Index: L

Pages 725-731

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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La Charbonniere. See Charbonnière.

La Croix, fort of, near Antwerp:
-, Dutch capture, 641n.

La Croce. See Croce.

La Force, Marquis of. See Caumont, James de.

La Hire. See Hire.

L'Aldringher. See Aldringer.

Lamstergh. See Landsberg.

La Muriana. See Maurienne.

Lando, Captain Gerolamo, 216.

Landrigher. See Aldringer.

Landsberg, Lamstergh [Neumark, Brandenburg]:
-, imperialists withdraw to, 469; King of Sweden takes, 507.

Langerach, Lord of. See Boetzelaer.

Languedoc, France, 77.
-, Guise's force to go to, 12; Wake fears Louis will turn against friends in, 23; Cloisel returns to, 40.
-, advantage of accommodation in, 49; effect of affairs in, on England, 55.
-, Danby alarmed at cost of going to, 76; particulars of Huguenots in, 91; excellence of troops, 92.
-, peace of, 129; growing disturbances in, 644, 646; best French regiments sent to, 645.

Lardone, Pantaleo:
-, goods on Jonas, 144, 165.

Laretta, Battista, merchant:
-, goods laded on Jonas, 193.

La Rochelle. See Rochelle.

La Tremouille. See Tremouille.

Laubespine. See Aubespine.

Laud, William, Bishop of London:
-, Somerset confined in house of, 233; takes part in swearing of Spanish peace, 448.

Laval, Count of. See Tremouille, Frederick de la.

La Valette, Cardinal de. See No-garet, Louis de.
-, -, Chevalier de. See Valette.

La Volta. See Volta.

lead, 152.
-, contract to supply Venice with English, 158.

Lecco [Prov. Como, Italy]:
-, German troops at, 189.

Le Coigneux. See Coigneux.

legates. See Ambassadors, papal legates.

Leghorn, Ligorne [Prov. Livorno, Italy], 198, 231, 488n.
-, value of English capital at, 116.
-, English ships at, 187, 234.
-, English lading wheat for, 237, 261.
-, English trade at, 326, 377, 571; More's failure may prejudice, 473.
-, growing trade of, 376; damages Venetian trade, 474.
-, ships building at, 395.
-, plan to bring wool trade to, 405.
-, papal effort to divert trade from, 447.
-, Driver banished from, for excesses, 462.
-, scant credit of More at, 483.
-, news from, 573.

Leicester, Earl of. See Sidney, Robert.

Leipsig [Saxony, German Empire]:
-, diet of, 507, 524.
-, arrival of Anstruther at, 523; defeat of Tilly at, 555, 560, 561, 574.

Lelio, Signor:
-, letter to, 86.

-, Bey of, 209.

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, James.

Leon, M. de. See Brulart de Leon.

Leopold, Archduke of Austria, 88.
-, takes possession of Valtelline, 109; subjection of Grisons to, 114; claims debt for Valtelline, 253.
-, Palatinate offered to, 267; Swiss refuse to hear envoy, 306.
-, conference with about imperial forces, 361.

Lepanto, Naupaktos [Aetolia, Greece], 174.
-, inferiority of currants of, 377.

Lerma, Duke of. See Sandoval y Rojas.

Let, Harry:
-, jewels and arms at Venice shown to, 299.

-, vote for cost of, 68, 93, 225, 254, 299, 355, 414, 447, 526, 546.

Levant, 7.
-, English ship from, plundered, 213; decline of Venetian trade in, 326.

Levant Co., Turkey Co., 243, 474n, 483, 504.
-, control of affairs in Levant, 7; Wake concerned about affairs of, 210n.
-, fear reprisals by Turks, 231, 242, 262; want goods restored to Turks, 266.
-, send Wandesford to Aleppo, 332; vigorous opposition to Soranzo over Golden Cock case, 480, 524.

Leveneur, Tanneguy, Count of Tillieres:
-, promises restitution of St. Esprit, 1; Friar Weston a familiar of, 53; Moulin secretary of, 103.

Leverdun. See Liverdun.

-, Spence raises in England for Sweden, 7, 10, 19, 21, 31, 43, 96; Spence thanks Charles for, 75.
-, Bathe offers to raise for Venice, 30, 31.
-, from England for Netherlands, 34.
-, by Dutch West India Co., in France and England, 154; Joachim asks leave to make, 169; granted, 170.
-, for Venice in Netherlands, 249, 334, 362, 365, 371, 380, 384, 395, 484, 485, 532.
-, granted by Zurich to French, 255.
-, Scot offers to raise for Venice, 257.
-, of Swiss for French, 306, 313, 323, 341, 343, 352.
-, for Venice in England, 342, 346, 354–358, 360–362, 364–366, 371, 374, 377, 380, 381, 383, 384–394, 396, 397, 399, 403, 404, 407, 408, 412, 414, 417–419, 427, 434, 437.
-, of Rohan for Venice, 349, 366, 367, 369, 374, 379, 381, 387, 430, 431, 495.
-, for Spaniards, in England, 368, 453, 464, 482, 484, 506.
-, in England for Sweden, 406, 422, 471, 487, 494, 516, 523, 525–527, 529, 531, 532, 539, 550, 565, 568, 615.
-, in Scotland for Sweden, 411.
-, in Poland for Sweden, 488.
-, of Louis, 604.
-, for Muscovy, 646.
-, for Dutch, 645, 647.

Leyden [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Palatine's sons studying at, 581.

Leze, Hieronimo da, Savio alla Mercanzia, 174.

Lido, Venice, Italy, 334, 362.

Liège [Prov. Liège, Belgium]:
-, sappers and miners from, for siege of Maastricht, 631; van den Berg reported near, 633; mutiny at, 635.

Lier, William van, Sieur d'Ooster-wijk, Dutch ambassador at Venice:
-, preaching at house of, 405.

Ligorne. See Leghorn.

Lillo [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium], fort of:
-, controls Schelde, 499.

Lindau, Lindo, Wurtemberg, 175.
-, troops ordered to, 88, 147.

Lindsey, Earl of. See Bertie, Robert.

Lingen, Linghen [Prov. Hanover, German Empire]:
-, Dutch contemplate besieging, 223; proposed neutralisation, 618.

Lion. See ships, names of.

Lion's Whelps. See ships, names of.

Lippomano, Venetian councillor, 60.

Lisbon, Portugal, 275.
-, ships laded at, for Venice, 190, 233, 609.
-, Cottington arrives at, 235, 258, 267; honours to Cottington at, 278.
-, goods from, 243; demand for reprisals on English goods at, 313.
-, Scaglia to sail from, 504, 521; fleet sails from, 558.

Lisel. See Yssel.

Little St. Bernard:
-, Louis erects forts at, 361.

Liverdun, Leverdun [Meurthe et Moselle, France]:
-, treaty of, 638.

-, Sweden makes truce with Poles in, 10.

Livron, Henry de, Marquis Villa:
-, in England for Lorraine, 73; sent to oppose French, 319.

Lodi [Prov. Milano, Italy]:
-, Collalto sick at, 211.

Lombardy, Italy:
-, Viceroy of Naples ordered to send help to, 26.
-, Venetian forces in, 59.
-, Venice sends supplies to, 111.
-, constant alarms in, 135.

Lomellina [Prov. Pavia, Italy]:
-, troops quartered in, 182; French defeat Spaniards near, 250.

London, 72, 145, 226, 236, 365–367, 373, 396, 409, 411, 414, 418, 439, 455, 458, 488, 525, 531.
-, despatches dated at, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, 30, 31, 36, 37, 52, 54, 56, 57, 63, 68, 70, 76, 78, 83, 85, 96, 99, 103, 105, 112, 114, 116, 121, 127, 129, 138, 144, 151, 153, 157, 164, 171, 180, 186, 193, 201, 202, 208, 214, 222, 225, 228, 233, 241, 243, 244, 252, 260, 266, 273, 277, 281, 285, 293, 296, 299, 302, 303, 306, 310, 312, 316, 318, 322, 325, 329, 332, 336, 340, 345, 348, 351, 354, 358, 360, 362, 364, 369, 375, 380, 382, 387, 391, 393, 394, 399, 405, 417, 422, 426, 431, 433, 437, 442, 444, 447, 450, 454, 458, 465, 468, 470, 477, 479, 482, 486, 492, 495, 497, 500, 503, 508, 511, 516, 524, 528, 532, 535, 538, 541, 546, 551, 555, 559, 562, 566, 569, 571, 576, 580, 582, 586, 589, 591, 593, 597, 598, 600, 603, 605, 607, 609, 610, 613, 615, 617, 619, 621, 623, 624, 626, 628, 631–633, 635, 637–639, 641, 643, 644, 646, 647.
-, letters dated at, 78, 79, 99, 105, 107, 115, 130, 400.
-, average weekly sale of cloth in, 7.
-, proclamation of peace in, 68; arrival of Rubens at, 81; Chateauneuf enters, 121.
-, Charles away from, 122, 300; queen stays on at, 163; Coloma reaches, 262.
-, plague in, 323, 325, 336.
-, king leaving, 325; queen's confinement to take place in, 338; rejoicings in at christening of Prince Charles, 372.
-, rejoicings at peace with Spain, 448; Vane expected in, 464; Charles leaves, 502.
-, goods from saetia sold in, 514; destitute of minsters, 534.
-, trained bands of, turn out for Polish ambassador, 545; Scaglia takes house in, 554.
-, rejoicings at birth of Princess Mary, 562; king and queen return to, 605.
-, St. Chaumont not to stay in, 624; Augier returns to, 639.
-, Bishop of. See Laud, William.
-, cloth. See under cloth, Londons.
-, Lord Mayor of. See Cambell, James.
-, sheriffs of, 68.
-, places in and near:
-, St. Martin's Lane, 478n.
-, St. Paul's, 349.
-, Somerset House, 68.
-, the Tower, 19, 97, 105, 128, 242, 263, 297, 300, 554, 583.
-, Whitehall, 243, 269, 504.
-, Coloma dines with king at, 448.

London. See ships, names of.

Long, Walter, member for Bath:
-, submits to king and released, 212; withdraws pledge and returns to prison, 222.

Longboat. See ships, names of, San Michele Archangelo.

Longjumeau, Marquis of. See Coiffier, Henry de.

looking glasses, mirrors:
-, cargo of, 598.

Lopes, Lopez, Francesco, merchant, 244.
-, -, Gabriel, of Hamburg, merchant, 244.
-, -, Piero, merchant, 244.

Lorisi. See Bertie, Robert, Earl of Lindsey.

Lorraine, 74.
-, ambassador of, at Ratisbon, 434; envoy in England, 485.
-, queen mother may go to, 568; need of French demonstration in, 624, 626.
-, news from, 609.
-, Duchess Dowager of. See Margaret of Savoy.
-, Duke of. See Charles III, Duke of Lorraine.
-, -, Charles de, Duke of Guise:
-, to take force to Languedoc, 12.
-, -, Claude de, Duke of Chevreuse:
-, Charles wants as ambassador, 22; Court not inclined to give embassy to, 39; may come for queen's delivery, 40.

Losado, Don Alonso de, 124.

Louis XIII, King of France, the Most Christian, 13, 15, 54, 77, 90, 98, 106, 599.
-, (1629):
-, Richelieu will induce to accept peace, 2; wants St. Esprit restored, 3; gets Richelieu to write to queen mother about peace, 39.
-, proposes to march on Casale, 6; evacuation of Monferrat stays, 22; remains at Susa, 26; leaves Susa, 41.
-, marching against Huguenots, 9; English hope will give Huguenots peace, 17; well placed, 23.
-, alliance with Venice, 11, 27; need to back for sake of Denmark, 25; Weston roused passions, 40.
-, Charles urges Rohan to come to terms with, 14, 19; Rohan can hope for grace from, 24.
-, Charles approaches for revolted Huguenots, 20; English anxious about reconciliation with Huguenots, 34, 35; goes to make peace at home, 50, 58, 74.
-, Savoy tries to reconcile with Spaniards, 24; angry with Savoy about Cloisel, 32; gives Spaniards time, 51, 73.
-, Contarini tries to remove English suspicions of, 55, 56; Charles advises Rohan to make peace with, 58.
-, Venetian representations to for Huguenots, 59, 101, 102; Huguenots must look to for peace, 84.
-, believed settlement with Huguenots, 60; danger of war with Huguenots to, 68; intentions against Huguenots, 82, 87.
-, English peace increases prestige, 64; makes peace with Huguenots, 118, 124, 134, 142.
-, Philip promises not to molest Mantua, 66; means to help Italy, 80; enterprise of Italy, 89, 92, 93; means to support Mantua, 100.
-, honours Contarini with confidence, 73, 76; letter to Contarini, 78, 79; letter of Contarini to, 78.
-, important for Spaniards to keep busy in France, 89.
-, Charles assured of desire to give Huguenots peace, 91; Anglo-Spanish negotiations discourage Italian enterprise of, 95.
-, English want to take oath to peace, 97, 104, 112; advantage to Huguenots if engaged in foreign war, 109.
-, preparations for Italian expedition, 111; Charles will be guided by action, 113.
-, Spaniards want withdrawal from Italy, 114; means to devote chief attention to Italy, 118.
-, wants English to treat at Paris, 117; Denmark ready to break peace if intervenes with England, 122.
-, unwilling to leave army, 125; character of "the Just," 126; Chateauneuf's representations upon policy, 125–127, 137.
-, grants Rohan leave to go to Venice, 133; Charles promises to co-operate with, 135.
-, desire to satisfy Charles, 140; on good terms with Philip, 143.
-, made peace with England to please friends, 145; Spaniards want English help against, 146.
-, need of intervention in Italy, 147; Savoy abuses clemency, 148; Sabran reports to, 158.
-, efforts to induce to restore Susa, 155, 171, 181; strong enough to bear burden of Italy alone, 157.
-, pardons Rohan and Soubise, 159; Charles anxious to help for public cause, 160.
-, comes to Paris to receive Edmondes, 166; Venetian hopes of action, 167, 173, 191, 197.
-, Wake wants to break with Spaniards, 172; will not abandon Nevers, 180, 192, 197.
-, efforts to keep in dark, 183; dependence on Richelieu, 186.
-, Edmondes dines with, at celebration of peace, 189; Savoy should have good understanding with, 191.
-, sending troops to Italy, 195, 203, 240; may go to Italy any day, 210, 233, 239; means to help Italy, 224, 246.
-, Venetians urge to make war on Austria, 217; example used to stimulate English, 218, 250.
-, Weston asks about proposals, 219; knows nothing of Dutch negotiations for truce, 222.
-, Charles made peace from affection for, 232; Charles wants to intervene for Germany, 239.
-, English jealousy of, 241, 259, 271; Bavaria incensed against, 244; English glad to see committed, 251, 259.
-, troops apply to for money, 255; duty to help Dutch, 260.
-, (1630):
-, means to help Italy, 265, 321; going in person, 288, 329.
-, England doubtful where going, 266, 267; sharp reply to Savoyard ambassador, 268, 279; Savoy has to submit to dictation of, 272.
-, encouragement of disputes with Charles, 273; friendly feeling to England, 280.
-, Venice and Savoy inform of intention to help Mantua, 292; wants to know what to expect from Charles, 294; will not abandon Mantua, 324.
-, empowers Chateauneuf to treat with England for helping allies, 295; Palatine showed lack of respect for, 296.
-, sends Capuchins to London at own expense, 301; esteem for Venice, 305.
-, Chateauneuf would prevent moving against Austrians, 311; will not give back conquests to Savoy, 320; incensed against Savoy, 323.
-, Palatine sends to, for money, 327; Fontenay writes frankly to, 330; ready to defend Palatine, 332.
-, proceeds to Lyons, 327, 335, 337, 339, 341.
-, reconciled with brother, 337.
-, takes Chambery, 342; English report defeat, 343; Richelieu goes to meet, 344.
-, in Savoy, 345; means to relieve Casale, 346; reported negotiations with Savoy, 348; successes of, 349.
-, asked to be godfather to Prince Charles, 349, 355, 361, 369; Wake unfriendly to, 353.
-, report on operations, 352; marching to relieve Casale, 355; eager to relieve Casale, 361.
-, Charles regrets quarrel with Savoy, 364; determined to go to Italy, 365, 371, 398; hopes from action, 372.
-, alliance with Dutch, 374, 382; at peace with Spain, 378; gone too far to draw back, 402.
-, congratulates Charles on birth of prince, 387, 410; will double help to Dutch if English withdraw, 412.
-, withdraws to Lyons, 393, 398, 456; to keep Pinerolo and Susa, 437; peace not likely to please, 441.
-, hopes of helping Sweden, 415; offer to Hamilton, 422; Montagu to congratulate on restored health, 440.
-, Genoese alarmed at demands, 440, 453; English would take advantage of being involved in Italy, 446.
-, assistance to Gonzagas, 448; claims to Geneva as patron of Savoy, 454; confidential overtures with England, 455.
-, (1631):
-, Charles notifies of peace, 460; encourages Dutch, 467; will recover Canada, 478.
-, Charles ready to give satisfaction to, 481; request of pope, 484.
-, Charles says persecuting brother, 490; Olivares hopes to use Charles to make trouble with, 492.
-, Rohan has leave of, for levy for Venice, 495; peace of Cherasco satisfactory to, 499.
-, Jars obtains pardon from, 527; Charles informs of despatch of Hamilton, 532.
-, Lonjumeau waiting for pardon from, 535; Wake satisfies about supposed levy for Monsieur, 537.
-, Henrietta thinks ought to dismiss Richelieu to please mother, 538; Charles not inclined to mediate between, and mother, 542.
-, only wants England to abstain from doing mischief, 543; Dutch will not make truce if helped by, 544.
-, Henrietta resents interference in household, 545; away from Paris, 546.
-, union with Bavaria, 547; takes possession of Pinerolo, 557, 558, 560, 563; Casale given to, 569.
-, suspicions of Savoy, 563; Vendome anxious to show loyalty to, 566, 571.
-, wants to keep bridle on Spaniards, 564.
-, (1632):
-, approaches frontier of Germany, 575, 580; supposed designs on imperial crown, 575; English fear of injuring Palatine, 582.
-, assurances to, about queen mother, 581, 585; Cogneut and Monsigot hateful to, 589.
-, talk of union with Sweden, 584, 588; negotiations with Sweden, 592; cordial relations with Gustavus, 604.
-, effects understanding between Bavaria and Saxony, 595; promised subsidy to Dutch, 600.
-, opinions on return to Versailles, 596; numerous levies raised by, 604, 607.
-, Bavaria's policy with, 606; means to be armed for all eventualities, 608.
-, letter to Charles on conclusion of accommodation, 609, 615; promotes negotiations with Sweden for neutrality, 612.
-, money for sister's dowry, 613; secret negotiations with Dutch, 614, 617.
-, Angouleme awaiting commands, 617; journey to Picardy, 620, 621; goes to Calais, 622, 623, 625; returns to Amiens, 623.
-, sends St. Chaumont to England, 624; Gussoni to find out designs, 625.
-, need of agreement with Lorraine, 626; growing strength of, 627; Lorraine behaves ill to, 632.
-, urges Charles to recall Anstruther, 628; concessions by Lorraine to, 634, 635, 638.
-, does not want mother to go to England, 638; Spaniards want English help with, about mother, 640.
-, decision about Germany welcomed in England, 643, 644; will easily extinguish rebellion, 645.

Louis Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg:
-, emperor asks to call diet, 255; promises to declare himself, 300.

Louis Philip, brother of Frederick V, Elector Palatine:
-, deputy of at diet of Ratisbon, 412; imperialists willing to restore possessions, 413.

Louise Juliana, widow of Frederick IV, Elector Palatine of the Rhine:
-, imperialists willing to restore possessions to, 413.

Low Countries. See Netherlands.

Lubeck, German Empire:
-, merchants of cannot send copper to Spain, 28.
-, commissioners leave, 66; Danish deputies at, reserved to Anstruther, 71.
-, commissioners at, sketch peace, 111, 112, 141; peace arranged at, 118, 119.
-, Sweden hopes to enter Mecklenburg through, 437.
-, diet of, 284.
-, news from, 500.

Luces, Cavalier Samson, an Englishman:
-, Venetian jewels and armoury shown to, 286.

Luna, Rodrigo, of Oliverno, merchant, 244.

Luneburg, Lunemburgh:
-, troops of, 88.

-, offered to Wallenstein, 283.

Lusers. See Luzarches.

-, Eggenberg goes to see emperor at, 59.
-, troops of, 88; troops from defeated, 595.
-, Monsieur reaches, 585; Santa Cruz cannot spare troops for, 590.
-, French withdraw from, 607.
-, governor of. See Emden, Count of.

Luzarches, Lusers [Seine et Oise, France]:
-, Edmondes to be met at, 97.

Lyons [Rhone, France]:
-, Richelieu at, 268, 283; Louis going to, 327, 335, 337, 341; Louis withdraws to, 393, 398.
-, queen mother at, 360; Fontenay sends secretary to, 425.
-, despatches dated at, 361, 412, 417, 419.
-, Archbishop of. See Duplessis, Alfonse Louis de.