Index: I

Pages 718-722

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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-, Danish claims regarding, 604.

imperial ban:
-, to be issued against Duke of Mantua, 173.
-, revocation of against Palatine, 328, 400, 423, 431, 432; Charles will insist on removal, 378, 523; promised removal of, 539.

imperialists, 509.
-, plan of campaign against, 10; Rowlandson tells Senate of movements, 87, 88.
-, mean to master Grisons, 92, 93; want French out of Italy, 100; descent on Switzerland, 114.
-, Rostock and Wismar give command of Baltic, 105; Morgan's successes against, 119.
-, turning against Italy, 118, 127; designs against Venice, 138; Dutch mean to use strength against, 146.
-, Venice represents encroachments of to Charles, 147; Spaniards not jealous of, 148.
-, Susa to be pledge for withdrawal, 155; mean to keep Venice and Dutch occupied, 162.
-, ravage Holland, cruelty, 167; Chateauneuf believes will attempt nothing, 169, 170.
-, hasten march of troops, 173, 182; mean war, 183.
-, increased numbers descending into Italy, 195; Dutch and Hungary cause anxiety to, 197.
-, no further progress, 203; Wake wants to learn strength of forces, 210; in the Veluwe, 223.
-, attack on Mantua, 212, 216, 226, 230, 235, 236, 238, 246, 249, 250, 254.
-, Venetian representations against ambitions, 232; hope to profit by negotiation, 239.
-, incensed against Venice, 240; Spaniards urge to attack Champagne, 251.
-, Mazarin goes to get corn for, 256; English hope will render Richelieu's Italian campaign fruitless, 259.
-, retire, 261; fortify Goito, 267; in difficulties, 274; increase forces, 283, 286.
-, will encourage mistrust between Denmark and Sweden, 277.
-, lack of success in Transylvania, 302; Sultan demands tribute from, 313.
-, Venetians move against in Mantua, 319; menace to Mantua, 324; army in Mantovano, 341.
-, sanguinary fights with, 346; Venetian engagements with, 355, 393.
-, conference about forces in Germany and Italy, 361; Sweden defeats, 457, 469.
-, willing to restore to Palatine's brother and mother, 413; collapse of Rusdorf's negotiations with, 435.
-, will do nothing for Palatine, 493; Gustavus routs, 500; reported raising of siege of Magdeburg, 507.
-, Charles will not trust again if ban not removed, 523; besieging Krossen, 524.
-, armies reinforced, 533; will not give up Mantua, 549; reported defeat in Silesia, 559.
-, gathering of forces prevented, 561; send Alix to England, 567.
-, danger of troops under Wallenstein to Gustavus, 591; reported loss of Heidelberg, 595.
-, Denmark unlikely to come out against, 604; Cordova goes to help in Palatinate, 625.
-, claim advantages in Germany, 636; Denmark may have understanding with, 637; expected news of fight with Swedes, 641.
-, commissioners of, 71.
-, idea of depositing Casale and Monferrat with, 42; impracticable proposals, 44; more moderate, 56, 67, 69, 74.
-, sign peace, 112; Casale in hands of, 444.

India, East. See East India.

India Co., West. See West India Co.

Indies, 322, 405, 639.
-, ships from reach England, 223.
-, English and Dutch monopolising trade, 253.
-, reported fight of Dutch and Spanish in, 316.
-, Joachim suggests naval action in, 347; Spaniards hope to use English ships against Dutch in, 363.
-, Spaniards will not allow English trade in, 432; Dutch ship from seized in England, 607.
-, East. See East Indies.
-, West. See West Indies.

indigo, 244.

Infant of Spain. See Balthasar; Ferdinand, Cardinal.

Infanta. See Isabella Clara Eugenia.
-, - of Spain. See Maria.

Ireland, 174, 196.
-, Bath belongs to leading family of, 30; Danby's service in, 36.
-, rising in, 281, 285; ships sent to defend coasts against pirates, 534.
-, Lord Deputy of. See Cary, Henry, Viscount Falkland.

-, very fine troops, 31; Council meets to regulate militia, 95.
-, paid off by Dutch, 246; levies for Dutch, 645.
-, priests in Coloma's household, 271.
-, levies escape from shipwreck, 437.
-, troops, Spaniards send to Namur, 583.

-, exported from papal states, 447.

Isabella, Queen of Spain:
-, Coloma brought no letter from for Henrietta, 269; Carlisle wants Henrietta to send to, 291; letters to Henrietta, 303; Charles proposes health, 448.
-, chief steward of. See Gandia, Duke of.

Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archduchess of Austria, ruler of the Netherlands, the Infanta, 36, 467, 628.
-, deputies meet Dutch about exchange of prisoners, 70; supports Spinola in desire for truce with Dutch, 99.
-, courier sent to, about Rubens, 154; may want to keep Coloma, 178.
-, Charles thanks about St. Christopher, 262; Coloma presents letters from, 269.
-, orders release of Hudson, 316; grants passports for Vane and Rusdorf, 337.
-, cavalier ransomed by, 383; useful offices of, 400; Joachim remonstrates against levies for, 416.
-, activities of, for peace, 433; officers in England for levies, 446, 453, 464.
-, talk of Vane going to confer with, 455; Rusdorf reports wish to fight Dutch, 457.
-, English levies for stopped, 482; permission for levy, 484.
-, Charles wants to restore Dutch ship, 487; sends Vesterlou to England, 499.
-, raises money by poll tax, 494; invites Charles to take Frankenthal in deposit, 583, 594.
-, expects million and a half from Spain, 590; displeased about Count of Emden, 591.
-, grants troops to Monsieur against French, 607.
-, fears attack from French and Dutch, measures of defence, 614, 620, 625, 636; fresh offers to Orange, 618.
-, favours to Monsieur, 626; writes about Anstruther's recall, 628; does not approve of Antwerp providing its own defence, 630.
-, commanders mutiny, 635; Fleming's appeal to for relief, 637; not disposed to grant troops to Valencay, 645.

Isel. See Yssel.

Italy, 8, 36, 76, 126, 173, 201, 203, 239, 245, 252, 264, 292, 295, 320, 333, 342, 344, 370, 374, 388, 415, 548, 622, 638.
-, news from, 28, 186, 242, 319, 352, 354, 363, 456, 492, 501, 553, 601, 639.
-, no news from, 19, 423, 593, 598, 621, 643.
-, (1629):
-, despatches from seized, 3; reported adjustment in, 9; unlikely, 22.
-, North encouraged by diversion, 9; expedition of Louis to, 11, 12; Louis will not abandon, 27.
-, advantage of troubles to Germany, 19; hopes of Palatine from diversion, 29.
-, Spinola to attend to, 23; advantage of Anglo-French peace to, 34; France turning attention to, 35.
-, Anglo-French peace announced in, 39; Richelieu does not abandon, 41; Spain objects to France interfering in, 42.
-, English do not expect much from French in, 51; affair of Huguenots danger to, 55.
-, Wallenstein ready to send troops to, 59; not know how much reliance may be placed on wars of, 65; North losing hope of diversion in, 73.
-, Spinola to remain in, 66; war in anticipated with arrival of Spanish plate fleet, 68.
-, influences Spanish policy about Palatinate, 74; Mantua expects Princes of to declare against Spaniards, 79.
-, Spaniards place before everything else, 80; not much thought of adjusting affairs, 81.
-, Contarini points out advantage of diversion of, 82, 94, 96; Spaniards intend hard blow against, 85, 109.
-, peace with Huguenots would free Louis for, 89, 90, 102; Louis will help against imperialists, 111, 118, 142.
-, soldiers of Guienne and Languedoc resemble, 92; reported adjustment in, 95.
-, Wallenstein going to, 100, 110; Spinola to command forces in, 109.
-, danger of Danish peace to, 113; Rubens' opinion of, 114; Jonas case offence to all, 116.
-, affairs would help Denmark, 119, 129; Doncaster's tour in, 123; Swedish diversion will help, 132.
-, imperialists mean to have French out of, 124, 155; progress of imperial forces in, 127.
-, Spanish squadron for, 133; Austrian ambitions in, 134, 140, 147; pass open into for German troops, 135.
-, need of prompt succour for, 148; Spaniards put affairs of first, 155; Venice represents affairs of to Charles, 156, 160.
-, Louis will bear burden of alone, 157; Spinola taking money to, 158; imperialists advance on, 167, 195.
-, Chateauneuf does not believe in imperialist attack on, 169; Richelieu's reason for persuading Louis' descent on, 171.
-, Spinola cannot prevent Germans entering, 175; Venice wants French help for, 176, 191.
-, England to guarantee Savoy will give France passage through, 181; Soranzo and Gussoni kept advised about, 183, 204.
-, Venetian ambassadors discuss affairs with Richelieu, 189; Austrian preparations for war in, 192.
-, Spaniards want free hand for war in, 209; Louis likely to set off for, 210, 233.
-, Spaniards value above Flanders, 211; Spaniards mean to have French out of, 212.
-, advices of sent regularly, 215; peril of, 218; French mean to help, 224, 240, 246, 250.
-, French do not want war in, 230; Venice wants French intervention in, 232.
-, imperialists determined on war in, 236; English reckless about, 241; Richelieu sent to, 251, 265; English attitude about, 259.
-, (1630):
-, French mean to help, 265; Louis will go to in person, 288.
-, German troops for, 267.
-, plight of, 271; need of uniting against Spaniards in, 272; Spaniards devote chief attention to, 274, 287.
-, England not well disposed about, 276; Spanish intentions if things go badly in, 278.
-, Wake sceptical of French action in, 282; diversion in affords opportunity to Denmark and Sweden, 284.
-, France and Venice will do what required for, 294; Soranzo tells Charles about, 298.
-, effect of peace in, 299; Venetian efforts in interests of, 305, 378.
-, Anglo-Spanish negotiations depend on events in, 307; reported French defeat in, 310.
-, French open communications with, 318; Austria raises new forces against, 323.
-, Leghorn distributes English goods through, 326; English curious for news of, 328.
-, all German preparations directed against, 327; Wallenstein supplies troops against, 329.
-, war in, an accident, 331; English hope to see French mishap in, 343; English desire to see more embroiled, 347, 364.
-, imperial forces in, 361; Louis determined to go to, 365, 371; and to defend, 398.
-, misrepresentations about in England, 372; England's great interest in, 380.
-, electors meet to foment war in, 413; diversion of, 421; France occupied with, 432, 446.
-, Dutch awaiting events in, 433; peace of may injure French, 434.
-, peace settled at Ratisbon, 436, 438, 441, 444, 447, 554.
-, Dutch opinion of war in, 445; Spaniards think of making peace of, fleeting, 459.
-, (1631):
-, hollowness of Spanish pretences about, 460; Dutch alarmed at what may happen in, 461.
-, progress towards peace, 481, 494; Venetian appeal to Charles about, 484; Charles asks about, 490, 557.
-, report of peace in, 499, 503; pass for French into, 505; how news of reaches England, 515.
-, way to prevent Spaniards from troubling, 533; Spanish attention diverted in, 544.
-, Scaglia does not believe in peace in, 549; Scaglia unlikely to return to, 558.
-, Spaniards unlikely to make further trouble in, 560; prospect of more bitter war in, 564.
-, Fontenay's account of affairs in, 569; Palatinate joins with Flanders, 583.
-, (1632):
-, France and Spain conspire to control, 599; embassies from emperor to Princes of, 604.
-, Carlisle talks of, 613; Swedish conquests up to passes into, 625.