Index: M

Pages 369-374

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Mackenzie, Kenneth, earl of Seaforth, Monk has arrested, 295n.

Maculano, Cardinal Vincenzo, pope consults about defence of Civita Vecchia, 202.

Madlen, galley, state ship, left at Naples, 3; being careened, 7n.

Madrid, Spain:
-, despatches dated at, 10, 16, 24, 30, 34, 57, 65, 71, 75, 79, 82, 85, 88, 90, 93, 96, 99, 104, 109, 111, 114, 117, 120, 123, 132, 149, 159, 166, 168, 183, 189, 197, 203, 209, 213, 216, 221, 229, 230, 233, 240, 245, 253,257,265,268,271,281.
-, English families at, unable to withdraw, 71; schedule of English goods kept at, 140.
-, prayers in royal chapel at for success in arms, 99.
-, murder of Ascham at, 140; Dutch mission to, 155, 163.
-, not safe if Portugal in accord with Cromwell, 209; infantry for Italy kept at, 213.
-, Charles waiting to hear from, 228, 243; Charles has intimation of provision from, 243.
-, York arrives at, received at Retiro, 240.
-, consider Blake no longer enemy at, 253.
-, reports in of marriage of Anjou and Infanta, 267; Baydes' daughter going to, to be married, 274.

Mahomet IV., Sultan of Turkey, the Grand Turk:
-, sending to Franco, England and Holland for warships, 10; Blake told to present demands to, 50.
-, pirates sailing to Levant by order of, 61; Blake's action prevented them serving, 63.
-, letter to king of. Sweden, 179; tender age makes state weak, 181; Cromwell offering help to, 279.

Maidstone, state ship, in fleet for south, 219.

Main, the Spanish, Penn suspected of intention to attack, 61.

Mainard. See Maynard.

Major Generals:
-, Cromwell consults with, decision to call parliament, 226, 230; each to choose two candidates, 234.
-, discussion with continues, chief preoccupation to find money, 235.
-, governor of Cornwall in London with, 237.
-, Cromwell calls council of, before parliament, 261; Cromwell warns of danger and need of vigilance, 264.

Majorca, Balearic Island, English fleet may go against, 180.

Malaga [Andalusia, Spain]:
-, English ships from, captured, 16; English families abandoning, 71; a few English imprisoned at, for debt, 120.
-, English ships allowed to sail from, by connivance, 144; new fortifications completed, 229.
-, goods for to be sent overland, 229; attack of fleet on, 256.

malignants. See royalists.

Malamocco [Veneto, Italy], Sanson sails from, 245.

Malo, Luigi, Venetian correspondant at Antwerp, 112.
-, reports despatch missing, 215, 223.

Malta, island of, galleys of, report Turkish defeat, 255.

Mamora. See Mehedia.

Manasseh Ben Israel, a Jew of Amsterdam, approaches Cromwell about admission of Jews, 160–1.

Manning, Manin, Henry, employed by Cromwell as spy on Charles, 168; discovered and put to death, 169.

Marconi, Bernardi, clerk of Collegio, 98.

Mardick, Mardyk [Nord, France], must be tackled before Dunkirk, 236.

Maria, of Ostend, caught and sunk by English squadron, 234.

Maria Eleanora, of Brandenburg, queen mother of Sweden, mourning for, 218.

Maria Theresa, Infanta of Spain:
-, question of marriage to prince of Portugal, 196; talk of marriage to Anjou, 267.
-, French foresee trouble from marriage to emperor's son, 290.

mariners. See sailors.

Marini, —, coadjutor of Venetian embassy, robbed near London, 165, 167.

Marolles, marquis de. See La Barde, Jean de.

marque, letters of, letters of reprisal:
-, issued against English, suspended, 9; Cromwell urged to grant against Spain, 22; Admiralty advises against granting, 29; Ricaut asks for, 34.
-, order to suspend, 89; revoked by Anglo French treaty, 150; issued by duke of York, 160.
-, archduke withholds from applicants at Dunkirk and Ostend, 174; Spaniards give Charles authority to issue, 191, 200.

Marseilles [Bouches du Rhone, France], Blake takes and releases ship of, 14; news of Turkish defeat from, 255.

Mary, daughter of Charles I., princess of Orange:
-, Charles reported at house of, 41; asked whereabouts of brother, replies, without any news, 44; sends Gloucester away at motion of Dutch, 59.
-, at Frankfort waiting for ex-queen of Sweden, 123.

Master of the Ceremonies. (See Fleming, Sir Oliver.

Maximilian Henry of Bavaria, archbishop elector of Cologne, will not have Manning put to death in electorate, 169.

Maynard, Mainard, John, counsel for Cony, sent to Tower, 62.

-, Thomas, envoy to Portugal, expected back, 191; made consul-general for Portugal, 267.

Mazarin, Guilio, Cardinal:
-, wishes to revive project against Italy, 21; treaty with England very important for designs of, 23, 141.
-, Alexander VII. personal enemy of, 26n; presents dial to Sagredo, 121.
-, exertions to equip fleet, sends to Holland to buy warships, 42.
-, expected another civil war in England, 45; thinks peace with England will be prelude to breach with Spain, 52; suggested attack on Indies, 113.
-, San Stefano to rouse Cromwell's suspicions against, 56; threats against Spain, 142.
-, avoids seeing Moreland for fear of offending Savoy, 70; mediation for Vaudois, 77; Downing takes letters of credence to, 93n.
-, remarks on settlement with England, 142; assures Giustinian that is merely peace, 145.
-, Giustinian's representations to against close alliance with England, 146; peace mission to Swiss Cantons, 178.
-, Hocquincourt's revolt alarmed and induced to hasten ratification of peace, 148; Bordeaux goes to consult with, 156, 158, 171; Bordeaux returning with instructions from, 164.
-, keeps silent about secret articles of treaty, 156; Giavarina to discover Bordeaux's commissions from, 173, 200.
-, reasons for not co-operating with English in Italy, 172; suspected of unwillingness to expel Stuarts, 180.
-, Rupert writes to on claim for ship, reply, 182.
-, justifies keeping York because of Barrière, 195; may not let York go because of Irish, 207, 214.
-, confidential correspondence with Cromwell, 207; Cromwell united with by similarity of interests, 309.
-, contracting for Irish levies, 207.
-, leaves Paris with king, for Compiègne, 223.
-, Lockhart and Brandenburg minister have long conferences with, 255; Lockhart tells Cromwell of negotiations with, 295.
-, sends gentleman to Lisbon to propose alliance, 259; Cromwell forces to remove grievances of Huguenots, 310.

Meadowe, Medoes, Philip, Latin Secretary to the Council:
-, mission to Portugal, 191; lawyer sent with, 195; sent to receive confirmation of peace, 204; reports king's objection to certain articles, 217; reply sent to, 225; feared loss at sea of messenger to, 236; envoy from eagerly awaited, 238.
-, arranges treaty, 242; sends to inform fleet, 244; sends express to London, 248.
-, attempt on life, wounded, 242; recovering, expected back soon, 244; king sent own physicians to, 245.
-, anxiety about long delay in returning, 254; need for presence at Lisbon, 270.
-, return of, delay due to wound, 283; to go to Holland as resident, 289, 293; mission postponed, 295.

Medici, Ferdinand II. de', Grand Duke of Tuscany:
-, views about Blake's fleet, 4; Blake brings letter for, 6; annoyed at Blake's neglect of sanitary regulations, 9; restores practique, 10.
-, relieved of anxiety about English fleet, 6; tries to keep Blake friendly, 10.
-, Blake offers ships to, 11, 13; denies story of Blake's demands of him, 14.
-, uncertain about Blake's intentions, 11; not pleased at Blake's return, 14; English contemplate revenge on, 192.
-, Blake reports friendly reception by, 16; receives every satisfaction from, 23.
-, present of wine to Cromwell, 67; paid 100,000 doubles to placate Cromwell's wrath, 308–9.
-, says union of Spaniards and Dutch only antidote against English, 193.
-, keeping watch on Cromwell's fleet, 219; looks for attack on Spanish possessions in Africa, 223.

-, Giovanni Carlo dei, Cardinal, says Cromwell's rule enchantment and God will destroy, 235.

-, Prince Matthias de', account of letter brought by Blake, 6.

Medina Celi, duke of. See Cerda, Antonio de.

Medina Sidonia, duke of. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Mediterranean Sea, 304.
-, Blake to clear of pirates, 3, 6, 11; Blake may remain some time in, 31; Cromwell inclined to keep Blake in, 46, 53.
-, Neuchese was to take Brest fleet to, 6; ship with despatches for, 57.
-, presence of English in causes general anxiety, 21; friendly reception of Blake in, 127.
-, Dutch sending fleet to, to protect trade, 59; Ruyter returns from, 210.
-, talk of Cromwell assuming title of king of, 60; Cromwell means to seize port in, 181, 197.
-, provisions for trade in in Anglo-French treaty, 150; Cromwell to keep fleet in, at disposition of France, 176.
-, grand fleet to sail to, 178, 180, 193, 196; alarm at Rome about fleet entering, 182, 185; reports at Vienna about, 185.
-, Venice wishes to know English designs in, 188, 192, 197.
-, capture of Iviza would destroy Spanish trade in, 216; prize from plate fleet escaped to, 271.
-, Dutch ships to go from Baltic to, 270, 277, 285–6, 292.

-, English fleet for. See under navy.

Medlin. See Mödling.

Medoes. See Meadowe.

meetings, forbidden, 138, 148, 158, 165.

Mehedia, Mamora [Morocco, N. Africa], supposed English designs on, 223.

Meneses, Bernardo de, conde de Peñalva, governor of San Domingo, account of repulse of English attack, 108.

Merchant Delight, at Zante, 49.

merchantmen. See ships.

merchants, traders:
-, present to Blake for release of ship, 14.
-, opposed to rupture with Spain, 120; interested in Ruyter's convoy, 210.
-, duties payable by to be posted up, 150.
-, advance money to Spaniards on strength of plate fleet, 170; Spaniards make things easy for agents of English, 174.
-, news received by, 178–9, 224, 255.
-, loss through pressing of sailors for fleet, 180; remonstrance over, id.
-, Giavarina's credentials sent by, 192.
-, new frigates to Lisbon for mails, for benefit of, 267.

-, Dutch:

of Amsterdam, have news of plate fleet, 167.

claim that money on ships stopped by Blake belongs to, 245.

-, English, London merchants: losses inflicted on by French corsairs, 6; substantial damages claimed from French for, 8; Cromwell insists French shall repay Cesy's debts to, 20; Bordeaux promises payment, 22.

not certain about Blake's movements, 19.

Cromwell sends for about Fiesco's proposals, 20; did not approve, 23.

not inclined to give up sound business at Leghorn, 23; closing their business at Naples, 29; holding back in Spain and moving cautiously, 30.

claim on Venice for hire of Anne Bonaventura, 23.

claims against king of Spain, reprisals asked but refused, 29; Cromwell writes to king for settlement, 34.

Bendish warned to protect against revenge for Porto Farina, 49; pleased at news of Blake's success at Tunis, 61; fear of reprisals on, at Constantinople, 66.

Dutch ships seized for usurping profits of, 61; granted trading mart in Holland, 118.

abandoning trade at Naples, 67, 92, 95; withdraw from Spain, 71, 88; ship brings cloth to, at Naples, 98.

interested in Spanish plate fleet, 78; need not fear losing what they have there, 85.

Venice does not wish incommoded by tax on currants, 87; fear that Cardenas may be seized as hostage for, 114.

appeal to Cromwell about Spanish sequestrations, 119; grumble at interruption of trade, 128; Cardenas encourages complaints, 129.

rooted objection to rupture with Turks, 120, 152, 159; Sagredo to deal with opposition of, 131, 145.

houses searched at Naples, 127; some return to Naples to watch events, 131; ask permission to trade there, refused, 154, 162.

suffer severely from rupture with Spain, 133, 159; Cardenas prompts to petition Cromwell about injury done, 137.

strongest party in city, 133, 145, 152.

who die in France, free to make wills, 150; French to repay money advanced for Cesy, 171.

claim for return of Principe di Toscana, 162; ship restored to, 237.

anxious for safe arrival of plate fleet, 170; allowed to remove goods from Spain to London, 174; rejoice at safe arrival of plate fleet, 197.

reported plunder of, at Aleppo, 179; outcry against barbarity of Turks, 228.

get Spanish merchant to go to Spain about peace, 178.

Portugal will not grant Protestant church for, 217.

clamour at heavy losses to Dunkirkers, 228, 232, 239, 243, 245; Cromwell indifferent to, 232.

keep Charles supplied with money, 239; not ready to continue, owing to losses, 246; prevented from helping king by Cromwell's activity, 284.

pleased at peace with Portugal, would like one with Spain, 245; wealth of London, 308.

-, Flemish, take up business of English at Naples, 162.

-, French, offer to maintain 60 men of war to check English piracy, 9; need not give caution for sales in England, 150.

-, Genoese, reduced to extremity by capture of Spanish galleons, 268.

-, Portuguese, goods of on ship taken by English, 66–7; all Spanish trade with London in hands of, 119.

-, Spanish:

have no goods worth seizing, 119.

one goes to Spain to sound about peace, 178.

-, Venetian, Sanson carries goods of, 245.

-, names of. See Bromhall, John; Garway, William; Hobson, John; Hyde, Henry; Mico, Samuel; Middleton, Richard; Ricaut, Peter; Riccard, Andrew; Serra & Co.; Simonds, Thomas.

Mercœur, duke of. See Bourbon, Louis de.

Mermaid, Mermayd, state ship, 219n:
-, sent home by Blake, 101; in fleet for south, 220.

Messina [Prov. Messina, Italy], Blake detains ship of, 14.

Metham, William complains of indiscretions of Bayly, 84.

Mexico, N. America, ships sailing for, 16; Penn to push attack as far as, 51; proposed squadron to interfere with trade with Peru, 288.

Mico, Samuel, alderman, chief owner of Anne Bonaventura, 23n.

Middleton, Richard, English consul in the Morea, Venice wishes to stop currant trading by, 139.

Milan, Italy:
-, news from, 33.
-, intention of Fiance and England to interrupt trade of, 185.

-, governor of. See Benavides, Don Luis, marquis of Caracena.

Milanese, N. Italy: German troops being raised for, 202; Modena arranges with France to invade, 259n.

military. See army.

-, Cromwell proposes for London, 28; city will have to pay, 28; city adopts proposal, 32; taken up with energy, 37–8, 40.
-, officers chosen, Cromwell accepts, 37; men reviewed, 40.
-, attention caused by arming of, 40; regular troops not diminished because of, 43.

ministers. See preachers.

-, foreign. See under ambassadors.

Minorca, Balearic Island, English fleet may go against, 180.

Mocenigo, Lazzaro, Venetian Captain of the Ships, despatches to Senate, 41, 70, 74.

Modena, Italy, governor of Milan sends troops towards, 33; Rupert ceases to trouble about levy of, 90; Rupert pressed about levy, answers sharply, 105.

-, duke of. See Francesco I.

Mödling, Medlin [Austria], despatch dated at, 219.

Moldavia, envoy from, to Poland, says Cromwell offering help to Sultan, 279.

Molino, Francesco, doge of Venice, sure of Cromwell's friendship, 35.

Monaco, Prince of. See Grimaldi, Honoratius II.

Monchy, Charles de, marechal d'Hocquincourt, Marshal d'Ochincurt, revolt of, makes Mazarin close with Cromwell, 148.

-, chief preoccupation of government to find, 115; Cromwell attacked Indies to get, for army, 117.
-, city refuses application for, 126.
-, Cromwell in great need of, 221; at wit's end about raising, 222, 224; differences between Cromwell and Council about means of raising, 230; Cromwell gives way about, 233.
-, four suggestions for raising, 230–1; projects impracticable, 233.
-, chief preoccupation of Cromwell and Council to find, 235.
-, parliament to find readiest means of raising, 241.
-, Spanish plate to be coined into, 276.

-, coinage of. See coinage.

-, coins:

crowns, 158, 164, 171, 182, 208, 302,306, 311.

doubles, 107, 165, 309.

ducats, 80, 107, 115, 122, 126–7, 147, 162–4, 178.

florins, 149, 294.

francs, 22, 80.

lire, 64.

pieces of eight, 64, 240, 283.

pistoles, 73.

reals, 34, 74, 81, 104–5, 131.

thalers, 64, 166.

Monk, Monch, George, general:
-, discovers disaffection of Overton, 15; negotiations with rebel leaders broken off, 29; reported arrest of Glencairn, 172n.
-, appointed to command Indies expedition, 119; arrests Scottish lords, to prevent help for Charles, 295n.

Montague, Edward:
-, appointed joint commander of grand fleet, 178, 180; distressed by ill fortune of fleet, 201.
-, absence from Council, 195n; placed over Blake, 216; reported differences with Blake, 235, 238; reason for dividing fleet into squadrons, 244.
-, reports capture of galleons and treasure, 271–3; returns with Spanish prize, 280; not going back till Spring, 283.

Montealegre, Monte Alegro, Marquis de, commander of plate fleet, ordered to fight to last extremity 74; arming ships, 90; warned of threat from English, 131–2.

Montmorency Bouteville, Isabel Angelique de, duchess of Chatillon, influence over Hocquincourt, 148n.

Morat, Murat [Fribourg, Switzerland], Swiss deputies for Pinerolo meet at, 73.

Morea, Greece:
-, news of affairs at Porto Farina sent to, 49.
-, Venice desires to stop currant trade with, 139.

-, English consul in. See Hyde, Henry; Middleton, Richard.

Moreland, Samuel, English envoy to Savoy:
-, to make representations against action with Vaudois, 68; at Paris, representations to king, 70; waiting for fresh orders, reported at Morat, 73–4; 90.
-, going to Turin, but congress at Geneva first, 105.

Moret [Seine et Marne, France], despatch dated at, 118.

Morosini, Moresini, Domenico, in Sagredo's train, 103, 121; returning home, 130.

-, Michiel, Venetian Ambassador in France, Paulucci's service under, 41; supplied his expenses, 107.

Morrel, Hugh, Cromwell's agent in Paris, returns to London, 183.

Mortham, —, commander of the Foresight, 220.

Most Christian. See Louis XIV., king of France.

Moura y Corte Real, Francesco de, marquis of Castel Rodrigo, Spanish ambassador in Germany, says Philip will not make peace with Portugal, 196.

Munster [Westphalia, German Empire], Dutch ambassadors treated on equality at, 152, 154; French cannot suffer emperor to break treaties of, 290.

Murat. See Morat.

Muscovites, Polish appeal to England against, 40, 46; England unlikely to help against, 46.

Muscovy, suggested attack on Turks, with Sweden, 133.

-, Tsar of, the Muscovite. See Alexius.