Index: L

Pages 658-660

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 5, 1534-1554. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1873.

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La Fère, 889.

Lœsœ Majestatis, the crime of, 936.

Lancaster, duchy of, p. 356, p. 549.

-, Duke of, p. 541.

Lancastrian family, the, p. 541.

Landgrave, the. See Hesse, Landgrave of.

Lando, Doge Pietro, 316.

-, -, letters from, 296, 322.

Landrecy, 302.

-, taken by the French, 296.

Land's End, the, 894.

Langes, Bishop of (“Mons. de”), sent by Francis I. to the Pope about Henry VIII.'s divorce, 1008.

-, -, sent to Henry VIII., 1032.

-, -, going to Germany, 83.

Lansquenets, 105.

Laon, letter dated at, 907.

Laredo, 895.

Lasso, Don Pedro, ambassador from Ferdinand King of the Romans to Philip and Mary, 886.

Lauder (Lanfort), p. 353.

Lautrec, Mons. de, 1031.

Lavaur, Bishop of (Episcopus Vaurensis), 235.

-, -, letter to, 279.

-, (Lavaor), Mons. de, 219.

Law Courts, the English, p. 339.

Law suits, numerous, in the Court of Augmentations, p. 355.

Laws, English, 54, p. 339, p. 557.

La Warr, Lord, K.G., 547.

Laybach, Bishop of, 70.

Le Vergier (in France), 1034.

Lead found in England, p. 354, p. 356, p. 543.


-, between the Emperor and Venice, 98.

-, between the Emperor, the Pope, and Venice against the Turks, 159, 172.

-, between Henry VIII. and Charles V., 292, 294, 296, 297.

-, between the Emperor and the Pope against the Protestants, 377 note, 407.

-, between England and France, 391.

-, between Henry VIII., Francis I., Venice, and the Protestants against the Emperor, 412.

-, defensive, between Francis I. and Venice, 448.

-, “belli Germanici fœdus,” 454.

-, between the King of France and the Switzers, 589.

-, between the Pope and the Emperor, 1024.

-, See Treaty.

Leather, English, 358.

-, Irish, p. 357.

Legates. See Papal Legates.

Leghorn, 419.

-, French Cardinals at, 596, 599.

-, the Duke of Florence at, 599.

Leicestershire, p. 457.

Leith, p. 361.

Lelio (or Lilio), 409.

Lent, how observed, 35, p. 347.

Lerici, 275.

Levant, the, 139, 166, 197, 254.

Levrieri, wife of, D. Cecilia, 188, 191.

Leyden, John of, p. 10, 26, 61, 62.

-, David of, p. 10.

Lido, church of St. Nicholas at, 346.

Liege, 144, 158, p. 253, p. 436, p. 438, 886, 914, 919.

-, letters dated at, 149, 150, 153, 155, 156.

-, the territory of, 63.

-, Cardinal Pole's departure from, p. 393.

-, Bishop of, Erardo della Marck, p. 62, 149, 150, 153, 155, 156.

-, -, letters to, 144, 145, 163.

Lieutenants, Lords, of English counties, p. 350.

Lilio (or Lelio), 409.

Ligni, 313.

Lincoln, Bishop of, 893, p. 554.

Lindisfarne, the holy island of, p. 353,

Linen, p. 357.

Lisbon, 880.

Lisle (in Flanders), 919.

Lisle, Viscount, Arthur Plantagenet, Lord Deputy of Calais, 216, 217. See Calais, Lord Deputy of.

-, Lord, Dudley, Admiral of England, Commissioner for England at Calais, 393;

ambassador to Francis I., 408. See Admiral, Lord High.

Literature in England, p. 544.

Lizard, Cape, 894.

Llandaff, Bishop of, p. 554.

Loan, a, from the city of London, 312.

Loans raised by English sovereigns in Flanders, p. 551, 941. See Merchants.

Lodi, 466 note.

Lombardy, Prior of, goods belonging to Venetian Jews plundered at sea by the, 572, 586.

Lonato, the archpresbytership of, 787, 834.

London, 3, 126, 312, 316, 325, 567, 573, 589, p. 344, p. 346, 713, 714, 770, 831, p. 457, 854, 855, 861, 865, 881, 886, 893, 896, 897, 907, 922, p. 534, p. 537, p. 538, p. 541, p. 547, p. 551, p. 559, p. 561, p. 563, 935, 936, 945, 965, 972.

-, letters dated at, 4, 135, 286, 288, 452, 455, 789, 790, 894, 895, 918, 966, 969, 975.

-, the Council of Twelve in (of the Venetian merchants), 52.

-, factory, the (i.e. the Venetian), 52, 211, 520.

-, -, the proveditors of, 557.

-, the Republic's consul in, 207.

-, a loan from the city of, 312.

-, registers of Venetian consuls in, 520.

-, insurrections in, 579, 581, 626.

-, petition from the Muranese glass-makers in, 648.

-, Queen Mary's arrival in, 783.

-, the municipal government of, p. 344.

-, sheriffs of, p. 344.

-, port of, p. 357.

-, foreigners disarmed in, 855.

-, description of, p. 543.

-, Bridge, p. 543.

-, Lord Mayor of, p. 544.

-, -, mode of election of the, p. 344.

-, -, jurisdiction of the, p. 345.

-, Bishop of, p. 554.

-, Tower of. See Tower.

Londoners, the, p. 345, p. 392, p. 430, 855, 895, p. 561.

Longo, Francesco, C.C.X., 494, 497, 500, 501.

Longuy, Claude de, p. 284 note. See Giuri, Cardinal.

Lorges, Mons. de, French commander in Scotland, 342, 375.

Lorraine, Duke of, 14, 314, 321, p. 477, 1005.

-, Duchess of [Christine of Denmark], p. 458, 935, 1006.

-, Cardinal of [Charles de Guise, Archbishop of Rheims], 98, 599, 610, 611, 630, 781, 782, 798, 802, 825, p. 479, p. 480, 967, 1023, 1036.

Loredano, Pietro, C.C.X., 734.

Louise of Savoy, 1009, 1024.

Louvain, 825, 919.

-, Cardinal Pole at, 850.

Low Countries, the, 79, 246, 320, 321, 855, p. 468, p. 490, 928, p. 560, 935, p. 578.

-, the Bishops of the, p. 458.

-, Governess of the. See Maria, Queen.

-, See Flanders.

Lucchese, the, 944.

-, merchants at Antwerp, 944.

Luden, Jo. (signature of the Archbishop of Lund), 61.

Ludovici, Daniel, a Venetian secretary, 1, 257.

Lund, Archbishop of, letters from, 61, 62.

Luther, Martin, p. 10, 30, 59, 74, 82, 221, p. 546.

-, -, his two sons, 74.

-, -, his wife, Catharine Bora, 74.

Lutheran creed, the, 13.

- heresies, 97, 146.

- sect, 41, 74.

- -, strong measures adopted against the, by the King of France, 32.

Lutheranism, the preaching of, 220.

Lutherans, the, 29, 35, 50, 55, 59, 82, 128, 132, 218, 244, 250, 254, 257, 268, 811, 1011.

-, Henry VIII. said to have made an agreement with the, 335.

-, league between the Pope and the Emperor against the, 407.

-, in Italy, 35.

Luxemburg, 234, 307, 935, 942.

-, letter dated at, 236.

-, Duke of, 74.

Lyons, 99, 125, 129, 131, p. 62, 963, 1012.

-, letter dated at, 141.