Index: K, L

Pages 363-369

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Kalisz, Calissa, Poland, surrendered to Sweden, 97.

Kelsey, Col. Thomas, governor of Dover, Ruyter required to see, but refuses, 210.

Kent, county of, six prisoners of consequence brought from, to London, 12.

Kerby. See Kirby.

Kentish, Kentis, state frigate, in fleet to south, 220.

-, Cromwell and title of, 4, 7, 15, 17, 244, 269, 286–7; pressure on him to take, 57; pros and cons, 57–8, 60; reasons why Cromwell will not take title, 244, 305–6.
-, opposition in army to title, 269.

-, of England. See England, kings of.

Kirby, Kerby, Henry, commander of the Ruby, 220.

Kmielniski, Chilminischi, Theodor, general of the Cossacks, fealty and obedience to Sweden, 181.

knights, dubbed by Cromwell, 70, 73, 218, 250, 298.

Kolchester. See Colchester.

Königsberg [East Prussia, German Empire], treaty of, 181n.


La Barde, Jean de, M. della Barde, Marquis de Marolles, French ambassador with the Swiss; seems to be losing ground, 189; sends news of peace to king, 190.

La Corugna. See Coruña.

La Ferriera. See Ferrière, Chevalier de la.

La Fuente. See Fuente, Marquis de la.

Lagos, Lago [Algarve, Portugal], Blake has ships careened at, 81.

Lamberg, Lambergh, John Francis, count of, imperial ambassador in Spain, informs Philip of offer of states of empire for Charles, 166; Zane to follow example in treatment of York, 255.

Lambert, John, Major General:
-, Cromwell makes governor of Portsmouth, Yarmouth, Hull, Bristol and Dover, 60; waits on Sagredo, 121.
-, envious of Cromwell, will try and thwart his plans, 183; Cromwell does not trust, 227.
-, soldiers would like as general, 227; most credit with army, no one better able to form party, 312.

Lamport. See Langport.

lands, church, Cromwell claims right to resell, 211.

Lane, —, commander of the Diamond, 220.

Langport, Lamport, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Larii. See Rye.

La Rochefoucauld, Francois due de, proposed mission to Swiss, 178.

La Rochelle. See Rochelle, La.

Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, austerity cause of Charles's unpopularity, 299.

Lawrence, Henry, President of Council of State, present at review of new London militia, 40; waits on Sagredo, 121.

-, difficulty of carrying out, without king and parliament, 65.
-, question of Cromwell assuming powers to make, 68–9, 71; Cromwell consults lawyers about, 71; Cromwell preparing to change, with support of army and London, 72; Cromwell has some important plan to get power over, 79.
-, meeting in London of delegates to decide about, 80; proposed petition from London about, 99; Cromwell has long secret conferences about, 100; army officers refuse powers to Cromwell, 109.
-, fresh conference summoned about, 183; parliament likely to give Cromwell power to make, 241; parliament takes up question of reform, 269; sets up commission upon, 271.

lawyers, Cromwell consults about assuming legislative power, 71; agree cannot be done without parliament, 72.

lead, cargo of, at Leghorn, 232.

Lede, marquis of. See Bette, Guillaume.

Lee, Margaret wife of Sir Robert, 201.

Leghorn [Prov. Livorno, Italy], 71.
-, letters dated at, 232, 240.
-, Blake expected at, 3; Blake arrives at, 5; Blake still at, 10, 13; Blake sails from, but returns, 14, 21; news expected from, 18.
-, trade with London, Blake to make safe, 3; Blake takes all French ships which come to, 9; Blake's friendly reception at, 16.
-, Fiesco's negotiations may prejudice, 12; London merchants not disposed to abandon, 23.
-, Sarotti going to, to see Longland, 16; Blake sails from, 19, 23, 26.
-, ship from, 67.
-, Jew of, 160n.
-, English ship at, with cloth and lead, 240.
-, fight with Dutch off, 308.
-, consul at, English. See Longland, Charles.

-, Venetian. See Armano, Giuseppe.

Leide, Leidem. See Bette, Guillaume, marquis of Lede.

Lemnos, Stalimene, island of, Aegean Sea, Venice drives Turks from, 290.

Lenthall, William, Speaker of the Long Parliament, Cromwell flings from seat, at dissolution, 304.

Leopold, Archduke of Austria, son of Ferdinand III., French expect trouble from marriage with Infanta, 290.

Leopold, William, Archduke of Austria, governor of the Spanish Netherlands:
-, Marquis of Lede serving with, 10; Lede ambassador from, 56.
-, witholds letters of marque from applicants at Dunkirk and Ostend, 174.
-, welcomes Charles at Brussels, 196; Charles confers with, 199, 203; Charles did not confer with, 200, 211.
-, refuses to interfere in negotiations with Charles, 207.

-, scrutiny of delays delivery, 211.
-, outgoing probably examined, 223.

Levant, 28, 178.
-, Blake expected to go to, 7, 66; Blake attacks pirates sailing to, 61.
-, Levant Co. recommends interests in to Cromwell, 66; fleet would have found more glory in, 103.
-, dealings with Genoa over trade, 95.
-, merchants interested in, opposed to measures against Turks, 131, 159; as an alternative to Indies, 139.
-, provisions for trade in, in Anglo French treaty, 150.
-, promises to send papal galleys to, 202, 219.
-, goods from to he sent overland to Cadiz, 229.

Levant Company, 75.
-, petitions Cromwell to confirm Garway as ambassador at Porte, 47; sending ambassador to Constantinople, 57; ambassador at Porte nominated by, 160.
-, proposes making depot in Barbary for Eastern trade, 57; has 4 millions of capital in Turkish marts, 311.
-, deputation from hands memorial to Pauluzzi, 63; appeal of, against grievances in Zante and Cephalonia, 64, 87, 108, 113.
-, representations to Cromwell of danger of Turks resenting Blake's action, 66; reply to 91.
-, allowance to Hobson by, 95; report of Proveditore upon, 104.
-, has no authorised representative at Zante, 105; jealously watched Sagredo's negotiations to thwart them, 311.

-, -, governor of. See Riccard, Alderman Andrew,

-, Marquis of Lede will ask for, 24.
-, of English and Scots for Sweden, 101; difficulties over, 106; of Scots for Sweden, 143, 150, 157, 163, 170, 194, 210, 214, 309.
-, by Buckingham, for France, 189.
-, of Irish, for France, 207, 214, 226, 231, 250.
-, of Scots, for France, 231.
-, granted to Sweden, vagabonds flock to, 274.

Leyde. See Bette, Guillaume, marquis of Lede.

Leyden [S. Holland, Netherlands], mortality from plague at, 134.

-, against Cromwell, placarded in London, 19; Cromwell touched to quick by, 42; contained in postal packet, 106.
-, display of force to keep people from acting on, 50.
-, appear in city, suggesting suitable members for parliament, 252.

-, See also pamphlets.

Lima, Peru, S. America, severe earthquake at, 272.

lion, in Tower, roars on anniversary of king's death, 301.

Lionne, Liona, Hugues de, French envoy in Spain, peace negotiations of, 267.

Lisbon, Portugal, 171, 209.
-, letters from, 244–5, 289.
-, Neuchese takes refuge from English at, 9; Bazil fleet ordered to avoid, 84.
-, Blake's fleet near, 104; Blake enters port, 114; Spanish arming makes Blake retire to, 127.
-, English granted place of worship at, 114; peace announced at, 230, 233.
-, English fleet reported at, 213, 233; fleet sails from, 216; ship from expected, with envoy, 238; Cullen captured off, 248n.
-, Meadowe wounded when about to leave, 242; need for someone at, to cherish good relations, 270.
-, Brazil fleet expected at, hastened treaty, 245.
-, French envoy sent to, for alliance, 259.

Lisle, John, commissioner of the great seal, waits on Sagredo, 121.

Lisola, L'Isola, Francis Paul, freiherr von, imperial ambassador in Sweden, reports Cromwell's offer of ships to Sweden, 170; reports objects of union between England and Sweden, 182.

loan, raised by States General to meet cost of war, 41.

Lockhart, Acher, Goetart, Locart, William, colonel:
-, married to Cromwell's niece Robina, 33, 215n.
-, appointed ambassador to France, 195; starts for Paris, 210; arrives at St. Denis, question of reception, 215; reception in Paris, 220; has not visited foreign ministers, 223.
-, follows Court to Compiègne, 223; Cromwell pleased about reception, 225; instructions to Giustinian for behaviour to, 229.
-, gentleman sent to England by, 226; negotiations conducted with utmost secrecy, 285.
-, long conferences with Mazarin, 255; leaves.suddenly for England, 270, 275; surmises about, 271, 275.
-, perplexed at negotiations with Spain, 267.
-, announces permanence at Court, 285, 290; leaves for London, expected to return as ambassador, 290; knighted, 298.
-, long conferences with Cromwell, 295; nothing learned about, 298.

Lombardy, Italy, 98.

Lomenie, Henri Auguste de, comte de Brienne, French secretary of state, declares no alliance concluded with Cromwell, 189; says nothing settled about alliances, 290.

London, 176, 178.
-, despatches dated at, 3, 5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 46, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 80, 84, 87, 89, 92, 95, 98, 101, 103, 107, 110, 112–3, 115, 117, 119–22, 124, 126, 129–30, 133–4, 137–8, 140, 142–5, 147, 149, 151–3, 155–8, 160–1, 163, 165, 168, 170, 172, 175–7, 179, 181, 185, 187, 192, 195, 198, 201, 204, 206, 208, 212, 215, 218, 223, 226, 229, 232, 235, 237, 239, 243–4, 246, 249, 251, 253, 255, 257–8, 260, 262, 265, 267, 270, 272, 275, 277, 281, 283–4, 287, 289, 292, 294, 296, 298.
-, news from, 31, 181.
-, Venetian ships may not bring
-, goods to from Turkey, 157; Sagredo first Venetian ambassador in since end of royalty, 299.
-, Coyet reached before Bond, 180; formalities at Bordeaux's first coming to, 215; Beverning's mission to, 305.
-, Medina Celi says water of, for English, 221; Laud wished to govern like a religious house, 299; 246 religions professed in, 307–8.
-, large forces went out from, against king, 300; the hot-bed of the war against the king, 301.
-, Cromwell posted troops in before dissolving parliament, 304.
-, revenue from duty on goods bought and sold in, 306; not inferior to Paris in splendour and wealth, 308; Turkish confiscations would ruin leading families of, 311.
-, decline in splendour since change of government, 308.
-, 1655:
-,-, Fiesco expected in, 3, 5; arrives, 5n; public entry into, 9, 12.
-,-, Blake to secure trade with Leghorn, 4; ships from Malaga for, taken, 16; sailing of merchant fleet from, 49.
-,-, troops brought to, 4, 7–8; troops from Ireland may come to, 18.
-,-, prisoners brought to, from Kent, 12; Overton brought to, 15.
-,-, enquiry concerning intercourse of Monk's officers with, 15; abusive placards posted in against Cromwell, 19; seizure of horses in, 25.
-,-, large forces kept in, 18; proposed militia for defence of, 27; agreed upon, 32; recruiting for, 37; review of troops, 40.
-,-, Marquis of Lede expected in 24; three envoys leave Brussels for, 56; Lede's public entry into, 58, 65.
-,-, destructive fires in, 25, 40, 54.
-,-, dissimulates and puts up with burdens for fear of worse, 32.
-,-, measures to prevent disturbances in, on Shrove Tuesday, 32; feast days in celebrated chiefly by military, 50.
-,-, obedience of may do much towards success of other undertakings, 38: Cromwell will assume legislative power by favour of, 72.
-,-, collection started in, for Vaudois, 63; new appeal for, 88.
-,-, Paulucci to leave when Sagredo reaches, 64, 78; Lede leaves, 76; Sagredo to set out for, 88.
-,-, number of ambassadors at Court in, 77, need for distinguished appearance at, id.
-,-, meeting in, of delegates to decide about legislative power and royal title, 80.
-,-, delegates supposed to represent wishes of, 80; proposed invitation to Cromwell about reform of government, 99.
-,-, proclamation banishing loyalists from, 86, 88, 138; search for royalists in, 88.
-,-, Blake sends back ships to, 88, 90, 123; Blake expecting reinforcements from, 108.
-,-, splendour shown by ambassadors in, 89; Bond's public entry into, 93; Sagredo starts for, 103; on way to, 107.
-,-, Swedish ambassador celebrates victories in, 101; wine for, from Canaries, 143.
-,-, French ministers sent to, to sign treaty, 101.
-,-, payment of Paulucci's expenses in, 107; Sagredo enters privately, 112.
-,-, Jamaica forces supposed returning to, 119; Pen and Blake return to, 131.
-,-, Spanish trade of, in hands of Portuguese, 119; merchants form strongest party in, 133, 145.
-,-, refuses application for money, 126; Spanish war interrupts trade of, and causes discontent, 149.
-,-, no one can leave without note from Thurloe, 128, 158; papers of foreigners arriving sent to, 158.
-,-, feels interruption of Spanish trade severely and would like to see negotiations started, 143–4.
-,-, Venetian minister in likely to have task of mediation, 149; Venetian officer robbed near, 165.
-,-, commission to sit in upon claims for booty taken at sea, 151.
-,-, patrolled by companies of horse, 158; meetings and plays forbidden in, taverns suppressed, 165.
-, 1656:
-,-, Catholics arrested in, leaving mass at Venetian embassy, 167, 176; and leaving Portuguese embassy, 185.
-,-, English in Spain allowed to remove capital to, 174: Sagredo left a most healthy place, 212.
-,-, ships cannot mount to, because of sailors pressed, 175; fleet anchored 25 miles from, 180.
-,-, royalists banished from for three years, 175; assembly called to, upon increase of Cromwell's title and powers, 183; royalists expelled from, 224.
-,-, Giavarina to remain in, as resident, 177; Morrel returns to. 183; Barrière ordered to leave, 195; Bordeaux returns to, 200.
-,-, soldiers at seize loose women to ship to Barbados. 184, 309; troops kept ready to coerce, 194; troops of horse paraded in, 198.
-,-, Buckingham going to, for levies, 189; report in of destination of fleet, 196.
-,-, Dunkirkers capture ships for, 193, 222; coal captured on way to, 194; action about dues on coal for, 211.
-,-, excise increased on food entering, 194; activities of Dunkirkers increase prices in, 222.
-,-, outcry in, at rise in price of coal, 194; search for horses of suspects in, 198.
-,-, rumours in, about Charles, 195; enemies of government very numerous in, 217.
-,-, Thurloe back in, 208; Major Generals in, for conference, 234–5, 237.
-,-, officers for Swedish levy come to, for money, 210; gentleman sent to for levies, 226.
-,-, report in of Spanish accommodation with Portugal. 213; Rebello asks to stay on in, 242.
-,-, state parade of Swedish ambassador in, 218; delight in at Venetian victory over Turks, 257.
-,-, assessment in for Swiss Protestants, 223.
-,-, Cromwell indifferent to losses by Dunkirkers because refused money by, 232; troops collected secretly in for fleet, 236.
-,-, foreigners to report where lodging in, 236; guards in doubled, 261, 263.
-,-, royalist in, raising money from merchants, 239; secret efforts of Charles to stir up trouble in, 246; secret agents of Charles in, 253.
-,-, parliament to assemble in, in September, 240; libels appear in suggesting suitable members for parliament, 252.
-,-, Dunkirkers' depredations on supplies for, stopped by blockade, 255; capture of plate ships celebrated in, 273.
-,-, members chosen for not friendly to government, 256; Cromwell never showed himself in since stone thrown at coach, 312.
-,-, care taken by Protector in, against sudden strokes, 262; whole army of Scotland summoned to, 263; proclamation banishing royalists from, 264.
-,-, mayor ordered to use vigilance and clear of evil influences, 264; new lord mayor's entry into, 280.
-,-, men found without employment in enrolled as soldiers, 267; Cromwell reviews regiments quartered in, 274.
-,-, arms from magazines in, transferred to Tower, 267; fear of attempt by, on Tower, 272.
-,-, gentleman from Curland arrives in, 270.
-,-, Lockhart returning to, 270, 275, 285; Meadows returns to, 272.
-,-, muster of trained bands of, 275.
-,-, carts sent to bring Spanish plate to, 279; it arrives in, 282.
-,-, solemn fast observed in, 280.
-,-, place outside, formerly college, prepared for Spanish prisoners, 280; Spanish prisoners reach, 282.
-,-, conspiracy in, to fire a mine, 294–5; reports in of landing of troops sent by king, 295.
-,-, royalist gentleman regularly corresponding with Charles from, 295.
-, aldermen of:
-,-, present at fire, 26; Cromwell sends for about militia, 27; militia reviewed before, 40.
-, Common Council of:
-,-, sent for about militia, 27; agrees to form, thanks Protector, 32.
-, Lord Mayor of:
-,-, packets may be sent by order of, 106. See also, Dethick, John; Pack, Christopher; Tichborne, Robert.
-, merchants of. See merchants, English.
-, Recorder of. See Long, Lislebone.

-, places in and near:

All Hallows, Dory arrested for sermon at, 160.

Bishopsgate St., fire in, 40n.

Fetter Lane, fire near, 25n.

Fleet St., fire in, 25n.

palace yard, house of Sir Abraham Williams, ambassadors lodged at, 9, 53, 58, 121.

St. Martin's in the Fields, Lockhart married at, 33n.

Southwark, great fire in, 54.

Threadneedle St., fire in, 40n.

the Tower, 121, 260.
-, lion at, roars on anniversary of king's death, 301.
-, persons sent to, 11, 15, 62, 72, 75, 295.
-, too crowded, some sent away, 62.
-, plan of Charles to capture, 246; troops guarding increased, 261, 267.
-, plate captured conveyed to, 247; arms in magazines transferred to, 267.
-, fear of attempt by city on, 272.
-, guns fired to celebrate Cromwell's accession, 297.
-, lieutenant of. See Barkstead, Sir John.

Tower Hill, 12n.

Whitehall, Viteal, Vitteal, 266.

Harrison brought to 4; council at, 115.

house near prepared for Spanish prisoners, 280.


guns placed before, 7; execution of king at, 301.

Fiesco received at, 12; Sagredo received at, 124; Bond takes leave at, 250.

Long, Lislebone, recorder of London, knighted, 298n.

Longland, Charles, English consul at Leghorn, Blake hands letters to, 6; Sarotti going to Leghorn to see, 16; records arrival of Bayly at Florence, 84n.

Lopez de Zuniga. See Zuniga.

Loreto [Prov. Ancona, Italy], pope's fear of English raid on, 218.

Lorne, lord. See Campbell, Archibald.

Lorraine, Henry de, duke of Guise:
-, descent on Castellamare, 2n; Blake missed narrowly, 5; Blake supposed to have gone against, 9.
-, Neuchese to aid expedition of, 6; Blake would have treated with politeness, 16.
-, to command fleet again, for project on Naples, 21.

Losnania. See Poznan.

Louis XIV., king of France, the Most Christian, 76.
-, terms of peace with England favourable to, 18; Bordeaux sends express to, 32.
-, cordial reception of duke of York, 28; did not mean rupture by seizing English ships, 46.
-, said to have recalled Bordeaux, 44; express from with despatches for Bordeaux, 48.
-, representations to, about Vaudois, 69, 70; interposition likely to be effective, 74.
-, presents portrait to Sagredo, 121; Amalteo, Italian master of, 138.
-, slighting reference of Spanish ambassador to, 128; invites Savoy and leaves out Holland at functions, 152.
-, refers articles of treaty to Council, 141; has not promised anything beyond peace, 142; some articles derogatory to, 148, 180; remonstrance with for keeping York near him, 195.
-, Giustinian hopes will not tighten relations with England, 142; mutual engagements with Cromwell, 176; Morrel took letter of Cromwell to, 183n.
-, Swiss peace reported to, 190.
-, Pickering chosen as ambassador to, 191; Lockhart to keep up good relations with, 210.
-, French forces to be encouraged by presence of, 193.
-, York greatly beloved by, 212; wishes to keep him, 214; York takes leave of, 263.
-, may receive Lockhart outside Paris, 215; receives Lockhart in Paris, 220; Cromwell pleased about, 225.
-, leaves Paris for Compiègne, 223.
-, Scots cross to serve, 231; troops to be sent to, 248.
-, wants alliance with England, Sweden and Portugal against emperor, 259.
-, indignant at York's attempt to detach Irish from service of, 279.

Low Countries. See Flanders.

Lucerna. See Luserna.

Lucerne [Switzerland], canton of, men of, capture chancery of Count of Erlach, 182; peace made by, 190.

Luis, Don. See Haro, Don Luis de.

Luserna, Lucerna [Prov. Torino, Italy], Savoy publishes ban against heretics of, 68; appeal of people to England, 310.

Lutheranism, expected triumph through Sweden, Swiss, English and Dutch, 178; Charles T. professed, 299; one of numerous sects in England, 308.

Lyme, state ship, in fleet for south, 219.

Lyon, Lyons [Rhone, France], courier from for Paris robbed, 185.