Index: P

Pages 380-383

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 1, 1202-1509. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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Padua, 248, 493, 935.

-, Venetian governor of, 497.

-, said to have been built by Antenor, 638.

-, letter dated at, 641.

-, the Arena at, 937.

-, University of, 915.

-, -, English doctor lecturing at, 828.

Pagnano, Dom. Francesco, Milanese ambassador to England, 559, 570, 572, 598, 947.

Palermo, voyages of Venetian galleys to, 492 639.

Palestine, 107, 108, 128, 163, 893.

Palestrina, affray at. 91.

Pandora, ship named the, 765.

Panicharolla, Giovanni Pietro, Milanese ambassador in France, letters from, 404, 405, 408, 414, 449.

Paper, imported into England, 492.

Paphos, Bishop of, Giacomo da Pesaro, 935.

Paris, 384, 385, 404, 522, 55G, 595, 653, 774.

-, Franciscan friars of, collect alms in England, 535.

-, president of the parliament of, negotiating between France and England, 566, 591.

-, letters dated at, 386, 408, 414.

-, Archbishop of, ambassador to Flanders, 853.

Parisian livres, 2.

Parker, John, son of William, Henry VII.'s letter in favour of, 584.

Parliament, the, of England, 18, 169, 172, 175, 183, 360, 371, 506, 509, 535, 550, 556, 597, 751 (note), 860 (note).

-, -, -, choose Henry of Lancaster to be King, 131.

-, -, -, choose the Earl of March to be King, 370.

-, -, -, premier baron of, the Prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, 452.

Paruta, Zuan, master of one of the Flanders galleys, 908.

Paschuallin, Todaro de, and Company, 460.

Pasqualiga, ship called the, 739, 758.

Pasqualigo, Lorenzo, of London, 901, 902, 943.

-, -, his letter to his brothers, 752.

-, -, reviser of the accounts of the London factory, 829.

-, Pietro, Venetian ambr. to Portugal, 817.

Pavia, 825.

-, letters dated at, 570, 619.

-, hostel called “The Well” at, 619.

-, Astolfo of, 89.

-, Count of, title of Dukes of Milan, 358, 711.

Pearls, 5.

Pecock, Reginald, Bp. of Chichester, Edward IV.'s letter to the Pope concerning, 451.

Pembroke, Earl of, brother to Henry VI., 408.

-, -, -, holds out against Edward IV., 437.

Pencher, Richard, an English merchant at Constantinople, 565.

Penech. See Pinnock.

Penryn, Cornwall, 755.

Pepoli, Giacopo de, 91.

Pepper, imported by the Portuguese, 844, 857.

-, garbage, 356.

-, warehouse at Venice, 555.

Peraud, Monsignor Raymond. See Xaintes, Archdeacon of.

Percy, Henry. See Northumberland, Earl of

-, Sir Rafe, the Bastard, Lancastrian, killed at Pontefract, 372, 375.

Peronne, Mons. de, French ambr. at Venice, 630, 631.

Perpignan, France, 637, 699.

Persia, Sophy of, Ismael I., 830, 900.

Perugia, Cardinal of, 771.

Peruzzi, firm of the, of Florence and London, 18, 20.

Pesara of London, galley called the, 399.

-, Bruges, galley called the, 399.

Pesari, the, of London, 743.

Pesaro, noblemen of Cà da, 806.

-, Giacomo da, Bp. of Paphos, 935.

-, Hironimo da Cà da, 790, 838.

-, Marco da Cà, da, Venetian consul in London, 419.

-, Nicolo da, at London, 354.

-, Nicolo de Ca de, 455.

Peschiera, 67 (note).

Peter's pence, collectors of, in England, 174, 614. See Giglis, John de;

Castellesi, Adrian.

Peverel, Villame; of

Southampton, 18.

Pewter, 492 (bis).

Philibert, Dom. See Naturelli.

Piadena, in Italy, English camp at, 60.

Picardy, 25, 551, 552, 590, 613, 805.

-, the peace of, 789.

Piccolomini, Francesco Todeschini. See Sienna, Cardinal of.

Piero, Alvise di, Venetian ambr. to the Emperor, 927.

Pig, John, Bishop of Ardfert, 536.

Pinelli, Baptista de', prothonotary, recommended by Henry VII., to be made Cardinal, 541.

Pinnock (Penech, Penedi), Master Peter, 771.

-, -, -, English ambassador to the Pope, 785, 802, 817.

Piombino, exporters of alum from, excommunicated, 509.

-, the Lord of, 509.

Pirates, 609, 764.

-, See Columbus;


Pisa, 492, 723, 776, 786.

-, leading cardinals of the Council of, their envoy to Henry IV., 174.

-, English wools exported to, by Florentines, 480.

-, projected English wool staple at, 561, 562, 569, 572 (note).

-, invaded by France, 699.

-, merchants of, at Antwerp, 748.

Pisani firm, the, 765.

Pisani, Almorò, Venetian consul in London, 735, 748.

Pisani, Domenico, Venetian ambr. in Spain, 811, 819.

Pisani, Georgio, Venetian ambassador to Germany, 728, 730.

-, Lorenzo, Venetian consul in London, 627.

-, Paulo, sage of the Venetian Council, 928.

Piubega, in the Mantuan territory, 62, 63, 64.

Pivello, Salvaigo and Bernabò, Genoese, at London, 946.

Pizamano, Michael, 401.

Plague, the, in England, 236, 395.

-, -, at Cologne, 830.

Plantagenet. See Edward II., &c.;

York, Duke of.

Plymouth, 864.

Po, the river, 60.

Podio, Antonio, 167.

-, Paulo de, 167.

Poland, Cardinal of, brother of the King, 834.

Polani, Dardo, Venetian merchant in Flanders, 29.

Pole, De la. See Suffolk, Earl of.

Polenta, Guido di, of Ravenna, 86.

Polesine, the, of Rovigo, Venetian captain of, 494.

Pont, Marquis de, son of Duke John of Lorraine, 405.

Ponte, Cà da, 161.

Ponte, Ser Antonio de, master of one of the London galleys, 160, 161, 167.

-, Giovanni de, Venetian merchant in London, 289.

-, Nicolò da, Venetian merchant in London, 927, 928, 933, 942.

-, -, treats with Carmeliano, 915, 918, 919, 922;

with the King, 940.

Pontefract, battles at, between the Lancastrians and Yorkists, 362, 375.

Pontevico, in Italy, letter dated at, 79.

Pontoise, 25.

Poole, Dorset, Venetian merchants at, 263.

Pope, the, Urban VI. (Francesco Tebaldeschi, Cardinal of St. Peter in Vincola), 60, 95, 614.

-, Boniface IX., 614.

-, Gregory XII., English ambassadors to, 154.

-, Martin V., 614.

-, Calistus III., 372 (note).

-, Pius II., 370, 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 451, 535.

-, -, his legates in England. See Teramo, Bp. of;

Elphin, Bp. of.

-, -, envoy to, from Henry VI. of England, 358, 359, 303. See Torre, Antonio della.

-, -, letters to, 359, 363.

-, -, proposes a crusade, 370.

-, -, his legate in France, Monsignor Attrebatense, 386.

-, Paul II., 422, 451.

-, -, ambr. to, from Burgundy, 407.

Pope, the, Sixtus IV., 488, 536, 551.

-, -, letters to, from Edward IV. of England, 438, 451, 452, 465, 474, 475, 478, 483.

-, -, Venice complains of, 466, 467, 468.

-, -, pronounces an interdict against Venice, 484 (note), 493.

-, -, excommunicates exporters of alum from Pombino, 509.

-, Innocent VIII., 513, 514, 516, 525, 528, 537, 615.

-, -, his collector in England. See Giglis, John de.

-, -, ambr. to, from Rhodes, Sir John Kendal, 518.

-, -, his ambassador to France, Sir John Kendal, 522, 523, 526.

-, -, his nuncios in France. See Flores, Anthony;

Concordia, Bp. of.

-, -, his ambassador to England. See Malvezzi, Persio.

-, -, proposes a crusade, 548, 558.

-, -, ambr. to, from Venice, 562.

-, -, -, from Scotland, 568, 595, 596.

-, -, his legate in Germany. See Xaintes, Archdeacon of.

-, -, his secretary of state, 597.

-, -, English ambassadors to. See Ambassadors.

-, -, letters to, 488, 489, 490, 501, 506, 509, 519, 520, 529, 531–535, 537–548, 548–553, 556, 557, 558, 560, 563, 564, 566, 567, 568, 571, 573–587, 589–593, 595, 596, 597, 604, 605, 607, 610, 611, 613, 614.

-, VIII., English ambassador to, 619.

-, Alexander VI., 733, 771, 820.

-, -, English ambassadors with, 620, 626, 691, 707, 712, 738.

-, -, French ambassadors to, 623, 810.

-, -, Venetian ambassadors to, 623, 707, 708, 709, 710, 712, 719, 722, 726, 749, 765, 810.

-, -, desires England's admission into the Holy League, 657, 666, 668, 669, 671, 677, 679, 702.

-, -, his legate in Germany. See Concordia.

-, -, in England, 674, 693.

-, -, a party in the Holy League, 675.

-, -, obliged by the French to leave Rome, 699.

-, -, his renewal of the Holy League, 712, 714, 722, 725.

-, -, briefs of, 713, 726.

-, -, sends the sword and cap of maintenance to Hen. VII., 725.

-, -, Milanese ambassador to, 726.

-, -, his collector in England. See Castellesi.

-, -, Spanish ambassador to, 749.

-, -, his nuncio to England, 751. See Cagli.

-, -, censures rebels against Hen. VII., 751.

-, -, his agreement with France, 774, 776.

-, -, English ambr. to, Peter Pinnock, 785, 802, 817.

-, -, appoints legates to England and other countries, 810, 820, 821.

-, -, disagrees with Venice, 836, 837.

-, -, letters to, 620, 626, 628, 629, 632, 634, 635, 744, 745.

-, Pius III. See Sienna, Cardinal of.

-, Julius II., 866, 916, 920, 922, 926, 935, 942.

-, -, his election, 837.

-, -, comes to an agreement with Venice, 841.

-, -, ambassador to, from the Emperor, 861.

-, -, his nuncio to Philip of Castile, 883.

-, -, urged by England to arrange a crusade, 893, 894, 895.

-, -, invades the Venetian territory, 936.

-, -, requests an English ambr. for Turkish affairs, 941;

his brief, 945.

-, -, letters to, 840, 876, 893.

-, Leo X. See Medici, Giovanni de'.

Poreys, Valter le, of Southampton, 18.

Portinaro, Pigello, Milanese merchant, at Bruges, partner of Cosmo de' Medici, 374.

Portland, 864.

Porto, Marcho da Cha da, 946.

Portugal, merchantships of, visit England, 838.

-, -, at Antwerp, 844, 857.

-, -, their voyage to Calcutta, 890.

-, King of, John I., his safeconduct for Venetian galleys, 136.

-, -, John II, 499.

-, -, proposed marriage between his cousin and Lady Anne of England, 572, 603.

-, -, -, ambassadors from, to England, 603,

-, -, Emanuel, 819;

ambrs. from, to England, 799.

-, -, -, Venetian ambr. to, 817.

-, -, -, ships built for, in Holland, 863.

-, -, -, 890, 894.

Portus Camera. See Camera, Portus.

Pouquet, Charles de. See Chau, Lord de la.

Pragmatic Sanction, the, introduced into France, 613.

Priuli,—, captain general, 935.

-, Andrea, captain of the Flanders galleys (A.D. 1518), 299 (note), 341 (note).

-, Felipo, 317.

-, Ferigo di, Venetian consul in London, 473.

-, Paulo de', 392.

Privy Seal, Keeper of the, 743. See Durham, Bp. of.

Prospero, Master. See Camuglio.

Provence, 5, 653.

Puebla, Doctor de, Spanish ambassador in England, 763.

Puglia, Italy, 935.