Warrants for the Payment of Money: 1720, January-March

Pages 539-554

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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1720, January–March

Warrants, Orders, Privy Seals, and Sign Manuals relating to the Payment of Money.
Date. Payee. Amount The Account on which the Order or Warrant is made. Reference.
£ s. d.
Jan. 1 Francis Negus 3,972 8 8 Debt, detailed, in the stables to 1726, Midsummer. Disposition Book XXIX. p. 243.
Jan. 5 Dean of the Chapel 187 10 0 For the 24 preachers of His Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall, at 30l. per annum each; the reader of prayers on Sunday afternoon and the clerk at 10l. per annum each; the organist at 8l. per annum, and the blower of the organ bellows at 2l. per annum. Ibid, p. 244.
Jan. 7 - 2,151 15 8 Salary bill for officers of General Post, for 1729, Christmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. p. 132.
- - 529 14 Same for officers of Penny Post. Ibid.
Wm. Tims, gentleman, Under Sheriff of London and Middlesex. 120 0 0 To reimburse rewards - Ibid, p. 14.
Thos. Lord Trevor, Keeper of the Privy Seal. 435 0 0 For 87 days allowances of 4l. per day, in lieu of diet and 20s. per day. Money Book XXXV. p. 100; Order Book XIV. p. 190.
John Wyat - - 537 10 0 For purchases to be presented by Charles Black, Consul at Algiers, to the Dey of Algiers as from His Majesty. Order Book XIV. p. 278.
Jan. 8 Treasurer of the Ordnance. 40,000 0 0 - - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 245.
Thos. Missing - - 4,336 3 11 For victualling the garrison of Gibraltar. Ibid, pp. 245–6.
Roger Pratt, Esq. Sheriff of Norfolk. 80 0 0 To reimburse rewards Money Book XXXV. pp. 100–1; Order Book XIV. p. 297.
Jan. 8 Fowke Hussey, Esq. Sheriff of Stafford. 40 0 0 To reimburse rewards - Order Book XIV. p. 297.
John Plumptre - 100,000 0 0 Land and sea services to be performed by the Ordnance Office. Money Book XXXV. p. 99; Order Book XIV. pp. 276–7.
Alured Popple, Secretary to the Commissioners for Trade. 629 2 8 Incidents and quarter's salary to himself and others. Money Book XXXV. p. 98; Order Book XIV. p. 284.
James Marrye, a minister. 20 0 0 Passage money to Virginia - Money Book XXXV. p. 98; Order Book XIV. p. 288.
Heirs of Nicholas Yates. 25 0 0 One quarter, due 1729, Christmas, on a perpetuity granted by Charles II. Money Book XXXV. p. 98.
Jan. 9 Secretaries of State - 1,500 0 0 1728, Christmas quarter - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 224.
Arthur Collins, gentleman. 100 0 0 Royal bounty - King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 450; Order Book XIV. p. 284.
Arthur Vansittart, Esq. 300 0 0 Rent of Mote Park to 1729, Michaelmas, and fees on receipt of same. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 452; Order Book XIV. p. 286.
22 8 0 Rent of Mote Park to 1729, Michaelmas, and fees on receipt of same. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 452; Order Book XIV. p. 286.
Jan. 10 John Rollos - 85 7 11½ - - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 246.
Bank of England - 70,000 0 0 One year's annuity charged on duties on coal and culm, 1729, Midsummer, to 1730, Midsummer. Order Book XIV. p. 285.
Jan. 12 Thos. Rogers and three others. 100 0 0 Reward for apprehending Edward Bosswell for robbery. Money Book XXXV. pp. 101–2; Order Book XIV. p. 284.
Jan. 13 Sir Theodore Janssen - 146 17 0 Royal bounty to John Walton Order Book XIV. 295
Jan. 14 Treasurer of the Navy- 17,000 0 0 Wear and tear Disposition Book XXIX. p. 246.
Jan. 15 Thos. Cremer - - 27,660 0 0 Service of the household - Ibid.
Jan. 16 Philip Earl of Chesterfield, and eleven others, Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. 250 0 0 Quarter's pension, due 1729, Christmas. Money Book XXXV. p. 103; Order Book XIV. p. 280.
James Campbell and seven others, Grooms of the Bedchamber. 125 0 0 Same Ibid.
Francis Earl of Godolphin, Groom of the Stole and First Lord of the Bedchamber. 1,000 0 0 Same Money Book XXXV. p. 104; Order Book XIV. p. 280; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 248.
Jan. 16 Wm. Stanhope, Esq. now Lord Harrington. 150 0 0 Quarter's annuity, due 1729, Christmas, as Vice-Chamberlain of the Household. Money Book XXXV. p. 104; Order Book XIV. p. 278.
Jan. 17 Hugh Howard - 7,388 1 11 To clear debt in Office of Works for 1729, Christmas quarter. Disposition Book XXIX. p. 247.
Jan. 19 Earl of Warwick - 200 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 18.
John Newbery, Minister. 20 0 0 Passage money to Leeward Islands. Money Book XXXV. p. 89; Order Book XIV. p. 289.
Wm. Thompson, same - 20 0 0 Same to same - Ibid.
John Sherston, same - 20 0 0 Same to Antigua - Ibid.
Anthony Cracherode - 2,000 0 0 Crown law expenses - Money Book XXXV. p. 48; Order Book XIV. p. 285.
John Baskett, King's printer. 3,096 7 1 Paper, printing Acts of Parliament, proclamations, speeches, &c. delivered to various offices and persons, detailed, 1728, December 25, to 1729, September 29. Money Book XXXV. p. 105.
Commissioners of Affairs of Taxes 162 17 0 Incidents, detailed, on land tax account, for one year ending 1729, Christmas. Money Book XXXV. p. 106; Order Book XIV. p. 287.
Bishop of Chester 200 0 0 Out of reserved rent of the site of late dissolved monastery of Furness for the use of the four King's preachers in Lancashire set up by Queen Elizabeth. Money Book XXXV. p. 109.
Officers managing duties on houses. 677 10 3 Quarter's salary due 1729, Christmas. Ibid, p. 110.
Same - 43 13 5 Same for same quarter's incidents. Ibid, p. 111.
Jan. 20 Philip Earl of Chester field, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to States General. 1,300 0 0 Quarter's ordinary, due 1729, December 10. Money Book XXXV. p. 104; Order Book XIV. p. 283.
George Woodward, Resident with the King of Poland. 291 0 0 One quarter's ordinary to 1729, September 29. Money Book XXXV. p. 110; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 249.
Same - 415 0 0 Extraordinaries - Money Book XXXV. p. 107; Order Book XIV. p. 283.
Walter Titley, chargé d'affaires at the Court of Denmark in absence of Lord Glenorchy. 194 0 0 Same quarter's ordinary - Money Book XXXV. pp. 107–8; Order Book XIV. p. 281.
Jan. 20 Lord Glenorchy Envoy Ordinary and extraordinary King of Denmark. 391 0 0 Extraordinary to the for 1729, Michaelmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. pp. 107–8; Order Book XIV. p. 289.
Joseph Small, Sheriff of Gloucester. 80 0 0 Disbursements as sheriff - Order Book XIV. p. 288.
Jacob de la Motte Blagny. 1,599 0 0 Royal bounty to 63 French pensioners, detailed. Ibid, p. 281.
James Lord Tyrawley, Envoy Extraordinary to King of Portugal. 560 0 0 Ordinary and extraordinary, 1729, Michaelmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. pp. 108–9; Order Book XIV. p. 289.
75 0 0 Ordinary and extraordinary, 1729, Michaelmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. pp. 108–9; Order Book XIV. p. 289.
Sir Clement Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies. 383 10 0 For a present from His Majesty to Marquis D'Aix, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Sardinia, on his return home. Order Book XIV. p. 286.
Jan. 21 Walter Chetwynd - 15,707 0 6 Establishment of pensions - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 249.
John Lord Hobart, Treasurer of the Chamber. 5,883 4 11 1729, Christmas quarter's establishment. Ibid.
John Scrope - 5,800 0 0 Secret service - - King's Warrant Book XXIX p. 453; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 250; Order Book XIV. p. 285.
Thomas Cremer - 27,660 0 0 Office of Cofferer of His Majesty's Household. Order Book XIV. p. 281.
Edward Southwell, James Vernon, Temple Stanyan, Walter Carey, Clerks of the Council. 100 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter's attendance on the business relating to Trade and Plantations. Ibid, p. 285.
Commissioners of Taxes. 150 0 0 Same quarter's allowances - Ibid, p. 302.
Jan. 22 Spencer Lord Wilmington, Paymaster of the Forces. 40,052 15 2 Services of the forces - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 249.
Augustus Schutz, Master of the Robes. 1,428 6 6 Divers services specified - King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 455; Order Book XIV. p. 290.
Jan. 23 George Lord Forbes, Captain General and Governor-in Chief of all the Leeward Caribbee Islands by letters patent of 1729, December 31. 1,200 0 0 - - King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 453–5.
[per annum.
Jan. 24 Horatio Walpole, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the most Christian King. 1,360 0 0 Extraordinaries, 1729, September to December 11.
Appending:—Bill of same.
Money Book XXXV. p. 112; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 260; Order Book XIV. p. 287.
Jan. 26 George Naylor, Esq. Usher of the Receipt. 1,118 10 Necessaries delivered to the ancient officers of the Receipt, Easter and Trinity terms, 1726. Order Book XIV. p. 288.
Jan. 27 Thomas Lowther 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Money Book XXXV. p. 17; Order Book XIV. p. 177; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 250.
Earl of Sutherland - 300 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 59; Order Book XIV. p. 265; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 251.
Thos. Lord Raby, now Earl of Strafford, farmer of Post Fines 907 19 1729, September 29, over and above the 2,276l. rent for same fines.
Appending:—Certificate of the fines by Robert Gardner, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe.
Money Book XXXV. p. 113; Order Book XIV. p. 295.
Thos. Holles, Duke of Newcastle. 100 0 0 One year's fee to 1729, Christmas, as Principal Secretary of State. Ibid.
Charles Viscount Townshend. 100 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
George Naylor, late Usher of the Receipt. 17 12 9 Necessaries delivered to new Officers of the Receipt. Disposition Book XXIX. p. 250.
Jan. 28 Thos. Beake, Esq. - 200 0 0 For the under clerks of the Privy Council, for one year ended 1729, December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 114; Order Book XIV. p. 294.
Feb. 3 Augustus Schutz 3,000 0 0 Privy Purse - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 224.
Feb. 4 Richard Sutton, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Prussia. 485 0 0 1729, Michaelmas quarter's ordinary. Money Book XXXV. pp. 115–6; Order Book XIV. p. 296; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 251.
Same - - 950 O 0 Extraordinaries, 1729, June 1 to August 31. Ibid.
Edward Finch, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. 485 0 0 1729, Michaelmas quarter's ordinary. Ibid.
James Dayrolle, Resident with the States General. 291 0 0 Same Money Book XXXV. p. 116.
Same - 150 0 0 Extraordinaries, June 11 to September 11. Ibid.
Sir Cyril Wich, Bart. Envoy Extraordinary to the Hanse Towns. 291 0 0 1729, Michaelmas quarter's ordinary and extraordinaries. Ibid, p. 117.
75 0 0 1729, Michaelmas quarter's ordinary and extraordinaries. Ibid, p. 117.
Feb. 4 Colonel Elizaeus Burgess, Resident with the Republic of Venice. 291 0 0 Ordinary for 1729, Michaelmas quarter, and extraordinaries. Money Book XXXV. pp. 117–8; Order Book XIV. p. 260.
100 0 0 Ordinary for 1729, Michaelmas quarter, and extraordinaries. Money Book XXXV. pp. 117–8; Order Book XIV. p. 260.
Francis Colman, Resident with the Duke of Florence. 291 0 0 Same - Money Book XXXV. p. 118.
99 15 0 Same - Money Book XXXV. p. 118.
Benjamin Keene, Plenipotentiary at the Court of Spain. 291 0 0 Same - - - Ibid, p. 119.
900 0 0 Same - - - Ibid, p. 119.
Same - - - 125 0 0 Same quarter's ordinary as Consul at Madrid. Ibid.
Benjamin Lodington, Consul at Tripoli. 250 0 0 Extraordinaries, anno 1728 - Ibid, pp. 120.
Thomas Pelham, Secretary at the Treaty at Soissons. 100 0 0 Extraordinaries, 1729, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 120–1.
Stephen Peens, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Congress at Soissons. 4,132 0 0 Six bills of extraordinaries, 1728, June 24 to December 23.
Appending:—Statement of the bills in detail. Among the terms are “220l. for putting himself, his liveries and equipage into complete mourning for the Queen of Sardinia's death, in order to enable him to attend His Majesty's service at the French Court during Mr. Walpole's absence,” and “375l. for the removing his family from Soissons to Paris, and for retransporting them to a house at Compiègne and back again to Paris since, and for extraordinary new year's gifts, post of letters &c. distinct from those of Congress.”
Ibid, pp. 124–5; Order Book XIV. pp. 293–4.
Feb. 10 Thos. Earl of Westmorland, Paul Docminique, Thos. Pelham, Martin Bladen, Edmund Ashe, Sir Orlando Bridgman, Walter Care, Sir Thos. Frankland, Commissioners for Trade. 250 0 0 Salaries, 1729, Christmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. p. 126; Order Book XIV. p. 295.
Feb. 13 Wm. Tims, Under Sheriff of London and Middlesex. 160 0 0 To reimburse rewards - Money Book XXXV. p. 14; Order Book XIV. p. 296.
John Newcombe, Sheriff of Exeter, Wm. Harvey, Sheriff of York, Thos. May, Sheriff of Kent. 280 0 0 Same Money Book XXXV. p. 123–4; Order Book XIV. pp. 305–6.
Feb. 13 Wm. Watkins, keeper of His Majesty's private roads and guide of his royal person in all his progresses. 49 1 4 Salary of 2s. per day and travelling allowance of 3s. 4d. per day, 1729, June 24 to December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 133; Order Book XIV. pp. 301–2.
Samuel Gray,messenger appointed to look after the printing press. 80 0 0 Salary for same half year - Ibid.
Thomas Diggs, Lieuttenant Governor of the island of Montserrat, in America. 200 0 0 Yearly salary out of the 4½ per cent. duty, and in lieu of all presents from the Assemblies of the island. Money Book XXXV. p. 132.
Charles Duke of Grafton. 750 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter's annuity. Money Book XXXV. p. 129; Order Book XIV. p. 299.
Lionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset. 275 0 0 Same Ibid.
Same - 375 0 0 Same quarter's allowance as Constable of Dover Castle. Ibid.
Charles Lord Cornwallis, Warden Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre on the south side of the Trent. 416 13 4 Same quarter's fees - Money Book XXXV. p. 128; Order Book XIV. p. 300.
James and Arthur Moore, junior, Receivers and Paymasters of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners. 1,500 0 0 Same quarter's allowance for the Captain, Lieutenant, Standard Bearer, Clerk of the Cheque, and 40 gentlemen pensioners. Money Book XXXIV. p. 126; Order Book XIV. p. 300; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 253.
Wm. Earl of Essex 220 11 3 Same quarter's fee as chief ranger of St. James's Park and keeper of the Mall there. Money Book XXXV. p. 130.
Same - 100 0 0 Same quarter's allowance as keeper of Hyde Park for underkeepers, hay, &c. Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 299.
Sir Theodore Janssen - 130 0 0 Royal bounty to John Walton. Ibid, p. 131; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 252.
Robert Lord Walpole. 89 14 0 Half year ended 1729, December 25, as ranger and keeper of Richmond Park. Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 300.
Six Welsh Judges, ut supra 1729, November 29, pp. 285–6. 600 0 0 Hilary term's salaries - Order Book XIV. p. 260.
Feb. 16 John Hedges, Treasurer or Receiver- General to Frederic Prince of Wales. 2,000 0 0 For the use of the Prince - King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 460; Order Book XIV. p. 297; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 252.
Feb. 16 Edward Lynsay 600 0 0 Royal bounty King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 460.
John Scrope - - 5,000 0 0 Secret service - Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 301; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 253.
Don Emanuel Mercador 100 0 0 Year's pension - Ibid, p. 461.
Daniel Hintz - - 120 0 0 Transporting Palatines from Germany to Nova Scotia. Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 305; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 262.
Feb. 18 Wm. Stanbope, now Lord Harrington, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Soissons. 2,145 0 0 Extraordinaries in that service detailed. Money Book XXXV. p. 145; Order Book XIV. p. 298.
John Lawton and George Leslie, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer. 40 0 0 1729, Michaelmas and Hilary Terms' allowance. Order Book XIV. p. 301.
Feb. 19 Thos. Missing - 3,942 19 11¾ Victualling Gibraltar garrison, 1729, July 28 to September 21. King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 463–4.
Wine Licence Office 577 10 0 Salary bills, 1729, Christmas quarter. Money Book XXXV. p. 81.
Same - 20 16 2 Incidents Ibid.
Feb. 20 John Press and John Sparrall, Sheriffs of Norwich. 40 0 0 To reimburse rewards - Money Book XXXV. p. 14; Order Book XIV.; p. 307.
Edward Burton, Esq. - 200 0 0 Royal bounty - King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 462; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 254; Order Book XIV. p. 305.
Hugh Howard, Paymaster of the Works. 40,000 0 0 Service of the works Ibid; Money Book XXXV. p. 154; Order Book XIV. p. 316.
Office for licensing Hawkers and Pedlars. 188 2 Incidents for six months ended 1729, December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 144.
Feb. 24 Spencer Lord Wilmington. 1,194,212 15 To maintain guards, garrison and land forces and for contingencies. Money Book XXXV. p. 147; Order Book XIV. p. 303.
Feb. 24 Wm. Lord Harrington, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Congress to be held at Cambray or elsewhere. 2,600 0 0 Ordinary, 1729, June 27 to December 26. Money Book XXXV. p. 148; Order Book XIV. p. 304.
The 12 Judges, 11 Masters in Chancery, Justices, Commissioners and others detailed. 10,873 1 4 Salaries, &c. - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 253.
Feb. 25 Duke of St. Albans - 343 2 6 1729, Christmas quarter Money Book XXXV. p 57; Order Book XIV. p. 264.
250 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter Money Book XXXV. p 57; Order Book XIV. p. 264.
Henry Hungerford, Sheriff of Wilts, John Saltron, Sheriff of Cornwall, Benjamin Rhodes, Sheriff of Bedford, Thos. Bushell, Sheriff of Worcester. 280 0 0 Sheriffs' cravings - Money Book XXXV. p.135; Order Book XIV. pp. 312,315.
Henry Flower - 1,360 0 0 Over-payment as receiver of taxes for part of Wilts. Order Book XIV. p. 307.
Samuel Edwards and Charles Hodges. 500 0 0 One year's allowance for the office of keeper of Windsor Great Park. Money Book XXXV. p. 145; Order Book XIV. p. 308; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 257.
Woodes Rogers, Captain General and Governor-in-Chief of the Bahamas. 100 0 0 Quarter's salary, due 1729, Christmas. Order Book XIV. p. 309.
Feb. 25 Charles Du Bourgay, Envoy Extraordinary to Prussia. 1,023 19 7 Ordinary, 1729, Michaelmas quarter, and two bills of extraordinaries. Kings Warrant Book XXIX. p. 462; Order Book XIV. p. 303.
W. Finch, Envoy Extraordinary to States General. 776 0 0 Same quarter's ordinary - Order Book XIV. p. 304; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 256.
Robert Jackson, resident with the King of Sweden. 478 0 0 Ordinary and extraordinaries to 1729, August 19, the day of his return. Irish Book VIII. pp. 352–3.
Feb. 26 Bank of England - 13,940 15 6 Premios for circulating Exchequer bills between 1729, October 14 and January 24 following. Order Book XIV. p. 308.
Feb. 27 Paymaster of Forces - 241,616 6 Purposes detailed, ibid - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 254.
[Feb. end of.] Same 22,639 2 Service of the Forces Ibid, p. 253.
March 8 Pattee Byng, Treasurer of the Navy. 257,312 0 0 Purposes detailed, ibid Ibid, p. 255.
Augustus Schutz - 3,000 0 0 Privy purse - - Ibid.
March 4 Sir John Jennings - 150 0 0 Keeping Greenwich House and Park. King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 471–3.
per annum
John Thomas, minister 20 0 0 Passage money to Carolina - Money Book XXXV. p. 148; Order Book XIV. p. 311.
Thomas Wilson, minister. 20 0 0 Same to Antigua Ibid.
Charles Earl of Carlisle, Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of His Majesty's forest there. 268 14 11¾ Keepers and officers detailed, 1729, June 24 to December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 149; Order Book XIV. p. 313.
Thomas Lowther - 500 0 0 His Majesty's service Money Book XXXV. p. 17.
Henry Masterman - 25 0 0 Six months' allowance for managing criminal prosecutions for the Crown. Ibid, p. 148; Order Book XIV. p. 311.
Thomas Bushel, Sheriff of Worcester. 80 0 0 Disbursements as sheriff - Order Book XIV. p. 312.
March 5 Sir Wm. Thompson, one of the Barons of the Exchequer. 375 0 0 Hilary Term stipend, and arrears from 1729, November 27. Money Book XXXV. p. 150.
James Earl of Waldegrave, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany. 870 0 0 Two bills of extraordinaries detailed. Ibid, pp. 150–1; Order Book XIV. p. 310.
Sir Charles Hotham, Envoy Extraordinary to King of Prussia. 500 0 0 Equipage and a quarter's ordinary in advance. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 471; Order Book XIV. p. 308; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 257.
455 0 0 Equipage and a quarter's ordinary in advance. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 471; Order Book XIV. p. 308; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 257.
Thomas Lowther 1,000 0 0 His Majesty's service - Order Book XIV. p. 177.
John Villa Clark - 200 0 0 Royal bounty - King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 467; Order Book XIV. p. 308; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 259.
John Gore, Esq. - 7,369 11 11 Bills of Exchange for the royal service. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 467.
Wm.Tims, Under -sheriff of London, &c. 160 0 0 Disbursements as Under- sheriff. Order Book XIV. p. 314.
March 6 John Scrope - - 3,500 0 0 Secret service King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 473; Order Book XIV. p. 807; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 257.
Paymaster General of the Forces. 112,799 2 Services detailed - - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 256.
March 7 John Lord Hobart - 5,712 5 9 To clear debts in the office of Treasurer of the Chamber. Disposition Book XXIX. pp. 257–8.
March 9 Heneage Walker, Chief Usher of the Exchequer. 252 3 8 Necessaries and allowance in lieu of diet. Order Book XIV. p. 313.
March 12 John Lord Hobart 1,000 0 0 For foreign messengers - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 258.
March 16 Duke of Kent - 500 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 51; Order Book XIV, p. 309; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 259.
Wm. Tims, Under Sheriff of London and Middlesex. 200 0 0 Disbursements as Under-sheriff Money Book XXXV. p. 135.
Horace Walpole, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the most Christian King. 1,300 0 0 Ordinary, 1729, December 7, to 1729–30, March 8, and one bill of extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. p. 151; Order Book XIV. p. 309.
400 0 0 Ordinary, 1729, December 7, to 1729–30, March 8, and one bill of extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. p. 151; Order Book XIV. p. 309.
Edward Finch, Envoy Extraordinary to King of Sweden. 662 10 0 Four bills of extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. p. 152–3; Order Book XIV. p. 316.
Francis Colman, resident at the Court of Florence. 261 0 0 Ordinary, 1729, Michaelmas quarter, and extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. pp. 153; Order Book XIV.p. 310; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 259.
99 12 0 Ordinary, 1729, Michaelmas quarter, and extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. pp. 153; Order Book XIV.p. 310; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 259.
John Conduitt - 20,000 0 0 Out of coinage duty for uses and services of the Mint. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 473; Money Book XXXV. p. 155; Order Book XIV. p. 315.
March 17 Lord Byron - 250 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 59; Order Book XIV.p. 314.
Thos. Lascelles - 200 0 0 Service of inspecting demolition of Dunkirk as His Majesty's Commissary. Order Book XIV. p. 310.
A. Cracherode 1,000 0 0 Crown law charges - - Ibid, p 311.
John Tysoe 1,121 1 9 Plate delivered into Jewel Office for 1729, Christmas quarter. Ibid, p. 314.
Richard Earl of Scarborough. 5,000 0 0 His Majesty's stables - - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 259.
John Lord Hobart - 400 0 0 To be paid to the Lord Almoner for the established allowance for the ensuing Maundy. Ibid, p. 260.
John Duke of Montagu 4,314 5 10¾ Debt in Office of Great Wardrobe. Ibid.
March 23 John Plumptre, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance. 39,947 4 10 Sea and land services, detailed. Disposition Book XXIX. p. 260.
Spencer Lord Wilmington. 60,052 15 2 Services of Forces, detailed - Ibid, p. 261.
March 24 Corporation of Lyme Regis. 200 0 0 Royal bounty for repairing the “Cobb”Pier. Order Book XIV. p. 316.
March 25 Officers of Her Majesty's Works. 152 1 2 Salary bill for half-year to 1729, December 25, detailed. Money Book XXXV. p. 159.
Earl of Denbigh - - 150 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 64; Order XIV. p. 269.
Wm. Cooper, Esq. Knight Harbinger. 46 16 8 For same quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 64.
John Lawton, George Leslie, John Taylour, John Aubrey, clerks and officers of the Exchequer. 35 0 0 Striking tallies, &c. during vacation time. Order Book XIV. p. 318.
John Hedges 4,000 0 0 For the Prince of Wales Ibid, p. 315.
March 26 Sir Patrick Johnston - 37 10 0 Quarter's annuity, due 1729, Christmas. Money Book XXXV. p. 163; Order Book XIV. p. 265.
Martha Johnston - 12 10 0 Same - - Ibid.
Thomas Lord Trevor, Keeper of the Privy Seal. 450 0 0 Quarter's allowance ended 1730, March 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 163; Order Book XIV. p. 320.
George Middleton, of London, goldsmith. 150 0 0 One quarter due 1729, Christmas, on the 600l. appointed by Privy Seal of 1728, April 10, to be paid to persons appointed by John Earl of Sunderland and eight others named, for His Majesty's service. Money Book XXXV. p. 166; Order Book XIV. p. 265.
Marmaduke Lilly, and John Allen, gent. Apothecaries to His Majesty's Household. 26 13 4 Half a year's salary due 1729, Christmas. Ibid.
Wm. Ireland 25 0 0 1730, Lady Day quarter's allowance for extraordinary services in office of Auditor of Receipt. Order Book XIV. p. 317.
Joseph Lawson, Sebastian Turst, Benjamin Hall, Thos. Coke, John Andrew Heymans, Thomas Wilkins, Edward Horner, William Sherd, and executors of Mark Delves, His Majesty's Sergeants-at-arms. 217 5 0 Salaries for quarter ended 1729, December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 160.
March 26 Thos. Foley, an Auditor of Imprests and Foreign Accounts. 33 6 8 Salary for the half year ended 1729, December 25. Money Book XXXV. p. 160.
Edward Harley, same - 33 6 8 Same - - Ibid, p. 161.
Edward Sayer, Brunswick Herald of Arms. 33 6 8 A year and a quarter, ended 1729, December 25, on his annuity of 40 marks per annum. Ibid.
John Anstis, junior, Esq. Genealogist of the Order of the Bath, appointed by letters patent of 1727, October, to be one of His Majesty's Heralds of Arms with Prince William of Cumberland, first and principal Knight Companion of said Order, by name of Blanc Coursier. 26 13 4 One year's annuity of 40 marks. Ibid.
David Earl of Buchan - 200 0 0 One quarter due 1729, Christmas. Ibid, p. 158; Order Book XIV. p. 267.
Charles Earl of Lauderdale. 200 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
James Earl of Hyndford. 200 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
James Earl of Haddington. 200 0 0 Same - Ibid.
James Lord Torpichen 200 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Alexander Hay, commonly called Lord Alexander Hay. 100 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Charles Erskine, Esq. - 100 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
David Haldane, Esq. 100 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Dr. James Bourchier, Professor and Header of Laws, Oxford. 10 0 0 Same quarter's fee - Money Book; Ibid.
Dr. Francis Dickens, same at Cambridge. 10 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Dr. Green, Professor and Reader of Physic, Cambridge. 10 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
James Earl of Findlater and Seafield. 500 0 0 Same quarter's annuity - Ibid, p. 155; Disposition Book XXIX. p. 263.
Henry Earl of Loudoun 500 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
John Earl of Crawford 125 0 0 Same - - - Ibid, p. 162; Order Book XIV. p. 267.
Simon Lord Lovat - 100 0 0 Same - Ibid.
John Lord Bellenden - 100 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Alexander Lord Elibank. 50 0 0 Same - Ibid.
George Lord Beay 50 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Albert Lord Cathcart 50 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Wm. Lord Forbes - 100 0 0 Same - Ibid.
March 26 Charles Lord Elphinstone. 75 0 0 Same - Money Book XXXV. p. 152; Order Book XIV. p. 267.
Dr. Andrew St. Clair - 50 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Captain John Campbell. 25 0 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Wm. Maxwell 25 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Lieut. Laurence Drummond. 25 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Janet Smith, widow 25 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Wm. Earl of Home 50 0 0 Same Ibid.
George Lord Mordington. 25 0 0 Same - Ibid.
James Lord Kirkcudbright. 25 0 0 same - Ibid.
David Casley, Deputy Keeper of the Cotton Library. 41 0 0 Half a year, ended 1722, Christmas, for firing and cleaning. Money Book XXXV. p. 168; Order Book XIV. p. 168.
Dean and Chapter of Westminster. 30 0 0 Same half-year's annuity for the French Ministers in the Savoy. Money Book XXXV.p. 169.
Charles FitzRoy, Esq. keeper of His Majesty's tennis courts. 66 2 8 Same half-year's fee - - Ibid.
Under-keepers of Cranborne Chase. 10 0 0 Same half-year's allowance for hay for the deer. Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 233.
Henry Holt Henley, Esq. Clerk of the Pipe. 53 12 1 Same half-year's patent fee of 47l. 4s. 2d. and allowance of 60l. for drawing down and charging the convictions, rents, and seizures of Popish Recusants. Money Book XXXV.p.l70.
Charles Valence Jones, Esq. Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury. 57 9 5 Salary from 1729, December, the day of his appointment, to 1730, March 25. Ibid; Order Book XIV. p. 318.
Thos. Holles, Duke of Newcastle. 462 10 0 1730, Lady Day quarter Money Book XXXV.p.113; Order Book XIV. p. 319.
Lord Townshend - 462 10 0 Same - - Ibid.
George Woodward, Resident with the King of Poland. 261 0 0 Ordinary for 1729, Christmas quarter, and extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. p 167; Order Book XIV. p. 319.
250 0 0 Ordinary for 1729, Christmas quarter, and extraordinaries detailed. Money Book XXXV. p 167; Order Book XIV. p. 319.
Samuel Lord Masham, King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. 27 18 8 Half-year's fee, due 1729, Christmas. Ibid.
Lords of the Treasury, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and 67 other items. 9,809 6 6 Salaries, &c. - Disposition Book XXIX. pp. 262–3; Money Book XXXV. pp. 78–9; Order Book X IV. p. 317.
John Hedges and the clerks and officers of the Exchequer. 4,285 0 0 - Disposition Book XXIX. p. 263.
March 26 Officers of Ordnance, viz. John Duke of Argyle, Master General; Sir Charles Wills, Lieutenant General; John Plumptre,.Treasurer; George Gregory.Storekeeper; John Armstrong, Surveyor General; Thos. White, Clerk; James Pendlebury, Master Gunner; Leonard Smelt, Clerk of the Deliveries. 233 5 10 Half-year's salary, due 1729, Christmas. Money Book XXXV. p. 172.
Anthony Cracherode 1,000 0 0 Crown law expenses Ibid, p. 48.
Robert Davis, late Sheriff of Chester. 118 11 9 Overpayment as sheriff - Ibid, p. 14.
Fowke Hussey, late Sheriff of Stafford. 66 10 5 Same - - Ibid, p. 15.
John Saltren, late Sheriff of Cornwall. 37 4 9 Same - - Ibid.
Executors of Richard Percy, late Sheriff of Dorset. 12 3 Same - Ibid.
John Haughton and Isaac Mansfield, late Sheriffs of Yorks. 16 4 11 Same Ibid.
John Pitt, Esq. - - 85 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter Ibid, p. 68; Order Book XIV. p. 321.
Sir Charles Dalton - 50 0 0 Same Money Book XXXV. p. 69; Order Book XIV. p. 322.
Governor of Windsor Castle. 48 10 0 Same - Money Book XXXV. p. 70.
Mr. Rollos - 12 10 0 Same - Ibid.
Corporation of Berwick 25 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 58.
Ministers of Isle of Man. 25 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 56.
George Turbill - - 50 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 61.
Edward Salter and John Spencer - 21 15 0 Same - Ibid.
Edward Salter and John Spencer - 18 5 0 Same - Ibid.
Earl of Harborough - 25 0 0 Same Ibid, p. 60.
Provost and Fellows of Eton College. 10 10 0 Same Ibid, p. 58.
George Holmes, gent. - 25 0 0 1730, Lady Day quarter - Ibid, p. 80.
Sir Philip Ryly and Thomas Spence. 49 10 0 Same - - - Ibid.
Richard Andrews, junior. 37 10 0 Same - Ibid, p. 80.
Henry Pane, gent. - 50 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 78–9; Order Book XIV. p. 317.
Win. Ireland, gent. - 25 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Frances Wyndham - 50 0 0 1729, Michaelmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 55.
Officers of the Order of the Bath. 125 0 0 Same - Ibid, p. 56.
March 26 Sir Clement Cotterell - 50 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 54.
25 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 54.
Heirs of Colonel Fairfax 25 0 0 Same - - Ibid, p. 54.
Richard Bentley - 50 0 0 Same - - Ibid, p. 53.
Thos. Walker - 50 0 0 Same - - Ibid.
Jane Keen 75 0 0 Same - Ibid.
Daniel Graham 28 15 0 Same - Ibid, p. 57.
John Inglis - - 25 0 0 Same - - Ibid, p. 56.
29 0 0 Same - - Ibid, p. 56.
Richard Topham - 37 0 0 1730, Lady Day quarter - Ibid, pp. 82–3.
Clerks of the Treasury 187 10 0 Same - Ibid.
Thos. Mann, attendant at the Treasury Office; Thos. Thurkettle and Win. Richards, letter carriers; Win. Empson, attendant, Jo. Shepherd, assistant to the chamber keepers and messengers. 127 10 0 Same - - - - Ibid, p. 86; Order Book XIV. p. 274.
John Beresford and others. 77 10 0 Making up hooks of the revenue for same quarter. Ibid, p. 87.
Edward Millward - 5 0 0 1730, Lady Day quarter - Order Book XIV. p. 317.
Keepers of the Council Chamber. 18 5 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Ibid, p. 318.
March 27 Commissioners for Hackney Coaches and Chairs. 270 10 0 1730, Lady Day quarter, salary bill. Money Book XXXV. p. 88.
Same - - - 152 9 10 Incidents for same - Ibid, p. 168.
John Cooke, clerk of the Foreign Estreats. 24 3 4 1729, Christmas quarter's salary. Order Book XIV. pp. 233, 169; Money Book XXXV. p. 55.
Richard Viscount Castlemaine. 67 10 0 Keepers of Waltham Forest Order Book XIV. p. 320.
James Earl of Berkeley 52 10 0 Officers of Dean Forest - Ibid, p. 321.
Francis Cudworth Masham. 20 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter's fee as Foreign Opposer - Ibid.
[March] Corporation of Lyme Regis. 25 0 0 1729, Christmas quarter - Money Book XXXV. p. 55.
Corporation of Dartmouth. 10 0 0 Same - - - - Ibid.