynde. Ibid, pp. 425–6, 431.
Dec. 14 Same. Stephen Daw, tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Henry Moggridge, preferred (note ibid, February 13, Hutchins to succeed Moggridge, but never appeared). Ibid, p. 432.
Dec. 21 Same. Ralph Tennison, tidesman and boatman, Hull, loco Wm. Watt, superannuated; Edward Swain, riding officer, Rye, loco Henry Orton, deceased; Robert Appleby, waiter and searcher, Newcastle, loco George Adamson, superannuated. Ibid, p. 433.
Treasury order for royal letters patent. Duncan Campbell, comptroller of Customs, Kingston upon Hull. Ibid, p. 444.