Warrants for the Payment of Money: 1733, October-December

Pages 503-515

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1733, October–December

Oct. 1 John Lawton - 10 0 0 Michaelmas quarter as Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 30.
David Polhill - 125 0 0 Same as Keeper of the Records in the Tower. Ibid, p. 305.
Nathaniel Cowdery - 12 10 0 Same quarter - - Ibid, p. 32.
Charles Bettridge - 5 0 0 Same attending the Exchequer gate. Ibid, p. 154.
Oct. 2 Lord Harrington and Holles Duke of Newcastle. 462 10 0 Michaelmas quarter as Secretaries of State. Money Book XXXVII. p. 151.
Sir George Wynne, Constable of Flint Castle. 10 0 0 Dormant warrant for fees from 1733, September 24, date of letters patent. Ibid, pp. 149–50.
6 1 8 Dormant warrant for fees from 1733, September 24, date of letters patent. Ibid, pp. 149–50.
John Lawton - 120 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's extra allowance for keeping records in the Chapter House. Ibid, p. 150.
John Beresford, et al. - 77 10 0 Same quarter making up books of the revenue. Ibid, p. 75.
Oct. 2 Hackney Coaches establishment. 270 10 0 Michaelmas quarter's salary bill. Money Book XXXVII. p. 87.
Viscount Lonsdale - 778 15 0 Michaelmas quarter as Keeper of the Privy Seal. Order Book XV. p. 341; Money Book XXXVII. p, 141.
(? 681 15 0)
Duke of Devonshire - 609 4 Pension, 1733, May 2 to September 29. Money Book, ibid.
Hackney Coaches Commissioners. 183 9 11 Incidents bill, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 146.
Customs officers, London port. 7,818 11 9 Same quarter's salary bill - Custom Book XIII. p. 411.
Same, outports 12,002 6 0 Same - - Ibid.
John Hedges - 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 2.
Oct. 5 David Pouchoud - 322 6 Arrears as His late Majesty's Commissary residing at Utrecht. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 151; Order Book XV. p. 343.
Jean Herman - 64 9 Same as secretary to Lord Glenorchy, His late Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to Denmark. Ibid.
Sir Clement Cotterell - 713 3 6 Royal gift to Count Degenfeldt, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Prussia, and Baron Bunau, same from Elector of Saxony, who have had audience of leave to return home. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 160.
Oct. 6 Corporation of Berwick 25 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's allowance. Money BookXXXVII. p. 41.
Oct. 9 John Rollos, engraver of His Majesty's signets and seals. 58 19 7 Engraving silver seal, described, for New Jersey, in lieu of one cast away at sea, and for expense in relation to the sixpenny tax on workmen's bills. Ibid, p. 152.
Thos. Spence, paymaster of 1710 lottery. 8,000 0 0 To pay annuities on said lottery unsubscribed into South Sea Stock. Ibid, p. 153.
Alured Popple - 287 10 0 Michaelmas quarter salaries and incidents for office of the Board of Trade. Ibid, p. 151.
290 1 4 Michaelmas quarter salaries and incidents for office of the Board of Trade. Ibid, p. 151.
Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. 2,000 0 0 Same quarter's salaries - Ibid, p. 78.
Earl of Essex, Ranger of St. James's Park. 226 16 3 Same for self and keepers, &c. of said park. Ibid.
Same as Keeper of Hyde Park. 100 0 0 Same for same of said park - Ibid, p. 79.
Same - - 100 0 0 Same for Lady Catherine Hyde and Lady Charlotte Hyde. Ibid.
Oct. 9 Lord Cornwallis - - 416 13 4 Michaelmas quarter, fees as Warden Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre, Trent South. Money Book XXXVII. p. 80; Order Book XV. p. 348.
(? 375 0 0) Michaelmas quarter, fees as Warden Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre, Trent South. Money Book XXXVII. p. 80; Order Book XV. p. 348.
Charles Duke of Grafton. 750 0 0 Same quarter's pension - Money Book, ibid.
Clerks of the Privy Council. 250 0 0 Same quarter Ibid, p. 81.
Same 100 0 0 Same attending Board of Trade and Plantations. Ibid.
Earl of Denbigh - 150 0 0 Same quarter's pension Ibid, p. 91.
Earl of Warwick - 200 0 0 Same - -. Ibid, p. 93
Richard Hall - 150 0 0 Manager of Dover pacquet boats. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 73–4.
per annum.
Charles Lovell - 150 0 0 As former same Ibid.
per annum.
Civil List establishment, Scotland. 8,848 3 1732, Michaelmas quarter's bill. North Britain Book X. pp. 484–8.
Salt establishment 625 0 0 Salary bill, same quarter Ibid, pp. 489–91.
Customs establishment 6,136 12 0 Same - - Ibid XI. p. 1–14.
Bank of England - 60,000 0 0 One year from 1733, Midsummer, annuity as by 11 Geo. I. reduced. Order Book XV. p. 85.
J. Scrope 6,399 0 0 Secret service - King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 130.
Oct. 10 Richard Fitzwilliams - 100 0 0 Michaelmas quarter as Governor, &c. of the Bahamas. Order BookXV. p. 347.
Thos. Diggs - 100 0 0 Half year, due same time, as Lieutenant Governor of Montserrat. Ibid, p. 348.
Edward Byam - 100 0 0 Same as same of Antigua Ibid.
Thos. Spence - 8,000 0 0 Unsubscribed annuities on 1710 lottery. Ibid, p. 157.
Oct. 16 Auditor of the Receipt 54,366 8 10¾ To discharge principal remaining unsatisfied on orders of loan or Exchequer bills on land tax,1731. Money Book XXXVII. p. 154.
Earl of Goldolphin - 1,000 0 0 1733, Michaelmas quarter, as Groom of the Stole. Ibid.
Dukes of Manchester and Richmond, Earls of Selkirk, Albemarle, Waldegrave, Dunmore, Pembroke, and Essex, Wm. Manners, John Powlett, commonly called Lord Hinton. 250 0 0 1733, Michaelmas quarter's annuity as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 155.
Sir Robert Rich, Sir Charles Hotham, Charles Churchill, Thos. Pagett, John Campbell, James Campbell, and John Clavering. 125 0 0 Same as Grooms of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Oct. 6 John Lord Hervey - 150 0 0 Michaelmas quarter, as Vice, Chamberlain of the Household. Money Book XXXVII pp. 155–6.
James Brace, Master of the Mint, Scotland. 1,200 0 0 Salaries and expenses of said Mint, one year to 1783., September 29. Ibid, p. 156.
Charles Black - 500 0 0 Extras, detailed, as Consul General at Algier. Ibid, pp. 170–1.
George Lord Forbes, Envoy Extraordinary to the Czarina. 505 0 0 Ordinary to September 29, and two bills of extras, detailed. Ibid, pp. 158–9.
150 0 0 Ordinary to September 29, and two bills of extras, detailed. Ibid, pp. 158–9.
217 8 Ordinary to September 29, and two bills of extras, detailed. Ibid, pp. 158–9.
Lord Lynn - - 175 0 0 Michaelmas quarter - - Ibid, p. 90.
Duke of St. Albans 343 2 6 Same quarter as Master of Hawks, Ibid, p. 92.
Same - - 250 0 0 Same quartet's pension - Ibid.
Hawkers and Pedlars Office establishment. 445 0 0 Same quarter's salary bill - Ibid, p. 38.
Oct. 17 Benjamin, Bishop of Sarum. 285 2 6 Half year, due Michaelmas, as Chancellor of the Garter. Ibid, p. 157.
Heirs of Nicholas Yates. 25 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's annuity Ibid, p. 112.
John Spencer and Hugh Andrews. 9 2 6 As keepers of the Council Chamber. Ibid, p. 12.
each. As keepers of the Council Chamber. Ibid, p. 12.
11 7 6 As keepers of the Council Chamber. Ibid, p. 12.
Thos. Lowther 1,500 0 0 His Majesty's service - Ibid, p. 29.
Oct. 18 Warine Falkner - 40 0 0 Rewards paid as Sheriff of Stafford. Ibid, p. 17.
Edmund Lechmere - 40 0 0 Same as same of Worcester - Ibid.
Oct. 22 Nicholas Paxton - 1,000 0 0 Crown law expenses Ibid, p. 19.
Oct. 23 Paymaster of Exchequer bills. 250,000 0 0 To discharge like principal in Exchequer bills on land tax, 1733. Ibid, p. 157.
Duke of Montagu - 98 19 1733, August 28 to September 29, on a pension of 1,200l. per annum. Ibid, p. 159.
Earl of Essex - 970 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Ambassador to King of Sardinia. Ibid, p. 160.
Wm. Pinch - - 776 0 0 Same as Envoy, &c. to States General. Ibid.
Arthur Stert and John Goddard. 485 0 0 Same as commissaries to treat with those of Spain. Ibid, pp. 160–1.
Lord Tyrawley - 485 0 0 Same as Envoy, &c. to Portugal. Ibid, p. 161.
Edward Pinch 485 0 0 Same as same to Sweden - Ibid.
Thos. Robinson - 485 0 0 Same as same to Emperor of Germany. Ibid.
George Woodward - 485 0 0 Same as same to Poland Ibid.
James Dayrolle - - 291 0 0 Same as Resident with the States General and extras, detailed. Ibid, pp. 162, 164–5.
150 0 0 Same as Resident with the States General and extras, detailed. Ibid, pp. 162, 164–5.
Elizaeus Burgess 291 0 0 Same as same in Venice Ibid p. 162.
Walter Titley - 291 0 0 Same as same in Denmark - Ibid.
Oct. 23 Claudius Rondeau 291 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Russia and extras, detailed. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 164–5.
100 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Russia and extras, detailed. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 164–5.
100 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Russia and extras, detailed. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 164–5.
100 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Russia and extras, detailed. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 164–5.
100 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Russia and extras, detailed. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 164–5.
Sir Cyril Wich 291 0 0 Same as Envoy, &c. to the Hanse Towns. Ibid, p. 162.
Benjamin Keene 291 0 0 Same as Minister, &c. to Spain, and Consul at Madrid. Ibid, p. 163.
125 0 0 Same as Minister, &c. to Spain, and Consul at Madrid. Ibid, p. 163.
Charles Black - - 150 0 0 Same as Consul General at Algiers. Ibid.
W. Reede - 95 0 0 Same as same at Tripoli Ibid.
W. Cayley 50 0 0 Same as Consul at Cadiz - Ibid.
John Dean 50 0 0 Same as same in Flanders - Ibid.
Edmond Allen 194 0 0 Same as Secretary at Turin. Ibid, p. 164.
Thos. Pelham 194 0 0 Same as same to the Extraordinary Embassy to France. Ibid.
Melchior Guy Dickens 194 0 0 Same as Secretary at Berlin - Ibid.
John Crookshanks - 194 0 0 Same as same to Goddard and Stert. Ibid.
Charles Holzendorff - 100 0 0 Same for service in foreign parts. Ibid.
Sheriffs of England and Wales, detailed. 4,000 0 0 Expenses of letters patent of their office. Ibid, pp. 166–7; Order Book XV. p. 365.
Robert Gowie - - 20 0 0 Passage money as minister to South Carolina. Money Book XXXVII. p. 37.
Anne Crouch 200 0 0 Her late husband's services in compiling a “book of rates” and a “complete guide to the officers of the Customs. Customs Book XIII. pp. 416–8.
Oct. 24 Martin Bladen, Samuel Tufnell, John Drummond. 468 0 0 To complete ordinary to September 29, as commissaries to treat with those of States General and the Emperor on matters arising by the Treaty of Vienna. Money Book XXXVII. p. 170.
Oct. 26 Paymasters of Exchequer hills. 680,000 0 0 To satisfy like principal on Exchequer bills on malt, 1733 Order Book XV. p. 325; Money Book XXXVII. p. 168.
(? 650,000 0 0)
Day Holbech - 75 0 0 Watering highway from Denham Buildings to King Street, Westminster, 1733, summer. Money Book XXXVII. p. 168.
Oct. 29 Corporation of Lyme Regis. 100 0 0 Royal bounty towards the repair of “Cobb” Pier. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 171.
Oct. 30 Taxes Commissioners - 50 19 7 Michaelmas quarter's incidents, land tax. Money Book XXXVII. p. 169.
Same - - 50 17 5 Same, same as house duties - Ibid, 172.
Commissioners for Taxes 150 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's salaries Ibid, p. 107.
Oct. 30 House duty establishment. 677 10 0 Michaelmas quarter's salaries Money Book XXXVII. p. 108.
Wm. Earl of Sutherland. 300 0 0 Same quarter, on the annuity enjoyed by his grandfather, John Earl of Sutherland, lately deceased. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 166–7.
Augustus Schutz - 1,250 7 Expense of Office of Robes to 1733, Michaelmas. Ibid, p. 167.
Oct. 31 James and Arthur Moore. 1,250 0 0 Michaelmas quarter for Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, exclusive of captains' pay of 250l. Money Book XXXVII. p. 171.
Duke of Chandos 400 0 0 Dormant warrant for incidents for office as Keeper of the Hanaper in Chancery. Ibid, p. 169.
per annum.
Nov. 1 Samuel Grey, messenger of the press. 23 1 7 Buying up and getting marked for evidence all pamphlets and newspapers published in London, 1733, June 30 to September 27. Letter Book XIX. p. 188.
Nov. 2 Paymaster of the Works. 40,000 0 0 Imprest for the Works King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 182.
John Hedges - 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - Ibid, p. 2
Nov. 3 Henry Pelham 126 6 8 Fees allowed on his account, 1730, June 25, to 1731, December 24, as Paymaster of the Forces. Ibid, pp. 171–2.
Nov. 6 Wm. Emerson, keeper of the gate in Hyde Park. 65 0 0 Watering road from upper end of the paddock, Hyde Park, to Kensington Palace, 1733, summer season. Money Book XXXVII. p. p. 172.
Wm. Earl of Essex, Ranger and Keeper of Hyde Park. 200 0 0 Watering the ring in the said park, same season. Ibid.
Earl Waldegrave - 400 0 0 Extras, detailed, as Ambassador to France. Ibid, p. 173.
Benjamin Keene - 450 0 0 Same as Minister, &c. in Spain. Ibid, pp. 173–4.
Thos. Pelham - 170 0 0 Same as secretary, &c. in France. Ibid.
Lord Tyrawley 75 0 0 Same as Envoy &c. to Portugal. Ibid, pp. 173–5.
75 0 0 Same as Envoy &c. to Portugal. Ibid, pp. 173–5.
Melchior Guy Dickens 126 5 0 Same as secretary at Berlin - Ibid, p. 175.
Sir Cyril Wich - 75 0 0 Same as Envoy, &c. to Hanse Towns. Ibid, p. 176.
John King, outranger of Windsor Forest. 300 0 0 Half year to Michaelmas, self and keepers, &c. Ibid, p. 176–7.
Duke of Kent - - 500 0 0 Michaelmas quarter's pension Ibid, p. 114.
Richard Bradley - 75 0 0 Half year to Michaelmas, 1733, as Attorney General of New York. Ibid, p. 115.
Wine Licenses Commissioners. 246 10 4 Incidents, 1733, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 4.
Same - 577 10 0 Salary bill for self and officers, same quarter. Ibid, p. 6.
Nov. 6 John Inglis - 25 0 0 Michaelmas quarter as Marshal of the Ceremonies and Assistant Master of same. Money Book XXXVII. p. 39.
32 6 8 Michaelmas quarter as Marshal of the Ceremonies and Assistant Master of same. Money Book XXXVII. p. 39.
Heirs of Col. Fairfax - 25 0 0 Same quarter's perpetuity - Ibid.
Sir Clement Cotterell - 25 0 0 Same quarter as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid.
50 0 0 Same quarter as Master of the Ceremonies. Ibid.
Corporation of Dartmouth. 10 0 0 Same quarter's perpetuity Ibid.
Same of Lyme Regis - 25 0 0 Same quarter's annuity Ibid, p. 41.
Ministers of Isle of Man 25 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
John Cooke - 24 3 4 Same quarter as Clerk of Foreign Estreats. Ibid, p. 42.
Jane Kien 75 0 0 Same as wardrobe keeper at Kensington Palace. Ibid.
Richard Bentley - 50 0 0 Same as keeper of His Majesty's libraries. Ibid.
Provost and Fellows of Eton College. 10 10 0 Same quarter's perpetuity Ibid.
Earl of Crawford and 11 others, ut supra, p. 486. 700 0 0 Same quarter's pensions Ibid, p. 43.
Captain George Munro 100 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid.
Earl of Buchan and six others. 1,200 0 0 Same quarter as Commissioners of Police, Scotland. Ibid, p. 44.
Lord Mordington - 50 0 0 Same quarter's allowances - Ibid, p. 45.
Sir Patrick and Martha Johnston. 37 10 0 Same quarter's pensions - Ibid.
12 10 0 Same quarter's pensions - Ibid.
Lord Byron 250 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Earl of Kintore 50 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid, p. 46.
Earl of Iley and Geo. Campbell. 50 0 0 Same quarter for Lord Forbes's children. Ibid.
Mungo Haldane 100 0 0 Same quarter's allowance - Ibid, p. 47.
George Turbill 50 0 0 Same quarter Ibid.
Dr. James Bouchier 10 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Dr. Wm. Woodford 10 0 0 Same Ibid.
Dr. Christopher Green 10 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 43.
Dr. Francis Dickens 10 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Mayor of Macclesfield 25 0 0 Half year for town preacher Ibid.
Sergeants - at - arms, detailed. 213 8 0 1733, Michaelmas quarter - Ibid, p. 51.
Earl of Berkeley - 52 10 0 Same for keepers, &c. of Dean Forest. Ibid, p. 52.
Earl of Tylney - 67 10 0 Same for same of Waltham Forest. Ibid, p. 53.
John Rollos - 12 10 0 Same quarter - - Ibid, p. 54.
Sir Charles Dalton - 50 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Frances Wyndham - 50 0 0 Same quarter's pension - Ibid, p. 55.
Hugh Howard - 40 0 0 Same quarter - - Ibid.
George Middleton - 150 0 0 Same quarter's incidents to the Commissioners of Police. Ibid, p. 56.
Daniel Graham - 28 15 0 Same quarter - Ibid, p. 57.
Wm. Cowper - - 51 16 8 Same as Knight Harbinger - Ibid, p. 58.
Edw. Foy 15 0 0 Dormant warrant for salary as King's waiter, Bristol. Customs Book XIII. p. 420.
per annum.
Kings of arms and other officers of arms. 210 0 0 Half-year ended 1733, Michaelmas. Money Book XXXVII. p. 36.
Nov. 6 Samuel Robinson, Chamberlain of the City of London. 1,000 0 0 Royal charity to the poor of London. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 175.
Executors of late Duke of Marlborough. 150 12 6 Levied on an outlawry of Richard Young. Ibid, p. 176.
Charles Earl of Tankerville, Master of the Buckhounds. 692 18 Savings on the establishment of the Royal Buckhounds, 1732–3, June 24. Ibid, p. 173.
John Ranby, surgeon to the Household. 70 0 0 Attendance, anno 1733, on the royal hunt at Richmond and Hampton Court. Ibid.
Viscount Lymington, Warden of New Forest. 30 0 0 For repair of the royal house at Lyndhurst. Ibid, pp. 174–5.
40 0 0 For repair of the royal house at Lyndhurst. Ibid, pp. 174–5.
Arthur Onslow - 500 0 0 100 days as Speaker of the House of Commons. Ibid, p. 182.
Waldo Calmady 160 0 0 Rewards paid as Sheriff of Devon. Money Book XXXVII. p. 18.
Nov. 7 Robert Smith 37 10 0 Michaelmas quarter - Ibid, p. 93.
Gilbert Fleming 200 0 0 Salary as Lieutenant Governor of St. Christopher. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 177.
per annum.
Nov. 8 John Scrope 6,876 0 0 Secret service - Ibid, p. 130.
Nov. 10 South Sea Company - 1,172,088 2 31 One year's annuity to 1734, September 29, on 29,302,203l. 5s. 6d. and charges of management. Order Book XV. p. 361.
16,992 19 10½ One year's annuity to 1734, September 29, on 29,302,203l. 5s. 6d. and charges of management. Order Book XV. p. 361.
Nov. 12 Executors of Thos. Missing. 819 0 0 Victualling Gibraltar, 1733, April 1 to June 30. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 179–80.
Wm. Earl Cowper 1,000 0 0 From 1733, April 13, as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, loco John Lord Clinton. Ibid, pp. 180–1.
per annum.
Sir Theodore Janssen - 130 0 0 Royal bounty to John Walton and fees. Ibid.
16 17 0 Royal bounty to John Walton and fees. Ibid.
Charles Brockwell - 40 0 0 As surveyor of houses, London, loco John Grainger. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 68.
per annum.
John Grainger - 50 0 0 As same, Lincoln, loco Charles Brockwell. Ibid.
per annum.
Nov. 13 Duke of St. Albans, Constable of Windsor Castle and Warden of the Forest there. 20 0 0 For the Ranger of Old Windsor Walk for hay for the deer. Money Book XXXVII. p. 177.
John Lethieullier - 96 12 0 City impost on wines for 1733, in proportions, detailed. Ibid, pp. 182–3.
Under Sheriffs of Anglesea, Brecon and Flint, detailed. 30 0 0 Passing accounts of those counties on the death of the High Sheriffs, 1731. Ibid, p. 183.
Lord Lymington 25 0 0 Michaelmas quarter as Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North. Ibid, p. 49.
Andrew Charlton - 50 0 0 Same quarter as keeper of Newmarket Palace. Ibid, p. 40.
Thos. Lowther - 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Ibid, p. 29.
Nov. 13.]
Joshua Peat - 20 0 0 Passage money as minister to Jamaica. Ibid, p. 37.
Nov. 13 Executors of Thos. Missing. 2,484 0 Victualling men, detailed, at Gibraltar, 1733, April 30 to May 27. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 185–36.
Sir Philip Yorke, Chief Justice of England. 2,000 0 0 As Chief Justice in succession to Lord Raymond, baron of Abbots Langley. Ibid, pp. 183–4.
per annum
Dr. Paul, His Majesty's Advocate, and Mr. Rooke, of the Rolls Chapel. Fees for reports on reference from the Board of Trade and for business done by order of the Attorney General, &c. respectively. Letter Book XIX. p. 191.
Bank of England - 12,232 3 3 Circulating Exchequer bills for three months ended 1733, October 24.
Appending:—Statement of same outstanding on latter date.
Money Book XXXVI. p. 365; Order Book XV. p. 334.
Same - 24,000 0 0 One year to 1734, June 24, on 800,000l. lottery annuities, 1731. Money Book XXXVI. p. 371.
Nov. 14 Joseph Tudor - - 900 0 0 Clerks and incidents of the committee for frauds in the Customs. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 178.
Jeffrey Elwes - 11,200 0 0 As treasurer to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty. Ibid, pp. 182–3.
Nov. 15 Nicholas Roch, Sheriff of Pembroke. 40 0 0 Rewards paid for arrests - Order Book XV. p. 377.
William Rouse, Secretary to the Postmaster General. 300 0 0 From Michaelmas, 1732, for His Majesty's service, additional to the 4,000l. per annum usually disbursed by him for same. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 184–5.
per annum.
East India Company - 128,000 0 0 One year's annuity to 1734, Michaelmas. Order Book XV. p. 372.
Bank of England - 70,000 0 0 One year to 1734, Midsummer, on 1,750,000l. Ibid, p. 87.
Same - - 30,000 0 0 One year to 1734, Midsummer, in 12 Geo. I. Ibid, p. 88.
Same - 50,000 0 0 Same on 1,250,000l. - Ibid.
Nov. 16 Nicholas Paxton - 1,000 0 0 Crown law expenses - Money Book XXXVII. p. 19.
Wm. Steuart - 50,000 0 0 Imprest for pensions - King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 50.
Col. John Moody 1,025 1 8 For house and lands in Placentia. Ibid, p. 187.
Executors of Thos. Missing. 3,012 3 Victualling men, detailed, Gibraltar, 1783, May 28 to July 22. Ibid, pp. 187–9.
Prince Cantimir - 400 0 0 From 1733, April 3, as Envoy from the Czarina. Ibid, p. 190.
per annum.
Under Secretaries, et al. of the two Secretaries of State's offices. 1,144 0 0 Expenses in attendance at Hampton Court, 1733, July 16 to October 27. Ibid, pp. 190–1.
Nov. 16 Richard Score - 3,000 0 0 Services in bringing the rating of unrated East India goods to a new method. Customs Book XIII. pp. 421–2.
Edward Ashe, Customs officer, Dartmouth. 42 16 6 Moiety of the seizure of English coin from the “Prosperity” sloop. Ibid, p. 423.
Excise establishment, Scotland. 1,843 18 1733, Michaelmas quarter's salary bill. North Britain Book X. pp. 18–20.
Same - 528 10 Same quarter's incidents bill Ibid, pp. 20–1.
Thos. Lowther 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service Money Book XXXVII. p. 29.
Francis Whitworth 50 0 0 Half year due Michaelmas - Ibid, p. 50.
Richard Arundell 97 6 8 One year, due September 29, as keeper of His Majesty's private roads, &c. Ibid, pp. 190–1.
Nov. 17 Wm. Richards - 1,000 0 0 Expenses for His Majesty's special service. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 178.
Nov. 19 Sir Philip Yorke, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. 2,000 0 0 Augmentation of salary - Ibid, pp. 192–5.
per annum.
Dec. 1 Sir Wm. Chapple and five others named. 100 0 0 Michaelmas Term as Welsh justices. Order Book XV. p. 377.
John Birch 25 0 0 Same as Fifth Baron of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Dec. 10 Lord Forbes - 150 0 0 Extraordinaries for three months ended 1733, October 31, as Minister Plenipotentiary to the Czarina of Muscovy. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 92; Money Book XXXVII. p. 191.
Dec. 11 Scroop, Viscount Howe, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Barbados. 1,251 15 11½ Moiety salary, 1732, December 6, to 1733, April 11, his arrival there, and full salary from latter date to September 29. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 186–7.
Earl Waldegrave - 660 0 0 Extras, detailed, as Ambassador, &c. to France. Ibid, pp. 188–9.
Wm. Earl of Essex - 299 5 3 Same, detailed, as Ambassador to King of Sardinia. Ibid.
298 14 4 Same, detailed, as Ambassador to King of Sardinia. Ibid.
Edward Finch - 100 0 0 Same, detailed, as Envoy, &c. in Sweden. Ibid, pp. 188–90.
Walter Titley - 100 0 0 Same, detailed, as Resident in Denmark. Ibid.
Thos. Robinson - 426 0 0 Same as Minister, &c. to the Emperor. Ibid, p. 192.
11 ?]
Duke of St. Albans - 48 10 0 Michaelmas quarter as Governor of Windsor Castle. Ibid, p. 185.
Dec. 11
and 18.
Peter Lord King - 3,000 0 0 Pension on giving up the Great Seal. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 203 and 235–6.
per annum.
Dec. 11 Joshua Smith - 20 4 4 Overpayment in account as Sheriff of Surrey. Money Book XXXVII. p. 31.
Dec. 11 John Hedges 2,000 0 0 Prince of Wales - King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 2.
Duke of Montagu - 125 0 0 1733, Michaelmas quarter, officers of the Bath. Money Book XXXVII. p. 53.
Robert Price 40 0 0 Rewards paid as Sheriff of Denbigh. Ibid, p. 81.
Henry Norton - 40 0 0 Same as Under Sheriff of Bedford. Ibid.
John Chatfield 40 0 0 Same as same of Surrey - Ibid.
Edward Sherwood - 40 0 0 Same as Sheriff of Berks Ibid.
Dec. 12 Philip Lord Hardwick 1,211 6 2 From 1732–3, March 18, to Michaelmas Term, as Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Order Book XV. p. 375.
Dec. 13 Sufferers by Tiverton fire. 53 6 9 Excise duties of goods burned Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 91.
Dec. 13
Thos. Lowther - 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service Money Book XXXVII. p. 29.
Charles Lord Talbot - 5,000 0 0 From 1733, November 9, as Lord High Chancellor, from the Post Office revenue, in like manner as the 6,000l. per annum to Lord King, late same. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 204.
per annum.
Edward Jones - 400 0 0 Royal bounty - Ibid.
Dec. 14 Receiver General of Crown Rents and Casualties, Scotland. 16,558 16 6 Surplus of the malt duties, Scotland, 1727 to 1733, detailed, to be paid over for the improvement of fisheries and manufactures there. North Britain Book XI. pp.
Charles Lord Talbot - 2,000 0 0 Royal bounty - King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 205.
Dec. 15 Wm. Townshend, Usher of the Receipt. 915 7 Necessaries delivered respectively to the ancient offices of the Receipt and to the several new officers, detailed, 1733, Easter and Trinity Terms. Order Book XV. p. 378.
551 4 Necessaries delivered respectively to the ancient offices of the Receipt and to the several new officers, detailed, 1733, Easter and Trinity Terms. Order Book XV. p. 378.
Dec. 18 Wm. Earl Cowper 447 16 0 1733, April 13 to September 29, as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Money Book XXXVII. p. 192.
John Scrope 6,067 0 0 Secret service King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 130.
Dec. 20 John Selwyn, Treasurer to the Queen. 1,663 17 For the three Princesses, 1733, Christmas quarter. Ibid, p. 214.
Josiah Diston - - 100 0 0 Royal bounty - - Ibid, p. 216.
Thos. Brian, one of the solicitors of Customs. 250 0 0 For inquiring into frauds and abuses in the Customs, as by the order of the Committee of the House of Commons. Customs Book XIII. pp. 438–9.
Dec. 21 Earl Waldegrave - 1,300 0 0 Three months' ordinary to December 17, as Ambassador, &c. to France. Money Book XXXVII. p. 88.
Stephen Poyntz, Receiver General of Excise duties. 630 5 3 Charges in carrying 2,770,599l. 7s. 1d. to the Exchequer, 1732, June 26, to 1733, June 18, on account of Excise duties. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 93.
Duke of Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe. 20,000 0 0 Imprest for the Great Wardrobe. King's Warrant Book XXXI, p. 214.
Sir John Darnell 200 0 0 For going the Home Circuit as an Associate Judge. Ibid, p. 216.
Dec. 22 Francis Whitworth - 1,000 0 0 Imprest for works and repairs in Windsor Forest, Windsor Great Park, Hyde Park, and Old Windsor Wood. Money Book XXXVII. p. 196.
John Jennings and Edmund Fitzgerald. 100 0 0 Attendance as clerks under the Clerk of Parliament in the House of Lords for session 1732–3, January 16, to 1733, June 13. Ibid, p. 197.
Mary Whitton, administratrix of Peter Whitton. 266 11 3 Overpayment in account of the old duties on houses for 1731 by her late husband as Receiver General for part of co. York. Order Book XV. p. 382.
Hugh Howard 40,000 0 0 Imprest for service of His Majesty's works. Ibid, p. 185.
Dec. 24 John Walker, Usher of the Court of the Exchequer. 374 18 0 Necessaries delivered Michaelmas Term, and allowances. Ibid, p. 383.
3 10 0 Necessaries delivered Michaelmas Term, and allowances. Ibid, p. 383.
Nicholas Paxton - - 1,200 0 0 Crown law expenses - Money Book XXXVII. p. 19.
Dec. 26 Customs officers, outports. 12,059 13 3 1733, Christmas quarter's salary bill. Customs Book XIII. p. 433.
Same, London port - 7,805 19 10¼ Same Ibid.
Same in the Plantations 1,850 0 0 Half year's salary bill to 1733, Christmas. Ibid.
Clerks of the Treasury, detailed. 325 0 0 Christmas quarter - - Money Book XXXVII. p. 147.
John Lawton - - 120 0 0 Same quarter - - - Ibid, p. 150.
Nicholas Paxton - 100 0 0 Perusing and observing on pamphlets, six months to 1733, December 22. Ibid, p. 75.
John Beresford, et al. - 77 10 0 Christmas quarter as clerks for making up the books of the revenue. Ibid.
Dec. 27 Clerks of the Treasury, detailed. 187 10 0 Same quarter's salaries Ibid, XXXVI. p. 32.
Dec. 28 Viscount Lonsdale - 728 15 0 Same quarter as Keeper of the Privy Seal. ibid, XXXVII. p. 197.
Duke of Newcastle 100 0 0 Year's patent fee as Secretary of State. Ibid.
Lords of the Treasury - 2,000 0 0 1733, Christmas quarter's salaries. Ibid, p. 68.
Dec. 28 Sir Robert Walpole - 400 0 0 Christmas quarter, as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Money Book XXXVII. p.68.
Earl of Wilmington 1,000 0 0 Same, as President of the Council. Ibid.
David Polhill and three clerks. 37 10 0 Same, sorting, &c. records, &c. in Caesar's Chapel, &c. in the Tower. Ibid, p. 70.
Richard Andrews, junr. 37 10 0 Same, as solicitor for His Majesty's affairs in the Exchequer Court. Ibid.
John Couraud - - 50 0 0 Same, as Latin secretary - Ibid, p. 71.
Charles Valence Jones 50 0 0 Same, as one of the solicitors for the Treasury. Ibid.
Henry Fane - 50 0 0 Same quarter - Ibid, p. 72.
George Holmes - 25 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Wm. Ireland 25 0 0 Same Ibid.
Thos. Mann, et al. detailed. 127 10 0 Same Ibid, p. 73.
Nicholas Paxton - - 250 0 0 Half year due December 22 - Ibid.
Thos. Thurkettle - 15 3 4 1733, Christmas quarter Ibid, p. 74.
15 3 4 1733, Christmas quarter Ibid, p. 74.
Sir Thos. Allen and Thos. Spence. 47 17 0 Same quarter as serjeants-at arms. Ibid, p. 147.
Dec. 29 Duke of Newcastle and Lord Harrington. 462 10 0 Same as Secretaries of State - Order Book XV. p. 380.
David Polhill - - 125 0 0 Same as Keeper of the Records in the Tower. Ibid, p. 305.
Thos. Walker - - 100 0 0 Half year to Christmas as Surveyor General. Ibid, p. 257.
Nathaniel Cowdery - 12 10 0 Christmas quarter - - Ibid, p. 32.
Wm. Hammer - 150 0 0 Half year, due Christmas, as Lieutenant Governor of Nevis. Ibid, p. 384.
Earl of Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt. 200 0 0 One year due Christmas for extraordinary business in his office. Ibid, p. 381.
Robert Lord Walpole, Clerk of the Pells. 195 8 4 Three allowances detailed for attending Treasury, &c. same year. Ibid.
John Lawton - 10 0 0 Christmas quarter as Senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 30.
Charles Bettridge - 5 0 0 Same quarter, attending the Exchequer gate. Ibid, p. 154.
Dec. 31 Robert Smith - - 37 10 0 Same quarter Money Book XXXVII. p. 93.
Clerks of the Privy Council. 250 0 0 Same quarter Ibid, p. 81.
Same - 100 0 0 Same, attending Board of Trade and Plantations. Ibid.