Index: I

Pages 556-557

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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imperialists, 297.
-, Louis thinks it necessary to march against, 71; bent on fighting Condé, 282; Monterey cannot leave forces in the lurch, 284; Orange incensed with, 309; much reduced, 355, 379.

imprisonment, bill against illegal, 404, 481.

-, monarchy falling to ruin through intrusion of, 31; offer to king to dissolve parliament, 243; ask to be included in general pardon,318.
-, one of the factions, 319, 358; likely to support freedom of conscience, 376.
-, representations to in favour of York, 327; dealings with king and York, 346, 349, 367, 381.
-, at mercy of pursuivants, 381; ready to make terms with Court, 384; position at reopening of parliament, 390.
-, oppose motion for new oath, 397.

-, Florence proposes to use convoys to, 84.
-, Dutch ready to yield fortresses in, 128; king cannot neglect trade of, 191.
-, Godolphin obtained advantages in, 256; proposed concessions to English in, 369.
-, French cloth trade with, 369.

-, East. See East Indies.

-, West. See West Indies.

indulgence, declaration of:
-, whole country disapproves of, 4; king justifies to parliament, 13; York's interest in, 17.
-, question taken up by Commons, 16, 19, 22; king proposes consultation, Commons press demands, 22.
-, king informs Lords of proceedings, 24; question discussed in Council, king gives way, 27é8; rejoicings over, 28.
-, France made king sacrifice Catholics by withdrawing, 175; York's bad advice about, 228.
-, Bridgeman would not sign, 183; Catholics blame Colbert for withdrawal of, 234.
-, Arlington claims to have induced king to repeal, 310; reason for opposition to, 307.

Innocent X, pope, bull of, denouncing peace of Westphalia, 465n.

Innsbruck [Tyrol], despatch dated at, 355.

-, archduchess of. See Claudia Felicitas.

interest, rate of, 417.

interpreter to Venetian embassy, allowance for, 39.

-, to work galleys with fewer oarsmen, 49.
-, for manufacture of crystalline glass 222n.

-, news from, 105.
-, Romish clergy of, alleged intrigue of Arlington about, 56; Arlington accused of showing partiality to Catholics in, 204.
-, rising in might give Louis excuse to send troops to England, 87.
-, troops from, for France, 160; troops from, for Scotland, 278.
-, question of importing cattle from, 229, 230; order against export of wool of, 474.
-, several manufactures exported from, 230; trade opening with, 263.
-, farm of revenues, 454.
-, manufacture of wool of, before parliament, 481.

Irish Catholic, a merchant, appeals to Council against molestation, 375.

iron, Levant Co. exports, 461.

Isola, baron dell'. See Lisola.

Italian comedy, 76.

Italians, engaged in glass making in England, 2.

-, army of, supported by Louis, 76.
-, Modena family of small account in, 85.
-, letters for, 392.

Ithaca, Ceffalaonia piccola, Ionian island, suggested as base against Tripoli, 408, 427, 441n; Venice cannot concede, 418.

ivory, elephants' teeth, conveyed to America, 324.