Index: Q, R

Pages 413-415

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 35, 1666-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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-, on ships from Rouen and Flanders, 287.

queen mother, of England. See Henrietta Maria.

-, of France. See Anne.

Quirini, Giacomo, Venetian Ambassador at Rome:
-, despatches to the Inquisitors of State, 157, 160, 185.
-, Alberti served at Rome under, 282.


Rainbow, royal navy:
-, off Ostend, returns to N. Foreland, 19.

Ratisbon [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, Mocenigo pays carriage of letters to, 319.

Ravenscroft, Ravesgraf, John:
-, king's intervention for, at Venice, 9.

Rebello, Francesco Ferreira de, Portuguese ambassador to France:
-, despatch of, 119; money received by, in virtue of alliance, 173.

Renswoude, Hendrik Reede van, Dutch ambassador in Spain: 155.
-, celebrates naval victory, 33; closely watching Spanish trade negotiations with England, 112.
-, speaks hopefully of Breda negotiations, 166; celebrates Dutch victories, 175.
-, says Spain mistaken in supposing England and Holland will take their side, 188.
-, gets payment for Sweden at Madrid, 326.

Reserve, royal navy:
-, Sampson sent by, to Cadiz, 202.

residents. See under ambassadors.

Resolution, royal navy:
-, capture of Vittoria by, 11n.

Retz, cardinal de. See Gondi, Jean Francois Paul de.

Reymes, Col. Charles:
-, betrayed English at St. Kitts, 10n.

Rhine, river:
-, cities of Ecclesiastical Electors on, 232.

Roan. See Rouen.

Roberto. See Rupert.

Robinson, Capt. Robert:
-, brings in Gothemburg ships and defeats Dutch squadron, 124n.

Rochechouart, Victor de, comte de Vivonne, Vivona:
-, setting out for relief of Candia, 279.

Rochelle, La [Charente Inferieure, France]:
-, ships from, to join Beaufort, 1; duchess of Nemours to sail from, 6.
-, refugees from St. Christophers at, 11; ship from America, with news, 64, 127.
-, fortifications repaired, 13; troops sent to, 26, 149.
-, Beaufort at with French fleet, 34, 61; English warned of Beaufort's arrival at, 72.
-, many sent from to plant colonies, 98; La Barre sails from, for W. Indies, 106n; ships leave with troops, 138.
-, English ships captured off, 127, 140; booty taken to, 128.
-, three rich ships captured off, 133; French fleet goes to, 172.

Rochester, co. Kent, 170.

Roclaure. See Roquelaire.

Rodenburgh, —, sent to Breda to prepare for congress, 150.

Roe, ketch, royal navy:
-, to go for passage of prince of Tuscany, 320n.

Rome, Italy:
-, despatches dated at, 157, 160, 186.
-, Henry Howard come from, 30; Henry Howard at, 186.
-, remonstrance against English chaplain at Leghorn, 69, 124; Grand Duke would wish to mollify, 70.
-, desire in for accommodation of Spain with Portugal, 186.
-, missionary from, with book for Charles, executed, 186.
-, Cigala receives pension from, 268; service of Alberti at, 282.

Romswinckel, Matthias, minister of Brandenburg at the Hague: offers mediation, 159.

Rondel. See Howard, Henry, called earl of Arundel.

-, supplies of, captured from Dutch, 64.

Roquelaire, Roclaure, Gaston Jean Baptiste, duke of, chosen ambassador to England, 187.

Rospigliosi, —, commander of the papal galleys:
-, withdraws from the Venetian fleet, 301.

Rotterdam [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, disturbance at, over arrest of prominent men, 67.
-, offers ships for fleet, 103; Mocenigo's horses held up at, 261.

Rouen, Roan, Rouan [Seine Inferieure, France]: 100.
-, Clarendon proposes to go to, 204; plague at, 268; quarantine on ships from, 287.

Rouillé, sieur de, French minister with Swiss:
-, king furnishes with money, 327.

Rovelli, Geremia and Natanel, 2.

Rovigni, Rovigny. See Massue, Henri de, marquis de Ruvigny.

Royal Charles, royal navy:
-, reported capture of, 72; Dutch capture in Medway, 170, 171n.

-, James, royal navy:

Rupert's flag in N. Foreland battle, 15; Allen in, captures Ruby, 96; Dutch burn, in Medway, 171.

-, London. See Loyal London.

-, Oak, Royal Rames, royal navy:

Dutch burn in Medway, 170, 171n.

-, Prince, royal navy:

captured in four clays' battle, 15–16; letters found in, 23.

Ruberto da Roan. See Hubert.

Ruby, French navy:
-, loss of, 61n, 82, 96.

Rudio Tomaso, Venetian Secretary in Spain:
-, despatches to the Senate, 179, 182–3, 214, 217.

Rupert, Roberto, Ruberto, Palatine prince:
-, inspects fleet, punishes captains, 2; importance of condition of squadron, 17.
-, strength of squadron under, 7n; hastens to succour of Monk, 15.
-, tactics in battle, 15; going to engage Beaufort, 23, 26.
-, progress towards recovery, 158.
-, puts out to engage Dutch, 178.
-, has squadron of 13 ships to sell or hire, 211; would like to serve Venice, but explains difficulties, 231; suggestion to take out fleet, 308.
-, Mocenigo to foster good will of, 239; Colbert visits, 250.
-, Mocenigo in difficulty about public visit to, 250–1; he will visit, 261; Senate's instruction about, 268.
-, Mocenigo pays respects to, 282; leaves London for Audley End, 287n.
-, calls on Mocenigo, 308.
-, high in king's favour, made constable of Windsor, 308.
-, on bad terms with brother, the Elector Palatine, 312.

Russia, Tsar of. See Alexius.

Ruvigny, marquis de. See Massue, Henri de.

Ruyter, Martin van, Ruiter, Dutch admiral: 1.
-, puts to sea, 13; tactics in battle, 14–15; refused to board Monk, 16.
-, returns in triumph, 16; Louis drinks to health of, 27.
-, French troops put at disposition of, 37; gold chain for, from Louis, 62.
-, Prince of Monaco escapes to ship of, 17; troops sent to, from Calais, 40.
-, writes that opportunity lost through Beaufort's delay, 36.
-, French troops sent to act under orders of, 36; governors of Boulogne and Dunkirk ordered to supply all that asks, 41; French troops to be ready to call of, 73.
-, gives way before English advance, 49; no news of, 50; rearguard refused orders of, 52.
-, instructed to avoid hazarding fleet, 52; French urge to meet Beaufort, refuses, 73, 75.
-, quarrel with Tromp, 56, 61; la Feuillade to go on ship of, to make a fuss, 73; had sound reasons for refusal, 78.
-, attacks English at disadvantage, 71–2.
-, serious accident to, 72; will not give up command because of, 75; still sick, de Witt takes over command from, 86–7.
-, congratulates Beaufort on arrival, 78; ordered to put to sea and join Beaufort, 82.
-, returns to port, 82; recovered from sickness, 92.
-, Louis promises squadron to be put under orders of, 87.
-, pressing on with preparations, 141; on the point of embarking, 147.
-, sent to enter Thames, abandons plan and attacks Sheerness, 170; ordered to establish himself at mouth of Thames, 171; still there, 181.
-, reinforced for further enterprises, 172.