East Indies: July 1629

Pages 674-675

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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July 1629

July 1. 849. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Petition of Ezekiel, brother and executor to Thomas Mills, factor deceased, for his said brother's estate; answered that the Court had heard much evil against him in providing great quantities of shirts and other things for his own private account, besides the Company are never like to have any account of his employment at the Coast of Coromandel, where, contrary to their order, he allowed no man to look into his account; yet considering petitioner's poverty they consented to lend him 50l. upon his own bill for 12 months, in which time it is hoped his account will be sent home, requiring meantime his consent for the sale of the cabinet and particulars by the candle in open Court, which he took time to consider of. Request of Mr. Jesson for a loan of 50l. denied as formerly, till his suit with the Company be determined. Ordered that Alderman Gore may sell his pepper in town, paying 20s. per bag. Petition of Mr. Hurt for a gratification, 20 marks having been abated out of his salary for the year past and his pains in no way lessened but rather increased. Petition of Mr. Acton, the Company's solicitor, showing that since his entertainment two years past, the Company have had 26 suits in Chancery and Parliament, besides other employments, which have in effect taken up his whole time; 10l. gratuity bestowed upon him and a bill of charges ordered to be paid. Ordered that 100l. on account of Justinian Offley deceased be paid to his brother and administrator Christopher Offley, and that the account be cleared when the account expected by the next ships comes home. Petition of William Slade, late purser of the Discovery, showing his extraordinary pains in Ireland in making provisions for the three ships, and requesting a remission of freight for his private trade. Petition of Philip Bearden for a loan of 10l. granted, so he make over his goods carried to the Indies to the Company for this and a former loan out of which be paid 4l. 5s. for a horse he killed riding post from the Downs. Request of Capt. Greene concerning his suit depending with the Company, but the Court did not think fit to take the cause from before the Judge. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI. 468–470.]
July 3. 850. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Petition of John Young, had been paymaster of their workmen at Blackwall 11 years and aboard their ships, also purser-general since the displacing of Walter Mountford, besides riding post at all hours and seasons to the Downs and Plymouth, for all which he never received any recompense more than his yearly salary of 50l., though Mountford had 40l. per annum for that place only; gratuity of 100 marks bestowed upon him. Motion of Mr. Treasurer Bateman for selling the lease of the Company's house, wharf, and grounds at Deptford, to be remembered after the election. Report of Mr. Governor that himself and Committees had attended the Lords yesterday to have their complaints against the Dutch read to them, their Lordships were so busy that only at their rising they were called in, and briefly declared their business, which was deferred until a more opportune time, only Lord Dorchester declared that his Majesty had referred the sending over of the witnesses to the Lord Treasurer and himself, who within a few days would inform them of what was desired and receive their answer. After consideration it was resolved to be constant to their former answer neither to give consent nor allowance for their going over or their stay, but wholly to leave it to the King and State to do therein as they should think fit, as being the best and safest way for the Company to free themselves from blame, howsoever the sequel shall fall out upon the sentence of the Judges in Holland. Letter read from Randall Jesson, taking into consideration his extreme want it was agreed to lend him 30l. upon his bond, to be repaid upon demand. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. XI., 471–473.]
July 30.
he Hague.
851. Dudley Carleton to (Sec. Lord Dorchester). Batavia Nova is besieged by the Matarams, and according to the last advertisements shrewdly pressed; but we hope that by the opportune arrival of divers strong fleets since sent into the Indies all will be safe. Meantime it is given out here that the English nation have stirred up these enemies, having totally separated from the Hollanders and retired to Bantam; but this report proceeds from malice in his opinion. [Extract, Holland Corresp.]