Index: M

Pages 660-663

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 5, 1534-1554. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1873.

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Macasuola, —, 672.

Madrucci, Cristoforo. See Trent, Cardinal of.

Maestricht, 222. See Mastricht.

Maffei, Cardinal, 565, 586.

-, -, letter to, 737.

Magdeburg, See of, 752.

-, benefices in the Church of, 829.

Magliana, La (at Rome), 585.

Maguzzano, 804.

-, letters of Cardinal Pole dated at the monastery of, 752, 754, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 771, 772, 773, 774, 776, 777, 778, 780, 781, 782.

Main Laud, Sage for the, 54.

-, Venetian governors on the, 451.

Majorca, galleys of, 323.

Malmsies, Venetian ships laden with, 322, 323, 713, 714.

Malvasia, 167, 286 note, 428.

Man, Isle of, description of the, p. 354.

Mancino, Francesco, 345, 353.

Manfron, Signor Zuan Paulo, 456.

Mantua, 97, 146, 147, 196, 277 note, 326, 383, 384, 387, 586, 649, 936.

-, letters dated at, 377, 385, 389.

-, duchy of, 377.

-, the government of, 377.

-, Duke of, 146, 377, 378, 381, 384, 390, p. 469.

-, -, letters to the, 5, 135, 372.

-, -, letter from the, 389.

-, -, death of the, 649.

-, Duchess of, 381, 382, 390;

Regent, 936.

-, Cardinal and Regent of. See Gonzaga, Ercole.

-, Regents of (the Cardinal and Duchess), 936.

Marcello, Andreas, C.C.X., 6.

Marck, Erardo della. See Liege, Bishop of.

Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Parma (natural daughter of Charles V.), 565, 585, 587, 627, 636, 1003 note.

Marco, Don. See Mattheo.

Margaret, Queen, sister of Henry VIII., p. 540.

Margate, 323, 895.

Maria of Austria, Queen Dowager of Hungary, Governess of the Low Countries, 79, 99, 126, 144, 145, 257, 287, 316, 534, p. 458, 854, 857, 858, 876, 889, 919, 935, 943.

-, -, her court, p. 62, 155.

Mariano, Angelo, at Verona, 337.

Marienburg, 914, 943.

Marino, —, 614.

Maritime rights, 359.

Marriage, form of, in England, p. 348.

Marriages, celebrated or proposed: —

Between Princess Elizabeth and Mons. d'Angouleme, son of Francis I., 39, 80.

” the sons and daughters of Henry VIII. and Francis I., 60, 64.

” Princess Mary and the Duke of Orleans, 105, 127.

” the daughter of Henry VIII. and “a Frenchman,” 216.

” the daughter of Henry VIII. and Charles V., 287.

” Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, 107, 108, 109.

” Henry VIII. and Katharine Howard, 221, 222.

” Henry VIII. and Katharine Parr, 295.

” Prince Edward and Mary Queen of Scotland, 357.

” Edward VI. and the daughter of the King of France, 541, 707, 708, 710, 760.

” Queen Mary and Philip of Spain, p. 437, 837, 839, 843, 844, 845, 851, 852, 854, 855, 856, 861, 864, 865, 867, p. 481, 874, 875, 877, 880, 881, 888, 893, 904, 912, 917, 923, 924, 928, 930, p. 538, p. 539, p. 559, p. 560. p. 563, 937, 938, 940, 944, 946, 954, 966;

articles of the marriage, p. 470, 891, 919, 923, p. 561;

the French try to impede it, 842;

four ambassadors sent by the Emperor to negotiate it, 846;

its conclusion, 853.

Between the King of Scotland and Madame Madeleine, daughter of Francis I., 124, 127, 129, 133.

” the Duke of Cleves and Juliers and the Countess Palatine, 213.

” the son of the Duke of Lorraine and the Duchess of Milan, 258.

” Octavian Farncse and Margaret of Austria, 275 note.

” the son of the Duke of Savoy and the daughter of the Princess of Navarre, 320.

” the Duke of Orleans and the daughter of Charles V., or the daughter of the King of the Romans, 320, 321, 332.

” the Dauphin and Mary Queen of Scots, p. 361.

” the Duke of Mantua and the daughter of Ferdinand, 649.

” Don Garcia de Toledo (son of the Viceroy of Naples), and Vittoria Colonna, 694.

” Princess Elizabeth and Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, son of the King of the Romans, 881.

” Lady Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley, p. 536.

” Catharine de' Medici and the Duke of Angouleme, 1003.

” Francis I. [and Eleanor of Austria], 1004.

Marriages, the sale of, p. 356.

Marseilles, 541.

-, the lieutenant at, 1005.

Marsilio, Signor, the Emperor's equerry, 412.

Martelosso, Jeronimo, in Murano, letter to, 343.

Martial law, p. 351.

Martin, an Englishman, at Venice, 298.

Martinengo, Dom Hieronimo, 495, 500, 501, 512.

-, Count Pietro, 501.

Marviglier, Mons. de, French ambassador in Venice, 683.

Mary, Princess (daughter of Henry VIII.), and subsequeutly Queen of England, 54, 83, 90, 316, 568, p. 346, p. 357, 760, 765, 770, 771, p. 391, 774, p. 399, p. 401, 779, 783, p. 407, p. 408, 786, 788, 789, 790, 792, 804, 806, 809, 811, 813, 816, 818, p. 438, 822, 823, 824, 832, 843, 844, 846, 847, 851, 853, 854, 855, 856, 858, 861, 862, 863, 865, 867, 868, p. 481, 872, 874, 881, 882, 883, 886, 887, 888, 889, 891, 892, 893, 895, 896, 897, 898, 902, 903, 904, 912, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 921, 922, 923, 925, 928, 929, 931, p. 533, p. 534, p. 535, p. 537, p. 539, p. 541, p. 542, p. 551, p. 563, 935, 936, 937, 938, 941, 942, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, p. 580, 954, 955, 957, 959, 960, 962, 964, 965, 966, 967, 970, 971, 972, 973, 976, 1005.

-, Queen, letters from, 807, 849, 859, 949, 953.

-, -, letters to, 766, 776, 805, 836, 939, 958.

-, her succession to the crown of England, 764.

-, -, her demand for absolution from the Pope, 797.

-, -, her chaplains imprisoned in the time of Edward VI., p. 420.

-, -, coronation of, 807, p. 430, 813, 823, 830, 854, p. 563.

-, -, -, the costs thereof, p. 553.

-, -, oath taken by, at her coronation, p. 431.

-, -, her ministers, p. 431.

-, -, her autograph letter to the Pope, p. 488.

-, -, Cardinal Pole's conduct and opinions with respect to her marriage, p. 488.

-, -, presents to, 931.

-, -, grant by, to the Venetian ambassador Soranzo, 933.

-, -, personal description of, p. 532.

-, -, her relations with Henry VIII. and Edward VI., p. 533, p. 534, p. 535, p. 536.

-, -, her proceedings on Edward VI.'s death, p. 537.

-, -, proclamation of, p. 538.

-, -, her relations with Princess Elizabeth, p. 538.

-, -, her title as Queen of France, p. 545.

-, -, - as Queen of Ireland, p. 545.

-, -, - as Defendress of the Faith, p. 546.

-, -, her guard, p. 552.

-, -, her expenditure, p. 553.

-, -, secret interview between, and a Papal agent, p. 557.

-, -, and Courtenay, p. 559.

-, -, her marriage. See Marriages.

Masone, Sir John, English ambassador with the Emperor at Brussels, 482, 484, 850 note, p. 469 note, 874 note, p. 869, 891 893, 914, 923, 936, 941, 944, 962.

Mass, the, p. 349, p. 533, p. 556.

Massingberd, Sir Oswald, prior of Ireland 539.

-, Thomas, 539 note.

Mastricht, two German captains from, 312.

Matthco (or Marco), Father Don, of Breseia, 689.

Matthew, John, a baker of Harlem, 26 note.

Mauricio, Philippo, 323.

Mauro, Ser Jacobus, 981, 991.

Mauroceno, Franciscus, C.C.X.,367, 368, 370.

-, Ser Michael, 981, 990.

-, Ser Nicolaus, 977, 978, 980, 982, 987, 989, 990, 991, 993, 994, 996, 1000.

Maurocenus, Petrus, C.C.X., 672, 673, 866, 999.

Maximilian, Emperor, 27, 690.

Maxwell, Lord, Scotch commander, account of his defeat by the English, 288, 291.

Mechlin, 942.

Mecklenburg, Duke of, 74.

Medici, Catharine de', Dauphiness, 323, 640 note, p. 477, 1003.

-, Gianangelo de', Archbishop of Ragusa, 549.

-, Duke Alexander de', 1003.

Medina de Campo, fair of, 941.

Medon, Cardinal, 618.

Meghen, Count of, 944.

Megi, Count Lunardo di, 421, 422.

Melancthon, 74, 238, 245, 250 note.

-, denies being the author of a pamphlet published in his name, 245.

Melphi (Amalfi?), Prince of, 373, 375.

Melun, 406, 645, p. 477, 1016.

-, letters dated at, 327, 1016, 1018.

Men-at-arms, p. 548.

Mendoza, Don Diego, Imperial ambassador at Rome, 277, 548, 565, 567, 573, 586, 588, 596, 599, 626, 631 note, 637, 640, 641, 642, 643, 690.

-, Don Francisco de, 935, 936.

-, Don Juan de, 819, 820, 821, 823, 825, p. 466, p. 468.

Mentz, Cardinal, Archbishop of, 246, 850.

Merchandise, Venetian, in England, 68.

-, English, 78 note.

Merchant galleys, 281.

Merchants, 99, 922, 944.

-, time allowed to the, in the Bull of Interdict, to wind up their affairs in England, 75.

-, English, p. 348, p. 357, p. 358.

-, -, at Antwerp, 855.

-, Florentine, 312.

-, Genoese, 312.

-, in Ireland, p. 357.

-, Lucchese, 312.

-, Spanish, 909.

-, Venetian, 10, 17, 25, 52, 68, 75, 85, 210, 211, 212, 215, 316, 323, 359, 482, 520, 557, 700, 867, 976.

-, foreign, in England, p. 352, p. 544.

-, of Antwerp, and in Flanders, loans from the, p. 551, p. 553, 916, 941.

Mestre, 347.

Metals, p. 357.

Metz, Archbishop of, 752.

Meuse, the, 919.

Miani, Ser Joannes, 990.

Michaeli et parenti, bill brokers, 1012.

Michiel, Ser Giovanni, son of Jacomo, 637, 638;

Venetian ambassador to England, 795, 796, 845, 860, 863, 864, 866, 867, 868, 880, 886, 893, 912, 922 note, 923, 924, p. 563, 941.

-, -, letters from, 918, 976.

-, -, letters to, 860, 869, 870, 903, 911, 913, 929, 951, 973.

-, -, commission to, 867.

-, -, narratives by, 894, 895.

-, -, his secretary, 863, 976.

Milan, 274, 286, 329, 466, 476, 486, 500, 506, 507 note, 512, 565, 599, 631, 732, 941.

-, letters dated at, 388, 456, 458, 459, 468, 470, 477.

-, the court of, 456.

-, the ministry at, 491.

-, Senate of, 490, 494.

-, syndics of, 886, 944.

-, treaty between Venice and the State of, 464.

-, the nephew of Cardinal Cibo beheaded at, 637.

-, castle of, officials of the, 501.

-, Imperial Governor of. See Gonzaga, Don Ferrante.

-, duchy of, 4, 80, 81, 84, 98, 476, 915, 961, 1024.

-, Duchess of, the sister of the, 213.

-, Duke of, Francesco Sforza, 81 note.

Milanese, the, 83, 84, 98, 286, 320, 321, 332, 941, 944, 951.

Military commanders, English, p. 351.

- -, foreign, in the pay of Edward VI., p. 358.

- pursuits, said to be disliked by the English, p. 544.

- resources of England, p. 547.

Militia, English, p. 350, p. 548.

Mines, gold and silver, in Scotland, p. 360.

-, lead and tin, in England, p. 543.

-, iron, p. 543.

Minio, Ser Francesco, C.C.X., 899.

-, Marco, 88.

Mint, the English, p.357, p. 359.

Mirandola, La, 313, 377, 915.

-, Alexander from, 346, 353.

Mocenico, Ser Aloysius, Sap. T. F., 933.

Mocenigo, Alvise, Venetian ambassador with Charles V., 460, 462, 465, 472, 486, 491, 494, 495, 496, 526.

-, -, -, letters from, 412, 476, 506, 517.

-, -, -, letters to, 461, 464, 490, 497.

-, Ser Francesco, 421, 422, 423, 432, 440, 467.

-, Ser Leonardo, 421.

-, Thomà, 88, 598.

Modena, 1003, 1024.

-, Antonio de, 347.

-, Francesco of, 346, 353.

-, Lorenzo of, 282.

-, Nicolo of, 346, 353.

-, Bishop of, 244, 245.

Modeneo, Antonio, 200.

Molfetta, Prince of, his daughter Isabella of Capua, 456 note.

Monaco, Marco, 116.

Monasteries, revenues of (in the territories of the King of the Romans), 42.

-, the suppression of the, in England, p. 347, p. 355, p. 553.

-, results of the dissolution of the, p. 552.

Monastic orders, 29, 35.

- revenues, p. 550.

Moneda, Zuan dalla, 344, 345, 346.

Mons, 233.

Montague, Lord, Henry Pole, beheaded, 114 note, 206 note, p. 243, p. 457 note, 806.

-, Viscount, Anthony Brown, Master of the Horse, p. 552.

Monte, Cardinal del, Gianmaria Ciocchi, 587, 600, 614, 623, 636.

-, -, letter from, 386.

-, -, letters to, 536, 537.

-, -, his nephew, Giovanni Battista, 536, 537.

-, -, Legate of Bologna, 586.

-, -, elected Pope, 641, 642.

-, Cardinal Innocenzio del, the Prevostino, 662.

-, -, letter from Pole to, 668.

-, Cardinal Cristoforo di, 797, 832, 862, p. 481, 872, 877, 962.

-, -, letters from Pole to, 798, 810, 828, 851, 854, 855, 856, 871, 876.

-, Lodovico da, letter from, 343.

-, -, his brother, 343.

Monte Cassino, 689.

Monte Cavallo, 586, 588.

Montecuccolo, Count Camillo da, 886, 895.

-, Count Rodrigo di, Ferrarese ambassador, 928.

Monte Rotondo, 965.

Montferrat, 387.

-, territory of, 377.

Montluc, the Rev., 405.

Montmorency, Duke Anne de. See France, Constable of.

Montreuil, 313, 315, 1035.

-, a border castle near, 965.

Moor, sea-fight with the, 1.

-, the (il Moro), qu. Doge Christopher Moro, or his namesake the Governor of Cyprus, 643.

Moravia, 35.

More, Sir Thomas, 35 note.

-, -, remarks by Pole in defence of, p. 224.

Morette, Mons. De la, French ambassador in England, 65.

Moreto, Domenego, 345, 353.

Moro, il. See Moor.

Morone, Giovanni, Cardinal, 627, 628, 629, 630, 636, 685, p. 382, 872.

-, -, letters from Pole to, 817, 829, 872, 882, 884, 893, 960.

Morosini, Ser Carlo, Procurator, Sage of the Council of Ten, 704.

-, Domenico, C.C.X., 734.

-, Zuan Francesco, 437 note.

Morysine, Sir Richard, ambassador to the Emperor, 748 note.

Motto of the Protestant Princes, Verbum Domini manet, 41, 74.

Moulins, 124.

Mountjoy, Lord, William Blount, his daughter Gertrude, p. 425 note.

Mulberg, battle of, p. 251 note, 448 note.

Municipal government in England, p. 344.

Munich, 274.

Munster, the Anabaptists at, 26.

-, fortifications of, p. 10, p. 11.

-, the prophet of, John of Leyden, 26.

-, the son of the Bishop of, 26.

-, the capture of, 61, 62, 66.

Murano, glass makers of, in England, 574, 578.

-, -, in London, petition of the, 648.

-, the Bailiff of, 574, 578.

-, the Warden of, 574.

-, the town hall of, 574.

-, quays at, 648.

Musicians, p. 358.

Musters, p. 350, p. 547, p. 548.

Muzzarelli, Girolamo, Fra, Master of the Sacred Palace, and subsequently Archbishop of Conza, 238, p. 379 note,

-, -, letters to, 763, 785, 818.

-, -, sent as Nuncio to assist Cardinal Pole in treating the peace between Charles V. and France, p. 487, 906 926.

-, -, his auditor, 941, 942.

-, -, See Papal Nuncio.