Index: W

Pages 431-432

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 35, 1666-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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Wallace, Sir James, chief of Scottish insurgents, 126n.

-, -, son of captured, 126.

Waltham Abbey, co. Essex:
-, Manchester entertains king and court at, 226.

war, with the Dutch:
-, French policy at outbreak of, 17–18; gives France chance to capture trade of Indies, 18.
-, makes merchants cautious about buying currants, 51; stagnation at Leghorn due to, 163.
-, Dutch weary of, English, find intolerable, 53; Clarendon to render account of money collected in course of, 184.
-, great preparations of England to continue, 96.
-, England weakened by, 228; heavy cost of, 231; feeling effects of, 245, 269.
-, Colbert stirs up memories of, 312.
-, Charles overburdened with debt through, 329.

-, with France:

cruel effects of, 10; Charles will not write in French because of, 65.

caused by insolence of English, 18.

French policy to wage passively, 18; France has already gathered most of fruits desired from, 79.

great preparations of England to continue, 96.

Scottish guard recalled at outbreak of, 183n.

Warspite, royal navy:
-, escort for Gothenburg ships, 124n.

-, period of rough, ending, 87.
-, storms, 122.

weavers, of silk hose, French charged with enticing away, 300, 313.

Werden, John:
-, report on Sandwich's negotiations at Lisbon, 214; Sandwich leaving in charge, on departure, 217; Peñaranda complains to of capture of Spanish ship, 253n.

-, -, son of Colonel, messenger between Sandwich and Southwell, 111.

West India Co., the Dutch:
-, Surinam to be restored to, 215.

-, Indies:

ships from, reach Holland, 32; La Barre sails for, 106n; French encouraged by successes in, 130.

Westcomb, Martin, English consul at Cadiz:
-, arrested and imprisoned, 192.

Weymouth, co. Dorset:
-, prizes taken into, 140.

whale fishery:
-, success of Dutch with, 271.

wheat, grain:
-, supplies of, for Portugal, 23, 26; intercepted, 25.
-, export from Apulia, 145; cargo for Spain, 156.

Wight, Vit, isle of, co. Hants:
-, English fleet at, 75.

Wijk van Zee, Vichopzee, Wicke [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, English landing feared at, 56.

Wild, Capt., commander of the Centurion, 155n.

Willoughby, Villogbi, Villoubghi, Francis, fifth lord, of Parham: 138n.
-, sent to recover St. Christophers, 64.

-, William, sixth lord, of Parham:

expedition to Barbadoes, 138; restores Surinam to Dutch, 227.

Wilson, Mr., of Cyprus, English chaplain at Leghorn, 124n.

Winchelsea, earl of. See Finch, Heneage.

Windsor castle, constable of. See Mordaunt, John viscount; Rupert, Prince,

-, export from Gascony, 37.
-, Dutch practically only exporters of, from France, 263.
-, exemption of ambassadors from duties on, limited, 317.

Witt, Cornelis de:
-, in nominal command of fleet in Medway affair, 170.

-, Vit, Viz, Witz, Wit, John de, Pensionary of Holland: 314.

composes differences between Ruyter and Tromp, 61; always favoured the war, 170.

takes over command of fleet, 86; English fleet to attack, 87.

strong leaning to France, 86; Estrades has long conference with, about French claims, 161.

alleged plot to kill, 147; urges attack on Thames, 170.

Estrades remonstrates with, for letting troops pass to Flanders, 175n.

France hopes for favourable decisions from, 209; very masterful and partisan of France, 213.

Temple proposes alliance to, 209, 211, 213; Temple made no impression on, 210.

Marchesini to appeal to, for help, 249; Temple's agreement with, about writing to Charles upon, 278; conversations with Temple, 297.

conditional grant of 2000 foot for Candia, 279, 316; only an offer if England moves, 302—3; hopes of, 305, 307, 311.

has no power without States, 302.

Temple to use influence with, 311; Temple expecting instructions to discuss with, 315; Venice needs minister to solicit, 331.

Venetian hopes from repeated declarations of, 316; Mocenigo impatient to hear what has done, 322.

-, English ships with cargo of, 40.

Worcester, marquis of. See Somerset, Henry.