Index: T

Pages 519-522

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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Tabriz, Tauris [Azerbijan, Persia], Tokmak's victory near, 139; loss of, referred to, 172.

-, Turkish governor, vizier of, See Jaffer Pasha.

tallow, 81.

Talmont, Thalmond [Vendée, France], 363.

Tanner, Roger, captain, 366.

Tanys. See Don.

Targer, Nicolas, merchant, of Paris, 63.

-, Valentin, merchant of Paris, 63.

Tartars, Tartarians, Tartarea:
-, seek to embroil Turks with Poles, 139; Turks support against Poles, 172, 282.
-, Turks' methods of controlling, 174.
-, aid Persians, 393.

-, Crim, Crimes, fighting Nogaies, 334, 335.

Tarup. See Torupgaard.

Tatenhill, Tattenhill [co. Stafford], letter dated at, 213.

Tauris. See Tabriz.

taverns. See inns.

Taxis, Tassis, Juan Baptista de, colonel, Menninck and, 331, 332.

-, secretary of. See Allegria, Gabriel de.

Tedar, Thomas, 293.

Teligny. See de la Noue, Odet.

Terceira, Tersearous, Tersera, island of, Azores, Armada ships gone to await Indies fleet at, 231; corn scarce in, 399.

Tergoe, Tergoes, Tergoose, Tergossland, Tergowe, Tourgou [Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, Parma will attack, 49.
-, towns of, cavil at special taxes, 155.
-, Renty advancing against, 271; from Flanders, 273; attack on, fails, 278.
-, Maurice supervises fortifications in, 303.

Terlingen, —, 297.

Terms. See St. Lary.

Terneuse, Ternews [Zeeland, Netherlands], 271.

Terra Nova, duke of. See Aragon, Charles d'.

Tersearous, Tersera. See Terceira.

Terthole, Tertholen, Ter Tholen, Tertoele, Tertole, Ter Tolen, Tertoll, Tertolland, Tertolle. See Tholen.

Ter Veer, Tervere. See Veere.

Texel, Tessel [W. Frisian islands], 82.

Thalmond. See Talmont.

Thatcher, —, 409.

Theil, Thiel. See Tiel.

Theligny. See de la Noue, Odet.

Thielle [? Tiele, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany], 80.

Thin, Tin, Floris, advocate of Utrecht States:
-, returns to Utrecht, 225.
-, act restoring, 254.
-, agrees to terms of restoration, 257.
-, will encourage papists, 289.
-, son of [? M. Floris], at Rouen, 225.

Tholen, pays de Terthole, Tertholen, Ter Tholen, Tertoele, Tertole, Ter Tolen, Tertoll, Tertolland, Tertolle [Zeeland, Netherlands], 305:
-, Parma will attack, 188.
-, Willoughby would send men to, 205; English horse needed in, 207.
-, enemy moving towards, 211; attack on, repulsed, 215; great man slain, 216.
-, enemy again approaching, 249; Maurice 'affronts' enemy in, 251; second attack on, repulsed, 254, 267; Renty ashamed of failure against, 271.
-, States can hardly furnish Bergen and, 253; Burgh fears loss of both, 258.
-, States urge Utrecht to pay its troops in, 270.
-, no further attack on, 273; enemy retires from, 278; will build forts against, 281.
-, Willoughby burns enemy camp near, 287.
-, Maurice and councillors leave, 288, 299.
-, enemy feared sallies from, 323.
-, troops from, kept on ships, 371.
-, in danger, 388.

Thomas, William, master gunner of Flushing, 195; letters from, 226, 345.

Thomasson, Thomas, burgomaster of Haarlem, 332.

Thomson, William, letter signed by, 320.

- See also Tomson.

Thorese. See Achez, Jerome d'.

Thorisby, Thuresby, George, commissary of the Brielle, lord Burgh's secretary, 315; money due to, 411.

Thrace, 404.

Throgmorton, Francis, 415.

Throine, —, 298.

Thuresby. See Thorisby.

Thurstone, John, 409.

Tiel, Theil, Thiel, Tiele, Tyell [Gelderland, Netherlands], 267:
-, soldiers disordered at, 44.
-, embargo on trade to, 303, 342; causes distress, 322.
-, traffic with Nijmegen, 388.
-, amptman of. See Vijgh, Dirck.

Tilburg, Tielbourgh, Tilberg [N. Brabant, Netherlands], enemy at, 313, 322.

Timgaard, Tym[N. Jutland, Denmark], 80.

Tin. See Thin.

Tirasse. See Achez, Jerome d'.

Tirell. See Tyrell.

Tirwhit, —, letters from, referred to, 198.

T.L., 326.

Tokmak, Topsacke, Sultan, khan of Rezan, governor of Erivan, Persian commander-in-chief, Turks defeat, 102; defeats Jaffer near Tabriz, 139; Turks defeat, 335.

Toledo, Tolledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de, duke of Alva, 135, 415.

-, Don Francisco de, commander of San Felipe, 116; escapes when ship lost [Don Petro sic], 112; prisoner in Holland, 114.

-, Don Juan de, prisoner in Zeeland, 111.

Tomson, Thompson, Richard:
-, letters from, 320, 396.
-, -, referred to, 320, 396.
-, letter to, 321.
-, instructions for, to deal with Parma for Armada prisoners' ransom, 214.
-, account of delays in negotiation, 320, 321.
-, still at Oorderen, 350.
-, Lerma sent to deal with, 396.
-, servant of, 396.

-, captain, 286.

Topp, —, 409.

Topsacke Sultan. See Tokmak.

Toraise. See Achez, Jerome d'.

Torcy, Torsay. See Blosset, Jean.

Torcy, —, gentleman of de Muy's, evidence on attack on Placin, 23–4.

torture, use of, 302; by Conway on prisoner, 326; on Menninck, 332.

Torupgaard, Tarup [N. Jutland, Denmark], 80.

Tostal, Thomas, 113.

Totty, Hugh, 409.

Touchet, George, lord Audley, Audeley, Awdley, 224, 410:
-, absent since Dec., 175.
-, States wish to be general of the horse, 379.
-, pay of, 131; money paid to, 262; due to, 411.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137; at Bergen, 263, 291; one of the most unruly, 371.

Tourgou. See Tergoe.

trade with enemy:
-, via Emden, 19.
-, from Flushing to Antwerp, 59; Middelburg to Antwerp, 351.
-, States awhile forbid trade to Spain, 155; Bodley to urge its prohibition, 324, 356.
-, Ostend claims right to licence, 212.
-, States supply Parma before Bergen, 220, 265; Norris to get it forbidden, 248; States forbid, 254.
-, Queen will not allow Hanse to carry contraband to Spain 227; go around Scotland, 310; 30 sail preparing, 318; Danzig and Hamburg ships go to Spain, 350, 390, 404; guns sent from England via Hamburg, 360.
-, Geertruidenberg interrupts, 234, 254, 397; Schenck and Vijgh interrupt, 268, 302.
-, States pay fleet from licences to, 234; should stay, till Norris sails, 321; raises prices, 334; Maas open to, 361; provinces and admiralties dispute about, 371.
-, Welsers ask licence to, 369.
-, between Tiel and Nijmegen, 388.

Traile, captain, 291.

train oil, 81.

Transylvania, Transilvania, 335.

-, prince of. See Bathori, Zsigmund.

treasurer at wars, in Low Countries.
-, See Huddleston, Richard; Sherley, Sir Thomas.

-, vice-. See Lecester, George.

-, the lord, lord high. See Cecil, William.

-, England and France, League vainly seeks breach of, 5; Mendoça requires breach of, 121, 153.
-, England and Hamburg, 38.
-, England and Portugal, continuance required in peace treaty, 29.
-, England and Spain, renewal required in peace treaty, 29, 46; of Bristol, 415.
-, England and United Provinces, Aug., 1585, the contract, 247, 389:
-, States' instructions to Council infringe, 42, 155, 184; Bodley to deal thereof, 238, 324, 356.
-, English forces weaker than stipulated in, 68; so States loth to send any to England, 91, 159.
-, C. Roels urges strict observance of, 83.
-, Utrecht boasts of fidelity to, 86, 109.
-, States want English forces strengthened to numbers laid down in, 141, 185, 215, 282.
-, States complain that cautionary garrisons take more men than allowed by, 142, 161, 241, 250, 278, 282, 329, 407; to be as limited in, 333, 338, 340; it should be speedily done, 381.
-, strangers in English forces, contrary to, 161.
-, States refuse Russel galleons' guns despite, 164.
-, Queen should send one to renew and reform, 182, 184, 238, 244, 295, 298.
-, breach of, at Geertruidenberg, 241.
-, States not to pay for foreign levies, 242.
-, Queen's officers to observe, 242, 334.
-, Flushing eager to maintain, 243.
-, States will not pay charges outside, 274, 288.
-, Utrecht dispute could be referred to Queen under, 300.
-, mutinies against States, contrary to, 328.
-, requires English troops to take oath to States, 329.
-, States to be informed of musters, according to, 334, 357; they urge this, 369; should be done, 402.
-, 19th article must be maintained, 342.
-, Russel has not infringed, 364.
-, States will allege breach of, if English go not to Wachtendonk, 378.
-, often broken by both parties, 394.
-, speaks only of horse, not of lancers, 403.
-, France and Spain, 144, 147.
-, Henry III and League:
-, is imminent, 1; two points unsettled, 4.
-, articles, 16.
-, published, 53, 69.
-, encourages Spain, 54.
-, may lead to attack on England, 90.
-, Russia and Lithuania, 79.
-, Russia and Sweden, 79.
-, Swiss and Savoy, of 1564 and 1582, 399.
-, See also Cologne, colloquy of; Ghent, pacification of; Nemours; peace treaty.

Tresham, Tressam, Tressame, William, servant knows much 4; wants pardon and to return to England, 203.

Trillo, Tryllo, Charles van, scout of Utrecht:
-, imprisoned, 225, 253.
-, Norris to deal for, 248.
-, Queen requires release of, 268.
-, need to obtain release of, 290.

Tripoli, Tripolie, Tripoly, 165:
-, Romadan sacked, 175.
-, corsairs of, 201.
-, Moors revolt in, 335.

Troiburg [? Froiburg, Schleswig, Denmark], 80.

Trojans, 36.

Trotter, captain, 286.

Truchsess, Gebhard, late archbishop and elector of Cologne, 150, 348; Casimir seeks loan for, that may go to Germany, 253, 267.

Tryllo. See Trillo.

Tunen, Eustace van, prefect of Danish king's stables, 80.

Tunis, 165; English galley slaves from, 200; Doria to attack, 201; Moors rise in, 335.

Tupper, John, messenger, 85.

Turenne, Turin. See de la Tour d'Auvergne, Henri.

Turin, Turine [Torino, Italy], 393.

Turkey and the Turks, Ottomans, Porte:
-, pashas of bench alone can see sultan, 101.
-, take Ardabil from Persians, 102; Persia less dangerous than Spain to, 103; great preparations in, against Persia, 139; victory over Persians, 335.
-, Barton's scheme to get aid of, for Don Antonio, 138, 173–4.
-, force Christians to be slaves or renegades, 165.
-, Barton's account of relations with neighbours, 172–3.
-, evil effects of debased currency in, 199, 201, 281.
-, Cossack raid into, 334.
-, hostilities with Hungary, 335, 336.
-, great slaughter of, in Barbary, 335.
-, admiral of. See Hassan Pasha; Ibrahim Pasha; Occhiali.
-, beglerbeg, beglerbey of, 335: corruption of, 101.
-, Harborne deals with, 102.
-, Antonio should bribe, 174.
-, treacherous dealings of, 282.
-, great influence of, 334.
-, hogia, hogha, schoolmaster of. See Asmi Effendi,
-, navy of:
-, off Sicily, 5.
-, Barton seeks aid of, against Spain, 138, 174.
-, old galleys sold, 139.
-, Tunis galleys, 200.
-, sultan, grand signor of. See Amurath III; Selim I; Solyman.
-, vizier, vicerey, viceroy, of. See Sciavus Pasha; Sinan Pasha.

Turkey Company, 139.

Turks, play at Southwark, 23.

Turner, Turnor, Edward, lieutenant, 291, 410.

Turnus, 36.

Turvile, George, captain, 410; money paid to, 261.

Tyell. See Tiel.

Tylygny. See de la Noue, Odet.

Tym. See Timgaard.

Tyrell, Tirell, Anthony, Catholic priest, process of, referred to, 359.

Tyrie, James, letter to, referred to, 400.

Tyrol, Tyrolles, county of, 35.