Index: P

Pages 414-418

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Padua [Prov. Padova, Italy], 21n.
-, Thomas Howard sick at, 73, 247.

Pagani, —, 94.

Palatine, the elector. See Charles Louis; Frederick IV.

-, prince. See Rupert.

Palestine, Holy Land:
-, hopes of trade with fading, 56.

Palmer, a bookseller:
-, pilloried for publishing Lucas' speech, 34.

Panama, Central America:
-, Morgan's capture of, stir at Madrid over, 76, 81; worse reports about, 89.
-, Molina remonstrates about, 84; Monterey asks information about, 85.
-, Spain takes steps for redress of, 90; Godolphin reports about, 93; he expresses regret for, and promises punishment of guilty, 95.
-, corsairs abandon, 97, 100; Montesarchio refuses to go to, 100.

-, president of. See Perez de Guzman, Don Juan.

papal nuncios. See under ambassadors.

-, Dutch forbid importation from France, 121.

papists. See Catholics.

pardon, general:
-, king proposes to issue, reasons for, 40; does not issue, and people disappointed, 45.

Paris, France, 3, 12, 39, 44, 46, 47, 142, 146, 245.
-, despatches dated at, 4, 19, 31, 51, 54, 87, 104, 112, 120, 134, 143–4, 168, 172, 181, 187, 194, 201, 268, 295, 305, 323.
-, news from, 190, 195.
-, slander against Arlington and Ormonde originated in, 33.
-, king decides to return to, 49.
-, Sautini affair referred to, 50.
-, Molina in no hurry to start for, 75; he no longer talks of going to, 107.
-, negotiations at referred to, 77; Montagu to return to, 88.
-, Dutch meet with difficulties at, 96; Rumpf on way to, 99.
-, Godolphin's conversion makes stir in, 126n.
-, Sunderland spends some days at, 134; Sunderland born in, 294n.
-, Monterey's despatches taken to, 140.
-, Bond brings money from, to London, 161; large sums remitted to Colbert from, 170.
-, message for Fresno sent secretly through, 171.
-, Lockhart sent to, 184; Monmouth going to, 197; he arrives at, 200.
-, ambassador Tot expected at, 296; Montagu goes back to, 321, 323.

-, Mocenigo's account of, 60; reduced to submission by the king, 61.
-, Charles looks to Louis for support against, 139; examination of records for authority of, 143.
-, people suspicious of king's designs against, 217, 225.
-, rebel in Holland offered to stir up against king, 294.

-, the long:

Elector Palatine hoped to obtain crown from, 64.

-, the Restoration, 108n.

naturalisation bill and taxing of foreign manufactures dropped by, 2; discusses exclusion of French produce, 5.

adjourns for Christmas, 5; only meeting two days in the week, 8.

and the Coventry case, 6, 7, 10, 20, 40, 45; no one left who dares speak disrespectfully of king in, 34.

suspicion that king intending to deceive, 10, 21, 22; suggestion made by Spaniards, 22, 47.

considering fresh tax on currants, 19; and grant to Orange, 25.

alarmed at report of agreement between French and Dutch, 22n.; Colbert does not interfere in proceedings of, 26.

king advised not to recall for a long time, 25; country intent on proceedings of, 32.

king asks to pass new duty on beer, 27; failure of money grant by, prorogation of, 43.

petitions king to enforce laws against Catholics and sectaries, 29; affair of Lucas speech a warning to, 33.

French hope will countenance conquests in Flanders, 31.

king free to prorogue, as money bill nearly through, 34; prorogation expected, 43; prorogued, 45–6.

king unable to overcome punctiliousness of, 43, 45.

Arlington says has abused king's patience and needs a lesson, 43.

granted 12 millions to king in 11 years, 61; king has no confidence to ask for supply, 90.

Clarendon impeached in, 65; Buckingham's credit in, 66; Ormonde has large party in, 67.

Lauderdale denounced Clarendon in, 68.

creditors impatiently await next session of, 98; king postpones meeting until October, 111; his reasons, 111n.; money from France made prorogation possible, 113.

French relations with England dependent upon, 112; king can pursue his French policy during recess of, 117.

king's dependence on a safeguard for triple alliance, 118; king does not wish to risk asking for money, 131.

Council discusses recall of, 123.

attacks Godolphin for embracing Catholicism, 126.

design of Charles to get money without, 143; closing of exchequer makes it interest of king's creditors to facilitate grant from, 146.

some of, favour France, but majority detest alliance, 145.

Charles uncertain about, France promises money to enable him to act without, 167; Fresno instructed to make mischief with, 174.

Charles proposes to get expenses of war from, 188, 202; Charles surprises people by arming without recourse to, 202.

Clarendon's policy left king at mercy of, 202; king means to reduce power of, 203.

prorogued until October, 203.

if war goes badly king will have to appeal to, 205; likely to refuse money when asked, 225; grant likely to be urged in, 326.

king prorogues until February, 292; French interest in, 294–5.

king humiliates by excluding from confidence and authority, 296.

king fearful of compromising himself with, over religious matters, 314.

Arlington may be called to account by, 318; fear of evil intentions of, 321, 323.

-, See also Commons, House of; Lords, House of.

parliament of Scotland:
-, Lauderdale opens, 252; his speech to, 253; raises force of 25,000 men, 273; many acts passed by, 296.

Parma, princess of; Clarendon attacked for preventing marriage with, 68.

Parson, Thomas, commander of Cape Coast Castle, 103.

Paulato, Giacomo, appointed vice-consul at Venice, 160.

Paulet, Charles, lord St. John, farmer of the customs, 108n.
-, king objects to Spanish leanings of, 108n.

Pearce, Thomas, captain of the St. George, killed at Solebay, 231.

-, John, captain of the Newcastle: convoys merchantmen to the Nore, 264n.

Pedro, Pietro, Don, prince regent of Portugal, 62.
-, policy disapproved by England, 70, 115.
-, Melo ambassador for, in Holland, 84; Melo gets scanty support from, 115.
-, treaty of alliance with progressing, 222; consents to join alliance against Spain, 308; will not move against Spain, unless France and England do so, 326.

Peñaranda, Pegnoranda, count of. See Bracamonte, Gaspard de.

Pendarvis, William, English merchant, factor at Zante, 149.
-, appeals against judgment in Carob case, 26; case referred to Genoa, 27.
-, Dodington reports murderous assault on, 142, 151; evidence of, 152; reply of Senate about, 158–9.
-, Dodington considers life in jeopardy, 159; steps taken about, 160.
-, Senate granted demands about, 176; Dodington asks for despatch of case, 242.
-, complains of extortions at Zante, 242.

-, trade of Levant Co. in, 58; cargo of captured, 271.
-, quantity imported at Venice, 298–9.

Pepys, John:
-, letter of, 204n.

Perez de Guzman, Don Juan, president of Panama, 76.

Peronne [Somme, France]:
-, Molina's courier robbed near, 99; Monterey's courier stopped at, 140.

Perpetual Edict of 1667:
-, de Witt made States and Orange swear to, 256.

Perrot, Thomas: attempt on crown jewels, caught, 49n.

Peru, S. America, 76.

-, viceroy of. See Fernandez de Castro, conde de Lemos.

Pesaro, Leonardo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 84.

Peterborough, earl of. See Mordaunt, Henry.

Philip II, king of Spain, 69.

Philip, duke of Orleans, Monsieur, 53.
-, sends condolences on death of duchess of York, 47; marriage of, congratulations on, 134.

Philip, duke of Anjou, second son of Louis XIV:
-, death of, 92; mourning for, 92, 93.

Philip William, duke of Neuburg, 148.
-, proposed present of horses to, 203.

Philippovitch, —, repulsed at Risano, 43n.

Phœnix, royal navy, in Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

Picardy [France], regiment of, Monmouth's regiment given precedence of, 227.

Pietro. See Pedro.

Pignoranda. See Bracamonte, Gaspard de, count of Peñaranda.

pilchards: quantity exported to Venice, 298–9.

-, Charles sends to France, for fleet, 204.
-, Charles shows himself more skilful than, 206.

Pisa [Prov. Pisa, Italy]:
-, galley built for England at, 89, 108, 210.

Pisani, Ottavian, Venetian Proveditore of Zante:
-, despatches from, 28, 166, 196.
-, instructions to, 8.
-, encouraged concourse of English ships, 72; charges of extortion against, 241–2.
-, English acknowledge good treatment from, 276.

pitch and tar: quantity imported at Venice, 298–9.

Piterbero. See Mordaunt, Henry, earl of Peterborough.

plenipotentiaries. See under ambassadors.

Plymouth, co. Devon:
-, king goes to, with squadron, 91; he leaves in gale, 92.
-, ship building at, with new secret, 239.
-, ships leave for Spithead, 264n.; Narborough sails from, with convoy, 315n.

-, English relations with, 70; events in may move emperor to recall Montecucoli, 304.
-, Turks make diversion in, 308.

Pomerania [German Empire]:
-, Swedish corps arrives in, 318.

Pompone, Pompona, Seigneur de. See Andilly, Arnaud d'.

pope. See Clement IX; Clement X.

popery. See Catholicism.

Porta d'Oro: extortion for cargo of currants on, 242.

Porte. See Turkey.

Portland, royal navy: takes Richmond to Denmark, 205n.

-, of Archduchess Claudia, James wishes to see, 38; he receives, 114; a disappointment, 222.
-, of Charles II in diamonds presented to Ragny, 48; and to Mocenigo, 73; on copper coinage, 280.
-, of duke of York, sent to Archduchess Claudia, 132.

Portsmouth, co. Hants:
-, king going to inspect, 88–9; king inspects ships at, 90; king puts in at, owing to gale, 92; Seignelay goes to see ships at, 161.
-, pilots sent to France from, 204n.; French fleet expected at, 208; arrives at, 209; king goes to, to see French fleet, 212; he visits their ships at, 214, 218.
-, king leaves, for London, 213; fleet beats up Channel from, 215.
-, York windbound at, when Dutch in Downs, 217.
-, ships reach London from, 262.

Portsmouth, royal navy, in action against Algerians, 78.

Portugal, 320.
-, Hanse towns traded to, 57; and trade with Venice, 150.
-, Clarendon's policy to prevent reconquest of, 65.
-, Mocenigo's account of English relations with, 70.
-, claim of Catherine to crown of, 115.
-, Southwell not considered satisfactory minister to, 117.
-, Spain suffered French and English help to, 173, 193.
-, ships from with salt, join Smyrna fleet, 187; Dutch ships taken with goods from, 195.
-, ready to join alliance, on watch for conquests in America, 256; persuaded to do so by France and England, 308.
-, consulage of English consuls in, 286; consulage on sugar from, 293.
-, Schomberg returns from, 302, 326.
-, considered too weak to attack Spain, 323; French squadrons to meet off, 328.

-, king of. See Alfonso VI.

-, prince regent of. See Pedro, Don.

-, princess of. See Isabella Maria.

-, queen of. See Marie Frances, of Nemours.

potash, ashes, cargo of, 273.

Poveglia, Veneto, Italy, appointment of viceconsul at, 160.

powder. See gunpowder.

-, Mocenigo's account of, 61; Clarendon set out to win, 65.
-, opposed to French alliance, in pay of France, 116; many ask king's placet for meeting houses, 225.
-, preparing for coalition with bishops for self defence, 225.

press gangs, activity of, 281, 285.

-, proclamation for banishing, 32.

Prince. See Royal Prince.

Princess, royal navy, 133, 158.
-, arrives at Leghorn, 33; encounter with Venetian ship off Civita Vecchia, 110; dispute with fortress, 124–5.

-, de Witt suggests exchange of, 213; Boreel asks for, Charles wants information, 220.
-, Dutch, queen gives alms for, 243.

-, many put to sea from Zeeland, 197; Charles allows to ship foreign sailors, 199.

Privy Council. See Council, the Privy.

-, for banishing priests and Jesuits, 32.
-, granting toleration (declaration of indulgence), 186–7.
-, against spreading false news, 236, 239.
-, for naturalisation of aliens (not issued), 253.
-, for new copper coinage, 281.

-, fear of losing their reformed religion, 34.

Prunier, Nicolas, seigneur de St. André, French ambassador at Venice, 3.
-, offer in reply to Spanish representations, 18; and the bread privilege, 53.

puce, cargo of, 283.

Puerto di Santa Maria [Prov. Cadiz, Spain], 90.

Putten, ruward van. See Witt, Cornelis de.

Pyrenees, peace of the, 3, 111.
-, queen of Spain quotes to justify action, 169, 173, 179, 193; Spain at liberty by to help the Dutch, 314; Spaniards accused of violating, 328.