Index: H

Pages 552-556

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Haarlem, Harlem [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], proposes restoration of Orange's hereditary dignities, 216.

Habeas Corpus Act, foretaste of, 229n.

hackney coaches, watermen demand suppression of, 449.

Haen, Dutch Vice Admiral, squadron off Isle of Wight, 453.

Hague, Netherlands, 5, 299, 322, 382, 484.
-, letter dated at, 199n.
-, news from, 49, 51, 205, 482.
-, Salinas says peace may be made at, 80; Lisola leaves for Brussels, 88.
-, treaty signed at, 127n; desire to have treaties concluded at, 215; Sylvius goes to for ratification of peace, 219; Fresno sends secretary to, 228; Spaar busy at over peace, 231.
-, peace published at, 235; Temple to continue negotiations at, 281.
-, mission of Arlington and Ossory to, 310; Venice should have minister at, 374.
-, Backwell sent to, for instalment, 326.
-, negotiations proceeding at, 408; Temple lingering at, 446; Sylvius to remain at, in Temple's absence, 494.
-, passports for congress arrive from, 482; Ronquillo prepares to go to, 492.

Hailes, Ailes, Hayles, George, English consul at Venice, 48.
-, efforts about consulage, 4, 12, 26–7, 34, 44, 54, 69, 77, 80, 102, 121, 263, 313, 332, 334; says Venice holding it up, 36.
-, opposition of merchants to, 45–6; efforts resented by Venice, 46; Venetian opposition to, 82.
-, Arlington complains of treatment of, 92; likely to make trouble, 230.
-, presents petition in Collegio, 96; presents memorial about Amity, 107, 112–3, 136; asks reply, 110; petition for Coder, 115.
-, affidavit on Sta. Giustina, 140; corroboration of, desired, 170.
-, memorial about Dutch privateer, armed at Venice, 207, 213; reply to, 214, 217, 223.
-, renews effort, about consulage, 223, 244, 251; memorial upon, 224; report of Savii alia Mercanzia about, 225–6; memorial of, 255.
-, desire to obtain 300l. a year for, 243; Alberti believes will be tired out, 253.
-, on export of oil, 275–8, 263.
-, in Collegio with Higgons' secretary, 273.
-, question of consulage for, 332–5, 338–9, 347, 359, 371; to rest satisfied with existing, 364, 366.
-, debt due to by Avogaria, 339, 373.
-, has supporters in council of trade, 354; Higgons blames, 375.

Hainaut [Belgium], threatened by French forces, 410n.

Halifax, viscount. See Savile, George.

Haly Pasha, of Tunis, captured in Mediterranean, 133, 152; negotiations about, 158.

Hamburg, German Empire:
-, pays compensation for English ships burned near, 2.
-, cargoes directed to, 213.
-, Spaar going to, 400.
-, ship of, 74.

Hamilton, Count Antony, levy for France, 361.

-, Captain James, mortally wounded at Schoneveldt, 58.

-, duke of. See Douglas, William.

Hampton Court, Amtoncourt, co. Middlesex:
-, queen going to, 257; Council sits at, 264, 268; queen in retirement at, 299, 303; king visits her at, 305.
-, king holds Council at, 439; he takes Sarotti to, 440.
-, case of prize goods discussed at, 441–2.

Hanover, Hanonia, German Empire, possible alliance with Sweden, at, 207.

-, duke of. See John Frederick.

Harby, Arbis, Sir Clement, English consul at Zante, 60, 107.
-, accused of making trouble over Amity affair, 102, 136, 139; Alberti to discredit reports of, 121.
-, Valier suggests desirability of removal, 121, 136; report of challenged, 140, 156.
-, Alberti to try for removal of, 163, 184.
-, complained about charges on currants, 253.

Haren, Harem, van, Dutch ambassador to England, arrives, sees king, 261; takes leave of queen, 305; departs, 307.

Harlem. See Haarlem.

Harman, Arman, Sir John, Admiral of the Blue:
-, to command squadron of lighter ships, 106; to command fleet under Ossery, 120; to have sole command of fleet, 121.
-, reported capture of Dutch fishing boats by, 170.

-, Capt. Thomas, of the Tiger:

fight with Dutch privateer off Cadiz, 231; Dutch seek to deprive of glory, 246.

in the Sapphire, to convoy Levant Co. ships, 453.

-, Captain, captures Dutch pirate, 280.

Haro, Juan Domingo Mendez de, conde de Monterey, governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 350.
-, upset by failure at Charleroi, 1; queen may disown, 3; Dutch blame, 5; repents having gone so far with Dutch, 20.
-, king accuses of inventing false report, 26; accused of violating the peace, 65.
-, to recover damages from French, 68; goes to Contich to encourage to resist, 73.
-, anxious to resign governorship, 72; Lisola confers with, 75.
-, Salinas confers with, 76; confers with Orange at Malines, 80.
-, sent Salinas to make advantageous offers if Charles will make separate peace, 87; alleged promise to help Dutch, 97; Orange will join against French, 124.
-, signs treaty with Dutch, 127; pledged to furnish succour to Dutch, 128; shows determination, not disavowed by Madrid, 143.
-, issues placarts announcing hostilities against French, 154; urges war against France, 200; disgusted by prospect of peace, 207.
-, rivalry with Fresno, fascinated by Lisola, 200; not trusted with Anglo-Dutch negotiations, 214; Fresno acts without consulting, 219.
-, hopeful of wresting places from France, 241; foments distrust between English and Dutch, 243.
-, envoy expected from, 241, 245; talks of rupture with England, 246.
-, proceedings compel attention of England, 247; outcry against, 267.
-, refused neutrality for Franche Comté, 250, 254; induces Souches to move, 276.
-, difference with Orange, 261 2, 267; Temple did not see, 281.
-, Fresno blames for relying too much on Dutch, 269; talk of keeping Fresno to check, 277; English criticise action, 282; reports victory, 284.
-, reduction of Spanish forces will trouble, 284; retires to Brussels, leaving generals free to act, 288; blames Dutch, 297.
-, English court rejoices at embarrassments of, 288; begins to hearken to peace, 299.
-, differences with Orange, 299, 305; reported recall, 302; thinks only of embarking for Spain, 304.
-, expects enemy to relieve Grave, 302; confirmed as governor, 308, 320.
-, repeals prohibition of French wines, 306.
-, complaints to, about Ostend corsairs, 308; action about, 384, 386.
-, charges against, 320, 344; English opinion about, 344; desired to surrender command of troops to Orange, 345.

Harrach, Ferdinand count of, imperial ambassador in Spain, 453.

Harwich, co. Essex, Dutch spies arrested at, 11n.

Harwich, royal navy, sent to Mediterranean, 411 n; with Narborough, 480.

hats, captured from smugglers, burned, 221, 239.

hatters, English, move against French, 449.

Hauter, Henry, merchant, 46.

Haye Vantelet, Denis de la, French minister to Bavaria, 364.

Hayes, Dr. de, attended prince of Orange, 387n.

Hayles. See Hailes.

Heidelberg [Baden, German Empire], 497.

Helder [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 105n.

Henri IV, king of France, 488n.

Henrietta, royal navy, goes to Sheerness, 26; Narborough's flagship, 300n, 480n; at Cadiz, 326; at Zante, 479.

Henrietta, yacht, royal navy, lost at Texel battle, 100.

Henrietta Anne, duchess of Orleans, 167n.
-, reception in England, 154.

Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henri IV, Henrichetta, the queen mother, terms arranged for at marriage, 125, 149; use of Catholic religion allowed to, 130.

Henry VIII, king of England, made Cromwell vicar general, 349.

Henry, royal navy, goes to Sheerness, 26.

Henshaw, Joseph, bishop of Peterborough, reply about penal laws, 337n.

Herbert, Capt. Arthur, commander of the Cambridge, flag incident with French, 414n.

herrings, consumption at Venice, 222.

hides, promotion of export of, 474.

Higgons, Auguns, Huggons, Hugons, Hyggons, Ugons, Sir Thomas, English minister to Venice, 10, 130, 139, 153, 156, 170, 181, 251, 304, 427, 433.
-, start delayed, 55; anxious to maintain friendly intercourse, 115; takes leave of king, 125.
-, excellent relations with Alberti, 145; to make representations about Zante incident, 153.
-, speaks for Modena match in the House, 101; expects reward for services in parliament, 184, 230.
-, has money for despatch, 184, 186, 230; to cultivate best relations, 186, 302.
-, matter of consulage entrusted to, 223–4, 244, 253; question to be left until arrival, 226.
-, Alberti speaks to about trade restrictions, 230; inclined to make a fuss of everything, 242.
-, about to start, to deal with consulage and Zante incident, 239, 241; ill with sciatica, 243.
-, Alberti speaks to about S. Giustina and consulage, 243, 253, 260; leaves for Venice, his instructions, 250; at Paris, 255.
-, Alberti speaks to about currant trade, 253; Alberti hopes will not insist about consulage, 263.
-, likely to speak about oil, 264; desirable to grant demands about currants, 296.
-, arrival at Venice, 273; presents credentials, 274; manner of reception, 280; reception in Collegio, 289, 290; second audience, 291.
-, exposition about consulage, 298–9, 331; presses for decision, 321; secretary of presents memorial on, 335; reply to, 338–9; asked for information, 343.
-, dealings with consulage, 347, 359; believes it impracticable, 354; not to insist, 364, 366, 371.
-, moderation of despatches, pleased with position, 351; complains of Hailes, 375.
-, congratulates new doge, 354–5; good account brought by, 414.
-, may ask for use of Ithaca, 408; thanks for release of a Scot, 468.
-, Alberti's share in appointment, 420.
-, reply to memorial for merchants, 444, 446; the memorial, 445, 452; further reply, 490–1.

-, secretary of, 273–4, 280, 291, 446.

-, wife of, 351, 449.

highway robbery, on road to Windsor, 452.

Hiorch. See James, duke of York.

Hisbord. See Osborne.

Holdenby, co. Northants, honour of given to Duras, 5.

Holland, province of:
-, decrees restoration of hereditary rights to Orange, 216; coldness to Orange, 341; opposes acceptance of Guelders offer, 361, 365, 370.
-, grant for next campaign, 341; France should encourage difference with Orange, 383.

-, Grand Pensionary of. See Fagel, Caspar.

-, See also Netherlands.

Holles, Denzil baron, leader of parliament party, dealings with nonconformists, 349; on penal laws, 357; offers services to York, 391.

Holmes, fireship, sent to Mediterranean, 411n; with Narborough, 480.

Holstein, officers of duke of, 373.

Holstein Gottorp, duke of. See Christian Albert.

Honorius III, pope, indulgence granted by, 443n.

Hooker, Sir William, lord mayor of London, 294.

Hopital, François Marie de l', due de Vitry, Vitri, French minister in Bavaria, Wrangel receives money from, 323.

Horn, Horne, count, mission to London, 342, 345, 360.

-, Count Gustave, Swedish envoy to England, expected, 454; arrives, business, 456; strongly opposed, 459; returns, unsuccessful, 470.

-, Marshal, 454n.

horse racing, 454.

horses, Barbary, 135.

household, the royal, proposed reduction of, 496.

-, -, comptroller of. See Maynard, William lord

Howard, Bernard, petition of, 210.

-, Charles, earl of Berkshire, protests against oath, 401.

-, Charles, earl of Carlisle, to command a regiment, 9; moves that no Catholic may succeed to the crown, 220n, 221; share in dealings with nonconformists, 349; and penal laws, 357; of party against Court, 390.

-, Henry, earl of Norwich, earl marshal, 210n, 223, 416, 429.

thinks of resigning staff, 31; resigns, 69; Venetian compliments for, 237; devotion to Venice, 473.

-, Henry Frederick, earl of Arundel and Norfolk, 31n, 210n, 416.

-, Col. John, killed in French service, 472.

-, Philip, the queen's almoner, 473.

promoted cardinal (Cardinal of Norfolk), 411; not the one Card. Altieri thought of, 412; Venetian approval of promotion, 414.

bishop alludes to, in Lords, 416; effect in England, 429.

may be mediator between Rome and France, 457; method suggested, 458, 462.

expected in Paris, preparations for, 462.

-, Thomas, quarrel with Lord Cavendish, 472; sent to Tower, 476; released, 486.

-, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, decision to fetch from Padua, 216, 223; stopped by prorogation of parliament, 233.

-, William, viscount Stafford, Staffort, 186.

to recommend peace with France to Dutch, 450.

Howe, How, Sir George. M.P., 210n.

Huddleston, John, exempted in proclamation, 368.

Huggons, Hugons. See Higgons.

Hungarians, Sarotti's escort of, 379.

Hungary, appeal for relief of Protestants in, 380.

Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon, ex lord chancellor:
-, idea of reinstating, 197, 318; events after dismissal, 227; induced king to reward rebels, 236; king encouraged parliament to impeach, 368.

-, Henry, viscount Cornbury, Carombery, Corombery, later earl of Clarendon, the queen's chamberlain, 443n.
-, York rails against, 176; bitter enemy of York, 197; party of, hopes to raise York's daughters to throne, 283.
-, encourages bishops to rail against nonconformists, 318; protests against new oath, 401.

Hyggons. See Higgons.