Pages 663-674
Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.
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Sadler, Sir Ralph, 554.
St. Arcangelo, traveller to, 203.
St. Asaph, [deprived] English Bishop of. See Goldwell, Thomas.
St. Augustine, Canons Regular of, letter on behalf of, 359.
-, an Italian prior of the Order of, 273.
St. Bartholomew, massacre of, accounts of, 36, 40 et seq.
-, -, rejoicings over, 36, 42, 64.
-, -, allusions to, 47, 50, 54, 7275, 80, 118, 129, 137; said to be done in self-defence, 62; spirits of English Catholics raised by, 63; rumoured to have been by advice of the Emperor, 77.
St. Bridget, English nuns of the Order of, live in poverty and peril, 479.
St. Dié sur Loire (San Dier), letter dated at, 288.
-, news-letter from, 297, 299.
St. Francis, Observanti of, Order of, 286, 287.
-, discalced friars of the Order of, 425, 542.
St. George's day, Knights of the Garter made on, 434.
St. Germain, the Court leaves, 149, 150; plots at, 175.
-, fair of, 5
St. Gertrude's, St. Gouard, Abbot of, with the Prince of Orange, 341.
St. Humano, Monsignor Piero, late Inquisitor at Malta, 285.
St. Iago de Compostella (St. James of Galicia), 397.
St. John of Jerusalem, Hospital of, Council of, letter to, 6.
-, Order of, Master of. See Monte, Peter de.
-, Grand Master and Council of, 99.
-, Knights of. See Irving, Lesent, Maturin. Also see Malta, Knights of.
-, Prior of, in England. See Shelley, Sir Richard.
St. Laurence, battle of [i.e. on St. Laurence's day], 23.
St. Léger (Ligier), the French King at, 95.
St. Lo (St. Lau), in Normandy, 150.
-, taken by Montgomery, 168, 169.
St. Malo, in Brittany, 423.
-, (S. Maslou), Fitzgerald at, 395, 402, 443; perhaps still there, 447, 449; his wife at, 423, 424.
Saint-Mégrin (Semeri), M de, death and funeral of, 485.
St. Nicholas, port of, in Muscovy, English trade to, to be given up, 129.
St. Omer (S. Homer), tumults at, 527.
St. Papoul, late Bishop of. See Salviati.
St. Patrick, legend concerning, 156.
St. Paul, church of. See London.
St. Peter, Ireland part of the patrimony of, 151; St. Peter's pence to be paid in, if Fitzgerald succeeds, 545.
St. Quentin, visit of the Duc d'Alençon to, 349.
-, Carthusian monks at, 479, 569.
St. Vincent, Cape, 480; sea fight off, 444.
Salamanca, an Irish student at, 540.
Saluzzo, Marquisate of, soldiers in, 18.
-, -, suggested cession of, to Savoy, 60.
-, -, said to be promised to Danville, 318.
Salviati, Antonio Maria, Monsignor, late Bishop of S. Papoul, going as nuncio to the French Court, 7.
-, -, is to grant dispensation to the King of Navarre, on conditions, 35.
-, -, reason for sending, to France, 38.
-, -, has audience, 51.
-, -, as nuncio in France, 66, 124, 376, 422.
-, -, a blood relation of the Queen [Mother], 66.
-, -, in relation to Mary, Queen of Scots, 84; and to the business of [the Prince of] Scotland, 358.
-, -, excuses himself from going to the baptism of the King's daughter, 87 et seq.
-, -, letters from, 28, 32, 33, 35, 45, 47, 51, 54–56, 65, 72, 78, 81–83, 86, 90, 91, 94–122, 128, 129, 132–138, 141–144, 149, 150, 173–181, 184, 189, 197, 200–204, 212–215, 232, 233, 243, 253, 265, 269, 288, 290, 300, 315–318, 327, 331, 332, 336, 346, 350, 356, 362, 383, 387, 388, 394.
-, -, -, alluded to, 63, 64.
-, -, letters to, 32, 43, 49, 64, 126, 213, 269, 350, 358, 375, 376.
Salzburg, letter dated at, 505.
Sancerre, held by the Huguenots, 70.
-, the Duke d'Alençon to assault, 82.
Sandalled Friars of Paris, have had to disperse for lack of money, 28.
-, monastery of, in Paris, 128.
Sander, Nicholas, Doctor of Theology, accredited to the Pope by the English exiles, 63.
-, -, promotion of, prayed for, 93.
-, -, mission of, to the King of Spain, in behalf of the Catholic Church in England, 119 (2), 126, 134, 143, 246, 247, 252, 268, 290.
-, -, recommendation of, by the Pope, 126.
-, -, has audience of the King, 135.
-, -, at the Court, 317.
-, -, allowance for, “from the fruits of Toledo,” continuance of, recommended, 350.
-, -, in relation to Stucley, 362.
-, -, learned manifesto published by, 390.
-, -, as nuncio to Ireland, 391; not to go on the Irish enterprise, 394.
-, -, goes to S. Iago de Compostella, 397.
-, -, interview of, with the nuncio in Spain, 483.
-, -, written statement by, 484.
-, -, desires to obtain compensation from Portugal, 512.
-, -, prudence &c. of, praised, 532.
-, -, the Pope grants request of, 544.
-, -, wishes to be sent to Ireland, 546.
-, -, urges the Pope to expedite the war with England, 558; diligence and prudence of, praised, ibid.
-, -, letters from, 258, 344, 389, 391; alluded to, 63, 186, 340.
-, -, letter to, alluded to, 362.
-, -, money &c., given to, 534, 541, 542.
-, -, writings of, alluded to, 542.
San Girolamo, monastery of, death of the Prince of Spain at, 515.
San Giuseppi or Joseppi, Captain Sebastiano or Bastiano, commissary for the Pope in Spain and Portugal, 420, 421, 426, 433, 458, 487, 524, 532, 541, 558, 562, 567.
-, -, moneys, victuals, arms &c., in the hands of, 447, 499, 512, 521, 524, 536, 541, 544, 559, 565.
-, -, may either stay with the above or go to Africa, 447.
-, -, sent to Cadiz, 496; in Portugal, 520.
-, -, orders sent to, 558.
-, -, account by, of the late voyage, noted, 559; further statements by, ibid.
-, -, Stucley's deceitful dealing with, 560; Italian soldiers succoured by, ibid.
-, -, present at interview of Fontana with Stucley, 564, 566.
-, -, letters from, 372, 373, 379, 381, 414, 415, 418, 436, 469, 475, 480, 489, 509, 513, 534.
-, -, letters to, 371, 493, 535, 543; alluded to, 542, 543.
-, -, certificate by, 460.
S. Jeronimo (Girolamo), convent of, near Placentia, the King of Spain at, 514.
S. Salvator, member of the Order of. See Willan, Thomas.
Santa Croce, Ottavio, Bishop of Cervia, nuncio at Turin, letters from, 354, 357, 450.
Santa Fiore (Fiora), Count of, death of, alluded to, 261.
Santo Gregorio da Sassola, inhabitants of, 381–383.
Santa Proceda, Cardinal. See Borromeo.
Sardinia, 58; defence of, cared for, 303.
Savignani, Signor Aurelio, 373–4.
Savona, 345.
Savoy, 277, 345.
-, nuncio of, in Spain, 394.
-, nuncio at the Court of. See Federicis.
-, Venetian embassy to, alluded to, 541.
Savoy, Emanuel Philibert, Duke of, victuals, &c., demanded of, for the troops in Saluzzo, 18.
-, -, suggested action of, 24.
-, -, observations on his opinions in relation to the League, 48, 49.
-, -, suggestions of, in relation to the proposed match between Spain and France, 52.
-, -, proposed interchange of States with, 60.
-, -, suggested marriage of, to the Scottish Queen, 188.
-, -, refuses to be surety for the King of Spain, 201.
-, -, going into Savoy, 277.
-, -, fears of, in relation to Flanders, 336.
-, -, urges the King of Spain to act against those of the Low Countries, 338.
-, -, ambassador of, in Spain, 534.
-, -, letters from, note of, 540.
-, -, news sent to, 450.
-, -, news from, 144, 148.
-, -, pass given by, 330.
-, -, representative of, at the French Princess's baptism. See Nemours, Duke of
-, -, dominions of, 50.
-, -, towns of, 53.
Saxon gentleman. See Burchart, Count.
-, merchants, Elizabeth wishes to borrow from, 328.
Saxony, Augustus, Elector of, forbids his subjects to serve the Duke of Alva, 26.
“Scaramuccia,” rumour repeated by, 182.
Scattery (Inschatty) in Desmond, port of, 158.
Schinck (Slench), Colonel Martin, has come with his horsemen into the Low Countries, 392.
-, -, forces under, 377, 384.
Schomberg (Chumbert), Monsieur, sent by the French King into Germany, 211.
Schonen, Bishop of, 238 (2).
Schoonhoven, in Holland, reported surrender of, 182.
Schwarzburg or Schwarzenburg (Suaremburgh, Suarzerburg), Count Gunther of, brother-in-law of the Prince of Orange, brings answer from the Prince to Breda, 200; goes into Zeeland, 201.
-, -, troops under, 377, 384; taken by, to the aid of the States General, 392.
Schwarzenberg (Swartzemburg) [Otto Henry], Count of, sent by the Emperor to the States General, Archduke Mathias, &c., 366.
Scipio Africanus, allusions to, 20, 139.
Scoré [sic], said to be in the pay of Elizabeth in Italy, 537.
Scot, John, a former abbot of the Scottish College at Ratisbon, 556.
Scotland, provisoes concerning, in the league between France and England, 16.
-, hopes of reclaiming, to the Catholic Church, 63, 143.
-, the Reformation in, arrested by the Tridentine decrees, 81.
-, a gentleman sent to, by the French King, 97.
-, suspected design of Elizabeth against, 115.
-, news from, 117, 143.
-, now almost entirely under Elizabeth's sway, 119.
-, [Catholic] affairs of, go none too well, 123.
-, troops to be sent from, to the Prince of Orange, 201.
-, state of, 333; factions and tumults in, 388, 394, 427; said to be led by the Prince, 400; part of the troops in, at the Pope's devotion, 401.
-, government of, taken charge of, by the Prince, 403, 404.
-, the common folk of, “are all Catholic,” 423.
-, the Dukes of Lorraine and Guise said to be going to, ibid.
-, proposal to send Jesuits to, 452.
-, report that the King of Portugal means to go to, 485.
-, agreement in, between the nobles and Morton, 506.
-, affairs of, in ill plight, 517.
-, Lord Dacre despatched to, 547.
-, Elizabeth's forces tyrannize over (1570), 551; English nobles have fled from, ibid.
-, French aid discontinued to, 555.
-, Admiral of. See Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell.
-, agent or ambassador for Elizabeth in regard to affairs of. See Randolph, Thomas.
-, ambassador of, in France. See Beaton, James.
-, business of, memorial upon, 554.
-, coinage of, in Flanders, 248.
-, heretical governors of the Prince in, plans for getting him out of the hands of, 318.
-, intelligence from, 83, 117, 394, 398.
-, Jesuits of, working miracles, 83.
-, Judges Commissaries of, 224.
-, memorial concerning “the business of,” 554.
-, nobles of, coalition of, against the Earl of Bothwell, 221, 229; in relation to Morton's downfall, 402–404, 422.
-, Privy Council of, edict published by Act of, 100.
-, -, to take the place of Governor, 440.
-, Regent of. See Douglas, Earl of Morton.
-, travellers to, 145, 479, 522.
-, See also Mary Queen of Scots; James V., King of; James, Prince of, afterwards James VI.
Scots soldiers, going into France, 130; in Holland, defeat of, 178; in Zeeland, 372: serving in Flanders, 305, 421; with the army of the States General, 345, 393, 482.
-, resident in Paris, depositions of, 216 et seq.
-, in affliction on account of their Catholic faith, 325.
-, rising of, gathers strength, 547.
-, the, claim rights in many monasteries in Germany, 272.
-, in relation to Regent Morton, 395, 398; now all in arms, 396.
-, ancient league of French with, alluded to, 551.
-, Catholics, should be aided, 53.
-, monastery, at Ratisbon. See Ratisbon.
Scotsman, a, arrest of, 184.
Scotsmen, in the company [i.e. Society] of Jesus, 423.
Scottish ambassador in France. See Beatoun.
-, business, the, 346.
-, Catholics, banished, proposal to give the monastery of Ratisbon to, 274
-, captains, in the Low Countries, 372.
-, gentleman, calling himself agent of the Queen of Scotland, going to Rome, 183. And see Irving.
-, ships, 239.
-, people, said to have laid down their arms and recognized the “little prince,” 97; party of, against Elizabeth, the French King said to be aiding, ibid.; in arms against Regent Morton, 490.
-, -, monasteries founded by, 183; business of, alluded to, 540, and see Ratisbon.
-, -, said to be “even as the German,” easily corrupted, 318.
-, reiters, at the taking of Deventer, 532.
Sebastian, King of Portugal, message sent to, 18.
-, in relation to the King of France, 24.
-, proposed marriage for, 185.
-, evil influence of the Jesuits upon, 198.
-, expedition of, against the Moors (in 1574), alluded to, 199.
-, his “affair of Fez,” 267.
-, in relation to Persia, 294.
-, refuses audience to Fitzgerald, 331.
-, interview with, 420 (2).
-, complaints made to, 433.
-, revolting soldiers imprisoned by, 437–8.
-, at Cintra, 439.
-, the Pope sends remonstrances to, 445–447,
-, aid given by, to Irish bishop, 482.
-, munitions sent to, from England, 517.
-, in relation to Elizabeth: is on good terms with her, 411, 427.
refuses to act against her, 420.
discovery by, of her preparations against the English enterprise, 443.
is not beholden to her, 447.
has sent a gentleman to her, 490.
-, his proposed expedition to Africa, 302, 325, 407–412, 415, 563.
-, -, and his relations with Sir T. Stucley. See under Stucley, “in relation to the King of Portugal and the African, expedition.”
-, -, is attempting the enterprise with little method and small force, 426.
-, -, desires to employ the troops designed for Ireland, 436.
-, his arrival at Tangier, 485; reported further intentions of, ibid.
-, gave battle against advice of his counsellors and warnings of the strength of the enemy, 491.
-, defeat and death of, 489, 491, 503, 508–509, 520, 532.
-, letter to, from the Pope, 399; alluded to, 500.
-, agent of, in England, 91.
-, ambassador from, in France, 91; to the Pope, 325, 399; to England, 517; in France, 91.
-, ambassador to. See Shelley.
-, chamberlain of, 438.
-, governor of. See Gonzales, Father Luigi.
-, courier sent to Rome by, 440.
-, overseer of his revenue. See Alcaçova.
-, secretary of. See Moura.
-, servants of, return to Portugal, 491.
-, troops of, 564.
-, an Italian serving. See Terzo, Filippo.
-, is bent on protecting the Catholic faith, 549, Appendix.
-, mutineers imprisoned by, 559.
-, at Belem, for the obsequies of his grandmother, 562.
-, account of interview with, 564–566.
Sedgrave, Nicholas, scholar, alms refused by, 450.
Sega, Philip, Bishop of Ripa, nuncio in Flanders, 295, 296, 298, 300, 302, 305, 316; interview of, with the English ambassador, 306 et seq.
-, -, conversation of, with Don John, 308.
-, -, answer of, pleasing to the Pope, 319; great charges of his embassy, ibid.; praises Don John's zeal, 322.
-, -, appointed nuncio to Spain, 324, 325.
-, -, arrival of, at Madrid, 331.
-, -, his zeal and success in handling the common cause, 389.
-, -, proposal to intrust the English province to, 392.
-, -, in relation to the King, 494, 531.
-, -, in relation to Fitzgerald and the Irish enterprise, 347, 391, 392, 416, 418, 498, 535.
-, -, -, to Stucley and the African voyage, 427, 428, 516, 522, 536.
-, -, intelligence given to, 528.
-, -, man of, sent to Lisbon, 428, 433, 436, 439.
-, -, letters from, 295, 303, 305, 307, 312, 316, 319, 322, 323, 325, 326, 334, 336, 338, 341, 345, 349, 352, 353, 358, 360, 361, 364, 367, 371, 377–379, 389, 393, 397, 399, 400, 406, 425, 427, 439, 451, 468, 475, 483, 487, 494, 496, 505, 508, 514, 519, 524, 525, 531, 533, 538, 540, 541.
-, -, letters from, alluded to, 416, 510.
-, -, letters to, 319, 324, 326, 327, 337, 340, 344, 346, 355, 360, 361, 363, 369, 374, 383, 386, 397, 401, 415, 416, 417, 423, 445, 455, 499, 511, 541, 544, 548.
-, -, -, alluded to, 559.
-, -, -, sent to, 493, 494, 500.
-, -, a church given to, 542.
-, -, document signed by, 539.
-, -, money to be borrowed by, 534.
-, -, orders of, alluded to, 509, 543–544.
-, -, secretary of. See Angelicus, Valerino
Segobia or Segovia, Bishop of, 186.
-, letter dated at, 281.
Selles (Sely), M. de, appointment of, 378.
-, -, offices of, have produced the opposite of what was anticipated, 407.
Senlis, Bishop of, [Peter Chevalier], at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 89.
Sens, the French Queen Louise going to, 265.
-, Archbishop of, papal brief to, 527.
-, Knight of. See Villemor.
Seres, William, sent by Mary Queen of Scots to the Archbishop of Mainz, 136.
Sermoneta, Cardinal, 375.
Seton, Alexander, son of Lord Seton, 146.
-, George, 5th Baron Seton, steadfast for the Queen of Scots and the Catholic faith, 146, 147; excommunicated by the Protestant Church, 146.
-, -, goes to Flanders (1570), 551, Appendix.
-, -, wife and children of, 143, 146.
-, -, Abbot, son of, letter to, 143.
-, -, -, abbey of, sequestered, 143.
Setoun, letter dated at, 144.
Setubal (Settuval), port of, Portugal, 409.
Seville, English imprisoned at, 368.
-, courier from, 329.
Seymour (Seler), Edward, Duke of Somerset, Protector of England, 185; fall and execution of, alluded to, 404.
-, -, sons of, have followed in their father's footsteps, 185.
-, Lord Edward (3rd son), going to Spain, 185.
-, [Edward], Earl of Hertford, son of the Duke [by his second wife], suggested marriage for his son, 185.
Sforza, Signor, 33; is leaving Venice, 203.
-, Ascanio, Count of Santa Fiore, is dead, 240.
-, Signor Mario and Signor Paolo, proposed as leaders for the English enterprise, 283.
-, Paolo, letters to, 443, 444.
Shannon, the river, 159, 160.
-, -, castles on or near, 160, 162.
Sheffield (Scefild), the Queen of Scots at, 308.
-, letter dated at (by her), 194.
Shelley, Sir Richard, Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 193, 194.
-, -, praise of, 4 (2).
-, -, scheme of, for reducing England to the obedience of the Pope, 81.
-, -, position of, described, 206; his hopes for the reconciliation of England, 207; the Pope will gladly see him, 209.
-, -, memorial or letters in favour of, 198, 206.
-, -, desires to mediate between Elizabeth and the Pope, 198.
-, -, falls ill at Rome, 212; reported death of, 289.
-, -, proposal to send, to the Persian, 293, 311.
-, -, at Rome, 330.
-, -, recommendations in behalf of, from the Pope, 399 (3).
-, -, letter from, 244.
-, -, secretary of, 198.
Shene, removal of Carthusian friars from, alluded to, 569.
Sherwood [Thomas], a clergyman, martyrdom of, 568.
Sheyn, Matthew, Protestant Bishop of Cork (in 1574), 159.
Ships, named:
-, Saint John, 379.
-, Delphina and Barbara (Venetian), 246.
Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot.
Sicilians, ill-treated by the Spaniards, 155.
Sicily, 58, 519.
-, Don John reported to be in or going to, 68, 259.
-, Kingdom of. See Naples and Sicily.
Sidney, Sir Henry, Viceroy of Ireland, his reported fear of Stucley, 157.
-, -, the Earl of Desmond said to have made terms with, 397.
-, -, said to be persecuted by the Earl of Ormonde, 546; is friendly to the Catholics, ibid.
-, -, speech of (in 1569), quoted, 155.
-, -, niece of. See Feria, Duchess of.
-, -, safe-conduct of, violated, 161.
-, Philip, son of Sir Henry, sent to the Imperial Court, 352.
Siegburg (Sigeberg), near Bonn, letter dated at, 377.
Siena, Englishman at, 176.
Siennese soldiers, disturbance amongst, 432, 436.
Silva, Don Guzman de, Spanish ambassador at Venice, said to be going to England, 283.
-, Don Joao Gomez de, ambassador from Portugal to the Pope, 399.
Simier (Cimier), [Jehan, Sieur de Lamenitre], mission of, to England, from the Duke of Alençon, 519, 530, 537; about to start on his journey, 533.
Sinclair, John, Bishop of Brechin, servant of, 216.
Sinigaglia, Bishop of. See Rusticucci.
Sipione, engineer, before La Rochelle, 98.
Sirlito, Cardinal, letter to, 522.
Sisteron, Bishop of, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 89.
Skelligs (Ballinschelinghy), port of, 158.
Skreen (Schirina), Baron of, co. Meath, 153.
Slane (Slany), Baron of, in co. Meath, 153.
Sligo (Soligo, Sligheach) in Connaught, 161.
Sluys (Chiusa), English troops go to, 27.
Smerwick, alias Ardcanny (Smeruik alias Ardchunby), port of, in Desmond, 158.
Smith, Sir John, as ambassador in Spain, 290.
-, -, is about to depart for England, 317.
-, -, object of, to obtain free trade for the English, 323; departure of, ibid.; has lived there “as a Catholic ' should,” 324.
-, -, as late ambassador to Spain, in relation to Archduke Matthias, 353.
-, Ralph, petition of, 244.
-, Sir Thomas, one of the “two other ambassadors” negotiating in France, 3, 14, 16.
-, -, statement by, alluded to, 29.
Sobrado, Emanuele Alvarez, goods on deposit with, 521.
Soissons in Picardy, letter dated at, 138.
Solm (Solme), a Count of, killed, 44.
Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour, Edward.
-, William, 3rd Earl of Worcester, sent by the Queen as ambassador extraordinary to represent her at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 80, 83.
-, -, said to have been attacked by pirates, 86.
-, -, at the baptism, 87–90, 93.
-, -, falsely reported to have been privy to an intrigue at Calais, 90.
Somerset, House of. See Seymour.
-, -, in relation to the Crown, 185.
Soranzo, his Excellency, ambassador from Venice to the Grand Turk, 195, 202.
-, John, appointed ambassador at Rome in place of his brother, 195.
Sore, Monsieur, French refugee, out with the English corsairs, 86.
Soriano, Giovanni Michele [sent on mission from Venice to France], at Turin, 30.
-, -, news sent from Paris by, 42.
-, -, crosses to England, and is greatly caressed by the Queen, 253.
Soto Mayor (Sottomajore), Don Alonso di, sent from Don John to King Philip, 174, 495.
Soubise, M. de, killed in the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 41.
Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley, Henry.
Southampton (Antona), suggested seizure of, by the Spaniards, 19; traveller from, 98
Spain, ambassadors from and to. See Ambassadors.
-, Apostolic Chamber in, money to be paid from, 538.
-, clergy of, heavy burdens of, 511.
-, coasts of, provision for defence of, 303.
-, Court of, offices by, on behalf of the Queen of Scots, 64; persons going to or from, 99, 185, 403, 509; “welter of opinions in,” 378.
-, -, Don Juan at. See Austria, Don Juan of.
-, English heretics imprisoned in, to be liberated, 368, 388.
-, English nobles, in, 392.
-, Escovedo sent to. See Escovedo, Juan.
-, goods shipped for, to be unshipped, 344.
-, Irish ports nearest to, 167.
-, Inquisition, or Holy Office, in, English traders desire safety from persecution by, 323; prisoners sent to, 395.
-, Jubilee, the coming, in, 516.
-, league against, articles of, said to be accepted,by Elizabeth, 511.
-, legation of the Pope in, writings of, to be kept very safe, 315.
-, money from, asked for, 534.
-, news from, 485.
-, nuncio in. See Castagna; see Sega.
-, oblation from, asked for by the Pope, 406.
-, pensions and pensioners in, claim of, on the revenue, 406.
-, policy in, in relation to the Low Countries, 358.
-, the Pope's office in. See Canobio; Fontana; San Giuseppi.
-, proposal to make Anjou King of England not agreeable to, 91.
-, provisions bought in, 478.
-, ships from, 190.
-, travellers to, 289, 292, 346, 533.
-, troops sent from, to Flanders. See Spanish troops.
Spain and Elizabeth, rumoured accord between. See Elizabeth, in relation to Spain,
-, and France. See under France.
-, Fitzgerald in. See Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice.
-, ambassadors to and from. See Ambassadors.
-, envoy to, from France, 479.
-, envoy from, to Persia, 286.
-, buildings in:—
Escorial, the, 268, 281.
Pardo, the, 284.
San Girolamo, convent of, 515.
-, Council of, 18, 247; is loath for the King to “attend to the business of the peace,” 368. And see Ministers of, below.
-, Ministers of, complaint against, 18; in relation to the traffic between England and Flanders, 109; discordant views of, 352, 377; sluggishness of, 515.
-, Ministers, and officials of:—
Admiral, 134.
Captain-General. See Boissu.
Clerk of the Chamber, 562.
Commendador Mayor. See Ramagas; see Requesens.
Inquisitor Major, 233, 247, 257, 258, 279, 316.
Secretaries. See Perez; see Soto.
-, King of. See Philip II.
-, Elizabeth, late Queen of, daughters of, 39.
-, Infanta of, proposed match of with the Duke of Anjou, 54.
-, Prince of, death of, 515.
-, or Biscay, Milesius, King of, 151.
Spaniard's, try to estrange the French King from the Protestants, 65.
-, the English refuse to admit, into Calais, 91.
-, “intelligence of infinite service to,” said to be sent to the Pope, 110.
-, detained in England, 368.
-, would never give their kingdom to a Frenchman, 46.
-, their ill-treatment of the peoples where they bear sway, 155.
-, Artois and Hainault will not be governed by, 539.
Spanish Admiral. See Doria, Giovanni Andrea.
-, adventurers, 426.
-, colours, English ships flying, 82.
-, fleet, to go to the Levant, 33; recall of, 38.
-, -, making ready, 144 (2).
-, -, reported to be coming to Flanders, 178. And see Flanders; see Alva, fleet of.
-, -, in English ports, 231–233, 237.
-, -, secretary of, receives permission from Elizabeth to harbour and victual in England, 232.
-, -, movements of, 239.
-, -, not to be reduced, 296.
-, friars, brought to Brussels, 388.
-, galleys, harm done by, 279.
-, jesuit, 539.
-, Knight of Malta, 285.
-, match. See Alençon.
-, nation, knights and gentlemen of, in Ireland, 160.
-, secretary. See Cayas.
-, troops, going to Flanders, 23, 25, 169, 344, 352, 360–361.
-, -, leaving Flanders, 297, 300–304, 311.
-, -, with Don John, 392.
Spanochia or Spanocchi, Giulio, a Siennese gentleman, 436; made prisoner, 437; information sent by, 444.
Spes, Guerau de, Spanish ambassador in England, news sent by, 130.
Speyer, Spires, news from, 77, 214.
Spinola, Lorenzo, letters to, 408, 429.
-, Oberto, paymaster of the forces for Ireland, 390; at Lisbon, 417, 421, 561.
-, -, letter from, 408; letters from, alluded to, 429, 559.
Spinosa, Cardinal [Bishop of Siguenza], President of King Philip's Council, interview with, and views of, 39.
Spynie [in Elgin], castle of the Bishop of Moray, 226.
Stafford, — (1570), has fled from Scotland, 551.
Stapleton, Dr. Thomas, letter signed by, 34.
States of the Church, men, ships and necessaries to be provided from, for the English enterprise, 267.
States General. See Netherlands.
Stewart, Stuart, Lord Charles, brother of the late King of Scotland, suggested marriage of Elizabeth to, 81.
-, Charles James, Prince of Scotland. See James
-, Henry [Lord Darnley], Duke of Albany, late husband of Mary Queen of Scots, murder of, &c., 215 et seq.; alluded to, 287.
-, James, Earl of Moray, illegitimate brother of the Queen of Scots, 218, 237.
-, Jean, illegitimate daughter of James IV. of Scotland, wife of John Gordon, father of the 4th Earl of Huntly, 217, 221, 224, 226–228.
-, John, 4th Earl of Athol, attempt of, to capture Bothwell, 224; plot of, to overthrow the Regent Morton, 398.
-, Mathew, Earl of Lennox, Governor of Scotland, slain, 2.
-, Lord Robert of Holyrood, now Abbot of the Orkneys, 238.
Stirling, the young Prince of Scotland brought up at, 217.
-, Queen of Scots' visit to, 217, 220, 222, 229.
-, convention at (in 1567), 218
-, the nobles summoned to join the Prince at, 398.
-, Governors of. See Drumwhassel; see Erskine, Alexander.
Stirling Castle, the Prince of Scotland at, 398.
Strongbow, Richard, in Ireland, alluded to, 151.
Strozzi, Alfonso, journey of, suspended, 10.
Stuart, Stuard. See Stewart.
Stucley (Stuclhe, Stugli, Stocheo), Sir Thomas [afterwards called Marquis of Leinster], a lord of Leinster, 156, 157, 246, 274.
-, -, at the Court of Spain, 157; at Cadiz, 407.
-, -, at or going to Rome, 196, 197, 239, 289–291, 295, 298, 306.
-, -, defence of, by Sega, against the ill report of the English ambassador, 319.
-, -, styled “the English Duke” (sic), i.e. Duke of Leinster, 375, 456.
-, -, account of his doings sent to France, 376.
-, -, proceedings taken by, against a spy, 381, 382.
-, -, has left Port Hercole, 383; no news of, 386, 407; has not yet reached Lisbon, 403.
-, -, asks advice of the Cardinal of Como, 417
-, -, reasons for delaying his attempt upon England, 427.
-, -, cannot leave Lisbon for want of money, 431.
-, -, is hated by Irish, English and Italians, 431, 432.
-, -, quarrel of, with Italian captains, &c., 432, 433.
-, -, expected reduction of England by, 443.
-, -, accusations against, 443, 444.
-, -, alms offered by, refused by the Irish priests, 449.
-, -, the Queen said to have sent ships in chase of, 457.
-, -, in relation to Fitzgerald, 369, 393, 396, 402, 403, 429, 430, 434, 454, 492, 493, 499, 500.
-, -, in relation to Ireland and the Irish enterprise:—
proposed as one of the leaders, 2, 3, 6; offers to reduce Ireland to Philip's obedience, 19.
as a joint leader of the enterprise, 157, 327, 386.
with a few ships and troops, could do great things, 299.
must be dealt with warily, 305.
a “braggart and imposter … dismissed alike by the Kings of Spain and France,” 306; no good likely to come of his designs, 310; is as full of ardour as he is destitute of funds, 311.
impending departure of, 334, 335, 337, 341, 344, 354, 355, 360–364.
departure of, from Civitavecchia, 370, 374, 376.
his going of little advantage unless a force be sent after him, 400.
says it is impossible for him to go to Ireland, 429.
is abandoned by all his Irish, 440.
is confident of success, 443.
has announced everywhere that he was going to Ireland, 444.
said to have repented taking the enterprise in hand, 448.
alms offered by, to Irish priests, refused, 449, 450.
his going for Ireland is past hoping for, 451.
decision in relation to, to be taken, 483.
report of his unfitness to be trusted with the enterprise, 484.
to be urged, on his return from Africa, to go on with it, 492, 493.
is not in the good graces of any Irishman of consequence, 566.
-, -, in relation to the Pope:—
recommendation of, by his Holiness, 276, 283, 297, 326, 327, 367.
recommends his son to the Pope, 379, 381.
affairs of, cause his Holiness displeasure, 423–428, 445, 513; has cheated his Holiness, 443; is ordered by him to continue his voyage, 446, 447.
reported treachery of, 484.
-, -, in relation to the King of Portugal and the African expedition:—
the King's protection desired for, 367, 380.
report that he will go to Africa, 407, 408, 413, 415, 427, 444–447, 451, 478.
at or near Lisbon, proceedings of, 409–420.
the King urges him to go, 411–417, 419, 427.
refuses to give up the Irish enterprise, 413, 416, 417.
declares that he is minded to serve the King, 419–421.
negotiations of, at Lisbon, 419; the King of Spain's annoyance thereat, 426.
seems minded to make the King's enterprise first and afterwards the other, 430; goes to the King, 438.
negotiations with, 439.
has handed over the troops to the King's general, 440; and made an agreement with the King to go to Africa, 445; the Pope's indignation thereat, see Stuckley, relations of, with the Pope.
still in Portugal, 449; what he means to do not yet known, 453.
may be lent to the King of Portugal, 455.
has embarked at Lisbon, 459.
will not go to Africa without the nuncio's permission, 463.
seems ashamed of having failed in his duty, 464.
his departure for Africa, 467, 469, 473, 481.
persons deemed unfit by, 473.
wished to take the arms meant for Ireland, 475, 476.
said to have urged the King not to give battle, 491.
disagreements between Capt. San Joseppi and, 493, 513.
uncertainty as to his fate, 496.
-, -, death of, 509, 510, 513, 516, 522; confirmed, 535.
-, -, And see notices in Appendix, 558–569, passim.
-, -, letters from, 19, 20, 257, 292, 294, 295, 370, 379, 380, 415–417, 443, 462; alluded to, 493.
-, -, letters to, 369, 371, 445, 456, 492; alluded to, 510, 560.
-, -, son of, 19, 196, 379, 381, 415, 462.
-, -, uncle of. See Paulet, Sir Amias.
-, -, his people, 432.
-, -, secretary of, 389, 407, 448, 560, 561. And see Rio, Augustus; see Cotto, Philliberto.
-, -, groom of the Chamber to, 489.
-, -, page of, 533.
-, -, servants of, 509, 521.
-, -, companies under, quarrels amongst, 432, 433, 437–439; the King of Portugal resolves to employ, 436, 440.
-, -, artillery for, 371.
-, -, brief raising him to the Marquisate, alluded to, 534.
-, -, debts and goods of, 509, 521, 530, 536.
-, -, English servants of, sent home, 444.
-, -, house of, in Lisbon, 437.
-, -, indulgences granted at the suit of, 208, 359.
-, -, jewels of, 510.
-, -, memoir by, 138.
-, -, memorandum probably by, 53.
-, -, money assigned by, 366; payable to, 397, 430; received or owed by, 477, 478, 489, 497.
-, -, pension of, from the Spanish King, in arrears, 276, 291.
-, -, persons visiting, at Lisbon, 417.
-, -, property of, proposals concerning, 516; to be sold to pay his debts, 520, 521; the Pope's instructions concerning, 535.
-, -, sailors and soldiers of, desertion or ill-conduct of, 381.
-, -, ship arming by, views concerning, 384; to put into Lisbon, 389; false report that it was sunk, 418.
-, -, troops of, refuse to obey him, 437, 438; will not go to Ireland, “save under another captain,” 464; go with him into Africa, 481; are nearly all dead, 535.
Subiaco (Sublaco), letter dated at, 212.
Suir (Seur), the river, 159.
Suze, M. de, Nicolas de Champagne, made Governor of Provence, 518; appointment of, protested against by the people, ibid.
Sweden, proposed Jesuit mission to, 212.
-, traveller by way of, 547.
Sweden, John III., King of, 402.
-, -, ambassador of, in England, has audience, 248; to the Pope, 311.
-, -, envoy sent to, from Spain, 378; proposal to send an ambassador, ibid.
-, Queen of, moneys due to, 311.
Swilly (Suilli), Loch, Ulster, 152.
Swiss, levy of, made by the French King, 43, 248.
-, the, rumoured negotiation of, with England, 91.
-, -, send ambassadors to renew their treaty with France, 204.
Swiss cantons, 257.
-, -, Catholic, suggested action of, 24.
-, troops, levy of, for the French King, 234, 248; coming to the States General, 388, 400; to serve under Duke Casimir, 424.
Sydney, Sir Henry, Viceroy of Ireland, brings the Fitzgeralds to England, 151; defeated by James Fitzmaurice, 152.
-, Lord (sic), lieutenant under the Earl of Warwick, going into Normandy [in 1562], 130.
Synod, Patrick, priest, alms refused by, 450.
Syracuse, Don John going to, 259.