Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1733, October-December

Pages 455-467

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1733, October–December

Oct. 1 Memorial of the Commissioners of Trade, Whitehall, to the Treasury. For salaries and incidents of their office, 1733, Michaelmas quarter.
Minuted:—10 October, warrant signed. 1 page.
—(a.) Accounts, detailed, of said incidents. 5 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 13.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. For payment of 4,000l. per annum to the Earl of Arran for the lease of prizage and butlerage of wines, ut supra, August 31, pp. 399–100, with the additional instruction that the said sum shall be paid clear of all deductions. Irish Book VIII. pp. 456–8.
Oct. 2.]
Petition to the Treasury from John Cowper, Esq. Receiver General of Taxes for Northampton and Rutland. For 550l. expended in bringing up by strong guards and remitting to London his receipts for land tax and house duties, 1716–24.
Minuted:—October 2. Warrant signed for 976l. 14s. 6d. extraordinaries and allowances. 1 page.
—(a.) Cowper's affidavit to above effect. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 14.
Oct. 2 Treasury warrant to Wm. Lowndes, auditor of land tax and house duties for Northampton and Rutland. To make extraordinary allowances in account to John Cowper, late Receiver General of Northampton.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 67.
Same to Customs Commissioners and Attorney General. For acceptance of smuggling composition from Wm. Williams for running goods from the “Stretham” from India. Customs Book XIII. pp. 409–10.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To place 70l. per annum on the civil establishment for Thos. Hatton, Constable of Dublin Castle, till his lodgings there shall be repaired. Irish Book VIII. pp. 458–9.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To repay taxes, 1733, to Customs officers of under 60l. salary. Customs Book XIII. p. 324.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - To distribute and apply the income of the General Fund, 1733, Michaelmas quarter.
Prefixing:—Statement of said income.
Money Book XXXVII. pp. 142–3.
Same to same - For same of same of Aggregate Fund -
Ibid, pp. 144–5.
Oct. 3 Petition to the Treasury from Mrs. Jane Lowther. To enclose land in the Privy Garden for a garden to her house. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Same to same from Herman Kingsberg, agent for Rich. How. Concerning a wrong entry of cambrics at the Custom House. Reference Book X. p. 13.
Same to same from Wm. Reede. Concerning the bond for his brother, John Noor Reade, for tobacco duties. Ibid.
Oct. 8 Memorial to the Treasury from E. Britiffe, in the absence of Lord Hobart. For 6,383l. 4s. 11d. the established allowance of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office for 1733, Michaelmas quarter. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 15.
Oct. 9 Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For a gift of christening plate to Major Wyvill, to cost 45l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 441.
Same for same For liveries for the Children of the Chapel for 1733: to cost 264l. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To stay proceedings against Christopher Heron, Sheriff of Kingston upon Hull, for escape of Richard Woodwark from prison.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 412–4.
Same to the Attorney General To discharge Roger Lacy of bail recognizances estreated into the Exchequer. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 75.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To pass the baggage of Mons. Borck, arrived here as Minister from the King of Prussia. Letter Book XIX. p. 185.
Oct. 10 J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing for report the draft of a new contract to be made with Matthew Woodford for victualling Placentia and Annapolis Royal. Letter Book XIX. p. 185.
Same to Customs Commissioners. For an account of wrought silks, &c. from Persia, India, or China, sent to Liverpool for the Isle of Man. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. For an account of the produce of the duties on wrought silks, Bengals, and stuffs mixed with silk or herba, and all calicoes printed, &c. of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, 1719 to 1733, Michaelmas. Irish Book IX. p. 8.
Treasury warrant to Stamp Commissioners. To stay process against Wm. Hucks on a bond for John Crooke, distributor of stamps, Wallingford. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 74.
Oct. 12 J. Scrope to Auditor of Receipt. For an account of the deficiency of the land tax, 1731, to answer the loans and Exchequer bills charged thereupon. Letter Book XIX. p. 185.
Oct. 15 Same to Customs Commissioners. To pass baggage of Baron Starck, arrived here as Minister from the Duke of Holstein. Ibid, p. 186.
Oct. 16 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To enlarge from prison Robert Latimer and James Peirce, securities for Hugh Arbuthnot for tobacco duties.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 415–6.
Petition to the Treasury from Henry Blake. For reward for services in discoveries of frauds, having been sometime clerk in the Solicitor of Customs office. Reference Book X. p. 14.
Same to same from executors of Thos. Missing. For 828l. for victualling 360 men in Placentia, Annapolis Royal, and Canso, 1733, July 1 to September 30. Ibid.
Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, &c. in said office for August and September last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 16.
Oct. 17 Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For Bibles and furniture, &c. for His Majesty's chapel, Whitehall, to cost 89l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 441.
Petition to the Treasury from Robert Hucks. For a lease of the hundreds of Ock and Moreton, Berks, with perquisites, &c. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Report to the Treasury from Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of Sarah, Duchess Dowager of Marlborough, for the assets levied upon Richard Young, late of Winchendon, Bucks, upon an outlawry. 2 pages.
—(a.) Said petition with reference. 1¼ pages.
(b.) Certificate by Henry Ord, a clerk of the Exchequer, as to the levy of the debt. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 18.
Oct. 20 J. Scrope to Auditor Lowndes Concerning the in super on the hundred of Tenbury, co. Worcester, on account of land tax or house duties. Letter Book XIX. p. 186.
Oct. 21 The Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated from Hampton Court. Enclosing a second memorial of Mr. Chavigni, relating to the “Dragon,” a French smuggling vessel seized at Scarborough. 1 page
—(a.) Copy of said memorial of the French minister. French. 1 page.
(b.) Copy of answer of M. Grandin, proprietor of the “Dragon,” to the charges of the Customs Commissioners. French. 3 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 19.
Oct. 22 Charles Carkesse to Mark Frecker, dated Custom House, London. Concerning the allowance payable to the Surveyor General of the Northern Continent of America, for the time between the death of Devereux Bacon and the appointment of John Peagrum, 1731, May 11, to 1732, June 29. 2 pages.
—(a.) Peagrum's petition for intermediate salary. ½page.
Ibid, No. 20.
Oct. 23.]
Petition to the Treasury from Joseph Hinxman, woodward of New Forest. For poundage for trees felled in the interim between the death of Charles Wither and the appointment of Francis Whitworth as Surveyor General of Woods.
Minuted:—Agreed to. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 21.
Oct. 23 J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Forwarding two lists of Missing's of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1733, May 28 to July 22, and concerning an advance on Revell's new contract. Letter Book XIX. p. 187.
Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For Common Prayer Books, &c. for His Majesty's chapel at James's. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 442.
Same for same - For a livery for 1733 for Eliz. Stubbs, ratkiller in ordinary to His Majesty, to cost 13l. 10s. Ibid, p. 444.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To stay proceedings against Wm. Hayward, sometime a landwaiter, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 416.
Petition to the Treasury from John Sharp, et al. smugglers. For release from Cumberland county gaol, “having been evidences against several brandy runners.” Reference Book X. p. 15.
Same to same from John Newton, same. For same on composition - Ibid.
Oct. 24 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For stay of process against the Acting Commissioners of Land Tax, 1709, for Tenbury, county Worcester, on an in super. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 68.
Petition to the Treasury from Henry Thompson, under keeper of New Lodge Walk, Waltham Forest. For awards for arresting John Fuller, a deer killer. Reference Book X. p. 15.
Oct. 29 Same to same from Wm. Lord Harrington. For a lease of a piece of ground severed off by a rail from Richmond Park. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Oct. 30 Same to same from Viscount Fane For reversionary lease of a piece of ground in Westminster, near the park wall. Ibid, p. 80.
Oct. 30 Articles of agreement between the King and Anthony Fahie, of St. Christopher. For the purchase of 30 acres in Basse Terre quarter, St. Christopher. Crown Lease Book III. pp. 82–5.
Same between same and John Spooner, Charles Lowndes, and Isaac Wilson, ibid. For same of 170 acres, ibid Ibid, pp. 86–9.
Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. To repay to Robert Arthur, of White's chocolate house, the Excise duty on chocolate consumed by fire there. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 76.
Oct. 31 Same to Auditor Wm. Lowndes. To allow in account, 85l. 2s. 3d. to Wm. Hinxman in lieu of poundage on navy trees felled by him. Ibid, p. 77.
Secretary of the Treasury to Mark Frecker, Rob. Manning, Rich. Hamond, Edward St. Hill. To take in and certificate 165 lottery tickets. Letter Book XIX. p. 119.
Nov. 1 J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. To furnish subsistence money to General Tatton's regiment, quartered at Shrewsbury. Ibid, p. 187.
Petition to the Treasury from John Higden, of London, merchant. Concerning a wrong entry of cambrics - Reference Book X. p. 15.
Nov. 2 J. Young to Sir Robert Walpole, from Holetown, Barbados. Concerning appeals to the Admiralty in the case of the seizure of the sloop “Pelican” and other seizures. Also disparaging Mr. Dunbar, Surveyor General of Customs, Barbados. 4 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 23.
The Commissioners of Revenues, Ireland, to the Treasury. Transmitting account as below. 1 page -
Appending:—(a.) Account of the produce of all wrought silks, Bengals, and stuffs mixed with silk or herba, and of all calicoes, painted, dyed, printed, or stained, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, from Lady Day, 1719, to Michaelmas, 1733. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 24.
Petition to the Treasury from John Jeffery. Concerning his bond for Peter and John Williams, merchants, Exeter, for tobacco duties. Reference Book X. p. 19.
Nov. 3 Same to same from John Sawyer, senior, under keeper of St. Leonards Hill Walk, Windsor Forest. Concerning a process for tithes of said walk, begun by Mr. Burchet, minister of Clewer. Ibid, p. 15.
Nov. 6 Same to same from Sherman Godfrey, et al. For leave to reduce brandy and rum to proof. Ibid, p. 7.
Same to same from the mayor, &c. of Tiverton borough. For remission of land tax on account of the dreadful fire there, 1731, June 5 Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 66.
Nov. 7 Same to same from John Martin, keeper of the lions in the Tower. For enlargement of his lodgings there.
Referred to the Board of Works for an estimate.
Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 444.
Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. To allow James Hatch, et al. merchants to reduce brandy and rum to proof.
Prefixing:— Report of said Commissioners.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 77–8.
Nov. 7 Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. To repay Daniel Marcon duty on 100 gallons of rum staved.
Prefixing:—Report of said Commissioners.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 79.
J. Scrope to same - Concerning a petition recommended by the town of Faversham. Letter Book XIX. p. 187.
Nov. 8 Certificate by Thos. Sandersom, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, &c. in said office for October last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 25.
Nov. 9 J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing for report Lieutenant General Sabine's report on Missing's demands for damaged provisions, repairs of storehouses, &c. at Gibraltar. Letter Book XIX. p. 189.
Same to Excise Commissioners. Enclosing for report several warrants of the mayor and J.P.'s of Tiverton for allowance to victuallers and chandlers of Excise duty on goods consumed in the late dreadful fire. Ibid.
Nov. 12 Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, dated from Whitehall. Praying allowances as in (a.). 1 page -
Appending:—(a.) Statement of board wages to persons appointed to attend the Secretary of State's Office during His Majesty's residence at Hampton Court for the despatch of the business of the Southern Province, 1733, July 16 to October 27. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 27.
J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing two lists of Missing's, of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1733, July 23 to September 16. Letter Book XIX. p. 190.
Nov. 13 Lord Harrington to the Treasury, dated from Whitehall. Desiring allowance as in (a.). 1 page -
Appending:— (a.) Statement of board wages of persons attending at Hampton Court for despatch of the affairs of Harrington's office, 1733, July 16 to October 27. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 28.
Petition to the Treasury from Edmund Rolfe and John Bagge. For stay of process against them as sureties for Wm. Allen. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 69.
Same to same from Mary, wife of David Dunbar. Concerning her husband's demands for travelling charges as Lieut. Governor of New Hampshire and Surveyor General of Woods in America. Reference Book X. p. 16.
Nov. 14 The Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Treasury. Concerning the measures taken against the maltsters of Coventry. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 29.
Petition to the Treasury from Lady Ryder. Concerning books seized on a bond, part of her late husband's, Sir Barnham Ryder's, estate. Reference Book X. p. 17.
Nov. 17.]
J. Watson, receiver of the rents of the Derwentwater estate, to the Treasury. Concerning his management of the said estate. 5 pages.
—(a.) A state of Watson's accounts. 2 sheets.
(b.) A rental or particular of the said estate, dated 1732, October 18. 8 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 30.
Nov. 17 Treasury warrant to Mr. Paxton. For Jeyes Seawell to have possession of a house in the Savoy. Crown Lease Book III. p. 90.
Nov. 20 Assignment by Richard Bentley, keeper of His Majesty's libraries in England, to Thos Lowther, in trust for His Majesty. Of the debt of 442l. 6s.d. owing to him, as such, at His late Majesty's demise, in consideration of the net payment of 364l. 2s. 7d. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 83.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Enclosing for report a petition in favour of Wm. Page, of Gosport. Letter Book IX. p. 191b.
Same to the Clerk of the Crown of the King's Bench. Concerning the disposal of the fine on John Ward, of Hackney, at the suit of the Duchess of Buckingham. Ibid, pp. 191b–3.
Nov. 21 The Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury. Concerning the petition of John Higden, of Milk Street, merchant, on a charge of smuggling. 2½pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference, dated 1733, November 1. 1½pages.
(b.) Affidavits of Higden and his bookkeeper as to the case. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 31.
J. Scrope, in the absence of the Lords of the Treasury from town, to Mr. Carkesse. Concerning Mrs. Colman's luggage, widow of the late Resident at Florence. Letter Book XIX. p. 193.
Same to Customs Commissioners. Concerning three trunks of prints, drawings, and books for Baron de Starck, Great Chamberlain of the Duke of Holstein and Envoy to England. Ibid.
Nov. 22 Same to Mr. Watson Concerning the management of the Derwentwater estate. Ibid, pp. 193–5.
Nov. 26 Same to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Enclosing Missing's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1733, September 17 to October 14. Ibid, p. 196.
Nov. 27 Same to Mr. Carkesse Concerning the goods of the Tunisian ministers yet undelivered in the custom house by reason of the doubt whether they are joint or separate ministers. Ibid, p. 195.
Nov. 28 Petition to the Treasury from Viscount Lymington. For repairs at the King's house and stables at Lyndhurst and the lodges in New Forest. Reference Book X. p. 17.
Nov. 30 Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to the Treasury. Forwarding the resolution [wanting] of the House of Commons, Ireland, praying for a pension of 1l. per day for Wm. Fortescue, for a national service, and pursuant to an address of the same of 1710 to the Earl of Wharton, then Lord Lieutenant. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 32.
Dec. 4 Petition to the Treasury from William Hulse and George Krugar, of London, merchants. Concerning gum Seneca seized by the Customs officers. Reference Book X. p. 17.
Dec. 6 Same to same from Edward Jasper. Same - Ibid.
The Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury. Concerning prosecutions of minor smuggling offenders, and enclosing two accounts [wanting] of moneys deposited in such cases by way of composition, &c. and praying application of same for duties and penalties.
Minuted:—17th December. “Prepare a warrant.”
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 33.
Dec. 7 Petition to the Treasury from Richard Clement. For a moiety on a discovery of prohibited East India goods. Reference Book X. p. 17.
Dec. 11 Same to same from Sir Charles Duckenfeild, Bart. For renewal of the lease of the common bakehouse in Macclesfield. 1 page.
—(a.) Certificate of the Bishop of Chester as to a fire at the said bakehouse.
Minuted:—December 11. Read and agreed to.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 34.
Same to same from Mary widow of Peter Whitton. Concerning an over-payment by her late husband as Receiver General of Taxes for part of Yorks. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 69.
Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners and Attorney General. To accept smuggling composition from Timothy Smith.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 446–7.
Same to same - To release from Southampton county gaol Richard Higgens, smuggler, of Ringwood parish. Ibid, p. 431.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown lands. For a particular, &c. of part of a messuage in Pall Mall, of which John Parker prays extension of lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on petition for same.
Crown Lease Book III. p. 91.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a messuage in Pall Mall to Thos. Flower.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises, rated by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 92–4.
Same to same - For same of Broxton Hundred, in Cheshire, to Frances Egerton.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises, in Latin, and memorandum by Auditor C. Shelley, rated by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 95–6.
Same to same - For same of a house in Piccadilly to Daniel French.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises, rated by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 98–100.
Same to same For same of five messuages in St. Giles's and High Holborn to Edward Owen.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 101–4.
Same to same For same of the hundred of Wirrall, Cheshire, to John Clegg.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises, in Latin, and memorandum by Auditor C. Shelley, and ratal by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 104–6.
Same to same - For same of eight messuages in Jermyn Street to Anne Bowes.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises, rated as above.
Ibid, pp. 107–9.
Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To innovate two lost tallies for annuities of 42l. each, 1698 and 1705, in the names of John Colebrooke and Bartho Solicoffre. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 19.
Petition to the Treasury from William Andrews, tallow chandler, London. For rewards for discovery of abuses in connexion with the candle duties. Reference Book X. p. 17.
Same to same from Samuel Wragg and James Curtis. Concerning their bond for the owners of the ship “Iles.” Ibid, p. 18.
J. Scrope to the Earl of Halifax. For an account of moneys paid into the Receipt from purchases of land in St. Christopher. Letter Book XIX. p. 196.
Dec. 11 Memorial of Sir Richard Lane to the Treasury. Concerning the trial at law as to the salt debentures.
Minuted as under 1733, November 13, December 11 and 13, supra, p. 413, 415. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 35.
Statement of account,certified by Anth. Norman, Assistant Comptroller General, Salt Office, Edinburgh. Of the debts due to the King in money and bonds by the late collectors of the old duty on Scotch salt at 1733, September 29. 1 page. Ibid, No. 36.
Dec. 12 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For stay of process against Edmd. Rolfe and John Bagge, sureties for Wm. Allen.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 69.
Same to same - For same against Wm. Freke, et al. sureties of John Shermer, late Receiver General for Berks. Ibid.
Petition to the Treasury from Stephen Poyntz, cashier of Excise. For fees on carrying 2,770,599l. 7s. 1d. into the Exchequer as Receiver General and Cashier of Excise, for the year 1732, June 26, to 1733, June 18. Order Book X. p. 18.
Same to same from Samuel Brooks, et al. For leave to reduce brandy and rum to proof. Ibid.
Dec. 13 Treasury warrants to Customs Commissioners and John Willes, Attorney General. To accept smuggling composition from James Newton, in Cumberland Gaol, and Anthony Leech, of Henbury, Gloucestershire. Customs Book XIII. pp. 425–6.
Same to same - To remit to Samuel Davis, late of London, merchant, interest on bonds for tobacco duties, temp. Queen Anne, and to make him a present of 500l. Ibid, pp. 427–30.
Same to Wm. Lowndes, one of the auditors of land revenues. To pass the accounts of the executrix of Charles Wither, of wood sales by Wither, as late Surveyor General of Woods.
Prefixing:—Reports by W. Lowndes and Thos. Foley, and the accounts detailed.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 84–9.
Same for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For liveries for the three under gamekeepers at Newmarket. To cost 75l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 444.
J. Scrope to the Attorney and Solicitor General. To appoint a hearing for the Salt Commissioners and Sir Richard Lane to settle their many years' dispute. Letter Book XIX. p. 197.
Dec. 14 Report from the Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury. On the petition of Edward Jasper concerning a seizure of gum seneca under the Act of Navigation.
Minuted:—Warrant drawn for a noli prosequi. 3 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference from the Treasury to said Commissioners, dated 1733, December 6.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 38.
J. Scrope to Salt Commissioners. With a letter to Mr. Johnson, solicitor to said Commissioners, concerning Sir Richard Lane, and with orders to stay proceedings meantime. Letter Book XIX. p. 196.
Same to Excise Commissioners. To furnish subsistence money to Lord Mark Cure's regiment of dragoons. Ibid, p. 198.
Dec. 14 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular, &c. of the hundreds of Ock and Moreton, co. Berks, of which Robert Hucks pays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on Hucks's petition for same.
Crown Lease Book in. pp. 96–7.
Dec. 15 Memorial of the Customs Commissioners, London, to the Treasury. For payment to the officer concerned of the moiety of a seizure of gold, being English and foreign coin, attempted to be exported in the “Calamity” sloop at Dartmouth. 2 pages. Treasury Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 39.
Dec. 18 Petition to the Treasury from Lucy Lloyd, et at. executors of Evan Lloyd. Concerning Lloyd's title to lands seized by the Crown on the default of Morgan Whitley, former Receiver General for Cheshire and North Wales. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 70.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular, &c. the manor of Thornton Bridge, of which the Earl of Cholmondeley desires extension of lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petition for the above.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 109–10.
Same to same For same of lands in Walsoken, Norfolk, of which John Carter prays a lease.
Prefixing:—A s above.
Ibid, pp. 111–12.
Same to same - For same of land at Richmond adjoining the park, of which Lord Harrington prays a lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 124–5.
Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Steuart. For 1,034l. 10s. 6d. incidents, 1733, as Paymaster of Pensions for fees and Reference Book X. p. 19.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and officers of the Receipt. To place 100,000l. in Exchequer bills on land tax, 1733, as so much cash in the office of the Teller at the Receipt. Money Book XXXVII. p. 130.
[After Dec. 18.] Humphrey Hill, merchant, of London, as agent and on behalf of Hubert Guichard, of St. Christopher, to Sir Robert Walpole. Against the sale of Guichard's lands in said island. 1 page.
—(a.) Previous petition of same to the Treasury minuted as under 1733, December 18, supra, p. 418. 1½ pages.
(b.) Guichard's petition to the Treasury as to same. 2 pages.
(c.) Report on (b) from Commissioners for sale of French lands in St. Christopher, dated 1732, August 16. 3 pages.
(d.) Statement of Guichard's case. 1 page.
(e.) Petition of same in duplicate to the Treasury, deposited 1733, August 18. 4 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 44.
Dec. 19 Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt. To transfer an overpayment of Peter Whitton, late Receiver General of Taxes for part of York, from house duties, 1731, to land tax, 1731.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 71.
Dec. 21 Treasury warrant confirming articles of agreement between the King and Wm. Pym Burt, of St. Christopher. For the purchase of 20a. lr. 20p. in Cabeca Terre quarter, St. Christopher. Crown Lease Book III. pp. 112–6.
Same confirming same between same and Nathan Crosley, planter, of the same. For same of 48 acres, ibid - Ibid, pp. 116–7.
Same confirming same between same and Charles Pym and James Wethexill, executors of, Michael Lambert. For same of 181a. 3r. in Basse Terre quarter, ibid. Ibid, pp. 117–9.
Same confirming same between same and Charles Lowndes, of St. Christopher. For same of 78a. 2r. 18p. ibid
—Correction of the description of the lands, certified by Auditor Lowndes.
Ibid, pp. 119–20.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To accept 200l. smuggling compositions from John 31 Dugdale and six others, named, and 959l. 18s. 8d. same from Elias and John Read and 33 others, named.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' memorial.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 434–8.
Same to same - For placing on the establishment of the Customs a sloop at Liverpool to guard that coast from the Isle of Man.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, p. 432.
Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To make out a new debenture for one lost for 17l. 10s. for the Master of the Revels for 1¾ year's salary.
Prefixing:—Affidavit by Elizabeth wife of Dr. Young, widow of Francis Henry Lee, and mother of Charles Lee, who was Master of the Bevels, of the loss of the debenture.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 94.
Same to Excise Commissioners To permit Sherman Godfrey, et al. merchants, to reduce brandy and rum to proof. Ibid, pp. 95–6.
Dec. 23 Same to same Same for Harison, et al. merchants Ibid, pp. 127–8.
Dec. 24 Petition to the Treasury from Henry Sams. For a reversionary lease of houses in Market Lane and Jermyn Street, St. Alban's Street, Pall Mall, the Haymarket, and Market Street. Crown Lease Book III. p. 17.
Same to same from Christopher Crooke. For same of a house in Jermyn Street and houses in Bury Street and King Street. Ibid.
Same to same from John Walkingame. For same of same in Jermyn Street and the south side of Piccadilly. Ibid.
Same to same from Francis Ricardy. For extension of lease of two messuages and coachhouses, &c. in High Holborn. Ibid.
Dec. 26 The Commissioners of Trade to the Treasury. For salaries: also enclosing the account of the incidentals of their office, 1733, Christmas quarter. 1 page.
—(a.) Said accounts. 7 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 46.
Dec. 27 Petition to the Treasury from Gerard Croker. For his nephew, Samuel Wilmot, to succeed him as Receiver General of Taxes for Oxfordshire. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 70.
Dec. 28 J. Scrope to Mr. Burchett - For estimates for the navy, 1734 - Letter Book XIX. p. 199.
Dec. 28 J. Scrope to Navy Commissioners. For an account of the debt of the navy as it stood 1788, Christmas. Letter Book XIX. p. 199.
Same to the Master General of the Ordnance. For the estimates for land and sea services of the Ordnance for 1734. Ibid.
Same to the Paymaster General of the Forces. For same for the service of the forces, same year. Ibid.
Dec. 29 Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Excise, London. On the petition of Rice Vaughan, late collector of Wales, middle collection, and his sureties, concerning the prosecution against them. 3 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with reference, dated December 13. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 47.
Dec. 31 Petition to the Treasury from John Cawsey. Concerning his bond in 1708 with Thos. Perrin, for tobacco duties. Reference Book X. p. 19.
[1733 ?] Same to same from Joshua Pembroke, Beceiver General for St. Albans and Herts. For an extra allowance for expenses in connexion with his collection of the land tax, 1731 and 1732. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 60.
Same to same from Simon Tayler. For same in his collection as Receiver General for Cambridge. 1 page. Ibid, No. 61.
Same to same from Thos. Clyfford. For same in same as same of Monmouth county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 62.
Same to same from Carr Brackenbury. For same in same as same of Lincoln county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 63.
Same to same from Thos. Starling. For same in same as same of Suffolk county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 64.
Same to same from Timothy Balderston. For same in same as same of part of Norfolk county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 65.
Same to same from Stephen Crowch. For same in same as same of Wilts. 1 page. Ibid, No. 66.
Same to same from Thos. Parr. For same in same as same of Bucks. 1 page. Ibid, No. 67.
Same to same from Abstinence Pougher. For same in same as same of Leicester county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 68.
Same to same from Wm. Bell. For same in same as same of Gloucester county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 69.
Same to same from John Bury. For same in same as same in Nottingham county. 1 page. Ibid, No. 70.
Proposals of Henry Hines and John Applebee to the Treasury. For a contract for the delivery to the Mint of 150 tons of copper in bars or 100 tons in blanks. 1 page. Ibid, No. 71.
Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Dawson, Oxford, late clerk to Henry Harcourt, comptroller of the Classis Lottery, 1711. For execution of a Treasury warrant of 1727, for 71l. 15s. for incidents and for a further reward to him for keeping the books and tickets of the said lottery for 10 years past, and praying directions concerning the said books. 1 page. Ibid, No. 72.
A list or account - Of estates adjudged to be given to Popish or superstitious uses, and which have been certified into the Exchequer Court. (Total yearly value, 996l. 7s. 10d.) Ibid, No. 73.
Jan. 9
Treasury warrant to officers of the Receipt. To strike tallies for 2,276l. rent of Post fines due from Lord Baby, farmer of same, being answered to His Majesty by the sheriffs. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 460–1.
Feb. 24 Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Recipt. To place 780,000l. in Exchequer bills on malt, 1733, as so much cash in the office of the Tellers at the Receipt. Ibid, p. 474.
Mar. 22 The Excise Commissioners, London, to the Treasury. Concerning the inland accounts of tea and tea permits. 1 page.
—(a.) Said account by Ralph Trafford. “No books being kept in the Permit Office longer than three years after they have been examined, there can, therefore, be no account given of permits further back than” 1729, July. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 7.
April 14
Treasury warrant to Wm. Steuart. To pay pensions and bounties which used to be paid by Jacob de la Motte Blagny, lately deceased. Money Book XXXVI. p. 494.
May 16 Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To place 680,000l. in Exchequer bills on malt, completing the credit thereon, as so much cash in the office of the Tellers at the Receipt. Ibid, p. 474.
June 12 Royal warrant under the Privy Seal to the Treasury. To issue forth Treasury warrants to the various Receivers General of Land Tax, 1733. 1 parchment sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 13.*
June 26 Treasury warrant to the Master and officers of the Jewel Office. For the provision of jewels, detailed, for Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, lately elected Knight Companion of the Garter. To cost 230l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 432,
Aug. 22 J. Scrape to Customs Commissioners. To appoint proper persons to levy the duties on rum, molasses, &c. granted by the Act of last session for encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies. Letter Book XIX. p. 181.
Sept. 20 Treasury warrant to Salt Commissioners. To repay laud tax, 1733, to salt officers of under 100l. salary. Money Book XXXVII. pp. 139–40.
Oct. 2 Same to Auditor of Receipt - To discharge Sir Wm. Heathcote of his baronet fee. Ibid, p. 151.
Oct. 16 Same to same - To discharge Sir Edward Turner's baronet fee. Ibid, p. 153.
Dec. 11 Same to Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To renew lost long annuity orders, Nos. 2599 and 5237, in the names of Nathaniel Gifford and James Bryant, for 14l. each, being property of Gertruyd van der Hulck, of Dort, Holland. Order Book XV. pp. 367–8 and 369–70.
Same to same - - For same of lost Tunnage Annuity Order, No. 823, for 18l. per annum, the property of John Balen, of Dort, Holland. Ibid, pp. 368–9.
Dec. 13.]
Petition to the Treasury from Rice Vaughan, late Collector of Excise for Wales, middle collection. Concerning the prosecution against him on the bills dishonoured through the dishonesty of Presland.
Minuted:—As under, 1734, June 26, infra. 1½ pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 36.*