Warrants for Minor Appointments: 1729

Pages 295-313

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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Warrants relating to Appointments of minor importance.

Date. Description of Document or Order. Substance of Order or Appointment. Reference.
Jan. 4 Warrant by the Lords of the Treasury, Whitehall [to the Council in Ireland]. Authorising the appointment of Robert Allen as Solicitor of Law Suits, and for drawing and examining quit rents and forfeitures, and other rents of the Crown in Ireland, vice Richard Nuttall, Esq. Irish Book VIII. p. 324.
Jan. 7 Same by same Appointing Daniel Commelyn a tidesman on the superior list, port of Bristol, vice James Watts, deceased; and Abraham Bush, a tidesman on the inferior list there, vice Commelyn, transferred; and for Wm. Hayes to be a weighing porter, London port, vice Thomas Edwards, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 312.
The Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland. Authorising them to issue their deputation to John Rae to be General Surveyor of the south-west parts of Scotland, at 150l. per annum salary, including travelling charges, in accordance with the Commissioners' reports of 1728, December 1, prefixed.
Appending.—Rae's memorial and letter to Sir Robert Walpole, dated 1728, August 19.
North Britain Book IX. p. 211–4.
Jan. 14 Warrant from same Appointing John Forest, a tidesman and boatman at Minehead, to be tidesman there, vice James Pulman, deceased, and for Richard Western to succeed Forest as tidesman and boatman. Customs Book XII. p. 314.
Jan. 16 The Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland. Signifying approval of the Commissioners' nomination of John McIlmorrow as tidesman at the port of Wigtown, at a salary of 15l. per annum, vice Adam Reid, dismissed. North Britain Book IX. p. 236.
Same to same - Signifying similar approval of Edward Blackstock to be mate on board the “Prince William” sloop, at a salary of 25l. per annum, vice Charles Parker, deceased.
Similar approval of John Gillies to be watchman of the salt duty at Ayr, vice Alexander Moffat, who declines the service,
Jan. 17 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thomas Davis to he assistant seller of stamps, loco Thos. Gibbons, superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 136.
Royal sign manual - - For the passing a letter under the Privy Seal of Scotland, to nominate Richardson master smith of the mint and coining house in Scotland, at a salary of 30l. per annum in as large manner as Wm. Brown, junior, or any other former persons appointed to the said office. Given at the Court at St. James's. North Britain Book IX. p. 237.
Warrant, cancelled, from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thos. Neeves, riding officer at Sittingbourne, Faversham port, vice Francis Rich, superannuated. Customs Book XII. p. 313.
Jan. 21 Warrant from same - Appointing Wm. Evans waterman, London port, vice John Sawley, deceased. Ibid, p. 314.
Same - For the preparation of letters patent to constitute Wm. Popple, Esq. one of the five under searchers in London port, vice Wm. Congreve, lately deceased. Ibid, p. 315.
Jan. 23 Letters patent - - Appointing John Fortescue Aland, Sergeant at Law, to be one of the Justices of the Common Pleas. (See Patent Rolls, 2 Geo. II. Part III. No. 3.) King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 275.
Jan. 24 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Robert Conner to be a boatman at Greenock, in the room of John Matthie, deceased, at the established salary of 20l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 237.
Jan. 24 Same - Appointing Repps Porland packer in the Stamp Office, loco John White, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 138.
Same - Appointing Joseph Cooper, junior, tidesman and boatman at Rye port, vice Wiltshire Slade, resigned; Thos. Spong to be riding surveyor at Lymington, Southampton port, to superintend the preventive officers between that port and Poole, vice Robert Hookey, hereby superseded, said Hookey having been appointed vice Hugh Harsnet. Customs Book XII. p. 317.
Jan. 25 Same - Appointing John Wetherburne boatman at Newcastle, vice John Spoor, deceased. And John Banks, waiter and searcher at Shields, to be Surveyor of New-castle, vice Ralph Ellison, deceased, and James Banks, to succeed him as waiter and searcher at Shields. Ibid, p. 314–5.
Same - Appointing Job Bulman a tidesman in the port of Newcastle, vice James Banks, preferred. Ibid, p. 320.
Feb. 3 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thomas Paramor, tidesman at Deal, to be riding officer at Faversham, vice Rowland Holt, resigned, and Roger Nevenson to be tidesman at Deal, vice Paramor, preferred. Customs Book XII. p. 320.
Feb. 4 Same - Appointing Richard Hammond of the parish of St. Margaret's, Westminster, to be First Clerk in the Office of Clerk of the Pells in the receipt of the Exchequer.
Appending.—Letter from Walpole to the Lords of the Treasury appointing Hammond as above, dated 1728–9, January 21.
Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 139.
Same - - Appointing James Hobday, riding officer at Sittingbourne, Faversham port, vice Francis Rich, superannuated; Thos. Daines to be boatman at Deal, vice Thomas Daines, deceased; Henry Dolderne waiter in Barbadoes, vice Wm. Brice, deceased; Robert Waller land waiter at Hull port, vice Robert Baldry, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 320.
Same - For Robert Haladay to be supervisor of the salt duty at Kirkcaldy in the room of John Smith, dismissed, at the salary of 50l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 243.
Feb. 6 Same - Appointing John Newnham, waiter and searcher at Fareham, Portsmouth port, vice Thomas Newnham, superseded by reason of age, and Wm. Hughson, sometime riding officer in the Customs, and afterwards surveyor at Dartford, to be placed on the superannuated list. Customs Book XII. p. 320.
Feb. 11 Same - - Appointing John Berkley a tidesman at Port Glasgow, vice John Brown, deceased, at the established salary of 20l.
Same for Alexander Moor to be surveyor and land waiter at Fort William, vice Patrick Campbell, deceased, at the salary of 20l.
North Britain Book IX. p. 243.
Same - Appointing Thomas Harlow watchman, in London port, vice Wm. Acton, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 320.
Feb. 20 Same - Appointing Benj. Tanner to be chief boatman and tide surveyor at Bristol, vice Ely Styles, deceased. Ibid, p. 326.
Same - For Colin Campbell to be tidesman on the inferior list, London port, vice James Davison, dismissed.
For Peter Borroughs to be tidesman on the inferior list in London port, vice James Mullins, dismissed.
Feb. 20 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Thomas Scarlet to be placed on the superior list, London port, vice John Nelson, dismissed.
John Bock to succeed Scarlet on the inferior list.
George Newnham to be tidesman and boatman at Cowes, vice Wm. Culberston, superseded.
Customs Book XII. pp. 826–7.
George Fowkes to be tidesman on the inferior list, London port, vice Cassablin Sadler, dismissed.
Thomas Alston to be tidesman on the inferior list, London port, vice John Philpot, dismissed.
John Boyce to be tidesman on the inferior list, London port, vice William Cockburne, dismissed.
George Taylor to be placed on the superior list, London port, vice Thomas Low, dismissed.
Robert Williams to succeed George Taylor on the inferior list.
John Laverick to be placed on the superior list, London port, vice John Leachman, dismissed.
Henry Berniera to succeed Laverick on the inferior list.
Samuel Jolly to be placed on superior list, London port, vice Thomas Dunster, dismissed.
Edmund Soley to succeed Jolly on the inferior list.
Stephen Kingwell to be placed on the superior list, London port, vice Edward Hinchcliffe, dismissed.
John Cairon to succeed Kingwell on the inferior list.
Richard Bradford to be placed on the superior list, vice Edward Brown, dismissed.
Geo. George to succeed Bradford on the inferior list.
Edward While, a tidesman, superior list, vice James Edes, dismissed.
Wm. Travell, to be same, vice Christopher Hutton, dismissed.
John Philips, to be same, vice John Fryer, dismissed.
Thos. King, to be same, vice Edward Williams, dismissed.
John Charnell, to be same, vice Derick van Kuyven, dismissed.
Samuel Owen, to be same, vice Christopher Morrain, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 327.
Feb. 24 Letters patent - - Appointing William Jessop a justice of Chester and Flint, and of Denbigh and Montgomery, after reciting similar grant to John Willes, of date 1728–9, February 17 [see Patent Rolls, 2 Geo. II. Part III. No. 28.] King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 275–7.
Feb. 28 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Salt. Recommending appointment of Leighton Sabery as a supernumerary officer in the Salt Office. Letter Book XVIII. p. 370.
Mar. 3 Letters patent - Appointing Wm. Chapple, one of the sergeants, to the office of justice of the counties of Carnarvon, Merioneth, and Anglesey. [See Patent Rolls, 2 Geo. II. Part III. No. 25.] King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 277–8.
Mar. 4 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thomas Nairn tidesman at the port of Anstruther, vice Watson, deceased, at 20l. per annum. North Britain IX. p. 244.
Same - For Colin Lenox to be tidesman at Leith, vice John Carmichael, deceased, at 20l. per annum.
Same - For John Putt to be tidesman at Port Glasgow, vice David Bell, deceased, at 20l. per annum.
Mar. 5 Same - To Wm. Jessop, Esq. one of the Commissioners of Alienations, authorising the appointment of Thos. Wilkinson to officiate in Jessop's absence in the room of L. Streate, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 144.
Mar. 7 Same - Appointing Christopher Hall boatman at Scarborough, vice William Cockrill, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 327.
Mar. 10 Same - Appointing Nicholas Paxton distributor of stamps at Durham, loco Nicholas Richardson, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 144.
Mar. 13 Same - George Broughton, boatman, Dartmouth, vice John Dawkins, dismissed. Customs Book XII. p. 327.
Mar. 15 Same - Wm. Fowler, surveyor at Scarborough, vice Levell Lazenby, deceased. Ibid.
Mar. 17 Same - John Newman, land waiter in London port, vice Sir Thomas Allen, to be superseded. Ibid.
Mar. 18 Same - Nathaniel Pewtner to be tidesman in Bideford port, vice Abraham Sheram, superseded. Ibid.
Same - Appointing Richard Morgan deputy to Sir Andrew Fountaine in the office of Warden of the Mint.
Appending.—Fountaine's memorial for the same to the Lords of the Treasury.
Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 149.
Same To the Commissioners for Stamp Duties in Scotland, empowering the issue of their deputation for Thomas Pringle, gent, writer to the Signet, to be distributor of stamp paper, parchment, &c. at Edinburgh, at the established allowance of poundage. North Britain Book IX. p. 246.
Same - - Appointing Robert Crichton to be watchman of the salt duty at Kirkcaldy, in the room of Wm. Forsyth, who declined, at 15l. per annum.
Mar. 20 Same - - Samuel Vincent, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, vice John Booth, dismissed.
John Salisbury, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, vice John Howard, dismissed.
John Gardner, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, vice Wm. Shipman, dismissed.
Customs Book XII. p. 335.
Mar. 20 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Henry Yates, tidesman in the inferior list, to be preferred to the superior, vice Robert Sempill, dismissed.
Judah Abraham to succeed Yates in the inferior list.
John Bell, tidesman in the inferior list, London, to be preferred to the superior, vice Joseph Allen, dismissed.
Obediah Osborne to succeed Bell in the inferior list.
Jonathan Fisher, tidesman in the inferior list, London, to be preferred to the superior, vice Thos. Curtis, dismissed.
Arthur Bell to succeed Fisher in the inferior list.
Customs Book XII. p. 335.
Mar. 25
J. Scrope to Commissioners of Customs. For the appointment of James Pitt, a tide surveyor at Portsmouth, loco Edward Ashe, promoted commander of the “Whitstable”smack. Letter Book XVIII. p. 375.
Mar. 28 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thomas Glaspool riding officer at Chichester, vice Richard Scott, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 345.
April 2 Same - - - Appointing James i Penington, boatman at Bristol port, vice Christopher Salmon, deceased.
Thomas Pemberton to be tidesman on the superior list, vice Benjamin Tanner, preferred to be chief boatman and tide surveyor.
John Blackwell to succeed Pemberton in the inferior list.
Ibid, p. 339.
April 3 Same - - Henry. Tolcher to be tide surveyor, vice Henry Tell, deceased.
Charles Rogers to be tidesman in the inferior list, Bristol port, vice James Penington, preferred.
Gamaliel Breara, surveyor at Stockton, vice Richard Tyreman, deceased.
Edward Parry, waiter and searcher at Neston, Chester port, vice Humphry Thomas, deceased.
John Panten, preventive officer at Boscastle, (“Bottreaux Castle”) Padstow port, vice Joel Danger, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 342.
April 10 Same - Appointing Charles Grimes Collector of the Customs at Rappahannock river, in America, vice Adam Cockburne, deceased. Ibid.
April 16 Same - Appointing William Day chief boatman of the “Humber” sloop, in Hull port. Ibid, p. 344.
April 18 Same - Appointing John Boyden stamper, in the room of Merchant Simpson, superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 155; Custom BookXII. p. 332.
Same - Appointing Joseph Chambers tidesman, London port, vice James Gibson, deceased.
Wm. Rudge tidesman, London port, inferiorslist, vice John Hodgkin, deceased.
John Metcalfe tidesman, Liverpool, vice Robert Fletcher, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 342.
April 18 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Oram riding officer, Pevensey, vice Samuel Colebrand, deceased.
Thos. Newton tidesman, Liverpool, vice John Runkhorn, deceased.
Constantine Wynne tidesman, London, superior list.
Thos. Crowforth tidesman, London, to succeed Wynne.
John Hutton mate of the “Whitstable” smack, port Faversham.
William Storey waiter and searcher at Scarborough, vice John Mould, deceased.
John Bird tidesman at Liverpool, vice John Cook, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 342.
Same from same to the Commissioners of the Customs. Appointing Henry Orton riding officer to guard the new canal at Rye, at 60l. per annum. Ibid, p. 345.
April 22 Same from same - Appointing John Gibbs land waiter in Bristol port, vice Arthur Brinsden, deceased.
Richard Whitebread to be a noon tender, London port, vice Philip Smith, deceased.
April 24 Same - Appointing William Miles watchman, London port, vice John Gray, deceased. Ibid.
April 29 Same - Appointing Arthur Croker landwaiter at Weymouth, to be landwaiter at Exeter, vice Henry Jennings, deceased.
Richard Jordan to succeed Croker at Weymouth.
Philip Hawkins surveyor of Plymouth, vice Simon Worth, deceased.
Wm. Burridge weighing porter, London port, vice Samuel Marriot, superannuated.
John Crickett surveyor, waiter, and searcher, and commander of the boat in Sandwich port, vice Stephen Long, preferred.
John Brown tidesman, London port, inferior list, vice Thomas Alston.
Thomas Tyrrell surveyor of Southampton port, vice William Speed, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 346.
Same - Appointing James Cairnes to be a watchman of the salt duties at Alloa, vice Thomas Thynn, deceased, at 15l. per annum.
George Mawat to be landwaiter and searcher at Thurso, in Caithness, vice Frederick Frazer, deceased, at 25l. per annum.
Alexander Dalmahoy to be land surveyor at Irvine, vice Thomas Harris, deceased, at 35l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 276.
May 5 Warrant from the Lords of Treasury. Appointing John Marks tidesman in the superior list, Bristol port, vice Edward Price, deceased. Thos. Dean to succeed Marks in the inferior list. Customs Book XII. p. 351.
May 6 Same - Appointing Wm. Keith collector at Newcastle, Pennsylvania, vice Samuel Lowman, deceased. Ibid.
May 8 Same Appointing William Owen surveyor,waiter, and searcher at Holyhead, Beaumaris port, vice John Jones, dismissed. Ibid,p. 360.
May 10 Same Appointing John Davenport tidesman in the port of Liverpool, vice John Walker, deceased. Ibid, p. 345.
Same Appointing Benjamin Street distributor for Wilts, loco Henry Oxford, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 170.
Same Appointing John Tucker riding officer at Deal, vice William Osborne, dismissed. Customs Book XII. p. 346.
May 12 Letters patent - Appointing John Spencer, gentleman, keeper of the Council Chamber, at a fee of 2s. 6d. per day from the Feast of the Annunciation last past. King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 401–2.
Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing William Barsley noon tender, London port, vice John Anstay, deceased. Customs Book XII. p.346.
Same Appointing Nicholas Wood tidesman, inferior list, vice William Starke, dismissed.
John Heathcote tidesman, inferior list, vice Carlton Smith, dismissed.
Jonathan White tidesman, superior list, vice Wm. Faryer, dismissed. Richard Manning to succeed J. White in the inferior list.
Ibid, p. 360.
May 13 Same - Appointing James Luckett to be riding officer at Rottingdean, Newhaven port, vice Thos. Geere, deceased.
Thos. Botley land carriageman, Bristol port, vice Samuel Day, deceased.
John Buckingham waiter and searcher and commander of the boatmen at Comwich, in Bridgwater port, vice Joseph Denham, deceased.
Edward Chambers collector of Customs at Pocomoke, in Maryland, vice John Browne, deceased.
George Thompson waiter and searcher at Spalding, Boston port, vice Edward Hall, deceased.
Appointing Francis Gatcombe boatman at Comwich, Bridgwater port, vice John Buckingham.
May 13 Commission in the form of letters patent under the sign manual. Appointing Henry Finch, Esq. Receiver General and Collector of all the rents and revenues in Minorca, at a salary of 30s. by the day for the whole charge of his said office. King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 322–3.
May 14 Warrant under the royal sign manual addressed to the Attorney or Solicitor General. For the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal to revoke the previous letters patent, and to appoint Christopher Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, George Ducket, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thomas Wylde, James Vernon, and Robert Eyre, Esq. Commissioners and Governors in England for the management and receipt of the Excise, at a salary of 800l. each, and with power to appoint inferior officers. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 325–6.
May 15 Same addressed to same - To prepare same to pass same to, determine the letters patent granting to Wm. Thompson the office of Receiver General of the rates, duties, and impositions upon stamped vellum, parchment, and paper, together with a salary of 500l. to himself and clerks, and to grant same to Henry Cartwright, Esq. in as full manner as to Thompson.
In Margin.—Letters patent bear date the 11th June in the third year of His Majesty's reign, 1729.
[See letters patent in Patent Rolls, 3 Geo. II. Part 2, No. 9. They recite the death of Thompson.]
Ibid, p. 326–7.
May 19 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Judah Abraham tidesman in the superior list, London port, vice Edward Price, dismissed.
Thos. Wait to succeed Abraham in the inferior list.
Caleb Kinsman, tidesman, Plymouth port, vice Walter Rowe, deceased.
Oliver Bigg, tidesman and boatman at Briton Ferry, vice Rice Davis, dismissed.
Matthew Stubbs, waterman, London port, vice Charles Winspear, dismissed.
John Smith, tidesman, inferior list, London, vice Richard Steward, dismissed.
Nath. Heckford, tidesman, inferior list, London, vice Thos. Barnes, dismissed.
John Brasse, tidesman, superior list, London, vice Richard Butterfield, dismissed.
Wm. Stanley to succeed Brasse in inferior list.
Henry Moggridge, tidesman in inferior list, London port, vice Christ. Spencer, dismissed.
Thos. Atkinson, tidesman, inferior list, London port, vice Allan Gilmour, dismissed.
Wm. Williams, tidesman, inferior list, London port, vice Roger Cooke dismissed.
Customs Book XII. p. 363.
Same Appointing Walter Grosett to be collector of the Customs at Alloa, vice John Muirhead, declined, at 30l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 284.
May 20 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Thacker, tidesman in the inferior list, London port, to be transferred to the superior list, vice John Seddon, dismissed.
Sir Wm. Moore to succeed Thacker in the inferior list.
Customs Book XII. p. 364.
Privy Seal - Appointing Woodes Rogers, Esq. Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Bahamas at a salary of 400l. per annum. Given at the Palace at Westminster. King's Warrants Book XXIX p. 351.
May 21 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing James Young, tidesman, inferior list, London port, vice Roger Wheatly, dismissed. Customs Book XII. p. 367.
Same - - Appointing Walter Grosett Collector of the Salt Duty at Alloa, vice John Muirhead, declined, at 30l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 284.
Same - - Appointing Edward Burroughs a stamper in the room of Thomas Jones, to be superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 170
May 22 Letters patent - Appointing Walter Cary, Esq. one of the Clerks of the Privy Council, at a salary of 250l. in revocation of the letters patent of 14th August, 1727, granting the same place to Robert Hales. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 386.
June 3 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Wm. Stevens, as land carriage waiter at Glasgow, vice Parlan McWalter, dismissed, at 20l. per annum.
Robert Dunbar to be Supervisor of the Salt Duties at Irvine, vice Thos. Harris, deceased, at 5l. per annum.
James Crawford to be land surveyor at Irvine, vice Alexander Dalmahoy, superseded, at 35l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 285.
Same - Appointing Evan Evans waiter and searcher at Swansea, vice Walter Evans, his father, superannuated. Customs Book XII. p. 367.
June 5 Same - For the preparation of letters patent appointing John Goodchild King's waiter at London port. Ibid, p. 368.
Same - Appointing Samuel Towson tidesman in superior list, London port, vice Robert Farr, resigned.
John Barstow to succeed Towson in the inferior list.
Ibid, p. 357.
Same to the Collectors of Customs. Thos. Fox, boatman at Deal, to be removed to Ramsgate, in Sandwich port.
Appointing Daniel Browne boatman at Deal, vice Thos. Fox.
Henry Basset boatman at Margate, vice Daniel Browne.
Isaac Alleson boatman at Sandwich, vice Henry Basset.
Ibid, p. 368.
June 10 Commission granted by the Queen, as Guardian of the kingdom, in the King's name. Appointing John Halls Inspector and Comptroller of the Wardrobe, at a salary of 500l. in accordance with a proviso in the letters patent of April 5, 4 Anne, appointing John Duke of Montagu Keeper of the Great Wardrobe. Given at the Palace at Kensington. King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 348–50.
June 12 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Michael Brickdale distributor of stamps, co. Salop, loco Andrew Bowdler, resigning. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 174.
Same - Appointing Edward Bradford tidesman and boatman at Teignmouth and Dawlish, Exeter port, loco Edward Stacey, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 407.
Same - Appointing John Barstow tidesman in the superior list, London port, vice Nicholas Barnes, dismissed.
Richard Folly to succeed him in the inferior list.
Wm. Farside, surveyor of Whitby port, vice Wm. Selby, dismissed.
John Husband tidesman and boatman at Fowey port, vice Wm. Monday, deceased.
James Murray tidesman in the superior list, vice John Lidgerd.
Timothy Arne to succeed him in the inferior list.
John Stanley tidesman, London port, vice Samuel Jones, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 871.
June 17 Same - Appointing Wm. Lem Comptroller of the Customs at Prestonpans, vice Thomas Nevett, deceased, at 30l. per annum.
Adam Smith Comptroller of the Customs at Thurso, vice Wm. Lem.
Francis Moodie landwaiter and searcher at Alloa, vice John Liddell, deceased.
June 18 Same - Appointing Wm. Lane collector at Newhaven, loco Charles Harrison, resigned. Ibid, p. 383.
Same - Appointing Henry Johnson tidesman at Kirkcaldy, vice John Stewart, deceased, at 20l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 289.
June 19 Same - Appointing Henry Simpson waiter and searcher at Berwick, vice Edward Gray, dismissed. Customs Book XII. p. 382.
June 21 Same - Walter Beed to be riding officer at Sheppey, vice John Elliot, to be superseded. Ibid, p. 327.
June 24 Same - Appointing John Hooper stamper, loco Daniel Mott, deceased. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. 193.
July 8 Same - Appointing Henry Beveridge to be boatman at Kirkcaldy, vice Lanchlane King, dismissed, at 15l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 289.
July 8 Commission from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Wm. Carter Receiver General for part of Suffolk of land tax, 1729, and for the whole county of arrears of land tax and duties on houses, 1728. Affairs of Taxes III. 282.
Warrant from same - Appointing Mathew Thurton waiter and searcher at Wells, vice Thos. Reeder, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 407.
July 9 Same - Appointing Lewis Morris surveyor, waiter, and searcher at Holyhead, Beaumaris port, at 20l. per annum from the King besides the searcher's fees, loco William Owen, deceased.
Wm. Yard tidesman and boatman at Exeter port, loco Gillet Snooke, dismissed.
John Tobin tidesman and boatman at Exeter port, loco Richard Sellick, dismissed.
July 10 Same - - Appointing Theophilus Pugh tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco John Salusbury. Ibid.
July 10 The Lords of the Treasury, Whitehall, to the Commissioners of the Customs residing in Scotland. Approving the exchange between, and authorising the issue of their deputations accordingly to, John Gray as tidesman at Kirkcaldy, at a salary of 20l. per annum, and Roderick Pringle, tidesman at Montrose, at 18l. per annum, who wish to exchange stations. North Britain Book IX. p. 291.
July 11 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Napper commander of the “Shoreham” sloop, vice Geo. Stamper, deceased. Customs Book XII. p. 407.
July 15 Same - - Appointing James Lee mate of the “Shoreham” sloop, loco John Gurr, dismissed.
John Crabb tidesman and boatman at Falmouth, loco George Clarke, deceased.
Sir Wm. Moore, Bart, to be tidesman, superior list [London], loco George Lovimore, deceased.
Charles Castleton to succeed said Sir Wm. Moore in the inferior list.
July 22 Same - Appointing Alexander Dalmahoy tidesman at Cumbray (“Combraes”) in Irvine, vice James Ballentine, deceased. North Britain Book IX. p. 291.
Same - Appointing Daniel Reid Officer of the Salt Duty at Kirkcaldy, vice Francis Moodie, preferred, at 25l. per annum. Ibid, p. 315.
Royal warrant by the Queen, as Guardian of the kingdom and in the King's name, directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General. Authorising the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain for revoking the letters patent appointing Charles Cathcart, Esq. Receiver General of all His Majesty's lands, rents, and casualties in Scotland, and Paymaster of all salaries, &c. by any establishment or warrant to be paid, all at a salary of 650l. and for granting the same to Allen Whiteford, Esq. Given at the Court at Kensington. Ibid, p. 316.
July 22 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing William Hayward landwaiter in the superior list, loco William Charter, dismissed.
Toby Sturmy to succeed Hayward in the inferior list.
James Arbuthnot, Esq. to be Collector of Antigua, loco Hope-for Bendall, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 408.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs. Appointing Wm. Hucks deputy to Benjamin Hudson, Esq. one of the King's waiters, London port, loco Richard Long, dismissed.
For sinking the office of Wm. Rishton, late tidesman at Liverpool, and placing the salary of 40l. on the establishment of the Customs for the surveyor, waiter, and searcher of Poulton and Preston.
Appending.—Memorial from the Commissioners of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury recommending as above.
Ibid, 408–9.
Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Geo. Graves, gent, searcher at Chichester port, loco Thos. Jenkins. Ibid, p. 410.
July 23 Warrant by the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Ferguson tidesman at the port of Ayr, vice James Ross, deceased, at 15l. per annum.
James Ogilbie Collector of Customs at Aberdeen, vice Wm. Gordon, superseded, at 50l. per annum.
Alexander Middleton Comptroller of Customs at Aberdeen, vice James Ogilbie, preferred, at 30l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 316.
July 24 Same Appointing Thos. Thacker tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco John Fryer, dismissed.
Joseph Hodges tidesman in the superior list, loco Nicholas Gatehouse, dismissed.
Berry Morpeth to succeed Hodges in the inferior list.
Customs Book XII. p. 414.
Aug. 5 Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Charles Smyth, gent. King's Clerk for the Copper Coinage, for the entering of all receipts of copper and all deliveries of moneys with the assays, and for the making a yearly roll of the same and for examination of all charges for repairs, &c. at a remuneration of 20s. per ton of moneys coined. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 183–4.
Aug. 14 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Daw tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Rice Owen, dismissed. Customs Book XII. p. 438.
Same - Appointing Thos. Williamson tidesman at Leith, vice Samuel Norberry, deceased, at 20l. per annum. North Britain Books IX. p. 323.
Same - To the Commissioners of Customs, authorising the exchange between John Umphreys, one of the preferable tidesmen in London port, and Robert Stroud, an established boatman in Newcastle port. Customs Book XII. p. 417.
Aug. 14 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. For placing Thos. Quarne on the establishment of the Customs for the Deputy Comptroller of Falmouth, as deputy of the same, at the salary of 10l. per annum. Customs Book XII. p. 418.
Same Appointing Richard Gibbs tidesman in the superior list [London], loco Thos. Collins, dismissed.
Henry Marshall to succeed Gibbs in the inferior list.
Thomas Callow tidesman in the superior list, loco Josias Lewis, dismissed.
James Wellman to succeed Callow in the inferior list.
Wm. Holden tidesman in the superior list, loco John Pacey, dismissed.
Thomas Bingham to succeed Holden in the inferior list.
Wm. Lacon tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco John Braidley, dismissed.
John Cornwall tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Richd. Haynes, dismissed.
Daw tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Rice Owen, dismissed.
George Rowell tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Edwd. Smith, dismissed.
William Goddard tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco James Libbard, dismissed.
John Prole tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Bartho. Haddock, dismissed.
Robert Smith tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Richard Morral, dismissed.
Nathl. Lee tidesman in inferior list, London port, loco Richard Sully, dismissed.
Ibid, p. 415.
Aug. 26 Same - Appointing Wm. Taylor one of the layers and takers of paper on and from the rolling presses in the Stamp Office, loco John Willson, superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 197.
Same To the Collector of Customs inwards appointing Robert Weston deputy to Mr. Thos. Neale, one of the King's waiters in the port of London. Customs Book XII. p. 422.
Aug. 29 Same - - John Carmichael watchman of the Salt Duties at Borrowstounness, vice Patrick Hunter, dismissed, at 15l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 327.
Same - - Appointing David Fletcher to be a land carriage waiter at the Gates of Edinburgh, vice Charles Wrightesworth, resigned, at 20l. per annum. Ibid.
Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Edmund Ball, Esq. one of the Paymasters of Exchequer Bills. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 196–7.
Sept. 5 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Humphrey Leyson waiter and searcher at Briton Ferry, Swansea, loco Charles Whitaker, deceased. Customs Book XII. pp. 424 and 446.
Sept. 6 Same - Appointing Matthew Pierson landwaiter, Sunderland port, loco Marke Grime, resigned.
Benjamin Pidgeon tidesman and boatmam at Southamton, loco John Hardy, superannuated.
Robert Newton waiter and searcher, Chester port, loco John Painter, deceased.
Ibid, p. 424.
Sept. 8 Same - Appointing Thos. Evans viewer and examiner of tobacco inwards and outwards, London port. Ibid, p. 423.
Sept. 11 Same - - Appointing John Howard stamper, loco Wm. Bound, superseded. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 203.
Same - - Appointing John Firth commander of the “Shoreham” sloop, loco John Napper, unfit for employment. Customs Book XII. p. 424.
Sept. 16 Same - Appointing Patrick Young boatman at Borrowstounness, vice Henry Oliphant, dismissed, at 15l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 328.
Same Appointing Edward Copinger and Alexander Guliland boatmen at Queen's Ferry, vice Adam Thomson and Angus Cameron, dismissed, at 15l. per annum. Ibid.
Sept. 17 Same - Appointing Wm. Jervey and Alexander Baxter boatmen at Leith, vice Edward Coppinger, vice Alexander Guliland, removed to Borrowstounness, at 20l. per annum. Ibid.
Same - Appointing Edward Fox boatman at Looe, loco Joseph Knight, said to be dead. Customs Book XII. p. 439.
Sept. 23 Same - Placing John Stapleton on the superannuated list. Ibid, p. 428.
Same - For the issue of letters patent appointing Samuel Artis customer at Exeter port. Ibid, p. 429.
Sept. 24 Same - Appointing Thomas Jackson tidesman and boatman at Stockton, loco Wm. Stonehouse, superannuated.
Anthony Palmer mate of the “Gravesend” smack, loco Richard Millar, superannuated.
John Mitchell mate of the “Prince of Wales” sloop, loco Edward Ellis, deceased.
Ibid, p. 428.
Sept. 25 Same - Appointing Thos. Farraine tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Bartholomew Lloyd, dismissed. Ibid, p. 446.
Sept. 25 Warrant from the Lords of Treasury. Appointing Wm. Lindsay tidesman at Port Glasgow, vice John Rate, deceased, at 20l. per annum.
James Reed landwaiter and searcher at Dumfries, vice Wm. Sutherland, deceased, at 25l. per annum.
James Byfeld a salt officer at Prestonpans, vice John Bonnar, dismissed, at 25l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 328.
Same - Appointing John Yendall tidesman, inferior list [London], loco Wm. Dufkin, dismissed.
John Slew tidesman, inferior list, loco James Young, resigned.
Thos. Farren tidesman, inferior list, loco Bartholomew Lloyd, dismissed.
John Morris tidesman, inferior list, loco Joseph Knowles, deceased.
Alexander Campbell tidesman, inferior list, loco Wm. Taylor, dismissed.
Customs Book XII. p. 437.
Sept. 30 Letters patent - - Appointing Wm. Sherd Serjeant-at-Arms in ordinary, to attend upon His Majesty, at a fee of 3s. per day and 2s. 6d. per day for board wages, to commence from 1729, August 6. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 431–2.
Oct. 1 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Charles Castleton tidesman, superior list [London], loco Richard Bradford, superannuated.
Charles Jacobs to succeed Castleton in inferior list.
Customs Book XII. p. 438.
Same - Appointing Charles Walbeoffe, tidesman in the inferior list, London, loco John Burchill, dismissed. Ibid, p. 439.
Oct. 2 Same - - Appointing Thos. Verrier riding officer at Ramsgate, Sandwich port, loco Nathaniel Gatton, deceased.
Charles Royse tidesman and boatman at Lynn port, loco John Key, deceased.
Ibid, p. 442.
Oct. 4 Same - - Appointing Robert May tidesman, superior list, London port, loco Wm. North, deceased. Ibid, p. 441.
Oct. 7 Same - - Appointing Robert Lyell tidesman at Anstruther, vice Wm. Dalyell, deceased, at 20l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 329.
Oct. 9 Same Appointing Daniel Parke waiter and searcher at Newcastle, loco Emanuel Nightingale, superannuated. Customs Book XII. p. 446.
Oct. 14 Same - Appointing Alexander Nineaid surveyor and landsearcher at Wigtown, vice Alexander Thompson, resigned, at 30l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 328.
Letters patent - - Appointing Isaac Ware as Clerk of the Works and Storekeeper at Windsor Palace in place of Thomas Rowland, hereby displaced. Ware to be subject to attendance at any other place as the Board of Works may at times direct. Given at the Court at Kensington. King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 421.
Oct. 16 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing John Hopkins waiter and searcher at Cardiff, loco Philip Petre, deceased. Customs Book XII. pp. 446.
Oct. 17 Same Appointing Daniel Fidler one of the In spectors General of the Outports in Scotland, vice John Hay, resigned, at 130l. per annum.
N.B.—This warrant was recalled before any deputation was issued by the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland.
North Britain Book XI. p. 348.
Oct. 23 Same - - Appointing Thomas Wade tidesman and boatman at Bristol, loco Roger Harris, resigned. Customs Book XII. p. 446.
Nov. 10 Same - Appointing Walter Beed riding officer at Sheppey, to be commander of the “Queen Caroline” sloop, Rochester port, loco John Baker, deceased.
Thos. Goble riding officer at Sheppey, loco Beed.
Ibid, p. 415.
Nov. 12 Same - - - Appointing George Savage coastwaiter at London port, loco Robert Dighton, deceased.
Wm. Osborn to be placed on the superannuated list.
Ibid, p. 446.
Same - Appointing John Tooley stamper, loco Isaac Lancaster, deceased.
Robert Kinsey, a rolling press officer, to be porter to the Stamp Office, loco Charles Simister, deceased.
Hugh Keith to succeed Kinsey in the rolling press.
Ralph Cartwright distributor of stamps, county. Stafford, loco Thos. Astbury, deceased.
Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 211.
Nov. 13 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs. Communicating the appointment of John Daw as tidesman in London port, pursuant to the warrant of the Lords of the Treasury of August 14 last. Letter Book XVIII. p. 415.
Nov. 18 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Richard Thomas to be a noon tender, loco Daniel Woodcock, deceased.
Peter Campbell tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Benjamin Fellows, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 446.
Same - Appointing Francis Boldra tidesman, Yarmouth port, loco John Poulter, deceased.
Thomas Brown boatman at Sunderland, loco Jacob Willis, deceased.
Joseph Davis tidesman, inferior list, London, loco Thos. Bowness.
George Collard tidesman and boatman, Dover port, loco Thomas Jones, deceased.
Ibid, p. 447.
Same - - Appointing Charles Blair tidesman at the port of Dumfries, vice Stephen Buglas, dismissed, at 15l. per annum. North Britain Book IX. p. 353.
Nov. 25 Same - Appointing Benjamin Parlet tidesman, in the inferior list, London port, loco Lambert Atkins, preferred.
Lambert Atkins riding officer at Canter|bury, loco William Fades, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 449
Nov. 26 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Thos. Willigo tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Daniel Watkins, deceased.
Maurice Kennedy tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco Mark Davis, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 449.
Same - Appointing Langdale Sunderland surveyor of Newcastle, loco Robert Ellison resigned.
Joseph Lee boatman at Hull port, loco Christopher Williamson, deceased.
Ibid, p. 450.
Same - - - Appointing Robert Dowglas to be a tidesman at the port of Inverness, vice Henry Dow, dismissed, at 18l. per annum.
Gilbert Clark to be boatman at Whithorn, Wigtown port, vice Henry Stewart, dismissed, at 15l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 353.
Dec. 2 Same- - - Appointing Christopher Terlesse landwaiter, superior list, London port, loco Richard Mayo, deceased.
Joseph Stent, loco Terlesse, in inferior list.
Customs Book XII. p. 450.
Same - - Appointing Wm. Matthews surveyor of the land carriage waiters at Edinburgh, vice Gilbert Chambers, deceased, at 30l. per annum.
George Gardiner surveyor and landwaiter at Wigtown, vice Alexander Thomson, resigned, at 30l. per annum.
Gilbert Clark boatman at Greenock, Port Glasgow, vice John Kelloch, deceased, at 20l. per annum.
North Britain Book IX. p. 353.
Dec. 3 Same - - Appointing Edward White tidesman in the superior list, London port, loco Wm. Maulkin, deceased.
Michael Penbuckle to succeed White in the inferior list.
Shem Roberts tidesman, in inferior list, loco John Clapham, deceased.
Customs Book XII. p. 450.
Dec. 9 Same Appointing Peregrine Reeves waterman, London port, loco George Garret.
John Blagden tidesman and boatman at Exeter, loco Michael Coleworthy, resigned.
John Dent tidesman and boatmen at Whitehaven, loco John Senhouse.
Customs Book XIII. p. 15.
Dec. 10 Same - Appointing Robert Dunbar tidesman in the inferior list, London port, loco Berry Morpeth, who declines to accept same. Ibid.
Dec. 12 Same - Appointing John Veral tidesman, London port, loco John Malone. Ibid, p. 16.
Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Charles Valence Jones, Esq. solicitor for negotiating and looking After the Affairs of the Treasury, in the room of Edward Roome, Esq. at 200l. per annum from date hereof. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 321
Dec. 15 Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury. Appointing Peter Wheeler boatman at Torcross, Dartmouth port, loco Vincent Pattee. Customs Book XIII. p. 16.
Dec. 17 Same - Appointing Peter Johnson collector of Colchester port, “and to keep a horse “at 80l. per annum,” loco Joseph Pierce, deceased. Ibid.
Same Appointing Richard Jones waiter and searcher at Amlwch, Beaumaris port, at 20l. per annum, loco Robert Hampton, who has surrendered that employ.
Wm. Middleton weighing porter at Newcastle, loco Robert Williamson, deceased.
John Shaw, an established tidesman, to exchange places with Thos. West, an established watchman.
Ibid, p. 18.
Dec. 23 Same Appointing Richard Leye waiter and searcher at Briton Ferry, Swansea port, loco Roger Wilkins.
James S. John collector at Pocomoke, Maryland, loco John Brown, deceased.
George Nicholson commander of the vessel for the lodgment of officers appointed to guard the mouth of Poole harbour, loco Allen, deceased.
Anthony Moore Comptroller of the Customs at Antigua, loco Edward Lee, deceased.
John Lateward deputy to Francis Guijbon, Comptroller of the Great Customs on wool and leather, &c.
Ibid, p. 19
Dec. 29 Same - Appointing Edward Hunt a tidesman in the superior list, London port, loco Richard Bradford, superannuated.
Hector Graham to succeed Hunt in the inferior list.
Joseph Stent landwaiter, superior list, London port, loco Wm. Hayward, dismissed.
William Burton to succeed Stent in the inferior list.
George Watkins Surveyor and Deputy Comptroller, Cardiff port, loco Jonathan Greenfield.
Ibid, p. 20.