Index: U, Z

Pages 522-536

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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Ubiquitists, 156.

Udall, Uedall, Uvedale, Uvedall, Uvidall, Vuydall, Sir Edmund, captain, 410:
-, letter from, 372.
-, letter signed by, 229.
-, hates Morgan, 347; denies disrespect to him, 372.
-, Morgan quarrels with, 390.
-, money paid to, 261, 263; due to, 411; due by, 354, 355.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137, 263, 291; men from, sent to England, 132; to go with Norris, 390.

-, Jacob, one of the above company, 194.

Ulrich, duke of Mecklenburg, 78; sends envoys to urge German Protestant union, 80.

-, daughter of. See Sophia.

-, prince of Denmark, 404; Rogers goes to church with, 75.

Ulstandt, Hakon, of Hulgeborg, 80.

Umbach, Umback, Charles van, 353, 408.

Ungalde, Juan Peres d', 264.

Union. See League, Catholic.

United Provinces, 212, 277, 280, 289, 315:
-, Willoughby's views on, 8, 197.
-, peace treaty increases disunion in, 19; alleged articles cause suspicion in, 48, 49, 50, 58, 65, 68–9, 92.
-, Killigrew hopes for general union of, 19; Maurice also, 24; Mörs has worked for union of, 109.
-, provinces will not submit to each other's direction, 42; only Holland and Zeeland would advance Maurice, 65, 184.
-, frontiers ill provided for by Holland, 43; may be lost if Bonn, etc., fall, 65, 175; Rheinberg not important to, 162.
-, need to settle government, 69; need head, 87; delays through popular government in, 119; trouble through lack of authority in, 184, 302, 371, 388; another course needful, 343.
-, C. Roel's advice upon English policy in, 83; value of, to England, 183; begin to think well of English, 266.
-, exports to England make armour scarce in, 100; Queen got powder in, 306.
-, Parma will attack, now Armada beaten, 103, 106, 182; has taken no place in, since Sluys, 267.
-, troubles in, prevented more aid to Queen, 111, 117.
-, people weary of war, 119, 135; would soon yield if Flushing and Brielle lost, 171; alteration likely if Bergen lost, 249.
-, admire English government, 160.
-, refugees urged to wage force in, 181.
-, thanksgiving fast in, 184.
-, danger of quarrel with Scotland, 222.
-, Ortel complains of English reprisals against, 241.
-, high prices in, 244, 334, 375.
-, very forward against enemy, 273; provision made for Norris in, 313.
-, Queen's debts in, 274, 275.
-, trade to Spain should be stopped till Drake sails, 321.
-, Willoughby's expenses in, 374, 376.
-, some of, have admiralty suit, 378.
-, Queen's demands for, in peace treaty, 404.
-, admiralties:
-, Council of State has no control of, 155.
-, disputes with provinces about licences, 371.
-, army of, 299:
-, garrisons unpaid and disorderly, 44, 176; causes of disorders in, 328.
-, States will not decide on strength of, 68.
-, troops discharged for want of money, 91, 141, 249.
-, oath of officers of, 130.
-, reinforcements sent to Bergen, 155; 2000 to be levied, 215; kept on ships long after siege, 371.
-, Maurice given command of Holland, Zeeland, and Brabant forces, 185.
-, lack of co-operation in, 197.
-, were never more than 5 or 600 in Ostend, 218.
-, isolates s'Hertogenbosch from Parma, 234.
-, States require that Lord General meddle not with, 242.
-, 2000 shot given to Norris, 312, 402, 403.
-, at Heerenberg, 342; Schenck's troops there join, 360.
-, troops assembling to relieve Wachtendonk, 361; too weak, 370; English to aid, 372; forces appointed, 374.
-, has higher lendings than English, 369.
-, poor state of troops on frontiers, 388.
-, See also Amsterdam; Arnemuiden; Arnhem; Bacq, Paul; Balen, Godert van; Balfour, Henry; Barchon, Guillaume de; Bergenop-Zoom; Bertie, Peregrine; Bonn; Bommel; Cleerhagen, Julian; de l'Espine, Philippe; Doesborg; Doetinchem; Geertruidenberg; Gelderland; Groenevelt, Arent and Floris van; Heusden; Lochem; Mansfeld, Peter Ernest; musters, commissaries of; Nassau, Maurice of; Rheinberg; Schenck, Martin; Scots; Soete, Joos de; Solms, Adolf von; Tergoe; Tholen; Tiel; Utrecht; Veere; Wachtendonk.
-, council of high court of, 104.
-, Council of State of, 57, 67, 164, 328, 329, 397:
-, letters from, 105, 117, 198, 234.
-, letters from, referred to, 150, 269, 303, 309, 343.
-, letters to, 207, 257, 269, 306, 318.
-, -, referred to, 186.
-, instruct envoys to Germany, 2.
-, will stay westward bound ships, 2; forbid trade to Antwerp, etc., 254.
-, had not begun work when Drury appointed to Bergen, 11.
-, Ortel sends articles about lord general to, 19.
-, Killigrew asks, to stay Scottish ship, 20.
-, Willoughby deals with, for withdrawal of 2000 English, 26, 27.
-, Willoughby urges States to increase authority of, 28; new instructions to, objected to as contrary to treaty, 42, 65, 155; instructions not accepted by, 184; Bodley to get instructions to, reformed, 356; lacks authority, 197, 252, 302; delays of, 388.
-, disputes over choosing Overijsel and Friesland members of, 43; sending members to, 155; not yet come, 215.
-, to appoint taxes for Geertruidenberg, 56; complain of Geertruidenberg, 234.
-, Oldenbarnevelt shows alleged peace articles in, 65, 68–9; write to count William thereof, 90.
-, cannot get States' decision on army strength, 68.
-, Gilpin would be useful in, 87, 244; he shall aid Bodley in, 315, 318; States will dislike it, 400.
-, proposed extraordinary levy to resist Armada, 89, 92, 104; get 20,000l., 118; waive right to exemption, 104.
-, news of Armada read to, 91.
-, examine Armada prisoners, 112; send examinations to England, 117, 119.
-, congratulate Queen on victory, 117.
-, Utrecht will send members to, 140; Utrecht members leave, 185, 215; Utrecht replies to, 270.
-, ask Willoughby to send English horse towards Bonn, 150.
-, to be moved to aid fortification of Ostend, 168; and to send commissaries, 170.
-, long debates about Bergen, 183, 184; Willoughby asks for men, 207; placed Morgan at Bergen, 212; Holland members of, increase supplies, 253.
-, tried to get powder for Queen, 183.
-, send Voocht to England about Stewart's claims, 198; Stewart's claims against, 286.
-, dispersed into the Provinces, 233, 254.
-, States will allow Queen's extra charges authorised by, 242.
-, Flushing petitioned about garrison's debts, 243.
-, Bodley to replace Killigrew in, 250, 315, 318; Killigrew absent from, 250; Bodley's instructions for, 324.
-, 3 new members of, 253.
-, Norris begins to deal with, 280, 288; act of, upon his requests, 284; summon States to meet him, 303; eager to aid him, 321; answer him, 342; the answer, 339–40; discussed his requests, 361; memorial from, 369; notes to memorial of, 402–3.
-, prepare defence of Veluwe, 302.
-, investigate sale of Mary Stuart's portraits, 309.
-, Bodley to get access to, for overseer of musters, 317, 357.
-, would move soldiers against Schenck, 322; 2 of, at Heerenberg, 342; money paid to Schenck by, 402.
-, Leicester's commission to Sherley not approved by, 338, 367.
-, write for H. Aysma, 343.
-, send English to Wachtendonk, 373.
-, 2 of, go with Mörs, 388.
-, act of, referred to, 403.
-, apostilles to memorial of, 415.
-, greffier of. See Huygens, Christopher.
-, members of. See Arensma, Christoffel; Beale, Robert; Bertie, Peregrine; Bodley, Thomas; Brasser, Governt; Clarke, Bartholomew; Donia, Kemp van; Dorre, Jehan; Killigrew, Henry; Leoninus, Elbertus; Meynarts, Simon; Nassau, Maurice of; Oldenbarnevelt, Jan van; Valcke, Jacob; van der Mijle, Adriaan; Wilkes, Thomas.
-, secretary of. See Gilpin, George.
-, finances of:
-, Friesland may refuse taxes, 4.
-, debt to Willoughby, 16.
-, Geertruidenberg expenses, 26; money sent, 44, 59; paid, 57, 63, 66–7, 82; 20,000l. or more, 60, 65, 90; 26,000l., 87; 40,000l. 338; makes relief of Bonn difficult, 68; Geertruidenberg seizes taxes, 241, 397.
-, States not yet assured of contributions, 42, 43; total 20,000l. monthly, 65, 214.
-, cannot pay troops, 43, 65, 91, 141, 176.
-, loan to Navarre, 53.
-, Gilpin not paid, 87.
-, special levy against Armada unlikely, 90, 175; to be made, 92; voted, 104, 117, 118; Utrecht votes share, 140, 155; Holland also, 155; general willingness to pay, 160; Walsingham thinks it very needful, 176.
-, Fremin owed 120,000 florins, 105.
-, mutinies consumed most accessible resources, 111; cost 60,000l., 240.
-, Brielle contributions taken by garrison, 141.
-, supplies at Bergen used by English, 179.
-, new system, 184; need careful husbanding, 185; ill employed, 197; inadequate, 258.
-, convoys and licences maintain navy, 215, 234, 254.
-, excise and chimney tax increased, 246, 249.
-, quarrels of Holland and others hinder contributions, 247.
-, Norris asks for 100,000 florins, 284; will be granted, 312.
-, cannot pay Stewart's claims, 285; the claims, 286.
-, Utrecht unlikely to pay quota, 361.
-, English cavalry's disorders hinder contributions, 369.
-, navy, fleet of:
-, 24 more sent to Seymour, 2, 19; 40 to go, 25; 20 gone, 24 going, 27; 30 sent from Flushing, 81, 90, 176.
-, watching Dunkirk, 8; and Nieuport, 11; Maurice would join if able, 15; to be victualled fortnightly, 51; victualled and reinforced, 65; driven from station by gale, 82; fears Armada may overpower, 91; slenderly manned, 113.
-, Zeeland wants Queen to reinforce, 8; would recall, 12; Walsingham hopes not, 42; Norris thinks it unreasonable, 84.
-, drive galley back, 50.
-, at Geertruidenberg, 57, 63, 66, 67.
-, expense of, pinches States, 68, 223.
-, herring fleet wafters back, 68; to join rest, 91.
-, to be reinforced, 89, 117, 118, 119, 155; river craft sent to sea, 91; 30 more to go, 104; continually reinforced, 140; more would have been sent if mutinies of towns had not cost so much, 240, 338.
-, take San Felipe and San Mateo, 104, 114; Seymour joins, 104, 133; Dunkirk galley eludes, 157; gone to Dunkirk again, 158; Justinus rejoins with more ships, 161; ships and captains with him, 148–9.
-, ships sent to pursue Armada, 111, 158.
-, value of blockade of Parma by, 111, 143–4, 339; Norris to thank States for aid of, 247.
-, reports of Queen's dissatisfaction with, 119; Burghley complains of, 172; Walsingham also, 176.
-, Queen desires should blockade Parma in force, 133.
-, some ships discharged, 183, 184; Willoughby to oppose it, 191; States will reconsider it, 193.
-, warships at Bergen, 205.
-, maintained by licences to trade with enemy, 215, 234.
-, Maurice prepares ships for Portugal, 288; ships to go, 312; Norris asks for, 340, 398; ships granted him, 402, 403.
-, off Lillo, 349, 350.
-, reformed churches of, mission to Queen from, 2, 94.
-, States General of, the States, Estates, 37, 63, 164, 271, 358, 399, 406:
-, letters from, 11, 16, 110, 111.
-, -, referred to, 118, 130. 241, 387.
-, letters to, 133, 318, 372.
-, - referred to, 48, 81.
-, resolve to reinforce fleet, 2, 15, 19, 25; Willoughby moves, for its victualling, 51.
-, would leave Drury at Bergen, 11; Morgan complains of, 20, 45, 48; appoint Morgan to Bergen, 210.
-, send van den Warck to England, 16.
-, Willoughby asks, to send 2000 English home, 19; the request, 28; 1st answer unsatisfactory, 20; granted, 27.
-, about to answer Schenck, 20; in some sort answer him, 43; will aid him little, 59; discuss aid to relieve Bonn, 65, 68, 87; Schenck sent, 90; he is contented, 119; send English horse with him, 162, 193, 197; Armada prevented earlier aid, 187.
-, dismiss Bacq, 20; who appeals to Queen, 50.
-, have instructed Ortel to seek redress for piracies, 21.
-, slack performance of promises to Geertruidenberg, 27, 31; angers garrison, 44, 49, 82; must grant all garrison asks, 55, 65, 140; garrison will not obey, 154, 160; suspects attack by 319, 320, 371; Queen's answer to complaints against town by, 397; Willoughby's and Wingfield's answers thereon, 414.
-, dislike absence of English captains, 27; will make no allowance for them, 55.
-, discussing their 'state of the wars,' 42, 43; cannot decide till know English strength, etc., 68.
-, Russel accuses of spreading false peace articles, 48.
-, dislike Ste. Aldegonde, 49; who criticises carelessness of, 381.
-, du Fay deals with, 53.
-, sent Hohenlohe to Germany, 53.
-, again speak of offering aid to Queen, 66; send more ships, 89, 111, 117, 140; Queen asks, to supply her ships, 130; Ortel asks, to send ships and powder, 133; were not slack in sending ships, 143; Walsingham thinks were, 176; did best to get powder, 176, 183, 185.
-, Gilpin complains of, 67.
-, position of, in peace treaty, 72, 95, 96–7.
-, reluctantly agree to withdrawal of 1000 English, 89, 91, 136, 159.
-, Council move for special taxes, 89, 92; votes them, 104, 117, 118; Walsingham thinks it very needful, 176.
-, pleased by Walsingham's letter about peace articles, 90.
-, Fremin complains of dismissal by, 105.
-, ask Privy Council to carry out apostilles of 13 April, 111, 241, 242.
-, think of sending envoys to Queen, 117; uncertain how will congratulate her, 184.
-, unpopular, because many of lowly birth, 135.
-, Willoughby often warned about Bergen, 136; ask him to see to its defence, 160.
-, complain that Brielle contributions taken for garrison, 141.
-, complain of weakness of English forces, 141, 244, 292, 311, 402, 407.
-, Ostend asks Queen to press, for grant for fortifications, 152, 223; care nothing for Ostend, 212; will not aid, 235; Norris asks if Ostend to be garrisoned by, 313; have delayed repairs overlong, 326, 340; Ostend requests referred to, 343; Conway asks aid of, 377, 386; Queen will evacuate town unless repairs done by, 380; order men to go to Norris, 387.
-, answer Willoughby's objections to instructions to Council, 155; Council rejected instructions of, 184; Bodley to deal thereof, 238.
-, need to send auditor to settle accounts with, 159; matters disputed by, 161, 162, 274; will not muster English, 229, 231, 403; will not allow Leicester's grants, 294, 296, 367; Digges urges settlement with, 295, 394; notes of matters disputed, 296, 297, 403; Willoughby urges settlement with, 298.
-, if neglect Bergen, English to retire from it, 179, 191, 239; will do little to save it, 182, 204, 205, 219; promise aid, 183, 193; supply Parma, 220, 265; Morgan asks for supplies, 237; send money. 238; slack in aiding, 246; sent men to Tholen, 251.
-, Willoughby advises giving subsidy rather than troops to, 182.
-, discharge some ships, 183; Willoughby to protest, 191; will reconsider it, 193.
-, have dispersed, 183, 197, 233; reassemble in Nov., 216, 244, 267.
-, give Maurice command of Holland, Zeeland, and Brabant forces, 185.
-, desire stay of unlicensed trade with Spain, 185, 215; raise money by licences, 234.
-, imprison Yseltein, 199.
-, farm out taxes, 214.
-, promise 4 guns for la Rochelle, 216, 267.
-, to pay for English reinforcements to Bergen, 220, 221; unlikely to pay, 244; will not pay, 293.
-, Norris to ask aid of, for Portugal voyage, 221, 336; his instructions, 247–9, 249– 50; Willoughby told, 257; Norris begins to deal with, 280; to be fully empowered to treat with him, 284, 288, 303; Council again summons, 313; probable grant of, 312; requests to him for, 328–9.
-, should pay Willoughby's espials, 240.
-, Ortel asks Queen to disavow mutineers against, 240; history thereof, 328.
-, Ortel asks Queen to assure, that will not treat of peace, 241.
-, should pay for extra fortifications at Flushing, 243.
-, Queen should be wary of aiding, against Stewart, 244; objections of, to Stewart's claims, 285, 286; Voocht's plan for settlement, 289; Queen's answer to, 372.
-, Schenck complains to Queen of, 246, 247; sends demands to. 321; adopt strong measures against him, 341, 360; he agrees still to serve, 371; remonstrance of, to Queen about him, 402.
-, T. Digges recovered 20,000l. from, 256.
-, agreement with Anjou, referred to, 259, 328.
-, were sending embassy to content Leicester, 259.
-, Utrecht will answer certain questions at, 270.
-, Ortel's memorial of complaints of, 282; previous answer, 283; their complaints, 283–4; articles by Ortel for, with answers, 337–9; Sherley's answer thereon, 367.
-, persons and causes recommended by Queen to, 300– 1.
-, alleged discourse of Deventor against, 302; authority of, needed to deal with him, 342.
-, would be glad to appoint Drury to Ostend, 304.
-, peace treaty was only real difference between Queen and, 305.
-, Bodley to deal with, about usage of English, 308; and of musters, etc., 316; and of other matters, 324, 333, 334, 356, 357; also for Schenck, 369; Willoughby complains of ill usage of English by, 373; Gilpin also, 388.
-, not yet assembled, 312, 321; begin to assemble, 361.
-, Willoughby to get, to admit Bodley and Gilpin to Council, 315; Queen's request to, 318; will be lothe to agree about Gilpin, 400.
-, points Willoughby shall deal of with, 315–6.
-, Council of State commend Norris' cause to, 339, 340.
-, Bergen captains should obey, 347.
-, Norris begins to deal with, 361; Council's memorial for, 369; answer him, 371; grant forces to him, 372; numbers and conditions, 378, 383, 389, 402, 403; answer of, partly unsatisfactory, 381, 398.
-, send English to Wachtendonk, 373, 374, 378; Russel refuses, 381; Morgan obeys, 389.
-, offices cashiered by, serve in Willoughby's troop, 375, 376.
-, desire Audley as general of horse, 379.
-, Council has to ask, for all supplies, 388.
-, appoint general muster of English, 388.
-, Civille would get salt from, 414.
-, apostilles to memorial of, referred to, 415.
-, greffier of. See Aerssens, Cornelis.

-, treasurer general of. See Bye, Joris de.
-, See also army, English in Low Countries; Elizabeth; Friesland; Gelderland; Holland; Low Countries; Overijsel; Utrecht; Zeeland.

universities. See Douai; Louvain.

Usbec Tartars, 172.

Utrecht, Utrect, Utrecte, Utreght, Utricht, Utrichte, Utricque, Utrithe, Uttreight, Uuytrecht, Uytrecht, Vytrecht, Vytreiht, province, lordship, of:
-, peasants rise in, 2; Mörs suppresses them, 19, 43.
-, Webbes wishes to be commissary at, 14.
-, Mörs, Leoninus, and Valcke sent to, 43; to settle differences with Holland, 68; not agreed, 88; grown worse, 91.
-, Killigrew and Leoninus going to, 104, 118; almost agreed with neighbours, 109; results of mission, 140, 348; good accord in, 160, 164, 181, 217.
-, would not advance Maurice, 184.
-, withdraw councillors of State, 185, 215.
-, importance and vulnerability of, 237; enemy designs against, 253, 313; Willoughby to urge States General to care for, 315.
-, Ortel asks Queen to urge to better union with neighbours, 240; Norris to urge it, 247; Queen's previous efforts herein, 300.
-, sent 100 men to Bergen, 265.
-, deputies of, come to States General, 321, 342.
-, Menninck's alleged practices in, 331, 332; his confession of enemy plans against, 345.
-, some work to win entirely to Holland, 342.
-, pays slowly, 361.
-, court of, president of. See Bellechière, Jacques.
-, -, councillor of. See Hermale, Floris.
-, governor of. See Solms, Adolf von.
-, English troops in. See army, English; Blunt, Christopher; Champernon, Arthur; Morgan, Sir Thomas; Wilsford, Sir Thomas.
-, States of:
-, letters from, 86, 164, 165, 207.
-, -, referred to, 181.
-, letter to, 217.
-, -, referred to, 245.
-, send Meetkerke to Queen, 86; declaration from, 134–6.
-, Mörs asks Queen to hear, before deciding matters, 109, 157; they also ask it, 164; Queen promises it, 181, 217.
-, vote quota and send councillors, 140, 155; have signed agreement with neighbours, 164, 217.
-, condolences of, on Leicester's death, 207.
-, Norris to deal with, for Deventer, etc., 248; Willoughby to advise him, 257; and to deal also, 316.
-, to meet, 257; meet, 269; replies of, to Council of State's deputies, 270–1.
-, Council of State will intercede with, for prisoners, 340.
-, -, advocate of. See Thin, Floris.
-, -, secretary of. See Strick, Jan van.

-, town of:
-, letters and papers dated at, 14, 41, 50, 86, 109, 157, 164, 165, 207, 237, 245, 269, 270, 271, 305, 378.
-, Adrian gone to, 49; gets Walsingham's armours made at, 100; they are ready at, 158.
-, ministers of, sent to Queen, urge her to aid present magistrates, 70.
-, estates prevented tumult in, 157.
-, Queen and Leicester urge Deventer's re-election as burgomaster of, 181, 182, 217.
-, news from, mentioned, 215.
-, coup d'état replaces Deventer, etc., by new magistrates at, 225, 246, 253, 267; due to Mörs' practices, 247, 349; English party displaced at, 249, 253, 258.
-, Killigrew can do nothing in new brabble at, 233; asks van der Aa's aid, 245; van der Aa's account of it, 245.
-, 3 councillors sent to, 254; their proceedings at, 257, 270–1.
-, act restoring Zuylen, etc., 254; negotiations about it, 257.
-, oath of those restored at, 257.
-, Deventer excluded from amnesty at, 268; Mörs justifies his overthrow, 304; will deal with him justly, 305; Deventer's justification, 317.
-, Meetkerke's opinion on, 289–90.
-, Amsterdam company admitted into, 302; no further change at, 310; Mörs settles to his liking, 322.
-, troubles at, since 1586, 328.
-, Mörs assembles forces at, 371.
-, way to, open if Wachtendonk lost, 379, 388.
-, suspicion Mörs would yield to Parma, 381.
-, act dated at, referred to, 403.
-, magistrates of:
-, letter from, referred to, 245.
-, letters to, 181, 268.
-, -, referred to, 400.
-, papist, restored, 253, 258, 313.
-, Council of State's deputies deal with, 257.
-, Queen requires, to release Deventer, etc., 268.
-, resolution of, about Cleerhagen, 398.
-, Bodley urges, to release prisoners, 400.
-, places in, 225.
-, apothecary of. See Asch, Jacob van.
-, armourer of, 408.
-, brewer of. See Geritsen, Francis.
-, burgomaster of. See Canther, Dirck; Drunen, John van; Goyer, Dirck de; Prounincq, Gerard de.
-, citizen of. See Jones, —.
-, échevin of. See Foeck, Albert.
-, ministers of. See Helmich, Werner; Modet, Hermann.
-, schout of. See Trillo, Charles van; Zuylen, Nicolaas de.
-, secretary of. See van den Voorts, Goosen.

Uvedale, Uvedall, Uvidall. See Udall.


Vaerheil. See Varrhael.

Vaert. See Vreeswijk.

Vaess, Niclaes, de, 236.

Valase. See Velasquez.

Valcke, Valck, Valke, Walke, Jacob, member of Council of State:
-, letter from, 323.
-, letters signed by, 117, 198.
-, sent to accord Utrecht, 43; detained by new questions at, 68.
-, urged Russel to send men to Bergen, 152.
-, kinsman of, captured, 215.

Valckendorff, Valckendorph. See Walkendorf.

Valdes, Valdase, Valdesse, Valdez, Don Diego Flores de, 395.

-, Don Pedro de, general of Armada Andalusian squadron, commander of N. S. del Rosario, 395:
-, letter to, 305.
-, papers of, in Spain, 107.
-, lost in Channel, 112, 116.
-, action between English and, 115.
-, prisoner in England, 116.

Valence [Drôme, France], 5.

Valencia, viceroy of, 97.

Valette, la. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

Valke. See Valcke.

-, [sic]. See also Voocht.

Vallidolid, Validoli [Vallidolid, Spain], 330.

Valori, Lattantio, 193.

Valsyngham. See Walsingham.

van den Beke, Beque, Jan, pensionary of Flushing, 225; letter signed by, 11.

van den Berch, Berghe, Jan, letter and paper signed by, 16; arrested but released at Utrecht, 225.

van den Berg, Berghe, count Hermann, Harman, governor of Deventer, encourages Utrecht peasant rising, 2; recalled from Groningen by garrison, 342.

-, —, 217.

van den Veken, Hans, Henry, merchant of Holland, 148, 158.

van den Voorts, Goosen, secretary of Utrecht (town), 225.

van den Warck, Dr. Jan, de:
-, letter from, 130.
-, States send to Queen, 16, 177.
-, desires audience about Colstan, 130.

van den Well, van Denwell, van der Well, William, shoemaker, of Flushing, 195, 408.

van der Aa, Gerrit van Renesse:
-, letter from, 245.
-, letter to, 245.
-, Killigrew deals with about Deventer, 233, 234; promises help, 245.
-, Deventer suspects, 348, 349.

van der Does, Pieter, 112.

van der Dous, — 403.

van der Hipp, Jean, 409.

van der Kempe, William, 408.

van der Lyne, Stephen, 408.

van der Mijle, Mile, Myle, Adriaan, president of Holland, member of Council of State:
-, urges Council to get levy against Armada, 92; speech to States, mentioned, 104.
-, sent to Utrecht, 234.
-, Maertensz. replaces in Council, 253.

van der Well. See van den Well.

van de Wael, Bartholomeus, heer van Moersbergen, Moesberghen, 346.

Vanloe. See Loo, Andrea de.

Vargas, Alonso de, captain, Armada prisoner in Zeeland, 111, 116; examination of, 112.

Varrhael, Vaerheil, Peter, Rogers sends to Sweden, 79, 143.

Vasseur, Adrian, Russel's secretary, letter to, 391.

Vassure, D., news from, 399.

Vau. See Wouw.

Vaux, Mary, lady [née Tresham], 4.

Vavasour, Vavasor, Vavisor, Thomas, captain, 222, 410:
-, money paid to, 261, 263, 412; due to, 408; due by, 354.
-, company of, at Brielle, 137, 263, 273.

Veare. See Vere.

Vechtsche shans, Amptman of Tiel's sconce [Utrecht, Netherlands], States will attack, 361; Mörs to go against, 370.

Veer, Veere. See Vere.

Veere, Camphere, Camphire, Canphire, Ter Veer, Tervere [Zeeland, Netherlands], 158:
-, mutiny of, 328; appeased, 7.
-, captains of, 31; money paid to, 277.
-, Russel suspected of practices at, 69.
-, Scottish conservature at, 285.
-, Maurice to be marquis of, 303.
-, bailiff of. See Vosbergen, Gaspar van.
-, marquis of. See Nassau, Maurice of.
-, vice-admiral of. See Calis, Cornelis Harmonson.

Velasquez, Valase, Velasco, Don Juan de, Armada prisoner in Zeeland, 111, 116; examination of, 112.

Vellers, marshal. See Soete, Joos de.

Vellyers, the preacher. See de l'Oyseleur, Pierre.

Velusa, Juan de, 264.

Veluwe, Velewe, Veloe, Velue, the [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, good accord in, 160.
-, Mansfelt will not campaign in, 235, 236.
-, enemy expected in, 302.
-, enemy invade, 345.

velvet, 139.

Vendôme, cardinal of. See Bourbon, Charles de.

Veneur, Tanneguy le, sieur de Carrouges, Carroughes, governor of Rouen, letter from, referred to, 88.

Venice [Italy] and Venetians:
-, letters dated at, 367, 394.
-, League fear nuncio will prove a, 122.
-, attack Turks, 173; fear Turkish attack, 201.
-, Tirwhit at, 198.
-, exchange rates at, 370.
-, signory, signors of, 393.
-, ship of, lost in Armada, 116.

Venlo, Venloe, Venloo [Limburg, Netherlands], 253, 306:
-, letters dated at, 233, 234, 236.
-, Mansfeld's forces at, 236.
-, Verdugo at, 236, 237.
-, forces from Bonn at, 258.

Vento, Christopher, French consul at Alexandria, servant of Queen Mother, gone to France, 282; gets Lancôme recalled, 334.

verdigris, 81.

Verdugo, Francisco, colonel, governor of Groningen:
-, letters from, 232, 236.
-, fails to seize Doetinchem, 20.
-, finds Charles Mansfeld's plan impracticable, 233.
-, lacks money, 234; asks Parma for some, 237.
-, Menninck's relations with, 330, 331.
-, lieutenant of, captured, 342.

Verdurst, Louis, burgher of Flushing, 362.

Vere, Veare, Veer, Veere, Sir Francis, captain, 41, 410:
-, letters from, 105, 150.
-, -, referred to, 178.
-, letter to, referred to, 346.
-, letter signed by, 229.
-, may command Geertruidenberg 'carabines,' 67.
-, takes men to England, 89; wishes to serve there, 105.
-, restored to Queen's favour, 150.
-, does valiantly at Bergen, 209.
-, going to England, 299, 300, 303, 304, 313, 317.
-, hates Morgan, 347.
-, money paid to, 261, 263, 277, 412; due to, 411; due by, 354.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137, 263, 290; men from, sent to England, 132. See also Bagnall, Samuel.

Vermudes, Pedro, 264.

Verreem, Reynier, Renyer, captain, 225.

Verzellini, Jacomo, letter to, 367.

-, -, son of the above, 367.

Vianen, Viana [N. Holland, Netherlands], enemy plans against, 332, 345; burgomaster of, 408.

victuallers. See Bart, Anthony; Brune, Thomas; Cartwright, Thomas; Cox, Henry; Daniell, Robert.

Vienna [Austria], 335, 336.

Vignes, John de, 24.

Vijgh, Dirck, heer van Zoelen, amptman of Neder Betuwe, or of Tiel, 360:
-, States attack, 246.
-, Schenck, Brakel, and, practice against States, 268, 302.
-, Queen commends to States, 301.
-, States try to raise Tiel against, 303, 322; will use force against, 341.
-, may bend to enemy, 342.
-, is malcontent, 388.
-, son of, commanded Herwaarden, 342, 388.
-, sconce of. See Vechtsche shans.

Vilcogne, — de, 125.

Viliers, Villiers, Villyers, marshal. See Soete, Joos de.

-, the preacher. See de l'Oyseleur, Pierre.

Villalua, Martin de, Parma's chapon, 265.

Villequier, Réné de, 209.

Villeroi, Villeroy. See Neufville, Nicholas de.

Villiers, Job de, gentleman of de Muy, 23, 24.

Vireslott, Cornelis, 67.

Virgil, quotation from, 35–6.

Vlasshen. See Flushing.

Vlieland, the Fly, Vlie [W. Frisian isles], ships at, 104, 184.

Vlishing, Vlishinge, Vlisshing, Vlisshinge, Vlissing, Vlissinge, Vlissingen, Vlusshinge, Vlyshinge, Vlyshyng, Vlyssen, Vlysshyng. See Flushing.

Voicht, Claes de, landlord of Golden Fleece, St. Katherine's, London, 319.

Voisin, Voysin, captain, 374.

Voocht, Voch, Vocht, Vought, Leonard de, du, councillor of States of Holland, pensionary of Delft:
-, letters from, 285, 289.
-, States send to Queen about Stewart's claims, 198, 221, 222.
-, Queen should deal warily with, 294.
-, asks leave to go to Scotland, 285, 289.
-, articles presented by Ortel and, 339; Sherley's answer to, 367.
-, Queen sends back to States, 372.
-, moved Queen about Geertruidenberg, 397.

Vopsco, 352.

Vos, Peter de, made councillor of Utrecht, 225.

Vosbergen, Vosbergh, Gaspar van, bailiff of Veere, councillor of States and admiralty of Zeeland, 225.

Vranck, Franck, François, pensionary of Gouda, at Utrecht, 257; Menninck examined before, 346, 363.

Vreeswijk, the Fare, Phare, Vaert [Utrecht, Netherlands], 137:
-, Willoughby would put English into, 313.
-, Menninck and Parma's plans against, 332, 345, 346.

Vriesland, Vrieslandt, Vrieslant. See Friesland.

Vrollick, Martin, 407.

Vuydall. See Udall.

Vyllyars. See de l'Oyseleur, Pierre.

Vytrecht, Vytreiht. See Utrecht.


Waad, Waade, William, clerk of the council, 122; letters from, 17, 22, 24.

Waal, Wael, Whale, river, 267, 269; Schenck threatens States' ships on, 302; still closed, 361.

Wachtendonk, Wachington, Wachtendonck, Wachtendoncq, Wachtentonck, Wachtindoncke, Wackekendon [Rhenish Prussia, Germany]:
-, nearest base to Bonn, 44.
-, Mansfeld's forces around, 236, 245.
-, besieged, 247; assaults fail, 306; cannon not planted, 309; weather hampers besiegers, 342; who mutiny, 382.
-, Holland urges relief of, 302; Schenck asks aid for, 321.
-, Arnhem expects siege after, 303.
-, Parma sends troops to, 323.
-, relief force preparing, 361, 371; too weak to relieve, 370; list of forces appointed to relieve, 379.
-, English to help to relieve, 372; Willoughby's reluctance to agree, 374, 378, 379; Russel refuses forces for, 381.
-, surrendered, 383, 387.
-, besiegers move into Brabant, 396.

Waddel, William, captain, 286.

Waddon, John, English sea-captain, 367.

Wael. See Waal.

Waesland, pays de Waes [E. Flanders, Belgium], 259.

Wageningen, Wagenen, Wagener, Wagening [Gelderland, Netherlands]; English horse at. See Morgan, Matthew.

Walcheren, Walkeren, island of [Zeeland, Netherlands], 299, 331, 333; fear Parma may attack, 49.

Walhem, Walem [Antwerp, Belgium], 323.

Walgrave, Richard, captain, 194.

Walke. See Valcke.

Walkendorf, Valckendorff, Valckendorph, Christopher, of Glorup, treasurer and a governor of Denmark, 80:
-, letters signed by, 6, 10, 87, 158.
-, Rogers deals with, 75–6.
-, reappointment as governor likely, 77.
-, reported imprisoned, 310.

Walker, William, 408.

Walkeren. See Walcheren.

Wallachia, 282, 404.

-, prince of. See Mihnea III.

Waller, Wauler, Sir Walter, 410:
-, to answer Ostend mutineers, 167.
-, only officer not imprisoned, 203.
-, pay of, 131.
-, money paid to, 261, 263, 277; due to, 411; due by, 354, 355.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141, 175, 264; mutinies, 203; lieutenant of, 203. See also Brooke, Edward; Davies, John; Midleton, Thomas.

Walloons, Wallones, Wallons:
-, Parma takes as own regiment, 15, 35, 36.
-, Parma's jealous of Spaniards, 158.
-, Parma's at Dixmude, 172.
-, some left before Bergen, 306.
-, Parma favours, 350.

Walsingham, Valsyngham, Walsyngham, Sir Francis, principal secretary, 25, 26, 69, 203, 335, 415:
-, letters from, 18, 42, 181, 406.
-, -, referred to, 18, 20, 28, 30, 48, 51, 64, 70, 85, 87, 90, 98, 101, 103, 119, 151, 152, 188, 192, 212, 213, 245, 271, 299, 305, 308, 311, 313, 316, 346, 348, 350, 351, 372, 378, 379, 381, 382, 390, 395, 398, 400.
-, letters to, passim.
-, -, referred to, passim.
-, letters and papers signed by, 7, 214, 242, 317, 325, 380.
-, Netherlands' ministers ask advice of, 2.
-, would reconcile Maurice and Russel, 11, 49, 177.
-, Burnham buying armours for, 11, 49, 82; they are scarce, 100; sent 200l. for them, 103; are nearly ready, 158.
-, thinks Parma dare not embark, 18; would not send ships to Zeeland, 42.
-, asks Willoughby to tolerate A. Wingfield's absence, 27.
-, views on Willoughby-Russel quarrel, 31.
-, got allowance for Gilpin, 42; Gilpin lacks news from, 321.
-, princess of Orange asks to aid Teligny, 47.
-, Charles uses name for Drury, 48.
-, Bacq appeals to, 50.
-, could reconcile Provinces, 59.
-, sent peace articles to Buzanval, 63.
-, Stafford complains of lack of news from, 64, 85; sent news, 121.
-, Amsterdam doctor would cure disease of, 87.
-, letter of, on peace articles to be published, 90; Russel published it, 152.
-, Mörs asks good offices of, 109.
-, complained of States' fleet, 119, 143, 176.
-, gets money for Stafford, 123.
-, Coels asks, to present book to Queen, 143.
-, regained Queen's favour for Vere, 150.
-, notes of his answers to Low Country letters, 175–8; and to Willoughby's, 292.
-, fears Parma will attack Gelderland, 175, 177.
-, wishes Saxony would aid States, 176.
-, promises to relieve Ste. Aldegonde, 177.
-, thinks Flushing tenable with 6 bands, 188.
-, memorial for, 214.
-, Ostend petition sent to, 223.
-, and others answer S. A Bergen, 226.
-, J. Norris' memorials for, 232, 313; he sends Williams to, 311, 312.
-, furthers Killigrew's recall, 233; and Burghley to decide on it, 267.
-, said Council found Ostend requests unreasonable, 235.
-, Oostergo appeal to, mentioned, 287.
-, promised to aid Engelstedt, 290.
-, letters sent to, 323.
-, Châteauneuf would confer with Burghley, Howard, and, 355.
-, to instruct Bodley, 356.
-, Campo urges toleration of Catholics to, 359.
-, soldiers' patron, 380.
-, princess of Bouillon asks advice of, 383.
-, Morgan sends goshawk to, 390.
-, favour to Willoughby's children, 398.
-, daughter of. See Sidney, lady Frances.
-, late page of. See Charles.
-, servants of, 88, 90, 105. See also Dayne.

-, lady Ursula [née Worseley], wife of Sir Francis, 347, 366.

Wanstead, Wanstadt [co. Essex], 208.

Warden, the lord, of the Cinque Ports.
-, See Brooke, William.

warrants, 147, 377, 412; referred to, 275, 276, 277, 323, 336.

Warwick, earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose.

Wauler. See Waller.

Waw. See Wouw.

Wayringe, John, deputy of Henry Cox at Ostend, 226.

W.B., 326.

-, perpetually foul in France, 62.
-, foul at Geertruidenberg, 67.
-, great tempests and rain in Holland, 69, 82, 253.
-, stormy, in Narrow Seas, 133.
-, Armada suffers from, 145.
-, winds delay Ostend letters, 203, 322; N.W. gales at Ostend, 376.
-, foul at Bergen, 211.
-, very stormy at Middelburg, 224.
-, winds delay Holland and Zeeland letters, 229, 231, 246, 251, 266, 311, 317, 345, 348, 349, 360, 370.
-, winds long westerly, 302.
-, heavy rains at Wachtendonk, 306, 361.
-, rainy in Gelderland, 321.
-, foul, in North Sea, 350.
-, frosts in Holland, 388.

Webbes, Webb, Webbe, Thomas, 159:
-, letters from 14, 41, 119.
-, asks for clerkship of check, 14, 119; Digges fears rivalry of, 160.
-, Willoughby prefers Digges to, 163.
-, seeks to get Digges dismissed, 229.
-, wife of, 41.

-, —, 408.

Weerdt, Weirt. See Schenckenshanz.

Welles, John, 152.

Welobe. See Bertie, Peregrine.

Welser, Mark, merchant, of Augsburg, 369.

-, Matthew, merchant, of Augsburg, 369.

Werchin, Pierre de, prince d'Espinoy, 216, 217.

Werckendam, Werchendam [S. Holland, Netherlands], 332, 346.

Werensteyn, Adriaan van, councillor and pensionary of Gorcum, 257.

Wert [Limburg, Netherlands], 320.

Wesel, Wesell [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 82, 187; Mörs' raid towards, 185.

West, Harry, Cobham's servant, 268, 269.

Westendorp, Dr. George van, Parma's envoy at Hamburg, 226, 227.

Westergoo, Westergoe [Friesland, Netherlands], 59.

Westhrop, Thomas, gentleman porter of the Brielle, 410.

Westmorland, earl of. See Nevill, Charles.

Westphalen [Germany], 345.

Wevell, John, 408, 412.

Whale. See Waal.

wheat, 212, 226:
-, English prices, 168.
-, sent from England to Bergen, 290.
-, supply of, to army in Netherlands, 327.
-, going to Spain from Dunkirk, 368.
-, See also corn.

wheelbarrows, 207, 387.

Whetstone, —, 408.

White, Andreas, a 'Dutchman,' factor of A. Marsh at Moscow, 352.

White Bear, royal navy, 146.

Whitstock, William, 355.

Wielings, the [bank at Scheldte mouth], 104.

Wiffert, Corvitius, of Ness, 80.

Wight, isle of, 104, 148.

Wijks, Gilbert van, of Delft, Schregel's procurator, 347, 348.

wildfire. See fireworks.

Wilford. See Wilsford.

Wilkes, Thomas, clerk of the Council, late member of Council of State, 403, 409, 415; Spain hoped for aid of, 360.

William, duke of Cleves, Cleve, 97, 346; Schenck said to take service under, 400.

Williams, Willems, Wyllyams, Sir Roger, captain, 170, 209, 410:
-, letter to, 320.
-, Russel will accord Maurice and, 271.
-, Maurice likes, 299.
-, Norris sends to Walsingham, 311, 312; memorial for, 313.
-, money paid to, 261.

-, Thomas, cannoneer at Bergen, 195.

Williamson, Anvyn, 408.

-, Henry, 409.

Willoghby, Willoughbie, Willoughby, Willughbie, Willughby. See Bertie, Peregrine.

Wilsford, Wilford, Wilforthe, Wylfor, Wylford, Wylsford, Sir Thomas, sergeant-major of English army in Low Countries, 21, 373:
-, letters from, 303, 313.
-, troop at Utrecht said to be of, 14.
-, has news from England, 67.
-, Killigrew commends, 68.
-, Willoughby attended only by, 183.
-, to go to Ostend, 190.
-, at Bergen siege, slightly wounded, 209; commands quarter, 210; good service of, 271.
-, Norris prefers, to Willoughby, 312.
-, asks States to grant garrisons to troops, 374.
-, returns to England, 393, 398.
-, pay of, 128, 291.
-, money paid to, 276; due by, 409.

Wilson, Willson, Alexander, 408.

-, Thomas, captain, 410:
-, letter from, 322.
-, takes new companies to Ostend, 308; helps punish mutineers, 322.
-, money paid to, 261.

Windebank, Windebanck, Thomas, clerk of the signet, 323; letter to, 318.

wine, 367.

Wingfield, Winckfeild, Winckfeilde, Winckfeld, Wingefeild, Wingefeilde, Wingfeild, Wingfeilde, Wingfeld, Wingfelde, Wingfild, Winkefeild, Wynckfild, Wynfeld, Wyngfeeld, Wyngfeld, Wyngfelde, Wynkfild, Anthony, captain, 410:
-, letter from, 371.
-, so long absent that Willoughby replaces, 27; since Jan., 175.
-, sends ensign to Norris about Ostend mutiny, 273.
-, Conway assisted only by, 325.
-, sick, 371.
-, pay of, 131.
-, money paid to, 261, 263; due to, 411.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 264; Willoughby gives to sergeant-major, 27; to go with Norris, 391.

-, Sir John, governor of Geertruidenberg, Willoughby's brother-in-law, 154, 241, 410:
-, letter signed by, 320.
-, letter to, 319.
-, Geertruidenberg wants, as governor, 66; is appointed, 67, 83; Schenck angry, 246.
-, conduct unsatisfactory, 140.
-, States complain of, 234; Norris and Willoughby to investigate, 250, 397; answers of, 414.
-, money paid to, 263, 412; due to, 411; due by, 195.
-, company of, at Bergen, 137; men from, sent to England, 132; discharged, 264.

-, Richard, captain, 410:
-, Flushing creditors press, 243.
-, money paid to, 260, 263; due to, 411; due by, 318, 354.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273; at Bergen, 291; men from, sent to England, 132; to go with Norris, 391. See also Gerrard, Daniel.

-, Thomas Maria, captain, 410:
-, letters from, 307.
-, disputes with Willoughby over prisoner, 307.
-, money paid to, 260, 263; due to, 408, 411; due by, 354.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273; men from, sent to England, 132.

Winssen, Beerent van, burgomaster of Deventer, captured, 342.

Winter, Wynter, Sir William, sends note of States' ships in Narrow Seas, 149; money paid to, 276.

-, captain, 149.

Wiseman, —, 298.

Wishen, Henrick van, 408.

Wismar, Wistmore [Mecklenburg, Germany], 404.

Wissborn [Denmark], 80.

Wittie, Arnold de, 409.

Woe. See Wouw.

Wolfenbüttel [Brunswick, Germany], letter dated at, 319.

-, president of Netherlanders at, See Baudimont, François.

Wolff, Wolffe, Christoffel, captain, 269, 374.

Wolley, Wulle, John, secretary for Latin tongue, privy councillor, 224; letter signed by, 142.

wool and woollen goods, 38.

Worthington, —, a priest, 4.

Wouw, Vau, Waw, Woe [Zeeland, Netherlands], Bergen attacks on, 32; skirmish near, 180; castle of, 278.

Wright, Thomas, master gunner at Ostend, 195.

Wroth, —, Digges' cousin, letter to, 235; brother of, 235.

Wrothe, John, letter from, 393.

Wulle. See Wolley.

Wyatt, Wyat, Wyett, Thomas, commissary of musters, muster master, at Ostend:
-, Willoughby employed in Flanders, 57, 60, 67.
-, at Bergen, 164.
-, to answer Ostend mutineers, 167, 168, 189.
-, States' commissaries should aid, 170.
-, brings news of Bergen siege, 204, 205, 206.
-, musters taken by, 132.
-, money due to, 411.

Wylcock, —, 410.

Wylfor, Wylford. See Wilsford.

Wylloby, Wylloughby, Wylloughbye, Wyllowbye, Wyllowghby, Wyllughbie. See Bertie, Peregrine.

Wyllyams. See Williams.

Wylsford. See Wilsford.

Wyn, John, 409.

Wynckfild, Wynfeld, Wyngfeeld, Wyngfeld, Wyngfelde, Wynkfild. See Wingfield.

Wynter. See Winter.


York, Edmund, 410.

-, Edward, 410.

-, Gilbert, 410.

Younge, Reynolde, of Lambert's company, 194.

Yrlande. See Ireland.

Yssel Oort, Ysseloort [Gelderland, Netherlands], 331.

Yselstein, Iselstein, Isenstene, Christopher, governor of Heusden, said to be imprisoned, 199; bought out of government, 215.

Yzendijk, Ysendyck [Zeeland, Netherlands], 50.


Zamoiski, John, Polish ambassador to Turkey, 102.

-, John Sarius, chancellor of Poland:
-, letter from, 224.
-, - referred to, 404.
-, offers terms for Maximilian's release, 79.
-, desires Anglo-Polish alliance, 224.
-, Harborne's audience with, 404.

Zamose [Lublin, Poland], letter dated at, 224.

Zara [Dalmatia], 173.

Zasse. See Sas van Ghent.

Zeeland, one of United Provinces, 155, 196, 206, 235, 333, 396:
-, letter from, 1.
-, enterprise against, fails, 1.
-, ships of, go to blockade Parma, 15; river boats sent to guard coast of, 91; heavy expenses on ships, 134; list of ships of, with Justinus, 148–9; ships of, join Justinus, 161, 172.
-, fears Parma will attack, 19, 25, 42, 43, 122; his men ready to embark for, 48, 49, 50, 60.
-, Justinus gone to, 27.
-, seems secret truce between Flanders and, 59.
-, bends wholly towards Maurice, 65, 184; he is given command of forces of, 185; and may be count of, 309.
-, Colston's reprisals against, 130; he could not get justice in, 250.
-, would be vulnerable if Utrecht lost, 135; loss of Bergen would cut off Holland from, 270.
-, Willoughby in, 140.
-, Queen will not desert, 171.
-, Queen's council in, 190.
-, not answerable for debt to Stewart, 198.
-, rich revenues from licences to trade with enemy, 212; complain of Holland trade, 254.
-, enemy raid into, 215.
-, reinforcements for Bergen arrive in, from England, 267.
-, Maurice meant to go to, 299; is in, 303.
-, deputies to States General expected daily, 321.
-, Menninck's advice to Parma about, 332.
-, admiralty suits of certain of, 378.
-, exchange rates in, 386, 398.
-, Conway gets supplies from, 387.
-, Parma will attack, 403.
-, See also Flushing; Middelburg; Russel, Sir William; Tholen.

-, admiral, lieutenant-, of. See Nassau, Justinus of.

-, admiral, vice-, of. See Moor, Joos de.

-, admiralty of:
-, fiscal of, examines Damhoudère, 171.
-, English not to meddle with, 334.
-, councillor of. See Vosbergen, Gaspar van.

-, commissary of musters of, letter from, 323.

-, lieutenant-governor of. See Hohenlohe-Langenberg, Philip, count of.

-, pensionary of. See Roels, Christoffel.

-, president of. See Ryche, Pieter.

-, provincial council of, at Middelburg, 373.

-, States, Estates of:
-, letters from, 7, 111, 142, 144, 277, 309.
-, -, referred to, 118.
-, letters to, 133.
-, ask that Flushing garrison may aid them in field, 7; are careful of the town, 12.
-, ask Queen to reinforce their ships, 8, 12; would recall them, 11; Walsingham thinks this unreasonable, 42; as does E. Norris, 84; agree to send more ships, 81, 90.
-, suspect Russel of stirring mutinies, 69; Russel complains of practices of, 152, 163, 306; dispute with him over galleons' guns, 164; untrue complaint of, against Russel, 364, 381.
-, send Queen Armada prisoners' depositions, 111.
-, promise supplies for Queen's fleet if needed, 130; Ortel asks for powder and ships, 133.
-, complain of English forces' weakness, 142, 144; urge reduction of Flushing garrison, 163.
-, Willoughby asks, to aid Bergen, 143; send powder, etc., 210.
-, Norris to ask for men, etc., 221; resolution of, thereon, 284; eager to aid, 288; Norris deals with, 305.
-, agreed to pay share in Pallavicino's interest, 244.
-, Flushing desires should pay garrison's ' service money,' 278.
-, and Holland not liable for all Stewart's claims, 285.
-, buy guns in England, 309.
-, councillor of. See Vosbergen, Gaspar van.
-, greffier of. See Roels, Christoffel.

Zevenbergen, Sevenbergen, Zevenberghen [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 216; States forbid trade to, 234, 254.

Ziberia. See Siberia.

Zierikzee, Ziriczee [Zeeland, Netherlands], 135.

Zutphen, Sutphen [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, garrison of, in want, 237.
-, Menninck's activities at, 331.
-, distressed, 342.
-, action of, referred to, 375.
-, county of, 345.

Zuylen, Zulen, Nicolaas van, van Draakenborch, heer van Zevender, schout of Utrecht, restored, 225; act restoring, 254; will encourage papists, 289.

Zwolle, Swoll [Overijsel, Netherlands], delays choice of Overijsel councillors of state, 43, 215.