Index: U, V

Pages 428-431

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 35, 1666-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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Umala. See Marie, duchess of Nemours.

Upper House. See Lords, House of.

Uruisel. See Overyssel.

Utrecht, province of, Netherlands:
-, report of peace feeler from, 46; objects to Hague for conference, 144; to be represented by others, 150.


Vambouinghen. See Beuningen.

Vantelet. See Haye, Denis de la, sieur de Ventelet.

Vaucourt, M., governor of the Chausey Islands:
-, design against Channel Islands, 54n.

Velasco, Don Pedro de, constable of Castile, governor of Flanders:
-, sends complimentary mission to England, 318, 321, 323n; kinsman of Queen Catherine, 323.

-, -, kinsman of governor: mission to England, 318; leaves for Flanders, 323.

Vendôme, François de, duke of Beaufort, Beufort, Boffort:
-, peril of, 1; dilatory movements, 11, 13; English squadron to attack, 13; Dutch complain of tardiness, 36, 45–6, 50–1.
-, ordered to join Dutch, 1; may be hastened after victory, 17.
-, fleet at Cadiz, 4; visits Spanish flagship, 5; may remain in Portuguese waters, 6–7; to escort duchess of Nemours, 11.
-, letters of, sent by Embrun, 12; at Lisbon unloading wheat, 23, 26.
-, Rupert going to engage, 23; French anxiety for, 26; instructions to changed daily, 32; ordered to Dutch waters, 34; Ruyter wants, 40.
-, at La Rochelle, 34; French excuses for delay of, 36, 45; Bellefonds sent to with secret orders, 41; frequent renewal of instructions to, 45.
-, Dutch complain of tardiness of, 45, 50, 52; restrained by fear of English coining out, 46; Dutch complaints of, blamed for disaster, 51; Dutch resent absence from battle, 59.
-, Dutch honours for arranged, 51; Dutch assured will be in Brittany, 52.
-, Dutch advised to temporise till arrives, 56; reaches Rochelle, 61, 72; Dutch informed about, 62; Dutch fleet to go and meet, 63.
-, fleet reported in bad state, 61; English may attack Dutch before junction with, 64.
-, English fleet goes to meet, 72; saved by effect of great fire, 76–7.
-, stream of instructions to, 72; French apprehensions about, 73, 75–6, 83; French send to order back, 76.
-, reinforced by Duquesne's squadron, 73; ordered to Havre, 75; reaches Havre and Dieppe, 76.
-, troops in readiness to obey orders of, 73; allows Dutch ships with him to return home, 82.
-, Sandwich speaks contemptuously of, 75; to return and winter at Brest, 79, 82.
-, Ruyter congratulates on arrival, 78; Ruyter ordered to put to sea and join, 82.
-, no news of, 82; Sandwich says fleet ready to thrash, 93.
-, refused leave to come to Court, 107; ordered to intercept frigates from Cadiz, 152.
-, fleet under reported in Channel, 172; ordered to return to port and avoid conflicts, 221.
-, going to Lisbon with fleet, 190–1; voyage cancelled, 195.

-, Cardinal. See Louis, duke of Vendôme.

Venice, Italy: 2.
-, policy to maintain peace in Italy, 318.
-, 1666:
-,-, and case of John Ravenscroft, 9; large part of currant crop sent to, 51.
-,-, prince of Monaco's desire to serve, 27.
-,-, Charles looked for an ambassador from, 30; likely to profit by Anglo-French quarrel at Porte, 144.
-,-, reason for delay in embassy to, Howard offering for, 30.
-,-, Howard travelling to, 31, 34; thanks Holles for efforts for ship, 48–9.
-,-, Lesley and Winchelsea try to prevent making peace with Porte, 55.
-,-, attention to peace moves, 68; anxiety for peace in Christendom, 69, 91, 108.
-,-, should prevent trade of Genoa at Porte, 96.
-, 1667:
-,-, representations against use of Christian ships by Turks, 120.
-,-, van Beuninghen suggests mediation by, 143; approval of offices in favour of peace, 178.
-,-, Cardinal Barberino asks if has representative in London, 186.
-,-, letter to Charles for Marchesini, 203.
-,-, decision to levy troops in Holland and England, 203.
-, 1668:
-,-, purchase of lead for, 207, 209, 211; enlistment of sailors for, 207.
-,-, levy of English and Dutch troops for, 208.
-,-, St. Albans asked to favour cause of, 208; good will of Charles to but hampered by considerations of trade, 210; St. Albans to be kept well disposed to, 214.
-,-, suggestion to hire ships in England, 211; request of munitions for, 277, 290.
-,-, decision to send Mocenigo at once to England, 212, 219; Sandwich asks about, 218.
-,-, Levant trade an obstacle to help for, 217, 231; Harvey might be in danger if king helped, 230.
-,-, appeal to Dutch for help, 218, 262; Charles promises to help as much as Dutch, 226–9, 233.
-,-, Sandwich promises prompt response in sending ambassador to, 218.
-,-, letter to Charles for Marchesini and request for help, 219; appeals to Arlington for, 224, 227–8; appeals to king for, 232, 248.
-,-, Arlington commends defence of Candia, 223; Charles and York admire resistance to Turks, 226.
-,-, anxious to dissipate idea that not cultivating England, 225; hopeful of help from Charles, 239, 251, 279, 283–4, 287, 316.
-,-, Ventelet unfriendly to, 225.
-,-, succour given by France, emperor and others to, 227–8, 258, 265, 284, 289; liberal assistance of France, 278, 289.
-,-, appeals to prevent ships serving Turks against, 228–9, 234, 237, 251, 268; thanks for orders, 258.
-,-, Marchesini suggests Charles mediating with Turks for, 228–9; disapproves of idea of mediation, 239, 247.
-,-, Howard anxious to serve, 230, 241, 244; Rupert would like to serve but explains difficulties, 231.
-,-, proposal that Harvey shall mediate at Porte for, 233–4, 236, 244; Mocenigo avoids committing himself to king about, 259; mediation not desired by, 262, 266, 322.
-,-, promise to assist Harvey's expenses, 235-6; Harvey expresses desire to serve, 244.
-,-, no certainty of help for, 242; Mocenigo recommends cause of to Harvey, 245; consideration promised, 251.
-,-, Mocenigo appeals to, for help in expenses, 247; grant to him for rent, 259, 260, 271.
-,-, idea of co-operation to help to be encouraged, 248; heavy cost of war to, 261.
-,-, Candia, once lost, cannot be recovered for, 248; determined to defend every inch of territory, 255.
-,-, interest in Colbert's mission, 251, 259, 272; Colbert ready to serve, 293.
-,-, Arlington says should apply herself to peace, 254; Arlington declares good will to, 258.
-,-, Charles expresses regard for, 257; York praises defence of Candia, 260.
-,-, interests recommended to Harvey, 262; powers for Harvey to mediate for to be withdrawn, 286.
-,-, mission of minister from, to Porte, 262; Travers amazed to learn that minister of, at Porte, 298.
-,-, advices used to stimulate help for, 265; good or bad news equally injurious to, 295.
-,-, Charles proposes to send ambassador to, in reply, 266; idea welcomed at, 279.
-,-, Howard would like to go as ambassador to, 266; Temple expresses regard for, 278; Rupert expresses esteem for, 308.
-,-, interest in Tangier, 272.
-,-, glass manufacture at, 275; inventions submitted to for destroying ships, 309, 310.
-,-, desire of Dutch to increase friendly relations with, 277; hopeful of help from Dutch, 279; good will of Dutch to, 285.
-,-, Charles promises to respond to friendliness of, 281.
-,-, queen expresses friendliness to, 281; Charles disposed to help, 306.
-,-, Boreel suggests joint action at Porte in interest of, 286, 307; Boreel becomes reserved about, 303.
-,-, Dutch follow prudent example of, about possessions, 299.
-,-, Druenstein obtaining munitions from Holland for, 303.
-,-, orders to Temple to speak about help for, 305; good will of Dutch to help, 307.
-,-, proposed levy of Irish for, 310, 323; Luneburg troops to march overland to, 317.
-,-, Levant trade chief obstacle to help for, 310.
-,-, Charles expresses admiration for resistance offered by, 311.
-,-, Temple promises to advocate cause of, 315; English ministers to support cause, 324, 328.
-,-, harmony between English and Dutch necessary for succour to, 316, 323–4; need of a minister in Holland, 331.
-,-, Mocenigo petitions for increase of salary, 317, 332.
-,-, difficulty of finding distinguished person in England to serve, 317, 326.
-,-, Mocenigo pays for letters to and from, 319.
-,-, orders issued to prevent abuses in currant trade, 319, 327.
-,-, point of ceremonial will not affect Spain's regard for, 325.
-, Banco del Giro, 9.
-, Council of Ten, 269.
-, Five Savii alla Mercanzia, case referred to, 166.
-, fleet:
-,-, papal and Maltese galleys leaving, 301.
-,-, ships of. See ships, Venetian.

Ventelet, sieur de. See Haye, Denis de la.

Verneuil, duke of. See Bourbon, Henri de.

Versailles [Seine et Oise, France]:
-, Louis receives Clarendon at, 206.

Vichopzee. See Wijk van Zee.

Vienna, Austria: 304.
-, despatches dated at, 31, 35, 40, 45, 54, 59, 62, 80, 100, 107, 179, 180, 193, 196, 198, 200.
-, interest in Anglo-Spanish negotiations, 59; urges Spain to make peace with Portugal, 180.
-, Court at neglects business for frivolities, 80.
-, waiting for decision of English parliament, 193; may act independently of Spain for sake of Flanders, 198.
-, Mocenigo pays carriage of letters to, 319.

Villa, Marquis Giron Francesco:
-, duke of Savoy recalls from Candia, 227n.

Villiers, George, second duke of Buckingham, Buchican:
-, opposes arrest of Clarendon, 201; influential in Council, 231; the only competitor of Arlington, 312.
-, Marchesini sees, asks about Arlington, 231; Mocenigo to foster good will of, 239; he will visit, 261.
-, manner of receiving ambassadors, 292, 295.

Villogbi, Villoubghi. See Willoughby.

Vincennes [Seine, France]:
-, Duquesne at, 73; van Beuningen sends account of conference at, 78.

Vincenti, Antonio Maria, Venetian Resident at Florence:
-, despatches to the Senate, 25, 29, 34, 40, 44, 69, 96, 123, 127, 130, 132, 143, 145, 155, 157, 163, 176, 193, 198, 209.
-, instructions to, 136, 160, 166, 207, 211.
-, efforts to hire ships, 132–3, 143, 145, 156, 160, 163.
-, commission to buy lead, 207, 209, 211.
-, commission to enlist sailors, 207.
-, suggestion for Harvey to see on way out, 236, 238; office of, 286; said Harvey's mediation not desired, 322; Arlington refers to remark, 324.

-, captured by Centurione, 191; release ordered, 192.

Visconti, Vitalian, bishop of Monreale, Cardinal, papal nuncio in Spain:
-, says mediation of a heretic (Charles) can do no good, 116; informed of decision about Portugal, professes satisfaction, 186.

Vit. See Wight, isle of.

-, Vitz. See Witt.

Vittoria, French ship: capture of, 11.

Vivonne, comte de, Vivona. See Rochechouart, Victor de.

Vlie, Flay, Flie, Flit [Netherlands]:
-, English fleet unable to blockade, 56; English success at, burning of ships, 60; consternation caused by, 63.
-, news of at Florence, 69; fire supposed to be revenge for, 77; referred to, 88, 126.
-, Dutch attribute to Heemskerk, 139.

Volpe, Governor: Marchesini waiting for, 270.