Index: M

Pages 731-739

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Maastricht [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands]:
-, Dutch hopes of taking, 629;
-, Orange presses siege, 631; interest in fate of, 633, 635, 641, 645.
-, Spanish efforts to relieve, 633, 636, 643, 645; vigorous defence, 634, 635.
-, fall considered certain, 635; fall may lead to rebellion, 636, 638.
-, French assist attack on, 638; surrenders, 646; difficult situation at, 647.

Macerata. See Mazzerata.

Mackay, Donald, Lord Reay, Colonel Gre, Baron Rez:
-, raising troops for King of Sweden, 516, 550; arrest of, 523.

Maclean, Maclian, Col.:
-, serving Sweden, 375.

Madame. See Christina, Princess of Piedmont.

Madrid, Spain, 445, 458, 590, 599.
-, despatches dated at, 5, 16, 41, 60, 79, 107, 123, 133, 146, 171, 175, 181, 195, 209, 225, 229, 235, 244, 249, 253, 254, 262, 267, 274, 278, 285, 307, 322, 326, 333, 336, 340, 345, 355, 364, 370, 376, 383, 401, 405, 413, 438–440, 442, 451, 454, 459, 461, 471, 492, 500, 501, 504, 512, 521, 529, 542, 567, 569, 598, 621.
-, merchants of, 164–166, 193.
-, Cottington arrives at, 267; rejoicings in at birth of Prince Charles, 364; peace with England celebrated at, 451.

Magdeburg [Saxony, German Empire]:
-, Wallenstein ordered not to touch, 158; no fear of disturbances at, 167; contribution levied on, 173.
-, holds out, 211; Gustavus moves to relief, 469; siege reported raised, 507.
-, Tilly takes, 511, 516, 523, 524, 532; loot from recaptured, 531; Gustavus hopes to retake, 535.

Magno, Valeriano, a Capuchin:
-, employed by Eggenberg, 158; proposals discredited, 167; object to lull to sleep, 183.

Magnolo, Commissioner:
-, goes to Milan, 89.

Maillé, Urban de, Marquis of Brezé, Brese, Marshal of France, 598.
-, fear of negotiations injuring Palatine, 578; success of negotiations announced, 588.

Mainz. See Mayence.

Malamocco [Prov. Venezia, Italy], 225, 598.

Malaspini, Marquis:
-, seizes Duke of Mayenne, 124.

Mali, merchant of Vicenza:
-, molested for debt at Antwerp, 524.

Malipiero, Francesco Maria, Proveditore of Cephalonia:
-, despatches to Senate, 60, 63, 256.

-, knight of. See Rochechouart.
-, ships from go to Archipelago, for wheat, 237.

Manchester, Earl of. See Montagu, Henry.

Mando, Samuel, 470.

Manfredini, Cavalier:
-, ships of, 395.

Mansfelt, Ernest, Count of:
-, memory of ill treatment under prejudices Hamilton's levies, 523.
-, -, Count of (? Philip):
-, reported victory over Gustavus Adolphus, 393.

Mantua [Prov. Mantova, Italy], 241, 254, 289, 300.
-, Spaniards trade on Guastalla's claims to, 42; Spaniards and imperialists demand. 100; Mayenne escapes to, 124; Sabran goes to, 167.
-, Chateauneuf considers safe, 125; imperialists fortifying in state, 140.
-, imperialists demand deposit, 147; Spanish forces committed to, 188.
-, Louis committed to, 184; Mazarin goes to, 189, 195.
-, imperialist designs on, 197, 203; imperialist attack on, 211, 212, 216, 217, 226, 230, 235, 236, 238, 239, 246, 249, 274.
-, reported fall, 239; Venetians introduce relief, 252, 261, 278, 286, 335, 355, 365, 371, 412; Chateauneuf says not in danger, 259.
-, measures for defence, 267, 283; imperialists waste country, 274; siege raised, 276.
-, Venetian forces enter country, 319; French will do everything for, 324.
-, Spinola to join Collalto near, 327; Venetians defend, 329, 337, 341, 349, 361.
-, Austrian forces in, 335.
-, Collalto to enter district, 340; imperial army near, 341; Venetians engage Austrians near, 342, 361, 363.
-, Carlisle says Venice unable to succour, 344; in danger, 345, 375.
-, defence left entirely to Venice, 348; captured, 380, 393, 398; Dutch express regret at fall, 401.
-, French not surprised at fall, 404; proposed investiture of Rethel in, 437.
-, Spaniards to relinquish, 453; Fontenay knows nothing of abandonment, 456.
-, no advantage to Spain for Germans to be at, 460; Parma to arbitrate for, 481.
-, Spaniards claim shall be last thing restored, 515; imperialists will not give up, 549.
-, Bouthillier writes of restitution, 554; mission of Jerome Weston to, 634.
-, despatches dated at, 49, 79, 158, 369.
-, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Charles.

Mapplisden, Meplisdem, Dreplisdem, Edward, captain of the London:
-, remission of duty to, 308, 346.

Marc Antonio, courier, 72.

Marciliane. See ships, names of.

Marconi, Flaminio, courier, 586.

Margaret of Savoy, Duchess Dowager of Lorraine:
-, claims to Monferrat, 42.

Margaret of Lorraine:
-, marriage with Gaston of Orleans said to be consummated, 609.

Margate, co. Kent:
-, Swan escapes to, 430.

Maria, Infanta of Spain, 405.
-, Philip will accompany to Barcelona, 23; espousal of, 66.
-, Queen of Hungary:
-, journey of, 391.

Marillac, Marigliac, Louis de, Marshal of France:
-, imprisonment, 453.
-, -, Michel de, Garde des Sceaux:
-, imprisonment, 405.

mariners. See sailors.

Marini, Claudio, French ambassador in Savoy:
-, says France made peace with England to please friends, 145.

Marini, Marino, a Genoese:
-, device to draw fresh water from the sea, 336.
-, -, —, Venetian consul at Smyrna, 578, 579, 594.

Marmirolo [Prov. Mantua]:
-, recovered from imperialists, 261.

marque, letters of, 38, 142, 153, 159, 173, 207, 224, 241, 308n.
-, further issue against French stopped, 30, 36, 37, 54; no more to be issued for Mediterranean, 33, 152.
-, annulled against Spain, 445.
-, Spaniards tempt English to issue against Dutch, 484; Hamburg wants Charles to withdraw, 647.

marriage, Anglo-French:
-, Richelieu will not agree to renewal of articles, 1; articles of confirmed by peace, 38; English disregard terms of, 369, 478; Carlisle waived questions of punctilio to achieve, 505.
-, provides for ratification by parliament, 568.
-, Anglo-Spanish:
-, Vane advocate of, 141.

Mars, Colonel. See Merz, Franz von.

Marseilles [Bouches du Rhone, France]:
-, despatch dated at, 274.
-, French regiment embarked at, for Venice, 289, 300, 335.

Marshal, Lord, of England. See Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel.

Marten Sir Henry, Judge of the Admiralty, 153.
-, confiscates some effects of Jonas, 102; king sends for, 103; delivers sentence about Jonas, 143, 144.
-, Charles defends integrity, 151; to give reasons for judgment, 152, 157, 160, 190; arguments before, 193.
-, Soranzo finds obliging, 231; sentence in case of Golden Cock, 480.

Mary, Princess of England:
-, birth, 562; congratulations upon, 563, 567.

Mary de Medici, Queen Mother of France, 55, 77, 97.
-, proposed restitution of St. Esprit as courtesy to, 4, 20; Charles ready to please, 17.
-, Henrietta hears of adjustment in Italy, from, 9; Henrietta sends to about pregnancy, 21; sends to Henrietta, 82.
-, letters to about peace, 38, 39; Zorzi needs reserve in treating with, 51; letters of Contarini to, 56, 78–80; reply to Contarini, 85, 86.
-, feels slighted over announcement of peace, 58; has full powers to take oath about peace, 103, 106.
-, offers Mlle. de Berne for daughter's confinement, 65; informed of Henrietta's miscarriage, 70, 96.
-, consultation about peace, 104; Louis wants Edmondes to treat with, 117; Poix sent in name of, 345.
-, Richelieu wishes to gratify, 125; Chateauneuf brings letters from, 127.
-, sends layette to Henrietta, 348; asked to be godmother to Prince Charles, 349, 355, 361, 369, 373.
-, draft of peace sent to, 360; Duchess of Richmond represents at christening, 372.
-, outbreak against Richelieu, 441; Charles advises of peace with Spain, 460.
-, Montagu sent to visit, 486; Olivares will use detention to make trouble in France, 492.
-, Ramée sent to England in interests of, 494; disturbs relations with England, 512.
-, leaves Compiégne for Arras, not wanted in England, 531; messengers sent out on behalf of, 536.
-, inclined to come to England, 538; English will not meddle with affairs of, 540, 542–544, 550.
-, Henrietta very concerned for, 538, 544, 554; Balfour sent to, 549, 554; honoured at Brussels, 589.
-, France vetoes Scaglia sending respects to, 556; Savoy suspected of helping, 563.
-, Bouillon receives money from, 564; Vendome does nothing for, 566.
-, English fear visit from, 568; question of visit to England, 571, 576, 580.
-, French want to keep Spaniards from helping, 569; Biscara's negotiations for, 588.
-, Valencay belongs to party of, 622; Fossez supposed to be arranging accommodation for, 628.
-, efforts of Valencay to get received in England, 637, 638, 640, 641; talk of going to Cambrai, 641; Crequy suspected of favouring, 642.
-, gentleman of. See Biscara.

Masere. See Mazeres.

-, queen presents, 592; king dances in, 593.

Massa, Pompeo, Genoese merchant, 47.

Massarini. See Mazarin.

Master of the Ceremonies:
-, England. See Finet, Sir John.
-, France, 97–98.

Matthew. See ships, names of.

Maurice, Cardinal, Prince of Savoy:
-, Scaglia to be guided by, 521; Wake speaks of, 533; Wake wants instructions how to treat, 534.
-, sends for Scaglia, 537; sends Macerata to Scaglia, 550; Wake communicates with, about reconciliation with Venice, 553.
-, orders Scaglia to return, 556; Scaglia on bad terms with, 558; Scaglia afraid of, 580.
-, gets Wake to move about reconciliation with Venice, 593.
-, Treasurer of. See Mazzerata.

Maurienne, la Muriana [Savoie, France]:
-, La Force has leave to take troops by, 283.

Mauritio, Secretary:
-, to accompany Rusdorf to England, 479; arrival in England, 488; departs in a hurry, 493.
-, back at Hague, goes on to Rhenen, 497.

Maximilian. Duke of Bavaria:
-, interest in Palatinate, 29, 44, 57, 69, 275, 291, 307; passport for Lady Wake does not arrive, 33.
-, Spaniards do not want to have their places in Palatinate, 93, 113.
-, England cannot defend Palatinate against, 137; France may induce to restore Palatinate, 143.
-, asks for help, 208; incensed against France, 244; unlikely to surrender Palatinate, 258.
-, French unwilling to offend, 262; Palatinate given to, to defend Austria, 267.
-, Spanish negotiations with, about Palatinate, 283, 293, 297; ambassador from at Madrid, 301, 313.
-, pope would rather see Elector than Palatine, 296; Chateauneuf would like to use as counterpoise to Austria, 311.
-, Palatine ready for concessions to, 313; difficulty of inducing to relinquish Palatinate, 324, 328; not gone to Ratisbon, 371.
-, would rather see Palatine restored than Spaniards there, 396; at Ratisbon, 400.
-, Spanish manœuvres against, 411; will only restore Palatinate on conditions, 418, 419.
-, playing with French, 426; opinion of, at Imperial Court, 427; House of Austria becoming more jealous of, 491.
-, French supporting against Palatine, 509; French offer to Palatine about, 525.
-, will not give up portion of Palatinate, 528; Spain to induce to give up portion, 539, 567.
-, Leon reports views of, 547; league with France, 547, 556, 560.
-, France might get good terms from for Palatine, 548; French want chosen King of Romans, 571.
-, tries to get Sweden to acknowledge neutrality, 561, 600; emperor bound to please, 567.
-, possible deal with Sweden, 575; French may impede recovery of Palatinate in interests of, 588.
-, likely to deceive France, 595; useless to try and detach from Austria, 604, 642; alienated from France, 606.
-, agreement with France, 600; Gustavus invades dominions, 611; English call deceiver of the French, 612; consideration of France for, 615.
-, hope of Swedish conquests from, 616, 619; English animosity against, 619.
-, suspected accommodation with Sweden, 627, 629.

Maxwell, Robert, Earl of Nithsdale:
-, sent friar Weston to France, 1n, 3.

May, Sir Humphrey, Vice Chamberlain:
-, attends Privy Council, 243.

Mayence, Mainz [German Empire]:
-, Gustavus takes, 574; Palatine goes to join Gustavus at, 580, 481.
-, agreement between France and Bavaria made at, 600.
-, Archbishop Elector of. See Wambold, Anselm Casimirvon.

Mayenne, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Ferdinand.

Maynard, William, Lord:
-, puts down riot in Essex, 45n.

Mazarin, Massarini, Mazzarini, Giulio:
-, sent to Mantua, 189; duke's reply to, 195; fails to obtain armistice, 197; labours hard for armistice, 217.
-, goes to Rome, 239; may go to Richelieu, 254; Savoy suspects, 256; finds Richelieu determined, 283; remains at Paris, 621.

Mazeres, Masere [Ariege, France]:
-, Huguenot stronghold, 91.

Mazzerata, Macerata, treasurer of Cardinal Maurice:
-, proceeds to England, 542; arrives, 550.

Meaux, Meos, M. de, Sieur de la Ramée, M. della Rame:
-, sent to Crequy, 246; sent to England by Orleans, 493; short stay, 494.

Meaux [Seine et Marne, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 533, 537.

Mecklenburg, German Empire:
-, Wallenstein fears restoration of rightful lords in, 211, 255; Sweden hopes to enter by Lubeck, 437.
-, Duke of. See Adolphus Frederick.

Medici, Ferdinand II, de', Grand Duke of Tuscany:
-, gets no satisfaction for ships seized, 115; proposal to sound about reprisals on English, 116.
-, proposed French support for, 125.
-, Imperialists try to get money from, 274; sends reinforcements to Spinola, 335.
-, arming ships, 395.
-, -, Giuliano de', Archbishop of Pisa, 395.
-, -, Mary de'. See Mary de' Medici.
-, -, Don Pietro:
-, ship building for, 395.

Mediterranean Sea, 638.
-, Marquis Santa Cruz sent to, 66; French fleet reported to have entered, 354.
-, resentment of Venice at Digby's exploits in, 452.

Meiseld, ? Maienfeld [Grisons, Switzerland], 88.

Meldrum, a Scot:
-, arrest of, 523n.

Melun [Seine et Marne, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 189, 196, 203, 214.

Memmingen, Meminghen, Bavaria, 155.

Memoransi. See Henry II, Duke of Montmorency.

Mendes, Mendez, Antonio and Simon, of Almeida:
-, goods in Jonas, 144, 166.
-, -, Luis:
-, goods in Jonas, 144, 165.

Menesier, secretary of Chateauneuf, 130.

Mennes, Captain John, of the Adventure, 121n.
-, lands Marquis Villa at Dunkirk, 73n.

Meos. See Meaux.

Meplisdem. See Mapplisden.

Merchant Adventurers, Company of:
-, obstinate against paying duties, 45.

merchants, 80, 231, 425, 490.
-, news received by, 28, 360, 391, 494, 503, 507.
-, asked to buy woollen goods, 67, 68n; dealt with separately about duties, 75.
-, Venice wants to buy gunpowder from, 197.
-, at Constantinople, 237.
-, demands for hire of ships, 249.
-, Coloma grants passports to trade, 290.
-, dealings with about Venetian levy, 375, 380, 404, 419, 429.
-, reports of, from Spain, 382.
-, will only accept ready money, 395.
-, remittances from Spain to England through, 468; no remittances to Sweden, 582; to make such remittances, 602.
-, English cloth trade arranged to satisfaction of, 511.
-, Dutch:
-, unwilling to suffer further delay in redemption of crown jewels, 180.
-, Flemish petition about salt fish, 288.
-, English, 474.
-, unwilling to pay customs, 7, 19, 29, 44; some rich willing to pay if trade opened with Spain, 45.
-, Venice suggests reprisals against because of Digby, 11; not paid for corn sent to Villefranche, 15.
-, progress with, about customs, 56; efforts to keep disposed to trade, 105.
-, says Denmark means to seize ships in Sound, 143; will be protected against Venetian reprisals, 153.
-, not to buy goods at Villefranche, 181; Soranzo treats with to buy wheat, 202, 207, 208.
-, apply for relief against French privateering, 206; flee from Aleppo, 216.
-, king grants trading privileges to, 225; report of armistice from, 279.
-, captured by Spaniards at St. Christopher, 242.
-, petition about salt fish, 288; refuse Venetian letters of credit, 360, 361, 390.
-, currant trade, with Ionian Islands, 322, 323.
-, complaints about Dutch over cloth trade, 421; arrange to transmit money from Spain to Flanders, 458.
-, may not accept terms of Anglo-Spanish peace, 459; Dutch disgusted with, 472.
-, petition about salt fish, 460; prejudiced by More's failure at Constantinople, 473, 498; claim to make jointly responsible for More, 483, 488.
-, required to give full return of ships at, 521, 522.
-, appeal to Bailo for judgment at Constantinople, 532; cut down price of currants, 563, 593, 611.
-, wine duty handed over to, 579; remittance to Scaglia from, 646; remit money to Flanders, 647.
-, Flemish:
-, petition about salt fish, 460.
-, French:
-, claim right to trade freely, 224; ship of seized in England, 312.
-, Venetian, 196, 247, 535, 536.
-, hire English ships, 86, 133; get sentence against English at Aleppo, 107, 138.
-, case of goods in Jonas, 8, 30, 48, 151–153, 157, 159, 160–167, 186.
-, petition about ship taken by English, 176, 190, 198, 228.
-, suffer greatly from competition of French and English at Constantinople, 188.
-, claim to goods on Golden Cock, 243, 266; goods from saetia sold in London, 514.
-, petition for relief in decline of trade, 326.
-, judgment against about Golden Cock, 609.

merchants, names of: Annoni, Arriquez; Ayroli; Aysolli; Baca; Baldi; Beek, Benzio; Bertolotti; Bet; Bicaret; Bonin; Borgo; Bressani; Burlamachi; Calandrini; Cardoso; Carminati; Castagna; Cavana; Chiapara; Chizzali; Corcai; Cornari; Corvari; Cravario; Debin; Dubois; Durazzi; Enriquez; Flangino; Franchi; Gaceau; Galli; Giamiro; Gomez; Griswell; Guanil; Hals; Harvie; Hobson; Hoste; Lardone; Laretta; Lopes; Luna; Mali; Massa; Mendez; Messa; Mon; More; Nani; Negroni; Nelli; Nis; Orlandini; Pagliacarne; Palazzuoli; Panesi; Pompeo; Pozzo; Previo; Ramirio; Retino; Rycaut; Sagnini; Salvatori; Salvioni; Saravia; Simes; Simonds; Spence; Spinola; Taliacarne; Ugolet; Valdauren; Valle; Vanuffle; Vassallo; Villaloni; Villanial; Villa Vitoza; Vrian; Zaretta.

Merode, Meroda, John, Count of:
-, occupies Grisons, 88, 92, 100, 110, 124; goes to Milan, 173.
-, to lead vanguard into Italy, 175; to occupy Valtelline, 182.

Merz. Franz von, Colonel Mars, 625.

Mesmes, Claude de, Sieur d'Avaux, d'Avo, French ambassador at Venice, 89.
-, Rowlandson reports office, 28; demand in Collegio, 30; asks about peace with England, 49.
-, complaints about Digby, 60.
-, declares France will help Italy, 80; assertions, 100; office in name of nuncio, 571.
-, office for reconciliation of France and Savoy, 601; reports that chancellor of Milan not going to Venice, 619.

Mesmin, French ambassador to Swiss:
-, virtually imprisoned by imperialists, at Chur, 92, 114, 127.

Messa, Pompeio, merchant.
-, goods in Jonas, 165.

Messia, Don Diego:
-, at meeting at palace, 209; reported appointment as governor of Milan, 569.

Metaxa, Archbishop:
-, anonymous charges against, 72.

Metz [Lorraine], 619.
-, Louis marches towards, 571.
-, dispatches dated at, 577, 578, 581, 583.

Meuse, River, port of the [Netherlands]:
-, dispatch dated at, 577.

Mexico, Gulf of:
-, Dutch cruising in, 29.

Michael Romanov, Tsar of Russia, the Muscovite:
-, contemplates war on Poland, 541, 545, 551.

Michelbourg, Duke of:
-, successes of, 441.

Milan [Prov, Milano, Italy], 148, 209.
-, Cordova taxes heavily, 22; money sent to from Spain, 26; Spinola to go to, 42.
-, grain sent from Genoa to, 80; forces in Grisons supplied from, 110.
-, Magnolo goes to, 89; Cordova and Spinola leave, 172; Merodi goes to, 173.
-, Spinola deposits money at, 175; Scappi sent to, 189; Rowlandson stayed at, 210.
-, papal ministers set out for, 254; troops for, 274; proposed disarmament, 283.
-, castle, 124, 175.
-, Chancellor of:
-, not going to Venice, 619, 631.
-, Governor of. See Cordova, Gonzales de; Figueroa, Gomez Suarez de, Duke of Feria.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives at, 12.
-, news from, 66, 560.
-, Savoyard minister at, 313.

Milander, Colonel:
-, fight with Imperialists, 346.

Milanese, State of Milan, 234.
-, Philip means to increase forces in, 23; troops gathering in, 26, 42, 80, 88, 92; French could have taken, 28.
-, danger of total loss, 42; German troops for, 59; entering, 182, 189.
-, Spinola to command troops in, 66, 109; Leopold sends troops to, 109; Spinola in, 167, 175, 179.
-, supplies Merode's troops, 124, 135; Venice refuses to invade, 292, 294.
-, Wake wants French to attack, 299; suspected French designs on, 564.
-, troops from Naples for, 604.

-, of Ireland, reduced, 95.

-, Crequy at, 320.

million, 336.
-, of gold, 225, 275.

Minden [Westphalia, German Empire]:
-, Denmark abandons claim to bishopric, 119; Landgrave of Hesse said to have taken, 561.

Mirabel, Marquis of. See Toledo y Davila, Antonio de.

Mirandola [Prov. Bologna, Italy]:
-, Germans billeted at. 261.
-, Duke of. See Pico, Alessandro.

mirrors. See looking glasses.

Mitte, Melchior, de Miolans, Marquis of St. Chaumont, Sansciomon, 626.
-, sent as ambassador extraordinary to England, 623; arrival and first audience, 624.
-, calls on Gussoni, departs, 625; writes to Fontenay from Calais, 627; English response to mission, 634.
-, to be employed in military capacity, 645.

Mocenigo, Alvise, Venetian ambassador in Spain, 66.
-, despatches, 5, 16, 41, 60, 79, 107, 123, 133, 145, 171, 175, 181, 195, 209, 225, 229, 235, 244, 248, 253, 254, 262, 267, 273, 278, 285, 307, 313n, 322, 326, 332, 333, 336, 340, 345, 354, 364, 370, 375, 383, 400, 405, 413, 438–440, 442, 451, 454, 458, 461, 471, 492, 500, 501, 504, 512, 521, 529, 542.
-, communications with Contarini, 45.
-, communications with Soranzo, 258, 317, 416.
-, visits Cottington, 267; Cottington tells of Scaglia's intrigues, 375, 376.

Modena [Prov. Modena, Italy]:
-, heavy contribution laid on country of, 261.

Modon [Prov. Messenia, Greece]:
-, ship detained at, 194.

Mogenuich. See Moyenvic.

Molin, Francesco, Proveditore of Candia:
-, despatches, 35, 182.

Molin. See Moulin.

Momigliano. See Montmelian.

Mon, John, English merchant:
-, trading at Cephalonia, 60.

Monaco, 23.

-, great scarcity in England, 98, 184, 184, 588, 606.
-, difficulty of raising, 297, 597.
-, projects for raising, in England, 574.
-, copper coinage of Sweden, 94.
-, doubles, 124, 537.
-, ducats, 46, 93, 152, 157, 193, 223, 242, 249, 254, 263, 276, 297, 298, 313, 316, 325, 342, 355, 359, 362, 366, 371, 372, 378, 387, 390, 396, 403, 407, 409, 414, 415, 417, 419, 420, 423–425, 429, 435, 436, 453, 458, 468, 470, 478, 482, 485, 491, 492, 501, 504, 521, 525, 526, 529, 537, 546, 567, 573, 576, 606, 610, 613.
-, ducats di banco, 358, 371, 394.
-, florins, 21, 46, 123, 141, 162, 164, 334, 352, 374, 418, 427, 471, 487, 529, 577, 600, 605, 637.
-, francs, 72, 96, 457, 542.
-, French crowns, 18.
-, gold ducats, 525.
-, lire, 334.
-, pieces of eight, 48.
-, rix dollars, 366, 531.
-, ryals, reals, 26, 51, 60, 63, 138, 173, 229, 237, 247, 323, 377, 473, 481, 552, 579, 593, 594, 647.
-, sequins, 535.
-, thalers, 173.

Monfalcon, —, Savoyard ambassador in France:
-, proposal for armistice rejected, 268, 279.

Monferrat, North Italy, 124, 241.
-, French drive Spaniards out of, 3; Savoy's claims to, 5; Cordova tries to keep hold on, 6.
-, Cordova decides to evacuate, 22; secured by troops under Toyras, 26, 59; idea of depositing, 42.
-, Savoy will not let French enter, 74; Hapsburg ambitions in, 100; imperialist demands, 147.
-, Rubens wants French to withdraw from, 114; in French hands, 125; French raid, 250.
-, engages large Spanish forces, 188; proposals to despoil Mantua of, 197.
-, Savoy annoyed at attack on, 210; effect of attack on French, 211; Spanish progress in, 217.
-, Spaniards offer to withdraw from, 283; French cavalry in, 299; grain sent by, 300.
-, Richelieu's troops in, 302; Savoy hands over places in, as security, 310.
-, Venice deplores Richelieu's delay in going to, 321; Spanish desire for, 348.
-, French to relinquish conquests in, 453; Spaniards to relinquish, 456.

Monsieur. See Gaston, Duke of Orleans.

Monsigot, secretary of Monsieur:
-, Monsieur dismisses, 589.

Montagu, Henry, Earl of Manchester, Lord Privy Seal:
-, attends Privy Council, 243.
-, -, Walter, 372.
-, interference of, endangered peace with France, 1; sent to France with news of prince's birth, 349, 361, 410.
-, expulsion from France, 353; no word from, 369; back from France, 387.
-, sent to justify expulsion of physician, 439; real reason for visit, 440; another explanation, 441.
-, long interviews with Richelieu, 443; Venetian view of negotiations, 455.
-, ambitious of being ambassador to France, 464; no backing for proposals, 466.
-, back in England, 470; treasurer takes up imperfect work, 477.
-, sent back to France, 486; returns with powers for Fontenay, 499.
-, one of party against Weston, 527.

Montanara [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, Duke of Mantua recovers, 261.

Montauban [Tarn et Garonne, France]:
-, Huguenot stronghold, 89, 91; pillaged, 97.

Monte, Balduino dal:
-, inefficiency of, 215, 216.

Montecuculi, Montecucoli, Ernest, Imperialist commander:
-, troops of, 88.

Monterey, Monterei, Count of. See Fonseca, Azvedo, Zuniga y Ulloa, Manuel de.

Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Philip.

Monti, Caesar, papal nuncio in Spain:
-, Cottington received more honour than, 249.

Montmelian, Momigliano [Savoie, France]:
-, Savoy objects to French going by, 282; Louis fortifies, 345; considerable French force left at, 348.

Montmorency, Duke of. See Henry II.

Montpellier [Herault, France]. 24.
-, -, Governor of. See Vallée. Gabriel de la, Marquis of Fossez.

Monzon [Prov. Aragon, Spain]:
-, treaty of, 39, 139, 599.

More, George, merchant:
-, failure at Constantinople, 473, 509, 528, 535; Hagen asks for arrest, 474, 497.
-, arrested, 483; manœuvres, 498.

Morea, Greece:
-, Mufti of, 194; trade with, 594.

Moresini. See Morosini.

Moret, Moretta [Seine at Marne, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 552, 553, 556.

Morgan, Morghen, Sir Charles, Colonel, 249.
-, success in Holstein, 100; returns to Hague, 117; defence of Gluckstat, 119.
-, Joachim asks for troops of, 120; Charles decides to send to Dutch, 126; to be fetched from Gluckstat, 128.
-, sends troops to Dutch, 131; arrives at Hague, with men, 139; Charles will not support troops of, 154; question of England paying troops, 162.
-, sent to garrison Hainem, 167; Joachim wants drafts for, 169.
-, unable to serve Venice, 245, 374; all English troops under, disbanded, 257; Venice wishes to engage, 342, 346; unlikely to consent, 354, 360; Orange considers unsuitable, 366.
-, Conway served under, 362; recommends Wentworth to Venice, 397; wounded in action on Moselle, 635.

Morgere, M. de, gentleman of Princess of Piedmont:
-, sent to visit Queen of England, 185; asks Charles to interpose with France, 191.

Morghen. See Morgan.

Morienne, Giovanni di:
-, sends advices to Fontenay, 399.

Morosini, Moresini, Anzolo, Venetian Councillor, 87.
-, ambassador, 102.
-, -, Zuane, Savio alla Mercanzja, 288, 369, 397.

Morton, secretary to Wake, 292.
-, reaches Turin, 236.

Moselle, River:
-, withdrawal of La Force enables Spaniards to cross, 611; Morgan wounded in action on, 635.

Most Christian. See Louis XIII, King of France.

Moulin, M. du, Molins, Molin, 104.
-, Chateauneuf sends to England, 103, 105; agrees to delay Edmondes, 106; Carleton speaks to of seizure of ships, 114.
-, returning to Chateauneuf, 115.

Moyenvic, Mogenuich, Moianuich, Moyenich [Lorraine], 625.
-, designs of Louis against, 571, 575.

Mulhausen, Alsace:
-, diet of, 399.

Murad IV, Sultan of Turkey, 504.
-, grants catticumaigun to Wyche for ship, 188; demands tribute from Imperialists, 313.
-, writes to Charles for restitution of saetia, 535, 536.
-, forbids export of grain, 573; imposes new duties on silk, 578, 579.

Muriana, la. See Maurienne.

Muscovite, the. See Michael Romanov, Tsar of Russia.

-, movements in, 42; Roe may go ambassador to, 57; Roe may arrange for diversion by, 75.
-, rich fleet from, in England, 223; English levies for, 646.

Musso, Andrea, 238.

Mybais, Dutch correspondent at Calais, 620.