Index: Q, R

Pages 418-420

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Quakers, 61.
-, many ask king's placet for meeting houses, 225.

quarantine, at Venice, 177, 289.

queen mother, of England. See Henrietta Maria.

-, of Spain. See Maria Anna, of Spain.

Quirini, Giovanni, Regulatore alla Scrittura, 95.


Rabinière, M. de la, vice admiral of France, killed at Solebay, 232.

Ragny, Ragni, marquis of. See Crequy, Charles Nicolas de.

Ragusa, ship of, 331.

Rainbow, royal navy:
-, damaged in action, under repair, 229.

Ratisbon [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, proposals of Louis to princes at, 320.

Raven, Captain:
-, asks permission to lade currants, not recommended, 273.

Ravenscroft, John, English merchant at Venice:
-, in favour of viceconsuls, 128.

Rector, father, of London, report on York Innsbruck match, 198.

Reeves, Reavis,? Beaver:
-, takes and sacks Cabo Corso fort, 103; killed, 107.

Relief: lost in the Dardanelles, 121; claim for pay due for, 151, 178, 180, 200, 243.

religion: Mocenigo's account of, in England, 60.

-, question of treatment of, at Venice, 19, 28–9, 37, 42.

-, See also under ambassadors.

Resolution, royal navy:
-, damaged in action, under repair, 229.
-, Spragge's flag, raid on Dutch busses, 304.

Retz, cardinal de. See Gondi, J. F. Paul de.

Revenge, royal navy, Spragge's flagship, 118.

-, amount and constitution of the royal, 61–2; its inadequacy, 62.

Rhede, heer van, sent by Orange to England, 291.
-, mistaken about reconciliation, departs, 296.

Rheinberg [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, Dutch ready to restore, 131; elector repents of receiving from Dutch, 135; he will demand restitution, 145.

Rhine, River:
-, Spanish anxiety about fortresses on, 17; their desire to get French forces away from, 240.
-, princes on, levy exorbitant duties on wine, 102.

-, wines of, 102.

Rhinegrave. See Frederick Magnus, prince of Salm.

ribbons, English manufacture of, 316.

Richmond, co. Surrey:
-, duke of Cambridge dies at, 79n.

-, duke of. See Lennox, Charles; Stuart, Charles.

Richmond, royal navy:
-, convoys Monmouth's horses to France, 197n.

Rinaldo, merchantman:
-, provisioning of, 122.

Ripperda, Dutch plenipotentiary.
-, Monterey confers with, at Antwerp, 208.

Risano, on Gulf of Cattaro, Montenegro: Turks repulsed at, 43.

Robartes, William, farmer of the customs, 108n.

Robinson, J., supports Hayles about consulage, 315n.

Rochelle, La [Charente Inferieure, France]:
-, Dutch capture ship of, 284n.

Rochester, co. Kent:
-, Seignelay goes to see ships at, 161.

-, earl of. See Wilmot, John.

Roebuck, royal navy:
-, activity against Dutch shipping off Cadiz, 234.

-, reports dated at, 123–4.
-, and question of salutes, 133.

-, Court of:

hostility of Philip II attributed to, 69.

Abreu de Freitas going as minister to, 86.

friends of, stop Civita Vecchia affair from going farther, 110.

inconsiderate grant of briefs by, 115.

Monterey follows practice of, in selling offices, 132.

will cause difficulties to revival of Catholicism in England, 225.

pious Catholics complain of, for lethargy, 226.

Spain watching French efforts to strengthen party at, 227.

Jesuits impress with danger of appointing a bishop for English Catholics, 246; very ill informed, 247.

Ronph. See Rumpf.

Roscommon, Roskaman, Roskomon, earl of. See Dillon, Wentworth.

Rothes, earl of. See Leslie, John.

Rotterdam [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]: native of, accuses de Witt of treason, 256.

Rovigni. See Massue, Henri de, marquis de Ruvigny.

Royal African Company of England:
-, interest in Guinea, 107.

Royal James, Great James, royal navy, 232, 236:
-, king inspects, 90; lost at battle of Solebay, 223, 259.

Royal Katharine, Catherine, royal navy:
-, run aground, 215; floated with tide, 216.
-, captured at Solebay, recovered by French, 223–4, 229.
-, damage in fight, under repair, 229.

Royal Prince, Prince, royal navy, 236.
-, York's baggage sent on board, 195; queen expected to go on board, 212.
-, York receives Alberti on, 215; Dutch attack on, at Solebay, 223; York has to leave, but returned to, 224; captain killed, 231.
-, account of battle sent from, 231.

Rubini, Carlo:
-, petition to introduce manufacture of silk stockings to Venice, 84.

Rudio, Tomaso, Venetian Secretary in Spain:
-, despatches to the Senate, 284, 295, 307, 322.

Ruitel, Ruiter. See Ruyter.

Rumpf, Ronph, Christian Constantine, Dutch secretary to embassy at Paris:
-, proposed to succeed Grotius, 96; on way to Paris, 99.

Rupert, Prince, of the Palatinate:
-, speaks of French proximity to Brussels, 7.
-, Mocenigo's account of, 63–4.
-, hunting with Seignelay, 96.
-, opinion about fusees for guns, 163.
-, invents way of casting iron cannon, 163.
-, expected to succeed York in command of fleet, 201; impatient to take command, likely to be gratified, 218.
-, sends squadron against Dutch, 216, 219.
-, York not making way for, French object to, 233, 236.
-, appointed vice admiral in place of Sandwich, 236; ready to command a landing, 281.
-, his regiment of dragoons, king reviews, 306.

Rupert, royal navy:
-, damaged in action, under repair, 229.

Rushbrooke, co. Suffolk:
-, county seat of St. Albans, 306.

Russel, Henry, letter to, 204n.

-, William, earl of Bedford, king confers garter on, 231.

Ruvigny, marquis de. See Massue, Henri de.

Ruyter, Ruitel, Ruiter, Michael Adrianszoon, Dutch admiral:
-, advances as far as Dover, but does not venture to attack, 212; easy to advance while York away, 213; narrowly missed chance of surprise, 217.
-, considered ill advised to tangle himself in the Thames, 217; retires, tries to lure English on to sandbanks, 219; avoided battle by skilful retreat, 223.
-, surprises English at Solebay, 223, 232; appears off Thames, does not venture to return to port, 229; seeks to gain credit by appearances, 236.
-, to remain on defensive, 244; account of action at Solebay, 259.
-, fleets from Indies and Smyrna escaped in last war, 268.
-, moves from sandbanks when York leaves Texel, 271; again takes shelter, 274.

Rye, co. Sussex:
-, Bond landed at, with money from France, 161n.