Index: Q, R

Pages 383-385

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Quirini, Carlo, master of a Venetian galley, 52.

-, Vincenzo, Doctor, Venetian ambassador to Philip of Castile, 871.

-, -, -, -, letters from, 842–851, 853–865, 867, 869, 870, 872–875, 877–886.

-, -, -, his report, 890.

-, -, ambr. to Germany, 896.


Ragusa, 806.

Raimondo, Monsieur. See Soncino.

Rapundis, Dino de, 150.

Ravenna, Italy, 86.

Ravenstein (Rebesten), M. Philip, 552.

Rawlyns, William, clothier of Sandwich, 238.

Raymond of England, his suit against Agnes of Marseilles, 2.

-, his son Giles, 2.

Raymondo, Donato, Venetian, at London, 317.

Reading, Berkshire, 395, 869.

Rebesten. See Raven stein.

Renaldi, Dom. Luca de, ambr. from the Emperor to Venice, 923.

Renedo, Borgo de, Castile, 885.

Revetone, Stevene de, of Southampton, 18.

Rhenish money, 923, 929.

Rhine, the, 598, 599, 603.

-, -, Count Palatine of, 598, 599, 603.

Rhodes, 10, 569, 805.

-, attacked by a Venetian fleet, 397.

-, besieged by the Turks, 493.

-, letters dated at, 489, 518.

-, knights of, 475, 533, 534.

-, convent of the knights of, 452.

-, Grand Master of, his envoy to England, 99.

-, -, Pedro Raimondo Zacosta, his disputes with Venice, 397.

-, -, -, his embassy to Turkey, 397.

-, -, 452.

-, -, Pierre d'Aubusson, 522.

-, -, -, letter from, 489.

-, -, -, his ambr. at Venice and Rome. See Kendal, Sir John.

-, -, ambrs. from, to Venice and England, 912, 913.

-, Turcopolier of, Sir Peter Holt, 166.

-, -, See Kendal.

Rialto, 264.

-, proclamation on the steps at, 278, 565.

Riario, Girolamo, 467.

Richard II., King of England, 110, 128, 140, 165 (note).

-, -, his envoy to Venice, 95.

-, -, his safeconduets for Venetian galleys, 118, 125, 130.

Richard, Duke of Gloucester, brother of King Edward IV., in Burgundy, 373, 375.

-, -, proposed marriage with a French Princess, 404.

-, -, accompanies Edward IV. to France, 440.

-, -, invades Scotland, 483.

-, III., King of England, 487, 493, 495, 509.

-, -, his ambassador to Rome, Pp. of St. David's, 486.

-, -, -, Bp. of Durham, 488.

-, -, presents from Venice to, 492.

-, -, death of his consort, Queen Anne, 496.

-, -, killed at Bosworth Field, 501, 725.

-, -, letters from, 486, 488, 490.

-, -, letter to, 496.

Richmond, 867, 870, 887.

-, Castle, letter dated at, 866.

-, and Derby, Countess of. See Margaret.

-, herald, Roger Machado, sent to France, 751, 778.

Rieux. (Rios), Maréchal de, Breton ambassador to France, 592.

Rimini, Italy, 841, 936.

-, -, Lord of, Pandolfo Malatesta, 837.

-, -, bailiff of, 892.

Rinuccini, Alessandro, Florentine, at London, 321.

Risley, Sir John, English ambassador to France, 556.

Rivers, Earl of, Richard Widvill, with Henry VI. at Newcastle, 374.

-, -, tenders obedience to Edward IV., 385.

-, -, -, his son Anthony. See Scales, Lord de.

-, -, -, his son Richard de Widvill, 385.

-, -, -, his daughter Elizabeth married to Edward IV., 395.

-, -, Anthony Angre, Lord Scales, goes to Rome, 448.

-, -, robbed of his jewels, 454, 455.

Robert, an Englishman in Italy, 532.

Rodigo, Italy, 61.

Roger, Sir, of the English company in Italy, 61.

Rohan, Monsieur de, of Britanny, 560, 776.

-, -, claims the duchy of Britanny, 735.

Rolls, Master of the. See Williams, Sir David;

Warham, William;

London, Bp. of.

Romagna, the, 837, 841.

-, -, barons of, 86.

Romans, King of the, Maximilian I., commonly called Emperor of Germany, 535, 592, 598, 603, 675, 704, 743, 772, 773, 785, 786, 820, 845, 854, 856, 880, 911, 924. See Austria, Archduke of.

-, -, -, embassy to, from England, 550.

-, -, -, makes peace with England, 551.

-, -, -, his ambassadors to France and Britanay, 556, 574, 580, 585, 587, 589, 590, 591.

-, -, -, proposed interview with the French King, 558, 563, 587.

-, -, -, ambr. to, from France, 563.

-, -, -, at war with France, 586, 613, 617, 637.

-, -, -, makes peace with France, 630, 631, 633.

-, -, -, Venetian ambassadors to, 641, 679, 718, 728, 730, 836, 894, 895, 896, 927. See Contarini, Zacharia;

Trevisano, Benetto.

-, -, -, Scotch ambassadors to, 643, 644, 645, 647.

-, -, -, at war with Guelders, 644, 648, 830.

-, -, -, favours Perkin Warbeck, 644, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 664, 677.

-, -, -, his ambr. to Venice, 648.

-, -, -, calls a diet, 648, 701.

-, -, -, Milanese ambrs. to, 652, 665, 669, 684, 696, 702, 706.

-, -, -, Spanish ambrs. to, 652, 656, 660, 665, 690, 692, 696, 702.

-, -, -, negotiating against France, 653.

-, -, -, ambr. to, from Naples, 655, 665, 690.

Romans, King of the, Maximilian I.—com.

-, -, -, urged to admit England into the Holy League, 657, 660, 666, 668, 674.

-, -, -, English ambr. to, 661, 679. See Egremont.

-, -, -, his ambrs. to England, 664, 666, 671, 672, 681, 684.

-, -, -, fresh English ambrs. to, 690, 692. See Urswick, Christopher.

-, -, -, empowers the Spanish ambr. in England to receive Henry VII. into the League, 693, 696.

-, -, -, urged to invade France, 695, 697.

-, -, -, recognizes Henry VII.'s entrance into the League, 712, 714, 722, 723, 725.

-, -, -, embassy to, from Britanny, 778.

-, -, -, from England, 778, 788, 789, 791, 796.

-, -, -, sends his secretary to England, 789, 791.

-, -, -, another English embassy to, 830.

-, -, -, his league with Henry VII., 831, 833, 872.

-, -, -, his ambr. to England, Hermarich, 848.

-, -, -, proposed league with Castile, England, and Scotland, 861.

-, -, -, his ambr. to England, Archbp. of Treves, 862, 863.

-, -, -, ambr. to, from Ferdinand of Arragon, 870.

-, -, -, his ambr. to England, Sigismund Frauenberg, 896.

-, -, -, his league with France against Venice, 915, 918, 920, 922, 945.

-, -, -, his ambr. to Venice, 923.

-, -, -, Venice negotiating with, 926, 927, 928, 929, 936.

-, -, -, letter to, 600.

-, -, -, his daughter. See Savoy, Margaret, Duchess of.

-, -, -, his son, Duke Philip. See Burgundy, Duke of.

Rome, 361, 362, 371, 373, 376 (note), 377, 378, 379, 380, 386, 448, 454, 455, 465, 467, 468, 531, 586, 684 (note), 687, 688, 699, 704, 712, 713, 715, 718, 725, 726, 732, 771, 786, 804, 921, 928, 935, 942.

-, Sultan Zizim removed from France to, 534.

-, the Holy League published at, 714.

-, ambassadors from and to. See Pope, the.

-, apostolic chamber at, 367.

-, castle of St. Angelo, warder of, 539.

-, college of cardinals at, 517, 596, 604, 837.

-, college of cardinals at, treasurer of the, 614.

-, procurator for England at, Cardinal of Tournai, 478. See Ambassadors.

-, protector for England at, 620.

-, treasury at, 506, 509, 551, 583, 614.

-, -, clerk of the, 751.

-, -, president of the, 540.

-, letters dated at, 513, 514, 516, 525, 528, 536, 615.

Roos, Sir John, of Montgrinen, Scotch ambassador to England, 549.

-, Thomas Lord de, of the Lancastrian party, 371, 374.

-, -, -, killed at Pontefract, 375.

Rose, the White. See Suffolk, Earl of.

Roses, wars of the. See Henry VI.;

Margaret, Queen;

Edward IV.

Rosetti,—, 507.

Rouen, 404, 508, 899.

-, Archbishop of, George d'Amboise, 774.

-, -, -, Cardinal, 920, 922.

Roussillon, the country of, 586.

Rovere, Giulio della. See St. Peter ad Vincula.

Roverio, Jacobo de, 91.

-, Joanne Andrea de, 91.

Rovigo, Venetian Polesine of, 494.

Rubeinpre, a bastard, 395.

Rumelie, 5.

Runz, Henricus, of the German company in Italy, 91.

Russell, Master, knight, 754.

Ruthal, Doctor, ambassador to France, 795, 799.

Rutland, Earl of, son of the Duke of York, killed by the Lancastrians, 362.

Ruys, Don Francesco de, ambassador from Spain to Germany, 656, 660.

Rye, Camber before. See Camera.

Rynedone, Thomas de, of Southampton, 18.

Rys, Hugh, burgess of Sandwich, consul of the Venetians, 238.